Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 01, 1888, Image 1

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T'oliovia X.
Number 82
. - - - --
Coal Oil, Best Gtualitv, per case of 10 gallons
" " 2nd " Pearl
Stock Salt per 100
Liverpool "
Fine Table "
Sugar per pound
Coffee Good per pound
Tea " per pound
Flour, 1st duality, per 100
do Burr
Kails per him pounds
Barbed Wire
We Cherry
V . 1 "Ml!'
We wish to impress on your
goods at retail prices, cheaper
them. Our mottoes are:
Prices in Canyon City
"both stores. We "Respectfully
i - r-m ar umm u ft tm. .-yafcft'-t-iR
List for October,
the Iiargest
I- t I
cent per pound additional to Prairie City prices on all heavy goods
solicit your trade.
solicit y
Subject to Market Changes:
Mock in Eastern Oregon!
i I 1 i
mind the fact that we are selling
than other merchants can land
Price to All!
all other goods same price at
Absolutely Pyre.
TV-. ; iw 'er nc.t-r inri . A in ut -T of f.-irl-ty.
t-.n.:' ;.h .in! .. ii;-.omi esj. Mori- cm-oki-ic:i!
tta'i the or.liis.i y Ki .vnl caniiot bo
sold in mi-ini-; ii i, i uith th i.i I't-tnile nf low
tet, llift 'A l..1 ill,
jlusn or l 'limn'.) .! ;nvuYri.
SnM mil in cm--.
ltM WhII St., N. Y
l.oynl i'Mkin' I owitcr Co.,
I-v..:l ulllfcat l.!t Or-si l. Orvgmi.
Xot'.-' i. herJ- !!m that ilie follow
tmiiK'tl tile r h lilnl !intice f liis iiiteiitii.u
to i i'i;imto ai:l inuki: fins! jmrnf in Mipjtcrt
Of hi:- ! ii th:t saitl j.rtMtf will ls i;i:vie
fir- tii ( !'rk (if Gra"' -'. t,i 'vn
Citv. . .(imiii1t '2llh. 1c);';, ix. Hli.L-
i am . s-;o':t. Hii. No. ar;, rcr tfco s i s i
Sf . Y,. I. S K27, i: V M.
Ho i..iiii-9 the fiil.'owiti'.- . itiitrnsc- to prove
his iiu:tii,i i -i.leHLii i'"ii. and cultivation
of, r-i'A ltii, viz. (iioru Ltyicinujc, U V JJui
!;, Wtliiiini INij.c, of Stoiiart, !rtnt .junti Or. .I.tiiiiy I'ujn of .lt Vernon, Oregon.
Ai:y (i:.-ffnti ulio ilcaitc tj piott'St a-ntinst
tlii; ill' :ic- "1 snrli vro01" ,,r !ii.. -i f
any s ;1 sr..;,t;al najni. niiilcr the law .vu! tlit
rrtt:! t;'.::.. i-f tho lnUrior Dtirtmc:.i, vlr
;Uil. jiii.if fihtniUI not !o nll'iutil, will he ui.i'ii
'in ojir,:-miiit;- .t Uio metitinMil tim-j
aiwl j:::ic. ;i ,TO'fisi.!i the wittt-s-es i.f
mM cii.f. i.:t, LiiJ. t cKcr iikisco In tobuiUil
of that .-ultitiU-.'l liv t-htinunt.
!..!: IIKM.V Sa.NKHAlST, ltivUtcr.
Tiiio lfuiidroil and Sixty Acres
of L mil in Siivica V::lltv. CJooc
hoLtuiii lain!, suul conmmndnjij line
lv:is:v. A cumfoi'inbto House,
c'iar Jitiil forrals. ain! cold spring
on proniiKp. Will bu sold c.ic.ii,
n?ov, r:i-r i titciuls to k-uve the couu
try. For j)fii'ticula:-s enqttite at
Nk.Vs Of kk i-, ('navon Cilv. 27
lini Oflh c t ICmiMitt, Or.
Sij.t '-'Int.. !Sl..
