Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 11, 1889, Image 3

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Fitiginnt flowers filling tho free
air full of pleasant perfume.
For the .latest summer styles go
to J. Durkheimer it Co's.
Timms entered upon
of Ins duties last
Todhunter has
iwcn iam uj)
a case of
The country is becoming
very diy, and pmyers for rain are
now in order.
Administrator Ilorsloy brought
the estate cf lironkee into town
la&t week for safe keeping.
New goods arriving daily at J.
Durkheimer tfc Co's, Pnihic City
and Canyon City.
What maketh light the counte
nance and heavv the nurse will ha
plentiful when all
Grant county's
i -
wool is marketed.
At the adjourned teini of coin-niissionai-s'
court, bills to the
amoui.t f $G05.32 were allowed
and warrants ordered drawn for the
James A. Orchard of The Dallco
will preach in the John Day Grange
hall .Sunday evening at 3 o'clock.
Jle preaches the second advent of
the Lord.
The Nir.vs should publish the do
ings of each villiage and hamlet in
Grant county. fiend us the news,
as every psut of our county likes to
see what the other pints are doing.
Jakey Simons no longer holds
the n ins of Government over the
IT. .S. mail wagen, but presides
with dignity and grace over the
destiny of llujrh Smith's drinkimr
Growlers and chronic complain
ants are found in every community.
It is a3 natural for some men to
complain, as it is for the wind to
blow on Bald mountain, and the
cause is often of no more conse
quence, E. P. Lovejoy has leased and is
fitting up the "American Hotel" at
John Da'. Jle will soon have the
house open for the reception of
gueits, at which time he will make
it known through the columns of
the Nkws.
Finnic Middleton has assumed
editorial char-re of the Union Be
publican, since Bcv. Bro. Irwin re
signed. A newspaper oliice is no
place for a preacher anyhow, and it
is well for Bro. Irwin that he get
out of one as soon as he has.
The present is a good time to ex
amine stovepipes and tighten all
jnhsts vhiHi may have been .shaken
loose by tho wind. Hoofs will soon
Ik, dry enough to take fire from de
fective flues' and a little precaution
now may save valuable property.
One or two litigants who were in
doubt as to whether or not coui t
would convene on April Sth came
into town to be in readiness, but
were convinced that the declaration
that we should have no court was
fcoo true. Call again in .September.
Many will remember Dr. U. E.
Giookshank, who came to Burns
some six or seven years a-o and
Htnited a drug store the first one
in Burns and practiced medicine
in that place. The same man was
found dead in a hotel at Bedding,
On!., on March 21.
In the probate court recently M.
J.). Clifford was appointed executor
of the last will ami testament of
Mrx. Lucinda Bilge, deceased.
Mi's. Jennie K. Lock wood was ap
pointed guardian of Clyde A Nunes,
and F. P. Norsly was appointed
administrator of the estate of John
lironkee deceased.
The total amount of delinquent
taxes for the year liS8 amounted
to 70, IQH.32; collected and remit
ted by the sheriir $5(J,r)0y.23;
amount remaining delinquent 10,
G03.0:). The sheriir was ordered
to immediately collect the same by
levy and sale if the money was not
We are iufoimed that Mr. Byr
mn has thown about two hundred
cords of wood in the creek, but the
present stage of water is so low
that there is no show for it to
oome down this far. It looks in
deed as if it would take all the wa
ter north of Sacramento to move a
eoitl of wood this year, unless the
weather turns suddenly hot and
takes what little snow there is on
the mountains off with a rush.
"We occasionally hear a "kick"
because the stage leaves Baker
about twenty minutes before the
train arrives from Portland each
day, and comes out on the road
alKjut twenty miles and camps at
the station for the night In con
sequence thereof the mail and
freight and passengers enroute to
this part of God's vineyard have to
stop in Baker marly 21 hours to
await the next stage. Why is it
thus? Persons in this iilahe, if it is
only Grant county, are often anx
ious to receive their mail from be
low, and passengers who have no
business to transact at Baker would
be pleased to reach their destination.
