wsR&ki vsrv -... .7f '. oooo TEE WEWS Goes into almost every Home in Grant County, and is read by all, botli old and young. g 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOQ Volume XI. CAJfYOW CITY, GMAJVT COUJVTmt MOON. THTJRSDjIY JTLMW. Qf) V , rl . 141.: sa 7 , " -4 Granl 'Co. News. PUBLISHED THURSDAY MORNING, BY D. I. A SB V BY 0 Editor and Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription Si Months .83 00 ..1 50 Three Months i .... mm m 70 - TRANSIENT ADVERTISKMENTS $J.M per square for tint, and VI per vqiurs for cich tubiequcnt iiiiertton Reul&r atlvcrtuin; rte made Vjown on ap plication. No certificate given until all cliw-ei are paid All Reading Noticos in Local Column will be charged at the rate of 20 centa per lino for first, and 10 cts each subesquent mser tion. S3t" Special rates to regular advertisers. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY: Co. Judge. Clerk .... Treasurer . N. R. Maxcy. . Phil Metschan ...N. II. Boley Commissioners Surveyor J. H. McHaloy. II. II. Davis J. II. Ncal Sheriff W. P Gray Assessor Chas. limnia School Sunt E. Hayes. Stock Inspector T. H. Curl Dist Judges, L. B. Ison amos A. i'ce Disc. Attorney. . . J. L Rand Church Directory Rev. A. Eads holds divine ser Yice at the Winegar school house at 11 o clock a. m. on the 1st Sab bath of each month, and at 7 o'clock in the evening at the M. E church in Prairie Citv. Also at the Strawberry school houso at 11 a. ni. on the 3rd Sabbath of each month and at Prairie City in I he evening of the same day. At John Day City at 11 a. ra. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, and at Canyon Oily at 7 in the evening of the same d ya. BAKER and CANYON CITY STAGE LINE, fficCUEN & GRIFFIN, Proprs. Stage leaves Canyon City every morning except Sunday, arnvinat linker tiie next day. Good teams, good conveyances and fast time. Every attention given to tUc comfort of pas Charges Reasonable TIIE Canyon City Rarher Shop Shear Grinding jl Specialty. IS THE PLACK TO GO WHEN WISH A FIKST-CI.ASS YOU Bath, SMyo. or Hair-cut. jjflLESMEfl Runted.) A Western Wholesale house has recently added toiL regular businei'n acpetrla! dupsrttnenlnliicli will requirr services of capable men jn various l'K-alitlcs. This Ann makes no misleading pran ises of exnrliitatit salaries.but puthinir and relia ble npplii-ant. who can satufactury ref erences im to tiuf tworthlne.K will be Pl tratlj aidin proportions the ability they demonstrate Our rrqtiircniintscrill not of necessity interfere with lmincss In which applicant may now Ue engaged. Address, with reference. . t. 1URR1NOTON &, co., W State St. Ctilcaso, Id. THE- Harney Stage line. J. W Tracy. p- rpute leads from Canyon City to Burns. In. cnicy valley, carrying U, S. Mall and t lis, Fargo & Co 's Express. Stage leaves Canyon Monday, Wednesday sud Friday at 6 a. ra., and leaves burns on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. PasMnsriaad Freight at real onab rates . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJR. G. W. BARBER. Physician dc Surgeon. Canyon City, Orcg'-n. XSTOtflce and res'dence in the Dr. IlorsUy res idence, upder cud of Main street. Professional calls made day or night. ORR, M. D. Canyon City, Ogn. Office on Main Street In Rooms formerly occu pied by Dr. Howard. I. I1AZELTINE. 3?liotOBraplio c CANYON OITY, OUEUON. S. DENNING. A 1 1 o r n cy-n t-T.i w Long Creek - - Okegos J J McCULLOUGH. Xolary Public. Canyon City - - Ore TOffice with M. D. Clifford -a mA fiHnvsttnd Collections rrouiutlv atlcn ded to. Deeds antl ilortgascs drawn, and charges reasonable. E. A. Knierht, 23233XTTIJST- CANYON CITY - - OREGON Office over John Schmidt's cabinet shop; office hours from 9a. m. to i p. m. ALL W0BK WARRANTED. PaRRISH & COZAD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Canyon City, Oregon. C LAY TOD HUNTER. Coiastalolo, a,xxc3. Oollootor. Canyon City, Oroe All business entrusted to his care wil receive prompt attention, and all money will lie paid as last as coiiectcu. J". W . IVEzvols., Attorney-at-Law AND Notary Public. rRAlRIEUITY - - - UREGON Also Agent for the sale of School Lands. 0-3Utf J. OLLIVER, Propriefcor of t!i j JohnDay Milk Ranch Fresh milk delivered daily to my customers in John Day and Uanvon cities, uivo me your or ders. J. Oliver. F. 0 IIORSLEY,M. D. Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, April 8, 184S. Canyon City, Oregon. 