Grant' Co. Wwr PUBLISHED EVERY TIIGRSDAY MOUSING October 2, 1SS8- The man who answers all po litical arguments with a propo sition to bet, usually has more money than brains, and fre quently has very little o either. The senate has passed a bill allowing any person who has relinquished a homestead entry before the expiration of the re quisit six months to make an other entry not exeedinga quar ter section. Bets have been quite lively on the election during the week. One $500 bet has been taken on the general result, one 50. and a check for $500 by a re publican is now waiting to be covered. Mountaineer. Wr.rlnc tbo wo'itlinr nrnnh- ' et, predicts that a rcat cyclone i i. to pass over the United States d..flV 11,. not mention ! shortly, lie did not ineution the fact, but democrats expect one to strike the republican party on the 0th of next month, and vici versa. In order to fumigate the mails which leave Jacksonville, Fla thev are emptied onse in- 1 ia., nicy .uc ciiijMit. u to a large box which lias w ne . bottom, and brimstone or oth er disinfectants are burned un der the box from eight to twelve ho.irs. All the smoke from the through the mails. llepresentative Hermann is very mad because of the differ ence or rather negligence of the admiristration in carrying out the law for the establishment ol the new Harney land district. He proposes to iiml out who is to blame for the delay, and for this purpose introduced a pre amble and resolution, demand incr of the president the reason ofthe delay in the establish ment of such oflice. At Marchaltown. Iowa, last week, a democratic politician called the old soldiers -'a pack of d d paupers," in the nrpsfitie.e of an able-bodied vet- eraii, who at once proceeded to thresh the democratic politician handsomely. The veteran had his'fine paid, was presented with an elegant testimonial, and was made a member of- the depart ment commanders stalP, C4. A. R.j by special order. It isn't altogether safe to monkey with tlie old fellows vet. r . . It is an encouraging sign, of j the times that the' anarchists ! have begun to light among 1 themselves. Of course they ; must light somebody, and see in.r tluit it hsis tfrown unsafe to liglit the public and the author- f itics, they wrangle together. Dispatches tell how four of ' these agitators were thrown through a window of Pytha- j goras hall in New York by :t J committee ot tlieir Dretiircn, and how the incontinently eject ed ran shoeless to their common enemy, the conservators of the peace, for protection. It is to be hoped that the Kilkeny cat iight will proceed among this vile mob until both .side are ex terminated on that line. Now and then we stumble on - ... ..:..4,1 mnMn"!tv in tlin to an antiquated curlolt) in rue form of an old niossbaclc, wlio doesn't believe in immigration. "We met one this week. He said that people were too thick in Gj-ant county jdready, and by the time his grand-children vere grown, land would be so high that they would have to light out, for some new country in order to get a sta't. In con sidering the question of immi gration these fellows forget, or haven't sense enough to know, that in one sense of the word wn are all emigrants, and had it not been for the spirit of ininii- oration we would all be to-day residents of other nations, or possibly would never Had exist ed, and this delightful country of ours that now blossom like the rose and yields cheerfully to the wants of civilization, would yet remain a wilderness wholly occupied by savages and wild beasts. Take a sensible view of tlie nilUlCr ailU lllVIie people .. , . .. , from other state; oiwl (niinnii,,; anu coinmuiii- ties to settle among us. Some of our most thrifty and prosper ous farmers are those wlio came here only a few yeas ago, and why npt invite others to. come? There is thousands of. room and plenty to do, and why object. Let the country Jill HP nnd every foot of land he yieldi nil something for man's happiness. 