wr LP Fisher 81 I B 1.1 if? VI ' T'uluma X CANTON CITY, GJMNT COUNTY. ORmON, TIfURSD..)) A V 7 "MBJS.'B 8. I.SSS Number 38 . - -p An Abst nsc Vagabond. won't Always Do. at the riu- A I ram i j wall knoe :ed on tho l.;f,.i..,., .i i I -'x conversation v, i lv n -;i i ft it ii- in i . a North Sidm-v home u-il. ,,CMK5 ,,a, turned upon the dis eoiiiidence of a Uuii'iW doctor l11011 r c0mo to per.-:o-vvliosc eo:niiir WiU expected. cutc I)eoP,c uho happened to The lady nnened tho ,hl "...wi ! 1-t thoir advantacru. when . W 1 w .VW4 UIIU PRAIRIE CITY & CANYON CITY ,0REG0N,J 6 Price List for October, Subject to Market Cliangcs: 5 (IIW WJ 7 til Coal Oil, Best Quality, per case of 10 gallons 2nd " Pearl Stock Salt per 100 .Liverpool Fine Table Sugar per pound OoffeeGood per pound Tea " per pound Flour, 1st duality, per 100 do Burr Hails per hun pounds Barbed Wire he said "Madam, .L have not. had a hite of lrem! since yesterday, could ytm give me a 'hunk of" cold meat f ' "Wc haven't-set a hit' Fn rhn house.'-' -How do yon manauotto keep ?o much this warm weather?" "I say that we are clear out of :;!f;;t." 'Is it loastid or hoiicd;" -J mean that we ate it all up at dinner,' raising her voice. "It ikm'i matter, veal or l)eef.' Mill louder: ! teli yon we vc rrot no meat. J, I! call the dog." -You fjoingf to jrive the do" a eh link of it ; uC'hunk of what; "Why. a chunk of no meat that you say you have rot.;J "Here. TiVcr! IVer!" "viooti day, madam, l have been plentifully supplied with no meat to-day, and have none to lose." and ho skippid the iencpas me iog turned the cor ner, !?avmf his lacon. A Ury Md hy ('loncl Fn mmni Wii f " a little hoy in Ch?rrtro who wantr-d to go'out riding with his parents, 'i'hey told him that they thought it was tM) warm for drivisirr. and they did not think they would I-. Affcptinir th ir statements !: !h;k rratli, tl o iittio ffllo.v if ' up the i'h-rt of a ride and !.!. tur. d r take a from v. iil.-h he was soon awakened h negro re- $4,50 4.00 ! !"': '"'''" f door anil I t!"" und of wheels at tlu Hate. 3.50 09 SO 80 S.00 2.50 6.00 6.75 ,kUj)MiR)fljWlHny-r-iri It m nint drcs !o tin; fronl win- d'.W 't;.-t ill tisuc ?o Jjjjj MiKtin-r aud father driving away. W i:h tvi.r of disappointment he ' -in!ed to the r.ipidiy dloap pi; si nor ean-iaoe. and remarked: " i i:. re ff'il'" two of tlie h:r r, 111 ( li .K .'I' O. Jasper Xickelson, an marked : "Pussyeution is sometimes sorter daugus. One time dar wuz er ole bullfrautr hoimin ! 'lonr thrOHO-h fit wnmU Iln wuz er happy fraug, an' tuck do worP putty much ox he found Jt. All at once a sparrow-hawk t!ew dowi; an" lit on de fraud's back. i,ook yere, say de fraug, -whut yotrdoin.' Hohow';" " 'I want you U-r toto me er while,' snys de hawk. "Oh. you oughtenter want me ler do dat. caze you ken ily wu up in near, way up er Uve de trees, while t'kain't do nuthin' but hop on de ground. "-Vas, I knows all dat, Mr. Fraurr. but you has to tote me erwhile, jest" de same. The question ain't whut you air able ter do. Do question is whut I wants you ter do. J lop on. now, ur i ii on ry my thiws in you.' - 'Oh, ilease doan dodnt. "Mv. Hawk.' " I Jen de hawk he stuck his claws down under de rimi kin. an' de fnuur he 'plaiiied might'ly. but. huh. he ain't kcern er tall. Fur de skin on de Uwucr'i back ain't got feel in' in it nohow. Oh, please, (rood Mr. Hawk. doan stick vo' claws no furder!' cried do fraurr. -Den de hawk he stuck his -:rws in i!ird..r hnurlioit De franc: he Let,' or iumnin' or- ong. wt:..v:n at hisse I ever on.-e in crwiidc. Hut. airtcr while he oquis ter er big pond. iiol' on; Jav de hawk. -I lil oii,rItull- vcm!