iiif bt rn - s 'V p I Grunt county presents a re-, GfCLlll CO. A GWS 1 conl of seven murders commit- , j ted wit'itn me pa&t 1-uhusucd every tuuksday Monsisa , months. The leniency with which in .mierers are ubih wh J prillS, 18S9. in that county is not creditable tl.n ncnnlii liviiur within its A Kew lork "christian f bol.(iers JU,d an effort should be warns christian people not to jn;ule on iheh. p!irt to tt,ftCh a give anything to the Confeder-! snjutar esson to those who cut ate home at Austin, Texas, be- d j t with n ttlc3 or no pro- cause Robert Ingcrsol, the infi- del, is helping it. Purgatory is peopled with such "christians' as this looi- vocation. So savs tho Union Ilepubli- can, which shows that the cause of iustice is beinff championed - j .. - , ; 71 r . hv our nein noring louruais, Senor Gonzalo Lsteva, a Mcx- J tie Jli(1 0, ican journalist, ha? written a book bearing the title of "Edi torial Prison Life." He has been in prison various times for speaking too freely of the gov ernment, and knows his sub ject thoroughly- A Xew York paper admiringly- nvp.liiims: "Senator mined with a pick and shovel in California!" Well, what of it? "With what else should ho have mined? Did you expect him to dig gold with a mashed potato and a soft boiled egg? which are coming to the aid of the Nhws in the statement that lu Wness must be nunislied if ... .W- t , , . 1 Gr.mt county expects to hold her head up among men. Some one up in New York state has sent 13imark a barrel of fine mellow pippins. Tis mark will not reject the pippins as he did the pork. NEW TO-DAY Tl. U. W. IMKP&R. According to a denomination al paper it cost this government S1.SJ:8,000 to support 2,200 Dakota Indians for seven years while they were savages. After thev weiV christianized it cost 120.000 to care for thorn for the same time, a saving of $1, 728,000. Thomas Jefferson, living on the North Fork near the junc tion of the John Day, in Grant county, sold a band of horses a few days ago to Messrs. Grant and Custer, hrse bnwrs from Dakota, th.- Mvi-rng- prieo per head Im-'hi ?SO Mr. vv' Plm-lciun fc Surgeon. Canyon City, On.-j.-Mi. X-jrOlfict nr.il n-s dence in the Dr. HorsKy res idiuci, ujuior cml of Main htreut. 1'niftohioiial calls made "lay or nilit. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powder never vnrim. A marvel of juirl . . .....i. . i. .. ..iniii. Mnre L-roiioni- ical than the ordinary kind-, anil cannot be told in omipiMiiion witii me iiiuiuiuuu i test liort wuhjht, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cmih. Royal lUkin- I'mvUcr Co., 100 Wall St., V . BUCKS TO PASTURE tt. T. PARKER JOS. PRESCOTT. PARICFR $ PRESCOTT Baker City, - - Oueg. Dealers in all kinds of Furnitur E BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITE?, PATENT ROCKERS BOOK CASES, CENTER TABLES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDING, CHAIRS, SPRING MATTRESSES, WOOL MATTRESSES, PAINTINGS & PICTURES, EXTENSION TABLES. SPRING COTS, PILLOWS, REED & R ATT AM RUUKHiKS. It is the raoBt coninlote stock of furaiture ever displayed in xsaker City. Give ua a call. PARKER & PRESUOTT, Baker City, Or. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit court of the state of Oregon for Grant county. Adie Currin, Plointiff, ) 1T1 V John H. Currin. Defendant To John li. Currin, defendant: PAT CAMPBELL Wholesale - Retail DEALER IX GROCERIES PROVISIONS Hoar ai M NEAR THE DEPOT, BAKER CITY, Or. Goods found to be not first class may be returned. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. March 7th, 1SW9. Notice it hereby piven that the following named settler has filed notice of hit intention to nuku final proof in support of his cUim, and that suid proof will be ina.le licforu the County Clerk of tirant county, at Canyon City, Or, on April 20, 1&S0, viz: FllA'D J. Tl JIMS. I) S No. 3J51, for tho SE U.ir See "JO, Tp 13.S U '."J E hi continuous residence ujion, and cultivation oi, nam una iiz; i . iiioiiiih. ,iuh. uann, r.u Cobb, Win. Poji', all tf Mt. Vernon, Crautco.Or Any jwrson who desires to jirotebt against the allowance of euch proof, or who known of any substantial reason, under the la a- and the reU- i-.! .1. t......:n t -....- ...i... l. laiious ui vhv iiii-iiui i't:iui iiuuiifc, mi rui.ii proof should not be allowed, will bcjciven uu opMrtunity at the above mentioned time and I place to crop examine the witnesses of said claimant, aim to oner evidence in rcnuiiai oi that tiubmitted by claimant. NELSON JONES, PR EST. E. R. BISHOP, TRKAS. MORROW GO. LAND & TRUST GO. (Incorporated) General Warehouse & Forwarding Agts. I .i ! sold 1- rut'- j -2"' -not b-jin , Si- -e at Soo. I-1-.:! ;i : - 1 . 4 'I it:UW tli of hi- 1- d jouriinl. xo uuim u. vuimi) ubivmniuv. uuuv;o run ru uuiyjiviiurs. rVUr. ntf.loi-oMinil will ho nrGliai'Ctl I tl.n oinn nf ln Sftlln nf OrnfTOn Ijvii.I Ollteo at La Cramlc. Orpthii. 4 III- MM-IHO"-"." l ' 4-U H'P , ; Mar..!, TH. 1HM T.l 1J....I... ,l.nltlfY t lin Mfl'l. 1 1. 1... AAntmnnr AH tf ftl tO rnbUUU ijuuhs unng you aro uuruuj cuuiiuwuubu Notice U hereby given that the foHoHii- sou ueginimijj Jy near in uie auuv nuiu -r; - 'rf cil m a. answer the COmplniUt Ulecl again8t thatnai.l proof will be mads before thu county i.nn in lln iiboVQ entitled suit Oil Clerk of Slalhi-ur county. Or., at Valo. Ore , on you in tue auoo tuuuLu .uiu wii M Ul 18S9i lz: (iEoa(iE w. yakuek. m lnFu-o Mnnffnv. t 1G Zntl aav OI nsN'n. R13TfortheNl-SWl-land E1-2NW1-4 ... o i 1QCO cntnn lioin rr fbfi I Scc 2i)Tp IS S 1137 E. At his Excellent Pasture in Allte- oejiu, iuw, L'-o ne names thelollowiiufwitnei-wsioprovti V"i , v .'. . ii,v ,;io first dav Ot tllG regular Sept. term continuo-js residence u;on, ani ?dll90M of, lope allOV, .Situate three miles n s un) ui mo ic0u 4 ,-aid laud, viz: Kenr.ctl, ylw, Join. Mc- iiorth of Ilarnev Road above Soda 13,9 of said court, and if ou tan , ,)l(llCV, B,t:Has, Juc fai..et, all of uake Hnil proof in Hup,K,rt f Spring W lUTX 'T . " 7 1 Vl Any per.on who desires to,. rott.t agaiiuit the I that ssidprooiv.llii.e msuii.e.ore j i ; ft, i.. nnimalS n8 lire HIT Will apply 1" tuu uuuu lui allnwuce pi BUtn prom, .li.rfc .ft;rantco:i..vOr..at Canyon 1 (lObire OIII hUUi iiiiiui.ua r mo ? ,t. substaiittal reason, mid The Company has recently constructed a two-story warehouse 80 x 100 feet, with wool press and all conveniences for handling wool- The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from Ifeppnor, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. THEROre E, FELL, Manager. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I and Olikcat L-i Orandc, Oregon. April 13th. 1SJ. ..t;oe ' heretiy si.