v f. - ! , i J ..... - v. - " .i. . . .City meat mar Washington Street, Canyon 'ity, Oregon CRAY 06 EADS, Proprietors. DEALER IN" All Kinds Of JJy Wholesale and Retail. BOSTON LspdeI STORE. Opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon SARff SIRED, Manager. Wall Paper, Window Shades j Building & Carpet Paper, attresses, Mrio. nnnnTonriiiin Ollfi Baker City. Baker county, - - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale 31 Wholesale Will hKvvs eudcHVor io ohUin the highf.st nmrlcct prices on wools, j .: iVjlsr&& . etc, for jwrties consigning to , sfoi.'. hold or forward tin same ac- j r '' '' ciowiiwg to tlKiir desire. m n '3'r"?i " M.ARK ALL GOODS: mA -'"JgF&X V" ' J?v . : ' r . . . i. o; i -.. : . . s .-.4i or . . io j j ,i.('tt'.d 1. ' '.auil'-i . jaiz-i rfoL 'a:-:flr v:m t" I -. T''lrvalSr-:-. or u tt a. b y it i i -.a l t'? i f v''-'! ' Cf'-O'.J' !;- kl ramur a j3 1 ir mzrk. a i lri.r J nr oni--lis 'M.ieii'Bttt! fn-t'ie 'r tl i ! t- It t i v 'u b;Ht'it la ! tt-':: It I1., -i; lt i""iu' 1 r- -i .. lrr ibi' it aot T-r -j w.h-t: . i f 1 1- iftsr".- w'i.f a-: ( . . itilnl .f?l-"Arui H .:..-! '-Tt..! o: 4-r ftl r?t 4-u.ie.l wltH tiir i'Aj. t.jita;-! o.v kvi:kv Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft. For THE OA WON WITH ALL PREMISES THEREUNTO BELONGING. PRICES UOU'X TO BEDROCK! You will find all kinds of liuw aie, lirafin stoves, lu'dsten di and stll kinds of furuituiv. cxokiiifi- ulensils, elf . -tc. Besides, you can buy i In h.aise and hit with i ' uiAitv other acfOiumodatioiis. A -ood inxu tunitv for a tianor. .vu he will fiud all the IcoU aiul . p i i r " i : Itinciliuery iiucttuti ji ihj cuiuuiu Gome and see. You might find s'u.K-Uiintf that vou u-ed. CAXV CITV TSXSESi. ,DWICMT "SODA V tie rotv ici&rc. TO KAKc. - ucr. Ue x :it too & e n! tt a st- fcet 9 clcuutly stisar routed nml easy I to swallow. Sold cicrj-Rhssr.'. ) t'Tiifonmtllon for .. ritrm, II,t "B7iTXC1Tb' TT T7. k mn ! hold, H'orl:.sliofnttid Sickroom'' tfitt .' l'iiJ5o.ri MEATS -"cuHw.fcni. TB.All nlrs fitted ari notice. E1LNEM MfilillOfJinT i?. J. BE1XEB ?. c ' a ' . i ' . . - rx ti j: M.IUK tour ' spn title of tbo . b .:tlViKiiitr l'owder,aT. : itij; tv.-nty timed iU I t ost, i, vi.im bcinK j inuhbwii'.tiii'-r.broauso ' Itd-H-H n't Mil tola any ; iu.) iri' UN Hib-ttaacfK. , snohaJuir., te.-rn.clta etc., r.twlilfh many Rat. : Iur 1 "wU. ts art? inaJc. )M:rciiieii hiI Kariuem I nhnildureonly thc"Ann f a iK uarju: r nraua tor L cleauinR sud leeptnit ililk l'titx-i Uweut and tleau. ! rtTn. s ihi.t er iy je'tiid jiackago of 1 rm and U a turner 1'A'Ivaci;. VATY TINS! 3 ;r- jedksc n:i.l joe TiU. CUV i- irtANTV DViCHT'S FurnifurE 1 flnii 31UU UUl - - . . w i Hrut.l . '.:.t.i n full WftJr. t- --. "'w w. ,QQQt,ta pulls, i r . f SEK2 8 3 1? rs-H. a &s a fe I Thl (Mtpttliir yoniily never 1'nsJn ' to effectually euro- ! Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick i Headache, Biliousness I Ami all tlLscaHes urlKinjr from u ' Torpid Liverand Bail Digestion. The nntnrnl result is cootl nppo- 1 lltonnil noIIi! f!cih. IHtxcHinnli. & -: fi Ji. 0 Whm 1 rrj:r T tl t ic. -i crs7 ti j itop t ! J'H : iihi... atui t -v I.-.t, t V.i rr 1 ' 1 )!VJ iiinuc? ia (!!;; ;I 1PITS, SPJ.LHPC v" or A. We l'H'R I n;jt;!.'.:- r :... r. 1 -dy : I'UitiS t!t.- V i r.t 1 :-:C. -:...T. faiif.li no r. tr !'? : v: i . : .'.-j ietvl at i;i:h' f;-i ; :rc-u- :i ' -i ; :r t..:r- JI (I'.V It- M.I fM'.V KrMti. . . . ;: triu', hinl 11 '. i!1 :: i!io rOBACCO. ..: i- m-citon i.. tu i.tc o i c? o ' "Hh IJcZ CAM ;-v A .w.ll obJUn ADVERTISING ; A Vi. Jl tw i ... r. ...- Cut'-tnt rjL'i; f,nniC"! -Lti 'Ul ,- , c rz P.'l VJi LhU'. .nrtii't i :t:.: C ciVrl am I.IVr.: I'St.J. Ko-sno: i Hriit. 0s:iVLLi:rAl)0L. i Smallest. Cheapest. Easiest to Take. !l. n.i.- of IniltuUons, c intulnlrn: I'olj-.n 1 M- ra . Altt.iV" . 'i f.r lir. I i. v.-' l. ii i n iatl. Hosur-cotttiNl ViiU, or a. Mi- j Ltl. ' j ti -r.a'.ilp.t. V.i-lr.z Ttirrly VcccfaWo. Or. I'li-n-o's 1'i-i- I . -,k r.: vit!i- at ilisSar!i:iM0" 1 1 t lie -m. ' 'i : r otvriaii.ui. I'm in i s -la vl..! .. h-,- ; r.i . ill.- k ..li-1. A1ivi'-h f.-c i.-i'I :.-lin'.lf. i .. . ..r .; Tl.- I:i:iItt. nr i.'i .u u ;.::r. ! ,t .tsc. virHntj to fizc of -iw. 1 :t!j'miK tJemltiriH1. I'r ::. 'outi;):illuti, lit. .M cslioti, C'.llloii1. At tars., ami ::ll clcrniit: i:,.t"Ji o! tin M'uiarli ,iuti ii.i . !. ro ir- intt. r i-- I ki.1 'rtuimi'iil'v (-.1 l. I'm ttf i)r. I'.firoti riiu1-:!!!! INircailvo i i llcjs. li. ;.'i.i:i.il. iti i f tin1 ritUftluil ji Wi-r l i!i.' lil'll;;; .,Mt YiT.l".y ,"( M" 11 ,r'a'r ri!iiinilly it" t-n-i uv.it tli ir m-ti :i ii;-vj ' f Wiii l UtilViT.-'iI. Iit.t n irl.mil or H.s-i-t - '! thf.r M.M'.'iif iritltifnvc. St'l-I hv I Vai;i-t -. f -i. i i't u l.l. M'tiiufucttiriil h i : -ft . -.-.l l ,;)urSnn' of W.iki i"s Disi-kn1- i - ;-v M..M. i st-.iTliv. y. c-SJ MiJa ! I REWARD S w'ssss; l!?f,v. - I" I'f S:ur 1'att :vnjururujr- i l-t . . f Hi. Si-fi. 1'jifnrrli y A?' ilvmi-Uj . f"r it i-u-1 ir;- t'S.& : tarrU 1,1 r;,'nil v hK''' X. thify canaiit run. -i;rTOiis ay vki'.wtui .-lmii.hiMvy 'i '..ijl:', olhi'nti tluu of Hi'? iiai'il t'-i'a i .-, -htir: falli;.- fpiiti tin- 'i".i'l ttit thi tlir.-.it. j N'liaoiiiiiM iro!u.', Wiitrry. nml rj-riil.ut otiH-i. : tin tt.t iucin:. mnf.ni.-.. iurtilc:it, liUu(lvni I l-ntri-l: thi't'Vfiur" UioK i:l w.'