Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 04, 1889, Image 3

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    ':Br' gwgIBwgB ."mm? "'rr-.- --..r, ....w?Ljywy. ;f5!r--- - -r- - v,. , Im&
. --.1.w.W(,,t. uttteatTm.mmau i h'iiihhiiiHHOw mm. in ' mf t i i tmmmt i i i ' in e 1 ' dnn 1 ill . ' - i r i n im r m
CrTflnfm f O
U III 00 KsV.
The Odd Fellows of this city
will celebrate the 70th anniversa
ry of the order in America on
April 20th.
irniii)s can shoot without
warning those who befriend them
and honest men must be taxed to
pay the costs of a trial.
II. Clark informs us that
he desires to put an experienced
drifter to work running a cut on
a quartz vein. The right man
might find a good job.
Fruit trees in this neck of the
woods are now in full bloom and
if the frost does not nip well,
that is a worn out phrase, and
wc shall not make use of it this
This vicinity can show as nood
indications of paying quartz
mines as any locality on the
coast, hut home capital is afraid
to invest and foreign eajiital has
not found out our resources.
Excuse the law's delay. It
may some time get a rope around
a criminal's neck in Grant coun
ty, but many good men are lia
ble to fall before the assassin's
bullet before that time comes.
Julius Durkhcimer returned
homo during the week, after a
prolonged absence in Portland
and San Francisco. lie has an
immense stock of new goods on
the road for this place and Prai
rie City.
While Pro. Eads and his wife
were returning from Mt. Vernon
last Sunday his team became
frightened at some boys riding up
behind them and ran away,
throwing Mrs. Eads out and dis
locating one of her shoulders.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Stansell have
vacated the "New Hotel" build
ing, but will be pleased to receive
their former boarders and as ma
ny new ones as desire to patron
ize them at their residence imme
diately west of Wood's livery sta
ble. An Indian did not kill James
Prbrht nf llornw v.lh.v licl !
" "- I
summer. Hright's" vest ami oth-1
er clothing have been found se- I
.creted near the scene of the mur
der. Had an Indian done the
deed he would have been wear
ing the clothing before this time.
Died, at his home in Prairie
Citv, Mondav night, April J,
l&SD. after a lingering illness. 1
.Nelson S. IJabcock, a highly re- i
spected and well beloved citizen. !
'I'l.,. r, v.,i -...! r...i....,..i.,,. I
a nt; 1 1 illicit w v i iii i i ii V-i 1 1 11 liii f
conducted by the Masonic frater
nity, of which order he was an
honored member.
Wc learn from a reliable
source that a national bank will
be established in this city with
in the next few months, by some
of the moneyed men of the coun
ty. This is an enterprise that
Grant county has long been in
need of. and there is now no
doubt of it becoming a reality'.
Orant countv is beconr'ng the
rendezvous of renegades from all j
parts of the country" where they
have been in the habit of punish
ing crime. It looks almost as
though we would be compelled to
organize a vigilance committee
anil not wait for the tardy and
uncertain results of the so-called
courts of justice.
When does the twentieth cen
turv begin?"' is asked. The in
stant after Dee. ;il. 11)01), and
not LSDW, as many believe. The
reason is this: The first century
did not end wit li the year '.)!). but
with the year l'X). the second
Avith the year 0). the nineteenth
wilh the year 15)00 just as your
first hundred dollars ends with
100. and vour second begins with
10L and ends with 200. Some
people absolutely won't see this.
One of the crying needs of
Grant county is capital to assist
in developing her quartz mining
interests. At this ollice can be
seen samples of ore mostly
croppings which will compare
favorably with surface rock from
any of the 1.000,000 mines on
the coast, but capital is not at
hand to develop them. The bus
iness men of Canyon City or the
vicinity in which the mines ex
ist, could well afford to pay $5
or even a larger sum per month,
to keep a man at work on these
prospects, for if a fortune is
struck tlie benefit does not fall
on the owner alone. We all
shall reap thc benefit, for would
not the money be spent here?
