Grant Co. News' I'UIU.ISHED KVEUYTHUILsnAY MORNING December 13, ISSS- News Agents. The following-named gentlemen are duly authorized to solicit sub scribers and to eolkvt and receipt for money due the ( .'hant County News: .1. W. .Mack - Prairie City David Blantox - - lilanton Geo. McKay - - Waterman the licmnnin of the prchcnt year 4.128 members of the Grand Army of the Repub lic have died. An amature eheniest wants to know if whisky will devolve jrold. Xo, sonny, but it will make it disappear. The Chieap-o Anarchists are bringing their children up to believe in the teachings of Spies and Parsons. They might bet ter bring them up to appreciate tho value of American Jiemp as a preserver of law and order. Editor Shevitch of Chicago, says that very soon 100,0(.)() Anarchists in this country will arise in their might and avenge the death of Spies and his com rades. They may rise in their might, but they will sit down in i hurry. Two Chicago clergymen have proved to their own satisfaction that dancing is wrong, because o rv f men never dance with men. Yes, and by way of argument it ma be proven that marrying is all wrong, because men ucv marry each other. Up in Montana a boy was ex plaining to other boys the pro cess of casting a vote at election. "When asked what was necessa ry in case of a challenge, the ex perienced youth said: "Then you have to swear that von have been thirty days in the Territo- ! . .... 1 ry and six mouths in the peui- j and appurt. nances thereunto be tiintiarv." ! longing or in anvwiso anpei tain- It appears from ollicial re ports regarding the finances of the Post Othce Department that the deficiency in that branch last year amounted to S5,430.SiS. This delicicncy is owino; mainly to the great exes- j n tension of the free delivery ser vice, under a modification of the old law, and the increase of railway mail transportation. i peculiar case ot insanity, , and one that is Jikely to excite f tho interest and investwmtinii of ft 1. . I . r. the medical frateauity, is that of Edward Sherman af White water, Wisconsin, who has be- come a raving maniac as a re- stilt of an attempt to abruptly j discontinue the use of tobacco 4 after having used it habitually for twenty years. There were 2130 desertions from the army last year, or more than 10 per cent of the whole force, according to the report of General Scholield. This would seem to indicate that what the military service needs is either more severe pun ishment for desertion or a lot more recruiting oflices. It is estimated by an indus trious Northern newspaper sta ticinu that there are 8,000,000 men in America who get shav ed three times a week. This is commendable. Now will some eminent staticiac inform uc how many of those 3,000,000 tri-weekly shavers wash their feet once a week? This is very important, let there be no un necessary delay in the returns. A Washington dispatch says: The president did not sign the bill permitting persons- who have abandoned and relinquish ed their homestead entries to make another entry. The meas ure was got through the senate. aild the hoUSe ameJHlel the bill ! ... . , . . 1 which was referred to a joint j conference committee and was ; not finally disposed of, CClia- 1 tor Dolph proposes to re-mlro- Atmi t cini.i ; - uuce lie bill and secuie i: jias- j ciifiro if tvii.I'iliv tlti'r.nnli , Ilo "-Ov' I"--""""o" i senate at an early day. An old (Quaker once 'Thee must nob knock at .,:.. till-. , 1 O i - ... i loor of a printing olhce. Ihec , . . ' , " , , , ; iiiui uyi. piiinu ill. int'ir nai'lvs ll ., ........ ,1.. 11. 