.ti-r? ; tltcrt i, i'ikI: I'l lhi trH, I'.i-afni-s.i, liackitiK or j c a-4!ilii: to dear t n- thnmt. i-siHtcir -ti .a if .ifurlvn tnat'.i'r, locrilir wnu wiimir.ii.im- , iitj: tin" vtt It i-uamiiil tunl I;uh u "tn-ir ' fv.rrj": thn bn-iitli U'olToaMve: m.ipII irid i tu'.eMiitnpaIritl. tliTnNiiRotwttlia cf'l'iil- J 1 inn, with Hi' Mai ilt'iirr-iiioii, a htuSJ.n roiih ' KutXr m-nil ili'.!llty. O -ly n few f tin' u'mvo- iuiu.il ;. mpt'iun aro ll':rly t ) Ih ii.-s"tii in ii -iv oiM;"nHo. 'J'liilt."fnl-i f iilse. ii-uti .l'y. with .tit niHiilfttiaK a." 't mo nnovi: rynii- ; i m". n-iuit in c i7,ti.tiiti .a aa.i en.i la til- atot ! with .Jt nmiilfttiaK h .It or tiie niiovi: rynip i a -Uim. Itc lt.H mllil, soothlnu and herllnK proertle-". i iir.'swte'a catarrh i:tupir curw the w.,pt .-.uks of J'tlarrli, 'ill l:i l!ic Hrntl. r.iryri. :i:uH alarrbal Ueailnchc Sold Vy drti5?Lst9 overywhem ; to cent. TntGlrf Asony fYnt 'atarrlt " I'rof. W. lI.rVEt, Ili'i famous iiifsmi-rlfl. I ; of lt:.r.M. N. Y.. v.-ri.'-s: Hiin t i yiur.i n-,-'i I t :TcrtNl ti ilol I n;nii frrin chr -..io na3;U .i- . .rrh. Aly fauilly p'.iysiciaa jjhvo mi' up n ; i nridili. and h it 1 I um.it die. My ca.- w i 1 .ti'hnUatl one, that fvi'rythiy, tovtrdHKun.iet. ! I v v l -rt would 'ice nv hj lioarp I uotihl 1 i ha'rul)' N'link uhoruu whl))r. In tlio mortiliw , I niv rral-h!:is nml clearliuuf my thrnat woiihl i.!niot hi raticlo nn. Uy tlio tno of Dr. tag' I it irrtl llIlf:lV, i:i Ijrflt linillill, i nutn trii t t.uii. nti'l tlii-ciii.' lins liwn rHjrmiiueiit." i'onntanlly Unwltlns and rtplltins " I Thomas J. ltChnt?:o. Ej., Ilnu ftrt-t, : 1 St. LiuLOIo.. wrlti-) : " I 3i prt-.it u tifrri r from cattirrli for thm' yetin. At tttnts i nuw hanilv hri-athis unl was constantly liawKinir r.n'lspltteiz,utiii f jrtholajjteixht taonthscotilil . not Uriatbe throtuh tho nostrlK I thought .. nh!nc caiild to dine f r mo. Luckily. I wm u'lvU.'ItJtrv Dr. Pagt-'a Catarrh llt-rawly, and I am now u veil raxu. I believe It to bo the jr.tir B-ro remidy for catarrh uow niiuJs . t-jn 1. ri I -- has oal7 to stvo It o Car trial to ciperlcna.' a3touadlng rcsulu anil a permanent i arc." A c-inaplete Treatise on Catarrh, riving vola-hM-' Ulatj as to clathln.T, diet una cucr msttsrs f Imrtaaco. wui be nailed. post-rJ to aay al'Jrtsi. on receipt of o two-csoi poOaps Btamp. , AjddreiT, WorLl' Dlsprrau7 Xe4!cal IssoekUoSt , g a a a rNS 1 v ' i. n.t-:-,i A. HACHENEY. DEALER IN" General JOHN DAY C2TY. George Gundlach DEALERS IN GENERAL MERGHANDIS CAxroA' crrr - - - 8ST PRICES GREATLY H EDUCED. jRcrf Front r il.l .tI C. D." R3CKARD, Proprietor. .Dealer in fine W'utt'S. Li if it om and Cigars. CJ.YYOX VJTY Henry Jin si's Celebrated 0. V. CRRSAP Doalftr In .stnUonery, JJooks, School Supplier, Cilt limd ami (JhsKswarc, in I ! )eS3 