Grant Co. News- I'UOT.ISHKn EVKItV THURSDAY MOUSING December 20, 1SSS- News Agents. The olloving-nanio:l gei.tlcmou aro duly authorized to solicit sub sorilKTs awl t. collaut and rouuipt for lnonov lae the :.l siant County N j:ws: if. W". 3Iack - Prank- City David Hlavion - - Blantou Ci!0. MfilvAY - - Waterman Patrick Henry, a young pro tection democrat, cast the only republican vote at Elberton. Ga., and was publically cowhided by his townsmen for breaking the solid democratic record ol the )lllCC. The ice Palace of St. Paul is to lmve a more substantial rival. Snlt Sake City proposes to build a salt palace out of the -white and glittering deposit on the shores of the lake. It will be a feature very attractive of visit ors. The annexation of Canada, by i he l?nited States, is being seri ously discussed on both sides of the line. General Sherman has public; ly expressed himself in favor of the union of the two countries. It is not probable . 1. i TV t 1 11 . . mat. v.uuiv. wiwi .i.ij, ; serious objection, if Canada i wen; to express anything like a decided preference to become a ' part of the great American re public instead of colon ial dependency remaining a As usual, says the Corvalhs . Times, the Portland members are working "teeth and toe nail"' j Dated this 20th day of Deccm to have every thing their own ; ber. P. L. Kbktox, way at the next session of the legislature. They want presi- i dent of the senate, speaker and a majority o all the imjortant committees, and they will get . them, too, unless the repress- tatives from the "cow counties" , look after their own interests. ; If Portland is to continually i cotitrol the legislature it is use- '. less for us to elect representa tive;. To no small extent the legis lation of the present session is not so much regarded as are plans of the Fifty-first Congress. The little that is usually done in legislation, apart from private 'bills, during a short session, will be even less. The majori ty of senators and representa tives regard an extra session of the Fifty-first Congress as ine vitable. Everything is being dpne to favor the plan, and should it shortly become an as sured fact, the republicans will feel indifferent as to legislation during this session. The prin cipal necessity for the extra ses sion arises from the time con sumed in organisation when majorities are so small, and from present indications, the republican majority in the House may be only one. The republicans interested in the ex tra session say that if it were called in Anril. the Senate bill could be p.K.eJ; South Dakota. ! Montana and Washington al- ! mittdl: an enabling act fori Tnril. -Dnl-.ihi n.icod nnd snnif. iV'v genend session legislation ac coinplished. Vv ashington Corr. The supreme court of Penn sylvania has just made r. decis ion relative to the trials of per sons ehargod with murder that is of tiie very highest import ance. This court decides, that. in murder trials, where there is j a disagreement of the jury, the j liriso'ier must not be repro- i ! '1ir 4 I i i. 1 Uinilded iOl a nCW, llllt ,i 4. r rS'l. UlUSu IHJ hCt lice. JliatlalO murder cannot be tried twice for the Kime offense, aftd if the j .1,;r.Y ,i:,..,..,.. ib r.,.n.- 1.;... Miriiviit.-! li una iitu fiuii tlm tw-.cJIiilif v i,f lifMMir 1 I " " i again tried lor Use same crime. The ground assigned for this decision is that clause in the constitution which declares that no person can be twice "put in jeopardy of life or limb" for the same oitense. Jn its decision 1 W . the couit declares that the con stitution is very clear on the matter and that this fact makes ! ""- it remarkable that the POint Was . . - I never raised I jet ore. .Many men j have been tried for murder a ' second time.convicted and hanr- ' ed. The decision was of import- j ance in every state and territory j in the I'nited States, and hence it is so interpreted' it will cer tainly follow that courts elfe- ' where will