dranz Co. News. LOCAL BREVITIES. Don't divide Grant county until her litigation is settled. . O The past week has been made up of weather very severe on stock. Loe Miller is contractor for car rying the mail from Canyon to Day ville. "We arc indebted to the columns of the Oregonian for the legislative report. Fred Fry returned Saturday from a visit of several months to Loi Angeles, Cal. OHicial government statistics show that Oregon is the healthiest state in the Union. Our town received a business visit duringfThe week fiom Win. Griflin, of the Baker-Canyon stage line. Dr. Barber has been confined to his room for the past wcok with an attack of fever. "Physician, heal thyself." It was a .Scotch grave-di'''or who said: ''Trade's vera dull noo... I have na buried a leeviu' cretur for a fortnight." Long Creek town has sent a del egation to Salem to labor in the "third house" in the interests of the proposed Hamilton county. Ed. Stanscll has purchased Dr. Barber's ranch up the creek bet ter knewn a; the Jack Slejlurd place and removed thither. The county court of Baker coun ty ha; instructed the treasurer to receive county warrants at par val ue on payment of liquor licenses. See the "ad" of (J. A. 11. ball to be given at John Day on the anni versary of the birthday of Hon. Geo. Washington, Feb. 22, 1S89. J Ion. U. W. Walker, ex-judge of the Sixth district, died at Walia Wall i last week. His remains were taken to Pendleton for inter ment. Major Magone was out hunting last weftk and froze one of his feet pretty severely. The Major got af terja panther, and in the excite ment did nut notice his exposure to the frost. Hatch has introduced a bill in the legislature prohibiting letting on elections. A law should be jiavsed next prohibiting "losing on elections." This would better suit the average Oregonian. From a Portland exchange, we learn that the Portland News has succmed for lack of funds, having sunk from ?1 10,000 to SIGO.OOO in the attempt to obtain a solid foot hold on the journalist field. A French syndicats i said to be negotiating for the purchase of the volcano of Popocatepetl, in Mexico, for 300,000. Just what the Frenchmen propose doing with the old chimney is not announced. The tax levy in Baker county for this year is 31 mills and in Un ion 2 1 mills. Many other of our neighboring counties are proportion ately huh-taxed, while Grant wags alon with a 21 mill tax for county and state purposes. G. W. Hunt, the railroad builder has a scheme on foot to extend the O. it W. T. railroad from Center ville, Umatilla county, to Union, Union county, and asks a subsidy of $180,000 from the citizens of Union, which will prolably le rais ed by the progressive people of that city. John Fisk who was over in the noith last week on business for the sherill', tolls a good joke on himself. A secret meeting was being held at LoK Greek, and John, being a land ho.der in the new county thought he would attend. lie did attend, but was taken for a Canyon City spy and ejected. Win. Geary of Mt. Vernon comes to the front once more. Last week the indefatigable cougar hunter knocked four more of the danger ous varmint; silly with lead from his trusty rifle. This makes twelve cougars and several coyotes, besides other small fry that Mr. Geary has kilted since the holidays. He is making good wages in the scalp bounty industry. The Umatilla county court has made a wise ruling, which provides that all justices shall be ordered to tux the costs of malicious prosecu tions, which are becoming rather expensive, to the prosecutor. This will do away with the nefari ous practice pursued by many, who conduct their attacks against an enemy with no expense to them selves and with the state of Ore son to back them. A farmer near Colwich, Sedwich county Kansas, hired a very inex perienced lxy to help him about the place. One morning the fanner told the lad to salt the calf over in the pasture. The boy took about a quart of salt and rubbed it all over the calf. A gang of colts scented the salt