Variet--. Fancv Wares, imitahlo foi j.rosents for both Old 1 alHi Yo,,. "Boys' Iron Wagons. IJaby Carrines Boys' Iron from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece. Candies A: cigars. Tobaccos, Cof fees, Tens, Lard. Hour, 'Dinofl J-'nuls, Canned Frails, Jtiee, Cream Wheal, the finest breakfast dish known Fishing Tuckle, Fish Poles, Baskets, Tubs. Drooms, Lamps, Bird caues, and everything that is usually kept in a Variety .Store, all of Can now bj Bought Cheap Canyon City. -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, C.1jVY0.Y CITY, Or. o PRAIRIE CITY, OR. J. IV. BATES, Proprietor. :,,.... i-v , . , ,, . . i i- . . . The Culinary D. nartm. at is in charge nf Conijieli-nt nmt hx eneneed w,,:)-e no labor do honor to -he paialos of the I'ublie. rjSE.JE3 In Connection with this Popular . , the Best Brands of WlllCS, LlfplOl SSt" UAMH.K tK)M3 lOK COMMUBCIAI. TRWULUEa Haptonstall & Dart DEALERS IN' renera. .ercnanaiB 4 JBro. 0. It. ICG OX Billiard Hall! .V"- ' I.1 - - OK.EG0. Jleer Conslanllij on Tap ',u Wagons. IJaby TOrCSSh. ie Old Stand in 23.3?. Hotel is ai , S and ( igar at all times supplied with i Ho MercliandiBe " FOlx SALE : A ram-h-of i 0f siei t.-.-, iie.tr t un . you (.'ity. all improved and under fence. New -nilduig and plenty . of good water at tlioiloor. Perfect j title given. Alt farming tools ami : j implements go with place. Also botweeu 50 and it) hcau of . Htock horses, all improved breeds, and about fifteen head of cattle. The owner's health will not per- . 1 mtt ol his looknii' alter, and fr.vniff tno plaef his attention, therefore a ! ho desires to pail with it This is i a good diauce F.r pome one with I capital to inve-i. Will he sold at I a bargain. Enquire of Pat Mul- j r.vitn. or at the News Oflice, Cuii- j yon uy. Oregon. jo '2Jtt i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ijiml OftJce t U Crjt.de, Oron. Notice Is hereby chen that the JaIIowImt. nml rrtUT h rileJ notice of hir intention So !ike final ;irf iti -'Jjntort (f hU claim. jiimI tint -.ihl ifof Mill bf ltimle before Clerk of 'nut count . at Oitivnti t1tr. Oregon, tm Ormhi'r ih. I5'. J. H. IL'VN". US No. aflttf, forth- W i of SW qur arJ W J of NW .iiinr. Si. K.Tp 13. S K 2. K Ho tntiif the filliwinjf itiurnes to j.rove htt eoMtiDUotw resiib'Hce t;tr.a. atHl riilli.atin of Mthl land, vis: !' Thottu.'.. W S CarMnT. ! ThctnjxiOii. Juiikm lVje. all of lit Vttn.ni, Orejf. JJi2 lir.N'KV ItlNKllART, IU-UUt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iu.d Ollic-at La llramle, Orij;o. Auk 27tU. 1. Notice b her. by sitvu tlat the fallowSnt;-n.-i.ifi! Metier hart tlll notify of hU intention u I makp final HOof in Miirfwrt of his ctnini, mini that laid onx.