Xr: . i" hereby .-ivcn that Uw foll-vin;
i;nin.-' vi-;:: : ha tint !...; hi.- iiit.n(iHi to
niMt, ;iu.:l 'iro'-f in sutii4rt "f Ms tlnini, and ;ir.tif wiil be tjiaie btf'.-rs th iiHihty
.In ir in Iiis nlencc l.cfore tlic outity
Hi-rW i.f tJraut ctnntv. Or, at Omiyuii Cilv.
Ori:!. on!ier (lih., l'S. vli: AJJOS
S. ttA.. !'AI.I...II. N.SU, for the i?K J of too
T. I.' S U K W M.
II.- ii.iiiu1! t!n- folliiwh'ir itntsffS to trv
lii ul i.i ; rcilt'i!cu ttiMiti, ami cultl vntion
nf fi'.'l I in t. vi.-.: II-iirv K i;r. I'oWrt Itvt-il.
lit!). - T'IIiiuim;. littjbun l-iulii-. a!l if IbyvilK'
( count.-, ori-ji. i.
Any iirrrioti v. Iio c-iru to nol;.-t ainri the
ailoM.-iin o of mo'Ii root. i r nlin kmiV nf nry
ciili.-tij'.itial rea-oti. uiiiior t'ie ir.w .iml rrjiulr.
lions of th- lniiniir l.'i'iiartmftit. v.-hv t:-li
-ro.f tho!ili ii'il J o fillowc.l, uill v ur-en :m
opport unity hI tli" rihtivc :in-tt'o.)i: I unu Mlit
tlllliv Vi TO-i., lilittll! ttie .s'in'?o nl smi
C'lMnnu:. :nnl to offer crhlt'ii- t- in rih.ittal i f
that - iiiiittisl In i'.
: hp:miy hixi:iia::t. :n.-Mr.
I.ii. l Olliec at I :i l.'r .inle. Onrtrnn.
Se.t. !!:h.. IS.
Xc 's liert'.v uhc-n, n: I i' W Wvltcrwlni
inadir I) s No. T7i'.t tnkc i.rii't. that tin;
fillfwmim:nl m-HIit ha r!e.' ti(ttc of his
inlc'itw! to ni:iki-linul iir.if In -ui'icirt of Ills
eiriiin. eml that iai(l r0i ill Ik ni.u!o before
the 'Mn'y l''i rk of dmnt e.mity, at Canyon
rlir, r., mi N.Adinbtir '1. lss-i. viz: Li'WIS
l'!M ITJ'. !) a X ;t 17. f.-r the SW ouarSi: niur
anil y,'. .jtn.r SV.' 1111.1r.AiHl l.ot 2 ::, Soe 2,
I'll !. s 1: i; ;.
lie u:iiin th. rol!ont!i v.-it!ieMC! to prove nts
contit.r.- its iter; Jtnee upon, mi.i cuillvr.t-i.ii of,
saiil Im.'I, iz: !. S lini tin, John M.irlin, Yi!
Huin I'r., frank Sweot. nil nf I'rairie Citv. Ore.
27 M IIi:.Ni:V KINKUAUT, Ko'Sur.
Land Oflicu it La. Uranile. Or
S ptcnil't r 7t!i., 1 I
Nolle- is hrehv given tli:t tho fo.l,ii;.sr-
natnixt -ettler ba-t lllei! tsoti of hi int- ntior
to tiuike tliwl riif in supjHrt of hS-t e!n!in, atul
tlat ..;il proof -vi it! I to tnatle h.'f.iw thr li:int
'!?r:: of Cotit .. Or . hi Usvim, Citv. Or., on
Xovi tiih.-r , t:;A?''. MaDUoX,
l tj No 7-1:). t r the S h.i.f .mV j. -r Sec 14. and
X I: ill N .V (li:.r See S3. Tp IS. i; It 31, K.
Ileli ilMe- the lnH.ivii.i v.!l;ies:;i t i prove
hi.-, eoiitiiiitoit.i r.ii!enne n ; -ii . a'nl fi:!ii. etion
of, k i.l I in'!, vi.; C V I'ii.-ce. C!:ail.s ISeyers
.ImIi:i A C::iuio:t, l'ttcr Iiulc, all of r.latitriii.