and got after the calf. They licked all the salt off the an imal's, kick, and tried to lick the hair ofl too. The farmer tried to catch tha calf to wash it, but the creature, thinking the farmer want ed to lick him too, kept out of his way. The boy a:id the farmer are all "unhappy. The coltj are the on ly ones who got any fun out of it. County court adjourned yes terday after a busy session. Cash for taxes is coming into the sheriffs hands rather slowly, which fact indicates hard times. Miss Jennie Hall of the upper valley returned home Tuesday from a visit to friends at Dillon, Mont. Several inches of snow between here and Harney valley, and quite a fall of snow in the valley is reported. Mrs. Catharine Powers slipped on the ice Thursday of last week and sprained one of her wrists quite severely. Found, at this office, a bobtail valler doe. Owner can have said animal by merely hinting j that he is his. ; A Tennessee man, who was a j government contractor iorty-one years ago, has just received a bal ance of 17 cents due him, and yet he is not happy. Found, last Sunday near the ice pond, a pair of gents' over shoes. Owner can have same by claiming property and paying for this ''-ad." The latest news concerning Mrs. Cleveland is that she heartly despi ses the deadly cigarette. Thus day by day we learn something to the credit of this charming woman. January, which is fast slipping away, has been an almost con tinuous "January thaw" in this pirtof the Lord's vineyard not over four days freeze at one time. Mr. Geo. Topkcn a resilient of Canyon creek, found a skunk in his chl-'k n house eating eggs the oth er morning and cut the va: mint from the face of the earth with his unerring pistol. Mr. J. H. Blake lias purchased the store building and warehouse formerly occupied by the firm of Mctsehan A Co., and is disposing of the remnants of his Elk creok stock of goods. Jt is rumored that a lire proof building will bo erected on the side of the old "1 Tollman" stoiv durum the cominir summer, and that a complete Mock of general i merchandise will ue put into it .by certain of our fellow tow is- men. Hope the enterprise may succeed. Bills to the amount of Si 7,1 9. 90 were audited and allowed by the county eouit just adjourned, classified as follows: Expense; of circuit emu t, November term 770.05; lounty on scalps 572.0; judge and clerks of election $SiM. 80; road supervisors .3,022.25; general expenses 1,470.12; justice courts .?7f.C0. On this page will be seen the ad of the laill to be given by the Tiger Hose Team. The ball should be patronized by all whether they I.e. dancers or not, for by this m.wns the boys hope to raise funds to pur chase sufficient hose to reach from the hydrants on Main street to the court house in case of a fire. In this we should all bo interested, for the loss of county records means much litigation. Frank Owens was examined last week before County Judge Maxey as to his sanity, and de clared by Drs. Orr and Scott, the examining physicians, to be in sane. Mr. Owens is from Har ney valley, and imagines himself a physician of no small renown. He will not be taken to the asy lum for a few days, as the depu ty sheriffs are under his care, taking salts according to his di rections. We don't believe Senator Ham ilton's new county bill will be passed by the ligislaturc, for we understand the citizens of Long Creek and Hamilton are in a wrangle over where the county seat shall bo located. Hamilton expected the court house to be built in his dooryard, but since he went down to bnlem the J,ong Creek folks have discovered an eligible siie for the new county buildings. We have been informed, but will not vouch for the truth of the rumor, that the legislature will Ife petitioned to create a new county from Silvies and Hoar valleys with the seat of govern ment at Soda springs. Johnny Pat has been selected for county judge, Chas. Beyer for clerk, M. Adamson for shcrifl. .John U asn for treaMirer and Pat Geary .for surveyor. Success to Soda coun ty. Having