in A 5 i -i I I r mi i i if, (v if Li CANYON CITY, Cr'Ji.dNT COUNTY. OnEGOJMTEUBSTJA Yf FEBRUAR Y 14, 1SS9. Number 4'7 'olunno X. . : ii- tpxxss. j Grant Co. flews. WHMSllUt) THURSDAY MOUNINO, liY D. I. ASBVfRY . Editor and Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription . Six Mouths.-. . .s:j oo ..1 50 US T:;aXS1K.ST APyKKTlSI'.MKXTS S'iSOjxr r.i:arr for tirt, kiid Si xr k.(tare for each llrwuUr n.l,-r:itH' ratr mad.! knn on np plk-atien. ctJrtMicitr ivcn until kit charges rc juid All Kentling Notices in Local 'Jolumn will be charged Jit the rate of 20 cents per lino for first, ami 10 cts each subesquent inser tion. . Special rates to regular ndverlwors. -Wli AUK I'kTIWUEI) TO EXECUTE- -fine Job Printings r OK KVKKV DESCltli'TION, CHEAPLY UPwlors, Dodgers, Billhoads, Let terhoads, Notoheads, State ments, Invitations, Ticket, Cards Etc, etc. l'KIXTED TO OUDEU. Xi.lWS llCLVTlXO TO NeWSI'AIM'.KS: 1. Subscribers who ilo not give tx press notice to the contrary are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions. "J. If subscribers order the dis continuance of their periodicals the publisher may continue to fcen 1 them until all arrearages are pa: 1. i. It subscribers l.elect or re fuse to take their )eriodicals f loin tlie ofiiec th-y are directed to, they are responsible until they settle their bills, and order their paper discontinued. ' r i. li subscribers move to olhct )lnces without informing the pub lishers, and the papers are sent to former directions they are held responsible. 15. Th. courts have decided ''that refusing to take periodicals fitu th-3 office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. (5. Any peraon who receives a nfivspaer and makes use of it, whether lit- has oidere.) it or not, is. held in law to be a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in ad vance they are bound to give no tice to the pub isher at the end of their term, if they do not wish to continue taking the paper, other wise the publisher is authorized to send it on. and the subscribers will be responsible until express notice, with payment of all arrears is set to the 'publisher. OFFICIAL DIliKtTOl'Y: ( .hidge. . Cwt fC . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . CmntiiiidoniM' F-'un-ftvor Sheriff AsaesiW . N. 1. Mttxiy. . . . Phil Meisehan X. li. T. dev. j J. II. Mellalev. I - II. II. Davis. J. II. Nenl W. P (iray . . Clias. TininH. E. Haves. Bl(K)i Supt. Stock Inspector T. II. Curl L. II. Ison .James A. Fee .J. j Kami DLsr. Al'orney. Church Dirccto:y V.ev. A. ICads holds divine ser vice at thfi "Virie'rar school house at J i o'clock a. tit. on the 1st. Sab bath of ench m-uith, and at 7 o'clock in the evening at the M. K chr.:ch in Prairie City. Also at the Strav.-lierry s: hool house at 11 .r. m. on tlMord S.ibbath of each month and at Prairie City in hc ctvemut: of the same day. At .John DavCitvnt 11 n m. on the 'itnl and -lib S.nid.ivs. an 1 at Can; o City at same dav. City at 7 in t'te e. tnin of tl.e R30rl Ar. Snr;', CchteiP?. Trai'iljf?lanrJ. n.puri Uh ..tirw. i.Ui.., j .uu- eau, Scnft'Ltotifc; To.vnsitc:, cxl H3:00. i ' 1 . ti ' sC-'7 ' h tvory atltcr ViovveOPFS.SEnLER'S -'ftj Ld Piie.inirrot-gurnrr.Jj.snd Pitting OsriMlYSs rjotlerTerrar. GUIDE, 12 pp.; fries enly 25:, (jisstago xt2mp P I tO rON A L GA I : DS. jg OKIi, M. D. Canyon City, Cgn. Ofilcv on Main Street 1 r.a-m