1 w N if . -1 r 1. ) THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical j UUFUUNU Are Diamond Dyes. They exce! all otlir rs in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Uewarc of imitation; tta y arc made of cheap and inferior materials and give Kor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Sera! postal for Pyc Uoolc, Sample C.lrJ, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink cr Itluiug (10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold by lrusgils or by WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, I't. Fcr'Gildlng or Bromine Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Cold, Silver, Drome, Copper. Only 10 Centa. CURES Keiira'gia PROOFS t "l-.-ice'sCtU-ryC ') .Mr.. I. A ,v- Prostration 'ii Jacinto, Cal. ".' i-r iin ix ?ot l' - 1 lVr.r's IV!. ry I" r i:::i!, I ani cuicti I r'..-! r.'..-i;:.-." Rheumatism r' 'UI.1 J ... lllllll, .-V. IX. . , 6 "it -s .!orr ase m rc tV KiHOy t '! r l.'ivy dis . tt: ..i.v other tifiii- LJ i?esc;r,c; 5 . ir.-' r.ui. ahu.it i I Mr 'tT Cm , Iuwj. I I "Fame's Celery Com ! i-ouni! has iecu ofcreat Ei.'Kitit U.r K!'h! liver, ilidi '4:on. !;d 1 !.:!. - Disorders pr " K-rin c. 3 I HALL. (.htcCtir-, Vl. AND AH Liver X SODA 'i'lIL' COW BIIAXU TO MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS WHOLESOME BREAD UCE At the conclusion of a sermon somewhero in Iowa, the ;v;u:i er ivncs-Jed sumo o:k l pis tlie hi' an i t;tkc :;u :icc!!'t!':;i. A young man j inje-i uj- a:: 'Oin iii : .1 n.Ml;sli:io- h.ii in ii a mnnn r as to I.n:h iik ami pass tut wi.lt the pro- r t i tv is. J ise nrt'JH'iu'r. ev'i!i;r him as he went out, observe!: 'II that vountr man runs away vi h tl at iiioiifj, he'll lei:nn e '." A tleaon bittino' by t:!ie win, iv. seeing him make oil i t'n.wn the street, resondo(l: I -'Ami if he haairt run surav . i with the money Til bo dauiu- eb- nnmley (wlio?c erixlit i not first -ehisB) -1 say, Brown, whi you lend me ten dollars for a Fev.' days? Vtrown (reluctantly ulling out a roil of bills) l.-er fpo?e Pit have to Dumiey. Dumley Timuks. Vo:i seem to have plenty of money, old fellow. I.rown Yes, I. seem to hitvc more money titan brains. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OKU, M. L. Canyon City, Ggn. ABjSOLU iELY PmRS. ALWAYS CKIPSKS FULL WctGkT. "towmm rtai Iherv ia a jM.-t of a c. e n i . a- i . tj-c &n l y t v .11 Lara i:. TH7. COW 3i2iKIi . 4kt LOG CABIN LOGIC- MwMi nil GommissioB Baker Gity, Baker county. - on ilUUUU. OregoE Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale al Wholesale ! Will always atcavr ij o?.t..iu IL- hil'fsl niarkft jiif-s on vool, (5lC., hi fxinlin to hi-tr desire 5..-trtics c!.-.iMtiir to -UAKK ALL GOOIKS: BAXSR CITY X8A 4 4 s, I 7 . . 7s 7, li To Ilaur!;recr.iaml 2'imnrrs. It is inijor iant that tl'? &la or Saloratttfi yor:-!;. -bonld be Whito rn'll'urt" Pimo sh Ml blimljrs-.r t .liccs tw?-lfirfoo.!. Toin-ctra (Ai''.iiinK ct.1" i ir. ",Um & Ilattfii',r''i:rv?-1-".'