Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 20, 1888, Image 3

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    1 Pifiep
67Yfc 0. News.
Long Crock races commenced
County poor notice under
"New to clav."
Clothing, from $4.00 per suit,
at J. Durkheimer Xr Co's. f
Sheriff Gray left for Burns
yesterday on oilicial business.
Tr..t. t... i i
u?lua auiuCimtuuuici .
uu jam uii uh t-i uiy inuiiaih.
Quatities of dust still try the '
patience of men and women too.
C'nas. Beyer, who was in town
this week, says there is nothing
new in .Silvies Vnllev.
Deputy sheriff Tom Smith is j
put south on the trail of two
liorse thieves lrom Idaho.
Messrs. J. Davis and L ('. 1
l i i ,.r i ,v..r..-..i.i
iniv-rvumu. ... ii.u.ii-j. jiii.-r-un i
tliroufrh our ohice last J uesdny
urougn our omce iaM juounj.
FranK Mletschan hac acted as
ightwatchman a few nights
is weeK, fillinfr the ohice very .
C 1 1
Mr. John Sloan took danger- :
ousiy sick at his ranch last week '
and was brought into town. Jle
is at present much improved.
Looking away over to the north
dense volumes' of snioKe can be
seen ascending to heaven from
heavv forest tires in the niountins.
Mr. Lewis. Peter
book-keeper, pa.-scd through
town last week on his way home
fr.nn lykitto Montreal Can-id-i
tiomaMSittoMontual. Uui.ula.
15a Ker Citv
Towder river ha at last
run drv for the first time in the '
recoiiecuor. 01 int iiinuuii-
..ll-..?... rl.l1f..l-l?4
his absence.
John Leonard, while working ;
a fractious horse last week re- 1
ii-i i f
ceived a kick on the muscles of j
11 1
Ills' ill III. JIJ.Ull .1 III
painful wound.
Jlon. ('. AV. l'arrish made a
tlying visit to Burns Wednesday
last, return'ng Sunday evening.
He was present at the Page ex
amination on behalf of the pros
ecution. On the first page will be seen
the reixirts of the eountv clerk.
nbiriiT and trensnrer sbnwinir
snowing nowmncn ot tne peoples
money has neen collected ana ov
what "means it has been expended. !
r,, , i ri i ... I
do Til hv cZul ine
: .'Tn ' ii,. " K-l
11.. Ulll 4 I.V VU. All'. III! II
coniDleto stock of merchandise 1
in Eastern Oregon, and their 1
n-.. ....r. .. ...1 i-n r.t il..l,lir Intel tlf.CC
H1. 13 V". w .
win meet with your approval.
Mr. Victor Keller presented !
our agricultural editor with a.
half ounce onion last Tuesday, '
grown iu the garden of Mr.
Kidison on Rebel Hill. Said,
onion measures some one inch
and a half in circumference,
i i' . . .. . r : ..
...... .i i..w .-w . -
mi; f ! II mo CIiruM lll'l 11 CM IIS
i. i
Pare, who hilled Drown at
urncs was aoimtted at the pre-
l.minary exa.niuation. in the
r r ..ll .1... !.1.. ....I.
nice oi an ine e meni.- sm n .i
termination was a surprise but
this does not end it hy anv
fin .. n i i
means, i he maner win ue in-
vestir,ited by the next jzrand j
Owners of carbon mines ip
the creek have tigged a boriiiLl
apparatus and will sink fi'i bed
rock or a paying strata. If
their machine works in that
substance they cim sink "itt- .
ramdlv. and those interested
have faith that somethinn- may
i . . .
r. .l..... .......
be "broindit to lijjht," and we
have no doubt but they will
strike something coon to reward
their -labor?-.
Rroc. well.
we can t
pronounce the name, but the
gentleman who was sent out by
the" government to select the site ,
for the new land olli.-e came into
( iTniicUvvimnnirtluMmmtwl I
No danger, though, of the land '
ollice being located at this place,
A town that cannot support a
little hose team for the protection '
of property from tire seldom re
eeivi's governniental favors.
Maried, at the residence of
the bride's parents near Prairie
City, September U 1SSS, Mr.
G.D. Kickard and Miss Isabel
Wincgar, Co. Jndgo N. H.
