Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, January 31, 1889, Image 3

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lI? '
Is this April! No, it is only
January, but regukr April weather.
Ait .
.niumtion is directed to the
of the "Weit Shore magazine on
posits pagp.
puld not a wholesale
w u very forr nwm !.. i.r..
x o hii; jiui-
iiey valley anarchists?
Ir. J. E. Learned has taken his
departure for Caldwell, Idaho, to
remain a few months.
ihore are a number of old maids '
loft over from leap year, who will
not have another opportunity of
popping the question for four years.
"We hope our exchanges will stop
circulating the falsehood alwut
Grant county being over a hundred
thousand dollars in debt. It is no
such thin''.
That artistic printing for the
Grand Anny Hall tickets was exe
c ;tsd at the jSV.vs oflice, the place
where you get all kinds of
printing lor
Wc sav.- a bran-new silver dollar
last week. It was a pretty-looking
a Tair; had an eagle with outstretch
ed wings on it under an arch of
stars. It was made in the United
The Courier-Journal asks: "Can
lien Harrison go contentedly into
the White House with .British lire
works spluttering over hi, head,
whan an inferior article, at a higher
price, ean be bought from American
The Odd Fellows gave a social
party at their hall Tuesday evening
for members of the order and their
Tom Smith expects to start for
Kearney, Nebraska, this week to
dispose of his band of horses at
that place.
From the frequent volioy-3 of dis
charged firccraekors it must be in
ferred that the Chinese are celebra
tin;' their Newvcar.
On the 24th inst. J. X. Dolpli
was elected U. S. senator bv the
legislature at Salem. Gov. Pen
noyer was the opponent.
Sheriff Cray accompanied by
C. Vr Parrish, stas ted to Salem
Tuesday morning having in
charge the insane man Frank Ow
ens. Horace Sloan rendered him
self incapable for work by injur
ing one of his fingers, returned
home from his Elk creek mines
Saturday night.
?.hs. Emerson, sister if A. C.
Dore, took h:r dej,aiture yesterJay
morning for her home in the Ivist,
a'tcv spending a few months visit
inir at the home of her brother.
House Bill Xo. G!), introduced
by .Mr. Gilliam for the creation
of Harney county, is in some re
spects like the one introduced
two year ago. Section one reads
as follows:
To redistrict the state into sen
atorial and representative dis
tricts; eommitte on elections.
Making it the duty of county
recorders and county clerks to
That all of that portion of . iurn over to county assessors
Lis ankle injured the other dav bv W,,IP uwiiiiuiy on account oi Her ;UH1 my to the county of Grant a
ailing on him. Parties J"eiftous m &-ncR, u nine island . Just proportion of the
Oubbel, son of Dr. Horssluy, had
a lioiae fallin
who have observed the boy forever
riding on the run would not have
lien surprised to hear of his neck
being broken long ago.
A lady teacher of music inserted
her professional card in one of the
county papers. It was seen by an
old lover in Chicago, who at once
hunted her up, explained his a!
.sonce of a quarter of a century, and
married lit-r. It pays to advertise.
S. S. Denning was over to this
tv.n from Lm Creek la&t Satur
day ami purchased a marriage li
cense for himself and liss Helen
Kieller. The marriage was to have
been solemnized at Lom' Creek
yesterday. 31 r. and Mrs. Den
ning will please aecept the congrat
ulations and well wishes of t!ie
Salem must be a hard place for
money. At Moody's revival the
31. E. church was full of people
1200 being present and when the
collection was counted only 8-1 was
found in the plate.
County clerk, Mctschan, received
a copy of the Harney county dh's
ion bill last week from a friend in
Portland. Hamilton or Gilliam
have net time to spare mailing bills
to "Canyon scrubs."