.U or Xal-vat r. li y I, .u "ixwu 1 or lia f iv. -1 ' arUoiiT wliichh. arcar iiatue ar.il trrJc-iuark, an inforiort""il.tr. -ci io-tinicT.iuhsfifut- .If rl'ia "Arm I. Ha:mn.r ' brm 1 wbeu boitR it ia l.a'k. Parties tKi'ia HjIiui I'nwrtfr nhoubl rem-in-ber tbat its ki! r:s:tii jiroporty c -i ' i-U of bi carbonate of r-o !a. O:io teaspoon t ul ol be "Ar:a A: Hiutu'-r ' bratiil ct Had or Kalralua tatssd with hour mils eiuil3 olj: tkauij stai:k 7H1 PI cum f'r ikarpo'Dij of Ibo lL:J't: ii.'.'I'oiribT.utv' lii tWLtsty limn it ott. 1- --lib i b-ir-T l!il-b tj'titiiT. uri'MUM it bi.-ri n-.t j. u-.iii air i;j..n.,,:s f BiaL.t:re, r.t.-hi.Eaai, ti"rill.a : '., O' .1 ;!:;. l-a1:- li!'! sr ;n:.'i. jv rruiPi: ni.:I J;r.t ru J p a jj 'e llatinucr" br.iml for t.'CJt rl'aniatf tail Jfjliif; x.ns. i-aa a-ci ana Cletta. Onrrmv. See that cTty iutnt inHiim or "Artu nn -1 iisjuraor rrtuJ" ro-:i!ns f'U 10 titic-- tKt, :tl tb a; timl pr. kai;tH fu-l ! i.re i Ju t, H.!n or J.ilfratUf K.;,i. nn . jrci li. l ou eauii iiaolage. Tirawn ani Pi:iin ! The )Owcrful engino, ivitli ila won-iV-rftil irjie!Iini: jowor, couplofl to the lon train full fii-ihte l v.-itii tiig richtist fabrics of the inlcUcfhtai looms of the centuries what obstacle! can stay Hie rofrps3 of this mij-'hly f-ccc, when once under full steani :tini!; life's highway. The Ainorican with braun and br.im does not see tin; netvHrity fur til es of nobility, does not care for elevation by descent, ho can reach out and pluck the stars. Hut with brawn and brain im paired, a man U badly handi-apkd j in the mad race for suclvss which is i the marked characteristic of the present a-e. The physieia! systt'in is a most in tricate piece of machinery. It oujdit to Je kept well regulated.' so that it will ,work hannoniou.sly in all ita parts, then it is capable of an im mense amount of woik. It is said that a watch, if expected t keep perfect time, must lie wound daily. It will ii"t ke-p yood time un less it "runs rt"ul.u'' .Moro men J break down because they don't "inn r-suJMr man tor any ouier reason. it is claimed b j hysiciuus that few men are kille by h.rd work. !t is jo the inej;iilai iiies of modem SiK-ial life that the higii death i ate is due. Men burn th'. ir candle at both em's, then wonder why it burns out ho juicklv. The main tiling in keeping the human machine in irocwl rkiistr j order is to keep the regulator all I rinht. "The blood is the life," and ; sound health is assure! po lonj as . ' the blood flows through the wins a . I n-rrdtl stream of purity. !-ulato tho regulator with War- , iter's Log Cabin sara pari lift, the obi- i fashioned blood pniitier, prepared ! alter lte twst lormuia in use by our ancestors in 'oo i old Iog Cabin days, and with the vigor of brawn and brain which must ensue, in your life's lexicon yo" will 11ml no Htieb woid as fail. rVJULJJ,Jj - O a: r- x H err? pi.! h Dr. Ilowwi. 0 U Q 3 CQ III UMI trinni X n ca m 60 -3 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION Laml Ollltv at I-i Oraml. dromon. Oct. 10, N'otiro N bori'by sivrn that tin; fn'Iowijig iuiiimI fttlcr Iws ft led notice oHii icttutiuiitn in ke flua' .rt-of it: s..jiHrt of hid ciilin, and t!