fBrotiriy nwa ly It. Howard. N. U. HOLEY. fhiuyon City Oregon G. i. nAZKi;nxM jpiiotograilio c CANYON CI1V, ORKUOX. g S. DENNING. Attorn ey-:t tO mix ir. Long Ckkhk - - Ohf.oon J J McCULLOTJGH. Xotars Pub! ic. Canyon City - - Om: on rOfiicc with M. D. Clifford a UimI tllintr hh1 follfcti -i.s romitly atttn dl to. 1cpIs ami Morta-tt? drawn, and clmrjr: ren'on-il-li'. E. A. Knight, 2DE3XTTIST. From The Dalles, has permanently located at John Day City. ALL WOBK WARRANTED. Q A. SWJ3ER, P ttoj ev-at-Law Cany C - Oregon. pARRlSH & CoZAD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Canyon City, Oregon. rpnoKNTON WILLIAMS Attorncy-ut-IiUW, CANYON CITY . . OltFUON Office at the courfnouse. C LAY TOD HUNT EI I. ConstaTDlo, n.iicl Collector. Canyon City, Orca Al! liMMti't f -.trifttMl t ii 'arc wil receive lrn..;t ait.n'.i i. ail all hkmkv willlto paid as f ;t a i!!'- tut. Attornsy-at-La-w AN1 ITotary PuIdIIc. PitAiitiE City - - - Okeoon. Also Agent for the sale of School Lands. j-:?0 if 1 0 Propt-irtLor !' :i ? JohnDay SVlilk Ran or' Fresh milk delivered daily to mv customers in John Day and Canyon cities. Cive me your or-1 tiers. uuvmt. W. A. V. tiMiinK. Nat. lit i.sos. j I.aVei.-u, Or. ltuni'.Ur. , WILSHI8E 5 riUDSOil Attorneys at as I.AKEVIKW ANi 1U UN'S. OltiMON. Wi!! mt:t ii. lUr Clrrnit (Viiirt at I'aiixnn C-iM.awl bcrr the T. S. Land Otlire at UUc view. Am Uniw in the I.vid OUir ciitr:i-.tI to i;s Ui raeuive Uie iMv.t jtrnmpt atii-iitloii. 2T lid sollcitotl. P. V IIOUSLEY.M D. C StAlU'ATK OF TH K UnIVKKSITY OF P "NNSYI.VANI A, April S, IS 18. Canyon City, Oregon. O.lice in his Drugstore, Main Street rdors for Drus promptly filled. N'o professional jKitromte solieted m' ss direction1 are tri -tly followed I RK Pi according io PlRECTIDHS wilri eacr- BmTLE, FOR BURNS AHD SCALDS. It Is only on Inte priiiriplcs thst nnturc U ht-lpcil In its "tnnrsle. and .nly through isnnr- ..nii. 11 itiii.tiKitii..l nr nnivu.1 fatal - 1 ...... - . . .. t ' where it could U- relic; ed. St. Jacocs Oil Cunts Pcrmaticntly. Daily FVIisho p 3.-?core of hh .pic dnily brou:lii in i-4.iiU.-t "itii hint. Mt nm. U .ilin ; water ami cniihustihl. arc hourly injured 1-v oin mishap in the nature of n hum or M-ald, ' and thousands have been itiuil of .-u h ly this best kn.m u remedy fur the euro of iiiu. PnoMPTLV. Pcrtcctlv. Surely. Wiw If- Ant:. -It nets as a cuntcr- lrriuuit n t!i: mnm-e injur. .l.K. ntly drawing out the heat caused l-y the hum. lIe it SU4lt,K19 lf. .wll,t ,tIj iii; natur.- in the healing pt-.w ... ure i : i'aitisof this kind and lll'Ul be Ktt handy ! where fire ami Mc um nre um.i1. Evtnv Dottlc Contains A Curc. Precaution. IhJt asn precaution loiU uo where .-.erniUi liurn nnd .cald iK-cur. i:nd that tnineritu: may ti"t int. n-it:.Hl thnntgh Ism.rHtice. read carefully directi.'ii- fir its use aeooiuuitiyit;g every Wile of at. Jacobs Oil. EVCRY APPLICATION RELIEVES. Soltl ly DrufigUU ctul Denie s F.rctyirhrrc. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Ballimorc, Md. 5 & fc gjTHE ONLY Brilliant i Durable : Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They exec! all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others,, are just as good. llewarc of imitations ihcy arc made of cheap and inferior materials and tyt!rFwaTi!rtJcly 1 colors? Cm - 3G colors; 10 cents each. Sent'. postal for Dye I'.olc, Sample Card, direction for ci'bring l'ho:o;., malms tlie finest Ink or liluing (o cts. a quart, etc. Sold by Druggists or by WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. For Gilding or Bromine Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. Til V. COW a'.BASD, TO XDWIGHT'S "S O O A DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE iWIOHFS SOIf-lfil-iMD SALERA?US. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS L'KIHORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Ilo suro thai iLazv in a pi. tun- of a Co-p : jour i.arka;:i atnl jm v.-ill huvc 0 i. i.j. Sod.1 mute. THE COW Dlt.OrD tiii:- Janymi Git 9i S WALTG'W -IS THK l'l.ACK '! Will --"'j3(ilh. Hharc 7'. fimf .-.- iKy.nifl ! i.-l-MI. .. It h luipor- t..t l.'t lh, It- 1U t.P S.i'.' r.'.:" yo f, .." on'.'l ti'Wh ). :..! I ..! .a.o a nil Th lV ' ! 'H 15s -l 1 .-J'. - .J. ". .tl-:.-i ... ; i .,: i : "Ann b -r tl.i'. it h- ' n- . ; prof-rt r a t-tt.fH-iv.rl!-- it t . I-.., t n. . i'iiI. . t. ri.i 'I 'I r.:: 1 of H .! 1 or -: 1'. "-itn i.r-:. .1 with h-'iir j.ui t.ii iVi si T-r .VA. ON j;V12UY ! .11 .1 l.r Ji "s7"T"i -i'-W.--V et.-., of wl.lrh r..-.:j rait- ffM'-r.; . i. y it ii irSr4 C k(V,--V'' iJ y-'A '"- lod.r am m.i.k-. .u j I 1:.: f 1 Gf O 'J K? " - - I'aniww tir:.i- -h I r..H- J - sl!i.n: iit!-er.nlytlu"Arm ,;rttori.!t.-!. ,ur:.a !?Vs ! ' frll' Hamaiir" -"or j ifori .!-.' . : a- mi - , r. Til ciKMHm aaa n.-p:un t ntM e..ul . .rt? n WJSsa'tfaV ' 'r 1 jr.ik Puns aweci aatl r:n -; Jl r-l.r. :: l . , B- v , utu tth-ii I- ) it ii ': k. Vv"!." ''-'44! eurony. Sec ibat Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft EOURE "When T sav Crr.r: I do not r-ean merely to Fton them for a time, and then have them re turn a-atn 1 Mi:;N A KAlMtAL CL'ltE. 1 have mado the disease o FITS, EPILEPSY" or FAILING SICKNESS, A lifc-lonp study. I WAi-.rtANT my remedy to Cur.n the ;vor.-t cases Uec-nuse othe.s have failed Is no reason for not now reeci vm,r a cure ....... I .... r n fk n fri-nliLn n.i.l fl I' IIPI' I If IT r 1- ri.ii'i.4fc.' " n... ....... - ...... . ... of my I Mai mull Ki.mkiiv. titve and lo-t ortiee. It co.-ts you notlilng lor n H.G. ROOT, m.C, l83PEARtST..NEWYCRi( i.l r.-iiirn iiiiir nr ail nor fin P n L'-.tta nntM: i;ll clol rna. M EcstCouirh Syrnp. Tnstes rood. UfiO u inun. soul oyuriiKrisw. I boiiovo Piso's Cnro for Coiuumptinn savocl my life. A. II. Pmvi.i.i,, Kditor Enquirer. Fden ton, N. C, .April 2.J, 17. i-nv ii i 1 1 n i i mm ' w i t n 131 8 - Tho nnsr Couult Medi cine is's t'L'in-: ton Coxscjmi'tio.w Cliiidrcn tske it without objection. By all druggists. U5c. CUF1ES WhtllE ALL LLSE FAILS. Best "uUfli Syrnp. Titiitcs tfoixl. Ueo int'.rae. Sold lirdrucsistr-. ii 1 1 EES ' . & POUND CURES JifeoOFs" mmim ill i 1 . 111 falne's Celery t'oni HOU ral&la af&i cured my r.-rv- a Wjljclc headaches." " ' 11 '""'' ""' X v L. A. Mkkntnck, CBan Jacinto, Cil. Nervous .sjm .. , P rest ratio n fomi vw' Wco- ' -fCSftaiitid I am cured j "Ii il nr in-- iix.rc Kidney jkU'K'jujt t.i jrj a ir in Ui DlSeaSOS c:ne" Cm. Ar. it, Sioux C ly, 1 j. N,( "I'aiin.' Celery t ons- pound has 1 ccr. c ill LIVQr 1.. 11. fit fi.r torpid lurr, Ml t-ii ;i,idi!:iMi..n,andl;.; ..11- r)i;nrHer; ik." i-.lizauiiii C. MAKE DWIGHT'S Marher N i- t Ui-M A I I KT-rS.A?s- or Jhiir-cul! ' . fcitr l.!a?pooaful of U10 h- rfi Ikikm;; l'ow.I. ,.iv itii; twonty tiaitn itri r..;. 1. -.