7 llENRy aiNKIIAitT, lla.Isicr
f r
IawI Ofiiru t I-i Grande, Orej;on.
S'-pt'jnibi r 7th, 1SS-.
y- Jco U 5i; rehv iven that tli-s frllnttin-;-ii!in'l
-ttlo.- hi tile! notii . of intenti. n to
inn! . thill preof iti iiippurt . f hl cUini, ami
tbut prj-.-f will be'.e lcf reiVuiity
(l-.-r .f tiratit t'oniitv, at (Vtiyi.ti City, Or., oh
NoveiniH.' .:, l.'.'sH. vii: FltA.NCI.S . LRMKXT
SilUS, I. s No. MCI, for the N h:! N half Scv
27. 1p I'. i I v.. i:
He faint liit Mbiwinv uit iKm tn pruvehly
entstim: rt.-i k-nte ii)itj. and ';,..:t nf.
.-.;! i.ind, viz; J. .i-ii linindt. iliiht'aiith. '.V V
IJ-ny. f Hliiiit'-n, '"r., ai.d .1 .S tst.inta!l of
JiitMi Hay. Or.
-7ai 1IK.VIIY lUNKIlAUr, i:i.l,tcr.
Lnd ' Tiie a' The Rules, Orego.
SupUtnlKr llth., Ii.
N"tie-' i" hr A, zlvcn that the follMwin'
nntnol Mttler ha; llied tiolitoof bi int'-hti hi to
nt.'e fiiw! pnx f in aumrjit of hw claim, nd
that Mil jir.xi? !! Ik n:a c hi fore Uir
tn:i" rkrk of l"r.iMt coni.ty, 'ir., at fiiiivini
Citv, on November 12, lvi5. viz: AIIIIAIIAM
UltoWN. US . r.., for the N half Si: fjear and
X hVf aW U ir Sec. SO, Tp.. I i. S Ii 2U. K.
He names the fi li.iwiny ile ses to prtiTc his
coiit: inorM residence upon, and riiliivutinti of,
mil! I-.- I ir.: Tnotnas Conner, Fry I fJttyon.
V (i jle:.nM, Ym Unary, all of Iiai viiir, Or.
2; M F. A. MtDcNA!!), lir.-utcr.
Laird iJfllee at The lai:c. Oregon
iejitt;nber ! t'li. liis-S.
Nutior ii htn-by frvmi that the ft-Hwint
nasr.ed tt!cr ha-i Hied notice of Us ii trntion to
eonmi :te and m-iku Html pr.of l:i Mipjitt o!
hU j'Jki, and that pnwf v ill he nuuY before
the C.Min'y Clerk 01 fJtHint county Orc;un, at
Canyon City. Or., on Ii'ovcinhct 12. litis, vii:
FlltbKKICK criOX, lid X... 2M7. for the
S hi!f SK ouar. See 11, X haU XK nuar Sec
II. Tp. IS, It 20, E.
Hu names the fol!ovin; uitncEfey to prove
Ids eontintioiH residence 111011. and cultivation
of, Pbiil land, viz: O T Powell, T Conner; U l'ratt
A urown, ait 01 nayvine, o:
K. A. acDOSALD. Itegistcr
i A Vassal-
r:ilo that "the nan
uieisiic prochvitics or our citi
zens perceptibly militutcs
apiinst that desirable frolin-lous
unity whicli slio, optimistically
imiiiicu, won i ! iikc ro sec onr
churches instead of such heter
oo;eneou., conglomerated salma-
nostic eacliiiiuations a3 usually
betoken the infaithful Yahoos
in the bjxes en urriure." Oh!
CJivc us a rest and
the money.
take down
"What is George's last name,
Etta?" asxed the little sister one
morning ;lt tlic breaRfa.-Jt tble.
'Simpson, dear." ?a:d Etta,
with a becoming "VIiat
maMes you a?K :"
"Oh. nothintr,. ai 1 tho little
sister, carelessly, "only I was
listening outside the " parlor
door when he was here last niVht
and I thought from what I
heard you say to him all the
time that it might
l;e Doant."
""Nearly all the words that
begin with s-l-i are unpleasant
ones," explained a teacher to her
class. "Can any one of you
think of an example?" "I can."
shouted a small urchin, holdin'
up his hand, "slipper."'