'NASAL VOICES. CATARRH MID FALSE TEETH." A prominent English woman iy lite Aineiiean women all have li shrill, nanil voices and falfco teeth. Americans don't like the const mt tvrittiug they ct about this n:i-:t! twanir, and vet it ia a fact caused by i our dry stimulating atmosphere, and the universal presence ot catarrhs! diflicultie3. I But why should so many of our I women have false teeth ? i That is more of a poser to the Kn- ; lish. It is quite impossible to ue- ' count for it except on the theory of de ranged stomach action caused by hit- ' prudence in eating and by want of . regular exercise. lk)lh conditions are unnatural. ! Catarrhal troubles everywhere ire- ! vail and end in cough and consump tion, which are promoted by nuil- ; nutrition induced by deranged stomach action. The condition m a : modern one, one unknown to our an cestors who prevented the catarrh, cqld, cough and consumption by abundant and usu of whaj is now known as Warner's Log I ..ri,rri nml f vm rii in t it i( i2 rciuetlv and ! Log Cabin sarsananlla, two old ! fashioned standard reme lies handed i down from our ancestors, and now exclusively put forth under i the strongest 'guarantees of purity ' and ellicacv by the world-lamed ! tiiMl:ntH of Warner's fcufe cure. These two remedies plentitmly "J fall and winter era- stilvimce. together with an oj- casional use of Warner's J.og Cabin rose cream, to strengthen and protect the nasal membranes, give a positive i assurance of freedom, bom nom ' catarrh and thtso dreadful anil if I neglected, inevitable consequences, I pneumonia, lung troubles and con sumption, which so generally and fatally prevail among our pe jple. Comrade EH Fisher, of Salem, : Hnnrv Co.. Iowa, served four years m the late war and contracted a disease called consumption In the n fr jt heill0rrh.lJ.c . Warner's I.o' Cabin o doctors. cs. Alter using Warner s J.O'.'vaimi consumption remedy, he savs, under date of Jan. 1Mb, 1AS8: "I do not bleed at the lungs any more, my cougn does not bother me, and I do not have nnv more smothering spells." Warner's Log Cabin rose cream cured his wife of catarrh and she is "sound and well." J , Of course we do not like to have our women called nose talkers and false teeth owners, but these condi tions can be readily overcome in the manner indicated. A $300 election general re sult bet was made at Arlington last week between a republican and democrat. To Fruit Dealers. Shippers and Consumers. 4,000 bushels of choice Winter apples and 2,000 g Hons of cider vinegar now offered for sale at lowest cash rates. 1 will sell apples l.y the quantity at the ot chard, 50 cunts per box or 1 cents per pound, cash in hand or take merchantable farm produce on delivery at lowest cash rates. Special and reduced terms oftVr ed on heavy orders, or for the ta tire crop in the orchard. The above designated rates to hold good during gathering lime, or from Oct. Ut to Nov. 1st. lfrS. By dose attention, pruning and cultivation, I can now offer to tlie public apples of superior size nd llavor. and n-i g.;;d keeping . varie ties as are to be found Ea toi West of the(tsi'ad.' mountains. Come sw:d sec and judge f r yourselves. Orchard situate two miles e.istof John bay. and one half nvi'e s'mtlr of the Pntirin C iiy and John I ay road. li:-si-lence in iV.plar drove north of the orchard. Hard cider, ('renin eider and Swoet cider free to customers III! D. I'. PilNKlIART. NKW TO-DAY. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION'. ijmd ORiee at t--(irlde. it.ii. Oct 13. lss. Notice I h' Tchy siven that the !oilwinij naliica -clller li.t- filed notice of hi? iutt'iition to mnke tiual pnwf in riipportof his claim, ami that said p oif will he mid.' K'fore the Comity ci.rk of (Jriitit tounlv, ai 1'miivoii Ctr. )ririi, on I)cci!inler sth. liTx. iz: JOHN W. I'OW. KLL. M I) l.Vt. for the S 1 2 SV 14 See IT a-i-1 N 1 i N W 1 .V "'o Tp 1 1 S It ft! K lie luinv the f Uoiic witnesi-e- to prove lii o"iitini!OU4 re!d. lice upon, and eultivat on ..f. siid land. i.: .Iam-. II (;i-ti. of UUutou Or . and J-imei A loftoti, l'taiik l.niiraiic am! James J Konuull of Canyon City. Or. Anv vrp"" w''o o- to protect atrint the ailowanceof sucli proof, or who knows of any nil-tantial reason, mrler thv lw and the rfyolutioiM of the Interior Oepirtnient. nm I such pr Kf s-hould not hf llwel. wiilh- iv.;n , .l),l,rtUl,i,vat tj,e ai.