Unsle Sam is liable to have to
Grant count v lying south of th
foiicving described lir.o be and
the same is hereby created and
organized into a separate county
b the name of Harney, viz:
beginning at a point where the
west line of Grant county crosses
the township line between town
ships 18 and 10 in said county of
Grant, r.ivl running thence cast
on said township line to the west
line of the old Malheur Indian
n. re: vat ion in said county of
Grant; thence north following
the west nne oi said Indian res-
1 crvation six miles; thence east to
the eatl line of Grant county."
As will l.e sten by tho forego
ing, Harney coir ty is not con
tent with the southern portion of
Grant, but desires to extend her
lines to include almost all the
arable land south of ihe John
Day valley, and tako3 in twe
t birds of llie territory of Grant.
Hy such means she could easily
maintain a county government,
but where would l c tho justice
in such a pi oce -ding? Is Grant
county thus to bo dissevered and
her tir.-ilory unequally distribu
ted? Harney wants to become a
county. Then why not work for
the passage of a just and equita
ble bill? Section 10 reads:
"The countv of Harnev, within
I one year after its organization by
the appointment of Us olhcers as
herein nrovided, shall assume"
Julv 1 of each year an abstract.
of all instruments on file given as
security ior ueoi; committee on
commerce. ' 7
Directing the statStreasurcr to
credit Union county svith $8000.
12; committee on assessments.
To authorize the construction
and operation of portage jail-
And Diseases of the Throat and
Lungs Scientifically and Success
fully Cured by Drs. Darrin.
The Doctor
; Have a Branch Office
Eugene City.
the Cascades and be-
thu offensive dis-
rre soon diminishes, inllam-
in the south Pacific. One of our
ships was fired on recently by a
German man-of-war.
The matter published under the
head of "Oregon Legislature"
does not include the whole num
ber of bills, but only the in
which tho residents of this part of 1 ertv. and the
Oregon would bo interested in i edness to b
Mr. Fred Guion, who in company
with Win. Gray, and Chas. Kinlay
son and Ward Swift was in town
' from Payville la-it Saturday on laud
busimK, rode the line Monte Chris
(o st:llum lielonjjing to Mr. K. F.
Mcb'ae, and had the picture of the
horse and himself taken by Mr.
llazoltine our ellicient photograph
Mr. Guion was attired in the
regulation vaquero riding habit.
The V)vs enjoyed their vijit to our
town immensely.
Grant county's senator and
resontative are "daisies, and
should Ik; lewarded for their courte
sies by a leather medal. Notwith
standing they each voted them
selves live dallars worth of postage
.stamp, not a single copy of any
bill or measure of any kind has
mm sent to their constituents at
this place, or .John Day or Prairie
City either, so far as we have been
able to learn. Perhaps they deem
us unwo:thy of notice. However,
it is highly probable that they have
an eve to business, ami desire to
knowing of.
Governor Pennoycr's second
message t the Oregon legislature
is anable .ind interesting document
and should be read by everybody.
It is not very long, but it discuss
es all important subjects affecting
our state in a comprehensive maii
nei. The odit'r of tSio leaves
this morning for Maker City. Any
persou having a ''score to wipe
out" will picas-" defer that, opera
tion until his latum, as the- editor
.I'd tern is not in fighting trim,
aud is responsible for none b:t
bis own utterances.
The first symptoms of mental al
henition is a desire to write ptry.
AVo have received several jroduc
tions from the ?lus of late, which
grated on our aurisularr. like the
svnnihonic wail of a disconsolate
bull frog, They were n-logato 1 t-
the waste basket, where the stutt"
projierly belongs.
Coggswell of h;ike county has
introduced a bill in the senate
for the creation of Hamilton
county from the northern portion
of Grant. Of course no copy of
such bill has been received. Does
it call for "all that portion of
Grant count' lying north of the
John Day river?"
First d.yicon (after the contiibu
tion boxes had been pass's!) You
missed that well-dressed stranger in
the front pew. Second deacon (a
tailor) He is a customer of mine,
ness of Grant countv, after de
ducting therefrom the value of
the public property of Grant
county; and the county judges
of Grant and Harney countns
are hereby appointtd a Loard to
determine the valu-w- ( f such prop-
mou:.t ol in h bt-as-mme
1 bv said
bring thfir stamps home to sent
New York for
H. Witxell used to le one
our non-paving subseri5ers.
live! a long while at liiley postof
lioe and received his Priueville
News there without paying for it;
then he got up and skipped to parts
unknown. Our exchange's will
please copy. Prineville News.