Charlotte ('onlay, the sad-faced,
tender-hearted peasant girl of Nor
mandy made great history by 0110
desperate act!
mcKencti oy uie Haiurnaua 01 me
French revolution, and moved to des
peration as Itohespierre and Marat
were leading the llowcr of France to
the guillotine, she determined that
she would put an end to Marat's
bloody reijni.
Murat had clom-vmled two hundred
tlniupand victims for the guillotine!
He proposed to kill olFthc enemies
of die Revolution to make it per
petual i
Horrible thought!
No wonder it tired the blood of this
patriotic peasant maid!
tiaining access to his closely
guarded quartern by a subterfuge, she
md him in his bath, even then in
exorable and giving written directions
f r further slaughter!
Hu asked her the names of the
inimical deputies who had taken
rt fngo in Caen. Sho told him, and
he wrote them down. "That is well !
I'efore a week is over the shall all
be brought to the guillotine."
At these words, Charlotte drew
fr in her bosom the knife, and
plunged it with supernatural force up
to the hilt In the heart of Marat.
"Come to me, my dear friend,
vome to me," cried Marat, and ex
pired under the blow!
In tho Corcoran gallery at "Wash
ington is a famous painting of Char
lotte, represented as behind the prison
bars the day before her execution.
It is a thrilling, sad picture, full ol
sorrow for her Fullering country., and
of unconquerable hate for her coun
try's enemies.
What a lesson in this tragic story !
Two hundred, nav. five ifiundred
thousand people would Mamt have
sacrificed to his unholy passion of
power !
Methods are quite as murderous
and inexorable as men, and they
number their victims bv the millions.
The page of history is full of murders
by authority and by mistaken ideas!
1 n the practice of medicine alone how
many hundreds of millions have been
allowed? to die and as many more
killed by unjustifiable bigotry and by
5ut the age is bettering. Men and
methods are improving. A few years
ago it was worth one's professional
life to advise or permit the uso of a
proprietary medicine. To-day thero
are not two physicians in any town
in this country who do not regularly
prescribe some form of proprietary
remedy !
II. II. Warner, famed all over tho
worldjas tho discoverer of Wane's
osfe cure, began hunting up the old
remedies of the Log Cabin days; after
ceeded in securing some of the most
valuable, among family records, and ;
called them Warner's Log Cabin rem- j
edies-tho simple preparations of
long and patient researcti he sue-
roots, leaves, balsams and herbs
which were tho successful stand bys
of our grandmothers. These simple,
old-fasliioned sarsaparilla, hops and
buchu, cough and consumption and
other remedies have struck a popu
lar chord and tire in extraordinary
demand all over the land. They are
not the untried and imaginary rem
edies of some dabster chemist iltent
on making money, but thelong-afHght
principles ot the healing art which
for generations kept our ancestors in
perfect health, put forth for tho good
of humanity by one who is known
all over the" world as a philantropist
a lover of his fellow man, whoso
name is a guarantee of the highest
ttandard of excellence.
Tho preparations arc of decided
and known influence over disease,
and as in the hands of our grand
mothers they raised up tho sick,
cured tho lame, and bound up tho
wounds of death, so in their new
form but olden power as Log Cabin
remedies, they are sure to prove the
"healing of tho nations."
Corday did tho world an incalcu
lable service in ridding France of tho
bigoted and murderous Marat, just as
this man is doing humanity a servico
bv re-introducing to the -world tho
sunnier and better methods 01 oar ,
fiiiepntora )
A Female Witness Convinces a Law
yer Almost Against His Will.
"You know the defendant in
this case, do you V asked a Kan
sas lawyer of a female native of
the soil.
"Know which?" she asked.
mVrtSTL.imi. o I-7T T VI
"You want to know if I know
Jake Lynch well, if that ain't
a good one. Why, mister, tho
Lynch family an "
"Can't )'ou say yes or no?"
"Why, Jake Lynch's mother
an' my step-dad's father was
once first cousins, an' "
"Then you know him?"
"Who," Jake Lynch? Me
know Jake
Lynch. You're a
these parts, ain't
you ?"
