Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 18, 1888, Image 3

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    Grant Co. News.
U. S. Internal revenue insnee-
Sfroud was in the city during
tho week.
What county jnil outsitlc the
city can support as many regu
lar boarders us ours?
Hugh Smith 1ms recently plac-
ed a tine mirror behind tlie bar
in his popular resort.
The 1'. S. land oflice at Ore-
'Oil Uitv. it is Haul, will sljortlv
1)0 lmjved to Portland.
Mr. BiswelPs family, excent I
himself and Wallace, have gone
on a visit to relatives in Missouri,
uMioopingcough is in town,
thu chtire family of John Fisk
bein seriously engaged in
The hose team had a parade
last sabbath and had their pho
toi taken. Property owners,
"atay with" your fire boys.
Lyman Perkins passed through
, 'tenvji this' week from Weiser City
.to hm home below Dayville. after
Jui absence of all summer on bus
iness. Bntchc & Co., who met with a
disastrous loss by lire at Baker
City are again to the front. D.
li. Fisk s agent at Prairie Citv.
See "arf," under uNew to-day."
The young folks will give a so
cial dance at Masonic hall on
Friday evening. Oct. 19. to
which all are invited. Good mil
iar, ani a pleasant time is assur
ed. Ths jury iist has been drawn
for the coining term of court, but
m amount of threats or bribes
wili induce tlie officer to have it
ptiUiKhed until the victims are
all subpoenaed.
Pat (icarin, otherwise known
ait Geary, cha.geil with attempt
ed! re at John Day, wag tried
Jt. week, and in default of the
neeesaary bail he now boards
with Sheriff Gray, to await the
action of the grand jury.
i ami siaxe oi anairs exists at
rniieviue. tnc couniv seat oi .
by I
Cfook co'iiitv. Only one hotel
running in the city, and that
a Chinaman named Ah Doner
PvinriHn n itwrrwirniivl titx-
oughi to 1h? ashamed of herself.
Jxc Miiier has purchased the ;
reter fs.uni n very staoie ami lias
nKt tlie wiine renovaleii aim re
jwired. and several box stiills ad
dorl. At that stable will also be
found the finest buggy in Grant
county. Seo uad." undir "New
Hoad supervisor W. 0. Gentry
has been lately opening up the
new Fox valley road ordered by
tlie county court, which saves
teamsters a great "pull" over the
licfieh creek hill. Mr. Gentry is
aid to have made an excellent
road of it.
A Chinaman was caught talk
ing through the grating uf the
count v jail to his fellow celestials
last .Sabbath, contrary lo the
la.l mandate, and nroniptlv I , , b 7" ' V ' as nothing short of blackberry ! signed the La Grande M. h. ; about all there was to the inaug
11 r.. .. t.. i ties have been neglected and our i ..t.,.. 1 : 1 ,.1 - 1 r..:...i . r .1... t... . .t.:.. 1.
thrown into prison for a day or
two, but as his crime was not
great Ins punishment was less.
John Fisk informs f lie Nkws
mau that two ofiieers from Uma
tilla county followed four horse
thieves into the Fox valley coun
try last week, where thev proba
ta., .t-i Ti... 4 i.;......c- 1
Ll 1 trtft'Vl.lwi'1.1. 1 11U UJIUILO I
, .i . i 1 1 n 1
J!Hl II "0 Ol ilOi'., I1U
were traveling in the open coun
try. Wtn. Harp.;r, deputy U. S. i
marshal, came hi on the stage
from Jiurns Saturday, on the way
to hie home in Haker City. Mr.
iiarper has been to the southern
part of the county for the nur-
fioee of serving summonses on i
1 1 1 i
oeilaiu swamp janu swinniers in
ome tactions of Southern (Irani.
Exchanges note the fact stt-.i
rftils lo complete the Northern
cifie raili-oad eastward to iioise
City in Sim Francisco. IJy
the completion of this road an
9t!ter section of Oregon will ob
tain fdlities for rapid th velop
ment. and eoMijwtition in fnight
r&U will caiiFC a sudie of witis
fjietion to play a'ou the ugly
iwugfe of us in Lsuialtil corners.
Prof. Wigging, who makes a
.Specialty of predicting dire dis
aster, says the cause of yellow
fever in the south is purely as
tornoiiHc. The professor de
clares that the earth has drawn
it few wiles nearer the sun since
1884, and this Uwlenc' io culti- j
viite a more ultimate acquain
tance with the great bent-giver
has re3ulted in cyclones, earth
quakes, Hoods, cholera and yel
Jow fever.
ira Rproul and Horace Sloan j
ctuueltt two Chinamen last week j
who were robbing their sluices at
Humboldt mine. The celestial
sons were placed under bonds to
appear before the grand jury, and
in their failure to raise the neces
sary gold therefor they now lan
guish in jail. Three of the
ficathens were engaged in the
rohliery. hut oncof them escaped.
