I i V ' ''. ' I - r to Is. 1 ?r7W O? KW' FrLy Ut f ,ifry patients ilUUO lU. JLHd :1)er(!.iv die of Asiatic cholera in; rUD I.I SUED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING October IS, 1SS8- " i A physician has discovered j that the older a man grows the smaller his brain becomes. This explains why the young men j know everything and the old j men know nothing. Flour lias advanced 52 per barrel in "Minneapolis and it is confidently predicted that it will go to 10 per barrel. The Hour trust and short crops in Europe caused this raise.. American cashier consider Canada the safest pl.-.cc Toronto ; when they are in trouble. We contribute this joke as our share towards assuaging the ill-feeling- j that is said to have arisen be- j tween the Kanucks and the Yankees. Ex. The News that the Mormons are buying large tracts of land J in Mexico, nnil flocking there ! in lame numbers. ms, will cause littl e regret in this country. Then emigration will be a bless (j ing, for their religion is repug- nant to a civilized nation. The prohibitionists are male- j ing a '-still hunt." They do j not cx)ect to carry any state j this fall; but they express hopes that in 1802 they will elect their president. "What a revo lution in public sentiment must take place in the next four "years. It is estimated that throe mil lions of dollars will be expended i tor political uniforms and arti- , cles dnrinir the camnainn, of which amount Indiana will spend 150,000. New York City and State head the lis-t with an estimate expenditure of 050,000. ly a recent decision of tlse supreme court of Utah, the Mormon church corporation has been dissolved, and its prop erty forfeited to the jrovern ment. They are allowed the tl . 1 , . . , . r .i 1 Jiuauciiti inuiieuce. . . - .Some fiend put a bottle of strchnitn in a spring near Phil omath recently, and now the in dignant citizens of that place of fer a reward of -t 100 for the ap- ; nrohonsinn of the wretch in order ' that they may ornament a limb ! .t4l l.C.-k i 4 Kn k.wl a rAiArt . . llllll tl. VIIVI Jl 11 lVt.. The spring was one from which water was u?cd for campmccting ! )iirposcs. i It aiipears now that the inn- 1 I I lOl'itV Of tllC braVC ClllCllo-O HO- , '. , i ! licemcn wlio were not removed j i . , . .i ti by the Anarchists in the Jlay- . market riot, wciv. removed by j tho politicians. Thus are the : defenders of the wwdt.h of Chi- j cago rewarded for risking their lives in battling with the in-.b. j lint politically speaking it v. a ; ever thus. The immigration or the nose is towards the East. Chi- They iind in Xew York, JiOston au5 ; smaller cities larger and fresher iields for their ant-like indus- ' tries. The San Francisco Chronicle estimates that from 400 to 500 leave San Francisco I cverv month for the East. At this rate the Chinese problem j on the coast will solve itself, if the Exclusion bill perforins its functions. The following from the gifted pen of Col. IngcrsoH is remark ably good: 4J have made up iny mind that if there is a God, he will he merciful to the mer ciful; that he will forgive the forgiving: that every man must he true to himself, and tnere no world, no star in which hon esty is a crime. The honest man, the