-f!l liiijt thn f oil on', in; .tt-.il huttl-r liave ineu nmiiw m uu unin ii.hi t make cUim, ftiid ' !t -itt. ni. 'av -:.tli.. 18a'J. Mi: ll.VMM. ttii ti ss'nik' fur th Nl! 14 NK 1-1 trt- NW 1 and SE 1-t NW 14 .'cc 0 litis S K3I E. llenamesthc following wltnesesto prov.i bin coKtinuoiiH reaiduiiitf upon, and cultivation of. raid lanj. viz: James M Uutehiuson. Andrew .1 Pit-rctt. J;UK3 V l'ierce, Charles Ueyer. all of illmitoii. Or Anv portou who dt-.is to proUt K-,'aHSt tne nlbH:amv of such pr-uf, or hi knuws uf any iiibitiantial reicon. under the law ami the riru--ntioim f the ljiuri r OcpwrttiK-nt. why such r I.I n I, tilltm.il v.lll 1H I't veil uu tin" ii. ... w - - - - - . , iiiu'rtutiii at thu .;bovi. menuonod tlnu' aiul - . .... ..... i.f a .III I 'ace ro.'s-u.vaiuinu ini imcsi u. cl ununt, ami t. olli" cWdmce in rbuttal of ti iiil.uiitud ly c niinant. ia HENit UlNEIlART. ltcistcr. It 0i3 Dollar Per Heal nr ului kitnvv nf anv I desire only such animais as arc . : ZZ. frn fmin R.-.ih mid QiTree to ie- leliel prayetl ioi m me tumtjuwui, uhulon , Ule Interior Department, why guch u i . . . -f. t r . , I I . t ..... ..... i. t ...lit i . . : .... trt.wir 1' or fl decree OI BUIU liuum umoi aniiuiu not no sumi-ii, in uc Kiicnau turn tnem tuo same ml JAME-S CON WELL. l ' L . X.. HnAi.AH nf cnirl nniirr. I i.r.f ulnmlil tint im nil tiri.l. u'ill Ih ?ivti mi ,. , . , -I f ,t:lftn,. opportunity at the above miiitl.nud time and dissolving the bonds of mammon) j.e t0 c-r0!i(,.cxa,inc the witness of said .' 1 I ll.- -.l..:i:fl nnrl nvtotmnr npr,vfHii luu iuiliiiliii miu v . : - " Reveille: baker City to-dny is receiving more gratuitous ad vertising from the newspapers of Oregon. Idaho and Welling ton than any other town in the state. The reason is obvious. She holds a most important po sition on the map of our state. Surrounded by so many eviden ces of mineral wealth, no one would be surprised at any time to learn of her reproducing the same turn of the wheel of fort une that made the names of Vir ginia Citv, Leadville and Butte familiar to the ear, the world over. The Duke of "Westminister nnd other lords and ladies in London are taking an active in terest in a movement to provide suitable quM-'fr- fir hmm-b s-dot'-. .Suii fooii.-h and ininii reeled ehurity cannot fail to em bitter the suffering poor. It is true that a homeless dog is a pitiable object; but how about the homeless men and women of England's great metropolis? Poor wandering dogs must bp provided fur even when ouun and -!i!dn-!i m:yv be b'ft 't SLurvr v.nimii! a much a passing notiee from the "lords and ladies." The Nfbnis-ka legislature has passed a law making it unlaw ful for any person to fire off or discharge any firearm on any public road or highway in any county of the state except to de btroy eomc wild or ferocious an imal, or an officer in the dis charge of his duties. iSTe raska must be a hard state for an offi cer to enforce the laws, if he lias to'fire a gun every time he discharges his duty. Perhaps carrying a gun is his principal duty, and he must be allowed the privilege of discharging it l Mtf .YIM'LiCAriON NO. I .. Tj S. La -d utfiee. LrUnnde, 0i- April, n, iay. Nutiw is herein yiveu that W. E Piusons whose postofiice ad- r-.s.s is Nt-w York- City, New Y rk, h.ts