1 r I Worn 21, Merchants' Fx ""T X Volume X. CANYON CITY, GRANT COUNTY. OREGONTRSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1888. shSt Grant Co. Km. H SEMMRNIML STATEMENT -i, 5f - - I , - 1 3 mm f ' PUBLISHED THURSDAY MORNING, BY D. I. ASBZjRY Editor and Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription S3 00 an Tvr y xuice iiiuuwn is A Brooklyn man proposes to import monkeys and train them to become bootblacks. "Would the public put up with such ; monkey shines? Texas Sift URKHEIMER S CO Of the amount of money received for Delinquent Taxes, and money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Grant County Oregon, for the six months ending on the 30th day of Sep tember. A. D. 1888. and commencing with mv oHicial lerm. .July y. 1388 Date 1888 I0UNT KECEIVED DING THE MONTHS OF In Coin and Currency: July, $7-19.32. August, $1871.13. September, $1,724.07' ings. "Beware!" he cried with a voice sur charged with anmiisn. "If you refuse me I shall die!" That was forty years ago, and the heartless girl refused him Yesterday ho died. Girls, foe-ware. PRAIRIE CITY & CANYON CITY, OREGON, In order to keep ahead of St. Paul, Minneapolis parties are about to erect a building twenty ciht stories high. The man who walks to the top lloor of such structure will naturally look around to see where the angels are. They say that Daniel Web ster proposed to Miss Fletcher while aiding her to unravel a skein of thread. "Grace." he remarked, "we have been unty ing knots; let us see if we can not tie one which will not untie in a lifetime." This is given as a pointer to timid young men. A 0 vm List for October. Subiect to Market Changes: 7 u A 3 0 n i?S AMOUNTS PAID DURING THE MONTHS OF Date lofcb. To County Treasury: "'' WJ ' U1 ioiz.pj. fcept. i & ? 1,772.43 S3 There arc now twenty-seven companies of militia in the state which is made up of between 1500 and 1(500 men. In the tirst regiment there arc eight coin panics, in the second nine and in the third eight. Besides this there is one company of ar tillery and one of cavalry. "Papa," said a rich and beau tiful girl, who has many, many beaux, "what is your idea in building our new mansion so near a graveyard? It will seem so ghostly after dark." "That is exactly the idea," responded the old man; "I want to try and have the house closed before midnight." Goal Oil, Best Quality, per case of 10 gallons " " 2nd " Pearl- Stock Salt per 100 Liverpool " Fine Table " Sugar per pound - , Coffee 'Good per pound H?ea " per pound Flour, 1st Quality, per 100 do Burr Nails per hun pounds Barbed Wire 4.501 :; ;; STATE OF OREGON, Count v of Grant r i n . i , , T W- p- Gray, Sheriff of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D. 18SS v v ii f , , , , W-p- CAY SliCrIfr :. b: Ruterence is hereby made to the report of A. C. Dore for iQco,10nths f Aprilj Ma-V an(l JlIne an(1 to' and including Julv 0 18SS- W. P. GRAY, Sheriff. ' SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT: Of the County Treasury of Grant Count v, Oregon, for the three months ending on the 31 day September, A. D. 18S8. of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what aecount paid out: 1888 AMor.vrs hkckivkd: t fic(m what Julv 5 To amount on' souuck hand from last report: Rec. of Ex-Countv Treasurer E. ITnll To amt reed from Sheriff Taxes ' 'i H Ctl 1 T7 1 a reus, ccnuui v una Office Rent u it " Williams tt 4t.U(J I sucker io amt rccil from Or; Orr baum To amt reed for from Se.h'1 Spt J of P " Clifford vs! 2.S5 2.75 3.50 09 20 30 8.00 2.50 6.00 6.75 u is : ; t. t; (C : jJudg on Costs Opium license Peddler Whisk v Teachers" Ct Fines GK.VEKAJ, FUNll 5.012.GS SCHOOI, FIJXD 20.C0 707.S4 1.00 10.00! 850.00: 10.00 .