Onlv seven murders have been
committed in Grant countv with
in the past twelve months
, ,.
this number of slavers of their
fellow beings one is serv
. !
four or live vears term in the -'" ' L"'The foot
i.enitcntiarv; one is under sen- ' aymd so drew a shot gun on the tll(,re is ;l wnnu St)apstonc on
tence of death, one is unknown. , captured him. ! each si.Ie, the inside sfcp is un-
one v.'as considered justifiable! From a gentleman residing at justable. so that a short girl can
homicide because it yvas only an Monument who was in town on , bring her lips to the line of any
Indian killed, one yvas released buriness last week we learned of j given mustache without trouble,
by the justice of the peace at j a shooting scrape between two I f the gate is occupied at half
1 turns and aftenvard made his ; sheep herders which took plaje on past ten p. in., an iron hand ex
cscnpe, and two are ayvaiting 1 the Noith Fork on the ult. tends from one gale post, takes
trial. All these within a year, T un Johnson shot W. II. Connolly the young man by the left ear.
besides numerous cutting and , through the shoulder, but not fatal- j turns him around, and he is at
shooting affrays. Taxpayers and ,
jurors, is it not high time that j
some of the cold-blooded yillians
were dangling at the rope's end?
Tom Smith tho younger has gone
to ifebniskll t0 I(K)k ftfte. his
of horses.
Born, in this citv, March 31, I
889, to the wife of 31. I). Clifford,
oweos, vniuams anu liiuy jiu-
I ler all departed foi Harney land
j .
1 is wow carried between
I ',!W Yo,k suuI !Ul Francisco in
1 1 3 hours-
-four davs and seven-
teen hours.
During the last year the govern-
ment of the United States purchas -
.'o.u ji,.)'jtt siauoaro ouneiw oi
silver for ?2 1,191,340.
Poitland has an "Oregon Iatii
monial Association" which adver
tise to morally and financially ai.l
persons matrimonially inclined.
Tim public school was closed for
the turm last Friday. Appropriate
exercises wcru had at tin
com t -
! 11 )USf' m which the scholars paitiei
pa ted.
Attorney Williams' little child
tumbled upside down into a pool of
wator the other day, but was rescu
ed by its mother just in the nick of
Wm. Miller has accepted tho
ollico of- deputy clerk of Jlamey
county. A more faithful or compe
tent man for the oflioe could hardly
be found.
Ifeppner (Ja'.ette: Tiavel is un
usually good over the lleppner and
Canyon City stage Hue, the lares of
last week from Ileppner to .Monu
ment being $1 11).
Pat McCinnis is to be hanged
ajain. .IndgC Fee has issued a
new death warrant, fixing the day
0f execution for LYidnv, April 2U,
at one o clock p. m.
Frank Sels and Hugh Smith
have leuu buying steers in the up
per end of the valley, and txk
quite a bunch of them over to 13ear
vallev ranges this week.
An empty freight car, which was
carried oil" in the Mississippi cyclone
of three years ago, has just bien
found in a swamp ten miles from
the spot where it was picked up.
Antone ilacheney, who returned
- i t. i. ... i. i
'Olu XUlLiaiHl lau jiiuuniay v, iiaiic
J llis p dnushter of
hnvk Ibicheney, who will spend
several months visiting in U runt
llinton who stabbed Hamilton
last week was placed under SI, 000
IhkmIs, we are informed, for his ap
pearance before the next grand jury.
4i i ,
llnniutJii will soon recover, it is
An addition of ten stamps is to
In; niude in the AlnnmnenLil mill. I
Itcsida; other impioved machinery.
The Monumental is a bonanza, and
Grant county has ethers just as
good, though undeveloped.
At Ilighbiide, Wisconsin, a
t;am.-ter cut the tin oat of a t-irl Hi
years old because she refused to
nmrrv him, and then killed himself. I
.... . . .. .. , ,
'il... . .... i ....ii . ........ ...... ai... ....... I i
ici. fi.,.wf,... m-;u .-M...f .i-ulimiil
i lie "in v.iii remix ur, iiuo uu; iitriiu-
forevi.'i and forever.
f you think there h no local
news in a home paper just go ofi"
soniiyy here and die. This will fur
nish us :m item, and, although you
are a delinquent by a large umjori
ty, we'll extend the usual sympathy
and not let the world knoyv you
were a cioaker.
At Central City, Colo., the other
day, a retort containing ?IO,00J in
j;(il was jibiced in a lunik for sufe
keeping. The gold was all pioduc
ed in a single day by one mine.