to travel some I0 liiiies to the present, county seat and then pay their cash or scrip for board is their reasons for pulling away. r The case of State of Oregon veisus Pat McGinnis, appealed to the supremo court, has been set for hearing on Thursday, Jan. 31st. The main gorunds for the appeal were, we understand, that the prisoner was brought into the court room in handcuffs, con trary to the statute. Consider ing the- enormity of his crime it would have been recklessness on the part of. the sheriff' to remove the irons even had he been order ed to, for the prisoner had killed one officer and attempted the life of the main witness. However, the supreme court will grant a new trial for the wretch on this i small technicality. Jury list for 1SS9, consisting of 200 names, was drawn. Reports of supervisors of road ! districts No. 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 9, 10, j 11, 16, 17, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2G and 27 were examined and approved, and it was further ordered that the supervisors of said districts be allowed the amounts set opposite their re spective names, to-wit: Cal Johnson, Samuel Hough, John Wilson, Walter Carsner, J W (Jrcenwell, J W Hamilton', J II Kecno, James Wickhisor, T li Meador W O Gentry, , Win. Luce, J M Achley, i Israel Maddox J S Kenyon, Horace Trask, Alex McKenna, J P Gearhart, John Hughes, $-100.00. . 43-1.00. 2-14.00. 1.V2.00. 122.00. 120.00. '.10.00. 14(5.00. 40.00. , 22.00. 9.00. i 07.00. 3G.00, nO.00. 24. U0. 52.00. 137.00. 30.00. 04.00. sheriff' of this J A Wickhisor, W. P. Gray, count, was required to execute an additional bond as tax collec tor in the sum of $10,000.00 as by law required, for the year LSS8, and 18S9. In the matter of compensation of road supervisors it appearing from reports that the supervisors are in the habit of working a r. -at many days on roads and j doing work that they should call on the r labor to do and charging ' the work to the county, it is J therefore ordered that hereafter j road supervisors in this county i shall not be allowed to exceed one day for every four days work I road tax collected and worked j on roads, and they are heivby j required in making their annual j reports to report the number ofi days each tax payer has woiked and the date of each days labor performed and that the supervis ors are hereby required to ropor- tlo if i-'ich dav iM.'iinud bv ...w ' . ------ . - .1 I I . . 1 .. . 1 t nicm wnen cmpioycu as such su pervisor. Now at this time conies on for consideration the loport of Win. Harvey, supervisor ofroaddis rict No. 15, and after duly con side: ing the same it is ordered that that part of said leporl that relates to the time claimed as supervisor 1 o and is hereby ap proved; that part of said report which relates to rent of safe dis allowed -i'5.32; that part which relates to line in state case disal lowed -i 10 0); that part which relates to buckboard hi:e disal lowed $14.50; that part which j relates to stage fare f;om burns to Canyon City and return di: allowe(f$14.00 that part which relates to making report $10.00 claimed reduced to Jf-i.0'); that part which relates to use of sad dle horse reduced to $03.00, and said supervisor be required to ac count to said road district No. 15 tin amount of said reduction and bill disallowed in the sum of $175..S0. In the matter of making ap pointments of road supervisors for the several road districts in the county the following ap- po:ntfuents were made No. 1. Martin Lucas. Cal Johnson. Sam 1 Tough. John Wilson. John Shelly. Max Robertson. J W Waterman. (Jus Casparv. B D Bobbin's. Dan Morrow. (J L Skinner. W W Looney. W C Keeton. Wm Harvey. James Wickhisor. Wm Waters. W 0 Gentry. Win Lue.c. J M Achley. Israel Maddox L M Stalhml. Joj Putnam. Thos Pirkins. Frank Bliss. D. Riley. Frank Me Bean. 10, 11, J'2, 15, 1(5, I, 19, 20, 21, 99 2a, 2-1, 2H, 2, 27, c 11 tt It (t In the matter of the appoint ment of stock inspector for this county for the year l-SSi) it is or dered" that T.'ll. Curl