1 looking over their shoulders and reild the COOV ihev MIC cpllimr IUIUI nil. mp IIILJ .11C SLUIllg. ; Thee must not meddle with the tyiie, Or try tO plClC HO a lob, . . . . me same as a primer; or moil may spoil fifty dollars worth of .work in a minute. "When the editor tells thee that he is be- I.,..,,. tI , hind with lus paper should laice i ne nun inaL ne is very i.u-' sy and lon t want to be i.other- , i i .i i.i i ... i i eu uniess inou nam a iirne wealth to deposit in his pocket." NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE. Cumc to the premises of the un dersigned, two mares: A brown niaiu branded 5I on left stille and n sorrel mare branded 12 on loft shoulder. Owner can have them by proving property and pining charges. Mixot Al'stix. Austin, Dec. 11, If 88. SHERIFF'S SALE B virtue of an execution and Order of sale issued out of the Honorable circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Grant upon a judgement rendered in said court on the 13th day of November 1S8S, in favor of Henry Fleckonstein and S. Julius Mayer, co-partners ns Fleckenstein & Mayer p'aintift's, and against John Robinson and Thomas G. Dodsou, co partners as Robinson & Dodson, defendants foi the sum of $2S49.23 gold coin, and $107. 53 costs, together with eight per cent er annum interest and ac cruing costs. I have levied upon and will sell at pullic auction, on Saturday the 12th day of January, 1889, at one o'clock p. in. of said day, at tho court liouso door, in the town of Canyon City, Grunt county and stato of Oregon, all tho right, title and interest which the said John Robinson and Thomas G. Dodson, or either thereof, defendants, had on, or after the said 13th day cf Novem ber, 1S88, in or to the following described real property, situated, lying and being in tho town of Burns, Grant county Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot No 8 of block No 3, and the saloon building and cellar situate thereon. Lot No o of block No -1, and tho ice house and cellar situate thereon. Lot No 8 of block No -20 and the hall build ing situate thereon. An undivid ed one-half interest in and to lot No S of block No 3 and an undi vided one-half interest in and to the hotel building situnte thereon. That certain dwelling house and lot occupied by John Robinson. That certain dwelling house and lot occupied by Thomas G. Dod son, together with all and singu lar, and tenements, hereditaments nig: Tonus of sale, cash. Dated at Canyon Cit, this 12th dav of Heci'iuber, A. L. 1SSS. W. P. CR Y, Miwriffiif Grant Co. Or. Ry .1. J. McCULLOUHII, Deputy Sheriff. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Nolicc is hereby ghen that the undersigned, Putur French, has, bv tho countv court of tho state of - V Oregon for Grant county, been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Hugh J. Glenn, de- ceased, and all persons having claims against said estate re herehv notified and required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his office at the'T" much in Blitzen vallcv, Grant countv, Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof. Dated this 13th d:.y of Dec 1SSS. PETER FRENCH. Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IaiuI Oific- at The Dalle?. Oiuuii. Die 0. 1-art. Nti'e is liorcbv given tint tin' follow in-.. I u.ltiel .-."lllcr 1i.-m filnl notice of hit ii;t-iitin to j nuke final iriMit in Support of Ii'h cl-iini, ami 1 1'iat tuiiil iTiiiil lie mailc li';fi rc tlu- C.MlliU j I I -i k of Criuit county, at Canton Citv, r". .11 Kei. 1. viz: JlilI.S M. YOUNO, II D , 1 HH. for tin- bE 4tiar &E qiur i.e 14 ami K itaii ..I. iii,ir mi iuar .m. cjuar ouc .j iji 14 S I; H K. II; naniiM lite following witnesses to prate h s r-.iiti'.L.o'H ru-iiloiX'u upon, and cuhivatiuii of, ivikl laiul f. It I. OHtLT. J V (irvcliue!!, A 1 Sty o'er. A F llonil, all ut Dwilie, Or. Any erson wli" cloire to ritcC n'aint iUt allowanui! of surli ronf. or who Know of any uili! ronton. iiii-Iit the law an. I the r-?ulatiii s of the lutciior DepaMitU'lit. why Mich pr xif .nliotili! not he allow !. will iieivvn an iip.irtiinily at the above ntt-ntioneil time anl pl.icc tiMTO.-w-examiiu the w itneses of saltl rUiinaiit, nnJ to iillv-r itMi'iicu in rehuttal if that MlIilllittKl liv clnillinnt SS-13 F. A. JIcDONAI.I) i:e-it!ter. NUTIC1-: FOR PUr.LICATlON. Iintl Oilii-e at li, ()ro:i. Hw. V, liivs Not is hereby eiven Uinl tit follotviiit;-lliii.-i! .H!'r lui- lilnl liotiei f liU ind iil ion to in-ike liiwil ptiHif in mpp -rt of liw claim, anl Uat "Viil prH f will Ik- nmii- In-fore Coiiiily Cl-ik of Uraiit Co., at (icioii ( v. Or., on J..11. 'Jrt. 1S, .z: IIAUI.ns FlM.AYStN. Dfj.N'o T:i f-r llw W U.