Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 20, 1889, Image 2

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Grant Co. News'
. June JO, 1SSU.
The Hon. Allen G. Thurman
believes in territorial extension
and thinks the United States
will soon annex Canada and all
the continent.
mi - i , l i i,
Three physicians have been
, 1 - ,, i4 ,r n1 e
arrested at Jmtte, M. 1., for
. jvacticinp- without certificates i
from the medical board. Two
of them had foreign diplomas.
It will be made a test case.
The United States will send
this summer two parties to es
tablish the line between Alaska
and British Columbia. They
will traverse an almost unknown
region, which, according. to the
popular notions of the times, i
one vast wast-? of mountains and
snow. Rut it is (juito probable
that when we know more about
Alaska wo will think better of
its climate, soil and repurcii.
President AVislungjtoii
was no
from a lettf - that he Vrote in
- tTio yCar T79.T to Ifis "secretary
J . . "
of war, Timothy Pickering;
this le.tter. Washington said
shall not, whilst I have the hoii-
or to administer me govern-
meut, brnitr a man into any or-
fiiw of consequence, knowiiitfly,
who.-e nolitical tenets are ad-
verse to the measures which the
general irovurnnicut is pursuiiwr;
for this, in my opinion, would
be political suicide.
rl insiko :i livo naner it ro-
heip from the out-
, ' i
e hs-.d u eorre?nond-
quires some
side. If we
ent from everv
nrecinet who
wouid give us the news of
don't yon see how much
would be. Of course manv feel
dillidcnt from the fact of not be
ing acquainted.. Let us hear
from von. ami when vou come
to town, call in and see us.
whether you tak'.-the paper or
not. we will be wiad to see you
and bhall ask yuii what you
The dispatches tate that
some of the ministers of Pitts- j
burg took for their Sunday text '
the Johnstown disaster, anil '
said that it was the act of God. !
Jt is passing strange that so
many people are prone to lay ,
every calamity on the shoulders
of the Divinity. The Johns
town disaster was not caused Jjy
the wisdom of God, bur by the
lack of that trait in men. The
'drowning of tiiese 15,000 un
fortunates was due to the c re-lessrie-is
and selfishness of the
men who owned the dam, ami !
God wa- no mose responsible!
for their destruction than lie !
wynld br for the death of the
filicide, who placing the muzzle
of a lowled shotgun in his
mouth and pulling the tvicrga" ;
with his toe.- AVasco Sun.
The census year began on
June I and will end on May oi.
-Mr. Porter, tiic snjierin-
tendent of the census, calls at- MeRae. i! V Kimble, I) Lyons,
tention to this fact in a circular Vriiliam Rodmau, tohu Gurdan,
juct issued, and asks the far- !;'J L!,,"'.s L c,os9' A Jk-
r,i , . j ... Want Srtiir.
mors Oi the country to bear it in ; :-()ti(.c 5s ,ierf;1V ivon thut pn
mind and to kw-p account of the lth dav of miv 1.S8:, the un
the products of their farms dnr- ; dci-smiicil will nmilv to the county the time s;iccihel.
By do- ,
inn p tin y will
in sexuirino; reliable returns
i for
tne eievcntn census. i no im
portance of full and accurate
returns in relation to farm oro- i
11.LIII lid in iu. .nun luitiini piO-
finery uitl live toek jhonld bo;
.11111 mt SUlLh. frIIOlIIU IIL
J . . i oliceis herebv m-en that bv
not seem to be appreciated by (.0.INi(k.r.ltkm amf 0,,er of tl;0
farmers as it should be. J he j t.olimv court of the slate of Ore
census enumerators arc con- ' ron, f..r Grant county, tne tindei
atantly mut withThe fact, that 1 signed has been appointed adniin
furmfirs keen no books, and the ! islratorof the estate of D. J. Par-
returns made in the absence i?