- ! stuck my i. . i i i ez-ooKui ciaws so rur down un der yo' tough skin dat f kaiu't "it 'em out. O.i. hoi' on. M:-. Mi Vr.m Thompson- a ioke whiMi hmII probably rankle ami fester in Mr. Thompson's Ixhdim Fnr an.V a dny. Mr. Taylor dram med a small hoy into his serv ice and got him to copy one of Kent' prettiest poems. The (,"py of the jhh.mii lie sent to "The Editor of America,- with a note saying tj,t the author was a lad only 18 years old, who would like to see lus work in America. In about two days back came a real kind note from Editor Thompson. It was pleasantly worded, but it return ed the poem. "My dear listle menu," wrote Mr. Thompson, "your poem is very nice for a little boy only 13 years old, but it is hardly good enough for America. Von must not be discouraged, however, for suc cess in life can he accomplished only by patience and toil. Von would do well to keep on writ ing poetry, and I dosi t not thai by and h you will do so welt that America will print what you write. Sinserelr wn. t i friend." etc. Chicago IVews the n auer uas ueen put sn corner for being naughty. brother Hi less little hoya are very good and do what they are told, they will novo;- go fca heaven and have beautiful lhtU angel boys to play with. Walter (after long ctjitkie;'. i i atio!i) is heaven very, very boot ful? and are thirc lots o little angel bo?? brother Oh. yes, yps, very beautiful and full of 'little acl Walter "Ma, suppose am a very. gool boy, will they lota little devil play with me sometimes? BEFORE IT IS BORN. We Rjami the JuiirsEe&t Mock m Ma stem twiemnl f wm mmm9 J -J. J u Jl cJ J-h 'rJ A - ml nil In I I 1 1 I ii i" I W.' J mo9 m We wish to impress on your mind the fact that we are selling goods at retail prices, cheaper than other merchants can land them. Our mottoes are: V ROYAL m3A 5 . J f . . Bts Frat..r: oh. sv,-. f "1 " - ' - - " w A Attn , ho! on!' liar tie frauir winked at hide's, an" ;ch-g,' "he juuij -etl in de water. He staved un der do water till do ole hawk wuz dun tlrown.'d, an den he come out, .-buck him IF. wink it J at his.-e'f, an' hopped o'f in de woods. h. no." the oh! ne gro added, -it w.n alius do ter j)!K-sycute cr pus?on jtw' ca:e it 'piar like heaist't got no way o 'femlen hise'f. Yf-ne Startllap Stotcmentii of General Interost. T!)' J .-k i r i.-. .'. :. .1 i 1 of i.-iri- t . r-t !: .. hoix-tiitu ... M..i .- ic:il Um ii : ir. i iar l.i i-U. ! . mn.: Iio ii. if !;..-! .1 -ii vu-i !i i-i'.rt-Mi-lc 'l low t'1 1 . . ! I ri it. .iI'idi or i ..n.Ti't .! i i-j ;'.liimi. i:i r n,r. it y -t,iu: :'ic.vi!i-r ("., Square 10 IS 0 1 0 ilj One Price fa A Prices in Canyon City cent per pound additional to Prairie City prices liotii stores. AYo Respect fully folieit your trade. on all heavy goods all other goods same price at Yours Truly: J, PURKHEIMER & CO NOTR'K YtMl PUJj LI CATION. Iai.U oftuvat Ijx i;r.inlr. (iv-tHi. S. J. imini'il ifirr li-.a tUri', iyi:K-c f b: hitputi'ii til . mV'.r;. tf.fl itk-al;.k tiiktit i.Mi.f lii umi ait of lii-. i-im. u:.'l (Sut tniil i.i'f wiil 1 inn !c '.c.'.i'. ti. Clerk o! Gnnll. r . :.t fai.vni '.;t.. tin .Vt. mcr 24.I. Isv. is W'lLl.. I AM IS. NJIHT. IM. No. 2. fcr t:.e SIS Si- . Tj IS, S K ;, K W M. I'. ! if tin f.i'lottiwr ui.m-!HJ to fii'iivt' hi. .t.tiii!tiiij n-.i.'M".v -ii. -r.l Mii;H'.:inii t'. -nul I sr.-!. '..-. t.v .p.c lil-.:;ilr.e. I. I'il- Iff. Wii!.r:- I'i ).. vf !it.'w.r'. tin . I ? 'trt Or. in.i .l:n.s l'.-jv if Ml W-rim 1. 1). ..! .U--10II wilt '!'ici' i !: aair-t ii o : '!oa:it- f i'i' It Kx''- " ktiiwi "f ::! Kiilnti'lltiai i- : Ii. lltnlsT thp law :lu .... ij tl... I.li r .ir !! f ti.tit u-in i jrihr fh-mlil nil If ::. '-'!. w.il le ivt'ii mi i ; i-'rfitij') at the 1 i.' uvitl.HmJ liiiit aihi ;.. o t fr " vH'i f ll- witMi-sSi s nf til c.iim: it.t, ..ii-I t offer i!el.cj in n Initial of ili it -u'-iiiii!'-'! Iv S-iiisi 'i! J.:!l IIMM.Y IMMJMAUT. I:iu-;--Ut. 1 y it o nBtd 3TliI populnr J'cuicIy never rail to vtl'cvtxiaily euro Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness Anti all diseases arising from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. The natural rcKiilt is coimX nppo nteniid solid flenli. lKu Ninall, cle?aiulv Niiprar eautetl antl easy lo all6,v. .Sold evcrj'wlivrc. (InfonnatUm for tlir I'arm, Joii.io iflf, U'arltthp and Nicl;i'ca:n'' :rI17 bo sent ficoon i'2illcallon The Political Canwign. Canijjaigr.s cost money now. hut it isn't the oratory that eo.-ts. We pay more for campaign hands now every year than congress gets, and the campaign o.jfcth-cs of ioih purties would s ml P.ihles ami hn.stles all over Africa. Crown ;:p men clothe the:nse!ve- in tin l.omlet and oilcloth overcoats, holler ail nicht and go home at breakfast time with their jwvkots full of clam chowder an 1 two or three torchlight wicks in their hats. We have found out that the av erage man is only a hif hoy and iretpieutly a iunkhead at that, lie likes to feel the gentle ex hiiiration of n.artia! musie and rum tiring his veins ami to ilat ter himself that it is heroism and valor. Ktimd hy the las civious pleach.'