"Will somebody please think of these
things, or had the 0. It. it N. Co.
bettor bo induced to change their
time card and make it conform to
stage time!
Pienty of freight is coming over
the road from Laker.
Lawyer Dustin will soon he a
resident of Harney.
The last quarter of our public
school commenced Monday.
Diphtheria has appeared among j
the members of a family near Ha
ll er City.
Go to Durkheimer it Co. for lir-
gams in the latest styles of dress
Jt tno law dow not condemn j
Pete .Sullivan to the gallows then j Three hundrod miles an hour
we shall lose all confidence in the : is the proposed speed of the elcc
law. j trie postal railroad of the future.
The no-rent who would train un a i It is reno:lod from Rush val-
clnnl m the way he should go, must
go in the way he would train up
his child.
The latest news from Judfe L.
B. Ison, now in San Francisco, is
to the efi'ect that he is steadily im
proving and his physicians are hope
ful of a permanent recovery.
The "samoan difficulty" came
.. . .
near nemg settled recently wnen a
storm destroyed the entire Ameri
can and German fleets ulxmt the is
lands. Over lifty American sailors
wore drowned and three vessels
Workingmen in a gravel lied
on the Western Railway of Ala
bama recently came upon the
skeleton of what they think was
an Indian princess. On it were
found a silver cornet, buckles
tied together with a silk ribbon,
and a peculiar knife with a sa
bre blade.
Our city was visited during
the week by the following com
mcrcial gentlemen: Mr. Xew
nan representing Smith .t X w
nan's tailoring house; Mr. Hoilo
wav representing a San Francis
co harness manufactory, and Mr.
Davis, traveling for a Portland
handware house.
A Wcbfoot farmer recently
bought some Angora goats and as
the proper thing was to provide
shelter for the animals he built a
shed for them. The next morn
ing he went out to the lot, but
not a goat was to bo soon. After
looking about he finally discov
cd the whole band on the roof of
the shed, contentedly chewing
their cuds. lie has come to the
conclusion that the Angora goat
doesn't know how to appreciate a
good thing.
Sullivan who killed Bronkee was
remanded to the custody of the
sheriii' without bail. That was the
deoiee of Judge Rulison at the con
clusion of the preliminary examin
ation. Sullivan refused to make a
statement, and then giew ltf.ister
ous because he claimed he "could
not get justice. Jle cannot get
justice here because the people a,-e
too law-abiding to give the fiend
justice viz: A noose around Ins
neck. In point of humanity, Pat
Mediums is a saint computed with
Xow it appears that Grant
county is to have a special term
of court after all. Judge Fee
has announced his intention to
hold a short session commencing
the firat day of May. Only a
few cases will be tried and no
grand jury will be drawn at that
time, leaving the bulk of busi
ness for the regular September
term. We gleam our informa
tion from outside sources, howev
er, and we are uninformed as to
whether or not the attorneys have
decided upon the cases to be tried
at a special term.
A slick chap calling himself Jus. !
P. McPhearson, was arrrested in
Caldwell last Monday for obtaining j
money under false pretense. Jle
worked the secret society act pivtty '
successfully on several prominent
H .1 AM T II L 1
.iu.-o:is aim uuu eeuows up mere
and borrowed a few shekels from
Rev. I Scone under the guie of a
Presbyterian preacher. He is said
to l.e an artist in paiticuiar line,
and as he was only given tm days
in the jug, the Tribune luhises us
to look out for him. Reveille.
Bet a quarter that is the .same fel
low who was here not long since
and gave his name as (!. W. Cox.
Jle was given the alternative of
leaving tho precinct or paying a
fine of 540 for stealing a cabbage.
A large sized suspicion exist; in
the mind; of many persons herea
louts that the murderer Sullivan is
the slayer of James ISright of J lar
ney valley. Sullivan was woiking
for Mr. Motley last spring and we
understand he quit a few days be
fore ISright was killed, and disap
peared for a time in the mountain?.