-til -s In fnii lll.l -Jl hOll.til'.cr, TlPI'AMtO it 1 i's ruii lam any itij ti .as miIiki.:;.!'.-!., I'.ci'hastdum, t -.-I t allsi r ton ml : Arm HnroiHPr Pr.ind" contains full Hi cuuen in t. ami t!io p ".iud p.i- kn; i f 1 oHi.c tn-!. S .la or K;Ur.itUi ww . !-p- ci flod oa each laelugc. rr.V.i PACK lfir. srvthoiJurci tTjr I?5s ream Bal irg 7 Clrunses tuc Basal Pa iuyj .'aiiiarainntion vi 1 HCE.Oie3 t.'lC and. HoaiTJUE ij:;:r-Ucd iatnei-.chiinstri! nnd ls-.z?c j- o. PrSi-rnOc. vt :ii:k!"Ih .r l7 nml' j:iA i:i- JTHj-'!uV-oY"orrc:iSU,Nev ioxlu n. m.-y i . H.I...U OF PURE GOO LIVER OIL MOHYFOPHOSPHITS Almost as Palatable as FSlik, j Co ilUgvls- tJ ha It ?o a!iir., dif;ccl, nml iiettiit'rttcrt by ll.o ihos' .fliihltivo t:i.icl, m!hmi lie Jilain lt CK.imnt lc tnlei-jiteit ; nml by tl- nn i.t );; inn of tlie- oil vlth tlie- l-.j-po-plinerhlte li niucti more cCleat iou.i. Ki r2ar.ab!o as a prorlscr.'. Terras iraln raritlly wltilc teUv.-; ii, SPO'IT'S j::vI(:r.?IQN is aclcuo;;-:-. -kid by i&'hy.;.r;?.- r, thcFirtcstand T.e:.: ); r. rutioa ia t he world for the reli and cure o COHSUWPTlOfi, (SCROFULA. GENERAL DESJLtTY. WASTTrfQ DISEASES, SMACIATkCP.'. COLDS esnd C5!CJG CQUCilG. JT-.e great rm alj for Consu:xp!'i;!i, c;..: Wistln'j in Children. Sold ly all Div.j.jisis SALERATUSV scnscx icmi jLe cj-caTiUie provides as ronows xinis uoae, K33 iisa is LlveiT aifl Feefl stable. i LEE TvllLLSS, Propr. w f - - r . . SHTF.u'KUHt.'sflLO STAirJ..; Having bought these populat ! Stables J respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Fiisl-t'lass Single and Double Teams Lo let. riNi: niotiiKS .t koad ci:t?, Special attention given lo the care of transient stch. R5 E ii t oil S- 1 Tlii pojmlar roiuctly never fulls to effectually euro Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Hcadacho, Eiliousness Ami nil Il.seusc arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural result iu s;oixl atipc. lite iiikI J !cs!s. Dose suiull, -'leTutilly stsyrnr coated and t h'.villo-.v. Sulci everj ulierc. t'Titfcmutlnn "! fi' I'arm. Jlmi.ic ln:l:l, V irl..sln 11 ml Hekrovm'' will bo a nt j'v.c c:i fj(iVt(iuji UPPI1IC II 0 . , Canyon City Okkcon. I toots or Slit.- r.nle to order, or tR-itlj r.;iirl. I All Work Wan-ant nil First-elusR. i CITY LIMY STABLE! COb'UAL, and VKKD ST A I.LK rropri.-tor. (Wood A- Church's old Stand) j OooJ l.narify te in and nfce Saddltt Uro. j fnri.iidic.1 .it all hour" .4 th- day or nltfht a l reio'-.nrit.l-- prK'M. Paiti.-nlsraJlatliw l riling :uul cr.-.mi!i tran-it'iil ettwk. KNTKANOE v Main and Witiin t-ri vlrt-ft". "BIT SALOON!" J A.N YON CIIY - Ort'L-oa JJnglu Smith, propi'. A Full SI.h of I h Iawst af ;nB ih1 liquors. TV I'.-t eiyjryiHtlte Mntttu ,t- trt.t?y nrdetly hmte eoitdnclerf Not Whereas, there appears to be a lack of knowl- edeg of the law in regard to the collection oi taxes with a large majority of the Taxpayers of Grant Gsagca. a- Oounw I take this metftao. of miormme 1 tj j I 5 1 ..ii i n i ii i.. .i... j ml snail of Lilt miiv oi. iu- rin:riii ujioh u-.-i i i..ii- inx ieu jusii iim- vmi:iiv lei'K, lllim NliilltMv ! there.ift-r t' ,ive !Uti-.v by p:rtiii"; hand bills, thre in -.e!i pnvinet, to the frif-t he or his deputy will 'attui-I at. tlf usual place of voting in ea-.-.h pre.-inet i.i hi; en;:nty. for the pcrp.t ..f ooile;tin taxes, notice to ' b- tven fifteen (l.iys lhtfore su h nie"tin, and if any pff. on .