-.4 fii! -piif lil Imj malo bofore thi JuJi;u o: in l.t, ib-ctict- lcfru tho County Cle. kof 1 .f.'V.'.' V-Vi". VT;r MisV-Vv im v" ' Main 3lreH M faT.rly Wu- x a v , a 'a - - a aa -h a x a 27'!1. tor tho N'.V r,iiHr V (itmr. Sir l:t, sinl ) rW mtir. ;w li, ami K nuar SK Ojiiar Sec It, Tj !7, S 1; 31. K. lie nwius the following v!tnc-e totroe bis c.'iitin..ot:s res-iJfiit-o upon, and cuhimtioii of, s.'ul la::il ; t: Win Sotuhworth, .laniis Y Allen. John J Wash, Walt W Herty, si! of lihiiton, Orc-oii. Any tron who iloirei to )irottt aytin.-t i tiio iiiiowancc or Midi rnrf or who ius or any siil.st.uitial reason, uii'lcr the law an 1 the nvnlutioiit: of tl.c Interior Dupartmunt, why nch jir.f nhouM not be allontMl. will besivon an opportunity at tho above mciitioiicti time ami place t cross-examine the itnoves of suhl rUiinhiit, an.l to olfor cii!oucc in rebuttal of tluit i-iilnuittt-tl bv el.tirttniit W-33 IIKNIIY lUNKIIAKT, Ilc-jifter. D It. G. W. KAKURU City market, NOTICE FOK PUR LIGATION. I.Tii-l Olllce at I-i C ran ile, Oregon. Sept. if, lixS. Notice is hereby tiien that the followint;. nnineil si-ltlur ha aled notice of hi ittciitloit to make liital priwf in siipjvort of his claim, ami that Ktid ptoof will be ntaile before Cltrk of (runt county, at C.non Cilv. Oregon, on Nin-niib-r Kith, li, viz: jTKIMIKN II. tOrTDX, I S No. a7i. for the SW nnarttr of Sec. s.Tp u.s 1:2a. r. w xi lie names tho follortiit witnesses to j.rove Inn cuLtinuotw resUI. Hce umii. ami cnlth-ntlo of iii.l laml. iz: 11 W Wiiimi. It Williaini", Win Jiihn, .Mil.i Williams, ail of Ki-s, :rant Co. Oregon. Any person who ilei-ires- to notost a,;aiiit thealluwni't of Hiich pi oof, or who know of any .ub-t ntll rta.oiH. under tho law and the resrulfttion-of the Interior Iii-nartmrtit, why ifh proof lion Id not bexlloweil, will lHpiien an i';xirtunity al the aix-.e ntt'iitbuied time and jiiuee to cro-s-exaniinc the witiiPxi'tM of KlUl eliiiliiMiit. uim! t.i ii tit r uriileim in n.lnitLil ' of that Miibiniiteil by claimant. I as-Xt 1IK.VRV ItlN'HHAItT, KepWer. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. Itml Oifico at 1 41 ilr.iiiilo, Oregon. Oet. -Jth. ti?. Notice isOiercby aicn that tho following iHttneil .-ettler h i-t tllml iMilic of his ili'eo:i..i to tiutke Pi.nl pf.Htf in Mip.-rt of his claim, and that Miid proof will tic made before the County Cli-tk of Crttnt Co., Or., at Cuioon (!itv,Or, m Ueeemlwr ath, 16, viz: "JOSKI'U H. KOltKKTS, I S No. 39, On- tho NK tnar hV. iprnr., W I SK nu.ir., ami NK (inarSW iinar. See J-.Tp 13, s 113-2. K. lie nainetne fol!o.uuir uitik.ii.-JCS to prw lii: (Oiitiniio'.is n -iIenee iii...ii. anil eolttvation of. ' said land, U: t; W Imrt. .1 M.irahall, 'IVni Ph.ysleini) Sui'coji. Canyon City .... 0rr,'0ii. Formerly of Iowa, ha locatcl her-, and will attend rrofesional uilts day or ntiit. 3. OHlee opjKwltc News Ollice. jaJ If. I10I.EV. 3D satis Canyon City - Orfffrdii Oilicc in City Hotel. G. I. JLAZKLTINK. Fliotosraplic c CANYON CITY, OREGON. S. DENNING. Allonic3'-n(-I.au. LONO CltKEK - - OtlKCON J .7 aicCULliOUGH. Xolary Public. Canyon City - - Okkgon gnmico with D. Cliftonl -a Land filings and Collertiorw promptly atten ded to. Deeds r.nd MortRasej drawn, and elutres reJoimlile. E. A. Knight, I Shield. John ISraatie!, allof John Hay, (Ir.