Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 15, 1888, Image 1

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    .. "I I
T'W w ' lik A V , V Y HWNf,
; ' ' . J -
Number SJfc
Volume X.
011L, M. D.
Canyon City, Ogn.
Ollieu oil Main Street in Koqmb formerly ooou.
pied IJy Ur. Howard.
Physician A Surgeon.
Canyon City .... Oregon.
Formerly of Iowa, ha located hrp. and will
attend I'rofciiHlonal call dajor night.
XsL Onicc opjwsitc News Ofllee.
V. "ir "9
Canyon City -
Oflice iu City Hotel.
IPliotosrnplic c
Loxo Cheek
Xotary Public.
Ca wo:; City - - Oregon
STOfJice with M. D. Clifford -2
Lain! l:n-.' and CoHtvtlons promptly atten
ded ta. Ifl and JJorfcfaifes drawn, and
E. A. Knight,
Front Tin Dalles, has permanently
locto(l nt .John Day City.
tto ev-at-Law
Can? C - Oregon.
C ax yon City, Ouegok.
x Office at the court nousc.
asicl Coliootor.
Canyon City, Oree
AH !: cntnistid to Ids care wil receive
pr!Ht atUiHioii. ana all money win ims paiu
as f4i m c i)Icih1.
Notary Public.
PitAiitii: City - - - Ohegox
Also Agent for tho sale of School
Proprietor of chi
JohnDay EVfiilk Ranch
Fresh milk delivered daily to
my customers in John Day unci
Cunvon cities. Uive mo your or
ders. L Ouveh.
Ukcvifw, Or. Hums Or.
Attorneys at Law
WW pract'c- in :ic Circuit Court at Canyon
y, mml Before Uie c. s. ucw unite ai wu
Av lmiF- Ih tin: OtHre entrusted to us
v.W rwt'ive the nmwt thwijA atU!ntiwi.
LhikI cases soltcjtwi.
V. 0 I10IISLEY,M. D.
P ?k.vSyi.vasia, April 8, 1S4S.
Cnm-on City, Oregon.
Oiiice in hisDniStore, Main Street
)nler.s for Dntg jtroniptly filled
No professional patronage solieted
in' dtrecttonsarestrietly followed
Hugh Smith, prop'r.
A &4t Haft or tlie rurcrt of Wines and
T c .rst ciMMinthe .Market
A strfoJy orderly bouc conducted
City meat mar'
Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon.
CRAY & EADS, Proprietors.
All Kinds Of
Med Front Billiard Hall!
f ' ' I ' i 1 ' V
C. D. RiCKARD, Proprietor.
Deal eV in fine Wine, Liquors and Cigars.
Jlenrij Rust's Celebrated
J. W. BATES, Proprietor.,
The Culinary Department is in charge of Competent and Exj erienceel
C-oks, wuo spare no labor to do
In Connection with this Popular Hotel is at all limes supplied with
the Best Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
sami'Li: eooms rou commkkciai. tkaveleks.
Ha"DtonstaII & Dart
John Day City, Oregon.
To HmueUrepersawl
1 'ftrmrr. Ilia impor
tant tliat tho Soda or
Satcratus you use nhonM
bo Whlto and l'ure samo
ns all slinilariml.Ht.ncca
ussdfjrfood. Tolnsnro
obtaining only tho "Arm
ti Hamm,,r"brandSod.i
or Satorat 8. li y It in
poan 1 or lia f pound '
cartoon which bear our
name and trad c-mari:. n
inforlor j;ood saro 8omc
timossubstilutedfortho Arm !i llimracr" brin.l
whin bought in bu'k.
ParMei using Bikln;ji
Powder should remm
ber that lta sol's nim
property conn'tBts cflil
carbona'to of oda. Ono
taaapoonf ul of tho "Arm
& Hammer" brand of
S.d or Saloratusmliod
with sour zntli equals
Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
jj.AII orders filled on shoit notice,
Deer Constantly on Taj.
honor to '.he nalates of Hie Public.
four UMwpoonmls or tao
bcatBaking I'OTrdcr.saT
lng twenty times lta
cost, betides being
mnch healthier, because
it docs not contnlnnny
injurioui substances,
such as alum, terra alba
etc., of which mnny Unk
ing Powders aro made.
Dairymen and iarmers
should use only tbeAnn
l& Hammer" brand for
cleaning and keeping
Milk Pans Sweet And
Cactiok. Sco that
every pound package of
Arm and llammor
Brand" contains full
1 0 ounces net. and tho
af pound packages full
Vi ouncx not. Soda or
Saleratus Ranio as sped
fled on each package.