)ro. Prineville News, the name
Witzcl sounds familiar, and is on
our list of bilks and newspaper
dead-beats. J. W. Witzel received
the Gi:axt Coukty Nkws at liiley
pSstollice for over three years and
ran away without paying for it.
Also did J. S. Wilson of the same
postolKce. Vengence will overtake
them some day, my bi other.
Harney valley has a dangerous
clement in her midst, more to be
fcared than the great "101" organ
ization of List summer, because they
resort to the torch in order to ol
tain redress for their fancied
wrongs. They burned 150 tons of
hay belonging to John Devino one
night last week, and the incendia
ries being pursued, they shot Mr.
Dovin-j's stag hound which had
come upon them. Upon an order
from government olhcials tho U. S.
marshal had removed several squat
tors from Devine's "Jtd S" hnd,
which land was ceded to the state
of Oregon as swam) land and pur
chased by Mr. Devine, but concern
ing which some dispute has arisen
and it has to be re-listed, pending
which action these parties had
'jumped" poitions of the land.
Thc;e is a growing feeling of incor
rigible hatred or jealousy against
John Devine and Peter French in
that valley, fostered by a certain
clique and their anarchist propensi
ties have at last shown the clique
to be a dangerous element, and
ready to use the torch in the still
hours of night, in the destroying of
another Vpropei ty
Harney county; said judges shall
meet at the county seal of Grant
county on the first Monday in
May, lSf-1), or ?oon thereafter as
convenient, and proceed with
said work, and when completed,
file a report of tln-ir conclusions
in duplicate with the clerks of
Grant and Harney counties, and
in case of disagreement between
the said county judges of Grant
and Harney counties in their
conditions, they shall call to
their assistance one of the circuit
judge.'1 of the sixth judicial dis
trict, wko:v i-Iuty it shall b to
assist in determining as t) what
is just and euit:.b!o botwtcn th-
said counties of Grant and Har
ney, and shall have tho tasting
vote in case of a lie vote between
the said county judges. The
county judges constituting said
Hoard shail receive for liK-tr sei
vices the sum of five dollars per
day for each day actually em
ployed traveling to and from
saitl county seat of ('rant county,
and for each day consumed in
work for which they re-appointed
and mileage at the rate of ten
cents per mile in going and re
turning from said county seat of
it rant county, anu suen expense
roans ;
tween The Dalles and Cil'b;
committee on commerce.
Providing for tho election on
the first Mondav in Jnno 1X0.0
- -WW,
and licnnully thereafter of road
supervisors, who shall hold otlice
for two yearsry committee on
roads and highways.
Prohibiting the sale of tobacco,
cigarettes or cigars to miners un
der the age of 18 years, except on
the written consent or ortler of
the parent or guardian; commit
tee on education.
Providing that when any peti
tion is presented for the laying
out, alteration or vacation of a
county road, it shall state that a
notice of said petition has been
published; committee on roads
and highways.
Creating tho countv of Morton
out of a part of Umatilla county;
committee on con ties.
Making it a misdemeanor for
any person not to leave the prem
ises of another when ordered to
do so; judiciary committee.
Making it unlawful for any
person or corporation to herd
slock near the grades of roads so
as to endanger the same bv roll-
j ing stones; committee on roads
and highways.
For the improvement of the
wagon road from Heppner to
Monument; committee on conn-tits.
'Jo prevent belling on elec- nently cured in a :-hort time,
tions; election committee. And it is one of the happy feat-
Making any person who has ores of Drs. Darrins' practice
1 o-Mi a member of any volunteer ' that th'4 applications cans- nei
fire company for five consecutive I ther pain nor distress, and can.