be and is hereby appointed stock inspector for Grant county for the year KS.S'.), and that before entering upon the duties of his office ho be required to enter into an un dertaking with two or more sure ties in the sum of $2,000 and otherwise quality as by law re quired. In the matter of the proposed county road from Long Creek to the Umatilla county line it was ordered that the further consideration of the report be continued until next regular term of this court, and fur ther ordered tnat W. O. Gentry, Sam Frrnklin and J. M. Hamilton be appointed to assess damage; that they meet in Long Creek on Feb. 11, and proceed to visit said road the whole distance, and report to this court at the next regular term thereof. In the matter of county war rants the same to the amount of $17,819.90 were ordered drawn on the treasurer. The Dalles is afflicted with the "salvation anny." Following are some of the bills introdjeed and which have been read for the first time in either the senate or the house: By Looney Abolishing schol arships at the state university. By Paulsen A bill for an act to regulate custom miiis, aiid for the grinding of grain. By Chamberlin To create the county of Morton out of a part of Umatilla county. By Haley To provide for the completion of the wagon road from Pendleton to Canyon City. By Irvine Requiring sheriff's to summon the regular jury pan el five days before the convening of court. By Hatch A bill to prevent betting on elections. By (iillham Creating the county of Harney from the south ern portion of Grant county. By Dawson Prohibiting the sahof tobacco to minors under 18 years of ago, and fixing the line at from $20 to $50. By Wager Requiring peti tions for county roads to state that a description of the line of road has been published in a newspaper. By Ftillerlon Requiring coun ty courts to establish road dis tricts on the first Monday in Juno, 1S90, and make road su pervisors elective by the people, and to serve two years. By Jennings To amend the laws relating to interest, making the the legal rate 0 per cent. By Waldo Repealing the law punishing a man who accepts a bribe. By McCoy To create the county of Fulton, the town of Wasco to be its county seat until the people of the county shall otherwise elect. By Gilbert To euro defects in deeds heretofore made to real property. By Stafford Providing for the publication of the financial con dition of the counties. Bv Loonev An act to repeal an act defining vagrants and pro viding a punishment for vagran cy. By Wager A bill to divide the state into three supremo court districts, and to hold sessions at Salem, Jacksonville and Pendlo- j ton. By Pacquet To amend the law l elating to awessmeiit and C! lection of taxes. B y Hunter Appropriating money for the improvement of the Wallowa canyon road in Wallowa and Union counties. By Hanington A bill for the exemption of homestead of eighty acres from forced sale under any process of law. except for taxes or to satisfy a lien given with the consent of both husband and wife. By Pope To regulate the practice of medicine and surgery. By Roberts Creating the office of state cxamiifor of sta tionary and other engines, and providing for the examination of engineers. By Hume A bill providing for the appointment of an official reporter in the circuit courts of all judicial districts of the state. By Wilson A bill for an act to amend several sections of the Oregon code, making the word land refer to all appurtenances and improvements thereto and defining the words personal es tate and personal property, for the purposes of assessment and taxation. By Jennings A bill for an act providing the qualifications of vo ters in school elections. By Roberts A bill for an act to appropriate $1",,000 to enable the counties of Coos and Douglas t) construct a wagon road from Myrtle Point. Coos county, to Camas valley, Douglas county. By Dawson For the erection of a school for deaf mutes and making an appropriation of -i2-V 000 therefor. By Tongue Amending the act