good, kind, sweet woman and happy child, have nothing to fear in this world , , , nor the word to come: and upon , these rocks 1 stand. There is one awful mad woman in Kansas. She heard that the legislature had offered a standing reward of 1000 to any woman in the state who raised a family of P3 children, accordingly she has been put ting in her best licks lor several years past to eai n the money. When her 13th child was born, she called on the governor for the cash and learned for the Urst time tnat tne rewaru was a hoax. Then she was mad. The ! fun of the business ceased with i , ., , ii, , , the 7th child and she has been keeping it up for revenue only per cay J lone Kong. There is the grav est apprehension felt in Ameri ca lest the scourge should he ! carried to our ports in ships j from the infected district this or i next season. The danger can . be reduced to a minimum if the Scott Chinese exclusion law is strictly construed and rigidly enforced. California towns are still ju bilating over the signing of the Scott Chinese exclusion bill by President Cleveland. NEW TO-DAY LOST! LOST! Somewhere on the road between ; mv residence near Prairie Citv i ami Cauvon Citv, a Mexican War ! certificate, issued by t!iC Comtnis- j sinner of pensions to the under- ! signed. The Under will confer h i great favor by leaving tho fertili cnte at tho posloflicc at Prairie City, Oregon. TlI.LAUV Plt'JlTT. . T TOW Qilfl 1M 0 Q ) Q !JJi,UAJ uuu iUUU ijiuuiu. LEE PillLLERn Propr. Cnnyou City, Grant Co. Crspcn. ikt:i: xrurs old ?taxi Hnving lxni;nt (1.rse 1)0m,iai SlnblesI respectfully solicit a shro 0f the public patronage. i First-class Single and Double I Teams to let. FIXE V.UOG1KS t U'.Ul) CART: Siit'cial attention given to the care of transient stock. NOTICE. L , County Courl of tho Pute of Oregon, for Grant County. In the mutter of the estate ' of WalterS. Sagr, deeeasetJ. ) Notice to Creditors. To all Whom it may Conckk.w Take notice that the mdorsign ed was o the :2:2nd day of Sep tember 13S8, by order of the Hon. County Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for Grant county, that day made aiid entered appointed ad ministrator of the vsfate of Wal ter S. Sngc. d?ceasd and that letters of administration have been dailv issued. All person having chums against the snui estate are lac name, duly veiified is by law re quired t(tlie und:rs:gui.d at I'rai r e C?ity, Grain: cnaniy, Oregon, or at tlse oiHco of M. J). Cbtf nl iu Canyon City, tJranl county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Ditud at Canvon Citv, Oregon, rt , , , ucioyor io, ir-. I-' Fi.k, Admini-jtnitor. NOTXCK FOB PUD LI: ATI ON. O.-t 1vj. v it.TUs f,v',n V1'" f ITOBIt 'ttt!r lms lll-.l Jl..!i. ( .It't irUtli ! i- ; i.lprHjf in M:p..rt f f I.ih . Uit.-. un.I that !aM l'rivf will W :im1- !. f..ro i ;; I'ou.it. .itHiK.