Such robberies have been going
rtn o lnnr tinifi at f ho Jlumljofflt, i
and the owners
fortunate hit.
have made a
Signs of rain.
Get ready to come into court.
.siienfl Gray returned last
week from a trip to Baker City.
Sheriff Gray returned' last
Business seems to be "picking
up." J lard times cannot last for
ever. Over in Bear valley there has
been quite a c-rop of ire some
mornings lately.
We hear of no very large pros
1 idential bets being made only
hats, and such tliinss
i 'The county clerk and
are ,,us preparing
iv u i
court, which will convene on No -
vember oih
.Tolm W. Conger and Ollie V.
j Haird of Grant county, have re
ceived a gloiy
ticket from the
ouuuiy uici v.
K. P. Perkins, who lives in
Powder River vallev. threshed
1000 bushels of oats from 12
acre? of ground.
Cucumbers, carrots, cabbage. !
cattle, cats, chickens, oherse,
chokecherrics and cash taken at
this otlice for subscription.
The store of Miss Bee-Ciage can
be found in Hall's old optofiice
building, and her "ad" can be
seen in another column of the
Returns for the stock driven
fWmi fJn.i.i ..iiii.v h vv.r
soon be circulating more exten
sively, and money matters will
be a little more "eav."
InnotinKlbe substantial im-
r.vrinents of our city we are
pro v
cumpc Jeu to i-av that m. ( H-:
... . - ... i t
is building a conl house, and
that a new lioor is being placed
in the Red Front saloon.
(fold in piying (unuiilie? was
found on Main street in Helena,
Montana, bv
were excavating
causing considerable excitement
among the town's citizens.
Neither of the republican or
democratic public speakers are
billed for Grant county. Per -
haps they think voters over here
can lako care oi themselves.
r f , , r., .- ,
ijet luoi immii oi i ne panics aim
; elect Miss .t,lva iXK.kwooll.
than ploare-i lo
ha i hi ifi C'r",;, Sf
out of his little dmicultv and al -
i SO OUt Oi l.'Ul. 110 IS HOW
gentlv applying himself to gath -
ir:!V hi; Mnnh rrnn nnt ti hir
wor 1ertaining lo his garden.
i. i . i . 1
om? shameless rooster robbed '
ionn ."mnenaim a rooms imuer
his shop recently, taking a (plan-
1 . ii..ii ...1 ... n. . . i i
tify of bedding and other articles,
lie has his eye on the thief, wiio.
if he will repent and return- the
stolen articles, will not be prose
cuted. Hugh Smith returned from
linker last Thursday, bringing
with him Joe Ivey, who is wanted
as a witness in the MeGinnis
ease. Ivcv was working in a
brick yard at Baker, and sailing ! i:ist Saturday revealed to the j head by a horse last week and
under the cognomen of Parker. I Xkvvs man something which lo j for several days his life was de
iie is in jail" for safe keeping, j en 11 wonderful is but to half ex- ; spaired of. At last accounts hu
am wi 1 remain there till needed,
. . !
Sir.ce the famous Star II
;iei -
' . ,7 v . ,
. 1 1 ... .1... .
BU, T "lV 11 "lrl i
or dnv is dawuiii'' I5i'e:!ii.-3e off
ynv ij. Liin :i . j i ti. n. it wi lliw '
i i i , i ,
fiittin iik. iftATa fcT t nai itiTi'i"
n iii ii r.riutmn yi litis v.viuii ' i
snotihi not ne made to sutler lor
U1 1,,U1 j
" 11
In the recent suit of Grant vs
r . .....
Jiake county for tne recovery
delinquent taxes due (Jrant from
the strip of territory ceded to
Lake county the courts have d'--
eided in favor of Lake, on the
grounds that ail indebte.!ii's-
over -fo.000 was illegal aml vo:i. i
.it that lime the indented nc? of
this county was over forty thous
and. (Jrant county should have a
resident l)eput' IL S. iarshal
and U. Ci. Commissioner. The
' fonm r must 1r a democrat, but
a republican will do for the lat
ter, as he is appointed by Judge
Deady. Trot out your best men,
and see who can get the apjxiinl
m'nt. Not a very large salary
attends either ofiiee. but an im-ii!en.-:e
lot of glory.
