Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 13, 1888, Image 1

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HA.. - -W "U
L P Fislie
f 4 w ri hi I
Hi I'l
p y ; ufi
Number SS
YoiLivi6 .A.
Grant Co.- KewL
D. I. ASBTrfY .
Editor and Proprietor.
FjabsH-iption 4ft. $''
fSxMouihs...: 1
Thro Months 75
fr ti- -, am! 1 jHtr square for t
iif MiHWlt hutfwr. - -
' Ineirtw d.-n4ns; r4s made known oh sp
K certif.u. ivcn until all dwt' io paid
All lidding Polices in Local
Column will be charged at the
Tnteaf 2t oenU per line for,
jm& 10 els each subesquont hiser
tiJ4. S3: Special rales to regular
Fine Job Printing
Posters, Doners, Billhonils, Lot
tt':tenls, NoteboadH, State
ments, Invitutions,
'iiekaLs, Oirds
Ac, etc.
PKINTEl) 70 Ol'.DER.
Iiitrs It editing to Ni:wspaiei:s:
1 ittM..k9iAis wliri In lint rr'vft
encproRs n.oiic to the contrary ate !
....w, o
tJseir S'.ibscriptions.
!J. K 8Jil.eribeis ordiu-the hV ;
uoatiuuanee of their periodicals j
Hie aiHiher my continue to j
swal iiie;n r.ntii all arrearages are j
(ffl to tae tiioir periodicals fiom
Xftc ofiv.'o t!:-y are uireeioti w, mey
are responsible until they settle
tliHr hi:J :. and order their paper
lincoa! in uel.
4-. I f subvert hers move to other
)liCa without informing the pub- j
letmcr t!ir,ction they are held
5 The charts have decid-!
ftUiii refxMi.ig to take periodicals
lim th oliie, or removitig ami
Wyim" them uncalled for i3 nrima
,fie nvidfuceonutcntional fraud. (
(I. Anv ieison who roct-iwr. a :
new.pAper and master use oJ U,
v&ttliicr. hi-, hits o:dere ! it or not,
is L-id iu law to ic a .sabncriU-r.
7. If siUerilei -s ir.y in ad
vance they are lwnr.d to giye no
" lice to the publisher at the end of
their term, if they do uot wish to
cotitir.ue taking the paper, other
wine the publisher is authorized
to send it on. and the sulci iheis
will ba responsible until express
i!tice, v.i'h payment of nil arrears
is sent to the publisher.
0 VF I 0a A L DI H liCi'O U Y
Vt, 'I nlj5'
C?i3ftic - -
'J'tonsu:: ....
, . . Phil Meischnu
N. U. UuVy.
f J. H.iiellaley.
i Jl. IT. Davis.
Kurw Yor 11
Khe:4i' P Gray
Atmtjonr Chns. Tunsns.
.cftl K"pt E. Haves.
Stock ls;ecbor T. II. Curl
,r , I i. U. I son
iBiit. tlmles J!mts
T)isr. At'ot-ncy .. - J- l
Church "Ctrecto y
iler. A. liads hoM divino si
vice at ilw Vinegar .school house
at ii o'clock a. t. o.n th.i 1st Salv
baih of e;u::i ni'-nth, asal at
oioek in tfto evening at the id. Iu
o&iuKih in iiMiri City. Also at
tliu J-itrnwU-i ry school house at li
a :;; oa th- 3rd Sabbath of each
iiiouth and at Prairie City in the
o"oaia of the satne day. At dchu
3aTCitvat II a m. on the 2nd
and 4.Ui':n:iday.. and at Canyon
City t 7 i:t i,t;e evcaiuf of ti.e
fiiii C Tjt;c . .
0.. W Urivsrn .
Wtu. Wylise.
.1. '.' Torp
"V. li. Peterson . .
,3 j5andoufw .
. .John Day
9U.kIalor for Orient Ooun.
PoslaTJico Mt. Vernon, Or.