Tlie Miiiount is the greatest ever ta
ken from any mine in the same
lent'th of time.
Deputy sheriff Smith of 1 laker
county allowed an insane to
e-i-ape his vigilance :it Jloorl river
.,, , ,,
one mi hi. last week, and the man is i
still at lar:e unless he has de.trove 1 !
himself. Smith was conveying the
to the asylum and while the
train stopped he wandere 1 away.
bet us continually agitit. the e,;- j
tiblishment of a mail route from
Piineville to Canyon City by way
of Heaver creek and upper South
Fork. Y'e need it and the settle! s
in those out-of-thc-v.'ay corners need
it. Some of them have to come
thirty miles to Canyon City after
th-dr mail.
Harney county can no.v be said
ti be in business for itself as there
is already considerable talk al-out
the couithouse ring. As the coun
ty has no courthouse we think the
term a decided misnomer, but it
shows that Harney county is coin-
poseo i.kc an otne.-s or two ciasse.,,
1 1 t It i 1 ." 1 in omee aim u:o,e ouC. :
Deiell, the Idaho murderer, was t
captured Wednesday of last week
at the ranch of a man named
Drown, where he had stopped fJ
food and lodging. Drown had
been postal by o hcers a few hoan,
ly. Tho iuarrel, as usual, yvas the
result of a certain piece of govern
ment land cimniea by both parties
for sheep range.
I The Red Front saloon lms a new
electric can i,en numbered among
Infest. iiinmivi.iiif.tiK'j
Quite a number of our citizens
attended the funeral of Ir. Hal-
cock at rrairio Uity yesterday.
uai urigsny naci to give up
, several trips driving the Mitencll
j stage owing to erysipelas m his
mortality among
persons has been alarmingly
great in this valley during the
past few months.
! A wager of 10 was made by
. iumio cuitu: iu;;ii(iis jau wubk iiinu
t beef would sell for 7 cents a pound
on foot Ljfore ?lay lit.
The bad Ixiys of Jloise City play
ba;e ldl on Sunday, and the local
editor of the Statesman is becom
ing bald-headed over the matter.
Anadi.nuned teim of countv
i com t is in session !,-the purpose of
makm." r.etUement with the sheriU
on account of the delinquent taxes
The Canadian authorities recent-
ly sei.i"! the American fishing
schooner W. Jl. Fnye at CJnind
Manan for an infraction of the cus
tom laws.
Jolm Suthurland's lingers which
were sawed oil' are slowly healing,
although they were very painfu , clergyman in Ohio that he al- ,, it aml t!jis Inan Sullivan
mvin-r to the lact that he took cold WJ1 vs hus either :i row or :i reviv- who had been in the neighbor
in one t them. j in j, cmrch. l0()(l h:Ui been slopping with
Pake:- City had an incindiary ' En'dih armv authorities are nnM winter, having been fur-
lire one night last week, but her hy -
draulic wator works just completed
sa veil the city tram a repetition ot
her diastrous conflagration of last
A LeuisUm man has invent,d a
device for stopping runaway
It blinds thi! animal by clapping
somethin- over his eyes The
iii.i..lmiiU?.i ,,-f,.c f,-n. ,1,;.
ver's se-it
Ed Alien of Long Creek wa ta
ken before U. S. Commissioner
Ttittin, at Pendlet-vn last week
charue.i with sell:nr liouor without.
a license,
I To nvi bnnil iml ro
ue ywa nonos una ie-
turned home.
A bullet filed into a Tennes-e?
nei'io who was ttealinir a ui-' struck
him in the riht arm ran up to the
shoulder, pa sled down to the left
side around two ribs and
(hopped at his feet.
A physician says that more
wrinkles come from laughing
than from worrying. Young wo
men should remember this when
they see a man's hat blow oil"
and go whirling down the street.
In Fort Dodge, Iowa there are
so many saloons that the prohi-
unionists have been senousiv i
the propriety of '
few of the saloon-
keeners in order to terrorize the
a v..i.rooi.-., ,i;.- ...
Iv addresses the viliians who
still pursue inm: 'Ta; lies send-
hg dynamite bombs to this ollice !