mad" implication for a puteiit for 15U0 linear feet, Monu nientMl No. I of tho vein, b"lo or miiii-ial tlenosiit bearini? fioid sit uate No organized mining distiiet, in Grunt county, Oregon and de sctil ed in the official plat' and field notes on tile in this oilice, a3 follows viz: . L?e'innin'' at. a point 1220 feet north, S7 degrees 20 min. west tt' the northwefct corner of .cclicu 19 Tp 8 S R 36 E. of the Willamette and in Grant county Oregon, running thence south 12 degrees 15 min. west lfiUO feet thence south 77 degrees 4f min. east GOO, Thence north 12 degrees 15 min. east 1500 leet, thenco north 77 degrees 45 min. west, six hundred feet to place of begin ning, with a magnetic variation of 20 degrees 15 min eat and lying and being in Ur.int county, Ore goo containing 20 (50 1 00 acres and forming a portion of section 10 in Tp 8 south of range 'Mi east o the Willamette Meridian. The location of this mine is recorded in the cuinJy clerks oiliee of Grant county on puge 577 Book "A" of deeds'of sain county. Adjoining claimants is Mone.iacntal mine No. 2 on thr- north. All persons holding ml verse claims thereto are required to pre sent the same before this office witlun sixty day.- from the first day of publication hereof, or they will !' batted b virtue of the provisions of the statute. HENRY R1NEHART, Register. The above notice w.ll bs pub lished for (50 days (in consecutive we'ks)in the Gn.o tL'ousty News published at Canyon City. Oregon. I1ENRY RINKilART. Hyde & Johns. Attv s for claimant. First publication April ISth, 1880. NOTJCE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR. ESTRAY NOTICE. Slravcd from Buaver creek range Two head of coping three-year-old horses, described as follows; One muddy iron grey branded V5 on right shoulder. One' dark bay wiili ifin.e oiooked white streak in face, pranded Y5 on right shoul- ) date the der. Roth large horses and both . 1389, halter broke. "When last heard from were at fjarrisup's place six miles west of Ca'ob. A liberal reward for infprma tiou of their whereabouts. R. T. Motley, 4 Drewsey, (Jrant County, Or. r-i . . i ..(. jtiiiiniiiwi iiv" ri.iimni L. r n i . .1 tw inn nnna linn I ... ..t.t.T.m t . tieientllinii IlIlU IU1 mc Vivovo i s--a lll-.ni hmluahi, nrsintr, riiut-.ursnmcnta of said suit, and for such further relief as to the court UUkiii. in enuiiy, may seem inept. lop p. u,.d oinee, Lakev.cw, or. starch ?, 19. - .? .1 i ii iToiniiiAim iinvini? ueen eniereii i imi unice :ii r n-.ni. in nnii.in rnnr. irns . - :r..... . . . . Will fiu tut . y jQjjj uK.vi v acnni rctr.iv summons is published by order of 1.1. n TTrvn Tiimna A I' efi .IllilfrQ .1... ui. ,.f cu- .n,i imiimnliniA of said court Made ana oeanng ffin -: "g . vuth ca'nwiiffi Dlsfc day of February qf ijaiil entry; the sahl' parties are hcrehv sum- C Q.nnl. nioncil to appear beiore me i-ouniy vicr 01 . Oit-l I t'rnHt rnnnlv. nt Pnnvon Citv. Oreifon. on the J 1111 JiX T l ? - JAMES & JONES. - Proprietors of The City Itrug Store. Keep constantly on hand a complete stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- Fatont Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Soaps, Powder, Puffs, Combs, Tooth Nail, Clothes and Har Brushes, Druggist's Sun dries, Lamps, Lamp-Oils, Glass, Putty, Chintys, and and everything to be found in a first