( Mi tiiar a-nl K Im'r SW S r la Tj It S II H. ID' naiiii'i 1 In full'.wtoi: witin-M'-lo prnre li ciiiitinii'.i's rihlone- iiii. miiiI I'ii'tivTttiim of, cnol lam!, V.'il moi Gr'J. F Cuioii, W;itl Swilt. JanieH Mil D.uwl.l, ot Daiti'Ie, Or. Any p -mm lUctrts. t.i prti'St 3i"Milit the ft'lw.-.i:it of irIi 1 t -.: or woo kiM'Ur ofuny M:tt:hti.i! reMMi. uii'l'T the l: An. I the re?ti l.tti.!i of Interior lrnr:iin nl, why Mich r-l ilutulii ii'it :e will be icivrii mi o:!i-rtnii:t nt the liov inciitinntal timeanil I ti a.".- t I'liu. i 11, line :h" xvittn;j.i-i of mid ! int. ami to oiler etideme in rcfaittUil of tlitit Miiitnil tcil bv 1. lull. 'ant . iik.nky in.NKU.n'. neviter. vrrnfi.1 wuvt iTTir.iATTf i" I.l OlHec at ICrMide. Orf-ron. Dec It, Ntiie is lu ti'by gtvuii that tho foilowiiii;- imwh 'I iT lun fiictl iMitli 'P of IiIh iiiienuon t ., U'.L. na ,,rM.f M.mttoi hiseiaim, ami Umt id p o.f will hit nude Ikt'orc tn- fouiity enrfc of i-oitniv. r.t Canyon City. Orix-on. , oh .Luuiatv itltli, l.-Sii, viz: WILLIAM MIK I D S .Vi !'; f-ir the W luilfof W h.ilf See 17 Tp 13 S It K. lie imme the following wittle-ts to prf bit ti"iitiiinotii ruiilem-e iiMn. and cullitnt'on .t. 3iU land, viz: .laini-i MarDoaald, Waul L... If. t1 I Jl I . - I II-. II.. nnin. rAl .iinir, iiaiie I iiiiatsoii mi ui i';ij- viif or. Anv per.-on who desires to aa.n-t Hie ailuwaiireol kticli proil. or who kiioiv oi j tty Mihittintiul roa-on, under the Uw ami the re.iati.m- of the interior iriu-tnii&.ui. ; pnfuh iiild not be allow!. i'I be iveii a,, ;..Kirt ,iiv at the above nientiuntfd lime a"? to erosexminc the witin-.s -;.ii ; mtiom. nun in oner evnieiieu in reouiiu oi ART. llej-btcr. ESTRAY Sio REWARD, .. , ... . ' llor the recovery of eight Ohio .Merino bucks. Strav- ,,fon or about the 10th of this lnon(h from tho Cjuniuni.h lV lswell band of sheep at Keiths .. . .. . .... ranch in Bear'vallev, branded G on left horn and G G wool brand. Geo. Gu.ndlacii & Buo. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing before 11. Stansell and W. R. Cunuington, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, W. R. Cunnington retiring. All debts owing by the late firm are assum ed and are payable by H. Stansell, who continues in tho business. All debts due the said fiun are payable to said II. Stansell. H. Stansell. W. R. Cunnixoton. Canyon City, Dec. 4, 18SS. SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue of an execution and I decree of foreclosure and sale is sued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon in the county of Grant, on a judgment rendered in said court on the lGtb day of November, A. I). 1888, in favor of A. C. Hall plaintiff, and against William V. Gilliam, C. Gilliam, F. M. Miller, C. Ryrd, J. J. MeCullough and L. Racine for the sum of six hun dred and twenty-three dollars and thirty cents ami sixty-seven dollars and. seventy-nine cents costs, together with ten per cent, per annum interest from the said Kith day of November 1SSS, and accruing costs. I have levied upon and will sell at public auc tion, on Saturday, the oth day of January, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. m. ofsaiddayat the Court House door in Canyon City, Grant Co., and state of Oregon, all the right, title and interest which the said William W Gilliam had on or after the oth day of April, 1888, in or to the following described mortgaged premises, situate, ly ing and being in Grant County, state of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: The SW of section 1 in Township 23, South of liange 31, East of the Willamette Meridian; together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining. Terms of sale, Cash. Dated at Canyon City, this 5th dav of December, 1888. W. V. GRAY, Sheriff of Grant Co. Or. By J. J. MeCULLOUGII. Deputy Sheriff. NOTICE. In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Grant County. In tho m-ttter of the estate of Chus. Lux, deceased, situate in Oregon. 