Tom Smith recently purchas
ed some thirty head of gHd un
broke horses from John Hyde of
the upjier South Fork, and some
others from parties up the John
L'av vaii'-v, and this w ek his
brother Henry and Tom New-
man started for Nb;.iska with
the band, where they will b.
wintered and broken. In
the !
spring they will lx driven further
east to find a market. Such hor
ses as thev are ought to sell well,
beside? be a good recommenda
tion for Oregon horses.
(Sen. Hancock Post (I. A. R..
is progressing finely,
m;-mlers will make the
...Wl llw,
r :
tion a suecess, therefore main- i
laining a fraternal feeling for
each other. Keeruiis cannot be 1
taken into this organization from i
the sad fact is inevitible that in
kit Ittllllt W OtlO i 111 1 IV-ltj (!
a few years the Grand Army !
Ml 111 j t 1 1
uoys win an nave pitencu tueir
lentfi in the great beyond. Those
who risked their lives in the de-
lwisc oi tucir country are now
old men, and doubly entitled to
our respeot.
"The tri-weekly mail
1 (Won arrived hero at 1 o'clok
to.(iav Good time.
er shop and stock of bologna to
rj0 jove.
The J)r. says the
business is too exciting for him
! and his nerves arc in a bad con-
1 irlwr n,i cr.
and costs last
j & j .lire Branson, for using im
proper language and making
much loud talk in tlie streets.
Nice work.
Constable Howard of Cama-s.
came over and arrested a nrm
who passed through this place
with a band of hoises last Fri
day en route to Princville. The
i man arrested was charged with
Quito a lively time was had
at the residence of Mr. Green
last Thursday night. The even-
! on joymot commenced with
j music, ma&hes and dancing and
! f 'thing was just loo lovely
. Iluwevcr as soon as the bottled
hag juice began to give out,
things about the place took a
.Some miscreant cluing-
ih1 1,10 programme by throwing
j 51 nnik of wood through a win-
' io-.v :uki unocKing down use
lulle of the lull, who was seated
on a table and engaged in pleas
ant conversation with her best
fellow. The best fellow felt for
i ins gnu. winch he (f.on t have.
j and yelled "murder;'' others
; msbed to their horses ami found
j t.t,y didu't
j wsle others
have any horses,
found their empty
j demijohns and groaned in an-
' gUi jj. Some braves who had
! l!rnnj. ino,.e than they
! ,mtl hrolloht them i,
, 1 t . ,t
played tne sneak a-r on tlie
. crowd and cut the horses loose,
: cut the bridle-? to p:
!lolw9 lMiU ofr
Hnry Jih.cV-wellV
i , A
cut the bridle-? to pieces, cut the
md stabbed
horse in the j
shoulder. No one knows who
! UKl l,iC 1)0111 :lut' 50 :lJ' w0
1501 HIT W (IO. 1. .
" Luxe Ckkek, Oct. J5, SS.
A Frolinc Country.
While California is boasting of
j her fine climate and her oranges
and figs and lemons. Oregon is
not sitting on the fence with her
hands in her pockets looking
idly on. She is "up and doing,"
making hay and fruit while the
sun shines, and two crops of fruit
in one of her mountain vall"ys is
the result this year. A visit to
Trowbridge's ranch on the river !
press tne idea mat struces tnc
liehoider when first entering the 1
garden. The "unusual f ight" I
- ... ,
rt wl Vr.?li1-i ! liiffl."l lntiMTiMf 1
riiiii :is 1 ir v iiiirit i: uiriiTU f
uh of frn5t. !lM(i any UMIunnt
" ....J.-.. .. . ......... ,
of sirawbcrries greeting the bun-
gry vision, giowmg there as J
though it were only a July day, ;
bat iealfy tlie thirteenth of ()c-
tober. This fruit was no "sham."
il. .....I. ZL ... .
tiiougli it wei
either for several saucers plucked
and mixed with good thick cream
(vum vuin) showed the berries to
have as fine flavor as any had
during the summer. Hurrah for
Oregon! The Nkws has a stand
ing offer of fo.S17.iH Lot) for anv
garaen in Cue same
latitude otit-
side of Oregon to beat the record.
, , , r
Judge Davenport, of Kansas ,
, , -i1.' 1
L itv. lias decHied tnat a woman !
. , ,
can wear trousers whenever and
, . , ..... i
wherever she pleases 111 Missouri.
taoe from Monument
comes thundering in three
times a week, which is quite an
improvement over the old semi
week lv mail.