He afterward came to this vicinity, 1
i. uu t,w
and it is a remarkable fact that he
. . , i ,
never came to town unless he earn-
ed a Winchester rifle. Whether
, , , i ...... i. , ' ing representing me summit
or net he slew Bndit we know lie.,,? 1 , , tt . , ,
murdered JJronkee, and it is a
plausible story that while wintering
at Bronkce's cabin he and the latter
grew confidential as bachelors will,
and in an unguarded moment he
divulged a chapter rf the history of
his past life, which he would rather
not have hud known. The fact is
evident tint himself and Bronkee
had quarreled when he was inform- !
ed that he could not make that his
home any longer, and for fear that
hi secret would become known he
must make way with the one to
whom it was confided. This he
docs by murderiug Bronkee on that morning before he had awak
ened from his slumber.
Xow onions and other "garden
,nt i j .
i nere are omv seventy misu-
T.i i' ::
neis in tiie -iiuinu peiiueiiwiuy.
Horn, in John Dav, April 9.
1839, to the v.-ifc of Geo. W.
Dart, a son.
Building, lots for weekly in
stallments of 40 cents arc adver
tised in Pittsburg, Perm.
Boston wool market is un
changed. California wool is
4 1
ley. Utah, that a mine of natural
shoe blacking has been discovcr-
! ed on a farm near there.
foiir pounds of
glud opium were recently sold at
Port Townscnd by the United
Slates marshal for $1200.
Benton is a very moral, virtu
ous county. The late grand jury
found only one indictment, and
that was for a trilling offense.
Women, it is said, live longer
than men. This conies of their
keeping their age a secret. Death
doesn't know when to call for
Are our people going to cele
brate the one himdioth anniver
sary of Washington's inaugura
tion? This occurs on the ?Qih
of April.
Winnebago county Iowa, comes
to the front with a curiosity in
lh-j fo:m of a calf with eight legs
that appear to be hitched on in
discriminately. The legislature of North Caro
lina is about to pass a Confeder
ate pension bill, which levies a
special iax of 4 cents on every
100 of property.
Those v.'ho have pre-emption
and limber-culture rights had
better use them as soon as possi
ble. Congress will repeal Loth
acts in the near future.
A small piece of Limburger
cheese carried about one's person
will drive :iw:iy the disagreeble
odorof tobacco smoke, so offen
sive to delicate nostrils.
A recent writer says that those
nations which arc given to the
cultivation of vocal music are
strong and vigorous, with broad,
expansive chests. Tomcats, for
dice Ging convicted of com
plicity in the murder of Lee Yick
in the Chinese theatre at Port
land in November, 1SS7, was
sentenced by Judge Stearns to be
hanged May 17th.
Lake county has paid out
since last Octobe r for bounties on
scalps, !k2,-ii)0.-K), as follows:
For coyotes, $ 1.000; v.iidcats.
.'rS10.o0, cougars, $100: K-ar-flO;
wolf, MO; rabbits, .f -lO'.'.UO.
A man namtd Lasater became
crazy on religion at Jackson, Mo.,
last month and compelled his
wife to strangle their 11-months-old
babe saying it would be res
urrected. He is under arrest.
An exchange says the people
of Florida did not know how to
send in the clectorial vote of that j
state, so a mcssen .or boy had to
be sent from Washington to in-
form them and bring the returns.
Canada shipped lo this conn-,
try last yeur more than ghtecn
thousand horses and three huTfc
dretl thousand sheep. A thriv
ing trade is conducted along the
border in transfers of live stock.
Tho sheepman will get a good
price for his wool this season, ac
cording to Eastern market re
ports. Keep yourself informed
on prices, and allow no buyer to
gel your clip for one single cent
less than it is actually worth.
At the last term of circuit
court the jurors, both of the regu
lar panel and special venire,
were representative men of our
county, and men of understand
ing. It is to bo hoped that the
county will bo so fortunate in the
possession of its juries at the Sep
tember term.