such records are to
a greater or
loss listen! the results
Any erson who ha? made a
former homestead entry prior to
Alaroh Ith LSS'.i. and the same
has been canceled by relinquish
ment or other cuuk may make
a new homestead entry of any
vacant land not exceeding I tit)
acres, af if be had never made a
former entry. Any person hav
ing an existing pre-emption en-
try may chanuo
the same to
entry and receive
i . r ?.i 1 1 i. i. .
ouiiuiiL oi resioenee. liioiiltii ue '
may have proved up on a for- ' es,at0 of jobn jj. Miller, deceased
mer homestead entry. A home- ! has filed in the county court of the
steade.r who has made proof on I state of Oregon for Grant county,
less than 100 acres, may make his final account as such adminiu
new entry for the difference on : tt"r, and Monday, tho 1st day of
any vacant land, and if the ad- -'"b' 1SS9 at 2 o'clock p. m. of
i;. li i i i- I said day, at the court house in
d.t.onal hmd j adjoins his Q tity, in said county, the
mil homestead, he may continue 8amo being'the Hrst day of the
residence on the original home- . July term term 1889 of said court,
Stead. If the claimant fails to j has" been appointed by the judge
appear and make proof on the of said court as the time and place
bi' mr mm' nnnn-u' within ! lor hearinc obiections to said fi-
ton days ami make proof, pro
vided he shows satisfactory rea-
sou for delay.
Canadian Forgers, arc flying to
the United States. It is a qncor
crime that doesn't) work both
ways. .'
$10.00 rownrd will be paid for
i the return of, or information that
will lead to the recovery of the fol-
, . . .. . . . .
lowing described annual: Bay
ina;V vtre old, weitfit 803 lb,
iirsllMip.ip nn r;,Tilt siin,.l,W ml
HP connected on left shoulder;
wm last seen had on a bell and
clth headstall.
Ricii.inn Hill.
Kevstonc Mine, Grant Co.. Ore,
By virtue oi an execution and
order of sale issued, out of the
Honourable county court of the
.xtuie of Oregon for Grant county
: upon n judgment rendered in saul
! r-nnrt on the 7t!t duv of Mav 1SS'..
in favor of Ed. 0. Allen plaintift,
j and against Wm. S. Bryant and
Susan Bryant defendants, for the
feu in of two hundred and three
! dollars and fifty-six and fifty-
i three hundreths dollars, costs, to
I . i it .
,,W)riikfc interesWiJ My 7,
and accruing costs. I have levied
i ...
cretuci wiin eigne per cent, per
: upon and will sell at puhlic auc-
tion on Saturduy the (ith day of
julv, 1-89, at 1 O'clock p. 111. Of
Raid dav at the court house door.
; in ihp t-w of c n Clty (nint
, (.ouutv sfate Gf Oregon, dl the
cuttitlo and interest which t-o
defendants. Win . Bryant and
usan Bryant, or either thereof,
had in or to tlis following describ
l" ' l u ?
.uarcil lor:), oi ai auj iiuiu uici i-
The EA of the XV? and theNA
V i,of ?ej M l". u
: 30, & W. M., in Grant eountv,
... e
sUtc of Oregon, together with oil
and singular, the tenements, here
ditaments, and appurtenances
! theieunto, belou-riug, or
iu mi
, wise appeitniuitjg.
Terms of sale cash .
Dated at Canyon City in the
eountv aforesaid this oth dav of
Sncriii'of Grant county. Or.
Deputy SheriiV.
Petition For Liquor License.
To the Hon. the county court of
the state of Oregon, for Grant
We tho undersigned our peti-
tionors respectfully represent that
; wo are each and all residents and
legul voters of South Fork pro
cinctj in said county and we ask
; that it license be granted to Mur-
j ray Jiro s, a co-part ncr.sutp con
sisting of Adam iMurrav, Alex
' Murray ami William flunay,
soil ami dispose of spirituous vi-
uous and malt liquors in said piv
ciiset in less quantities than one
g.di'on for a period of one year
i from the Uth day of .inly 18S).
Dated n Ibd dav of June A.