...!i ..i 4 4 i. i
viii iiii:ii :ti :iri iiii'ii 11:. iii'k i
i'-'"- . . ...........
:ot necessarily for nublication. i
... 1 1.. : '
sood faith." I
Mrs. C. S. Lockwixxl is aent for
Speirs' S-team Cooker, She; ard's
.Stove Pipe Shelves, Ihewster's
S'afety ltein Holder, and the Favor
ite riating Iron. Thee articles
are of inestimable woi t!i to every
houseke.'per. and the rein holder
cannot well be dispensed with by
those who ritle in ciri iagos. Jtl
It is understood that Mr. .1. P..
Huntington has the solid backing
of the Oregon delegation for the
ollice of register for the Dreyvsey
land ollice and his nomination
for f hat ollice may be expected
at any time. Mr. Huntington's
appointment yvould be onite sat
isfactory wc believe. 1 laker Citv
i ,,., ' t
i - l-O il H. tl L
T1,,; 'xi-i:ii-4 law proy ides that an ;
!'try of land made by a minor, un- ,
(,,,r :l,'.v ol t,u' various l.iyvs, is mva- j
lid. The department has decided
l.liat. a iieiison tiiirl.-.r ' 1 vin ut !...
, t slIIl!lo:t .. w.f.!mr huith.
e:, or other near relative, provideil
.. . j j ,
he complies yyith th(i reiuii'ements
or uie ,aw,.s a person yvnose a:-e u, -
! i 1 I I
! suci. ciimvs is not a u-irner to !:'-;
, yeat him from making a land entry.
j Crime appears to increase ;
rather than to diminish in (Irant j
countv, and no man's life is safe i
fiom the bullet or knife of an en- lover into clover, d makes a crow
emy. Heretofore there has been ; crowd, k makes eyed keyed, g
a premium placed on the crime j changes son into a song, 1 trans
of murder, and yve have in our . forms a pear into a pearl, s chan
midst persons yvho at l-'ast ought Ji-'s 'i boo into a shoe, t makes
to be serving life sentences in the ' bough bought, yv makes omen in
penitentiary. The only yvav to ! to women.
tf( niurtlt.r JiSI(l attempted mm
(Jrr j? to Pnfi.1VL. tlj(, v.1L.:e
there is the least bit of evidence
to convict.
,...,.,. uuv.i
bw showl, sl (,Cjsign for
i,,,,,,,,! frtmi B
(lesline(l i) bmm)e vcn.
once started toward home by a i
steel foot. The girl can, if she I
likes, set this part at a later hour I
1 than half-past ten." i
Miss Kovn Swank is teaching
school at Caleb.
iow many u poor saimoin
, meets his death.
poor salmom !
The tax levy in California is
almost $13,000,000.
in nncient days evervbod
am the lvru. Nowadays the
! piuvs t.Vervbodv.
The preliminary examination
of IVf Sullivan will be had to-
(1:lv at llie court house.
Marriage license has been is-
slR1(1 (o lioyer and lieltv
J 1 oth of Look Creek
A biirkto regulate the sale of
horsetlcsh lor nuinan lood is oo-
fore the English Parliament.
Anv one who murders a man
while asleep in his own bed
should be allowed no mercv.
! The Salvation Army now has
a net hong, uu .ch.uii ui mi
; m'-re sue uu int-a un .iibus,.
j Stansell has given up the
!;ew Hotel." Mrs. Trowbridge
, will perhaps run the house after
; a while.
j The funeral of Hronkee occur
i red last Tuesday. His remains
i were interred in the Canyon City
t i
J cemetery. .
is said of a certain cranky
! considering a project for enlisting
j young boys and lettinr them
. groW Up jnto sodiers.
, , ... ,
II... . I. 1 .... w....... 1 .
. u. mn n i '"". ':
! "has not vet succeeded in break-
' j evcn crust of hell lh:lt
: surroumk that town "
j " , , M ,
Henry Campbell and Iaud Ken-
! nwly, and Franklin L. llardinan
i :uu' Craig have been granted
a license to wed since our laat re-
port. lcee hail prcviou.-l informed
, . . , , i Sullivan that unless he would as
American girls are very much i i i i
Cf . I ; ' f In ii ,i lit.. uv,n i hn nine.)