T will be in Prairie City Oct.
22, and will remain two or
three week
t. ,
All work guaran
M. A. Dentist.
Horace Sloan and Constable
Todliunter have been busy look
ing for the third Chinaman who
Win robbiuo- tb Ifninbohlt C!n
),iJt ,0 far jVavu ,JCt.M lnmljl, lo
lin I him.
iieport of John Day school
for first month. Number of
pupils enrolled -1-2: average dai
ly attendance 80; number of ca-
j ses of tardiness 2o; time lost by
j tardiness. 5 hr. 20 min.
; Mr. Sam French, one of the
, successful farmers and stockmen
of the upper John Day, allowed
MicecsMiu iarmers and stockmen '
,,r i10 i-.i.,, i,.. ii-..i i
.;M ' . '
J1.11"" "T " T i , , I
1,lm ',c :l? vee,c: :Tul ,was ;
a wild horse to come
1 1 1 li KJCK('U 151 u ovl .
Joe McAllister, after a long d'
lay wiil at last receive a pension
for services rendered our Uncle
Sam. We are pleased to note
this streak of good fortune for
Joe, for in his old days a month
ly portion will bo 'much solid
comfort to him.
Kev. Haves preached Sunday "1 "1 JT 1 " ia,ia thu minority and mnioritV re, ! i ek the
evpnmcr '.t ihn ehnrch. He is , .). , norL. with .-irtmiM:s nm ;imi . font mm a iureu ase
r p . : , , .7 ior omer purposes, - io wmcn ret- Vi t i momorv of his act Tt only
hi?re for tho mirnn-e of holdinfr ! i. . i. i... I run. were withhold. 1 ho demo-Uio 11
r-.-r- - - - - --? uiettue una nn.w uwii iiutuo in' i ; , L , , , . ' inpiJ oven ve-ir; nan
i fo.,f iui itiito . in i i crats have not vet eomn etcd lMe -ptn eara ago.
" " ;V ""- "- i' ' .wuoii iii ine . . a,. . , ra. Anna Diekmcon i? in th
commence next eanesuay. House ot Keprcsentatives on the . . ""-" 1 -. - -f , a. th t . t,..v
i.v...... i i.i i- oicf ;af nn l wn q n visions are as outlined m tne I ",m. 1 ial !?'.u
-The bill introduced by Mr.
Holman on August 28th, entitled
"A bill to suspend all laws touch
oughlv pruned.
The entire first section of the
bill, as originally presented by
Mr. Ilolmau, was stricken out,
which removed nearly all of the
! A,nMA
that portion relating to railroad
(fro tile
The'oublie land laws will n..n-
tinue to be executed as hereto
fore. Persons who have made
pre-emption filings and timber
culture entries may legally per
fect title. Those who ma'de
homestead entries with the un
derstanding that they could com
mute the same to cash at any
time after the expiration of six ,
months from date of entry, will I
be permitted to complete the
same in accordance with tlie I
terms of their contracts, and per
sons who accepted pledges of the
government redeemable in public j
iuie in iuuuu
land lor waivers ol -valnl and
, . .
valuable claims, may continue to
locate their scrip.
The people of the great north
west are to be congratulated up
on the escape they have experi
enced, as nothing could have
more seriously injured the
... . i ,
passage oi tnc bill as introduced.
1 , -i ., .
1 ne bill was so changed thai
,1 ...1 f 1 1- I 1
the title was found ma pphcab e
mi fc hill TMhlf mcr f i!iifrniil
land grants"
It simply provides that during.
iX 1 .,
the i)cndmg ol the measures now
I r f, J ,- ,
liotiil'n unirwicj in rr.1.11 ! t ? (i.
.r IV V VVIII.i:C ill I V .4. LIU. IV' lllu j
forfeiture of certain lands hereto-!
re granted by Congress to ran -
, ' , ., (.,
ad corporations and thereafter,
4 r , , '
) act tione or performed ov anv
such corporation shall in anywise j
tne ngiit or claim 01 anv j
1 1 1 1 1
such corporation to anv lands
covered by any such grant, or di-
vntitTcli i) uv vnrli4 oyudino- it-k
uie i.nueu oiaies 10 oeciare ine j
forfeiture thereof. This proVis- ,
ion shall not be construed to in !
anvwise affect or diminish or !
1. . I 'i .1 O j . 1 . 1 - .1 1 it..
waive anv right
now existing m
behalf of the United Slates to de
clare the forfeiture of any of the
lijlf. r 1 . tt t 1 ... al.1 t...l.