$ 4,So9.S9 1,103.4(1 2.S 12.50 Ramsbv Forfeiture I 10,4Gu.31 35.00 2G0.00 '4 0,075.85 amounts paid OCT. GcnU FundSchool Fund Hy amount jmid out on County warrants .enooi jsupis " " Balance General Fund on hand " " School t: u " Amount paid State Treasurer UG2.5S 7,079.23 1,325.00 1U,4C.S1 $ 4,534.45 4,541.40 9,075.85 We Carry the Largest Mock in Eastern Oregon! John Dunn, the renegade. Zulu leader, has entirely renoun- cad civilization and has taken two or three dozen Zulu wives. ly bir'.h he is a Scotchman. J I is father was a trader in Na tal. John went out to South Africa when very young and has never returned. lie traded among the Zulus for his father and took such a liking for the eople and the country that he onld not leave. leading Zion's Herald, a Sitfthodist newspaper of Doston resent the statements which are afloat as to what the "Methodist denomiration" is to do in the presidential campaign, and sa-s: "The Uishops have no authority in the matter, nor would they control the action or the hum blest voter. Indeed there is no unanimity of opinion among the Bishops in the pending cam paign. The individual Metho dist, therefore, is as free in his political action as the Episcopa lian, Oongrogalionalist or Bap tist. In fact the majority of Methodist voters are republi cans, a respectable minorityjare political prohibitionists, and a smaller proportion are loyal democrats. The Methodist is a political freeman, and will con tinue to exeocise his freedom." lit1 mmm, 4 mmm m mmm We wish to impress on your mind the fact that we are selling goods at retail prices, cheaper than other merchants can land them. Our mottoes are: ss 'STATE OF OREGON. ) Cou.vrv of Gkaxt, I, N. II. Boley, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the Countv Treasury of said County for the three months ending on the 30th day of September. A. 1). 18S. Witness my hand this 30th dav of Septembr, A. P. 1SSS. N. II." BO LEV, County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT- Of the County Clerk of Grant County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said County, for what allowed -amount of warrants drawn, and amount of war rants outstanding and undpaid from the 1st day of April 1S8S to the 30th day o Sept. 1883 both inclu sive: ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Date Current Expenses May 10, 1 2,044.90 July 14, $7,235.09 Sept 13 0sO;u:S2: AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID Date September 30th, l.SflS, $G4.0S4.71, Interest thereon $2000. -flllf SUMMARY STATEMEN T Square Dealing aqd Dne Price fn All! i Prices in Canyon City cent per pound additional to Prairie City prices on all heavy goods all other goods same price at both stores. We Respectfully solicit your trade. Yours Truly: , PURKHEIMER & CO. LIABILITIES. Date 1888 To Warrantg drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstanding and'. unpaid $04,084.71 To estimated amount of interest occurred thereon $2,000.00 Total resources $22,007.32 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j QTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lniui OOlce at The ralU. Orccon ScpUtnljer I Kit. ISiS. NoiJcs is licreby jciveii tlmt- tlio folfowini; namuil se:tt'.r iias ile.1 notice of lib intoutioi to Rommutc xuti! niako final iuxl In i.ui-rr of UU aim. Bui! that said proof will be made Wu?e the County Clerk of Omit comity Orevon, at Can von City, Or., on November 12, lSSsi, lt: FHkDEUlCIi OUIOX, lltl N. J7, for the S half SE quar. Sec 11, ami N half NE rjtur ice H.Tp.13, S II 20, E. He names the following wltnc!'!'os to prove !ii tontlnoou? residence njvoti. and eu.tivation of, ald land, vii: G T Powell, T Conner; U I'ttktt A Urown, all of DayrH'e, Or. 27-32 F. A.McUOXALD. ncUtcr Lnd OfllccatTheDailc. Oregon September Hth., loisa. KoUcc U hereby given that the following named rettler haj filed notice of hi intention b make final proof in Hiipjxsit of hii cinitn, and that atid proof will be made before J. T.Matl Co'.mtvClcrk of Grant county. Or., at Canvan City, Or. on Kovembcr 12, 1SS8, viz: ABRAHAM UIIOWX, D S C523, for the 2f half SE quar ami N half SW quar Sec. S5, Tp.. 13, S R 20, E. He names the following wltneises to prore his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sdd land, viz: Thomas Conner, Fred Guyon, W G McDonald, Win Geary, all of Dawllle, Or. - S7-32 F. A. MCDONALD, Resutcr. 1 -I