-.v.- m?ntio-.i time himI p;.c- to eros.-imiiic the- witii'-ss oi vvl , .-ituiiMiit. ai.'i to oner ,nuiice in reiuiiia. o: : Mihmitted hv cl ; SI-:Jt; HKNHY RINKHART. Rrsisttr. Livery aii Feed Stat. LEE FILLER, Propr. Canyon City, Grant Co. Oregon. ii:ti:r kuiis him stanh Having bought those popular StablesI respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. j fp First-class Single ! rcams to lefc' and Uouljle FINE IIUOGIES ."fc ROAIJ CARTS. Special attention given to the care of transient stock. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Luml Oille Ht La Orantle, Orcpm Oft. 10. lS. Notice is licroliv trivm that tin followins- ininitl r-cttler lias filed notice : of hisintpiitioiiro of his rlilin, and befori the nuke final pr.wrf in iipiMirt tliat Mint ironl ulll uc made ' or in l.U ub-encf Ucf.-rc the County Clerk of ''r"11 Canyon Oty. Or., on IJuliIii- lH.r u, vi2: kkank mcIikan. im. no. 27i, for the NW qnar NW quar, Soc 13, ami WJ ' SW ii:ar. See 12, ami ?K ouar SB quar Sec 11, . T 17, S It SI. K. He iiuincH the following wltnoSso!" to proc 1 his C MititiiiOMH residence npon, and cultivation 1 of, a.!d land l.: Wm Southwortli, .lauios W ; Allen. John J Wash, Walt V.' Hurry, all of Wanton, Oroon. I Any iwrson who (losircs to iirotost nptiiift t the allowance of m rh proof, or who knows of I j an x'lhstantial n-aon, tindor the law and the ' rrnUlion of the I;it. rir liuparlmcnt, why j wicli prpr !iiou".d i.nt htv lUii. will ne iriven nn oi)i'.rH!iiiiy . t the alxi' HM-iitloiii-d time and Uct toem. cxamim; tho iUiesfS of said . claimant, anJ to ulVer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted br claiiiiant. ' 30-85 HENnY HINEHAIIT, HcgUtcr. 1 NEW TO-DAY. VARIETIES AND NOTIONS. IX THE OLD POSTOFi'ICE BUILDISft CANYON CITY, Oregon. Toilet Sets, ('hincse and Japanese Goods, Dolts, Books, Pictures, and Xiclc .A'acJcs of every des cription. . GAGE SISTERS, Proprietors. BASCHE !& Company PKAIKIKCITT, OK. - A FULL STOCK OF PLOWc;, WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, TINWARE, STOVES, ETC. Just deceived, and will be sold at low prices For cash. D.'R FJSfv, AsJcuL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I and 0:'.l:e at L- Ori!e, re??iii. Oct !th, lSvi Notice i herdtv viwn 'hat n:f loilouin-:-i.amt I Mltli'ishaVf HU'd notice of the r inton ti..iiti make tliml lwr in mjijMiri of their ciuiiti.. il that snidjironf "i!l 1 m.nis htforo Ihc Coiintvilrrk of Oram comity Or., at C.iiij-on I ntv. ()w,ii Noiiilivi- -liiu., m: JACKSON, DS No. -il;. fr Ihs H S SI- tnur, ! S 1 Ni: Sec i'.. T lii. S 't 'M. K W M. mi l I ix: AMIKilT DKKW KIT. I No. 6.V,for the ! V.x. NW (iiar, :in-i N half NKqwr Se :". S i: K W M. Ui-iiaiHciihc follow iiu' vitnvM tu jirov) hif loiitiiiiions reoMenci' ii.oii, and cultivation of, raid land, .: Ilubli-.r 1 .lolin-oii, Hick (onne:. I Wm A Tun man. Andicw I.HKoy, JtiKe I-skuy, all f I'rairic City, On-con. i1 Any 'i rxm who dero to pr'jtest against tlie nUou-nnee nf Miieli (inHif, nr ho knows of any siihitaiitiul roji-on, inuler the liw end the rcifii .atioiK f the Interior iviwrtim nt. why .;k" i.o id not he allowed, will If slvnn an o!ijrtiiniiy at the ahov.- r.i.nthmed-iim ami lia-. t. rHi-c:inii:ic the witiiMsei of mM claimant, and t i otlVr evideiu-- in r.h'i:nl of that nhinittcil hv c'aim.i'it. :tii:i 1IKNRY RlNKIIAKT, l.Vter. NOTICH FOR PUBLICATION. Land oflice at Im Grande, Oregon. S..p Jl, 1m. Notiee is hercb s'.ycn that the tollowim; namiHj ettlt r lias Hied notice of his Intention to commute and make tinal proof in Mipport of hif claim, and that said ,.roof will he made 'fnf th Clerk of Gllt "r Ht t',,yn" Gitv, on November 21th. InS;;. Wll.L IAM R. S JOlT. IM. No. for the S t S 1 Se.