TOi'K?r: i hr:hy givr -n that 1 , o'iCS-: l'OU PUr.t.IcATiOn.
hav- r.f.p :in!ed"i-Ji.i follovnug- j 5 uu- 0.iM,.. J;j;- l,r-
tmaif ii tf my Deputies, viz: rf(Ci"Vi.itoii
J. pit" Kt- rin Stewart , '-f rVliS'nd
SI. Hih v Hnrney ; 7" -iiV.
ASt drer. ...... - Wagner d -.u n ..k
.1 . it ! I A '-4 i , i -
. TV I
& OUT!, M. D.
Canyon City, Ogn.
OOreiw; Main Street ihaoofhs formerly emeu- J
piuil hj In. Howard.
li. Y. Ai'.SKU
Ph.sici;uj 4t tin roon.
Cr.nyMi City .... Orygftii.
JfiMiry of Iowa, Ha--Jctnl '.r!, and will
atttmd I'VofafificiMtl c.lfc day or iihrlit.
i - Hfc-t,- -li- ' -
CJunvon Citv - - - Oregon
Ofnce in City Hotel.
Lose Cheek - - Ouwsos
Notary Pnli!i.
Canyon- City - - Oukgox
giF( mice with M. D. Cliff- rd -a
Ijiml niiiMf ami ColWlfc-'- irm jitly attcii
dml to. IV.-! unit Jlorte- dranu, a:nl
c?iar. reAan:.!i;o.
E. A. Knight,
3D 23 TSj cJC X fB rX" .
I'Vom Tin Jhillcs, has iorits:iin'iitIy
i, al .lohn Day City.
iiJbii WUitii. VilAAt.1 JLJC.X.
4-1 .. SWKKK,
Car.? " - Oregon.
Oanyox City, Ohero.v.
caxyox city . . onr.cox
Oilice at the court nouse.
JLAY TiI)in-KTK!i.
and. Colloctor.
Car.ycn City, Oiei
A:' ,n!.t(' M'.mtd to hi rare wil nwi'ivi
j ..,.4 t .tttni'i 'n, mid all inom-y will lw jnilil
IT. rv. IlIacSs.,
In otary Public.
Pa.ViuiK City - - - Okeoox.
Also Agent for the r.le of School
2JM.&V til)
Propriotr o!' th i
JohnDay WlMk Ranch
Fresh milk d-liv(rcd laily to
n.y customers in John Day and
Canyon cities. Clive me your or
ders. Oliveh.
W. . WitAi:;kK. N-T- Ui ii.v(V.
l.-vi.eif. V,: KarnV)r.
WILSiilSE & HUQ1503
AUoriiejs at Law
Will mtlfo ! :h? r.r. nit t;..tirl l Cany,,,
Ci'y. tM..'ore th V. S. Ui..t OBJ.- at
, jiv 1m4;-3 in :1k'. Und OMI mtrute.t to iih
t rtoeUe :bc w. prttnl attention.
ISST" saeS r .:citil.
K. C JI01tSl.KY,M. D.
P .-.xxsylyasia, April 8,
Canyon City, Oregon.
0 lire in hisDrugStore, Slain St-reel
)lew for Drugs promptly fillud.
Nu professional jxitroaage soiictnt
mi. tJR direpSionakm ?ivM v fl hv. 1
V -"dV W "S ',ti'-..ih. ml of It!.,,,:..:. Or.
. . ,M ,...!. .7. : C ; s. Kru;.r ' '
j i;
heMkPksmihakt. i.i.tflr.
Lard Oiliee at la Grande. Oregon
Novemltr 3. 1SS3.