M"axcy olliciating. The Nkws
extends to the happy bride and
groom best wishes for joy and
happiness, and in the pleasur
able event of acknowledging the
leceipt of a liberal quantity oi j
A ,.i... ..... i.,;..o th,t I
uu...s ui - "
nothing but joy may crosb ihl .
path of Mr. and Mrs. 1 lmck j
Rickard, but should troubles t
and cares be their portion may
they he only little ones little
troubles aad ws. :
II firnth of the Pity hotel hnd rest and something to eat lor a? -.sheritrs assessment " Peter 1 road rant forfeitures no
took a trip to his Warm Spring ' a asonnble sum. French's vast possessions in this : by anv of the grantees shall en
w,nt, fii;c,,.ni- rivT(J n,t uitAMTK. ...,.,. .irA ,lov, ..... t,A ...wv large thier right or chum to air
MtUVil ktllO II X t .. W lilllil- . jm. I lUlltl I ItlV WHU .' l. IVISI.(V - " , ,
, i i . i . . , .ii land- covered ov
tnnerinten( ed thf hord in SUDDiemental Report. nn .m i In, icencc.iv'a li.vil-s . , n
; Granite, Or., Sept. 8, 18RR. ;
j EnrroK Xr ws: Our little vil-
lagc is very quiet, amtougn irom
the smoke one would suppose
that there was a firey commotion
We need hotter mail facilities.
It sometimes takes 1 or weeks i
. , .. 4 I
get a letter to Canvon.
m u. , t. i.ri
Mr. m. (.raham ,s m Laker
undergoing treatment tor an af-
ff.ftinii nt tln !,ni! Hfisiv :
- ,
juimor lias it tliat tJie .Monu-
mental mill has been sold and
will soon be set in operation.
(iranite bids fair to be a good
camp in the near future. It needs
1 some energetic men to make a
move and keep it up.
The town was full of mosneet-
4 . , ' i
ors, experts and speculators last
imt n.!,., iw,i k.i..- lir.n.i
in rn, win ii iitu iiii.1 linn mi.!!
i i . i i
tjoiiig remains to iu learneo.
The Gabbel Bros, are receiving .
the njaehinerv for their new mill
and thinK the" saine will be readv !
for work bv the middle of Oe-
The S(
the wells in town are verv low.
The question is: What can we do
with no water and China whiskey
so bad?
Some changes have taken place
i i i, . i i i i ()ur hotel has (.lmnpt5,
hands, Mr. Doane having reiuov-
ed with his family to llowen. on
Cracker creek. Mr. it Mrs. CJal-
1 - -TX il. I.--..!- I 1 .
Kigcr ui .oriu tuik imvi niaic
now. ana me hungry traveler may
Of J. T. Mael. Cleric of Grant
county, from July 3 l.SSS. to July
1!; ow,n? J?. ly .
(. Dure and paid to .. H. IJtilev
. .i rr 1 , ,r
ciiif.i, t Itr. ri liner r.t ii.i,i-,9af f ! i. i 141. 4141. .fltlV. 11 V.'.IJI..!.
t i wi un. ,imn -i -i v""
k'nT-fl,,, VAnr." W .. .-1.7 i'.M ) '
.oiii: n. .T.eci nuui.
2 L'l.,i - . . t
l have ubout iiftv liead of l.u.-ks
ioi- aie: jLiioroumioieos ami
Grades. They aro in lino condi-
Will be found
at my Kanch
rviiwut an uuinS '".). Ti .',". i iiiuM-iu n i nil llliuif cif i,o.eil 0 Oil V UlMUil anil ICCOIU- ' ..1 , . . ... . JlHlKi'. or .It Ci.- .if Jilnkt-.v Ufwe thi-
ic i j j.,,. i ii.,. -J , r.i i against the department, and that e..r.:.u cik r v.nm e. i- .v::-wvi.n
are l.b pupils on record. , :f.f).()2.: horses and mules Id,- mg to the provisions of the home- n 1 . ClU .; :!Mlseje,,,r-i.i 1-4. ;J : .iuUs
i,r.i i, 11 h r,.. vo-i ....!., m no l Kti.Mil laws, and that the comuiu- ths" uose cart l:e returned to its i fi i.:i.son. ii ,i. K t. , t:. si: ,iHar.