Ed. Grant ipb.. News: Your
columns bcingu,pluce of justice
and defense, an I having one to
make, and being denyed the
privilege to malte it through tho
source I have been assailed, ask
you to please give place to the
following vindication of the char-
actor and righliipf the It organ
ized church of 0sus Christ of L.
J). ..Sy.irqm tUfttfyust Calumnies
that have been heaped upon it
by the Long Creek slanderer
called an editor.
Editor of the Long Creek Ea
gle: In. .your issue of Oct. 15),
you make a very unjust, false,
and slanderous attack on Ju?eph
Smith and the church of .Jeus
Christ. You object to his teach
ings because they do not endorse
polygamy. You say, '"Take
away polygamy from your Mor
mon doctrine, and your concern
will be like an engine without
steam," or iu other words as I
heard a friend remark lately,
What's the benefit of being a
Mormon if they have abolished
polygamy?" For you and your
friends, there may not be much
you would desire outside of po
lygamy, but for me and my peo
ple there is much a relish ior
that doctrine is largely owing tu
vour nature. You intimate our
lenying a belief in polygamy, is
through fear of the law; may I
not with equal propriety claim
that as your reasons for not ac
knowledging a belief in that doc
trine, and for not still being wiih
that people, whom you seem so
familiar with; you admit you was
tmong them two years and may
have been many more for aught
;ve know, and know much more
of their "tesing houses," than
you have told your having no
use for a religion without polyga
my seems to indicate it. Of
course you will deny ever h iving
been connected with them, but
your denial conies too late; tlu
law makes people deny such, a
belief or makes it unpleasant for
them if they allirm a belief in it.
Your knowledge and familiarity
of their daring wavs ami mvsteri
ous doings, seems to indie it a
closer association with them than
a mere observer, and the eager
ness with which you assail them
clearly shows a personal spite, be-
cause of reed or supposed wrong
done you, or the disposition of a
vulture to feast off the filthy.
liotli are probably in your case.
My people . on record 0,,.
uoUu- polrauny long before (!,
1 . l.w- J,., I UWIIU ll '.ill nin,, h.iv ... .....
posing polygamy long hetoie Uv '
laws made it a crime. While th 1 lhmgs, then
the Edmund bill was before the your assertions would have some
House, the Saints commonly ; foundation but that you cannot
known as Moscphites," had two 1 dl mow give you the
elders that were helping it i statement -of those men who
through, E. L. Kellev, of Kirk-jteadi and practice polygamy,
land, Ohio, and Z. H. Gurley of h surely ought to know when
Iowa. These are facts the doctrine was first made
i i ii . ,.u: mm, 1 ; known and who bv; men who
known to the public, and it is ,
in- , ii,fl..:ill!liUH high in the polygamous
ii. -i .1 u.. .
inmucer mat uiusl- ua iiu uit
lirighamite church.
You say Smith found a stom-
and claimed that it was a magic
stone, and that bv milting it am
i.,. n Mnnl-ni 1 mM
11 1.-5 in u ............. , , . .
find stolen property, which is Ocean, reporter, as published in
false. You cannot find an ac-. the Salt Lake Daily Herald Feb
count of such in any of his writ- ruary 1st, 1882, 'Tolygamy at
ings. You seem to take it upon that time was unknown among
vnnrself because I said 1 believed those of the Mormon faith. It
lie was a good man, to make it
appear that he was not, acting I
suppose as a guardian for the
people, to prevent them from be
ing deceived, as you supposed;
but in what way could they be
injured by believing he was a
good man, even if he was not.
any more than by behoving Jo
quin Miller or Tom Savers were
good men. ..You may say it is
his leaching you want to guard
against, for they are hurtful: then
why not attack them? they 'are
before you. It is riot necessary
to go back through the dim un
certain past to find out about
them, if it is with them you have
to do, would it not be better and
much more becoming to the pro
fession of a journalist to strike
directly at them', than to traduce
the name of a dead man. one who
cannot return from the voiceless
dust to speak in his own defense?
You claim, I suppose to give
weight to your statements to
have lived where he did, as do
most all of his enemies, and no
doubt every time you got away
from your mother, went into liis
yard to play, and get posted. He
diiL not lack ToF neighbors if you
all tell the truth, but I would as
soon believe you as the other (5,
for in my opinion you know just
as much. ''He, (Smith) claims
to have received his first revela
tion of that issue (polygamy) in
1S.'!2, and in 183-1 he claimed
sexual freedom for himself. In
July 1S4IJ lie made known his
revelation on Celestial marriage."
Where does he claim this? in
which of his writings is it found?