"That has nothing to do with
the case. If you know Jake
Lynch, say so,"
"If I know him! Leinrao
tell you that Jake Lynch's birth
da) and my brother Hiram's ia
on the same day, an' "
"You know him of course,
"Who--Jake Lynch? Ask
Jake if I know him? Ask him
if he was ever introduced to
Pettv Skelton?"
"1 don't care to ask him nny
thirg. T simply want to ask
you if Jake Lynch is known to
you personally."
"Pussonlyf Well I don't
know what you mean by pus
sonly.' but if you want to know
if I know Jake an if he knows
me, I can tell you in mighty
few words. Jake Lynch's fath
cr an my father "
"Xo-.v, I wtuit you to nctv
'yes or -no. "
"Thought you wanted me to
say if I knew .Jake Lynch."
"That's just what! do want."
"Well, then, lemme alone an4
Ml tell you all about it. Jake
Lynch was born in Injeeany an
I was born in the same county
an' "
"And of course yon know
li'in ?"
"Who Jake Lynch? Do I
know Jake Lynch, when the
very ho.-s he rid here on was
one he traded my man a sjkih
of young steers for? Why,
man, Jake's wife was Ann Elizy
Skiff, an her an' me is the same
age to a day, an "
"That will do. I see that
t t 1
"Know him?
Why. man "
"That will do.
Know Jake?
" w ny, l was
3 married on a
pl-mrcl. it- om TiL-
the next day, an' hi
nn niv
oldest girl is most the
J o
Bame age, an' "
"That wiildo
Missionaiy Work.
"That portrait," said the fath
er, with moist eyes, "shows our
1 Tarry as he looked when we
gave him up."
"Gave him up?" echoed the
"Yes. We educated him for
a missionary and just as lie
reached a glorious young man
hood he left us and entered up
on his life work of devotion atul
self -sacrifice."
"I Tow stranpje! I never
"curd before that yen had a son
preaching to the heathen. Is
f M,:nn Tiid.,?'
in v- lnna 01 li fli.i.
u orse man euncr, repnea
the father, with a heavy sigh;
"he publishes a republican pa
per in Missouri."
Wli'.SiYf'asIi? CaconorSliQkesiisavc.
The nutborsltip of tho dramatics produc
tions cltributcd to tho last of tho abovo
naracll Is agitating literary circles to tho
very centre, but affects tho practical mosses
far lcS3 than tho rcocentotu question, how
to regain, or prcsorvo health, that -vssentitil
of bodily r.nil mental rxivlty, business suc
cess and the "pursuit of happiness." Wo
can throw far more lighten tins latter sub
ject than the most nrofoend Shakespearian
can on tho quo&tlou. Urst propounded. Jt
tiiopycfcm Is depleted, tho nerves sLnkr; if
Indigestion or constlj3iic n t'herj ono at
times, or constantly: If U:: sUn is yclloiv
and tourJC furred as in bllUousncssj ffthcr.i
arc premonitory twinges of oncoming rheu
matism or neuralgia: if the kidneys arc ia
nctlve uso Hoetettcr'a Stomach Bitters, tho
! finest rccupenint of an n-ju prolific ia bcnetl
i clal and succt-tsful remoliw. Kemember,
if nnlaria threatens or elTUcts, tbut It iiin
trallxes the rtoison rd fortlthw tj-e uTrt ti.
.'.ePARICER'S CSWCER TC$M3 wRfcoot deU
1 rare uit-Jiciiuil compound that rrr when ll elM Call
m rainUbc won caa of Cou sh,WeJc Lanr. Art tin
nilkrntinn. Inward fainx, Exhaiutloa. InriUoabla D
tliuiiiatlnn. Kcusalo Weakness d all psliu and dl
irden ct 8Umsea aad Uoweli. see. t Drugs!
H.. mm .t.n Ttinr mi., f , , - fl - Tt.. &
toiMoiiptiiu Escnrai comfort to tttcrec htrertM
owe - UcratotP-nawko. JtocoxcaXT. m
it ,
V X&MLilljMiXBFii: XjOHgrZ f .U,.-.'!i.'Sftii
.---is . n