-f will lie ntsde before CotiMty ! n-rfc of rant Co.. at C'iyn ity. Or., oh Da uth. ls-s. ki.ky r. aldricm. I) S No. TliJ. f..r the S half of NW qtiar, ami K4 W cilisr., .Sec -2f,1p 13, S R 23, l He uiHif the follHii!; witMecces to prove hi-eontinitou" r.-UiciK' utroti. nml cultivation i of, siitl h,iiil. lis: William (eary. .1 U Moore, j W A .oan. Henri M. K.e, !l .f Mt Veritoti, Or. t::-50 I1KNUV R1NKHART. ICtcUter. NOTICE FOii lTIi LIGATION. lj!r.-l OfWcc- at La ?ran.le, Orefi.m.. AtiR -.'rh. 1?. Notiee J-!.re'y trt i-ji that th- fcAUf in-;-HaiHwt .-oulrt hi" filed notice of his uitntton to utaite titsn! f. of in .-up;.ott of hi eUini, and that ts'ui pro-'d he lu.'ide before the Conitti CJurk of (jrunt Co.. Or., .it (.'auvixi t'itv.Ur, oti net. ll'h. Kv-.. vi: KINI..W JScltAK. 1S No SIM. 1-r :h.t i: i K qtiar.. see 31, Tji 1U. ?. NKnimr. Nl- iar Si'oC, ami NW qr. NW jr. Sw6.Tj IT. S It 31, K. mine? tiie following Mitiu---e. t nve hi ContiniMm- ir-i.lcn. i- iifn. iid etiitiiatioti of, saldJaud, iu: O-jtrle. Hnlai -on, Arthur l;n,tr, of lt!y IHt. r.. i'ntnk t'. n:cr, ol Mt, Vein.in, Or.l.C". 1". RnUn. of "nMyon City. Oregon. eisa iii:nkv rini:hakt, tt-vi-ttr. CITY HOTEL MAIN" STRKLT Can vox Citv, Oregon. ojiofii fj- yjro.irrsos. P'oprfors. i Tiavfdini men will find this a pleasant and desirable place a J I which io stop. G'Mc us u Call CITYUm STABLE! i AND CORRAL, a n tl F KE D ST A 1L K . , Proprietor. ; . , , ..... . . ! , p oon iv i. nuren s om otsnn; I Good biwray ! t asd nWe Sedtlle IIorr fwrl-hHl at Sour nt the Any or itlcht reasonable prices. 1'articttlnr attention Nti4 I j bmniinz nml grxninff tmntsient itfc. KNTKANC8 ' Main ami Wnliinpt -u .!rceU. "BIT SALOON!" JA.VYOX CITY - - . Ores on Hugh Smith, prop'r. A Full S:rk Hf tl.? Iurii of Wkwf mvn Tl Ttmi Plysr.-J in the M.nf hot. A trietlv tirilrrtv hwf n4ai'tjd ! i Sheep Dipping Powder; ' i 1- rc-Kl UN Si 13 IMJ ir is a i J M t 1. 7&il;u VN'll IS TISF. 1 Cheapest. Salesl and Best t A , . UUi'e TOr Scab. Itha.s been iu use half a coutury ; illfl annlipfT to r greater ntrmbsrof sheei) than are now existing on tne . earth. SnelJ, Heitahn & Wocdarf. . Viiolesalo Agont, Portland. Or. Kosnnnd IJros.,EPortIaria. , li ! V n' ("iila Tvtr thp H7i9r.fi "Warehouse Co., The Jalies, Or, and t reiaiica oy au niercnani3- Million Siififii) AiillF Atlorne.v-:u-5i.f. Loo Ckemk - Or.itoo.s j v TVotury I'nllic. O.wvo.v City - - Gnnncx ; r.( ,v .,, -,r ,,UV .-1 Oihee with jL D. Lliu-:rt -ac - , . 