: jk i" i l ittia i turn rju ui i i jiiiiiz;i v. i
1 upvDv PAi.i) Mexico, tor the exclusion 01 Cm
grant. IlLMtY COrr. , ; r n v i
0 ncse latwrers for the North Ame.r-
. ta, . 1 , ,
Ywisco county's tax lew is 20 I
mills, with the
. . 1 .. I
; statu to
hear from.
Mr. II a;:cl tine's photos of the
lire boys cannot he beaten any
where. The work of such an
artist is his own recommenda
tion. lien, son of W. H. Davis of
JVairic City, was kicked on the
Was in a very critical condition
b-'- ood, who has been as
.: t it... r
! 1 itm n:t.i niin f iin w 1 tt !
iiiiiiitiT 1 1 -:i I ri;:iii ri 11.. ::i 1
tliis iilahe who wish he could
1 " '
1 ;
1 j
remain with us. That is the
Vi,v y,,.,, n .i,,iter cts ac- j
qu'iuted ,l0 !)isill)) mo ,
.Mnsli. K Middlesworth naa j
jiiat received her winter slock of .
millinery direct from New York
City, consisting of ladies and . shortlv. but in the pressure of degree that i win pait ally inea
iMisses hats, Turn O'Siiauteis, fa-i other work and liolitieal emrnire- I jiaciated to do mv work alanv
cinatois, laces, ribbons, elc. ale,
t 1.1
Come early and mak your aoh.
In memory of little Jtossie
!. 1 - , . ,? r .
Kavmond, infant son ot . L.
i 1 u- , .1 i: ..1 c
and Annie Llhott. who died hep-
. i :)n ; . 1i,iii' ,
temoer 2o, lobo, aged 11 months
1 m , 1
As If n iloor !n llcavsii llo 11 ln
Ojwnecl ami tliim suildonly,
The vMi'm came ami went,
Tim li-lit shone and a spout.
His I'axkxt.
I have 2 thoroughbred Here
ford and 1 liolstein Hull at Trow
bridge's ranch, which I will ex
change for mares.
,Kev. Mr. (loss will (D. V.)
hold services and preach as fol
lows: Prairie City, October 17 and
21, at 7 o'clock in tlie evening.
Canyon'City. October, 10 and
23, at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Dayville, October 21.
o'clock in the morning and 7
o'clock in the evening. Friends
are requested lo extend tho no
tice, and, attend themselves.
strawberries. Strawberries!
I will sen at my garocn on uie
1,llt nbovG U1ttnyQn U,L-y' Uo 01 tho
largest and best varieties of Straw
berry piantsueeonciaaiut a narp-
less -winch plants well tilled will-
raisj berries that measure in cir
cumference from 4 to 8 incites ami
even larger, at the rata of 75 cents
por hundred at tho garden.
All those knowing themselves
iudebled to me foi the delicious
fruit for tho past years must coino
to lime by tiio first of November.
Johx ti. Q.vitwo.v.
Wasiiinotox. D. G'., Oct. 5th 'S8.
The tariff bill of the Senate
- J
v.;,k. No inipurtnnt item was
(hen inciirrwjllv iiwri. Ir!n
this and the Mills biil. the par
ties go iK'torc the country. Sen
ator Sherman made a lengthy
speech on the tariff billon Thurs-
Becess mav not be tar di
tant, though perhaps it mav not
i ?wur U!M.k'"
t he tie
hate on the tariff will commence
on Monday, and the biils !einr
both introduced, must be
Si-nator Reck is having a slight
ri-iaj)se after the exertion nep-s-sary
in his revision of the minor-
n'.t known when h" will return
from Fortress Monroe. The nain
in his breast has returned with
such violence that he has had to
renounce all hope of resuming
work for some time.
The General Deficiency bill is
uv r ijori on me lani 01 i. 11 s t
,.,....., , i , , FM
in in miji i. i it nil 1 1 1 1 ii.i i in i. in- .;i mr '
. ... ... .,. - .. .i
i I T I I I i I I I V WlthWIMII I MM I II 11111 I I L. 1
i oilij line i'.u..'ioii ioiil il no 1 i.ihl .
session. Any member in the
House can prevent action by j
merely raising the point of "no i
luorum."' This Congressman j.
Morrow, of California, threatens
to do, unless the iifin of $ltl,- I
Ull) for indemnity to I lie Chine.-e j
, government is stricken out. As
j c ..
momlH'fl m conlerencc committee
i 4. r- - , nnn I
government is stricken
; HSV Will V. ill I 1V..1 4l t-lil ,'JiJJS
I , . . . , - ' . ;.