-. w in itu sti!.c f.;ro ti.. rip.k i (Jranl i'.intv. Or., nt Cnny-i . Or., on 1,,, is,. wx: i.ao rj. H)sn:n. Hi!. No. )!.). for th Kha'fSl! iur., mil I olx 1 & 1. i-ei: I. Ti 14. .S K 31. K. lit IMMK--thf HII:tinj; Vkl'i.r. t4. .r.i hi ci'iiJntwr- r -i w i-no i, an-! i uiiA .iuni of Mil Uifl. ic: M-.Icir XV II nr, W'ta Ltntv, J.Mle A I.ft- it, llif i.":!ro:i C-'y. 0IK'. A - y ;.riiti wlio ilin-t- to jr..ji 1.1 oiunctt)i I itVf if Mich proof, or nho (cihjh-.f ;n ,i!li.'t;li.il roa--m. nin'.tr U mm! the rr iiL'tioifof t'i? intorwM- lici'irlnii-'it, uhj sach prMit h't il.l n-ii le alhiivcil, will hi ci :i an of- rimiity 't t'.w abv' wn'toiifii tiiac ami i!a; to I'fim'C amia tlw iti!efn nf miii daiHMfil, :i:iI t' "iriT niiW in rcbu'ta! 01 that xlhiniliul liy i-laii.i.n c SH So liKMtY KIXHIIAt.T, Uesri-ttr. NOTL'l-: FOR PUHbl AT fOX l.an 1 O.lic - ! Ii (Immlt.. Oie.-oii. '.Ht. I, Is-s. Xot'ce licrlr civ n tint tin fVottiii!: jumiii ?rtt!rr law tllt-d :i i:!c of his ii.ti'.itmto nuV fitu'. prcaf in (ipt:or: of iU dtim, ami tiiat Mltl pmof 1li ic inaii' In-fort th Jnl;e or in hi ahi-ence I ctr ihu County C'erk if Craai vi,tv. at Cam-on Cit. Dr., on !(: m tKr Ui. :!." viz: I'I'.ANK McBKAX. lid. No. ;?!! :trUiu XW ipiar XW ipmr, . It, jm.1 t J fmxz :,u" B "uar SE SvC IN' natis tUc ''ilUnv'iiit' .Uiih w In wwc hie c nUiin!tx riviilesuv it; on, i-ikI cul:irxUin of, sii! 1hk1 Win StHi hu-ortli, .Imes XV Al.t-n. John J Wah. Walt V Iferry, all i.f IJbnton, Orfi'n. Any ;erii hIi-i il' -in-" to jroU'. atiiii-t the ttlIoiai.w f vji ;i )n ;. ir who kttutttf of riiv mtb-taiitial rcan.i. an icr :1k; luw aa tint rfnlmtio-.f of t!. I:S-ri jr i:irtmcHt, why si.h jtr-f lo:tM not V- uroaoil. will l-dcivwi nil ojqt rtu:iit at the rh v liiciitioiiad tinu ami iL.i't' troi!-e:a;nin. llr H:tne of tmiii Uiiant. anl to i:ir i.I.;j in rubutlai ft tint i inn it ted In claiitia't mi. m:.N'i:v i:ixi:uakt, Htti-te-. XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IjtnJ Office at I. Orai l'. Oregon. IK!, 'th, l.sSS. Notir( U lwrthy siin tli! ths fulfowioif naHiifl MiltliT hjm lileil notice -f lii-" intention t i inahc tliial iir.if in riii.irt f f lii claim, an, 1 that ivi it ir-H f wl I ht inilr hefore ('unity ("Ifrrti f Orant Co., a? Cm in on i Stv. dr.. on Nnrimtwr A)th, ls-. 7. . jniiX sliilOEDEIt 1 S N.i. s3!2. f..r the S lialf of S Iialf. Sec 4. 1 m 17, S It 81. E W M. Hi- iianien th foll.iwiri!; witntsiioy to prove IIM Cnn:ilKll-i rfMIU'lKI of. miiiiami. u: ok-.. Ins coniitiitoii'i rt'Miiwi.-c uimii. ami cumtutton tin L iaiiiioK, (.hurlfx lUnkitis, all of ltlnntnn, urpsrti. Anv ernii who dtrtrca t jci.ti-sl.tSAhi.-t the alhiuancr f such IToof, ir -.vim know? of- iy fiibstantiil raon, tin I.t tho law ami t Ii resit-lation-of tlii! Iiitrrinr Iifirt!iieiit. hv null j-rtMif should nt l nllowil, will he jfiven an oni' Tt unity ut tin- aSov; montiotil time ami lao t3 croj f.xariiine the uitnof e of fail ciaii.mit, and to i tlor evidence in nUuttil of that Mibinitto.1 liv efaiin.iiit. rw.-. IIENKV HlNEUAItT. Ue.tlr. SIO REGARD. Strayed, from Mt. Vernon, Aug 1st, with F. Wallace's band, going perhaps toward tho Mai ham ran ges, One Black 2-year-old Stallion, with a very few white hairs in fore head, branded 1 TT on left shoulder- The above reward will be !,ftW for inforiuationileading to the , Z .V r ' r !t horse to me at Mt. crnon, Grant count, Oregon. 52 AV. G. KIMBERLING. NEW TO DAY. VARIETIES AND ROUGHS. in tiii: old rosTornci: min.niNo CANYON CITY, Oregon. Toilet Sets, ('liine.se and Japanese Goods, Dolts, Books, Pictures; and Nick JVacks of every des- i crinlion. j GAG 13 SISTERS, Proprietors. 