1 1 I 1
admired in London, some on ac-
' count ol their pink i a ccs and oth-
, i .
j ers on account ot their green-
l acks.
St Louis has no less than sev-
' fnty-eight Chinese laundries, and
l'!,.vs out over -tlOO.OUO annually
j mongolians i nave us wasn-
ing done.
A large sum of money has
been subscribed by the busiiuss
men of linker City for the pur
pose of advertising their city and
its resources.
A Mexican sorceresi? has pre-
Kl.iliirl I hill l.ilis-ittillitiil.lir..
the United States in 1800, and '...viuYmv or a struggle in the ea! -some
of the Mexican papers say . lu ;i:u jt js ro"b:lb,. t Itsit the
l"'ie Is
It is rumored that a teleanmh
line will shortly be established
: from Pakcr
to Canyon Citv, via
k, Oranite and all
Cracker eref k
intermediate points. So mote it ;
I n.ler the. new school law
i..n.. n iii .ri .,...i w,o..,e c .
tl ai.111.1 n ill ri:i I i.i 11111.1111.. 11.1 t
n ;
one, two and three years, and i
r.i,. ,... r I.. ii ,1-in 1 .1 '
rustling; but a certificate will be
yvorlh leivitur ;
A woman yvho became insane
from religious excitement and
yvas admitted to the asvlum at i
w... ii.. ii.v ii, ...ix.
Staunton. Va., in l.SAS has just.
men, navmg i:ccn an inmate oi
the institution for sixty years.
She yvas ninety-two years old.
An exchange yives the following
tood adyice: Wlwn a man point-
ii un at you knock him down, i
Don't f-ton to ask whether it is A.M. I again returned yvitli e tlie one tlial l'.:l"H Had escap
loaded, b:it knock him down and , the coroner and found the 1 oily cd on. He is a light iron grey
don't be ut all particular what you j and surroundings as at my first j with black legs and a long tail:
do it with. It these is to be a cor- i visit. Nothing had been disturb- no brands could 1 e seen, a scar
oie-.-'s let it be over the ! ed." ; on left side of nccic and idiouhler,
(ther fellow; be won't le missed. I Alex McKenna's testimony i he is alnait 5) years old. will
Robert Sigel. son of (Jeneral
Fran. Sigel. having plead guilty
hi forging pension checks, was
senteneed by the I nited Mates
wisinci l oui t at .Neyv i orK uuy
to serve six years m the States
prison. His brother fainted
yvhen the sentence yvas pronounc
ed and it was an hour before he
could be resuscitated.
,t js Mf) W()n((.r jmt fori.iKIM.r,
think the English lanminge so
diilicult to l.ntster when we think
f th( great change that a single
h'tter makes in the pronuncia-
tion of it. The letter c changes
It is very important in this age
of vast material progress that a rem
edy !e pleasing to the taste and to
the eye, easily taken, acceptable to
the stomach and healthy in its na
ture and e fleets. Possessing those
qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one
perfect laxative and most gentie di
uretic knoyvn.
Letter List.
Letters remaining uncalled for
in the pos toll ice at Prairie Citv.
Or., March 31, 1889.
t r 1 t n r ..
."olb" -lr& i
uayton ucorge naniey, ones cr
Harry, Frank Newman, Charles
Persons calling for the above
will wlcase sav advertised.
J. W. Mack, P. M.
! JOM Ercnkce Assassinated While
i Sleeping
Pete Sullivan, the Murderer, Gives 1
Himself upGrant County's
Record Sustained.
unonenrne r,r-,...
. vj.xf iter uuc.
At an early hour Mondav fore-1
noon a man known as Peter Stil- 1
livan came into town and surren- -l
dercd himself to the authorities,
unioneernedlv apprising them of'
the hurt that he "had killed
,mnkee at his
l'ine on
m-eclc "
man was at once
' (,!.,.., ,.i,.!,.nf .,.i ..a,.- c.