with new des"ks ami black- y.lw 7o7 00- l-ee-i 10S )"S I tatum clause ot those laws sh:i 11 o net : tn:u the hose belonging to n,Wxk .,,r fti xV qar xw
v'dueSr,()-vmM'o--rv-,l'nel,,e i,,0P(-'nUivAV "iil the pending the water works be taken to the ."uoiSX'I&iu.,
weather is verv dry and (,t Tlll1i ....,., nf .,n nrnn V 11 V- i V ' "yurants mi piaceii toereasre- uf. ih1. n ....ima, j-.m tb.i.w
. i.cH. lotal aiue ol all piop-1 s.j. lie disposed ut. or until the .... , , , ,. iUut y.iv k iwm.rn.iiin.n.i-n,
three aides below John Day city. Brother Walter S. Sage, an earn- pons who have made home
Ternis Ueasonable. est worker and true Odd Fellow ; r.nti ios from exercising the
Jl Jonx L. Live. 1Ail ,tl.n (.:,ul(i uu.;lv fr0ln thin YUi to commute their entries
, r -., i
j Durkheimer it Co's.
We noticed John Deyine on
our street this weeK, looKing well
San Francisco's loss bv fire
last week amounted to over a
.... .
million dollars.
T 11. 1 i I. - I). 1 !
. v . nyi'd, ine i.urns nvery
spent a few days in town
this week.
Remember that J. Durkheimer
Co. have opened a branch store
in Canyon (.'ity.
The owners of property in the
jurnt district cf Maker City will
mostly rebuild at once.
.... .. . .,
i(.-n ii-o .ii ii i iin iimt? in t he
........... ... ...
.insane asylum at Salem, the
, lm-oost number ever known.
Ml, Ntnvan's -ad" else-
, . , . . j h
r '
to him for neatly-fittingclothes. '
An Irishman recently spoke;
i t i , i - '
rtf ., ,.i!, ii-lii-i ??i nvnrv
" ,,,,w ",,w .
way. but couldn't commit suicide
to save his life.
Win. Parker is said to keep
nine men constantly employed
in shoveling smoke out of his toil
road between here and Baker
( ity.
Married, at the M. F. parsonage
i)av. Sept. IH LS8S. bv ;
i .... t it v ..... m.. i ......
nev. ii. w oou. .ui. uuive
Me Kern ami Miss Leora K. Stone.
. ... . ...
all of Crant- county.
Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Levens.
oFCanyonviile. Douglass Count v
OreTon, father and mother of
the Levens Urns, William and
Henry, of Durns passed through
town Tue.-day on a i.-it to their
dovcmor Pcnuoycr has aii-
Ktfl J. A. umwr of prim-
vtlle, conn y judge of Crook eoun-
ty, to hll the vacancy caused by .
denth .t W . S A.
Mr. Sumner is an old resident of
crook county, and presented a
strong petition for the position.
The editor and wife acknowl
edge an invitation to the mar
riage of Mr. Marshal! 1 oung
and Miss Mary Chittenden of
Prairie City, which will occur
ext Wednesday eveni.ur at the
A dene, f W Carnen
iMdente ot Mi. . L. v .iipL.i- i
At this ollice can be seen a
splendid view of Mr. 1). B. Rine-
hart's "Poplar Grove" residence
taken bv our oonular artist Mr.
Hazeltine. The view is of
nj8 resj(junce an(j the scenery
Furrounding it. One would hard-
j,. suppose that such a neat place
as Mr. Hinehart's existed on thc j
foothills of Graut. wyoty. I
UimnOHS tWmVaclwl- and. or. -
lU,rs n)a(k. pinw, thp rovk.w .riven :
, X ynv, wwk
wrucr -o. i'l. i.ieiK, ' 111
and treasurer filed their reports.
which were unproved.
Order No. IS. The tax levy
. . 1UC!(, nfl of
for the vear lohv was h.xed at
11 '
12 nnl1 ,or county purposes and
, nm,
, (j,.n. !
' i
()nit.r .u. Irt. Hills amount-
ine to $r,,()fi:.SJ were rend and .
the clork ord re 1 to iue war-t
int. uuk 11111.11 . iu .. j
rants on the treasurer for that
Some of Ker Wealth.
Gran: countv s wealth, in taxa-
,i n,.niv.Hv it -mui-ir on the
me piopm . ..s n apijuu. o.i u
icci.KsniiMii ti fur mS i? us .
.v.." .... - - .....