relating to the distribution of the property of deceased persons. Deputy Stock Inspector's Attention. You will please not act in the capacity of you office until I make niv re-appumlmonls. T. II. Crm.. Stock Inspector for Grant county Canyon City, Or. Jan. 25, Poitland lias twenty banks and money loaning institutions. A delegation of wool men have addressed the U. S. Senate, and have asked for an increase of the tariff on wool. Mr. Jones of this city will fur nish the lrtiit of music for balls, par ties, or entertainments. Call on or address him when in ijuest of a competent musician. Cash advances made on wool for consignment to Christy it Wise, Pan Francisco. Coffin, it McFarland, Agtn. tf. Arlington, Or. NOTICE. We the undersigned wishing to close our books respectfully ask that all persons indebted to us either by note or account will please come forward and settle the same by Feb. 1st, 1SS9. IIaptoxstall & Dakt. Who Got Their Hearing in a Treatments by Dr. Darrin. Hearing Restored. Ojconinit. Mr. Editor Dear Sir: T have been troubled with deafness for over fifteen years. I applied to the Drs. Darrin, and after a few treatments, by their wonderful electro-magnetic inethed, my hearing was most entirely restor ed, and now I can hoar my watch tick for the first time in many years. I can he referred to and seen in regard to my case at any time, at Howell piairic, or address mo at Maelcav, Oregon. Hk.vky Si.ol(Mi. Another Case of Deafness. Mr. Editor Dear Sir: J have been very deaf for over ten years so 1 could not hear my watch tick. I called on the Drs. Dar rin and have taken a few electro magnetic treatments, and 1 am now so restored that I "can hear the watch tick and general con versation, can be referred to at Salem, Oregon. D. W. K.M.MKTT. Dr. Damns' Place of Business. Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at 235 Fifth street, corner of Main, Portland, and Chemekcta hotel, Salem, Or., where they are permanenely located. Office hours lrom 1U to 4 daily; even- fngs, 7 to S; Sundays, 10 to 12. j All curable chronic disciM'S. loss of manhood, blood taints syphilis i gleet, gonorrlm-ea, stricture! spermatorrhoea, seminal weak-1 ness or loss of desire of s.xua! j lower in man or woman, catarrh j and deafness are contide.itially and successfully treated. Cures : of private diseases guaranteed anil never published in the pa pers. Circulars sent free. Most cases can receive iionie treatment after a visit to the doctors' office. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington. Jan. 11, 'S9. u this great 1 u'.iding and this army of clerks :.r: the ad- I jur.cts of your pension system. i our nearly last war closed, I believe a qv.aKy of a cei.tury Thus siioke to me a sur- airo. prised German Army surgeon, a delegate to th : inter-national medical convention last year. What would my Teutonic friend sav had he hi-anl Representative Dockery tell the House last week ; that the attorney's fees in in- j crease cases alone, at if 1 0 per cao. amounted to nearly -i-lOO.- 000 last year. Our pension sys-1 tern tne mo-t gigantic m the world. . Fifteen hundred eierks work year in and year out in the pension buwau adjudicating claims, and the number of casis only increases. Fa.-t, west, north and south, travel two hundred and fifty special examiners in vestigating the more complicated of those claims. In the offices of tho Adjutant-General and Sur geon General twelve hundred clerks fill in tho years searching official records of service. In the Second Auditor's office ovc." a hundred clerks are employed in pension matters. At the agen cies another hundred make pay ments. Nearly three thousand people are thus exclusively employed oy the government, at an expen.e, say of iMO,000 per year, in sala ries alone. Enormous buildings .".re devoted to the business, hun dreds of tons of paper are con sumed and thousands of gallons of ink siied in the cause. In th' pension office proper work aeou- i . ... ii i i mui.:ks lasicr man u c.-.n re uis- ; posed of, and Congress refu.