! 1 ISfiJI:
() Brown, Henv Rimini vor,
Donali Murray, W S Maciionahl,
Wm Miscall. Wm l)..v, Mav l!ob-
ison, Kennetli F MacRue Thomas
J-1 ZgeraM , ( tsai !es Ladl O, ( tro
Kvdd, Geo Biker, E Stuart, Thos
O LoilllOr, 1' red Union, lOUll .1
Rao, (Ira Chanman, J C Christee,
.oe Ij 'iroWU. I 1 H0n. JjClllS
i r rii rn 1 t
Adam, Luyed Miller, ('ha Alien,
s W Greenwell. rrank
F Bolail.
! A .McMulk-n. Dan Steuurt, Fmlay
court of the state of Oregon for i
, . r .i l- I
Grant county f.r the beeuse men- !
lioned iu the
IlntttAV lJao's.
innix'tf'ri.i'niLi) I
Or A DM IMbl liAlGB. j
ns" tleceased, late ot sa u county,
: anu ai: persons navmg jiiHicjuims
aqi.inst the estate of saitl deceased
i ,i i . i i
are herthy notified and required
to present the same duly vorifieil
us by law required to the under
signed addressed to Canyon City,
Oregon, or to M. D. Clifford, at
tornev for said ailininistrator at
his oflice in Canyon City, Grant
cou'ity, Oregon, within six
monlhs from the date heieoT.
t'au'd June 1st, 1881).
Gkoiioe W. Pakiusii,
j Notice is hereby given that tho
.i......,.i..n,... ,.r ti,
nnl account, nnd settlement there
of. Robert Nkf.ce,
812 Administrator j
Dated May 14th 1889. J
The Stock Inspector's lnw,,Sect.
!, amended at the last term of the
I legislature, requires all persons
moving sheep within the county to ;
i get a permit, and any person mov-;
ing sheep whose permit has been '.
given to exceed days prior to I
moving his sheep lays nimself li- 1
able to prosecution.
Depute Inspector.
John Day, Or., May 2G, 'SO.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Hon. the county court of
the state of Oregon for Grant
We the undersigned your peti
tioners most respectfully represent
that we are each and all residents
and legal voters of South Fork
precinct, in said county, and vc
ask that a license be granted to J
C Clover, to sell and dispose of I
spirituous vinous and malt liquors
i h'ss quantities than one gallon,
in sam precinct, lor a period or j
six mouths fiom the 3rd day of :
Julv 1S85). Uated this 25th day i
of .May 1889. I
j M Young, George Becker, Max i
I'obison, A F Bond, C Ladrow, !
Win Mascull. R S &wtfer, W B i
Dbidson, j O llrdvfn; h Stewart j
, H Haywood j P Powell, Frodric !
ir i -?..:.. i t? o...:ci. z"1
L " uiun, ai. owm,
: Chapman, Vint Roberts, A M
oner. .i -l J-norp, Jesse arueiii, ;
A B.-gg, I L Miller, Peter Uonmd-;
jVj Bm Dny C E Glaze, S L cross !
! H MeGinnis, j V Greenwell E j
! Officer, E c Officer, George Hey- '
noids, h c Alton, Asa Ullicer,
John McOee D Lovn.
Notice is hereby given that on
the ord day of July 1SS0 the un
dersigned will apply to the county
court of the state of Oregon for
Grant county for the license men
tioned in the foregoing petition.
J c Glover,
The undersigned will be prepnr-
eu to
pasture Bucks during the
At On Dollar Pbi Bead
At his excelLent pasture in Hear
valley, situate west of Harney
road in upper part of tlio valley
on Silvies river.
I desire only such nlinials as are
free from Scab, and agree to re
turn them the same.
LoikI OMIcat li OmimIc, Orriui.