The office of register of the
new hind office established last
winter at Drewsey. has been ten
dered to J. B. Huntington of Ba
ker Citv. it. J. Slater, of Pen
tllolon, was nominated for the po
sition some months ago by Presi
dent Cleveland, but the senate
refused to confirm him.
Vol. 1, No. 1, of the '"Great
Divide," a monthly journal pub-
.. , , -iv,,,,.,,,. i i:.w. ....
' , " Yf ' i ' ,
desk. It is a model specimen of
. ,. ... . , ,
J"1""'11"' 1 . " ' ...
this rocky barrier between the
great oceans. No expense has
boon spared in securing original
articles and in preparing illustra
tions. Died, at his home in John
Day, Momlay night, April S,
18S'.1, of cancer, Mr. A. K. Mc
Cullum, a pioneer resilient of
county, aged 81 years.
His wife and five daughters and !
one son survive him, and they ',
with his many friends will chcr-
ish the memory of his well spent
life. The funeral occurred ves-I
tenia v from the M. E. church, !
conducted by the members of .
Hobah Lodge I. 0. 0. F.
A one-eyed Mexican is the
sherfl' of Los Angeles county,
Cal. "
! ti,a nmv no,., i ,..:n i i
" j ui w iu
1 of Pnrf flrnlinr.! .... If
1 "6
Crop prospects m iSastern Ore
gon were never better as this sea-
son of the year.
Supposed criminals are sum
marily dealt with in Oklahoma.
A man suspected of horse-stealing
lias already been hung.
Keen prospecting. To the
- . . , " t . - ,
1.UI.UW1 i-i oi.-uniiB uL-iuug
, all the rich muis, and thereby
: nun I ikim acquired
; great wealth.
-.. .
An JMighsh weekly observes
1.1 i i 1 . ! .- It i
mat mere is a nerce rivalry
between the states of St. Louis
and Chicago as to which has the
tallest Governor."
Cash advances made on wool for
consignment to Christy & Wise,
San Francisco.
Collin, & McFailand, A;ta.
it. Arhn' ton, Or
ington, Ur
auk president was
ut and pay a check
A Denver ban!
forced to fill out and pay
of 421,000 by a bold, bad man on
the 2Ulh. A six shooter and a
dynamite shell were too convinc
ing. The United Stales Fish Com
mission has expended $150,000
during the past year on this
coast in constructing hacheries,
collecting eggs for distribution,
C. A. J lines took laimhing yas in
a dentists office in Jjos Angeles a
week tv'o. The wis rendered him
t-mporatiiy insane. He was raving
li!;e a maniac, but u
slowly recov-
The conservative press of the
Citv of Mexico is attacking Pres
ident Harrison ami .Secretary
Hlaine, claiming that they-are
ambitious to have the United possess Mexico.
Tn a case at law in Illinois the
other day .it was shown that a
woman whipped her boy so that
he was in bod for throe weeks
because he could not commit fif
ty Hihle versos to memory in one
Persons wishing to improve
their memories or strengthen
their power of attention should
send to Prof. Loisettc, 2.'57 Fifth
Ave. N. Y., for his prospectus
post free, as advertised in anoth
er column.
The rabbit pest is again mak
ing headway in Australia. The
moans taken lo eradicate it have
proven insufficient. We suggest
to the Australian government the
advisability of importing into the
raid it country a few dozen hun
gry Piute Indians.