- . i .
years an exempt fireman; com
mittee on assessments.
liequiring tho sheriffs to sum
mon jurors on a regular panel
fivo days before court convenes;
ii-u si: nir.i.s .-!: on:;
Washington, Jan. 18, 'SH.
The House of Representatives
has wrestled with the Omnibus
Territorial bill for several days,
mostly in a decent and orderly
manner. Mr. Springer and Mr.
Cox were heard at length, after
Sunday mtwtj-. which the several delegates from
For many years Dis. Damns' J tilu Territories were given a
professional attention has been -'bnnce. The result was that the
exelusivelv devoted in fbo ; Congressional Kecoru ol the lol-
t nimble nririo th.'it Ihev ref..v fl reai estate agencv. it was one
the succtss which thev have i 1' thu mosL thrilling numbers
! vet issued bv that able lournal.
and should be read bv all admir-
Giant Powder Explosion.
uisiveiy uevtncu to ine siuuv u. .....
investigation of these import- j wing morning locked like the
ailments, and it is with par- j sulvertisnig sheet of a western
ers of painstaking and artistic
liars. J t is expected that as the
bill stands, the democrats not be
ing united in its favor on the
question of the division of Dako
ta, the proposed legislation will
die in conference. Still the ad
mirable energy displayed by the
achieved in their treatment and
cure. Their m. tl.o.l of practice
is distinctly original, based upon
strictlv rational and scientific
i principles, and followed by the
j happiest remits. Their applian
ces lor tno examination and
treatment of hidden cavities of
the head and throat are confess- j
cllv the most neifict of anvthiiiL'
! undevised for this special" pur- people of. Dakota, and the large
pose, enabling them not onlv to 1 "eiegauons oi repreaentaiive men
readily discover the exact nature ! of ljuth parlies sent here by the
of thc'complaint, but also to di- i statehood meetings to urge divis
recl. their applications to the di- I lon "W turn the tide of battle,
seased part so eflectuallv that re- T5ic contest in the House this
lief is experienced at once, and I weelc maY seriously affect the
permanent cures are often efiect-! ,lrlit ,or t!ie speakership of the
ed in the most stubborn and ac- i next House. In the debaie over
the report of the committee on
rules two candidates, Reed and
Cannon, were skillfully placed on
the defensive by the the friends
of McKinley and Jiurrows, and
they succeeded in leaving Reed
and Cannon to vote with thedem-
gr.ivaled cases
In catarrh
inntion subsides, ulcerations are
made to heal, the breath is re
stored to its natural purity and a
nerinanent cure is sneodiiv eflccN
cd. Throat au ctions, of what-1 'cr:'Aii- Thl" (eR'al lf jt Uliiy h(i
ever nature, yield like a charm, . c:i!k'tl such, was of course more
and the same benelicial effects 11 f,ulwlt of iiectl! wll05e leader
are nroduccd in impairmcnlsaud sh,P is avowed, than ot Cannon,
disorders of the vocal organs. i j Reen a anger was plain to be
chronic and persistent coughs as suJ?n- General Henderson is an
weli ns in hrnnehMil and imlmoM-! olhvr mad candidate for the
ary complaints-. Jn the treat-! Siwakcrship
i i i. . i i
ment of deafness momnl relief i,- , puoiisiieu report- tnat ms c.inuui
Mcn.,ilv f,.i ti... i ,..,r;,.., ' aey is only a suotorhiKC in
Vt'llA 14 let llltdllg A.J
He savs that the
From a prsD i who arrivcl in
the city from Granite yesterday,
the reporter le.irns a giant
powder explosion occurred a fen
days ago at the La Rellvue mine
which came near sending several
Chinese miners employed thore
back to the flowery kingdom on
a free pass. The Chinamen were
in their cabin when the explosion
occurred and the whole top of the
house was lifted in the air as if
by a Kansas cyclone. One or
two of the Mongolians were dan
gerously injured and others
siightly. How the explosion oc
curred is not known, but we un
derstand that it is supposed to
be the work of white men who
are incensed at the action of Mm
Cabell llroj. in employing Chi
nese miners in preference to white
men and they take this means of
retaliating, a very poor method
indevd. if it is true. The Chi
nese are not to be blamed for ac
cepting work even if in direct
competition with white men. The
Cabell Bros, are the parties to be
blamed, but in cither case it is
wrong to resort to such means
to remedy the matter and the
perpetrators of the outrage
should be severely punished if
apprehended. Red rock Democrat.