- t. Tp If, S R LT. i: W Jl. He n.inu v tlie fo Inwimr witnesses to prove liiscoiitini on rohlence ujmhi. and cuUhntion or, t-nid lam!. iz. Oeore I.aKieinme, b V Itai lei, William l'ope. of Stewart, lir.ilit e niut Or. and .Inmes l'ope of Mt Vernon. Orofjon. Anv person who desiic t protect anliit tlie allow mice of such proof, or who knows of anv Mibstantiiil reason, inuler the law and tin; rc'iiUtiotiH of the Interior Ieurtmciit, why .-ml. iiroof should not be iillowcl, w.ll ha Ktvu:i tin op'pnriuolty at thu nbovu mantloiied tune and place to cro-.examine the witnc.s'es ..f mil claimant, atidtootler cvideuee in rebmtal of that Kuiniilted bv eliiinmnt. i):t! HENRY RINKHART, Renter. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of the State ot Oregon for Grant c unty. Millie Brawuer, Plff.. ) VS. r David Biawner, Deft. ) To David Brawnur, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to ap pear an 1 answer tlie complaint tiled against you in tl.o above en titled suit on or bofore the first day of the next u-gul-.r term of said Court for stid County to-w it: Monday, Nov. o. livSS. You will take notice that if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof thy j laintilV will take judgment against you for the re lief demanded in the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit, to wit: For a decree of said Court dis solving the bonds of matrimonv. now existing between plaiutiii' and dependent. '2, For the care eiu'ody and con trol ot thn minor children the issue of said marriage viz: David Briwner and Olive Brawner. :U1. For tliG costs and disburse ments of this suit, and for such other and further relief in the premises to equity may pertain. This .summons is published by order of Hon. L. B. Ison, Judge of ssid Court Dated September 11, 18SS. C. A. Swkhk, Plaintiff's Attorney. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit court of the State of Oregon for Grant county. John S. Devine, Plaintiff, ) vs. i Selinda Devine. Defendant 1 o Selinda Devine, defendant: In the name of the State of .Oregon you are hereby commanded "to appear in the above named court and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, Jhc 5th day of November 18S8, thflrome being the fiiot day of thn regular November Term 1S8S of said court, and it you fail so to appear and answer the plain tiff will annlv to tho court for the : rcj;ef piaved for in the compfriint, I - , r t I ' to-Wlt: for a decree Of SllHI COUlt dissolving tho bonds oi matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant and for the costs and disbursements c f said suit, and for such further relief ns to the court in equity, may seem meet. You will further take notice that this summon is published by order of tho Hon. G. "V. "Walker Judge of said court. Mado and bearing date the 5'day of March 18SS. Parrteh & Cozad. Plaintiffs Attys." LOST! I Somowhere on the road between my residence near VPrairio City and Canyon City, a Mexican War certificate, issued by the Commis sioner of pensions to the under signed. The Hnder will confer a rcat favor by leaving the certifi cate at the postofiico at Prairie City, Oregon. TlLLAUY PltUlTT. CITY HOTEL MAIN STREET I' Canyon City, Oregon, GPOTJF $- THOMPSON Proprietors. Traveling men will find this a pleasant and desirable place at which to stop Give us a Call NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflice at La Grande, Oroon. Oct. 1SS3. N'fiitrp ii horehv eiven thai the following named hettlcr has lileil notice f ldi intention to make liniu in noi in siipimri in ins eiauii, unu that said iirocf will ho made before County Clnrk of (Jrant Co.. at Canvoii I itv. Or., on Xnvumlier 2Uth. 1SHS. 7. JOHN SIIROEDER I) s No. SWi. for the Saalf of S half. Sec a, Ip i;.S U :il, K Jl. lie names the foll iwlii': witnesses to jirovc his contlnuouu residence iiwin, and cultivation of, said land viz: John (.'ruddock. Charles Sc:le, U Selle, Roland U.inkins, all of Illaiiton, Oregon. Anv jwrson wlio tltslres to irotestasaint the allowance of suth vroof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the ref lations of the Interior Ocartuiuit, why mch proof should not be allorod, will lie iven an oiiiortunity at the aho u mentioned time and place to cros exainiue the witnef sei of saiil elrtinnnt, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal ol that submitted hv claimant. 