0 lice in hisDrugStore, Main Street )rders for Drugs promptly filled. No professional patronnge solicted m! jss directionsare strictly followed Hi BIT SALOON!" CANYON CI IT - - Oregon Hugh Smith, prop'r. A Full Stock of the Purest of Wines and liquors. The Best cigars in the Market. trictly orderly Louse conducted LIfbff aafl FGGfl Stable . A. LEE MILLER, Propr. Canyon City, Grant Co. Oregon. teter kchl's old stand Having bought these populai StablesI respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. First-class Single and Double Teams to let. FINE UUGGIES & ROAD CARTS. Special attention given to the care of transient stock. DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS NOTICE is hereby given that I have appointed the following named persons as my Deputies, viz: John C. Lnco John Day. Warren Carsner Wagner Jas. Wallace Long Creek L H Johnson Dn3'ville John H Buker Caleb T. H. Curl, Stock Inspector for Grant County. Postoffice Mt. Vernon, Or. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puri ty, strength and vholjotniiej'j. More econom ical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be fold in com petition with the multitude of low test. hott weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cane. Royal Raking Powder Co., 100 Wall St., K. Y. PAT CAMPBELL Wholesale $ Retail -DEALER in- GROCERIES PROVIS (1 NEAR THE DEPOT, BAKER CITY, Or. Goods found to be not first- class may be returned. 3 C2 'SI I 2 s-1 AMERICAN HOTEL. E. P. L0VEJ0Y. Proprietor. John Bay - Oregon No Chinese emploved about the premii-cs. Every effort will be made to please guests and make them feel welcome. Stop at the "American." CITY LIMY STABLE! AND COURAL, and FEED STABLE W. R. CUNMINGTOSM, Proprietor. (Wood t Church's old Stand) Good biiirry tea- s and nice Saddle Horses furnished at all hours of the dity or ulirht a reasonable prices. Particular att'.-ntlon paid to hoarding and irrooinint; traiipient Mock. ENTRANCE Main and Waohinton streets. CITY HOTEL MAIN STREET Canyon City, Oregon, GROT1I j- THOMPSON Proprietors. Traveling men will find this o pleasant and desirable place at which to stop. Give ub a Cull Four ana Fee 'YESTMENT. of lk Back Yard ft the Chil. Three came to the back rVlfei)Hier day and inquired fori KfeBdwser, and as soon as iwcAuio-up from the office I iiieationed'-.tlie fact s nd i on c :e not another dl' Tl hung up liis hat. "And I doirt want any cats around." "Tlmr's insr. lilrn vnn I Tt's A V J w mm j it m -m V fc wonder to nie the brute creation doesn't ily when you step out doors. 1 wouldn't have at hard a heart as yours for all the world." "And as for pigs, .Mr. Bow ser, I hope you won't think of 'em. The neighbors haven't yet got over your last adventure in the pig line." "ATy adventure!" lie shouted. "You teased me to buy a pig and build a pen. I wanted to gratify you, pumpkin-head that I was, ar.d I bought a pig. What did 1 have to do with his sqeaking the whole twenty-four hours? What did I have to do with his getting out of the pen a dozen times per day?" "Oh, well, let's not have any more cows or pigs or liens or dogs. We don't seem to tin derstond them." "Don't we? We don't if we don't want to! Some wives are domestic aud like to make a home of a home, but others think of nothing but dressing and gadding the streets." "If a husband buys a cow which gives two quarts of milk daily, and her feed alone comes to live times the price of her milk, I don't seo where the economy comes in." lie didn't reply to that, and ;he next morning when I open ed the back door door the same three boys were wating for Mr. Bowser. They had a William goat with them. The animal was securely tied witli ropes, and the small boys kept a vigilant eye on him besides. That's what Mr. Bowser was up to, and as I knew he had set his heart on it I said never a word. He sneaked out to the barn, came to terms with the boys, and the goat was turned into the back yard. When he had finished breatfast Mr. Bowser placidly inquiied: "Mrs Bowser, do you know that that there money in goats?" "How?" "They are not only valuable for tlieii' wool and incut, hut in a sanitary point of view they cannot be equaled. One goat would keep our back yard en tirely free from everything of fensive." "Would he?" WLiits ass ii. ha 03ll C3C5!:;i Wilioal 11. ;arit Sprains. Strain?, Bruises, Wounds Fa'd Iv Dnmii'li awl J)ca'at. TheChas A.Vcceler CcCalla. KJ. "Pn r if5! I ra n f mill r Gurps FRD3mDTERMArfEfiTLY JVITH.D UP K ETLI PJtl 0FJk4rlM. WrllGG!STS AN0j3EAlErSlVJvYWriEIv THEvTHAS'A-VDGELER6b'BAlia-MD Consumption Surely Cured. To the Kditou Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named di sease. By its timely use thous ands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to scnd two bottles of my remedy free to any of your read ers who have consumption it they will send me their express and postofficeaddress. Respectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl St., New York. QOAI V TV BALL f'3V "!Not only tliatybut he would fdenly struck him that he had be a nlavinate for mr child.: an. liho-jurmnent eWWhere. and and doctor - tell me that the odor of a goat stimulates a child's appetitf." . ' ''What doctbrs, please?" "If I said anything about S . 