3ASCHE .& Company PltAIKlKCSTY. K. - vvu. bToc.n or "WACONS, HACKS, I3UGG1ES, TlNWAPvK, STOVES, ETC. Just Koceived, and will be sold at low price:, for cash. ). ti. 7'7,S'A; Agent. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lsml Office at Lt On.ndc, Orrgu. t Cth. 1SS Nolk'e !.- litreliy given that Ihc f! .ouIbk tiMiiotl ht:l'is liN'.I iinllce .f tlc:r Siitcn tlnsrt" vute lliial proof in mnjMitt if their rials!'.-;, and thst sniJ j.ioof wili Ih nmi'.clivtate the Toniily !rrk i.f (Jraiit count tr..at 'siixn Citv, Ort-., on No :uVr 7th., li'vS vis; GKO. lACtCSoN, IKS X. sl(:. for I lie li 't SK qaar. a' i Kli quar S-c is. T III. S 'J as. K W Jl. an I i.: AI.IIKKT DUE W KIT. I) S Ni. 8:..for the K XWaar, si;i X lm!f XlviJiHi- Sc 25, Tp ltt.'S J ,M. i: W .M. lie name the followiii w itno-DS to ji:ovi his cinUi.i;"!is residence u oii, ant) cutittOon (.f, mi! kill' I, viz.: Uutlur I .lolimn ii, Iink l.'utnic:. Win A rurimaii, Amiiew l.nl;cy, Juke laikuy, all of I'r.iirif City, Oron. Any pulton wI:o !cs"res to ;rut.t '.'aiii.-t ilia iiwuiK-e of Micil ir'M)f, or vh koiM of any silltantiiil ftumu. uinlcr Oii-l iw end the riyil lations -f the Inurior Pofnirtitiriit, wlij uh jinnrf slio- Ii! not lo allowori, i'l li"!'.:isn jwrtHjiity nt the :.b.vc nu'iitioiicil t!!rt a:.tl jilu-i to ri4.i-tx.iniitic the ;tn.'!..'- "i c'.:in:it, anrt t.. tiller c.Mrii" in nln.lil of ll.a: niiiniiU'l lv i-lalmant. liKNICY i:iNKUAi:r, U-:":-Vr. XOTTCF: Foil PULiLICATlO.W IjuhI i.nicnt I-t Orii lo. or. i'.ip. 15 4. XoXv i, Iitr. V tfivtii thr.'. I! ' !lowin,j mr.iisi elth'r !ijji notitv ( h; iii!t-nti":i lo I'.Hiiiiiiic ami iRkkt; linalrrouf in support of iii 1 la:m. ami I hut saiil , roof will 1 tnaio V.-fo--1'; cirrk of Qr.nt C.. "r . at ('a;yn Citv, 0:1 Xuvvtnitvr iltti. li-S. ir.-. WIJ.I,. 1A.M I'.. S-JOIT. Uil. Xi.377. fi r t:iu S J S Se.- S. Tp IS, S K 27, K W JI. lit-tiRinrs thp io.louiiii' witm??.-. ti prove liisi oniini.o':- rc-i-N'i.c-: upon, ami ul'.ivatiou uf, ai.l laml. viz. Oe-jr'J liKIMiniir, I, V Ilti-K-r, Willia'ii I'oj:. of Stew.irt. (JmiiI ciUlit., Ur. iiI .lanif-i I'-.pt; of Mt Vcri:J!i. Orus'ii. Anj pw.-'on wlio tli'Mrus li protmt against i!k atloHniie of sni'li prixif. or who knovr.-i.it anv .lutttantiul rcsii. iniilcr ihe law i.nI :hi r-': "itioii- of O10 Iiitcr:r !eprtnie:.', why - it .. ;irf rlioui .1 nil lie atl'tweil. will be si.rn 4:1 opportunity ut the alive inrnUtiiini tisiu am! plactj to cro--fNainiiii' the witia-fts nf saiJ ciatHiant, and to oiler vtitknc? I:i tohuital af tlml Milmlttetl liv olithiimit. 2i)S IIKNItY lUNKlIAKT, UtisVr. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of tbc.Sratco? Oregon for Giant enint'. Millie Drawner, Pill'., i vs. -Duval JJiawner, Deft. ) To David Brawner, defetulant above named: lit the name eF theSta'c of Oregon: You are hereby rerjuirod to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against vou in tl.o above en titled suit on or before tho first dr.y of the next :vgu!r term of said Court for said ConaU' to-ui: M outlay, Nov. ;", IsSS. Y'ou will take notice that if yon fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the j.kiiiUifV will tstke jijdgniont against you for the re lief demanded in the complaint l"i ed against ymi in the above en titled trait, tt) wit: For a decree of said Court dis solving the bonds of matrimony, now existing between plaiutilt and dependent. 