.. . ... , 1.. !
loilows: Acres ol lanil
value 2S,liM; town lots 07.1,
value -t7.12.'); Ini)rovemcnts
-f-lOJ.'n : nnd im-
pl(Mnents -f li).r,r,0: monev. note.c
1 4 11 r 1 '
:,n(1 "counts and shares of stock
fiiv . I'.r."i ri'l.t I iwt.iKiwliu..;
T..4..i ,....,1.1.,.. :
iv .i.i;;u.s.s(i. xu. ()f polls TmO.
r.i . i . 1" 1 1
.ivtih it u-ilniit'l l' ilc i mIM I'iii hi'
, , ' 7. . ,l J
1,11 ' ,,ud v--1"-'""-
not show the ;
ntit. Ilwill. v1,, ,lwirK. i
. '
in the county, as a great portion
At ii ten? tiAt hnl hv in oC.
wi viv.i.m .v ...
sessoi and is tnereiore returned ,
In Memoriam.
To the N. (! V. ( I. oilicersaml
Members of Mountain 'iew Loilt e
V.. I f l I? .. n.irr.,,,
'Mi I. O.
.ma i. v. i . in wiiuuii,
Bros: Vour Committee appoint- ;
ed to draft Suitable Resolutions j
t(, (lnifl suitable Resolutions j
on the death ol our late In'o.
alter .age ri'specuuny suoinii
the following: "
iii:kkas. by a ilispensatioii !
,,f th. I'il-r of the Cniverse our "
staje ot action.
therefore be it
Kesolved. that by thc death ,
t of liro. Suge. this Lo Ige has sus-
taincd a serious los; the loss of j
one who was faithful in the dis-'
cluirge of duty and ever ready to
labor for the principle of the or-
. " , , ' l
Resolved. our heart fi It !
;jiu lain, cuci uui iy isio .iiyinvi
- .
aivi olh,.r n.i:.tiyCs, and that
copy of these resolutions be sent
..i i t . . i i . i
to them under seal ot the Lodge. -
j Resolved. That as a mark of J ,v (j,P .Supreme Court of the D.u-iin operate on itlier parties
esteem for our deceased Bro. the ' i;ni;,.d States by which .contracts having tlner ees straightei.-eil. I
' Charte- of this Lotlge be draped with the government are held to hn -Uy t-ubniitleJ nuxlf to an
and Rrolhirs wear the usual I r'u, llntin legally revoked by oper.tioa, wl i h was ipiiekiy ileiu
badge of morning for the space of romp,.u,.-,t authority and to iin- !y two oper.tions, a'U u! I u ith
thirty days, and that these reso-p.jrtheriHitsofeit..cns. Should 'mt 1,t l,; tor .! d mv y
ilutionsbespx-idupoi the minutes';, U. , arH.d into oliect it would oru m.d.:pei-luijt y .s:r.,-g it.
.,- I . 1.1 .
ol tins i.oM.'e and l ial a i iinv e
- -
furnihed the Cuant Cot n tv
Nkws !i.r i,uhhMiti..n.
c.u.,, :
UK". mii:aiiku, uommitteec. ;
I F Cl 1-ii-FlA
j.v?. 1 . v. i.r..i r.ii i
Prairie City. Or., Sept. lo, ISSS
XjiSi, Uring our Grists before
it fieezes up, as i- is too i-i.l.! then
to gnnJ tne v".
() C M1LLF1!
PraireCilv t.
A1I poisons knowing themselves
:,..ik(' ,1 tn ..... .vui ,.in..Dn nu
i i iu t. Liuii i tuu wo.iiou v, in
and settle at once. As T desire
to close un mv bitsmos.s m this
, ,.
tli'lfll 'III ril
place nil aeconnts must be yeltled
within two weeks from this date.
F. 15. KlXKAKal.., M . D.
Pn.iric-Citv, Or., July JU). 'SS.
W now have a full line of
Ladies' Furnishing (loods, Wraps
Ribbons, etc.
.1. Di KKii::!Mi:ir it Co.
I wiil pay the hih-;.st market
price tor Deer and her Hulos.
. II. C LALh.
ls i.,.yo ih , Or.
(;ri,(vril . wholesale prices.
at. I. Durkheimer A Co's
The latest returns from Maine
indicate a republican plurality
of about '20,1 it K), or about the
same as in 1 S--1 .