, Jlay ir.tli. issii
Xiilioo 1 licrcly iri on tlint the lolltiwln':
ra , settler have tiled nut iev of his intcn
' K mi t- make 11 rial proof in uiHrt of his
cluim, nml that said proof will lie tn.nUiieforc
i tin-Count v clerk nt Orant eoun'v Or., at Canvon
i City. Ore., on July Oili., 18i;', viz: JAMKS W
i A1.1.KN, 1) H ZZOi. tor the HW l-l SV 1 : See 21.
' K hails K qranil SE ur SK or See Tp li S It
' :tn K.
lie names the followlnir witneiesto jiruve his
i eontintioiii rdiilvnc up.on. aiiil cultivation uf,
i raid rxu. viz: John Mtileare, Cliarlet Anirell,
Jackson chamber?, of Uiuntun, Or., and l(at
.Muhare. of Canjoii (Mtj, Or.
( Any person who desire to protect (iain.t the
'. hii'iuinee of Mich prKif, or who know- of miv reacon. under the law and the nifii
, latlo'is if the Interior Dcpai tinoiit. wliv sucli
; proof .hot l.l not lu nliowcd. will U" ciien an
! oiportutiity at the above mentioned time ami
. p. t. i ro'caniinc the witne.stsi if siiil
t'himant, and t oiler tiij.-iux- in rebut Ul of
, that Mllilutttid hv claimant.
!ll IIKNUY lUNKUAItT. KoicUter.
MUl osilce nt ort-im.
: v ,, . . . . 'V.
1 nunc-U -ctllcr lia nicl ii(.tlr: of Ills intention
"t.?, I1lrr.?,Tl', IT:,,,,,,;rV,f 'V."' ana
' 1.IMT HVl p.O! Will Itc liUile Ix'fnrn thi f iiiin!v
,; .
rurK u , mm county
Ht C'.lllViill CilV. nrii'nn
v. - ...... . . j .... I I II, '.,.
! 7-1. for the lots 2i:it M. iMiarttr SV 1.1 Xr.
SKiiarter NV ijnarter Sce :y T lfi S It 32 K.
in- naiiii-s me ionuwin uitiie.sscH to prove
his oontir.uoiu residence ii)on. and cultivation
. f. sjid land, z: W S Mintluxorth, Frank It
Si-U. Walter W Item, .lie rAwortln, all of
lilauti n. Or.
! Any person w)n desires to protest against
: theaiiouitneur.f xiieh proof, or who knows of
I uiu Mi!.tahtNI reamn, inuler tiie Iiw nnd the
, rezuiati.-ns of the Interi-r Dep.irtineiit. whv
-iuh ppM-tf should not ho allowed, will he lve?i
1 an fp;tiirtiiuity at the above nieiitioned "time
ami place to crot-s exaniim- tho witnosn of naid
timt Mibmiited bv ch
- . ".
cmimniit, ami to offer evidence in rebuttal of
! I.-mil O.'fleo at I.a (irande, O'eiron.
-Mav Mh. ISsil.
) .Voile Nherc-iiy ifiven tlint the rollon-ini;
I named settler filed notice of his intention
i;far in ,PIlirt of naini. nd
that utid proof will be maile before tlio Countx
n-ik .f or.,nt Co.. or., at Canron Citv. Or!,
on Julv SI'.fh. lSW. viz: JAMia CONWKI.L
i 1 S kjjri for the S half ftW qr Sec 2 & S half SK
( ip 17 S KS'i 1:.
He 11 imes. tne fol-owini: witnesses to pre hi?
continuous rrxidenco uim.ii, and cultivation of,
wiid laud, vi: Frank Jlcl.ean, Waiter W.
Hurry. James Keith, uf itlauion. Or., and
Iluyfi binith, of Canyon City. nr.
Any person who desires to' pi o test against the
allo.vjncc of sucli proof, or who knows of any
Hub-stniitial rcaeon, under the law 11. id the reir
ulatious of tlic Interior Deiartment, why such
Droof sliollld not be altowril. will 1 f'lvn fin
opportunity at the above mentiuneil time and !
innnv m lii.'ks'itauiiiiiii: nit; witnesses 01 .sain
claimant, axd t. offer evidence iu rnl-uttal of submitted by claimant.