-on. I'l Otli Tim Dalles li-lS oerm-inentl V j Any KrM !iwlHii. iiri!.topiotcta!faiii'cithc xiwith, na.s pel ui.iueimy I ntlowatiee of such pr"f, or who kuoHs of anv located at .f Oil II DaV CitV. ...1. .... I... .!. .1 : ' ALL W03K "WAERAJITEI). Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon. CRAY & EADS, Proprietors. DEAI.HR IN AH Kinds Of JJy Wholesale and detail. FKESH MEATS '4.Ali ordeH Ailed -on short notice. 1 DEALER I2sr- Mid Jl General WJH Ok !iili4iantial rea.-on, nir.ler tin' l.ivr i-mI the reir iikitiot: of the Inttrior lies-.rtment, Ahysuch prrof ihoiild not lie a'lowed, will lj piven an iipporti'.iiity at the ahuve mentioned time and plnito to tr examine the wiines-ws of ttlil clainiai.t. :. 1 ti ofJt r evidence in rebuttal of tliat s-iiiniltteJ bv claiutaut. 2-3l IIKXItY ItlNKHART, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land 0:!lce at La Grande. Orrfron. Sept. iith, lisS. Notice ia hereby siven tlmt me followim: nnuied settler 1ms liied notice of hi. intention to miku final pnHf in support of his claim, and that mid proof will lie made li-jfor; the county Clerk of Omnt counU, Or., at Canyon Cilv, Or", on November llth, In, vii: UMtDK'N II. MOORE. 1) S No. 70-2, for the SE iiuarSec. 1, Tji. 11, S It 2ii. K WM. He iiiiues the follow inu' "iUiesses to prove his contintio-.i retideiice tiNu, and cultivation of, Mtid hind, ix: I'loxd Juitis, W M Lock. Mar tin Diiulap, Win Waiiipcott, all of Fo, Urant county, Crt-on. An perMin wli de-ires toplotet arai.Ht the nllowjiics of !uch proi. I", or whi knows of any ulst.tutlal n-a.-on, nt.dcr the law and the rr iilation." ..f the Interior HtjurtM-jiit. why snrh p.-uof j-liould not lie allow?.!, will bo iriicn an o.'jio: Utility at the a' ovc tm llti. lied lime nod place lo tr.i-s-t . in. ine the witnesses of aid ctliinant, hint to idler c idtnee in rebuttal of tint submitted l'i ilaimant 2-3J II1..NRY RINEHAKT, Register. Q A. SWEER, VtOi ev-at-Law Cany C - -- Oregon. JParrisfi ifc Cozad. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Canyon City, Oregon. II ORN TON WILLIAMS ,1 1 1 o rii ey-a t-Iaw, CANYON CITY . . OREGON c Office at the court House. LAY TOD HUNTER. Hi 12 73 iTh iffe tTa JOHN DAY CITY. !1T SALOOK!" IB r v tr v w Of ro. CANYON CITY Oregon Hugh Smith, projrr. on i2Vi:i:r package. Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft ! I S . DEALERS IN i in Li CITY TIRiSHOP THEREUNTO CELQKCING. TO BED HOCK! in :' staves, I-'' , (l with i Ih (l.S TUB OA WON WITH ALL PREfrHSes PRICES no WW You will liml nil kinds of tin" aud all kinds f.i fmni'ur.', (:! 