.A 11 are entitled to the best that
their money will buy, so every fam
ily should have, at once, a bottle of
the b:r.-t fami y remedy, Syrup of
Figs, to cleanse the system when
cn-tii'o r billfous. For sale in 50c
and $1.00 lwltles by all
The legislature is doing com
mendable woikin the presentation
of bills many of which will bn
come laws. The solons at Si!e:n
are attempting to have two terms
of the supremo court outside of
j . :.. i i : . .. t i i
either entiivly restored or matt ri- """ Salem, to regulate the exerci.e o
ally benefitted; while discharges ' . r,d.wlt h ls orde the elec ivo franchise, incorporate
from the car, from whatever ; (-'m-riil ain iww suspendcu j to (livid(. conIlliea :U11 UIllll.v
cause, art- radical! v ari l lv-rma- ! lroli tll(-' ot!jee ll JUuge Advocate nihfv tu:na TUia Httln mnn.
;uil.-i n's bill to lvifttlate
torn nulls nscil to
gnn;i "ram:
committee tin agriculture.
Hume's iiill authorizing the
appointment ofo'licial reporters
i:i circuit courts, prescribing their
duties and fixing their compen
sation: judiciary committee.
Wilson's assessment and taxa
tion bill was referred to that com
mit tee.
.Stafford's biil amending the
act relating to publication of fi
nancial condition of counties:
committee on judiciary:
Layman's bill to regulate the
sale of spirituous or malt liquors;
committee on alcoholic trallic.
Jenning's bill to amend Hill's
code relating to interest and usu
ry; referrod to committee on as
sessment and taxation.
Waldo's biil repealing the sec-, be readily adminisb. r
cd to the most nervous person.
. candid opinion will invaria
bly be given as to tho probabili
ties of a cure, and no case will be
accepted for licaiment which
does not offer a reasonable chance
of success; and while far from
i professing to perform imposibil-
: General, before a retiring board
j The order involves the remission
of the sentence of the former
I court martial and a cleaning of
! Swain's record. His sentence of
j susjH iision for twelve years would
! exbire Julv. i-Sb'ti. ftetiremenl
. .
in his case would not, how
ever involve a vindication of his
honor. General Swain was regu
larly convicted, though his pun
i.mmcnt was mild. General
I Hack's friends are vigorously
pushing hi:; claim: to succeed
dane sphere, upon the crusted sur of which we live and havo
our being, wis completely iuunsla
ed in forty days, according to tho
Bibieal canon, and our fellow cit
izens who are in oi r service at
Salem can do coi.siderablo mis
clue or good in the sime le-'g'h
of time. Mountaineer.
p . . . i r . . . i t .
itics. or to cure every case which . 1 ?lu) -J-ewon urg-
... i i- . , , 1
presents neii ior treatment, ur.s
Darrin mav safely state that :
- 1 .!.., I.,.. I. ...... ..... . ........ 4 I
i ti'-nis un.ler their iirofesional
care will receive every benefit
guaiaiitccd by science, skill and
comprehensive experieno;-. The
latest results of tlieir treatment
are shown in the following
and all chronic diseases
equally as well:
J ged agaiiirt him is that his phys
' ical disabiMty, as established
when his
shall be borne equally bv Grant tlo"o! hxli c'0(Je pumsh
and Harney counties" and in c.;se l's t,:e re'-ver of a bribe for his
f I . . . . A . . . ... I" 1 i , .
vii Id
j Q 1 and if he has any money I'd rather
he'd bring it ti my store and pay
I me something on account. 1 think
, the Lord can afford ti v. ait In-tter
lt!J,, r ni ! i i? i .1
man l can. riuiaoeqrnia jvcc re..