'I Whom it may Conceux. Know ye, that by an order of the Honorable, the above named Court, tho undersigned has been appointed Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Char les Lux, deceased, situate in Ore- j gon. All persons having claims against said estate are notified lo present tho same, duly verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereof, either to the undersigned at his residence at the Agency, Malheur county, Ore gon, or to Thornton Williams, Atty. for the said estate, ut his olliee, in Canyon City, Grant coun ty. Oregon? Dated this 5th day of Decem ber, A. D. KrfS. CHARLES B. SMITH. 37-11 Administrator NOTfCK FOR PUBLICATION Office at jx Crniide, Orejron. Xm umber Mb, ISS. Notice it hereby yiven that the fi-llowiu. named settler Iris liled notice i)f his intention to muke final prool in xupport of hit" claim, and that mid pioof Mill h.j made la-fore County Clerk of Countv. at Cunon City, Or., oil Diiemher 21, lssS. vir.: ANDKKW J I.AKKY, D S s.r.'.l the KI-2 SWl-4 Sec 20 iind X 1-2 XWl-t S..c :t.". Tp Hi S It Xi 1 2 K. and JAflii; I. I.AKKY D S sa.-.". for Hie KI-2 XKI-I See:tl. SW1-I XWl 4 Seo a."i and SK1-4 SK1-4 Sec 2; Tp lit S lt:W 1-2 K. lie names the following wUiic-su-; to prove Lis continuum reMiliMiic ti!i, and cultivation of, aid lund. viz: (' K Jnckiion. Andreu' Drewitt. Diek Connctt. Andrew.) I.akev, Albert Drewitt, all of I'rairL' Cit.i , tr. Any H.ri!i who desires? to protect aaiut tho allowance of filth proof, or wio knows of any reaon. under Ihe la.v and the regu lation of the InUrior Dcpartmiut, uhv cueli pr-M-f hhotilil not be allnued, will bei;fveuan iiM,rtiinity at the above mentioned time and pl:ie' lo ero-s lAaniine the witnesses of Haid eiuiin.tut, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Miliimltcd bv rl.kirnaut. 8I-:I IIKNKY UINKUAUT, Knitter. z- 2.722 S5g 2;- pr. r- a C mm m rT --joiix rofis-- if and Jeweler. CANYON CITY, Oregon. Mr. Vois hsx permanently Imaled at this jdiiee, haxitij been burned out at Ailinton, anil w prepared to do flrct-elai-s work in hi line. til' The Uepairin of WaU'liui, Olocka and -Mmic Duxes, etc., a BpecUltv. 1 -T 'V za 2 S- in i i i yHiJt .sr. 'A. jr jt r mm 3 THE GRAND FIREMEN'S BALL -WILL BE Canyon City. Or., Christmas Eve, December 24tli, 1888. -UNDER THE TIGER HOSE COMMITTEE OF Frank Metschan, Frank Sels, Thos. Bugler, Hugh Smith, FLOOR COMMITTEE: I. Jewett, Geo. Malum, RECEPTION Jas. Ferrel, 0. D. Rickard, Everything will le first-class. Come .everybody, and have a good time. TICKETS $2 00 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olliee ut Ln Grande, Orison. Nov lllth, lSit. Notice Is hereby given that the following. named settler have tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he mails before the Countv clerk of (irant county Or., at Canyon City, Ore.', on January 12th., 18S9, viz: JOHN II. DAVIS, n S No bCU, tar tUr. W', SW qtur. See. 27 and WJ NV ipuar. Sec 34 Tp IS S It Ilenameathc following witnesses to prove his contiiiuoiis residence upon, and cultivation of, taid land, viz: J T Motlltt, George Uulse, Alexander OMson, Oabe Hush, of Drewsey Or. Any person who desires to protest R','aint the ullowatice of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reueon, under the law and the ri;u laliomi of the Interior Department, why such proof Mioi'ld not be allowed, will be triven an opportunity at the alwve mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesset of fuid claimant, and to otrer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted bv claimant. 3C11 HEN It Y 1UNEUAKT, Kesistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Nov. 3, 1SSS. Xottrc Is hereby given that the following. namrd m-ttlcr has tiled notice of hi intention to make tlnal proof In suport of his claim, and that raid proof will be made before Clerk of Orant county, at Canyon Citr. Oregon, on December 21. 1SS3. vljt: HUUUAUD JOHN SON. D S No. SS50, for the SW quarter SE qunr NK quar SW quar. and S half SW qtur Sec. i), Tp 10, S It :U 1-2, K. He iiamcH the following wituefxes to prove his continuous residence upon, and cullivatlo of Haiil laud, viz: Thomai llohna, Henry Ilohua, Albert Drewitt, George Jackson, all of 1'ralrie City, Oregon. Anv person who dcfiret to protest a?ainit the allowance of such pioof, or who knows of any pubstuulial reasons, under the law and the regulation of the Interior Department, why Mich proof tdiould not be allowed, will be iven an opixirtunity at the above mentioned time and place to 'cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to nllVr evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bv claimant. 