-es the iKcessary numl cr of clerks : to adjutato the claims within a I reasonable time. And yet the J last war closeu a quarter ot a century ago. The uninitiated reader nuut lvmembcr, how; vcr, that our pen sion sys'.un has been of slow growth for although a general pension law was enacted in 17U2, it was not until after the civil war that anything like a prac tice was established, and even then the practice had to undergo a thousand changes of detail: Today the laws and practice of the Bureau, the decision of the secretary and the rulings of the commissioner, make quite a re spectable volume. There are a hundred grave decisions on ,uii:.e of duty," as many more as to rights of attorneys, an ava lanche of decision on minor points, and a wilderness df rul ings under these decisions. I And lastly there is rtn amazing list of rates" allowed, from the $2 per month allowed for the loss of a portion of a little finger to the f72 per month given for the loss i if bulb eve.-, both lens or both of both eye.-:, both legs or arms. There arc lixed rates for everything rates for but diseases. The diseases are lixed by guessing. And here enters the first ob jectionable feature of the system'. All over this country are j resi dent examining surgeons, who devote a part of one day of each week to the physical examination of claimants. There arc about a thousand of these people, and this branch of the service costs about $8(. 0,000. In disease ea ses their decision generally fixes thc rate allowed. Of course the doctors arc not all unprejudiced, and those who are not' all capa ble. A very large minority may be fouifd either at one extreme or the other, the extreme of generos ity or the extreme of distrust to ward claimants. Very often a particularly grasping Board of surgeons will rate every claimant high in order to swell the amount of their own fe03, as the claim ants soon learn in any district where where the "easi. st" board lies and ask to be sent tlure. Politics sometimes bears a hand in fixing the rate allowed. I once saw going out of an ex amining surgeon's office a hearty bluff, county commissioner and local doiitician, followed by a ragged, painfully crppled, pre maturely old man. 1 was not much surprised to learn a few months afterward that the com missioner had been allowed $18 per month for some mysterious facial neuralgia, and the cripple had been increased to $4 per month for his open and diseharg woundofhip. And my surprise was no greater when the surgeon was nominated for the State Sen ate, an a dose vole by the efforts of the aforesaid ncuralgiac pollu tion. The office of a capable exam ining surgeon is a good place to diagnose moral as well as physi cal natures. There comes the al leged nearly deaf man. The doctor examines him. He be gins by yelling at him. and the claimant can hardly hoar him. Gradually he gob; him excited and finally is talking to him in a whisper, and the claimant hea'S perfectly. The physician sud denly renews his Pnu-r yelling, and the discomfit; d i onntonnnoo of the claimant slur.v that lie has been shamming. Fur the next i 1 1 y.ivis wc w ill uie the fisrun? U in dathur our L-t- t -. The New Voik World ashs: ''Is tho buttle en th i van?;" No, neihir it is on the stun ; old place. They send spiiit t to trie in sane asylum in Wii-ii: i nr.. Um tenito ry. A recent tiMu'wr of th.: Waiia Wulin ."'tai.v.sr.na say.; C. P. Church who hits n j.iv.i. hi:.,- sj iritual-i-:n on ojr stre-t ovners until a few days sine;, wa-i. on Friday a Ij-.idged insane by the probate judge of Co iuiubir. uouttty. All ate e.'iiit'fi t' the l.ft that their iuoa.y v. iff biy, s-.- veiy fam ily .should hit..;, t caee, a Uittie of the bett fundi v re'si.- !v, Svnr.) of Fig-;, to eKuie th .-y.iloin when captive or i.-iiHyus. For sale in ftOo and PI Mi) f-ctlie; bv nil leading dra-iat:. Seh'jol dire ;&; th.tvn-hout the ttut. are wasne l of th;; arrival of map swindle! s. Two maps woiih nir.' dollar are s-i 1 fnr fi v.i undo. a pr-t.