Section 1S81 of Hill's code provide.-;
that if any person shall pre-
mote or set up any lottery, for moil-
ey or other valuable things, or shall
dispose of any property of value,
real or personal, by way or means
of lotteiy. he shall be subject to ini
prLonment in the penitentiary or
county jail or a fine of not less than
one hundred nor more than one
thousand dollars. Webster de'inos
a lottery as a distribution of prizes
the said circuit judge be tallied
to assist in said work he shall re
ceive the same compensation as
herein provided for the said
county judges, to l:e paid equally
bv the said Grant and Harnev
4h -
by lot or cha
should look a "leedle out.'
"Wehsivs been shown a copy of
House Bill No. 11, for the attach
ing of a portion of Grant to Mor
row county and defining tho boun
daries of Morrow count. It
reads as follows: Beginning at a
point in the middle of the channel
of the Columbia river directly op
posite to and due north from the
half townshin line running north
and south on said line to the
no travel
a lively
Jan. 29, '39.
En. .'news: As 1'iairie is not
heard from often I will inJeavor
to send a few items. The town
is dull, there being
teaming to give it
Tommy Smith is up from Can
yon on business.
The boys of evenings hang
around the book store for amuse
ment. Mr. J. W. Rates and wife arc
making a llyin
rm i i
l ney liuenu coming
R. C. Reid ex-.T. P., lias been
very fcick with the mumps, but
he is getting l etter, so we will
excuse the mumps.
There is a great deal of sick
ness prevailing around in the vi
cinity. Mr. X. S. Rabcock is
very sick, the rest on the sick
list are all on the improve.
Wm. Shuman is talking of
vote: referred
to committee on
i f r f 'i i .m
back to-
Dawiu.k, Ok.. Jan. 2(3, '.SO.
E. Xkws: Xo doubt you
would like to hear of what is go
ing on in or near Dayville. Well,
let me tell you:
Dayville can exelainf, with ev
ery one else, "fine weather."
Considerable hay is being fetl
to -took, and still cattle and
sheep are looking bad.
Win. Gray, Chas. Finlcvson.
Ward Swift 'and Fred Guionhave
left Dayville for your city on
land business.
All the wool men arc happy,
especially since they got 21 cents
for their wool. Murray Bros,
could be seen smiling cheerfully
on wool prices since Harrison's
Among the smiling faces on
our streets to-day could be seen
that of the ' Old Timer." He is
looking well notwithstanding his
late titling. Hut cattle are poor
now, so a man must rustle.
Deputy Stock Inspector's Attention.
Deafness and Discharging Ears Cured
Mr. ICditor: About every one
in Salt-in knows little Lena Slan
fiehl. Her ears havo been run
ning all lu r life; she is now t)
years old. She has been iettiim
worse ior two years, and g-tting
hard of bearing. We had to
wash out her ears three or lorn
times a day for a long time, and
then they would smell so bad
you could smell thorn all over the
room. We tiui evervllnng we I
knew for her, and without any I
. eil. w-iidd neeessitate his rtire
! ment in two or three vcars at
! most. But General" Mark's
! friends claim that three republi-
tan senator will vote for his con
j firniatiou. There is an element
j o! danger in the ease. There are
not lacking republican senators
v. ho long to investigate the .Pen
sion oliice and score emmissioner'
iU.-ick'. His nomination would
aflbrdl the opportunity.