A Toronto Sunday school teach
er has doped with one of his pu
pils, loaing a wife and family
behind, and there will be the us
ual number of people lo use this j
occurrence as an argument,
against religion, when it is, in
fact, an argument against hypoc
risy. Mrs. C. S. Lock wood is agent for
Speira' Steam Cooker, Shepard's
Stove Pipe Shelves, P,rew.ster's
Safetv Pcin Holder, and the Favor
ite Muting Iron. These ai tides
are of inestimable woi th to evt ry
housekeeper, and the rein holder
! cannot well he rlimn'ti.m-d with bv
those who ride in carnages. 2 If
Our Chinese residents made
the usual offering of roast pig and
duck to the bones of their dead
countrymen in the cemetery last
week. They might do bettor and
make an application of good
things to the hones of the living,
and the mission of their priests
would come nearer being fulfill
ed. If your father, mother, sister,
brother, swectheait, fellow, or any
lody eise comes to town or goes
away, don't be afraid cf mentioning
it to the News man; or if you
know of any deaths, biith.s, marria
ges, et-., please hand 'em in. We're
just living to ct hold of all such
matters or any other local happen
ings. It is needless to state that,
times are very dull and quiet.
There seems lo be no money in
the country; it has all been paid
out for taxes to enable the legis
lature to build yagon roads, buy
stamps for the use of its members
and pay ah army of lady clerks
to flirt with the dudes and
"handsome representatives."
liichard Honks, qf Sandcrson
vi I Iv, (Ja., went homo, and when
his wife told him there was no
meal in the house ho struck her
three heavv blows on the head !
with a hickory stick and thus
killed her. He was not a spirit
ualist, a greenback man, a refor
mer, a temperance advocate or
any of them horrid things, but
was just a plain, good citizen.
Oregon and California papers
arc requested to copy the follow
ing: James Hansen, aged 40
years, and a native of Scandina
vian, died at Granite, (irant coun-
tv. Oregon, on March 22, 1880,
of pneumonia. His illnesswas
of sho't duration, but he was
kindly cared for by the miners,
If his" relatives should read this
can learn further particulars bv 1
addressing L. N. Ford, of Gran-1
ite. I
Barking up the Wrong Tree.
I M. Dustin who went out with
i?....i. at..ij .. i ir
r:lllk Melican on the Harney
- ; tn i rrtlfi,. -n ,,, t n ,'i
( i '-l",ol- -UUIl'l.13 U ill HOI IlIHl
Harney a land flowing with milk
and lionov ami :;boujidinir in
tropical fruits ns he fondly anti
emriieu. He stopped over night
V-' inngS'n lT'v f"
U u mioi nib us that J ucsdav
mu......B , ouuge was up ai
ixau jiasu lour wnen li was scarce-
iv ngn:, and irank iiau to gel up
I 1 -I I. .. i 1 t .. 1 . .1- l ... 1-
; t.!'i.i Vb..n uv.r.i i,..
.iwiiwl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii iniiK :inir ms
about that hour to look after
i v.--. tiiw lilv "aill
i :e saw j;u?ii:i on t he river bank
, looking intently up a small birch :
tree, cxan.i ung closely the fo-
j liag(, juul irnilchcs ut- llie trt.e
I r tit. ,
:m'- "What was the matter,
i when the Judge
informed him
1 that he
was "lo:-king for pos
Thinking he would have
lo nam a candidate for the ay
Inin bad: to town be questioned
the Judge still further, and was
informed that ho had Icon led to
believe from leading tho Rums
i i
candidate for the
Jicr.Ud that Jlarnev eouruv was
j a land where grew and flourished
! all manner of tropical fruits, and
j as he was then near tho borders
ot that land he thought he would
rise early and see if he could not
uce a possum i ciorc hrcal: last.
lie said "that tree looked as if it
might be loaded with pawpaws,
1 1... I P.
anu nc Knew irom experience
that where pawpatvs grew there
he would always find possums."
Mclican argued tho cahc with
him until it became light enough
to see wnat sort of a tree it was.
Then Dustin laughed athisfuily,
they both took a drink of soda
water and went lo breakfast.
subfiMucntlv .Mr. Dustin
went Jo
;ums with J)hn Wash.
Nothing will trip the light fan
tastic with more case than a
loose pdank in she sidewalk.