Notice is lartl.v enin tint the foll.wlns
named settler U Hied notice of lux intention to
oommutc and make final proof In Miw-jrl or
,.!r,. thai iil nrtmf will he mad -before
1 the County Clerk of Crant county Oicjjmt, at
j Oai.voii City. Or., ,,!' I'fcembir .TSvSii
I TIIoMA- ISullNA. I) SSvi!) f..r the W I-;" f j
XEl-i SU'1-4 and SEI i X'. l- -i ij o
K ;ct 1 t2 E
ile namun the follow ins Mitncac3 to pnivc
his iniiiiniKMis roidinco and cultivation
..f, said land, viz: Hi-nry I'.oiinn. HerhtTt John
on, .lai-oli Latcey, .nd:cv I.-ikey, all of rrnlrlo
Oity.Or. . .
Anv p&nroii who deslroi to irU-i.l namtt the
.ilhxvAiire of Mich proof, or who knows of au
fUl)-ttitfal reason, under the law and the regu
lations of the Interior Deiurtnient, whv uin-h
j.rtxd should nut he all-iwe.!. will he tflen an
opportunitv at the above mentioned time and
plate to croi-cxnui;t:e tlio vitneS3f s of ad
c'aimaut, and to r.ffcr t'vidi n :i in rebuttal of
that suhiultted bv clHluiant, '
31-20 lir.ltY ItlXEHAUT, Ittristor.
ami Oi'.icc at I-i Crande. Or
November 7lli., ls
Notice i-t horrhy ,'ivo:i that tin;
namid settler ha tiled notiee of hi.- intention
to make final proof insupitoit of hi- clniiu. and
that said proof v ill bo made b-.'fore the Coii::ty
CI i rk of Crant Co., Mr , nt 'Jan von City. Or., on
Ueivnihrr 22, USs, vh: .MUX I'. .Ml'MWIIE
I) S 771'J for th.i Wl-2 Wl 2 Sec 2.'i 1 p 15 S it 30
He t:am?s the following witucs-es to prove
hi.- i-onliiitioiis rcsIdeiK-e upon, and cultiatioii
4f, jviid i:iid, viz: Win S Sinithworlh, f S
CWiirsliv. I"r:ink llctsrhau, Frank Sols1, all of
Ukutoii. Or.
Any person who deire. to protect amin-t the
allou:anv of such proof, or who know.- of any
subitaiittjl rcasou. under the Uw nud the rcsu-
lations of the interior le)wi!nieiit, why such
Iro,.f should not 1 allowed, will be slvtn an
opportuhity at the aboc mei:tined time and
place to cro-oxamiui; the witne-fe-i of K-iid
cbtini.uit. and to offer evidene-i in rebuttal of
that atibmilted bv chdiii.iut.
31 3J 11EXHY ItlNEIIAIlT, EffjUier
Land Ufiire a I.a firaude. Oregon.
Xovomber 3, 1S&S.
Notice it hereby siven that the fo'.i-uiii-.'
tiunud ettler has filed notice of hi- iiit-' to
n ake final pnxif in suppoit of Ii'm linim, and enld proof will be made In-fore the
(uiiiVt'lerk of Cmu! n:ni , Or., at ('anvi.u
Citv, ()r. o:i l)e.-itibcr :M. Is., viz: HKXKV
UiUIXA, lSs-tS. fur tiie.sK!-4 NW-J SW1-4
NE1-I NEI-4 VM and XW1-4.SE1 I See 27
Tp 10 S U lli 12 E.
He :tsmist!.o followi!!- witne-'isiH lo protebN
continuous ri-idi,hce liimu. aii'l i-ulllA.itidi) of.
-aid land, i iz: Thorns" It.ihim, lleilx-rt .loh
om. .Ineob luike;., .;mlicw l.akev, all of 1'niirL
citv, nr.
ny jK.r-on hIi.) duji. iM to protect .vraiitil the
a'!o'.v.tiice of such pr-)uf, or wiio knows of anj
.-u'.-tantiil re.u-ou, i:ml.r the I iv ami :he reu
lativiv of tit-; liitctior I)ei-rtine!it. whv .uch
proff shonhl not Ik ullowd. will be irlvinan
ojip'irtuiiitv at the almvc nienlit:id tima tml
pi.iee to cr-.s-1 WHin'iiie tb- nitnei'.-ow t-f mid
'aiiimnt. and to oll'-r eii-!e:it-e ill tebittal of
t!i:.t submittrd bv il.tiuinur
(and oliuvat I.a Oregon.