2. For tho cam nn'ody and con trol ot the minor children the issue of paid marriage viz: Pa id Br.twner and Olive Bniwner. 53d For tho costs and disburse ments of this suit, and for sucli other and further rrlinf in flio premises to equity may pertain. 1 Ins .summons is published In order of Hon. L. B. Json, Judge oi spui Ueurt. Dated September 11, 18fS. C. A. SwEEK, Plaintiff's Attorney. SUMMONS. Tn the Circuit court of the Slate of Oregon for Grant county. John S. Do vino, Plain till", vs. S diiula Dovine, Defendant ) '1 o Solinda Devine, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby commanded to appear in the above named court and answer the complaint filed against you in j the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the oth day of November 18S8, the same being the first day of the regular November Term 188S of said court, and it vou fail so to appearand answer the plain tilV will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: for a decree of said court dissolving the bond or matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant and for the costs and disbursements rf said suit, and for such further relief as to the court in equity, may soein meet. You will further tako notice that this summon is published by order of the Hon. G. .V. Walker Judge of said court. Made and bearing date the o day of March 1SSS. Parmh & Cozad. Plaintiffs Attys. CITY HOTEL MAIN STREET Canyon City, Oregon, GROTH THOMPSON Proprietors. Traveling men will find this a pleasant and desirable place at which to stop. Give us a Call NOTICE. Yoe Nem, Hny Ak and Lung On have been appointed receivers of the entire business of ivam Wu Chung at John Day. Any persons indebted to the firm of itain Wa Chung & Co. are requested to malce settlement with these men. Those to whom Sheo Pon are indebted must look to him for settlement, and not to tho firm, ns he has no share iu the business. Luxo Ox, Yke Nem, , Hav Ak, John Day, Or., Sept. 17, 18S8. China Date August G. za c CITY LIVERY STABLE! AMD CO RK A 1 1, and FEED STABLE Proprietor. (Wood tt Church's old Stand) CUkv! Iihv tea'Ti anil nice Sndille Uor?cs fnrninlil t all hourf of tho day or niIil n ruoi:ullo :icc. I'.irtictiliiratt'jnlion jinid to l-oarliii','aiid u'roomlni; transient ttock. ENTHANCE Slain and WasliiiiRtotj strtct. FRUIT FOR SALE. I will sell choice Winter Apples for 50 cents per box until the lirst of November. Aftt?r tho fruit is stored for winter the price will be One Dollar per Hox. All kinds of clean grain takent at 2 ets. per lb nt tho ranch in exchange for fruit or vegetables. Onions 2i ets. per lb; cabbage ets per lb, and all kinds of vege tables cheap. Residence two miles below John Day o'i The Dalles road. , Customers will please not call :it my place on tho Sabbath Dnv for fruit and vegetables. 