I pronounce this, the above state
ment, a malicious fasehood, and
challenge the proofs, and until
you can produce them you must
relnain, as you are, a base slan
derer. Produce a line from any
of his writings, in proof of your
statement if you can, that then
or now, in the mo?t distant man
ner, teaches or permits such, the
church works of that day are .in
the hands of many outside of the
church, so if it is true it will be
an easy matter to prove it. If
he had or claimed to have had
such a revelation, it n'ust be
shown that it was in print before
his death, his enemies saying he
had such, is no proof of it. You
say a "scare of apostate women
and spiritual wifes says he had.''
What proof arc these statements
made after his death and by in
terested parties? If a man
-should die leavingMio will, and
supposed to have no heirs, and a
woman should present herself
claiming to bo his wife, ami re
quest Ids property, of how nm-h
weight would be her bare testi
mony ? Then of how much are
the testimonies of these women
who has aposti.ed, as you say,
and were then in polygamy and
made this statement in their own
defense? You falsely charge
him with authorizing that which
was conceived in tiie evil ni'itds
of others, and try to make him
responsible for acts done long af-
. trr his death, bv those who had
from Jhc church) aml
were acting in direct violation of
bis teaching. If it could be
ov,n Urn (he .
of crime
in li'iv-
The Desert News ot
2, 1882, says, that "when
the mormons were driven out of
Missouri, plural nfarriago was
j ; not then a- tenet of their creed."
I Mr. C liiwgon saitl to an
Mr. Clawson said to
was not therefore the practice of
nolviramv that caused them to
be driven from Illinois in the
most better season of the year."
Mr. George Q. Cannon says in a
sermon delivered Jan. 11, 1871:
uIt was not on account of our be
lief in polygamy that we have
been hated. Joseph and Ilirum
Smith were slain in Carthage
jail, and hundreds of people were
persecuted to death previous to
the church having any knowl
edge of this doctrine." Mr. Can
non is one of the best informed
men in that church, who says
that thev had no knowledge of
that doctrine during the Joseph
Smith life, but if this is not
.'iiough I will furnish more. If j
your statement is true, why did ;
John Taylor deny its existence
and practice in 1850? Why
did Messrs. John T. Caine, John
W. Taylor, and Mr. Cannon, Jr.,
take to President Cleveland a
protest adapted by a mass meet-
in.r of fbr. nonnlr. in wln,.l, nrn-'
ing of the people, in which pro
test the statement is made that
the public autorization of plural
marriage dates in 1852? Here
we have the testimony of the
leading men of that church, that
polygamy was no part of their
teaching until S years after Jo-
soph Smith's death. I have now
shown fully from the most relia
ble testimony that polygamy was
not his teachings. I will next
show what they were, which I
can prove was in print before Ids
death, and was the law of the
church then, and now. Sec. -12
4,7, Look if Covenants, "Thou
shalt love thy wife (observe sin
gular number) with all thy
heart, and shall cleave unto her
and none else; and he that look
eth upon a woman to luat after
her, shall deny the faith, and
shall not have the spirit; and if
he repents not. he shall bo cast
The above quotation is a law
given to the church by Smith.
The Lord again savs through Jo
seph, Sec -15J P. C: "And
again I say unto you. that who
soever forbiddflh to marry, is
not ordained of (!od, for marriage
is ordained of CJotl unto man;
wherefore it is lawful that he
phould have one wife, etc."
I will now give you the form
of the marriage covenant: "You
both mutually agree to be each
others companions, husband and
wife, observing the legal rights
belonging to this condition; that
is, keeping yourselves wholly for
each other, and from all others
during your lives."
The abovti is the only-marriage
law ever given to the Latter Day
Saint Church, and I challenge
vou to show anv other.- In Book
of D. and C. ''4 Sec 112 (old edi
tion) we read: "We believe that
religion is instituted of God, and
that men are amenable to him.
and to him only, for the exercise
of it, unless their religious opin
ions prompt them to infringe on
the rights and libertt-s of oth
ers." Also cko, Sec. 58: "Let no
man break the laws of the land,
fur he that keepetit the laws of
(Jod hath no need to break the
laws of the land." In what
church creed, will you find better
laws than the above. You may
answer that they did not all keep
them; in that case who is to
blame, the law breaker or the
law maker?
Now Mr. Editor unless you
can show that the al ovc rule of
faith and practice was changed
or never given, you must stand
condemned as a vile euhninator,
as you have the reputation of
being. You say all Mormons
came from the same source
true, all protestantism came
from Catholicism: but can the
hitler be held responsible for the
burning of Servets, Latimer and
others? Surely not. Neither
can Joseph Smith be for the acts
of those who had apostatized
from his teachings, and been cut
oil from all church fellowship.