'i. . . angels you Vould want me to specify Betsy, Sarah or Ilattie, wouldn't yquj'' t "Well, T persume they are Jieaitnyy Mr. Bowier. You miit know, of ' course." confound the goat 'with the chamois, Mr. Bowser. There's a marked difference between them. The chamois is found in India, Asia, Switzerland and several other countries. The goat is indigenous to eve.iv country. The chamois a very timid animal; the goat is not. It rather seeks the society of man." "I wish I knew as you do," I said to desiring to mollify him still further. "Yes, but you never will. You can't expect to. You were not born that way. However, I have a surprise for you and the child. 1 have just made a purchase of a goat." "A real goat?" "Certainly- Some folks deal in the immitation. I never do. Come out in the back yard." We went out. William had just finished the last of the kitchen towels the mrl had on the grass, and he acted like a goat who wanted something more solid to finish up on. Mr Bowser took baby in his arms and started down the steps, and William lowered his head and struck out with his foot. "He may be dangerous Mr. Bowser." "Dangerous. So is a canary bird. You will see him take to the child like a ily to sugar. See how stately he stands! I'll have a photographer up here this afternooh." He was advancing as he talk ed, and he was not yet half way across the yard when I saw a streak of goat shooting across the grass . A dull thud follow- ed, and baby Hew clothes line and Mr. over ,the J3ow6er went to grass. How I got that child into the house I can't re member, tut I guess the goat was too busy with .Mr. Bowser to notice me. They rolled over and over. They rose up and went down again. Some times Mr. Bowser was on his hands and knees and again he was doubled up on the grass. I screamed for the cook, and with great presence of mind she seiz ed a couple of fresh sheets off the clothes-bars and ran out with them as an offering. Ths goat preferred sheets to Bowser and as he turned away and be gan to devour them my hus band crawled up the steps to a place of safety. He had been hit in what they call the bread basket and in the small of the back and between the shoulders and, indeed, the goat had no opening. "Mr. Bowser," I said as I brought the camphor, "do not confound the goat with the chamois. The chamois is a very timid animal, while the goat is not." He looked stony gaze. up at me with a "lie is not only a beautiful playmate for our child, but the doctors say that the musky odor stimulates an appetite. Are you not hungry Mr.. Bowser? There was a whole load of stone in his gaze this time. They are not only valuable for their wool and meat,1 I went on, "but ii: a sanitary point of view they cannot be equaled.' He uttered a groan and crept into the house aud tumbled on the lounge. It took me an hour to get the grass and sand out of baby's hair and ears, and I had just finished, when Mr. Bowser rolled off the lounge and ran down stairs for a snow shovel and a minute later he ap peared in the back yard and made a rush for the goat. Wil liam ducked and dodged and twisted and had great tun lor twenty minutes, jihen it .sud-' : : : 1 r . -rr. : 1 ! -v rw "r -o-""--" . . eut ovfcx: fence like,, a and chit out of sight oh Wie sidewal pend by 3feTr. n...- t "Is he gone?'.! asked. A. "Yes lie is gotae. And I want to say tq.-jrfti .right here aud now that it is the lust niece of nonecense of yonr3 jflfiir liver nnf. nrt.with1 "j SWIik f didnltget him U anything! I am always the culprit! Just heed what'l am saying, however. This is 'the last positively the last! Don't drive me any further, Mrs. Bowser, or J will not be answer able for consequences!1 De troit Free Bress. The Old Man's Little Mission. uWhat is your mission here, sir?" asked the old man with a frown. "I am on three missions, sir," replied the poor young man, who was also a humorist. "Well, what are thev?" inquir ed the old man impatiently. 1 er-mission to marry your daughter, ad-mission to your family circle, and sub-mission to the regulations of vour house hold." "Ugh!" 