18 V.m. Lite. FOR SALE. Three Hundred and Sixty Acres of Lmd in Silvies Valley. Gooc bottom bind, and commanding line Range. A comfortable House, cellar and corrals, and cold spring on premises. Will bo sold cheap, as owner intends to leave the coun try. For particulars euquiie at News Office, Canyon City. 27 NOTICE FOR PURL 1 CATION. U-xnd Ofllcc at IvOrndo. Onnn. Stpt. T. liWS. Notiuo is In rohy k'ivc" that the fuilowin- I ...i.l. , 1, C. .,wl nnllr.. ffl.!j ir,l. Ili.tlK II l tin .i.w.a "unit- imi llltuti to initku llnr.l prnr.f in mipp rtof hi claim, and thatsaidpo f will he made lMj:nre tho County onO. tohur lSt'.i. 1SSS, viz: T. (!. I'.ANDAU.. . . . . . . . . t. i'i..lrii, - i t. .... i H .0. ejZU, It). IIIU lull! ol. llll.it UIIvl o llilll sk ii.r 4c-i p ir., s it :w, E. lie nantf the rollonln? nllneHW to prove li Ofntiuuoiii rciili.nee upon, an.! cnltiMit.un ..f. sid hn l. vir: Jackson Ch.itiihcr.. .Milton Aiianiroii, Williain Mhkc, Edwin Schcnok, all of Hlunt.in, Own. sww iikxi.'Y itiNEiiAUT, ltipvcr. PI If 11 c to 0. P. CllESAP -Dealer In- Stationery, Bookd, School Supplies, Gilt Rand and Glassware, in End less Variet'. Fancy Wares, suitable foi presents for both Old and Young. Boys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece. Candies & cigars. Tobaccos, Cof fees, Teas, Lard, Flour, 'Dried .Friuls, Canned Fruits, Hire. Cream Wheat, the finest breakfast dish known Fishing Tackle, Fif-h Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Limps, Bird cages, and everything that is usually kept in a Variety Store, all of which V Can now uj Bought Cheap for Cash. the OldStandin Canyon City. Overholt -DEALERS IX- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CANYON CITY, Or. WANTED, 500 Cattle, Yearlings, 2 and 3 year olds ami nj. Also i,000 Mutton sheep. Apply to J. DlTvKiLEIMER & Co. JOHN I 'OSS - w and Jeweleri CANYON CITY, Oregon. Mr. Vo-s lias permanently loca'e.1 at this pkieu, havin; livun imrnwl out at ArStnton, and is piojiariil to do first-class work in his line. 3T The llupairin? of Watcdus, Clocks and Music ltojcutf, tu., a ; ocially. Canyon Citv Oiiecon. Hoots or Shoea made to order, or nwtly i repaired. All Worlt Vnrrantod First-class. NOTICE. TO ALL I'KIKN'DS ANJ) CTSTOMKKS: I On the nij'ht of Sept. oth our entire stocic and buildings were entirely dei?tnved ly fire. We request all persons knowing them-! selves indebted to us to come for- j ward and settle at once. J)o not . delay, but come forward and pay, as money we must have. P. B A SCI IE A' Co. I). B. FIPK, Aisont. Prairie Citv. E" 80S l PF'S I will pay the hihcst market price for 1 leer and other Hides W. 11. CLARK. 20s Canyon city , Or. NOTICE. flOtWTY oli:: li.rtikrilate of rcu-is-5! iy j.ri..r to Juiy 13tli, 188G V wiil be juiil on ytxisi atution, ami inti-r- at will cejpc f :o!ii thin inU-. N. II. IHU.KY, Conntv Trca. Canyon City, Or., Oct. :t, l 2i Notice lo Sheep Kaisers. I have about fifty head of Bucks for Sale; Tiioroiudibreds and Grades. They are in tine condi tion. Will be found at my Ranch three miles below John Day city. Terms Reasonable. 