4 w 1 -i f Re.si iis. ou cm lsrv t!:o h : 1 1 b.i 1 inmiy dli. rafco;n;noli.lHn-!. " r" A good opportunity for a i;:nr r, :ts w will fiud all the t.rilft?nl loachincry urctlcd for U i com-iit. Cowc and sff. Yen 1. id:t i'u 1 soiMidbiu that von wcl. ess ' . BfA. wav-j .. m ?u as 6ENERAL MBEOEAND C.IXVOXCJT)' - BT PBIOES OiiliATLY IHODUCED. n OREGChY A 1H StMk- of tlm Purial sf Wines ami lhtr!i. Tl c Rest cixan in th .Market. St- A atrietly orderly hoitse ctuniurtrtl Conotn."blo, ia.33.cl Colloctor. Canyon City, Oroc All buslnesa en.rn-ted to i.ig care wil rwaivc prompt ntu-ntbiti, ami all tnottey will lie paid ft tlt!t Mi c i.'Iwtil. A.ttoni9y-at-La.w AND Notary Public. Prairie City - - - Oregon. Also A ent for the sale of School Lands o-30tf COOPER'S J, OLLIVER, Proprietor of t'13 JohnDay iilk Ranch Fresh milk delivered daily to my customers in John Day and Canyon cities. Give me your or- lied Frmtt BiWard Hall! Sheep Dipping Powder T-- i-'aim-. .it c' nir.r;.- t:. .c.-j-w i t 1.1. ..:-. t.- v.iv i:i.s. uii.i il stnu j; ; I ii o '. f!.,r.h. N. y., iltru. til.l.r ...i..t ... . . " ' n muu 4. 1 a s..i mornuvniy i.-aJ. rr.iMih-fur tjie rvrftroiawrstMlUriLj,: ' ti" ntxr Ttb. .r r.-,.,:t .t ivr...'i IKt -l !..(! S:ri.-3l l- : . r .Xt'Vti. ..( . tt'i .V l i -. Ill 1 hv- t. ., l. .r it t li evi I'.evl.wl f .r J- f Ifs'il.i ; ! ; fll 111 pIlVlJ- I : ui:ir. w?ufa- 1 ;. ;i fcj-i Kmiti t.i ... vvomh rKil 1 i.i iuni for. . 1 ' I -II" 1.1 K It . ? -I a - . Ni IS i:.Si:i) ON VI II Hill iVlMii 0 lin lfioi Ainnalif k re; ui ii: -j wn v.i r.i k , Ml Bft n E3 KjriKA &i S2SIW...-VSAXi ... n-f. ll 1 1 on r" I-.utH-Hih-.l n. ;t am k .-w rmi kVta. .xjs: . .. 'i --,-., huk.- Ki kyJ ta2 iV G. D. Proprietor. Dealer in Jiuc Huh, Litiwrs mtl Cigars. CM'Y0.Y CITV - - - - 0KJCG0.Y. Henry Rush's Celebraled JJccr Const a nl hj on Tap , IT IS A GOLD WATEb DIP dors. J. Oliver. AND IS THE W. A. Wit sum k. . xt. Ilrimn.v. I.ikevirw, Or. RurtM, Or. WILSHIBE & HUDSON Attorneys at Law LAKEV1KW AND UL'ltNS, OltEUON. Will prait'ce in the Circuit Court at Canvon City, ani b..fore the V. S. Laml OfMeo at Lake view. Any lnt'-iMvs in ttte IihI O'Jtcc eHtrtwted t us will roei e the mm4 H-oMiit attMiR. Iah1 cd :Hcitd. F. 0 II0RSLEY,X. D. (JUAUUATBOr THE UNITKItSITV OF j P '.NNSYi.rANiA, April 8, 1S4-S. Canyon City, Oregon. Cheapest, Safest and Best i o.itco in hisDr.i3tor iuin Street Cure for Scab. VTiicn I -a CiT';r J u r.t t 'in rune: :o stop tlict.i U, .if i -, r.i.d !:kii Iiv.c n.-.- r - '-i tuni a-.i-.i I ti - . i: Mill Al. ''!' . I have nude ;.;t. ufc-a.c FITS, Cltusos liioJvTrtaal "!sKes. .v.-to - i":i I ,? j.. a.4i.u.i -t .vtii"t;;u uui COt OUltK th'- v.--r-t"cas-. Rifan- .''!-. fciilud in lior. .i-.iri for ."t unvr.v.:tt:.. Si'in! ;it nni f.tr h tri-.iSl- n..il :i ! : of inv isru.i.tTtw; i:i v-.:,. i i .. aosirvoa the Sen. n of Ttt3to, SnwlX and l'oi ;': It c--:s j :. . t I.U Kcar.Of. inni, mm ii mil cure jou. ' A r-r.. ;-'CK:Iir-Jiat4r.r'l.--T!! aJ r . J'ri.-r .,;f. r.Z Ilrv-r i:-i v ? y ,''". i"' ... ..,,.- w - . .;i.m mtr. "'.1 l'..-rlf" t ti tc.-lpts-n L-i She urcjt"it .iy h. .ii. l-inr' i!-..-.,i.....! ur. an anp-'ttl-is t r .iut and :t..r-:ive t ml-. :i sootnlac r.nrt strf.ir-iitrnint: for kmc, " r.iv. nli- J'ri j-ri-.U ci " ii uminall .!-. ;i ir:T&l;u!bI in t.lbivln? and MilHnlns ii i-xcituhilil .