8 i:t UliNUY Itl.VKUAUT, ItoKUter.
I-and Olllee at LaOrande, Or.
May Sth., 18Si.
Notice is hereby Riven that thu follow in;
named settler has filed notiecof his Intention to
make final proof In pupjiort of
hU -laiin. ami that mid proof will be made before
! the County Clerk of (Jraiit county Oretron, at
1 Canyon City, Or., oir Jimn 2.i, lSsl), vir:
Wll.l.lAM I) JO.VES. I) S S24.-., for the S half
SK r qr SE ir SE qr NE iir Sec 22 lp If!
I lie names the following wltnexfcs
hU continuous rcHidencc unon. and rultlvution
to prove
of said hnd. i7.
uintkid .Mien, w iiuaui ,
'.. and Kdwanl ll.ii-iii'V. ,
Tlint. ot lilanton. Or., and Edward Harney.
I.ce llainef, of John Pay. Or.
Any H.rfon whoflesircs tnjirot'st airaint the
allowance of liticli proof, or who knolVs of any
Mih.'tnntial reason, under the law and n-jjula"
tion? of tli- Interior Department, why burh
prKf liould not lie allowisl, will le jjlvcn an
"Pliortlinitr at the above mentions I time anil
place t cw..eamlne tile wltne.-sc of said
ciuhnant. and to offer nvt
vtdenCe in rebuttal of :
that hubmltted bv claimant.
wan marLi , jt
(Opposite postofiice)
John Bay, Ores.
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lard etc
kept constantly cn hand. ' "
Fish, Chickens, Egs ana all '
kinds of name constantly on hand 1
when they can be had.
Orders from a distance nromnt.
ly attended to. j
Ae getthe
At 31iller's Blacksmith &7wjp,
Because his prices are low and all his work warranted first-class.
For Hit Shoes all aronnfl, $400 to $3.00 per Sp.
I le keeps constaAtly on hand and for sale, horseshoes, fitted and unfit
ted, also noisE kails, mo.v, steel, coal, whifflethees, neck
handles sledoes and wedges, etc., etc.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Hon. the county court
of the state of Oregon for Grant :
We the undersigned your peti
tioners respectfully represent that
we are residents and legal voters
of Canyon City precinct, Grant
county state of Oregon, and we
ask that a license be granted to H
Stansell to sell and dispose of
spirituous, vinous and malt liq
uors in said precinct in less quan
tities than one gallou for tho peri
od of one year from the !lrd day of
Julyl8PJ)". Dated this the 23th
day of May 1880:
11 Hunter, M E Stansell, John
Brandt, Thos Reynolds, W 8
South worth, Louis Evertshusch,
.Take Simon, C W Parrish, T B
Bug'er, D I Asbury, .7 D Suther
land, Lee Miller, James Ferrel, V
G Cozad, C S Giigsby, Frank
Metschan, J T McCullough, Frank
R Sols, T Durkheimer, Clay Tod -hunter,
F O Iforsley, A C DoiCj
Phil Metschan, S Durkheimer, M
I) Cbflord, Thomas Crawford, G
C Miller, A Hupprich, A B Erwav
W H Markley, Chas Mulcnre.
Geo Soliuger, AV R Cunningtru,
.John Schmidt, P Mulcare, W II
Clark, J W Powell, S Orr, Denis
McAuliff, F C Sols, I Foster, A II
G roth, Thos J Smith, Sam Sired,
N II Boley, Dr G Barber, T JCo
zul, O Guernsey, J O Parsons,
Robl Ray, Jamo.s Robinson, I 11
Wood, H R Sels, Ira Sproul, Chas
A Gray, Fred Miller, H Brovcr,
Henry Renz, W R Eads, W H
Lincoln, John Montony, Wesley
Silshee, David Hill, J Yoss,
Hugh Smith, M S Hellman, G
To ken, Geo Roudebush.