class Drug Store. , -r777rT, "t1Tttt tm frPTrV saiJ aliened abandonment. And It appearing NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION fron, tIle ;nidavit of V. C. Cozad tint the claim . ... . ij n..it..v.wl frum flip St.iti and that Her- lieu NOTICE FOR PUIUJCATION Lm(J Ofilte a' I tJnnile, On-gon. hUrttlt al, Kotlci-U hereby aivtn that lliu follmvinjr named hettler h& tiled nutlet) uf hlr in-nti)i to make final proof In summit of his claim, and that said proof will he made before Dm CVuntyCIerk of Oraut oiuntv. Or . at Canvon Citv, Or. on May Itf. l"--a). viz: M. OfnTI.V. 1) S So. 6W lor llic i i-i ncoj ijiwo oi ... if lw. r..iliiu'l...r virmrif.ti tn nrore his I1U tMIIILt "II- '"( . ------ continuous ruldLiice upon, and cultivation or, said laud, lr.: I-nao .M. Kostur, C. S. Grufsby, Pat .Mulcarc, Cumao J.'ieSBn, all Qf Cunyon c't)'. Cr. , ny pernon who doslre to protest u'alnit the a'lowauee of mith jiroof, or who know k of any iubtantial reason, unil. r too law ami mc f l.-h 1... ll..i..rtttiunf u-llt' Cllf'll proof khould not be allowed, tvtll ho eivni tin opportunity ai me auovc memi-'ii'-u n jm plate to crhf examine the itta' of "aid claimant, and to ofl'er eiidence in rebuttal of that submitted by ilnlmant. 15 HENUY ItlNKlIAUT HesiMcr. Land Ofllce at to Grande, Oregon ai.t h wwu r,.m e B e ..n P- March 7. lssu. ?" y- """7w.Vr. .1 . "Vi Iii 1. ' Xntlee la hereby dven that the followlnj- nereu oruc fu ' viJV2 Clerk 'of Grant county. Or . at Canyon City. Oregon, on. April 30th lbM. y U: SAM I bL vna,Tr,., pTTRTiTP.ATJON. lOtlON, Ud0 zw lor ine .icj sit o, m1 iiwo-Avw . v.. S n "0 K. Land oftlec at Iji Grande. Orcjjon. He lUlllCS tllC lOllOWlllft nilllCKrcs jiarciio, ikw. lis eontliuious residence upon, and cultivation Notice ij hcreb.- eiven that the following. IIUIILC "I ..IV nrn.it Iii vunoort tiat said proof will he niade )IS continuous irHimi.E u("'"i -" iiomc u ikhu, b. f said land, viz: Klroy Worsham, of John Day named fettler has filed id. .Lorenzo William. Martin Uunlap, Jacob , make jjI!ai X ller, of Vpv, Uru. ' . ... qf his claltri. and liat said proof will henadc AIIV IWROn lilWucFP i" I'l""'" 'icjiirc (iic vjkiw iii v-im- "i-i v.. ...V,. low-atiuo of such proof, i-r who know of any city, Or., Qii April SO, ISM), via,'. JAMB8 , Untlal reason, under the law and the roiMi- piKucK; u s No, 7H3. for tho SJ quar. r.l, 1.,,-rlr.r IlniMrtirieiit. W'hV SUCll KU- n..n, Wl BW nuar. nd NK OUar bV OUar. allowatiuu of . . A .I..I - ..... ,.r.i, i.,,-rir.r iiniMrtineiit. whv such Ku- n.mr u'l Bv nimr. snd UK. ouar bV nuar. IKUIIIIB l .w. -. T.. . . ..I 9 "I - - . ...i i I... m I1,,....l will lu I'll.!! AU I tf.... If. T.. 1.1 u I 11 V? UrOlI HIIUUIU now us iiui.vui "... m- - . oil 1.1 i y u. ........ ... oppoittinlty ai the above mentioned time and He names the following witnesses to proto iiiacc to croim-examme me wiuibhm ui n coin nuous rMiucnct- upon, nu umiraiiu I. . . ... ..... l.. ..I.nllnl nf . , . i I....I ll.,l.nT lil Im.nlta claimant, mm w t.i.k ui,wiuiiu, Ti YiT. i t auumittoii uy cianntni. i ceorge f urn, iiiniciuaBiuuu, mi mwiwu v.. , r iicvynv iiiuviiAHT TIicHitor. I .....n u.hn rinilin ti nroteit against pj llff.fli.f ...,.... - . " . ntij ljv.v.j.. - w i the allowance oi sucn pmoi, r ii i" "1 Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. Oilera