! n:onsing a jury acting coroner N.
i Alison with the jury repaired to
the scene of the killing some
I l v.- m .-.o ooc ,,r ,. .!.,.,.,.
the deceased was found lying up
i ()n his u(j with thrce runsjMJ,
, w.,UIUis : i.;s i..,,,.. 111;1I(1 frnm M
Winchest'-r rifle, one cnteiinu the
spine, the bullet ranging upward,
one in the left side the bullet
coming out of the right shoulder,
and a glancing shot in the left
breast, either one of the first two
being fatal.
It Appears that the young man
Hronkoe had taken a claim of
i rnvmmnnt hm.l livmr
' nishud 1 oaid and lodging by
i Ib'onkee because he hid r.o-
i where else to no. It is simply
another illustration of the ser-
i pent stinging the 1 reast that
! ........ ,,,.. ;, i- rri,. .. r.,(.fc
' ' ( ; . 1 " , ; t
I , I IT . "
of !lL'1n1,llor-s with
both parties it could le made
nothing else than a case of cold-
I blooded murder, the probable in-
! centive being the fact that Hron
i 1.- L II. Ill ill ill.-J IV til IV HI- IIJIICI :
. , i , ... t
. r l- l l
: April or else settle for his board,
; , 1 , ... . , , , x '
lUHM' un: pi;iCL' i:y Hit; iukl ui j
; because he did not feel able to
! board him anv longer for nothing.
- Sullivan is said to have made
j the i mark that he Vutiid leave
j the 1st of April, or else "settle"
with his host. 1 hescquai proves
too plain that lie
settled" with
him. I1 rom the evidence it ap
pears that Hronkee was lying
upon his bed, when Sullivan
arose from his bid on the oppo-
4 1 4 I i i lI,,,4 UKa
the tat-,1 shots that sent a miman
soul into eternity, oeih.-ms while
. 't .VI. . I I. . - 1 il. . .1
. 1 t .1,1
t unfoitunate man yvas shot in the
; back as he lay
011 lMH
side, and naturally fell over on
1 n.mi..uiy ien om on
to receive the other ball
j back
j through
his heart. After the
horrible , ,ed Sullivan tooic
, . . . , , ,
u ocatl 1'utcliman id tne
creek, and that lie nail
I... .
oi ni. lie i.'ii ms line mere
vhn:h ws 1,ro,;on 0,1 :lt th;
siocK, ami came on lo town.
rollowirg is tne testimony ol t
Fred Horslev t'iven before tin
coroner s iiiry . i eter no i: v:i i i
.. . ..: . .. .'..ii: i
,..,,i. to m.v .!ee .m! :ibooi. (, ::i) !
()V!oek tins morning. April 1st, !
js.SlJ, and told me he had killed 1
Jhn Hrouk-e. 1 then yvenl to j
tK. (.:l,in wM.rt. tj1(, i,()liv uj
ceased laid and found deceased
lymg on his back on his own bed
and dead. That yvas about S::;u ;
coriol orates that of Mr. Hor.-Iey J
as to the position of the body,
vu Alter nrannsr me losutnoiiv
of Drs. Horslev and On, the jury
returned a verdict as follows:
We the undersiirned jurors
summoned, empamieled a n d '
7 I
I syvorn as a jury ot nupiest to ln
i uire into the cause of the. death
ot the deceased John Droiikce,
after a careful investigation of all
the ircumstancts attending his
death and a thorough inspection
of the body, find as folioyvs, to
yvit: That the name of the de
ceased is John l'.ronkee, about 'M
years of age and that he came to
his death by gunshot wounds in
his back and side and that said
shots yvero fired from a gun in
the hands of one Peter Sullivan
and in our opinion the killing
yvas r.ot justifiable. We there
fore accuse and charge Peter
Sullivan of the crime of murder,
in the killing of the decesased,
John Bronkee.
J. M. Fkhkk:.,
ICi-WAit!) Walton,
Jakk Simons,
(.1. I). RlCKAltl),
P. Mri.cAitE,
L. K. Cozai),
Washingtonian There goes
Congressman It. He's the only
politician in Washington to whom
Dr. Marv Walker yvon't speak.
Visitor Why won't she speak J
to him? j
Washinutonian Whv, at one !
of the White House receptions, i
wh(.M ht. w..8 a lri(. fu,K , ; agk.
eo ncr wnai sue inu 10 ineveni
, ... -. i in. i..
t t t a i i-i a ....... .
ncr uuuBeis oaggiog ni i uu Knees
Mrs. M. D. Clifford has been dan
gerously sick for several days.