!-; of the hass drum hu wa!k. thirteen miles in the rain ami smokes cifars which wouhl make the Chicago river turn artmim and run the other wa.y. We have learnei that we do iut nee! much mon ey for folks who n ad the papers ai.d think thoughts, j he mon ey goes mostly to give the thiis- ty:m! ignorant a general outinrr as I may say. The campaign comes like a henizon to those who, asdde from the Fourth of duly, a pnidic itaptim, or the fr.m-ral of a distant relative, see very little to enjoy. --Hill ( Didn,t Know His Own. Xye. Ilohart Taylor, the proprietor of Chicago's mest value 1 weekly paper, America, is stiil a very oimg man, yet he has already develoiied humorons traits of a subtile aud pungent ehaiater. Last week he prayed a practical joke on his editor, Slason Pr. Oliver "Wendell Holme, on t'in;; asked when the training of a child should begin, replied, "A hun t!r;d years before it is borne." Are we to infer from this that this veneration is responsible for the con dition of tho race a hundred venra from now? Is this wonderful :eaeration tho natural" result of the proper diet ant! medicines of a hundred years ano? It is conceded in other lands that most of the wonderful discoveries oi the world in this century have come from this country. Our ancestors wore reared in log cabins, and suffered hardships and trials. But they lived antl enjoyed health to a ripe old ivc. The women of those, days would endure hardships wit hen t apputeiit fatigue that would fctaitUi those of the presenUure. "Why was it? One of the prop.ietoin of tho popu lar remedy kuov.n as Warner's wife care, has been faitheillv investigating the cause, and h:n culled to his aiU scientt.-t.s as well impref-s:ng upon tin m the fact that there cannot be an ei'tel without a cause. This inveMig:.l:cmdisc:hsed the fact that in the olden times simple remedies v. ere administerud, comiH.mu-.lcd of htibt :v.ul roots, which were gathei etl and tturcd in the lofts of the log cabins, and wiran sicklier came on, ihcse romedien from natuie's laluralerv were ued with the kt etrtcis. What weie these icnicdies? What were they r.sed for? After un tiring and diligent search they have, obtained the formulas so generally used for various disorders. Now the question is, how will the olden time preparations affect tho people of this age, who have hem . i . l t . iroaieu.untier modem metlual school anil codes, with poisonous and in jurious drugs. This teit has been carefully pursued, until they are con vinced that the preparations thov now call Warner's Lo-; Cabin reme dies are what our much abused systems require. Among them is what is known as Warner's Log Cabin sarsaparilla, and they frankly announce that thev do in t consider the sarfapr.rilla of so niucn vaiue m ilsell as it is in thu combination of the various ingredi ents which together work mnrveloitelv upon the system. Thov also Imvo prepura'ions for other diseases. Mich as"W:irner'K Log Cabin cough ami cnuMimption rcmedv," "Loir Cai)iii hops andbuchu rcmedv," "Warner'H Log Cabin hair tonic' Thev havo great confidence that they have' a euro for J ho common d'sense of catarrh, which they give tho name of 'Lop Cabin rose cream." AIfo a "Log Cabin jdaster," which thev are con titknt will supplant all others, and a liver pill, to be used separately or in connection with the other remedies. We l one that the public will not b- disappointed in these remediestmt will reap a benelit from the investi gations, and that the proprietors will not be embarrassed in their introduc tion by dealers trying to substituto remedies that have been so familiar to the shelves of our druggists. This line of remedies will be used instead t f others. Insist upon vour druggist getting them for you if he hasn't thorn yet in stock, and we feel confident that these new remedies will rcceivo approbation at our reader's hamlg, as the founders have used every euro in their preparation.