fvom ft distauce will receive prompt attention. Prescriptions a specialty. BAKER CITY, OREGON George Cftmdlaeh Sf JBro. ' ' J tti t Tnnfi T"VT .DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE CANYON CITY - OREGMO t& PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. jS 'ii m IT n 1 D Q Q -' "' substantial reason. rtcr tho law and thu 'J UllJy f UnO roa"Itionii of tlm inttriur l)uprtruent, why ... , , i III such proof should not be nlhveil.w;il bo ttiyon waicn-mara m mm NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is horeliy giv n that tlie i co-partnershi lnietfore i-xistiui,' under tho linn name of May .Mack & Co., lias bcmi dissolved by mutual consent, Mis. May Burke retaining the business. All debts of the firm will be paid by her, and to her all accounts must be paid. Mas. May B.mKK. Mas. T. F. IIadku. Long Creek, Or. March 20, '89. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tond Ollice at La Grande. Oregon. March -::. lssi). Xotlcn U hereby aUm that the followlng nam.'d hcttler has lllyl iintici'nf hi. intention to make final pioof in supf.rt nf hit claim, and that mid pr.H f will be made before Coilii'y Indgi. or in hir ali-Miuv before tin- County CIrrknf Grant Co.. nt Cant mi ity. Or., on Mav It. lsv. viz WILLIAM MKMiOll lid No 2373 for the-W half NW ijintter SK quarter NW quart.r SW quarter Ni; quarter See is Tp 13 S It SI V.. Ilf nMiict the following witni'tptc to prove bin continuous r'idt-iiir t:-,nin. innl rttltivation of, fHid land, viz: WiHi.un WmIiIhii. Sol Tay lor. Frank nranii-, Jnii'e- Killmi, of Prairie Cit. Or. Anvp?rson who d "ires to pr.'tet against the nll.iwanei of suth proof. r li-i Unow-i of any rtiiliMlanti ii n-aion. un.li-r Co- l.iwaml the rogu- l-illnnj .if tltn Inl. ri,.r I IfH.jrl lllFlil . u'hv rillnll - " . .- ' proot Himiiio mil oc aiu.wn. win oi- tivfii an i niiiifiriii'iiit'-.i Tin. iii.tii niiiiionr.i lime aim place to croiib-examine the witnen-ies of naid claimant, and to otfer evidence in rebuttal of that suljiiiiltni tiy tMiiiiiiiu 2-7 IIKNKV KINI-.UAKT. KeglBter an opportunity at the above miuitloned time ami place to cro.s8-exmiiiu tuu niiuuim salU claimant, arm toouer eviucui-u iu icumwi of that sutmlttod by claimant. 61-4 HE Mix HIMSUAUT, iiegHicr. J. L. B. VIAL & SON. WATCJTMAKETtS and JEW VJULMJUS, P.AKF.it City, - - - Okecox. Dfalcrs in A. HACHENET. DEALER IN General Merchandise JOHN DAY CITY. Red Front Billiard Hall! CANYON CITY, Oregon. Keeps for sale Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and does all kinds of Repairing. ESTRAY NOTICE. Came to the premises of the un dersigned, live mouths ago, one heifer about 18 months old. bran- j ded X and marked withshorterop and split m rigut ear. bam ani mal was appraised bv J. T. Sul leuB, J. P., at S8.00. H 0. C. Mii.leii Prairie City, Or. March 23, '89. on the public highway. i ! of tin 1 .uu Motiliia.m-el l- true, and (riant co.iiiiity, tn he slianii-,Miiu-t rtdutii ii. ilui Jin work ttf reformation hat- already commenced, and we trust it. will not end with Put McGinnis. Head: Grant county appears to be inflicted with liomicidial mania, being cursed with three cruel murders within a year or so. The jury system is truly American in its verdicts in that district, and murderers are usually acquitted