The electit)-.! of Anthony Hig
gins as a senator from Delaware
is. welcomed with enthusiasm by
the republi 'ans art! v.ith person
al satisfaction by such democrats
as know him be. si. in the mitl-t
of tin
nui pr.Mse js giv-
east ou the township line to its in
tersection with the line between
ranges 28 and 29; thence due
noi th on saiil range line to the
base line; thence duo cast to line
between ranges '!) and '50; thence
due i-outh to south-east corner of
township D south of range 2'.);
th'!::ce due west to line between
ranger, "24 and 2-"; thence due
noith to line between townships
4. and 5; thence due west to lino
between ranges 2.'5 and 21; thence
due north to line between town
ships 3 and I: thence due west to
line between rangos 22 and 23;
thence due north to the middle of
the Columbia river; thence up
along tho center of the clmnuel of
soid place of beginning.
T. H. CntL.
You will please not act in the
U, ,TU,UU - . . , - ; buildinir a ilvini- mnehine be capacity ol you omcc until l
yl ' ry"S7 "" , . ! does not know exactly when he y re-appointnmnts;
, JIUIlil Ul bilio liiiif, milieu iimi: ... - i i '
win i -i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 -1 1 ci 1111 II. K Ml' ni'; I
not got all the material hero, but j Slock Ttispctor for Grant county
be intends to soon, he savs, if ! U-yon City, Or. Jan. 23, 'SD.
Bead notices under head of
"New to-day."
Dr. Barber is making arrange
ments to discontinue the practice
of his profession at thi3 place and
go Fast in the summer.
Cash advances made on wool for
j consignment to Christy & Wise,
I San Francisco.
Collin, MeFarland, Agts.
tf. Arlington, Or.
Mr. Jones of this city will fur
nish the best of music for balls, par
ties, or entertainments. .Call on or
address him when in quest of a
competent musician.
benefit; then we had several
t::e lest physicians in Salem to
prescribe for her, without any
benefit. Then 1 took her to Dr.
Darrin; he said he thought he
could ure her. He put medicine
in her ears, ar.d then gave her
electro-magnetic treatment; the
running of the ears have stopped
entirely, and there is no smell.
Her hearing ii; l etter. I have
good reason to believe that she
is entirely cured. The child can
be seen at Xo. IU 7 Chemekcta
street. Salem. Or.
Dr. Damns' Place of Business.
Drs. Darrin can be consultct
free at 2."); Fifth street, corner
they dont send him below.
The young sport made a flying
trip to John Day. Filling his
pocket book with the loose
change that the John Dayites
had no use for he came home
contented. He thinks he is a
masher but I don't know, as I
am no judge of human nature.
Although we missed the boot
blacking we could not swear he
used it on his mustache.
B. I. li. D.
- 4Zt
Jolio F. I'ice aud Maggie
Clark both of Uaruey valley have
been grdnted a marriage license.
Main, Portland, and P.akers'hotel
Eugene City. Or., where they are
permanenely located. Otlice
hours from 10 to 4 daily; even
ings, 7 to S; Sundays, 10 to 12.
All curable chronic diseases, loss
of manhood, blood taints syphilis
gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture
spermatorrhoea, seminal weak
ness or loss of desire of s xual
power in man or wdinan, catarrh
and deafness are confidentially
and successfully treated. Cures
of private diseases guaranteed
and never published in the pa
pers. Circulars sent free. Most
oa?escun receive home treatment
after a visit to the doctors' of lice.
. 4. -
Disturbance of the Heart.
Heart disease is like an assas-
sin, which creeps upon you, in ;
the dark, and strikes vou when
unaware. Therefore, do not over
look any uneasiness in the region
of the heart or disturbance in its
action, but at once take Dr.
Flint's Remedy. Descriptive
treatise with each bottle; or, ad
dress Mack Drug Co., X. Y.
Tho Nnws is in receipt of a com
munication from Bov. B. Barthol
omew of Long Creek, which is
crowded out of this issue.
tn to senator Quay, whose letter
to the Delaware Republican, who
seemed but a w ek .to involved
in a destrm-Uw U'.ht. brought
about a speedy sjU iunent of all
tlillicullies. Ulesscd is the peace
maker. Lucky is .Mr. Higgins.
Two years ago the leader of a
Congressional forlorn hope, a pol
itician hopelessly in the minority
in a vest pocket owned by the
Payards and their kin, he is sud
denly thrown on the crested wave
of victory.