N.. l'.. l.w.
Notice is sivt-n the follow in-;
naiiiei! -vtller ha-i i'l'.' t'. notiiv of bN inlt-ili-n:
to commute and nuke Ji nat j ro-if jo siipi-ir:
of hi- e!iiti. mid taid pi oof will be mado
tefore the Clerk of Cant Co.. Or., ct Cativn
Oily, on Jan. 12. ISSt. tx: McO.'.EM.AX
STOCKliAI.E. I) S 7UI5 for the SJ SV iiiar.
See 11 ami .M-, quar. X utiar. tn.l Ml quar
Xi: itmr See 1 i Tp 12 S U 27 K.
lie names the following vitiiLSses to prove
his eoiitsiii'ou re-idcni-e niion, and cultivation
of. Miid la-iil. ir. It M I'.iirton, A P Suviler.
C J: Chl.e, f I! Su;.di;r. t.t Davwlle. (Jr.
Any pttr.-on who de: !n-s ti protect nnin-t
thu of such pr'-if. ur who knows of
.my s!lv;anti:il reason, under the law and the
rt-.-iilatfciiis of the In'.fKor l)cpr.r:mcnt, why
tucii proof should nnt be allowed, will beirlveii
an opportunity :.t the meutiimcd tint"
and plaee to oroi-tajnine the w:ims of
.il claimant, and to oiler iviib-i-eu in rebuttal
of tint t'.! bv t-l.iimaut.
1 11 llliMIV ISIXEIIAirr, Kepbter.
IT 8AL00K1"
JAN vox nu'
Hiugh Smith, prop''.
A I'ull SUek
of the I'urort of Wine.i and
The Uest cigars in the .Market.
iSff.. A Mrietly orderly house conducted 1
Med Front Hillim t! Mlatt!
G. D.
.Dealer in fine Wines,
(AN) '0: 'CITY -
ifennj Ravi's Celebrated
I ; : ( -.Vi ntl V taut u Sfi- ILS
7o ri:-7. !.
7ri f. it S.I I - l -liu.'
tl. il tho : i or
;U: r.ttui vr it -iiouhl
l: in.s-'i-"-i i t--S f -rt'-i"
"Ar-.i . !I.i-ui:i -r " l.-r c.!
w'-v lM,urht in In
Pf'i -l U-itlK Ili'i'.M ;.
p..-..te s'i ml 1 rem .
bt r th,'. it.t nV. r r.M :
pro:Mri c 'si-OU of M
enrbontn of Fn.!i. Or.O
ti-o lnlulrf thC'Arm
Htr:'ii-r" brand of
i or Silersttu misM
wilh fi-mr milk cquab
-?y t- i rt--vv.
- ! n, f.K,d. V . l2" tSpt r Saw.
r.S liu-M .Mitrtb "Arm f':Af7 FTSirfe r a a!:rt. , rr. alb.a
. 1 1" Ar ba f i J.Mr.-i ; iig-jf J VjJ & I : Farmers
d.-oVwi birui'wr. ..r t&ixJ J .-N -.ft ld-iKtrlytlr.-'Arr,
Packed in Card Board Boxes.
Absolutely Pure.
This pov.-dcrntv.r ariei. A marvel of puri
ty, strength and -vhn m.:nc s. More econom
ical than the ordina y l.i-uN, and cannot be
sold in competiti n wit-i the Multitude of low
test, short weight, alum orphojphate powdew.
Sold onlv in cm.-. Koyal liakiiiji I'owUer Co.,
100 Wall' St., N. Y.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Knnou Please inform
your readers that 1 have a positive
lemedy for tlio above named di
sensc. By its timely uso thous
ands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cure.!. I shall be
glad to send two bottles of my
i r i . e . 1
ii:u.i;il life iu tin ui iuui icuui
,J , J , .