1 he partv ; which started mil i to
survey th( hue between I matilla
?,m1 t.nmt .-oiinliw purchased
Mitity of provisions and
u t..un,)in,T nut(it. ior which bills
to the amount of ahont -iOO
were presented to the comity court
by various
parties, creating some
consternation in the minds of
members ot
members of that honerable bodv.
Among thc items mentioned were '
sixteen bottles of piokles a pack- j
saddle and others of like charac- '
ter, These accounts have ail'
been continued tor further consid- .
ejaUoa. Eust Qregonjap.
; PcndingLegislation.-Mr. Holman.s
I 1ia Itrk-Ti 1 1 1 ? i ( if fill
mention is made of what
vn as the Public-
Jill, and ol the bill forlct-
lroad land grants, and it
1 lt.Hers
j j;, know
; Land Bill
:. .. , , 1 i i.
nig railroad ianu grams, ami n
was stated that neither would
! pas. both Houses of Congress at
; j ,)r0ct s.sio!i. Subsequent-
m, , ,
i101i uftn ,V101 hv ihr. 1 lon.-n f
.. 1 .. 1 .1
Kepresentatives, aim me opinion
L !he-v ;VoU,', n,.,t through
the Senate was reiterated.
, , , ..,04,1
f..l;ti:in seems to liavi-a-
rjV(.(l at a conclusion in harnionv
with those opinions, and has
adopted a verv unusual not to
sav unwise collie with a view
in so,.iirin.r bv susnensions the
objects he'feaVs unatminable by
the ordinary metiiocls f repeal ''i,, iu.nm.uui in.u.n ' " '," '-"-j oThK joki W,15
and straightforward declarations: 'rived 0:1 -aid subscription lo the V.'",1 0o",ntv- (h('0,, Iu,K u"' n '
.....:.... .
t lorleltuie.
On August lie inirouueea
-A njll to suspend all touch-;
ing the disposal of public lands
except the homestead law and
bv which it
or otl1? PPff; n. VLn "
1S I''uvull1 tljs,t tht; Phhc lands
of he VlM StaU.s sh.U ho dis.
mociMit c..sji,iii :C I lllf'niS nh'l 1 1
ulinuriK an.l that anv isnSated
or disconnected tracts of public
luce imii Hill 'Wri9 in.-iv In
i.i.i'i -
. . . ..
... for not less than Sfl..) jer
acre when in the iudiznient (,f the
('ommissioner of the General
! Land Office it would be. proper to
r , .....
do so.
That during and after
, loaUencv nt niosiuivs now
h,.(nvi, Conorcs relative to rail
io ran-
. i
act done
provision ue construed
to diminish or waive any right of
the I'niteil States to declare :i
forfeiture (.f any f the grants.
In a brief lett.a- like this v
would 1 e impossible to point mil
,, . 1 ... . 1 .! .1.:.
. oi nic errors ( iiioiacc'. in uiis -
propo.-e:l la
iw. In the first pbu-
violates well estabisbed legal -
nrineinles in attemptiur to ae
complish bv it
which has boon f(
indirection that
found imnos.-Jble
,,, do jn a direct legal manner,
v,.Yt 5t .,:.,; t-ik.-.a" (.. l.n-ent
).,. -h is vonehs-n fed to them bv
i!lu.s under which the entries
i)0..., j,,:u... IirU-nies to the .
pons (and their assigns) who '
f.,r waivers of leual rTtdits lo :
y:lhuM, ianis ,,'nvo :it.,,pt?,l tVo!n the government, the
. rur ii in iir:tie iu-!i serin in me
manner nrescrr.-cd ov law ami
I i i
i in, fornm ui fi tr reei lent s neiween
1111 H I 111? UI llhlU l.lim.-i I" 1,1,11.11
them and the government. It
undertakes to wipe out of exist-
,),,.. nf law laid dovn
l. : i..,.i.. i.i.. ii..
t j 1 1 mi .i ii. ii in ue. uiiiu, i i.i
pVl).,ive e0mmuniti.s of tie ;
Northwest, and interfere with 1
?r!V5 "fi,"!!i . " Z 1
.lmi Stnlf. ...Ki Territory iu
r- '
f i tin.,,
It would stop proceedings to-
wards "completing every entry
1...C 1.. .... ;..::.,f..,1 mi'hU-ihv
other tha i lh hnuit sie id law.
and nrobanlv cause the suspen- !