'runted the old nun, who was something of a joker hunselt. "I have one little mis sion to offer lefore I conclude mv arrangements with you." Aiinie it, cried the poor young man eagerly. "I will be only too glad to perform it. "Dis-mission!" shrieked the the old man with a loud, dis cordant laugh, and the poor young man tell dead at his feet -Wnslrngton Critic. Suspended Evolution. He- Aw, wcaliy. Miss Blos som, do you belieVe man sprang from the ape? She (very tired of his atten tions) Yes. I presume some men have, but there are others who have never yet made the spring, or at least never sprang very far. Aspiring Poet I wish to leave yon some verses for your inspection. I will leave also my address and stamps, so that in the possibility of your not publisdiing the lines yon may mail the manuscript to me. Practical Editor You may leave the stamp? if you please, but it will save time and troub le if you will take the manu script ami address with you. The Chlcl Elcnson ior me grcni auc- i - M 1L . . & mtmrnmi . tess of Hood's Sarsaparllla is round m tno article Itself, it Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what is claimed for It, is what lft3 glvcn t0 this meuicino a popularity and sale creatcr than that of any other sarsapa- Merit Wins fler before the public. Howl's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula. Salt Rheum aud all Humors, Dyspepsia, Slclc Headache, lllliousness. overcomes That rircd Pi't'lliiE, creates au Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Hood's Mnr-npnrilla Is sold by all drug, jtsts 1. six for 5. 1'reparcd by C. I. Hood Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. r O c c 3 sV a e M 1 P Hi u M ore a &23 in DHI Eg i -.55; ri.- ese 7. FEELING. w The Tin km Man's Life. Wfata Ht '' A man on whose face a VTO'bV 'Onenpss of expression had mark1-'- ed a claim hwrteued from & noisj-;4 sireewmio a quKi any, ana, aca -.-;; ; ponJlSitly placing Ida nanda : . ' "jLa wall, began to heavV:v; IT ih-Mh miiiil-- An nld fl- JT low KiuDoened to ee tot .- : ' l m ie posit nate man and began to heave. They kept up an exchange of retching for some time, when the original heaver, suspecting that the old fellow was not a gen uine heaver, turned to him and said: "What do you mean by mock ing me, sir 9 I'm not mockin' vou." "But you don't iook like you are sick?" "I ain't sick." "Then why do you heave?" "Wanted to help vou." "What?" "I say I wanted to help you." "Help me!" the man indig nantly exclaimed. "That's what I said." "How in the deuce can you help me? What benefit can I derive from your heaving?"' "Wall, none, accordin' ter the cold and practical idee of the world, but it shovs symyathy. Thar ain't no lime in a man s life when he needs so much sym pathy and gits so little as when he is gittin over a spree. I think" The original heaver turned about and heaved. His sympa thetic nssistant broke his sen tence in two and "echoed the sen timent." "yh-hah-hah!" moaned the original. "Ah-hah-hah!" echoed the sym pathizer. "I want you to go on away now and let me alone," said tfie original. "No, I cannot; I must stay and sympathize with you." "But I don't want vour sympa thy." "You must have it." "I wont." "You shall 1" "Bar-r-r-rl" retched the origi nal. "Bar-r-r-r!" echoed the sympa thizer. "I want you to go away now and leave me alone." "Xo sir; I will not leave you alone in your misery. Two weeks ago ter-day I hii' on ter a rail fence in Indiana, and, reachin' away down inter myself, called hogs fur more than half an hour. I had been, full fur some time an' was jest gettin' over it. A man come ridin' along. He didn't say a word, didn't even give me a kind look. How I did long for ! sympathy how I did yearn for some man ter put his hands on that fence an' call hogs with me! but no man came. After er while er dog came along, cat ! some grass, went up ter the fence ! and bojiun ter reach down inter hisself. How my affections did go out ter that brute! He may not o' knowed it, but he was doin' me a powerful service, an' I said right then an' thar that cf I ever cotched a man in fix I was in at that time I would help him. I was rusliin' down for the depot te take a train an.' get onten this here hubub uv a town, and I jist erbout had time ter make i it,' but I coulun t pass vou by, mister . . -.LOOK here! Said UlO genuine heaver, "I believe you arc a good ?ort of a fellow." ' I don't know al.out that, but I (io know whu a man needs -ympathy." ' i.'. rs shako ht'rids." "Ail right." They shook hands, and then the genuine heaver said: "Xo v, let's go. somewhere and get a drink." "No, I'm obleeged ter you. A short time ago I was a sick and self-despism' drunkard, hut I am a man now. I drunk tnough Tick er ter float a raft, but I'm done. T'uthcr day I hearn my little children talkin.' 'What sort of a place do you guess heaven is?' the boy asked. 'I don't know, said my dear little g rl, 'but I think it must be a place where little children's fathers don't get drunk.' Then I said ter myself, 'Little angels, if that is your idee of heaven, I'm goin' ter make one fer you right here on earth.' And I am, mister. Wall, good bye. Arkansaw Traveler. i V 4 Sfc V XJ&L iff ' - : tw' 1 1 i'fr --i i-T1" cLrlii "l 'I mm r JM T1S HI - U4 ! ; -i i . - - ' "T-