-iiso that a iha i-uv compels the directors to Irr.vn mips hung in the school h use. Tlwve u m saeh law and tl i!'r L.vs v. ill do well to wateh out fo; tjfv. sebvme.'S. FT s, r m i 1 &bs!ytefy Pure. Tli ! p l.Ti.o. r iric . A :tvi"i J f puri ty. s!i n;l: n;! vriiilsoriiri-.. More econom ical than tr.t; ir.'..'.u- li-ii!-, aiul i.nu.ot bo obi in oi!p-t'li -ii 'I;.- t tndc .f low t(s. !!. i:t'i:..-lit, uium or ? uspii-iio jnwdcri. Sol ! onlv i.i f ui-. Ii'.' a! I-iLini; Powder Co., IV. WII sit.. :. V. -, ?:.r. (.iv:;r; o:; . VAuniin -UyDKlt 3 m & iL'Urri0 Piffll s ST TIGER HOSE TEAM No. i, OF CANYON CITY. A General Invitation is Extended to All- COW Jl 1TTKH OF ARRANGEMENTS: Jamks I'sita::, Tuos. Mjolk!:, Ohoros Mahax, Fp..v:k Min-sciiA. JIKCKPTION COMMITTEE: El). ALT0J-, b'KAXIC SBL3, CliAS. GltAV, F Fl1S1IM.VX, S. !0iK!IEUlBR. FLOOR COMMITTEE: Ifuoii Smith, Ed. .J::wtt, Jake Simon, C. D. Rickard, C. ToDiioxTEn. First-class Musicians have been employed, and every effort will bi made tD insure a pleasant time for all. TICKETS, and Supper OFFICERS INSTALLED. The following officers "were in stalled into Mountain View Lodge No. 33 I. O. 0. F. last Saturday night, by Phil Metsch an D. D. G. M: -D. B. Fisk, N. G. M. X. Bonham, V. G. F. B. Hinkle, Rec. Secretary. J. T. Su liens, F. S. M. Howell, Treas. Isham Laurence, W. J. E. Scott, G. J. Seigman. T. G. J. F. Cleaver, R. S. to N. G. T. S. Whitmior, , L. S. to N. G. John La u ranee, R. S. to V. G. Geo. Dollina, L. S. to V. G. In Kxcelaior Encampment No. 3, I. O. O. P., Canyon City, Jan. 22, i0( M. D. Clifford, J. J. MeCallough P. Kui.l, Phil Metsehan, N. ltulison, F. C. Sels, 1. 11. Wood, S. 1- ire 1, G. 1. H izeltine, D. J. Owtl.oit, C. P. II. P. s. w. Sect'y. Treas. J. W. G. I. S. 1 W. 2 W. 3 W. A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort . l?oltow3 the use of Syrup of. Figs, as it r.cts guatly ou tho Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleaning tho System when Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers ami permanently caring HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without wakening or irritating tho or gans on which it acts. Knr Sale in 50c and 81.00 Tiottlos by all J.tjaiHuc; Druggist. jtAxcrACTuarD cxtr et the CALirOMIAPIG SYEU? 00 Fi.f Ixvxciaco, Cau, Lot iv.-tu.r-, l"v., Kev York. X. Y. itaiialo I Sill has been raised to tire dignity of ireneisl of Nebraska militia. Disturbance of the Heart. Heart disease is like an assas sin, which creeps upon you in the dark, and strikes you when unaware. Therefore, do not over look any uneasiness in the region of the heart or disturbance in its action, but at once take Dr. Flint's Remedy. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or. ad dress Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Arc rc to Have Another "War? Some pulitical prophets aver that ive shall. Ee tha: a3 it may, the battle waged by medical Ecicncc against disease will never cease until wo arrive at that Utopian epoch when tha human family shall ccae to be atlheted witk bodily ailments. Ono oi the m.?t potcai weapons which tho armory o' medicine fur-r.i-ihes. is lIitctlcr-6 Etonv.ch Hittera, whick ia of bpurial utility as n lanuly retm-ly. as iti adapted t the immediate relicJ and ui'iiiiat c re of thuvc disorders of tae ht ina h, livr and Swwu j winch aro of comnt jncs; ocrur reace. Indigestion, biliotisncs-s anil ronstip tion are inseparable companions, and tlici ailmcnta are completely eradicated by th ltitturs. liui the remedial f-copc of this Miper lativcly wholcomo and pcnifl medicine take in alo norvoi: niltnciita, iiii'!istatiim and kidney trouble; m action in tu-?c. as in tha ollii-r complaints, being charac..-:cd Lyu equalled thoroughness. e,:. jrou j--: ; j'ifd tiOnt lul'l) t..J t e.ti of th" larcor; ami s-wts rcUiJj il HCU-. tir; -a urn. to S.TJCfl J&3h i 'i . M-ii. arts. e ratlin. C-clUlowtr i Vn''!XM'rJia? In exlrttscs. I m . It AMnv D. Kb FERRY & CO., Dafrai. -V'-ch. Yin: evemso of- TI1K AUSPlCliS OF- $8 00 0 iLkLz E'S DAY, FEB. 14, 1389!