531 John C. Luce. For Sale. A Band of Sheep 3,000 bead Perfectly free from disease, good woolproducers, averaging about 7 fpounds each. Range in Bear valley, Grant county, Or., and known as the HARDY 13 AND OF SHEEP. Will sell tho entire band, or half of them, on reasonable terms. For Particulars enquire of Hap ton stall & Dakt, John Day, Or. A BARGAIN, I will Sell Good Brick at SI 0.00 ! per thousand for Cash, tho next sixty davs, near Prairie City, Or. Address" PAUL FA J MAN, Or enquire of Geo Shearer, Prairie. PitAiim: Citv, Ok., August 11, '8S DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS WOTICK is hrreln- given that! j j,l have appointed the following i namod poi'too as my Deputies, viz: ! C Kiphiv 1 "lm J- Jul,luJ . . Long Creek Wtt g nor Hamilton , ai'l'dl Cai'SUCl' ! t.,1,,, p., ,.,,. ' JojU C. LllCC JokllDaV i ' I -tr TJ-1 G oo. j i. brown ItiJey : 10ITV Rutherford DtOWSOy 1 , , - , J j V. 13. I'et.erSOll Kilter I 'p tr r,.l)T I '"', ' Stock Inspector for Grant County. MuMricIt, j.. aa: XT 3EP 3S HI O 3HC , I t I II. STARS ELL. New Hotel, Canyon City Or. PIltST ClAtlS ACCOMMODATION'S I Hi Tables Par Excellence! Courteous Attention Wlien In The City Give STANSELL & CUIM! If You Come to Baker City Go lo the I Great IXL Store t Whcra you will get tho Biggest B.ir-aiils for Half the Money as any ! other place. We are closing out our Entire Stock of Goods in all departments, ion win gee mon goods for nt) ets than for $1 at any other Store in Eastern Oregon. Closing Out, Closing Out! Closing Out I! 50 men's Suits at $7; formerly $12. 25 men's Suits at 8.90; fonm rly $15. 1 ,000 pairs men's pants $;: formerly 500 pairs men's tine Calf Shoes 82. 13; formerly 5. A ... ere is a Stunner for You: 75 dozen Ladies Undershirts e.ch tts; krmorly 75 et. 100 doxe'i Ladies' Hose each 15 cU: i'oruierly '20. 25 and .'JO eU. 50 dozen Luiios' line haudkerchiofs 10 ets each; formerly 25, io 35 cte. - . c. ik r. i i .t .11 ...I ..1 .. JTI ' pieces ouinmer iress irooti? ng:u s:ihibs o eis jt u, lurmciij This is a Great leader Great I 'allies for the least Money, at our Closing Qui Sale! The Great g. Xo L. WAB3HAXJEE, BROS. ST ie sure and send us an older, or come direct. It will pay you. One trial is Suflieiont. L O Chtrke Sf JVeatherhy THE LEADING GROCERS, Will sell you goods cheaper than any other house in Baker Oity: They carry a full line of STAPLE' & F-IXCX GROCERIES PRICES MARKED AWAY DOWN Full Roller Flour Good Roast Coffee Choice Japan Tea Parties wishing to lay in their Winter Supplies will Save Money to call and examine goods and get our prices before buying elsewhere. CLARKE & WEATHERBY, Saker Gity, Ore. Just Received, a General Assortment of Fresh FINE TEAS, Imported direct from Japan. FARINACEOUS GOODS, TAPIOCA, GEllMlvV, CERE ALINE CRKAM WHEAT, CORN & OATMEAL, Etc. TOBACCOS A: EL GUSTO CJGaUS, PATENT ME! I JNES, DIAMOND DYES, TO I LET A RTICLES, Etc. , Etc. W!!i Sell at Reduced Prices For Gash. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE To close out, will be sold at cost, and below cost. 1L M. 8ELJS. CANYON CITY, MAY 1-lth, 1888. ;bosto3st CspdeI & STOBE. Opposite the HI. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon SAW S5RED, Manager. . .DMA!. Wall Paper, Window Shades Building & Carpet Faper, Mattresses, Etc. W. K. CDKXINGTON Given to Every 0n&. Us a Trial. NGTON, Proprietors. . Ml in 1 inm ens e Bargains. Store, Baker City. &5J.25 per Bbl. 25 cents per pound. .25 cents per pound. Furniture X- En l.V Jul Jjj XI j J Goods! r 4t t ? "V J . - . w . yro