Cross Eyes Made Straight in One
Minute by Dr. Darrin.
Editor Oregonian: For four
months nast mv wife has been
i seriously afflicted with rheuma
;om :., V
, tISIll ill llCT ami
For weeks at
; time she never knew what it was
lu a &!od gbt s sleep, and
tnl-v frotn shm' t'xhanstion could
si,: rfts,t11 roin i1!'' .ot tlle
All my friends, tried to
Perf,l! ' nt to go to Drs.
I i . V l'iU t-rbeu
i "' 0? n,nveVL'r' :l,ld found to
j - nlII',1',- l wno possefct-
i ed more skill and ki:owledtre of
1 ,L'r t!:,J' ! I'PJ1
! to-. i!w c!rFs wt' ".-asona hie
; ,M '"V ,:? L, hankl
I l" lAUTin. ut jer to ine :u
183 I), street, Portland.
This is to certify that I have
been deaf nearly lour years anil
found no relief until coming un
der Dr. Damn's treatment by
electricity. I can be addressed
at Portland, Oregon.
I eyes.
I MIoc M !! W.iNi.r
Twelfth street. Portland.
Miss Lucy Moran. Monmouth,
Mrs. Shea's girl, -KS Columbia
street, Portland.
Mrs. M. liebes' son, Mo. Water
street, Portland.
Mr. E. Ahll", HM North. Four-
teenth street. Portland.
Miss Fanny Kennedy
Walla, W. T
Miss Lillie Quental,
W. T.
Miss Eula trrek-. Seattle, W
Mr. J. B. Tichenor's girl, Sa
lem. Oregon.
l he above an only a lew
i I I r l- . r
names selected from a list of
, . . . . ., . , ,
! hundreds who !::rve been succcss-
fully treated. Xo charge is made
! unless the cure is perfect, and the
treatinent is z.lmost painless.
Dr. Darrins' Place cf Business.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted
, Walla;
Taconia 1 V
free at 2V) Fifth street, corner of; ,':nown to be most beneficial to the
Main, Portland, Oregon. Ollice human system, forming the ONLY PER
hours from 10 to 4 daily; even- FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
!. 7 ,..l..,.e in 10 . promptly on the
; All curable chronic diseases. lo,s
, ot jn.lMiU)0(J i)!(K)ti tainls .,VI)
i . . .
II-i"w, w. - - v... iiiv'.i
spcrmalorrhieea. seminal yvvak-
ness or mss of dc-ire ot sexual
jnnver in man or woman, catarrh
and deatness are couhdontiallv
! and successful!. treated. Cures
, oi? ., (ljsi'.Si-s guaranteed
! :lU(1 ML,Vcr r,ub)ish;., jr, w .,.
puniisiieU m ine t
pers. Circulars sent free. Most
cases cun receive home treatment
after a visit to the doctors' ollice.
X. 1. The oflice at Salem is
(IllCl'l) llwi ll'll l.!"'- l'lUfilJ:!"
... ...... I..V .'....V ..V ...Ifc 1"
a... .......
v.-ll. .HI) 1 :.-ti;i.- lill'IV.. IIL.H"
ment, in that vicinity can eall
yyuite to the l'orlhi!..! ollice.
or '
51 .u eh "I
Fi-rroK Xmw.-: After re:.dim:
in vur paper :m accomit of a :
murder .ominitted bv V. iiham
Mideli in liise.v.d!. v". i thonirht 1
it niV duty to give you the de-
script ion of a iars' that came to
our place one mile east oi Calo
last evening, thinking he might !
yvcigh 1 HM) li s. he is very gentle,
appeared to 1 e very tired and
lenuor looica.
.1. D I.ak.v worst:.
Two ne 1-oes h.ive Ik-cii conyioted
:lt Charle. ton, S. C., for lyncbin- a
...I !i . ... MM ! !. i! ! a
white man. I his is tic first time
that lynoliers have iwfn convicted
in the .taie, and a ho th first
in which a v. hit ' nun has be:n
lynched by negro- .