...mi a ... 'r
will stiiiti nit; men i!.iiea.i .inn
postoflice address. Pespectfnllv.
T. A. S LOCUM. M. l)., 181 Pearl
St., New York.
Smith: ''.Miss Arabella, do
vou like cabbage?" Arabella:
a strange question, Mr.
Smith." "I know it's a
mieslion, but please answer
uYes, Mr. Smith, I am very fond
of cabbage." "Ah. I am verv
glad to l!;ar that." "Why?"
"Your liking cabbage goes to
show that v.-.' were born for each
other. I dote on corn beef. Why
should we not unite our fortunes?"
"Oh! Mr. Smith." They will be
married next week.
. o
Palpitation of the Heart.
Persons who suffer from occas
ional palpitation of the heart are
often nnawaio lhat they are the
victims of h ast disease, and are
liable to die without warning.
They should banish this alarming
symptom, anil cure tliu nif ea.o by
using Dr. Flint's liemndy. Mack
Drug Co., N. Y.
W. R. G U ? 2! S ft! G T O N ,
(Wood ,t Church's old Sfand)
(lond bux'-.y tea is and nice Snddlo llorie
rurni-liil at nil hours of the day or night a
reasonable price-. I'artieiil.iraitentiou paid to
boardimr and xroomiiii; transient stock.
ll.iin Mid W-ishintrtoii streets.
Li (ji tors and Cigars.
- - - OREGON,
JJeer Con si a nil ij on Tap
ti;a!;: T.iAKic
Ji!:r if".: ojn fit'.T of I'ao
- -.Iitiniil'cwJer.Eav-lite
twvrity times Ha
c-t, b-.iaes h'-ia;;
i...;.-!i lir.V tiller, bet a-.i no
Ulk Itca liwoet
l lean.
('AurinN. Rco that
evi ry ponnd jiaclcaco of
"Arm and Hammer
lirund" con talus full
1 1! Mines nit, and tho
rCPniud paekaReHuf
ii oune t net. Soda or
Kaleratus sam" an Kpeei
flcd on each paokogo.
Always keeps Soft.
All down the long narrow street
The windows wore wide all day;
The musks and the pinks smell sweet
In the hoxe; over the way.
The night is a iii'ht of June.
When the summer Howe's are born
And, above a sickle moon
Hangs over the coming corn.
No sigh of the past is there,
And the silence spellful feels;
When out on the dreamy air
The Old-Maid's music steals.
-IfciieeihVTtilfr -
lhat must fill the eye with teal's
So sweet, so wistful, so old,
That ility of fifty years!
Even as I listen and hear,
Those years roll hack between,
And the long ago draws near,
Till 1 look on what has been.
And a sound of footsteps rings,
And the shadows move below
While she lifts her voice and
That ditv of loni; a!0.
And I see two figures pace
Together with lingering feet;
And now 'tis a girl's white face
That looks down the empty street.
And I see her lean and gaze,
And the crowd is black below-
But the Old Maid sits and plays
That dity of long ago!
,,p. ,. . , . , .
lis hht m the narrow street,
lay is the longest day;
The musks and the pinks smell sweet
In the boxes over the way.
Mary Ann's Mother Afraid.
"An' have ye heard any more
from Mary Ann, neighbor
''Divil the wurrid, Airs.
O'FIaherty, only that the Erinch
count got to jilons av siveral
gintlemon at Chitaquaky that
he 1 ill take her away and aff to
New York.'
"An' phwy didn't he bring
the choild home to her mother,
inshtirl av takin' her away aff to
New York?''