Clean your back yards and
thereby prevent sickness. Be
sides "dcanlini ss is next lo god
liness." The Can von City barber will
vote and be t with the republican !
party hereafter, cr at least will j
bet with them. As the result r.f i
an election wager he is fulfilling I
ftttir'' contract of shaving
C. Se
twiev a week free of
Lexington Budget: Spring is
cum; hear the gentle bu;::-:!ys
bum; the little boh squirrid is
out of its mound, the green grow
ing grass eoveroih the ground,
ami farmers and stockmen in
smiles abound but the night
hlooming bed-bug will soon bo
The asylum at Salem is fast
filling with insane, and from all
imaginary causes. A new arival
is Jesse Jarrci-j one of tho wild
est maniacs over brought to hie
Oregon insane asvium for trcat-
, i , ihihi i
land last night, says the Journal,
"tJnd has 'given mc strcnlh, I
iiunt u-Itii m it t 'itt I nit fritii I'ffcrt-
. .. iitfcii,vi itf iiimii i
wm vanquish mv
vampuM! my enemies, t
These are his word
'V :
cries out in a loud vt
aye. lie at- j
tempts to make his atterauccs
His insanity is the result
of spiritual excitement, he hav- :
ing altcndt d many n.e. tings ofi
tne spnritual society at Portland.
The idea took complete puss- ssion
of him and ho tlnnl.s he is a me
dium and has power to do all
things. In his mad frenzy he
froths and raves, making it nec
essary to be bound hand and
it is very important in this aue
of vast material progress that a rem
edy be pleasing to the taste and to
the eye, easily taken, acceptable t-
the stomach and healthy in its na
ture and etlejts.;.-ing these
qualities. Syrup of Figs is the one
perfect laxative and most gentle di
uretic, known.
Fi'li SALE Oil THAI)!.
A sfaliion, dink ir'n irroy, q
years old (stc-ek Morgan and Syd
ney, with a little Nornu n). Can
show A No. 1 colts. Kind dispr
sition. Broke to work and ride.
Price $2i0. The borso can be
found at the Sniiituit house 18
miles south of Canyon City on the
Harney load.
3tf M. M. A DAM- ox.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the bono:'. Please infoim
your raiders lhat I have a positive
remedy for tlio above named di
sease. By its timely use thous
ands of hopeless cases have been
permanently euiol. 1 shall be
glad to send two bottles of my
remedy free to any of your read
ers who have consumption it they
will send me their express and
poslofiieead liess. Respectfully.
T. A. SLOCUM. M.C., 181 Pearl
St., Now York.
Canyon City, Orkgon,
Traveling men will find this a
pleasant and desirable place at
whieh to stop.
Give us a CuD
Washingto.v, Atiril 4th, 5S9
The important diplomatic ap
pointments wore connileted and
the wild and wooly West came
in victorious at Inst. It annoar
: ii
- ed that New Vork confidently
: concluded to distribute the main
. 0 i,CCS J!,uo;,-J:.iKr v;inrol,S S?1""
: ois, ana put tnc rest of positions
i on me sneu u.r ramy iiay
j ne pouucians regarded me ap
ptantment ot senator Jvarts to
a1 T-.1-1 " 1?
, ; il r. ki., ti,t ; i.
in. .ti(r en miccwwi ne nnrrsim
Hll 1 v 1C OLIII I'illUlDMU Llllll 11 J 1
had asked for t. it m bavt.-
ncen givi
mi mm.
1 no same peo-
pic had hxed
uro'i William
a Iter- r In Jos for a hrst-cJass
mission, ami that he did not get
it is not Willie'e fault. Tho
t: lit h is that the pivrident knows
that W ally is not so vitally mi
nortant a factor in American
politics as ho himself has fondly
The selection of Robert T. Lin
coin for the ICnglish mission
regarded in
Washington as
; excellent choice, though thenom-
j ination is a great surprise. In
tho first place it was not suppos-
ed that Mr. Lincoln wanted the
! appointment, and in the second
; place, ho was not classed among
: the Americans rich enough to al-
' ford the honor of spending vast
I . . .- l I' l
, Minis ycartv noiii private itmus
to f-upport such a brilliant social
! po.-ition. Kxactiy what sort of
; Minister he will make should
' not 1c hard to determine in the
, hunt of his record as secretary of
! War. In that position he firmly
I resisted every every effort of the
I regular Armv officers to plunge
j their
! lurth
inns mlo t tic treasury any
r than their ehar.vs. No
oilier secretary m the last score
of years has attempted to do
that. Jlealso evinced a cairn
disregard for the cheap clamor oi
small tactions. J ne appoint
ment thus appears satisfactory.