31-31) HKN'KV IUXKIIART, IteBisttr. 0. P. CRESAP -Dealer In- Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Gilt Bund and Glassware, in End less Varietr. Fancy Wares, suitable foi presents for both Old and Young. Boys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece. Candies & cigars. Tobaccos, Cof fees, Teas, Lard, Flour, Biiejl Fruits, Canned Fruits, JNce, Cream Wheat, the finest breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle, Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lamps, Bird cages, and everything that is usually kept in a Variety Store, all of which V Can now bj Bought Cheap foiCash Ilt Uo Old Stand in Cany on City. Overholt -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CANYON CITY, Or. -T1IE- Canyon City ED WALTON -IS THK I'l.ACK TO fiO W1IKX Bath, Shave PRAIRIE x Ho J. TP. BATES, Proprietor. Tho Culinary Department is in charge of Competont and Experienced Cooks, who spnro no labor to do honor to the palates of tho Public. -wr tse; vjel In Connection with this Populur Hotel is at all times supplied with tho BestjBrands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 5ST SAMPLE H00M3 FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. GIVEN' AT- AUSPICES OF- TEAM NO 1 ARRANGEMENTS: Ed Walton, Jake Simon. Clay Todhuntor. COMMITTEE: Frank Fleisehman, Chas. Gray, Si'' Durkheimer. HIDES & FURS. I will pay the highest market price- for Deer and other Hides. W. II. CLARK. 20o Canyon citj. Or. NOTICK In tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Grant County. In the matter of the estate I of WalterS. Sage, deceased. Notice to Creditors. To all Whom it may Coxceu.v. Take notice that tho undersign ed was on the 22ud day ol Sep tember 1888, by order of the Hon. County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Grant county, that day made and entered appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Wal ter S. Sage, deceased and that letters of administration have been daily issued. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby noti ed to present the aame, duly verified as by law re quired to the undersigned at Prai rie Cit, Grant county, Oregon, or at the oflice of M. D. Clifford in Canyon City, Grant county, Oregon, within six months from tho date hereof. Dated at Canyon Citv, Oregon, October 10, 1888. D. B. Fisk, Administrator. 31uldriek, i-i Barber Shop PROP R. YOU WISH A FIUST-CI.ASS or Hair-cut! fllW AD - Haptonstall & Dart DEALERS IN General John Day George Chmdlach $f Bro. DEALERS IN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE CANYON CITY VST PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. j A. HACHENEY. -DEALER IN- General City meat market, Washington Street, CRAY A EADS, Proprietors. DEALER IK AH Kinds Of II j Wholesale and Retail. New Hotel. Canyon City Or. -FIRST CLASS Special Attention Paid to Traveling and Commercial Men. Courteous Attention Given to Every 'One, When la The City Give Us a Trial. H. STANSELL, Proprietor. New Goads! -Just Received, a General Assortment of Fresh- FINE TEAS, Imported direct from Japan. FARINACEOUS GOODS, ' TAPIOCA, GERMEA, CERE ALINE CREAM WHEAT, CORN & OATMEAL, Etc. (HtRDWIREjffiOCT TOBACCOS & EL GUSTO CIGARS, PATENT MEDICINES, DIAMOND DYES, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc., Etc. .m. mm - mm. m - . . ' wm sell at Reauced Prices For Cash. LnULlvLn i ana liLAbbWARE To close out, will bo sold at cost, and below coat.- H. R SELS. CANYON CITY, MAY 14th, 1888. IBOSTOW Carpet & Furniture STORE. Opposite Ihe M. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon SAM SIRED, Manager. X- . . .DKALEIl IK. Wall Paper, Window Shades Building & Carpet Faper, Mattresses, Etc. Merchandise City, Oregon. 0 REGNO Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. Canyon City, Oregon. FRESH MEATS T3.AU orders filled on thort notice. ACCOMMODATIONS X-