Kum of ivi.rk mm eeerv line ol" tin- :
i i . .
completed land grant railroad.
Tne' Commissioner, in the report
ubichhewill probably be ealid ;
. . . ... . . I
MMnl.n.,L.n.,,wbill -liouhl !
emphatically disapprove its es.. ;
.. 2 4 11
'i i i'i ii ii 1
. , , i ni , '
lir. Scott's celebrated Klectnc
(orsets at agents price-, at -L I
inirkhciUHM- &li- J
v T, '
To AI.I. ritlKNOS AX'. - iTSTo.MKH:
on the night o! M-pt. otn our :
entire stoeK and buildimr.s were
entirely destroyed by (ire. We .-t all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to its to come for
ward and settle at once. Do not
delay, but come forward and pay,
as money we must have.
D. P.. FISK. Agent. Prairie City.
I ivt'l lio nf .Iriliii Inv .iliniir lin.
. ..... W ..V ........ . . l..,V VI.
m,i e r. ... .. i. . . ".. t
loin oi reiiiemoer wu. a c mice .
,.r mm., :...,m.M,i ii: i
,llM.cfori Bulls aml l;llf lwwl
,iIM.IlfM1(1 n fA. Un.
ttin at,d Aberdeen Angus Dulls,
1?or , sm:1 alsf) wiH , - , . ,
,nt (lf Tlinrnn ,,,,,, c,,,,,,:,,, Mn.
,.ino .....i ti.h, . ni ,,
Merino Bucks for salo. Tlioso :
Bucks aro frcin the enlehrated
K0?.h Band.
I would like
nartics wishing
either Cattle or Bucks, would cal
and take a look at my stock before
purchasing elsewhere, as I ki.ow
they w ill suit. I will take horses
for part py on the cattle
.y vu me cattio.
CIJII11 .414.-
Minutes of last Fire Co. Meeting.
At n IWIilnr filliul mnnfinirnf!
. the I . ( . ! lie Dent. hi'ld mthe.
- ...
Cotirl liiills'.' n'l Svd "imhrt V r vAnitxr
f ...... -...w - ......ri
s Jbllowing
, H , ,
,,rj ,R M"L .
. N'ls l'iv3.. ,n the ,-hair:
, quorum .t utvuums juvsom. The
, ouoruiu i memocrs present
i ste. bfin;; absent Ifugh Smith
' . ni ' " . " . " '
was ;lPl"'1 P' tosn.
; , Holey pro,ent,l the s
serintion list eireulaied for i
v ' l O-
pmposeot raising tntv to pay
off the claims against tl,e Dept..
, 4, . ,
and t(r the purchase ! :-eesarv
sPi"!P"- ll appran:if thai th.-
same was insutlicieni to meet the
need of llie tvimpair.' it was or-
I,.r-I fli-rf tb.. list 'l ,. ivn.r.inrl
. . .
a m " u,f ""' -
respective parties. Motion was
then made jind carried to collect
thc lnol,pv
: .
" A0 l)r;'5
s on hand in the hands
sent treasurer and the
! Ialanee in the hands of the lor-
met- treasurer and use the same
IV. 1. it..., 4l I.:....
mi. '.tviiiLL ui iiji: Liiiniin
mmittoe ap.wnted to ctrry out
the order of the foregoing motion
onsHis of ('lay Todhunter ciiief.
A. 11. Groth and F. (.'. Sels.
Motion made and carried that
this fire department be dissolved:
that ii we adjourn we adjourn to
meet again at thc court house on
Q... iirrli
next, Sept. 22. at the
Krtl. o irti..l.
iium ui v i iuu.1 u. in., tu la tm-
iiii- ii-j;uil ami iiiv ifi-fipia ui iiif
committee and effeci the dissolu-
1 un ii ii. tin i iu.-f ii ii : .i . i ur
r tion of the fire deoartment and
i'.., hose team. The meetimr thm,
' '
Tally i wo more lo Drs. Dar-.
rin's Carl Load of
1'. i.r.i t!u-'.,-ni.-i! .