Notice is herebv given that on
the :5rd day of July, 1SS!), the un
dersigned will apply to the county
court ot the state of Oregon, for
Gram county, for the issuance of I
tne license meniioneu iu iuo iuru
going petition.
II Stanseli
lT. S. Liud Office, La Grande, Or.
April 11, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that W.
E. Varsous whose postoflico ad
dress is New York City, New
York, has made application for a
patent for fifteen hundred linear
feet, Monumental No 2 bearing
gold situate in Granite Creek
Mining District, in Grant county,
Oregon and described in the olli
cial plat and field notes on file in
this oflico, as follows, viz:
Commencing at a point 1220
feet north 87 degrees 20 min.
west of the northwest corner of
section 19 Tp 8 rf R 3(5 east of the
illamotte meridian, Grant coun
ty, Oregon; running thence north
20 degrees 30 min. east 1500 feet,
south 7 1 degrees 45 min.
east GOO feet, thence south 20 de
grees 30 min. west 1500 feet,
thence north .77 degrees 15 min.
west 000 feet to beginning, with
a magnetic variation of 20 degrees
15 min. east, lying and being situ
ate in Grant county, state of Ore
gon and containing 20 4d-10l)
acres and forming a portion of
section 19 in township 8 S R 30
east of tho Willamette Meridian.
The location of this mine is re-
corded in tlio county clerks othce
. J
of Urant county on page at i ot
Book "A" of deeds of said county.
Adjoining claimants are Monu
mental mine No 1 on the south.
4,1 1,1? .1
, . .'. . i x
-an persons noiani" auverso
claims luereto are-fequireu io pru-
sent the same before this oflice
within sixty days from the first
I day of publication hereof, or they
win ue uarrect uy viriuo oi mo
provisions of the statute.
. T,,e above notice wiI1 bc Pub"
bshed for u'O trays (10 consecutive
weeks) iu tlie Grant County News
Pli9,,ed at Canyon City, Oregon,
- Register. .
Hyde & Johns,
Atty s for claimant. I
First publication April 18, ,89.
Mule shtid
TO 7 lo 8 Cts. Per lb.
BUCKBOARDS Made to order
Petition For Liquor License.
To the Hon. the county court of
the state of Oregon, for Grant
We the undersigned your peti
tioners respectfully represent that
we are residents and legal voters
of Canyon City precinct, Grant
county, state of Oregon, and we
ask that a license be granted to
Hugh Smith to sell and dispose of
spirituous, vinous and malt libuors
in said precinct in less quantities
than one gallou for the period of
one year from the ilrd day of July
1889. Dated this 25th day of
May 1889:
C W Parrish, T B Bugler, John
Welch, Clay Todhunter, Denis
McAuliff, Thos Crawford, George
C Miller, Frank 11 Sels, Thos Rey
nolds, Louis Eyeitsbusch, James
Ferrel. D f Asbur, John Brandt,
W S Southworih, M E Stansell,
W H Clark, M D Clifford, S G
Geaiv, CS Grigsby, David Hill,
F C Horsley M D, S Durkheimer, 1
A C Dore, Thos J Smith, A H j
Groth, Lee Miller, Frank Melsch-
an, Y G Cozad, J Durkheimer, II '
Stansell, J .1 McCullough, H Hun- 1
ter, Sam Sired, Chas Mulcare, A I
Hupprich. F Miller, John Schmidt .
I Foster, P Mulcare, .1 D Suther-
land, T J Cozad, W R Eads, Chas
A Gray, O Guernsey, J O Parsons,
W H Lincoln, .lohn Montony,
Wesley Silshee, W R Cunnington,
W H Markley, James Robison, A !
BEiwtiy, FC Sels, H Breyer.
Henry Benz, Geo Sollinger, Ira J
Sproul, S Orr, Ralph J By ram, j
Thos Kellv, .1 Yoss, Robt Ray,
H R SeIs,"M S Rellmnn, Dr G W :
Barber, Geo Roudebush, G Top- !
ken, N Kulison, Jake Simon.