follow the precedent 1 thus set and declare the same in ; be taken to the supreme court of the United States, Avhich has finrd jurisiliction, and if that tribunal should uphold the Pennsylvania decision, the mat ter would be at once aettled. According to its population Oregon is entitled to another Congressman. It is estimated that since the formation of our government more than 13,000,000 immi grants have come to the United States. of Maryland, who fixed the date of a murderer's execution at February 29, 1S89, when there is no February 2(Jth in next year. The condemned man can alford to wait for the day of his death. - An enterprising Washingto nian has originated a plan to give the inaugural ceremonies of Gen. Harrison the character of a century inauguration. It will just be one hundred years since Gerorge "Washington was inatiifu rated. NEW TO-DAV, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ADMINISTRATOR. OF Nolieo is herein' given that the undersigned, P. L. Keoton has, by the county court of the stato of Oregon for Grant county, been duly ai pointed administrator of the estate of Thomas J. Keelon, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified and required to present the same with proper vouchers therefor, to the under signed at his reside! icq on Moun tain creek in (J rant county, Ore gon, or to Parrish & Cond, attor neys of raid estate at their office in ('!ft. in c-iiii fi.iniifv finnl ,ial0 f Administrator tsrorai 6,000.000 ii,In i"oto thi ... , i ' tun best to bt:v Seed ci tbo largest and most rcliiblo houso, and tlicy uwi D. 31. FERUY CO. are nctnoi: icslRPd to bo tbo Largest Seedsmen In tho world. D M.FEnnTiCo'a Illust rated JOeaerip. uto cun ITICOU SEED ANNUAL For 1080 Win bo nijiiiod rnrr to )at Vfer'nrmlnmMrv Id fill Ltmlirjililn nn. I without ordiriniriL lnr. mexitunce. I should ieiiii for it. AdJ.-vw D. H. FERRY & GO., Detroit, Gtfsti. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby giver, that tho co-partnership heretofore CMstinjr before 11. Stansell and V. It. Cunuington, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, W. It. Cunnington retiring. All debts owing by the late firm are assum ed and are payable" by H. Stansell, who continues in the business. All debts due the said fit m are payable to said H. Stansell. II. Staxski-l. W. R. C'rxxiNOToy. Canyon City, Dec. I. 18S8. VARIETIES m NOTIONS. IX TIIK OLD I'OSTOI'HCE lU'II.DIXn CANYON CITY, Oregon. Toilet Sets, ('li in esc and J a )(( ncsc Goods, Dolls, Book's, 'Pictures, and -VVA' Xacks of every des- criJi ion . GAGK SISTEIiS, Proprietors. KOTICK FOR PUr.rJCATlON. ImwI Oilice at l.:x (r.iiiilf, Oregon. Dec. :t. ISSS. Xotifi1 i Jierohy' !ltn tliat the fl'xvinz inuicii e!liT lia4 HliM n.ilicc. f li'.n hiJciillou to maWs tilacil jiiouf in mpMrt of his clnitn, iiinl tltat siiil iir.u f will ho inail" hofore ('i.iinty ("l.-rk of (.runt Co., j.t Coiiviisi itv. Or., on Jan. 2C. lM!t, vis:. CIIAltU- FIX1.AYSOX. DSXi. 7iKis fur the W half SU .tur and )'. Im'f SW mur S c U T IS S It IT 11. Hi' tmnitH the follinviiii; uittiCM!tS to jirnvo hi-i.nili:ni',iis rt'oideiioc ti;ni, ntnl cultivnlioti of, s!5 iaiuj, i: William Gy. F tiuii'ii. r".,v ,,..,, Warn uilt, Jamos .MacU.MiaM, ot O.iyti'k, wlio ! strj to protest nr.iiiiit the su h proof, or wh.i Uiiow- ufanr !.itin-r tin- inturinr iicMnmtit, why mcii I11'-"'' !in'l not 1 n!!mvil, w:ll Ui tfiviiii n oi.;...rt:ni:ty .,t tli .itove inoDtlonui timuaiKl ptafe t) rf )!(-vxn,niiie the wittM-aw 'f f.ii'l flalmva, andm ullcr dlilenro in rohuttal of - XOTICK F( iR PUBLICATION. iiwin. uii'iiT tin i:iw and tin; riu l-ii:.: a: la (.ran.i. urecoii. Nov. ill, ISS'. X.'.i:- i luToh rfwn tlir.t tho follow in li iuicJ httlU r lias fllril ii notiro if liU intciitii'ii . to i.miic ilnal proof in fiipiKitt of l.if clHiiii. and lliat raid .roof will lu tnadv 'x-foro the ClcrS; of Gxt Co.. or., at Cativn ' on Jan. VI, JS1, iz .McC.KI.lAX : STOt'KllAl.i:. 