Di Sir: Some mouths
ago I vs injure 1 by a fidliag ;
live. w:i.-h p'rabzed til-1 hhmcIp?
of tlic limb ami eonttaeted the
cords. In thii hopeless condition '
1 cam.-? m lis. D.urin. and throtiLdt
their skillf.i: admiaistrations of
eleeuicity 1 r.m cm od, and left my
cir.tchcV with the doctor. lean
bv referral t at Ilnlbrook, Or.
.!. n coitxFLiors.
R n SS K V KS MAD K ST H A 1 G 1 1 T
1 have been cross-eyed Fir over
thir.een veaiv, b dh eyes b-Miiar
.. ... .
turnetl in. After witncs-in Dr.
j una aiso a oiaii jruwi i, oi a
. .1 i .i l :
J1' ,r
to .It nnv tiiiif'- at I
" aterat,,,,, b-tweoa William
)' . 'I r...
hum .oeau Mici;, i ui.iiiiiu, i-'i.
i.i.vt)- i.
Jl I'.iN l 1 lii .ll'..
OlTICKUOt (ISAM. I'l. f'K Ol' l'.I -.INTSS
'Hie doctors cm bo consulted at
Fifth street, corm r of .Main,
.. . ....
i'ort Inilil. Irom Id to 4 Uiiliy; ove-
mn-js - to .s; Sundays. IU In L.
All curable u ironic ihsenses os
ot manhooi!, blood taints, syphiilis,
.rlsw.t rr ,....-llw ..I cl I'l ft 1 1 I'll SJ'l-l'.
, g.I10rlll( e:l Stricture, Sp.T-
m.-Uon l.o,i, seminal wetness or
loss of dc sire or sexual power m
t imii) or woman, catarr i ami deal
n'-ss, are coaliJentially an l sue-
t IT r
ce.s-fnllv treated. Cures of jirivate !
,fawnee,L riUl-iv
sent ,Vt.e 'yoiit ,.asPR Cllll 1V(.,.ive
i,.u(. treat meat afier a viit to the
iloc.or's office.
lis. I)ai rin have a branch nfi'ce
w.llla j, We whGre ,h v
, rnRliod at the Siiue"
j House.
' To All Whom it May Concern. '
; 1 have appointed Mr. .John 11. i
Rlakemv dulv authorised Agent
during mv absence from Canyon
Sent ."V 1S.
! noticf.
If you are indebted lo uh either
, 1 M Account or Note, please call
!ind s;rttle.
mi . ... v. n
. . , i .. on
Mount ernon, Or, Aug. 20. .vS
l 'VI l.i' " iv
rv, wnj ty t' c iiilsaM'arU r 5o
S.iito u..iUi "-I by ',. sUW-n
",v. iu:.Ul, ii'K .iry mmliRg
C sc-jvi-rLs ari n flo n' ii." .-a.cur
;nrt of Is V.'ion. Su:i-..i;ip:iily.
- u !-3.-rrr.ii.i'il, :! i i'-.vanal.'lr lr i
.I'l" Oil- WtiO t U lK'CIl 1.CH. HO.J.S llllll'lhhl Si .t.'7T il UlUl'lS is 11
1'icM.' t'iu. M.'i.'iW rriKUcni'ir m w in-
i I ii:.w.-i. Hii'i !. o' l'n.i: u-K u:e
. '. .. n fit' m
.IIXkI ifflSW
i. ..I f. V ... ------- n - - -
,.. re-.lir.VMt I.,- tK- i.Ht m ti .: fr thc 'M
. . . .. . . , . ... I trill
... u-hirh -:.-ti-(i t i; fiii .t-" KlilCllOll
.a ir r!iimni..-m, ..yifylit, I
....... llc. r c..iii;.ir.t!i;. .lli.IHv. .tl-
. "m .lii,., imimiwS ibu i
! iwuu vf iUiinJ;;J tvA ftjttBatsw.
J W1J1 SMll ApilCS Oil If.V l?neH
! .TO I.. . -
! I ,
en ac .-jcts caon.. .iso inegnr or
. r',M. 1 tl i :...;.. f
1UU1, IIIIU 4111 nill'1 i f "IJlilMU'M
' for .sule :it reasonable rate,.
ianch fnllr IIlUMs ,.,,,mv
(ilv, on Tlio Dalle, mad. '
j, oni,irsllfl whh () p
nt(' nvon ("'itv r..Mr.v ,..,
nt ( nyon ("'ity, will receive pr:npt
Ym Ltr:-.
i. rr... , i .
sin with the ,lftt ISJft ,-nt
the shell ,n its b.4:.