"An' shure it was to home he
did want to bring her, but Alary
Ann, bavin' niver pcen in New
York, an' wantin' to see the
stoile, ye know, an' to learn
more av the wurruld afore she
do go on the stage, she mod the
count take her there for a few
how does she loikc it
"Loike it? Eaith an' she sex
it even bates Chitaquaky for
great gintlciiien. She was no
sooner sailed at the table at Dil
monico's, 1 belaves it is, she
calls it, than the eyes av all the
gintlemon in the room were up
on her. They fairly shtopped
aitin,' they did. An' the nixt
niorniir at the hotel she do be
sthoppin at, she resai.xed cards
av the most illegant flavor, so
noicc that she sez she could ate
thini, from the most fashiona
blest gintlcmen in the city. But
I tell ye, the Frinch count is a
daisy- divil the wan stv the
whole gang did he allow to iti
ter Mary Ann s room, so much
loike a father to her is he, ye
"I.oike a father!"
"Indude' an' sonietoiines I'm
afraid, so I am, there'll be great
trouble betwixt the count and
some other gintlenien, owin,' ye
know, to Mary Ann's great
figure an takin' ways. Espic
ially I'm afraid av that Gib
hard t. fell. They say he's a
very divil after beauty. "Well,
me washin' is waitin' on me.
I must go in. I'laise excuse
me." Kentucky State Journal.
Tho old ehestnut of nredict
ing that the national banks will
b' flns-i'd four months after the
inauguration of Harrison is go
ing the rounds, and some bets
have been offered and taken on
it. Four months after Harri
son's inauguration is July a
legal holiday.
Kentucky Coroner: "Yes, the
papers found upon the deceased
prove that he was Colonel Blood."
Witness: "There was also a
quart bottle found in one of bis
pockets." Corinor: "Was the
bottle empty?" Witness: "No,
sir, it was full hadn't been
touched." Coroner: "Poor fel
low, be must have died without
a moment's warning."
An English View.
The following editorial pub
lished in the London Times the
day after our election, shows the
interest manifested by the En
glish in the success of the dem
ocratic and President Cleveland :
Our advices this morning
would seem to indicate that Mr.
Cleveland has been re-elected
to the presidency of the United
States. Missouri and Arkansas
two of the strongest republican
Utatqs, have xptqrned- democrat
ic congressmen, while Maryland
and Florida are overwhelmingly
democratic. It will require
several weeks perhaps to hear
from Illinois, lying as it does
west of the Kocky mountains,
but Nevada, New Jersey, and
other of the so-called gulf states
would doubtless give the admin
istration their support. Mr.
Carter Harrison, the republican
candidate for the presidency, is
now in Europe. Apparently he
has takent but little interest in
the contest. England has been
brought into the American po
litical fight by men who know
nothing of this country, its peo
pie, or even its geography. It
is surprising how densly ignor
ant of English affairs the Amer
icans are. A later dispatch
says that Ex-Governor Hill of
Georgia has been defeated for
the mayoralty in New York."
Obeying the Scriptures.
Cook (appearing in a great
hurry at the dining room door)
"1 'lease ma'am, will you
come and make Johnny let go
of the plum pudding? "We
can't get a mouthful; he's got
his arms around it, oud "
Ma "Arms around the pud
ding! You must be mistaken
cook! Did you give him a
plate of iff"
Cook "Yes, ma'am, I did,
but he wont leave hold of the
. Ala "I will come and see
about it. Johnny put your
arms down this instant. Thi6
is very nice behavior, truly!"
Johnny "Wiry, ma, didn't
you embroider that motto there
over the mantleshclf V1
Ala "Yes, Johnny, you saw
me work it. It is, "Obey lhe
Scriptures," and I hope you al
ways will."
Johnny "Yes, ma, I am do
ing so now! I read to-day in
the Bible class, 'Hold fast to
that which is good,' and this
pudding is so gcod that I want
to hold fast and eat it up."
He Knew What it Was.
A teacher in the High street
school, during the progress of a
lesson in physiology the other
day, used herself as a subject in
illustrating the different parts
of the body. No difficulty was
experienced in eliciting correct
answers as to the position of the
head, arms and lim!.s. "When,
however, the teacher described
something that was invisible the
scholars were mystified. She
asked about the location of the
backbone, and, indicating its
position in her own body, she
asked what it was. Nobody
could answer at first. Sudden
ly a bright thought occurred to
an observing youngster. His
eyes sparkled, and lie raised his
hand to attract the teachers at
tention. ""Well, John," she said,
"what do you call it?"