-, irr-UMiMy, exbiuwjl.tn, . !i.lnl!. liystoi.i, v ..;-uw i.ud ttUer din- . nervi us s.vmptm.1 e i.unor.ly ntt -ikI-;i i it.'i..i fan-: I ru.t nn l i.rsruia; iiH.-n i.r ti:). i w . . It lnOuctrerri-ihin jKU.Tjan.1 rHK.ve.1 i. ii .1.1 n:.ietv nml desH)otnb-ai!e. Sir. !'Iipi'i.V rornii'l lwi..e... t . - - - .... , x 1 1 . iui rinj H!;i!i- luc, cinti H t..n- liii i-xk-rii'iKi- ruin hkillinl pin idaptf-'l to v.-oik ui'-: di li?:wir m j p Usl l.y . -I ! H.C. ROOT. M.C.. 133 ?.--St Wt.i CURES WHtftE Ml ELSL FAILS. BcstCou Syrup. Tn' nt'otvl. Uco luurra. fsoi'i ur aru-i5io. I be'.iovo Piso's Curo for Consumption snvetl my lifu. A. IT. Dowkl;., ICtlitor Enqtiirer. I-Mimi-ton, N. C.f April 23, lb7. - - i .i.itl.m. it li purely vpc;aLSo In iti r ilt! mniiii j:erfn-;iy linrcil.jK in it cfiVt.i 1 liny condition r,r the- uystrm. I r laornln : : .!i.", or :mu.pn, frw.i wl.-.tew.- cansu I . n-alc KU.ut.u-h, liiilit-i-.'iti.in. dvs'wpslu j :i I I. . idr- .J M'-m;i!."!;;i. t uae, in niail '.), ' ..i :ov.) Tory bcneticUii. " Vavr.rlfr I'ctNrrJpMon t :t nHlvr. -. ir i.-u- iii'i c-.oiij i:.-.atrHi iuni oTrntin,.!" r It has bean in uae half a century ; and applied to a greater number f j sheep than are now existing on the ; eaith. Snell, Eeitshu & Woodard. Wholesale Agents, Portland. Or. Kosliland Bro3.,8PrtIanil. : 1 1 W h )1 sale by the Wasco : Warehouse Co., The dalles, Or-, and retailed by all merchants- hders for Drugs proinptly filled. No professional patronage solicted m' ss dircctionsare strictly followed HAKKiv ami CANYON CITY "PRAIRIE CITY, OR. J. W DATES, Proprietor. I.: i Tiio Cliiiary D.,p;utmenl is in c-lwr-o of KompeUai and Ks, orieiiced ":;'r;:",;.:n ' honor to '.he paiatCRof tho Public. STAGE LINE, 1cCUEN & CRIFFI, Proprn. i -.-iisHii f-ur.i(ii : -i'E-4i ..1. imiu'iim ! 1 :: u:.d ok. .all . ii i f tiio v.;.;. Ii.lufi.-.ii i ,il .1, ?tf e live Canvon t'itv evcrv morning exectit I Sunday, urriinct Dolvr the .t day. M m ft. m & ha Torour e!i- P cino is Piso's t'citi: i oa a Consumption. Children S lako it without ol jeotinn. gS an druggist. tc. H g CUBES WrfinE All EtSE rAILS. f33 H Best Couch Syrup. Timtc cood. Oso 0?' an yy3 on imosi as ntatablc as iik. S--. II-gIi I Si'.r! it. rait ln tp'cti;, Tsjrr.i, s. ;1 r.stl:t Mated by lli tiit ;h1Jvo tt-.ir.at ii. viits '.lit jplnii; aI r..rtn.t l.ti lcrn!f:-: att y i)io coin .In.ition or tin? oil vrKU the !i;;io. UllOPr Kites l i mucri jiiora cMR-fit iott. HirorLsWc rs a fxfc ::;cdiiir. P.jf!-, saii: rdty -hik t&Szicg It, fro ; tv; UMULSiOX is ms-:, ,k- d by i. ri ; - 'ijl-L-t'i.-Finest r.nd H-i-. pr.'j c- CC?3UR3P7iO. SCROFULA, 3 CEKSfiAL DED5LJV V, WA6T!Kf1 ...ii-inUViffll,l! "varU"' "x" , 1,1 obmccIioii with this Popular Hotel is at all limes supplied with c.-J tanw, goi conveyance .1 A t st rrtrninMr r.nd nromotr of ,., ! Le&t B, al"ls of Wines, U.piofS mid Ci'MfS. j . . i. -n, ct tiiut critical inrioi! or ihaiiK" irow ' .r"n, nl to wcmanli'Mvl. "rjviirlt.. lrn-ri : Ii n iKrfccJly ft-no remedial :u;cnt, ruS run , rv'.'K-c o.ily ko-xI r-jMilts. It U oiU.illv i-ffi.