1) S ;tMr. for the SI SW ijnar. is"-:i Mini SR p:ar. MV ipiar. tnd" SW quar ,K ij'iar Set HT. PJ S U 27 E. Ue iwtiii'. the fotlowin witnosscs to prove 1 l.Ss continuous residence upon, and cultivation ' of, r.iij land. iz. KM I :u i ton, A 1 Snyder, e 11 UIrzc, i U Snuii'r. of liayvillc. Or. Anr pvr-cn v.ho deiieH U orotcst ai'ninst j th; .i:!oH:tt!Ct' f Muh proof, i-r who knows i-f any m i-.-iatiliil riKion. under the law a. id the ni-oUjioi-.K of the Ititcr.or iJepArtjnent, wliy m h pro f hliotild lint he allowed. wIHTo iveli a" J'll"riin.ity --t the al.ove mentioned time a!)( jitaee to cro-si-cvatnine llic witntsse' of clannant, and to oiW ixidenee i;i rebuttal of tlmt iHlbniiltcd bv ehiimnnt. ! 1 1 HENItV KINIiUAIlT, lUfc'istcr. CITY HOTEL MAIN' STUEET Canyon City, Oregon, GROTJf J- THOMPSON Pr'opi'iotors. Traveling men will find this a pleasant and desirable place at which to stop. mmm Girc us a Call a!?e SHERIFF'S S By virtue of an execution ami Order of sale issued oat of the Honorable circuit court of tbo stato of Oregon for the county of Grint upon a judgement rendered in said court on the loth day of November 1888, in favor of Henry Flockenstein and ajtfuliu8 Mayer, co-partners as Mpkenstein & Mayer Aiaintifi' s.'PfTnd against John Hobimion and Thomas G. Dodsou, co-partners as Robinson & Dodson, defendants foi the sum of 2S49.23 gold coin, ana $107. 53 costs, together with eight per cent per annum interest and ac cruing costs. I have levied upon and will soil at public auction, ca Saturday the 12th day of January, 1889, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at tho court houso door, in the town of Canyon City, Grant county and stato of Oregon, all the right, title and interest which tho said John Robinson and Thomas G. Dodson, or either thereof, defendants, had on, or after the said liJth day cf Novem ber, 18S, in or to the following described real property, situated, lying and being in tho town of Burns, Grant county Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Lot No 8 of block No 3, and the saloon building and cellar situate thereon. Lot No 5 of block No 4, and the icq house and cellar situate thereon. Lot No 8 of block No 20 and the hall build ing situate thereon. An undivid ed one-half interest in and' to lot No 8 of block No i and an undi vided one-half interest in and to the hotel building situate thereon. That certain dwelling houso and lot occupied by John Robinson. That certain dwelling house and lot occupied by Thomas G. Dod son, together with all and singu lar, and tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in anywise appertain ing. Toims of sale, cash. Dated at Canyon City, this 12th dav of December, A. JJ. 1888. W. P. GRAY, Sheriff uf Grant Co. Or. By j. j. Mcculloch if. Deputy SherilV. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Nolice is hereby given that the undersigned, Peter Fronch, has, b' tho county court of the state of Oregon for Grant county, been duly appointed administrator of the estato of Hugh J. Glenn, de ceased, anil all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present tho samo with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his oilice at the"P" ranch in Blitzen vallo, Grant county, Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof. Dated this 13th day of Dec. 1S8S. PETER FRENCH. Administrator. NOTICE. In iho County Court of the State of Oregon, for Grant County. Iu the m it tor of the estate of Gluts. Lux, deceased, situate in Oregon. To Whom it may Conckun. Know ye, that by an order of the Honorable, the above named Court, the undersigned bus been appointed Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Char les Lux, deceased, situate in Ore gon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, within six months from the dale hereof, either to the undersigned at his residence at the Agency, Malheur county, Ore gon, or to Thornton Williams, Atty. or the said estato, ut his oilice, in Canyon Oily, Grant coun ty. Oregon. Dated this 5th day of Decem ber, A. D. 18S8. CHARLES B. SMITH. 