-.siflinr in -ueh precinct shall fail to attend at , sti h tiiin' and pit a-ii! ji.iv his or her tocfi sueh d-Iie p:eut nny utiy the si:iii within thirty da"3 at tliy, ; t'ouhtv S.--t to th" .vh 'fill', and if Ste fails t"i;iv within the this ly d:v and lh.; S-heriiT vi-iu 13 m idwtee the. , heii;i' iii iy -ll ct of such pr.s;ii for iTriolawfiiTiovTHflofi tqw 'The .-herili' shall on tie first Mr-mitiy of April make out a H-.t of the 5 ).liiujue:tfc Tuxe in his GVuuitft .md retain the same In the Cotttsty Court with at: a?!idait t.) Ik; annexe' I to the sume to the. effect titabsuoli titvM as are .' ret. n'tte.l as unpai'l tire. not jnid and that he li-it tot uot tliligent immiry i.en able to tind any viw ls chattels Jh'loit'jjinjy to person.; so return".! wher.- .u he eu;ihl levy the Kimc." Now I do not propose to take such an oath without first making an effort to find the property and if found to sell the sam "before the first Mon day in Arril to satisfy such taxes. W. P. GRAY, Sheriff. Med Frmit Milimrd Mailt '1 ' t-u . , C. D. Baa lev In hn 117 rs, C.'I.YYOX CiT)' 1 1 on rij JiuxC.s (Utlebra((,(i t I luiTcuscd r:tlnc'd Olory compound and It has had a saiutarj creect. It luvkjorat- cdtliesjstemantll feel lite a iR-u- man. It Improves the appetite ami facilitates dltjfci- .tlon." J. T. Corn- land, I'rlinus, b.t'. Paine's Gelery Compound 13 a iititquc tonic and appetizer. Pleasant to the taste, (pilck In Its aetimi, and without any I Injurious effect, tt :les that rti'Zfreil health fei-lln, and was so weak that Icouullinniij jrut which makes everything ttte giiotl. ltetia around. IKiutrhtalNittleofl'alne' and klndn-d disorder. Plixslelans pouiMl. anil lfore Iliad taken It a wtvk I felC nr..irritw it t ou for s oa l)rui."lsts. very nnn h ivtter. I chc-fully rvcomutuita prescribe It. .i.ou. .tror.5.w. iru,0iMs. j bulhllnftipaiMlsfetixthon- W'tus. IliriiAui?ON A: Co.. P.urllnKton. Vt DIAMOND D Yho verer ju Alway: turd New Hotel, Canyon City Or. riUST CLASS AirOMMOUATIONS Special AUejUion Paid lo Traveling and Commercial Men. . . i...,.... Courteous Attention When In The City Give Us a Trial. H. STANSELL, Proorietor. 4t PRAIRIE Q If. BATES, Proprietor. Tlie Cnlin.'iry Department js in charge of Competent ami Kxj t-rianuQtl Cooks, who siwt-e no lfllxr to do honor to '.ho pahttcs of tho Public. In Connoclicn with this Popular Hotel is at nil limes supplied vith the Heat J3rands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SAMPLE KOO.v.H POK ice to Taxpayers. fi i . ? t 'I' l .11 his own use ti-u e.-rits jmt mile goin Ski i' Ojfiff 5 Proprietor. L'ujuors and Cigars. - - OREGON. Beer Constantly on Tap You Hungry spring medicine mwuia more now-a-days than It ,1m u.u yCars af;o. The wluu-rof 1SS-vj haaleft thiMiviveswi out. Tw ncrws must be ttrcnstln-ned, the 1lo.l purUtcd. llvt-r and. MWvH ((wpiiatcd. Pulm-'s tVIory C'ompouud lllt spring medicine cV-iy-doea all this, as aothlusr el etui. Vrtentxd ty rhpta'an, ntemlfd l l)rv'j:riU, Kn.lvrte.1 by JiiufcV, auarantctd b'J the llanufaelxtTert to U The Best Spring Medicine. In tho snrintr of lST I was all run down. I would p-tuplnthe morning with s tired a lng moillelnu." 31 rs. u.a. now, nunmgton. u LiU I M I LU r UUU 'fa vhtfsician'ttiwnte. , V Given io Every One. CITY, OR. 7 COMJirRCl A I. TKAYKI.KH.S. them. page f .1.- II. i.. II .1 1? . I ami returniiur." : HO tRf)R Wit1