1 a. a 1... t..r.u .ta Montr irxwv, i j "" j A. Knight, , i2Z32?w,z,XH;T,. j t-lolI r ,1.,,,, , .,..urtttj- ; ,0PafP at John D Vn ALL WOEK WAREANTED. " A. SWEKR, tto ev-at-Law Cau.v C - - Oregon. p.RRI3H Sc COZAI). ATTORNEYS AT LAW Canyon Citv, Orhgox. rpiluKNTON WILLIAMS Attorncy-al -Titxvr , OVNYON CITY . . OKKOON Oflice fit the court House. c LAV TODII UNTHII. Constablo, txxxel Collector. Canyon City, Oree All h iimj e!t!ri:-ted to hi- cure H rteHee proiopt attention, and nil tiiooev will W j-uid . it at e illeetol. A.ttornsy-at-Law AND Notary Public. Praihik City ... Orroon. Also Ajreni for the sale of School Land?. Otf j. oujra. ProprL )" Ji' -'i i JohnDay i!k Ranch Fresh milk ilflivcied daily to my customers in John Da and C.nnvon cities. Give me vour or- dors. J. Oliver. . W"r:t;.. Lr.tin i.. Or. r. il jhigv. WILSHIRE S HUDSON Attorneys at Law LAliEVIKW AND lU RNi. ORL'CuN i Will H- tiee in the Circuit l oHrt at C'anvo : Citv. awl before the V. S. Ijimi OiUec al LaL'e- ! AH bth-hiew in the LaihI OlNc ntrH:ti t Hi -! 1 rereire the nM. rotupt iittcittlOM. l..nH c.e5 ;Seittl. jSUPPRICH, CANYON ClTV OllHttOX. 1 toots or ShAoe iiMJe tn order, or nctly -(tpnir.!. All Work Wr-rx-rtntctl Pirst-olass. F. C H0RSLKV.M. D. Okaduatkoftue University of Pennsylvania, April S, I S4-S. Canyon City, Oregon. ' ) tice in hisDnig.Store, Main Street ) rden for Drugs promptly fi!leL No professional patronage solicted in! !S3 directionsarestrictlvfol lowed PETER KUHL. i Livery and Feed stable. Horses Warded by the day or week at reasonable rates, and good Single and Double teams to let. Transient mh V sr. in. ! and t.tktH csro ( fn t!t Kt j..liif ifi.ki.it-r. Tumt put up nr Jv li"rlt tiin hour ( thv ihiv or r.isht. AtC fm forSt-tuT Walker, r..rtlnnil. Or., for tw ?tml!bakiT u:nj.w. Kaipir. imiwer, J. 1. .:: )lusaml thix-fher. sRii hU other iniplr mvnU iWinilwti in their "atalsiir. Kvrr.vtMw; arrant ed am! M at tli Ivwmt prle. Criuyou City, Gvuut Co. Orft;on. ib.-'it.t M.ircr. .m-.! Sept.. (n(h y;ar it i usi snt-y clojtt':.- it lisoiul l)iic maticn o." rH who jttir chow th lurrtriut tr tho ncco-witits. ul lilc. '.To Oan olothe yon nod turubh yot: triiit all ibc v - : r sit appllaccv& to : ul. ..j'.j.. -.c. ; oat, finit, 1ft. : - i : h, or ntay :.. . . ti ro. stylos and nuimri.. -It. .;i;tt m what is rtKiittid iu a'l 'Br thic COMFORTABLY, arit: .n t:i.sae c OBtimato ot the viIm -t JJUYBRti'. guide, which vn , Mt npon in .v . . . . ..... . - MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. OlMUt Ulichigau Avenue, ChioKo, 111. NOTK'K FOU PUBLICATION". Laii'l tiih- ftt La '.intiHlv. Orixos. .,1 .v Pivn u'iJi0tn'J'Viuonii?- " tkr hai riled notice of hi intfBtlou ( th-twM pruofu-m i maie i-jiore the count; trk, . s i-,?lsv, t;,rnt.!)f ol 'iwr, ir- twiu.Mthof.jjionci:a-4toproc Ui ennttauoaa reslJtmx: upon, and cn'tlvutlou o.', c,,:oe tiarieb i'tf, v. p intf. ail 01 ut Vvr. 30-53 ue.nuy &in6oast fur. HI John Day City, Oroon. I