On Thursday tho lS.J.-d anni
versary of the birih of Beniamin
Franklin found the monument
erected to his memory by Mr.
Stilton Hutchins in front of the
Post newspaper otlice, still await
ing unveiling. It appears that
Mr. Hutchins has been for some
time involved in a joint debate
with the sculptor, a warfare that
became agressive when the sculp
tor placed his name as artist up
on the base in letters live inches
high. Mr. Hutching as an old
newspaper man didn't intend to
give Mr. Sculptor a live inch ad-
J MA f . I
vertisement iorever irec, so m mo
dark watches of the night he had
the name cut off. It is to be re
gretted that like time and tide
the anniversary of B. Franklin's
birth waits for no man.
Three large excursions went to
Baltimore this week to Edwin
Booth's performance. The fact
that hir. Buoth never comes to
Washington is so decided a
"chestnut" that I must apologize
for mentioning it. 1 am ictl to
recall it by the fact that Tuesday
night was the anniversary of the
night he left Washington, several
years after the assassination,
with the bones of his misguide J
brother who hilled President
Lincoln. What memories miirht
have come to him, even th.ough
the lines of Shylock, as he looktd
upon the Washington contingent
that his vow of that fearful night
had compelled to come to him,
opens a vista of s)ecuh;lion. The
ploughman, in tilled fields cf
peace, turns up the grinning j
skulls of war. i
A Pleasing- Sense of Health
rmtl Strength Renevred, and
cf Ease and Comfort
L'.r.U.Ti the v.3C of Syrup of Figs, as it
-u-w jj-mtly on
KiD.i-:Ti5, Liver 5 TjOY-els
Kiftet-i-iilv Ckainin; the System whuri
v'tw.i'.e or iilijus Iispclliisg
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently caring CONSTIPATION
t i!'.mt vt-tketiing or irritating tho or
tMits or. v.-iiich it ac.3.
ilala In .'.Ocnnd SI. OO llottlco by
:.2i r.cxainj; Irurff!tiJ.
.rrriCTVun cslt sr nir!
s rrusvirco. Oat..
K:T Y.lkK. X. Y.
The Chiil Bitot
That rets tho naied bnmche;
cot felt by tho wealthy valctuchnarian In
doors, bst uot all ths covering can bo
piled oc iiirf vara Led, nor &;i tha furnace
beat that suihraclto can furnijh, will warm
hi3 marrow whin chills and ever ram Its I07
Caacrc n!osj- bis spinal column. llosWitcr'j
Stomach Litters Is tho thing to lafusa nr
varmlh into his chilled and aguish irano, to
remedy the Carco fever aad cxh?u3tisj; sweats
wl:i-h altercate v.1ih the chill. Duicb cgnc,
ague cake, bilious rcnrJitcnt in short, every
fc:ivr. form ol malarial disease Is subjugated
by this potent, and nt the same tlraa, whole-
soma ana ge.niai medicine, uinou-mcs. con-
li with persutcuce to oifoct 11 thorough cure.
A Complato Actorimtrit "f
Vegetable, Flower.
Grass, Clover, Alfalfa and
Implements, Egg Food, ElCr
CATALoot K ii:i:ii on Ar: i.h atio:;.
"W.iHa Walla, Wash. Ter.
raOrru e.OOO.T-"' i.-.'t- !.;-. t-.
, .1 - f s.' I oat I ' i
ottao lrjpat and tzrul reliibie Locw. thf
Ferris Seeds
. il. FEIttiY i CO. xn
ukr.ovr.c:sttl to to llw
Jargcst Seedsmen
.n tno vans.
rtA -..
-cr 1S53
l.h2l cn:.!ir-iul nrx!
W to Irt Tir.iN rantumrrt
wiitotlt pnlrric it. lnrul.
aoawaonat'jrtt. AtSimr
0. WL FSHXY& CO. Detroit, Mick