The juice if yhiky jiunpe 1 j
from ten to tAcmy eenti a dink in
M 1 . . i. .. I . i I j I I
a luouuiuii lu-.mi kim. weeic, ami 'nt'
editor of the toyvn paper used this
fact as a reason fo. a Ivan rang rate
and cuttin' off df-.i.l-hoa.'l..
Cash advance; wide on wool fur
consignmi nt U) Christy it Wise,
San Fr.mctsco.
Coflin, it McFarland, A.te.
tf. Arlinton, O..
.av . I
Letter List. I
List of letters remaining un- i
called for in the postoJliceat Can- .
yon City. Or. March ;J1. 1881).
Mrs. Mary A. Dealy 2, S. Har
per, Maria Mattremen, Franklin
Onus, E. A. Wright. Emorv A.
Wood. L. b Uesing.
Persons calling for the above
will please sav advertised.
O.'P. Ckksap. P. M.
O'lICH is hereby given that 1
have appointed the. folloyving-
tmuied per ons a: :ny Deputies, viz:
' :'nn l" ,'lxc
John 0. Luce Jol n D.iv
warre.i uarsner
Long 'reel-
! r u i i t-i -n
iLH Johnson Davvifle
tjaH. uiiiice ..
If. ClTllL,
Slock Inspoctnr for Grant County,
Poalollico Mt. Yeriiou, Ur.
March 31, 'SX
En. News: Dayville is i u
proving, a big hotel is in co irsa
of erection by Mr. Fields oppo
sition is the life of trade.
.Shearing is in full blast. Frod
- 1 G"on the cowboy masher is bo3S
a of tnc ennK 1 be boys say they
made I red treat to tlie tune ot a
big hog dollar for playing tho
gallant. He paid it like a little
Mrs. Win. Murray and Mhs
Hurdie Lewis arrived from bolo.v
last Sunday, where they spent
the winter. They don appear
i i..... i c
iu ii;ie ciijuycu iiic uiuikuu oi
emoot very well, but tfiey must
remember thev lacked the mud
supporters and when they fully
develope them they will be able
to navigate in perfect safety.
Jas. Pratt, saloonist, is to Ie ivj
j soon for California to ge marri-
ed to an heiress. Can't in i'o
, him believe marriage is a failure.
We learn there is to bo
court held until Sjotember.
The following older has U;en is
sued by the po.tmastei general, and
j will be of interest to all: Anv nos-
: till card, or envelope, or any outside
cover, or anv ether mutter nnnn
I . - v i
J which uppoai-s anything which re-
! Hfh; in?:n intiulv m. mm flio nupcnn
add;es;ie(I or upon his conduct, or
is plainly calculated or intended to
i injure the feelings or leputition or
whieii threatens him is unmailable.
j It h allowable foi a person to send
, a bill or a request to call and settle,
j but anything further is liable to re-
: suit in'a heavy fine,
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
tvilfi f Ii medicinal virfiiM nf nl-nl
a::d to
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are ilelighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu-
factutol only by the
San Fsancisco, Cal.
Louisville. Kv. Jn'iiw Voax, N. Y.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To uu: hnrron l'lense inform
your readers that 1 have a positivo
lemeuy lor mo anoe unmca isi
i sense. By its tin cly uso thous
( auds of hopeless have been
, permanently cured. I shall be.
glad to send tyyo liottles of mv
imedy five to any of your read-
Crs who have consumpfion it tbev
w s'"11 uieir impress aim
I'osto'lleo.ul.lres . It -s, ect"nl'y.
l A HClj;M lL c- ,f 1 Pcarl
'Sl"' v" "
Canyon Citv, Orkuon,
Traveling men will flnd this a
pleasant and desiruble place at
yyhich to stop.
fiite us u full
A Complete Assortment 'f
Vegetable, Flower.
Grass, Clover, Alfalfa and
Implements, Egg Food, Elc.
Ahl ress GEO. ST ARRET,
Walla Walla. Wash. Tcr.
Cigar Factory.
Daicku Cnv, - - - Oi:s-:c.or.
Ki thing but the be t
Foreign and Domestic Tobaccos
Used in Manufacture.
All Cijrars lear the l-ninn ami Wliltj Inbi.r
Ask all dealers for Wright Urea.
Flower of Baker and Souvenir
brands. Thev are the finest in the -
a a ai u ca