. ...
for deficiencies during this session
- . , , ,. .
crease in the number ot ueheien--
, , .. -
I l-llin IS illlllWl 1NU. Ill-JIIKII It IO
o- r
;is oltcn tlue
lo imexnctted m -
i . . , , . , . ,.
partment as to inadequate allow-
1 ... ,,. , . , r,
! ances originally m.ule bv Con
i - e '
businesa in some de-
gress in a spirit of unwise econo
my. The Ciiinese Exclusion act go
i!ig into effect Wednesday, was
telegraphed to the Collector of
15SIO..I J
at San rrancisco. and
announced by circulars to other
Score one more lb
.Joins, of Nevada, lie
introduced a resolution
1 ;nf
the iTesident to negotiate
ties with Great Britain and
l;U eoniment. jir. . ones, loi-
lowing tn.; eommenuable exam-
i ,. . .
pie of Aiexaiuk-r, weeps for more
words to conquer.
Nearly 00 ycais ago Roger B.
Taney was sworn in. the first
Democratic Chief .Justice of the
1'nited States. On Monday
.Melville W. Fuller, the second
Democrat raised to that position
and the eighth Chief Justice will
qualify. Taney MU-r.-eJed the
truiv great John Marshall. The
necessary ceremonies are slight.
The candidate merely takes two
oaths of office a5? long as a couple
of Senator Kvart's sentences, and
the thing is done. That was
11 r i T 1 ii I I j f 1 ik 1 1 1 1 n
111 111 .11' iriii 's . 1 ii'i'
Chase. The whole affair is being j
ivhr-a rsed, and will probably be !
""""' - "..-. V
K'ne4l enougn to satisfy to
most exacting,
1 he memlters of the proptisoc
conference committee to investi
digmhcd enougn to satisfy tne I
,atc the building of the Wash-
: ingfon aquinluet will I e appoint-
j Hu nts, they will probably not he-
....... 1 .
gin work until elcetion. In tne
j House, on Thursday, the resolu-
lion to investigate was fully de
j bated, and it was ordered thai
the charge that the contract was
not awarded to the lowest bidder
bo included in the matters to be
investigated. The feeling against'
Major Ly decker grows, and to
day he is the most detested man
in Washington.
Acting Secretary of War Ma
feely is of the opinion that the
defeat in the aqueduct can be
remedied for $0,000. Cuogross
nien sneer at the suggestion as
childish. Recriminations follow
each other pcll-nieil. The Dem
ocrats charge that the contrac
tors contributed several thous
and dollars lo the Republican
campaign fund of JStf-i as tlie
price of the contract. The Re
publicans recall with sarcastic
enjoyment the fact that, as soon
as Mr. Cleveland was inaugura
ted, the contractors employed as
their attorney Mr. Rissell. of juf
falo, the President's bosom friend
and old law partner, a man never
heard of in Washington lobbying
There is now a Version Ttljnis
ter to the United States. A gen
tleman with a kaleidoscopic name
a black suit, a military overcoat
covered with decorations, a big
cashmere shall over that, and a
still larger Oriental gravity over
all, was introduced totiie Presi
dent this week by Secretary Bay
ard, as the first representative of
the court of Persia to the United
The gratitude of the State De
partment is a sluggiish emotion.
Eleven years ago Citizen Salas,
of Venezuela, rescued a crew of a
wrecked American schooner.
The story of his hardy courage
1.,., mmMiI.,1 clwwl.,1,. "lg irOUDIO Willi 1110 rUptlDI
stirred the pulses of generous
: men the world over for a day
and was forgotten. When Evarts
was Secretary, he found time to
write Mr. Salas a letter about it,
National Cummitle.'. She savs
that she is satisfied with her sal
- ! :u7, as ,;l wPJgn speaker, and
I ..,1.7 - v i: tt:
auus mat so iar as calling upon
the Republican committee to pay
big dressmaker's bills is concern
ed, the dress she wore at her last
I cyc1 hail four years.
- 1 1 lu ii;ii inij
in a dress four vears old!
hakespeiv's lines anent the
slaves whose attendance eurseth
kings have exampiilieation in
the inslanee of an over-:'.eaIous
friend of the administration, who
iias sent circulars to the local po-
! lice ofiieers, soliciting political
contributions. This is the first
lime I he polite have ever been
solicited, and as rule f;-l of the
egulations expivssly forbids po-
lice contributing the semler of
the circulars is placed in rather
a silly light.
l UC ;
i'he House has passed the.Sen-
ate. bill iwrmittiiiir ail setll.-rs
' " 1 - -
who have abandoned homestead
claims to take up new ones.