upon the least pretense, thus inviting the vi cious to vent their revenge upon their victims. We have never favored mob rule in any civiliz ed country, hut sometimes it acts as a regulator of criminals and vindicator of the morals of the community. However much it may be deplored we believe a good active vigilantes commit tee would accomplish much good in Grant county. Notice is hereby given that by cous doratio'i aud order of the ronntv court of the state of Ore- j gon for Grant county the under ' siiTned has been appointed execu tor . 'tf !- will and testameot o ' 'i-iiila Huge dec-eased, late oi -Hid county, and all persous luiv.iiL' just claims against the es a e nf uid testatrix are hereby notified and required to preseut the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at his oftiee in Canyon City, Grant coun ty Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated April 17t.h 1880. Moktox D. Clitfoui), Executor. AMERICAN HOTEL. E. P- L0VEJ0Y. Proprietor. Joint Day - Oregon No Chinese emploxed about the premises. Every effort will be made to please guests and make tbom feel welcome. Stop at the "American." NOTICE. A Complete Assortment of Vegetable, Flower. Grass, Clover, Alfalfa and Sanfoin SEEDS. Implements, Egg Food, Elc. TREES CATALOG I'K FHKK ON AIM'LICATION. Address GEO , ST ARRET, Walla Walla, Wash. Ter. 23C XT "JP 2P in. I Canyon City Oukcon. Hoots or Shoo made to order, or neatly j- repaired All Work Warranted First-claw. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER WAR?, VIOLINS and GUITARS. Money to Loan on Colt.itcrali. Opposite Union Meat Market, Main S'.rct-t. r.rj'navTZK HOME INDUSTRY. WRICHT BROS. Cigar Factory. Bakku City, - - - Oukoon. Nothing but the In'st Foreign and Domestic Tobaccos Used in Manufacture. All Clears bear the fnlon and White Libor Mark. Ask all dealers for Wright Bros. Flower of Baker and Souvenir brands. They are the finest in the market. CITY HOTEL MAIN STREET Canyon City, Oregon, GROT IT $ THOMPSON Proprietors. City meat market. Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon. CRAY & EADS, Proprietors. -DEALER IN All Kinds Of Jty Wholesale aud Retail. FltESH MEATS XjLAli orders filled on short noUcc. Traveling men will find this a pleasant and desirable place at which to stop. Give U8 u Call Overholt $f Muldrick, . DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CANYON CITY, Or. C. D. RICKARD, Proprietor. Dealer in fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. CAjYYOjY CITY - - OREGON. Henry Rust's Celebrated Beer Constantly on Tap o. P. CRESAP -Dealer In- Stationory, Books, School Supplies, Gilt B ud and Glassware, in End- less Variet"-. r ancy ares, suuaote ioi y reMiuia iui aud Younff. Boys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece. Candies &. cigars. Tobaccos, Cof- ri Tone T.nvil Klniir. Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, Rire Cream Wheat,, II1U UllUnL Ul UUMtlOl. luau o..v.... D Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Dunps, Bird cages, aud everything that is usually kept in a Variety Store, all of which V Can now bj Bought Cheap for Cash, at the OldStnadm Canyon City. Haptonstall & Dart DEALERS IN General Merchandise John Day City, Oregon, H. R. SELS. General Merchendise. fgWLpSQUFURIIISHIlia I800DS1, ' " m. 14... Amamam