You say in speaking of the
Mountain Meadow Massacre, that
orders for that crime, "was issued
by re-organized Josejdiites,"
which is "perhaps the blackest
falsehood you have told since
you came to Long Creek. There
was no re-organized Jo?ephites'
church in existence it that time:
not until three years after. John
D. Lee does not say he received
his orders from them, which you
well knew when you panned that
falsehood. Shame on a man
that will dishonor the high and
responsible position of a journal
ist, to vent his spite in such a
disgracing manner. You say go
with you to Arizona, to witness
I suppose some of your former
haunts. There is not a branch
of the re-organized church there;
vou must return alone to such
places of wickedness; no L. D. S.
will go with you. "The main
body," vou sav followed the
Twelve. If 10.UU0,out of 200,000
was the majority, then you have
told the truth, for that was tho
church membership at the time
of Smith's death, and 10,000 the
number that went to Salt Lake
with Brijdiam. Then in 1852
the doctrine of polygamy was
first publicly taught and sane-
tioncd by the church. You may
say you quote from standard his-
torys; you well know that histo
rians do not always chronicle
j facts, but things as they appear
j to them, and that they differ
! greatly in their writings. I sup-
!se vou pretend to be a believer
!" CIlL I WOllld ask, Can VOU
be such and behove m the stall
danl history ot his day those
written by non-believers in his
divinity? I may say hero as I
did in your town that I am not
-presenting Joseph Smith to-tho-people,
and asking them to follow
him, any further than he follows
Christ. I do not nrcsent hb
merits as a means of saving the.
people, but his leaching, and
them I am willing to defend in
your town or anywhere else.
Lest some few might believe
your statement, "that the Joseph
ites and Salt Lake Mormons are
the same," I will produce some
evidence on that point from some
of the leading newspapers, if they
have tojd the truth you havenj:
The opera house last night held
a large attentive and well behav
ed audience, during the interest
ing lecture or sermon, of Presi
dent Joseph Smith, son of Joseph
the elder, who was numbered
among the early Mormon mar
tyrers, the burden of
his remarks was to show the ille
gality and sin of polygnmy.
Ogden (Utah) News.
(Arizona) Herald of the lGlh,
tilt., we see how well posted
journalists are becoming in re
spect to the genuine original doc
trines of the church. "Whom
the gods would destroy, they
first make mad." was a saying of
the ancients that never was better
illustrated than it is to-day, in
the case of the Utah polygamists
however their polyga
my is not even a Mormon insti
tution. The great Hrighum
Young institued it for his own
convenience. The old Mormon
church doctrine of Jo Smith
taught r.o such crimes against
society and the government. In
his Bible Hook Mormon) there f
occurs this passage, and thcTcid
church lived up to it: "For
there shall not any man among
you have, save it be one wife,
and concubines he shall have
none." And again in tho old
Mormon book of commandments.:
"Let no man break the laws of
the land, for he that keepcth the
laws of God has no need to break
the laws of the land!" From
these primordial doctrines tho
Utah Mormons have widely de
parted under Young and Taylor.
The other I ranch, t he Josephitcs
still holds tenaciously to the an
cient doctrines of virtue and loy
altv. The following is from the
.ii r i. . .t.,....
o:iii iiiiue x i muni;, itiuni ciiuo
how much sympaty there is be
tween Josephitcs and Utah Mor
mons: "The Desert News was a fren
zied organ last nigt. It is in a
nanic over, the coming of Joseph
Smith, the rightful successor to
his father in the presidency of
the Mormon church. The Alta
California of May 15, in its ed
itorial has Hie following: 'Po
lygamy was not included in the
tenets or practices of the early
Mormon faith; it was not con
ceived in the brain of Joseph
Smith, the founderer of the Mor
mon church. It was an after
thought of Biignam Young, who
promulgated it as a revelation
similarly as Mohamet declared
his desires by cunning promulga
tion.' The Chicago Evening
Journal of Feb. 12 had the fof
lowing in its editorials. That
branch of the Mormon church of
Latter Day Saints which has its
center at IMano, 111., is in harmo
ny with the general sentiment of
the country, demanding the en
forcement of the law tor the pun
ishment and suppression of po
lygamy in Utah. In a memori
al to congress they set forth tho
history and faitli of the Mormon
church, showing that polygamy
was explicitly forbidden by the
founderers of the sect; that po
lygamy was subsequently injtct-
j ed into the creed by evil minded
men, and asking that those guil
ty of this vile and scandalous
practice may be treated as crimi
nals, being violators alike of the
true Mormon faith, of common
decency and of the laws of the
The above shows our work in
congress to suppress polygamy
and that it never was a part of
our faith. Now Mr. Ed. I bid
you adieu, perhaps I have wast
ed too much time anil space, m
answering what the public gener
ally knew to be false.
II IK am L. IIout.