Of the Superiority of Electricity
the Curcof Diseases by Dr Darrin
Who Can Doubt When so Many of
Our Citizens Testify?
Fi..n tl j OrociaK.
So much lias boon said in p:aiso
1 01 Lrs. Damn and their new
I nsethod of care by tlettii treat
ment, that it seems usaieijs to a-ld
turthtsi proof, ktiil, we had oc
casion to meet the most of the
following nam' d people, and from
their own lips we ria l their cures
io be genuine, and ihat no exag
geration of tin If cases occur.
!n the main Dr. iRrrin u-e elec
tricity and animal magnetism,
applied or imjmited by their own
special e:ist:.. S me pople who
have nol received U-eatment pro
nounce tliem gie.t iiuiubug;5, while
hundreds of o'hers speak of thm
in toruui of f' highest praise.
Wlntt j.iij.driju: ;iie tliert! of any
note or piactice, agstniKt wl om
there will bo no such denuueia
iions? Drs Darrin do not re
ftoud, nor can they cure every
thing and everybody that comes;
but wc know that multitudes lia'.e
been greatly benefit toil or perma
nently cured by their treatment.
The tact that their offices arc
crowded the gvt-ati r p?rt of the
time, at d th:.t sc ii w o nwny dis
satisfied, is pu tty go.ul evidence
of their success. We would not
knowingly puff up a fr.iml, eit'ier
as a physician or otherwise, but
facts sjen with your own eyes
cannot be controverted.
A Lonthsoiiw Catarrh Cured.
Ur. Darrin, Dea- Sir I11I3 o I
enuie to von U i
ireatment for a
digiee.ib!o c:xso
of catarrh of
seven vrars st;!Hil.m?. AIv lieasl
ami thir at was thuroug! ly diseaf
el, an-lit had ?h rangif mv stoai-
ach and brone'ual tuboi to that,
things in the way ot patent med
icine:; I had tried U no avail, lou
cured ine in two months with
homo treatment, aud I do not l;e
giudge lho-$Gd I piid you. Ro
tor people to m?. t b.i'.em, Oi.,
Card From Mr.
Mr. Ed. tor, Sir For two years
prior to calling ost Dr. Daniu I
had been seriur-ly afllictetl with
liver and kidney complaint, diaai
neas and pains all over my system.
I was almost wh ly unable to at
tend to my work as a farmer, and
was dragging out n mineral de ex
istence, until coining under jJr,
Dan in's eleetro-mngnetic treat
ment Now I Inn able to work
aud I feul like a new mm. I re
side eight unlis wet of Fulton,
Or., and this is my poslonice; can
be roforre l to. C
Could not P.::c From His Chair
Dr. Darrin, Sir 1 am one of
the lucky ones cured by you of a
pain in my back of four years'
standing. At Lime3 I countt not
move or rise from my ohir. Can
bo .seen at Sen too, . T.
Merc Cures by Bfs. Da rin.
Mrs. M. Kobe, 11 1 Water Stro-1
Po tland Pimples and botches
on the face for yoars, pains in Use
back and woaib troubles cured.
Mrs. W. 1L Austin, The Dallas,
Or. Confined to her room nine
months with an eye affliction, call
ed "nervous abhorror.eo of light"
accompanied with i attain a tion,
Kev. M. M. li.ishor, Erooks,
Or. Nasal and threat catarrh, re
stored. AY. F. Ogle, Seatco, W. T.
Liver and kidney eomp'siint and
dyspepsia, also deafness and
whole system run down, cured.
.. ,. hands io the- dioca-cd members by
1 oen.itOi ! 1 1 t ,
as tust ' 1 . . '1 1 t ii
. l 00 nuij However, ie. wnooy upon
requett-, , j f ! iii..(;.in..a ;:.
AVm. Altuow. Drewsev. Grtui
couniv, Or. Catarrhal deafness
ami ringiug in tbo ears for 20
)cars, perfectly cured.
Wesley Graves, furmr!y pro
pnetor of the Cliomc-ktfci hovel,
Gervai.s, Or. Cured of sciatic
l-i.eutnat ism a ad the opium habk;
C. Melirtuhlin, c iner of Xme
teenth and Jeifeison sttcls, Port
land Ca'arrna? deafness, noufd
hear no sound or :He ear bslhftud
was in constant fear of being ran
over by wagons, euml so he can
hcir ordinary renversation.
liott. Hardy, Etan, W. T.
Weak ev-'S, cured.