30 as HENRY R1NE1IART, Register. a c r o i i;sS r mid 7 7' l 2. CITY LIVERY STABLE! -AND- CORRAL, and FEED STABLE W. R. CUNNINCTON, Proprietor. (Wood Church's old Stand) (Jood biipy tea-is and nice Saddle Horse furnished at all houro of the day or nicht a reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to liardinirand irroomlng transient stock. ENTRANCE Main and Washington streets. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tand Oince a .a (irandi, Oreson Oct 10, Ii3. Notice in hereby jriven that the followiiiK' iiiiiihI Pettier li"-s filed notice of his inti'titi.'ii to inski' final priM.f in Miimrt of his claim, and that aid proof u ill bemad.' before tho C'onnt.v .Inde, or in his absence before the Cle.k tf Urant Countv. Or., at Canyon City. Or., on llccember 1st. ISSi. viz: ISAAC M. FOSTER, Hd. No. 3'JIO, for the 12 half SE ipiar., and Lots IS.'. See I. Tpli.S It 31, B. He names the following wimcises to prove hU continnons resilience upon, and cultivation of said hind. i.: Put Muleire, W H Clark, Win Luce, James A Lofton, all ot Caiijou City, Oregon. Anv person who desires to pp'ttst iv.iinttthe nlloxvaiice of Mich proof, or ho knows of my Mib-.iantial reason, under the law and the rc,' uLitions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will bu kIvoii nn importunity at the above mentioned time and place to eross cxinnine the witnesses of paid eiaim.tut, anil to oll'er evidence in rebuttal of thai submitlcd by chiimaiit. 3i) S3 HENRY RINKHART, Register. FOR SALE. Three Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land in Silvies Valley. Gooc bottom land, and commanding fine Raive. A comfortable House, collar and corrals, and cold spring on premises. Will bo sold cheap, as owner intends to leave the couu try. For particulars enquiio at News Office, Canyon City. 27 0. P. LOST! ( -Dealer Iu- Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Gilt B..nd and Glassware, in Lnd less Varied. Fancy Wares, suitable foi presents for both Old and Young.' Boys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece. Candies & cigar3. Tobaccos, Cof fees, Teas, Lard, Flour, Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, Pice, Cream Wheat, tho fiuest breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle, Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lamps, Bird cages, and everything that is usually kept in a Variety Store, all of which j V Can now bo Bought Cheap fO Cash, nt the Old Stand m anyon City. Overholt -DEALERS .IK- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CANYON CITY, Or. -JOHN VOSS' Watch-maker ' and jpler. CANYON CITY, Oregon. Mr. Yos lias permanently located at this ilacc, liavSnir been.burncd out at Arlington, and 3 irqarctl to do flrit-clasa work in his line. SST Tlie Ilejialrin;,' of Watches, Clocks and Music lloses. etc., a specialty. J5.' 33E XT IE JE "Ft I Canyon City Oregon. Hoots or Shoes made to order, or neatly repaired. All Work Warranted First-class. HIDES & FURS. I wilK pay the highest market price for Deer and other Hides. - V. II. CLAJIK. 