37-1 1 Administrator -1.-0 . c - a -. 2 B fi " Z i - . i JOILK T 'OSS Watch-maker and Jeweler, CANYON CITY, Oregon. Mr. Vors has permanently Iota!eI at this Vac , Itavinz hrpn burned out at Arlington, ami s jiripaicil to do tlrot-chtg work in his lino. HIDES & FURS. I will pay the highest market price for Deer and other Hides. W. H. CLARK. 20o Canyon city, Or. mum ir c - S-r- a- p ft e- c a - tie -i m f THE GRAND FIREMEN'S BALL -WILL BE Canyon Qity, Or., Newyears Eve, December 31st, 1888. -UNDER THE TIGER HOSE COMMITTEE OF Prank Sels, Frank Metschan, FLOOR COMMITTEE: Thos. Bugler, I. Jewett, Geo. Malum, RECEPTION Hush Smith. Jas. Ferrel, G. D. Rickard, Everything will be first-class. Come everybody, and have a good time. TI,CKEf8Anoludint supper, - $2 00 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olikc at I-n Grande, Oregon. Nov lOtli, lSbS. Notice I henby given that the. rollowing namcd tattler have tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in supimrt of liU claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of Grant comity Or., at Canyon City, Ore., on January 12th., vU: JOHN' II. UAV1S. U S No 8C41. for th W4 SW quar. Sec. Tt and WJ NV quar. Sec 31 Tp IS S ft 33 Ilcnimcsthc following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aid Ian I, viz: J T Mollltt, Ceorgc Huhu Alexander Oldson, Onbc Huhu, of Drewsey Or. Any person who desires to protest aaitiit the allowance of niich proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof should uot ho allowed, will bis ulveii an opportunity at the nbove mentioned time, and place to cross-examine the witnesses of Kaid claimant, and to oHer evidence in rebuttal of that KtilKuittcd bv claimant. 3G41 HENItV lUNEilAHT, Hegistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Oilice at Li Grande, Oregon. Nov. 3, ISbS. Notice Is hereby (flvcn that tho following named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make rtnnl proof in support of his claim, and that laid proof will be made before Clerk of Wrant conntv, at Canyon Citv, Oregon, on December 21," IsSS, viz: Hl'lJilAIU) JOIIN MN L S No. S.V), for the SW u.irti r SK o,unr NK inar SW tjudr. and S half SW quar See. I), Tp 10, S H 33 1-2, K. He names the following wlt:icfes to prove his continuous residence upon, and culthntio of said laud, viz: Thorna Hohu.i, lieiir Ilohun, Albert Druwitt, George Jackson, all of I'rairie City, OrfU'oii. Any person who desire to protest airains-t the allowance ol such pi oof, or who known of any substantial reasons, under tlie law aud the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof hhould not be allowed, will lie given aifi.piMirtunity at the above mentioned time and p!ae to "cross-exaiiilne the witnesses of Kiid claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 3 :W ilENRV UINEIIAltT, Itegistcr. 0. P. CRESAP -Dealer In- Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Gilt Band nnd Glassware, in End less Variety. Fancy Wares, suitable foi presents' for both Old and Young. Bovs' Iron Wagous, Baby Carriages from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece. Candies & cigars. Tobaccos, Cof fees, Teas, Lard, Flour, Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, Rice, Cream Wheat, the finest breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle, Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lamps, Bird capes, and everything that is , usually kept in a Variety Store, all of which V Can now bd Bought Cheap fOICash ftt the Old Stand in Canvon City. Overholt -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CAjYYOjY CITY, Or. -TiiE- dmyon Oity ED WALTON -TS TIIE PLACE TO 00 WHEN Bath, Shave .. A PRAIRIE H . J. W. BATHS, Proprietor. The Culinary Department is in charge of Competent and Experienced C oks, who spare no labor to do honor to the palates of the Public. --- In Connection with this Popular Hotol is at all times supplied with tho Best Brands of Winea, Liquors and Cigars. S3T sample noon ron commercial travelers. GIVEN AT- AUSPICES OF- TEAM NO 1 ARRANGEMENTS: Ed Walton, ' Jake Simon. Clay Todhunter. COMMITTEE: Frank Fleischman, Clias. Gray, Si" Durkheimer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon. Dec 0. l&JS. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make flual proof In support of his claim, and that eaid proof will 1ms made before the County Clerk of Grant countv, at Canyon City, Or.. on Feb. 1. niX viz: JOHN M. YOUNG, II D 1404, for tho SE quar SE quar Sc 14 and K half NE quar SW quar NE paur Seu 23 Tp 14 S II 2(i E. He names the following witncsFes to prove his continuous residence unou, and cultivation of, said land U: It L Oliver, J W Oreenwell, A V Snyder, A K Dond, all of Dayville, Or. Any person who desires to protest ag-.dnst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of anv reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such priof should not be allowed, will bti given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross oxamine tho witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal cf that bubmiltcd by claimant. 33-J3 K. A. McDONALI) Uesister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Ofllce at La Grande, Oregon. November 6th, 1SS8. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of Ids intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk f Grant Countv, at Canyon City, Or., on December 21, 1, viz: AXDltEW J LA KEY, D S sSi'J for the El-2 SWl-4 Sec 20 and N l-t NW1-4 Sec 35 Tp 1C S It 33 1-2 E. and JACOU L I, A KEY D S KiM for the El-2 NEI-4 See 31, SWl-4 NW1 4 Sec 30 and SK1-4 SE1-4 Sec 27 Tp 10 S It 33 1-2 K. He iintiics the following witnesses to prove h's coutiiiuoHS residence upon, aud cultivation of, laud, viz; G F Jackson. Andrew Drcwitt. Dick Comiett. Andrew J Lakey, Albert Drewitt, all of Trairie Citj , Or. Any person who desires to protest agalnf-t the allowance of such proof, or wno knows of any substantial reason, under the la.v aud the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof hhould not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned, time and pjnee to cro.'i examine tlie witnesses of said claimant, ami to offer evidence In rebuttal of th it 4tiliun:ted by claimant. 34-39 II EN It Y UlNEHAUT, Register. Muldrick, JBarber Shop PROPR. YOU WISH A FIKST-CI.ASS- or Hair-cut! f$f- - 2 r CITY, OR. 7 Haptonstall & Dart -DEALERS IN- General John Day City, Oregon. George Chindlach $f Bro .DEALERS IN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CAjYYOjYCIZY - OREGjYO VST PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. jX A. HA CHEN El Y. DEALER IN General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. City meat market. Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon. CRAY & EADS, Proprietors. DEALER IK All Kinds Of llj Wholesale and Retail. New Hotel, Canyon City Or. -FIRST CLASS Special Allen lion Paid to Traveling and Commercial Men. Courteous Attention Given to Every One. When In The City Give Us a Trial. H. STANSELL, Proprietor. New Goods! -Just Received, a General Assortment of Fresh- FINE TEAS, Imported direct from Japan. FARINACEOUS GOODS, TAPIOCA, GEKMEA, CERE ALINE CREAM WHEAT, CORN & OATMEAL, Etc. CHflRDWilBE,ffiO )00DSi) TOBACCOS & EL GUSTO CIGARS, PATENT MEDICINES, DIAMOND DYES, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc., Eto. Will Sell at Reduced Prices For Cash. CROCKERY and To close out, will bo sold II. JR. SELS. CANYON CITY, MAY 14th, 1888. :bosto3xt Carpet & Furniture STORE. Opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon SAM SIRED, Manager. . . . .DEALEB I.N' Wall Paper; Window Shades Building & Carpet Faper, Mattresses, Etc. Merchandise FRESH MEATS t3.AU orders filled on short notice. - - ACCOMMODATION'S GLASSWARE at cost, and below cost- X-