"Yer bustle," answered the
lad promptly.
The information was too
" much for the school, and the
laughter that followed indicated
that the innocent mistake was
perceived by the other pupils.
Fall River Jlerald.
The Atlanta Constitution notes
that "the lumber used in John
Brown's gallows is still preserv
ed at Harper's Ferrs, and the
owner wants -f 1,500 for it."
A world's wonder is a sinking
mountain near Talulah, Ga. It
sinks all the time, but so slowly
as hardly to be perceptible, but
upon the occurrence of earth
quakes anywhere in the world
goes down from one to six feet in
a very brief space.
He Had Already Made an Investment
"Wife "Here's adother arti
cle about a poor man getting
rich through a small investment
in natural gas lauds.
is lanas. nv
something like
that instead of poking around
like a slave and living from
hand to mouth all ytfur days'
But no, you'd never think of
such a thing as putting a dollar
into natural gas."
Husband (firmly) "My dear,
you wrong me. Some " yeari
ago I did'niakeMttr wvtistnuliTf
in natural gas. I knew the gas
was there, but I had no idea of
the stupendous, never-failing
character of the vein. It has
cost me much money and many
sleepless nights to develop it,
and the yield now is something
"Wife "Funny I never heard
obout it before. When did you
make this investment?"
Husband (sadly) You did
know about it, my dear, but you
didn't appreciate it, nor did I.
It was when I married you, my
angel wife."
How to Cook Husbands.
J " - a
Miss Carson said in the Bal
timore cooking-school that a
Baltimore lady had written a
receipt for cooking husbands,
so as to make them tender and
good. It is as follows: "Make
a clear, steady fire out of love,
neatness and cheerfulness. Set
him as near this as seems to
agree with him. If he sputters
and fizzes, do not be anxious;
some husbands do this until
they are quite done. Add a
little sugar in the form of what
confectioners call kisses, but no
vinegar or pepper on auy ac
count. Do not stick any sharp
instrument into him to see if he
is becoming tender. Stir him
gently; watch the vhile,lest he
lie too flat and close to the ket
tle and become useless. You
cannot fail to know when he is
done. If thus treated, you will
find him digestible, agreeing
nicely with you and the children,
and he will keep as long as you
want, unless 'on become care
less and set him in too cold a
Good Deacon My friend, my
dear friend, how happy I am to
see you at Kev. Sam J ones' re
vival meetings; but, after all,
perhaps my bops, are not well
founded. As you are a literary
man, perhaps you come as a re
porter, and are not here of your
own accord.
Bohemian I came simply
for my own benefit.
Good Deacon I am delight
ed to hear that.
Bohemian Yes. You see I
am getting up a new dictionary
of slang.
An Artie Belle.
A red silk handkerchief was
tied around her forehead and
ribbons fluttered from the knot
of hair which stood up on the
crown of her head. Her boots
were as red as her handkerchief,
and quite as spotless. Her
trousars were of the choicest
and most shining sealskin, neat
ly ornamented with needle-work
and beads. Her jacket was al
so of sealskin, met with trous
ers at the hips, where it was
sringed with a broad baud of
eider down. "William Brad
ford. "Keep away from that," said a
restaurant keeper to an Irishman
who was standing in fron of a
newly arrived box of turtles
holding his finger in evident pain.
"What are vou doing there, any
how?" "I wor investigating."
"Investigating what?"
"I wor trying to see which mis'
the head and which was the tail
ov the baste over there in the
corner of the box."
"What do you want to know
that for?"
"I've a curiosity to know
whether I've been bit or stung."
In China there over 400 spe
cies of plants used for feod and
in the world probably ten times
that number. Sawdust in Swe
den is used in bread and found