20s Canyon city. Or. Xoliee to Sheep Kaisers. I have about fifty head of Bucks for Sale; Thoroughbreds and Grades. They are in fine conth tion. Will be found at my Ranch three miles below John Day city. Terms Reasonable. fi ol John C. Luce. 1 Sale. A Band of Sheep 3,000 head Perfectly free from disease, good wool producers, averaging about 7 fpounds each. Range in Bear valley, Grant county, Or., and known as the HARDY BAND OF SHEEP. Will sell the entire baud, or half of them, on reasonable terms. For Particulars enquire of Hap ton stall & Daut, John Day, Or. DEPUTY STOCIvInSPECTORS NOTICE is hereby given that I have appointed the following- named persons as my Deputies, viz M. S. Iveeney . . Warren Carsuer. John Care- John C. Luce . . Long Creek . .Wagner Hamilton John Day Riley . Diewsey Geo. II. Brown . Perrv Rutherford V. B Peterson Ritter T. II. Curl, Stock Inspector for Grant County. $ 10 R E A R D . Strayed, from Mt. Vernon, Aug 1st, with F. Wallace's band, going perhaps toward the Malhaur ran ges, One Black 2-year-old Stallion, with a very few white hairs in fore head, branded 1 on left shoulder- Tho above reward will bo paid for informationjleadiug to the recovery, or for the return of said horse to me at Mt. Vernon, Graut county, Oregon. :i-2 W. G. K1MBERLING. NOTICE. In tho County Court of the 'State of Oregon, for Graut County. In the matter of the estate ( of WalterS. Sage, deceased. J Notice to Creditors. To all Whom it may Concern. Take notice that the undersign ed was oai the 22nd day ol Sep tember 18S8, by order of the Hon. County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Grant county, that day made and entored appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Wal fer S. Sage, deceased and that letters of administration have been daily issued. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby noti ed to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired to the undersigned at Prai rie Citv, Grant county, Oregon, or at the oflice of M. D. Clifford in Canyon City, Grant county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Canyon City, Oregon, October 10, 188S. D. B. Fmc, Admiuistrutor. CRESAP ' ! MuMrick II. STAN SELL. New Hotel, Canyon City Or. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Tables Par Courteous Attention When In The City Give STANSELL & If You Come lo Baker Cily Go to the Great IXL Store ' Whew you will get tho Biggest Bargains for Half the Money as any 1 other vdace. We are closing out our. Entire Stock of Goods in all departments. lou will get more goods for 50 cts than for $1 at any other Store in Eastern Oregon. Closing Out, Closing Out I Closing Out U 50 men's Suits at 7; formerly $12. 25 men's Suits at SS.flO; formerly 15. 1 ,000 pairs men's pants $3: formerly $G. 500 poirs men's fiue Calf Shoes $2.45; formerly ?o. Here is a Stunner for You: 75 dozen Ladies Undershirts each 25 cts; formerly 75 cts. 100 doze'i Ladies' Hose each 15 els; formerly 20, 25 and .'JO cts. 50 dozen L.tdies' fine handkerchiefs 10 cts each; founerly 25, to 35 cts. 75 pieces Summer Dress Goods light shades 20 cts pr yd, formerly 50. This is a Great leader in Immense Bargains. Great Values for the least Money, at our Closing (Jul bale! The Great S. X. L. Store, Baker City. WARSHAUER BROS. S3T Be sure and send us an older, or come direct. It will puy you. One trial is Sufficient. LOOK HERE! Clarke Weatfoerby, THE LEADING GROCERS, Will sell you goods cheaper than any other house in Baker City. They carry a full line of STAPLE & FdJCY GROCERIES PRICES MARRED AWAY DOWN Full Roller Flour. . Good Roust Coffeo Choice Japan Tea. Parties wishing to lay in their Whiter Supplies will Save Money to call and examine goods and gef. our prices before buying elsewhere. CLARKE & WE AT HERB Y, Baker City, Ore. New Goads! -Just Received, a General Assortment of Fresh- FINE TEAS, Imported direct from Japan. FARINAOEOUS'GOODS, TAPIOCA, GERMEA, CEREALINR CREAM WHEAT, CORN & OATMEAL, Etc. TOBACCOS & EL GUSTO CIGARS, PATENT MEDICINES, DIAMOND DYES, TOILET AETICLES, Etc., Etc. Will Sell at Reduced Prices For Cash. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE close out, will be sold at cost, and below cost. . R SELS. CANYON CITY, MAY 14th, 1888. ;boston Carpet & Furniture STORE. Opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon SAM SIRED, Manager. X 1 Wall Paper, Window Shades Building & Carpet Paper, , Mattresses, Etc. W. K. CUKS1NCTOS Excellence! Given to Every One. Us a Trial. Proprietors. 3.25 per Bbl. 2olcents per pound. .25'cents per pound. .DEALER IN