However Mr. Lincoln's ap
pointment mav strike the Irish
interested in the cause of Home
Rule and it would appear thai
it should implies them favorably
it goes without saving that the
selection will be j opular in the
i ,urili
neighborhoods, where new
HOU '.v ed ot aim
o:d names arc reluctantly parted
with. To those people, people
who do the voting, the sending of
HoLert Lincoln
to England re-
vivos only generous recollections
of the magnificent American lib
erator. Abraham Lincoln's son
must be a thorough going Amer
ican. Murat Halt-toad is one of the
dozen American journalists whose
names arc known to the people at
large. With Mr. lie-id's appoint
ment, this nomination completes
a strong rcprosentalion of news-
! papers in die diplomatic service.
At nreent im i 1 .linns; with
i i icrinanv arc
tllcine'it but i
j.n(m. ul
i i icrinanv arc m a l.:;r way to
. .
ring to
nii!if?ire lnnLrmo
....... .... j..mi(.nyi. I)(,uvr
distributing sanguinary ink over
iar. :.n.:ls of paper, will be
right there to joaiously guard our
honor!" bv the year, or the num
ber of worths.
When the Republic was a groat
ileal younger she often fler in tho
face of the proverb as to choosing
young men for action and old
nit n for com. si 1. After along
time she has done so again in
sending Allen Thorndike Kioe to
Russia. Mr. Rico is distinctive
ly an aggrcs.-ive young man, with
a h-nlthtv mind, a line literary
training following upon a tingu-
Iarly borough education, and an
indomitable courage. When he
took poscssion of tho Xortii Amer
ican Review a few years ago, he
was less than twenty-five years of
age, and the stock of the maga
zine was practically worth less
than twenty-five cents. To-day
it is tho most fortunate of the
high class monthlies.
ft was expected that opposi
tion lo Mr. Rico's confirmation
might bo very strong among dem
ocrats who believe him to lie the
author of the Arthur Richmond
letters, which so scored Bayard
and his policy. There being ap
parently no proof of the author
ship, tho oppo.-ition may, howev
er, be futile, as it would of course
bo, in I lie end, useless.
Patrick Kgan's nomination for
MimVter to Chili is regarded as a
graceful recognition of the Insh
vote, though jul what Mr. Kgan
can do for Hume Rule while in
Chili is hard to determine, ft is
expected thai Patrick Ford will
bo the ncnt Irishman appointed
to a prominent office.
Mr. Wan.i maker has put his
1 large luxurant Philadelphia foot
into the soup by attempting to
i run the PostoHieo Department in
the the same way he conducts
j his store, bv consulting only
himself as to r.pjiomtments. His
selection of a postmaster for
Philadelphia in open opposition
to Senator Quay will result in
the makind of a now slate for
Pensylvania, from which both ;
ins man ami r-euutor vuav win
be carefully omitted.
A gold nugget weighing forty
pounds and worth $!5,00J is the
latest Alaska exhibit.
I . . ... . . . . .
A bill was introduced m the
Indiana legislature to ascertain
tne reunion uetweeu iue urutiuu
hog and the weather.
Dr. Parrin Dear Doctor: Af
ter using three Lotties of your
magnetic oil, I find myself entire
ly cured of rheumatism, from
which I have suffered for five
years. In returning mv thanks
as,i heartily endorsing your treat
inent for rlreumatism. I feel it nc
more than.niv dutv
Most re
spectfully. J. T. GEO HUE.