-a-1 p 1 v.il-.u:io 1 1 1; 1 1 rfwts tvlicn t.l!ci:i for ami fast lime. SAMPLE ROOMS Vol: COMMHRCI AL TK VVEI.ERS. Every attention given to the conifer! of pas sciigirs. ilbftrderi nnd ilcr!t'-oinint lnr-Lknt in n. i l.-.t-r ! (art critical purled, Known us T.1B CUlUlrfl' of Ule." " r.ivi.ritc i'l-pcrjiiUon." whon taken In - !'.! cti-u iiii tin: use of r. PicrcVs i ioidcil 1 .-.ic.it Dlscovi ry. bc Unml! Injciitlvo do -mf lr. I'ler'-c'.t 1'iirtn.tlvn l'cllcti MJ'.tlo l.ivcr II'.H), cures Unr. Kl-lncv ami lllmld-r ul c u-m. Their CH.mbini'd uso f.lto r movon ldo.nl 1.. I i", nun umnisnr-4 canceroui and sjcrolttloiu uu.u 'ta irom tiic Haptonstall & Bar DJ3ALERS IX Charges Roasounlilo. THE Harney Stage, iue. ic system. TpK'&s ixBii era :;ntco from tho inHtinr.tcturfN. M,T J3, HiJ " Z'nvorJIc Trcscrl IMD" 1 r woin-u HOilivr cr.iirttntcofrom tho inHimr.iciurirs. t!i..t It xvill Ktvo futhractlon In every cuv.nr i:i .: w.il Ijo rrrumkil. ThLi UMr.ir:vc Inn bv-i-.i prmiMl nil tho bottlowrhjiper, uud fidto. fidly curritit out for many years. Yirsc Hollies (too doses) $1.00. or SK i buf.lci Tor .5.00. ' : I'or large. Ulnslratcl Trcntlse on lMr-a'ei of Woineti 1 I'M) 5i-, p-iin-r-covertMlj, twn.l tm W .Traov, P- C&Lbd nnri CHROMIC- COVCM8. Ti.e grtct remni ;V ('.nmcipoVia, and n"1 Ri?PanarV Wc,JirQl JtecnnMhi TTarfin; in CAiWreit -Sbfd 5v all Drjisia 1 w"u 0 LIai,3nsanf KBulCai nSSOCiadOn, J M CSJ Main si., BUFFALO, X. Y rchandise route IimiN from Cnyi.ii City to Ilurn'. in iniiy rallev, carryimr U," S. Mall and b IN, 1'go & Co 's Exprcrs. Sta. leavtM Canyon Monday, Weilnes.Iiy mid i Friduy si On. in., and le Hums on iHa-Uay 1 nnrAiar sua iiuriiuy. John Day City, Oregon. l'ajseiixmand Freight at reasonab rjtes. Tnr. IJUYSHS QUIDS i.:u.tl cn.l Sop:., each year. It is an anej clopcdia of tinaful infor mation for all who pur chase tho luxuries cr tho necessities of life. Wo can clothn you end furnish 7011 7ith all tho necessary tmtl unneconaary appliances to ride, walk, dance, bleep, oat, flcb, hunt, work, no to cnurcb, or stay at home, and in various sizes, stylos and quantitio.i. Just flfniro out what ia required to do all these thin r.i COMFORTABLY, and you can rnttKoafair estimate of tho valuo of the BUYKRS' GUIDE, which will bo sent upon recoipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111.114 Michigan Avoaue, Chicro.IlL F0R8ALE! A ranch of KiO acre, near Can yon City, all improved and under ! Icnce. iSfW tuiMincr and nlentv of good water at tht tl or. Pirfect title given. All farming tools and j implements 0 with place. j Also between r) and 70 bond of . stock horses, all improved breeds, and about fifteen head of cattle. Tho owner's health will not per mit of his looking after, and giving tho place his attention, therefore he desires to part with.it This is a good chance for some one with capital to invest. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of Pat Mol caki:, or at the News Office, Can yon City, Oregon. je 21tf Of Interest to Ladies ipeclllo for f naolo complaint, to any lady who nlhS to t..tiUej5ccy boforapurcbaalos. Send itampfot Touco. BAKU REMEBY CO., Bex 101, Bu2aSijr, j I! 1 1 I aHV