Mrs. S. A. Voob;u'f5 gisl,
Fifth street, Portland Nrti3
debility and malaria ferer an.l :3s
chnrging ear, roatoivd.
Leopold )ictz' 3oe, Twraafy
pecond and A streets, Ent Vwi
land Sjrofulcut lumps oa tbo
nei'k and head, cured.
J. Y 'isi w.iU, ATbany, Or. '
Rbemimtisin, S'm.ii ctMniRttiil, .
cliili.s and malaria, restored.
Alfrel beteher, TiU.unook, Ora
gon Discharging e;;rs, enred.
Mrs. N. P. Brings, C;rrntliE?;
Or., rejoices in a periimnenL cw
of paralysis, malm in. liver and
I stomach trouble?. This cum was
performed one Tear no by Drs.
J. F. Peobier, Adawis, Ctr.,.
deafness seven years restorsd.
Mrs. E. A. AbSf, UiO North
Fourteenth street, Portland, p&in
ftd muiistration, ten years numl
tmuhle in every conceivable way;
cured six months ago. Also liar was cured of a crojs eye,
in one minute.
C. AY. Soult, 271 Firth atrea,
Tort land, rhomnatism caret!.
Adolf Autlionsoi:, qcarleiwt.3i
steamer George W E'd;r, cUf
ness cured.
The doctors can be consulted ab
23o Fifth street, corner of Main,
Por. laud, from 10 to d daily; iro
nings 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12.
All curable chronic diseases, loss
of manhood, blood taints, syphilid,
gleet, gonorrfice.i. stricture, sper
matorrhoea, seminal weakness nv
loss of desire of sexual jxwor in
man or woman, catarrh and dnt:
iicvs, are confi lentmlly and uc
cefwfully treated. Curea of prirftto
diseases guaranteed. Cirtmlum
sent ftee. Most cases can reeeivo
home treatment afrcr a visit io the
doc.or's office.
lrs Daniu have a branch office
at Walla V,d!a, W. T., where they
c:m be consulted at th Stinu
cae?J- hark
Sprainsand Stz-iin
Avrun yixi:ii:i:y yizaus.
Kltoi.jaata j r.srfciUK-ato,-
.... Coittjr. ?a. ' tiB jar at aafcrlat.
V4S cur. Eh hsj UvtJ I a. ()m Von ir
? .rSdW 's ! lo",M-
1SW ihm xnz thrown h
.rteia.BuWate, id bM. -c xbevl
r 1 0 u 1 Wto iSJ l w
:;!- rWlLrt, J fch f
tiU lSt.1 ihs ui a hli- 4,1 J8 crItlr
Ittj erlpjj. ucacl. to i cir1- U. TaOimOS.
l.umbn-o, IJncIcacho, I!ertlc!io.
Toothache, SitrpthroiU. Swell
ings. rrnstblte, Sprains,
llrulses. Cuts, Hums,
nnt SotliN.
Wheat Raisrs, Attentionl
Notice to what liti.scr.s is htm-.
by given that we will grind Wheal
for nay al the rate of t)cSp. for
every 100 lbs of Flour turned out,
provided it is brought in quanti
ties not less than fifty bushel:
'otherwise we will exchange Flouv
tor Wheat. Further, that we will
guarantee the flour equal to ihe
very best, provided good wheat is
Highest Market Price pimt foe
James Norma:; & Co .
John Day City, Sept. 26, 1SSS.
To Fruit Dealers, Shippers
and Consumers.
vJ4 51 mi K i
l.OCO bushels of choice WIntar
apples and 12,000 g. lions of cider
vinegar now oflured for sulaat
lowest cash rates.
I will sell apples by the quantity
at the orchard, 50 cents per box
or 1 cents per pound, cash is hasi?
or take merchantable farm protluca?
on delivery nt lowest cash rutes.
Special and reduced terms offer
ed on heavy orders, or for the en
tire crop in the orchard.
Tho p.bovo designated rotes to
hold good during gatheriug time,
or from Oct. 1st to Nov. 1st,
By close attention, pruuiag aud
cultivation, I can now alter to the
public apples of superior siae suii
flavor, and as good keeping varit -tiosf.s
are to be found Katoi Wea&
of the Cascade mouutains. Come
and see aud judge for yourselves.
Orchanl sitnoto two miles east of
John Day, and onohalf mile south
of the Prairie City and John Day
road. Residence in Poplar Grova
north of the orchard.
53T Hard cider, Cream fcTer
and Sweet cider fveo to eastomora
while loading.
D. B Rineiluit,