Gleneden, W. T. Manh 26, S9.
Mr. Editor De
O r Si I. nr
the past twenty
vcary I have
been affected with catarrh of a
very disagreeable 1 1 araeter.
Largo scabs fonued in Win head
and came down, and I expector
ated a great dial of thick, viscid
stuff from my throat. The ca
tarrh had :tho ::nc'.ed my hear
ing. 1 annlied to L r.. JJanin for
relief. They said that my case
is 'was an easy one to euro, and now
I it i T .i t t
n;iu i; ui li i iue iiio.m entirely
ol' ' tarrh. They are making
wonderful cure?, and I advice the
afllictcd to try them. Yours tru-
!v, WM. IULVrat.
Eugene City, Feb, 12, 'S9.
The above named jonlit -man,
Mr. Hunter, is an old pioneer,
and is veil known throughout
tho Willamette valley. J lis n.. nl, coming from a man of
::iidoubtcd integrity, and whose
xvracify is a! ove suspicion, must
t.o admitted as po.-iJivofv tine,
and he can be referred to. Eu
gene Guard.
Dr. Dan-ins Place of Business.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted
frev at 235 Fifth street, corner of
Main, Portland, Oregon. Oliice
hours from 10 to 4 daily; even
ings, 7 to 8; Sundays, JO to 12.
All curable chronic diseases, loss
of manhood, blood taints sphilis
Meet. gonorrhecea, stricture
:pennatorrho?ea, seminal weak
ness or loss of desire of sexual
power ih man or woman, catarrh
and deafness are confidentially
and successfully treated. Cure's
of private diseases guaranteed
and never published in the pa
pers. Circulars sent free. Mest
cases can receive home treatment
after a visit to tin- doctors' office.
Dr. Darrin, s.- successful in
treating cross eyes, will be at the
(inn's office for a limitt d time,
and will devote most of his atten
tion to that specialty, as well as
diseases peculiar to women, also
dub leet and other deformities.
-- v- .
Xkws: On the morning of
March loth, 188!), T. A. Crump,
the stage proprietor requested me
lo accompany him out on the
roatl to where' he was informed
one Jack Dunlap would be to
..i i lit. ' r
aiup e,niiiip a;iu uie man u:i
arriving at .the place T. A. Crump
ot out ot the stage, leaving the
same in charge of X. D. Svveilzer
and Isaac Winters, who had ac
companied us. We had not pro-
ceeded over one hundred varda
from tiie stage when we discover
if i I- i t ,
ed .jaci: inituap ciouchin'r ne-
hind a bunch of sagebrush. T.
.v. Crump says: 'iiu are here,
are von? Get out of this!" Dun-
lap jumped up, rille in hand, and
sectng Mr. Crump prepared to
deal with him, he staitctl for his
cabin, two miles away, and was
not harmed.
He (Dunlap) has said that he
was paid lor watching that road
ne that has been traveled for
twelve years by the public. This
road leads from mv ranch to
Ihdwdl and Cttlarviile, Cal.
I his is an additional outrage
and should rccvive attention
once. There is and mutt be a
law to stop such work. This
man Duniap is one of the parlies
who has endeavored to swear mv
life awav, and then
is found
crouched in ambush to
people as thev travel this road
There are four living witnesses
to tho above facts.
1). L. Si;i::k.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxr.tivc and nutri'.ioir;,
with the medicinal virtues of plant-;
known to be most beneficial to ihe
humr.n system, forming the ON I.Y PCIC
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly oa the
. i.ivr.ti n h
T TTTTin i un
GlBSnSB the SYSteiTl EffSClUa!IVf
j Naturally fellow. Every one is using it
art'l all are delighted -with it. Ask your
pictured only by the
c. , pUAVCIit.a r..
L0UliVIt-L3, V.v.
Kcw Yok, li. Y.
1 i V-
'?.&&VkxZAM .x&isJis&ilm"am - i i ii i i i mini ibmppmm hi