Notice is hereby given that on;
th. 3rd day of July 1S89, the nn-
(let-signed will apply to the county
court of the state of Oregon for
Grant county for tho issuance of ;
tho licenso mentioned in the fore- j
going petition. j
HfGir Smith, j
Applicant. :
I). S. Land oflice, La Grande, Or.
April, 11, 18S9.
Notice is hereby given that W.
E. Parsons whose postoflice ad
dress is New York City, New
York, has made application for a
patent for 1500 linear feet, Monu
mental No. 1 of the vein, lode or
mineral deposit bearing gold sit
uate No organized mining district,
iu Grant county, Oregon and de
scribed in the oOicial plat and
field notes on tile in this office, as
follows, viz:
Beginning at a point 1220 feet
north, S7 degrees 20 min. west of
tho northwest corner of section 19
Tp 8 S R 30 E. of the Willamette
meridian and in Grant county
Oregon, running thence south 12
degrees 15 min. west 1500 feet
thence south 77 degrees 45 min.
east GOO, Thence north 12 degrees
15 min. east 1500 feet, thenco
notth 77 degrees 45 min. west,
six hundred feet to place of begin
ning, with a magnetic variation of
20 degrees 15 min east and lying
and beiug in Grant county, Ore
gon, containing 20 GO-100 acres
and forming ft portion of section
19 in Tp 8' south of range 3G east
ot the Willatnelto Meridian. The
location of this mine is recorded
in the county clerks oflice of Grant
county on page 577 Book "A" of
deeds of said eountv. Adioininc
claimants is Monumental mine j
No. 2 on the north.
All persons holding adverse
claims thereto are icquired to pre-
sent the same before this office ;
within sixty days from the first j
day of publication hereof, or they
will be baned bv virtue of the ;
provisions of the statute.
Tho above notice will bo pub-
iisneu lor IjU days (IU consecutive
weeks) in the Gra:t County News
published at Canyon City, Oretjon.
Hyde & Johns.
Atty s for claimant
First publication Apiil 18th,
TD Crown) Phmgeible) Speed) MoWebTi!)
It has the most complete rocking bar and tilting lever in use. It
has wide trucks. It is simple in construction. It is made of the best
material and finely finished. We also have
The Old Reliable McCormiuk!
The Fast Cutting and Easy Running Deering!
The Thomas Hand Dump and Self Dump Rakes. Best
in the World.
Machine ExtrasA fall line foT all class and
kinds of Machines.
1 Also a full and complete stock of Hardware, Hardwood, Stoves and
1 Tinware, Wagons, Carriages, Hacks, Barbed Wire, Pumps, Pipe, Gs.
! and Water Supplies, all at lowest market prices. We solicit your or
! ders, as our prices are the lowest.
Sasche Company.
Dealer In
Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Gilt Band and Glassware, in End
less Variety. Fancy Wares, suitable foi presents for both Old
aud Young. Boys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages
from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece.
Candies & cigars. Tobaccos, Cof
fees, Teas, Lard, Flour,
Dried F raits, Canned Fruits, Rice, Cream Wlieat,
the finest breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle,
Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lamps,
Bird cages, and everything that is
usually kept in a Variety
Store, all of
Can now bj Bought Cheap fO Y CSSh at the OldStandin
Canyon City.
HaptonStall & Dart
John Day City, Oregon.
July Fourth, 1S88.
John Day
.1. S. Haptonstall, E Rnmsbv, E. P. Lovejoy.
John Zetf, Herbert Hunter, M. G. Pearson.
R. V. Bunn,
O. W. Birge, Chas. Cooley,
TICKETS, including
Red Front Milliard Hall!
C. D. RICKARD, Proprietor.
Dealer in fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Henry Rust's Celebrated Beer Constantly on Tap
Canyon City, Oregon.
George Gfundlach & JBro.
II. Hunter, E. Ramsby.