....'. v
'Somtsi.n or(fti'snj...nir
o:n:u is here!-;- -;;ven :!;;:t tl.e .
Co-partKfr.shjp l.eretoforo cistiijj!
bm ween the un Jers.ueil, nmler.
; the firm no of liaTnmn
-" v T " '
(.'ins TlMMS.
-v-"ir' 1 uju 1.1 ti iua 1 iv-s.
m u Ur
Lsiitl 0 Slice at I-i (irarxii!. Or
iMmi.t M-tti.-r iuj mti.p .if h.union
w.e Iliml liur in Miiwrt .if ht trfain. aiwl
tnai -.aiu troI v 11 lj mji.ij l. r .n- thr futn-.-v
i -a
IIKNUV iM.sIlU !:r, Ite,i-.'tjr
XO nC:-: FOIl PL' U Ll : TION
Jjn.l Ofiivnt L Ontnilf.Orejron.
, v , . A,,!-Tt:,t,,r2"
s Notice is hrri-Vi 21 v. . iHj l ih'wiws-
I iiMmi-dsiUl.T ho-'l-eil uu?:.-. t.
; KaroS SnTti riS:
e! rk of ( Cuiifitv. nr 1 j.i 11 1 , . Or.. n
lisriiiiior siM, iM5. v-z : 1:11 i.i a j. u.i. i) s Nn. !!. ?. ivM,.:(?,:,ftr7w
u. m s i.if sw .Ut.v-.-u Tr.i. s it.
li w M.
H iittiues tlip followln.' wj: e m prcv I.
iar.a. vii; u-..r r. -r.-R .i .un h s-jw-
. V"- ,'.:,,JV "'""'T: Mjrp-.r. ;i
i.on; i recK, lir.n: ,(.. or.
oj.2tf hknkv hi.KH.r.
.. '.
Market St.. San Frcincm-a. Cat.,
s in town, prepared t take your orders iov Ckhrnjc f any kiwi.
Workmanship and
Mr. Xew.tan wifi rem tin in
John Day and i'r.iiriv City during
elothing can liie! bim at t!v Cilv
armi , 71 1., "V. RU ' si H H
fi Word to the NeivousZZg.
, healthy boy has as many as you,
.jlc diffcrcnCc'betwcen "sick" and
Why don't you cure yourself?
Zelcry Compound will do it. Pay
ifc once more. Thousands have.
Will sell you goods eV,qr than atly other bou.e in Duhtt Cif.
-Tiiv carrr
Full Poller Flour. .
Good Itonst Coffee
Choice Japan Tea.
Parlicw wishing to Jay in their
b v " " - - - -
itnd tanniine ,'oods mid e
io tail l
Tiir One i Kjitoa. T, Jcs. 1SS3.
SnScta c jut wtU. Nari.tsU hit to eit
Jf waj curtJ by 8t Jari Oil Ho rrtum
TEK MASTIIf. 3 .MiuitliS. Dtytoa. thio. JiarSS. HSi.
3.utt. ur VbttUiif 2t Jaoli Oil (utrj bj
"J sn.ii.u-
, "
InrlcgUo. I.'l liar IS. 1)9 j.
thru rar ru. curt Tit
Attn cllh Kan!r:a ta h;J .-.3d foe :d dart. a. trlra s: Jco3i Mi-
Culuabtu. Ohi. Mar J9, IStt
rrd with Naia:jlt rr amy nin:
Jii Oil; It lvr4 reM.f aod SaHy
I w at Jli Oil; It dvr rMf and tUiMy
.' soph : a rrtirrs
' yucnl, " D1 Aa
i An Ulii.o.s wuiictii. nliHiv-
0 eais 01 age, is re .art eti sis
grown ner unni et nt
r-' if
Full i tilleige C' Also Vie:i ami Liternrv ('nurses.
. 7 cailnn ic Jh' pari in o
. pr;j ire tin- an- loitege. f.r :ach
: in;; or luissiatiss. Stqjerioi C u-
i rvror.v of Musie, Instruction in
; Al t, Kloflltioii mill Modem Ln-
' u'iages. Elov. n professors nad
. . . n(. , . ' " ,
toactltrs. l'JU RtiUleatS. J.!(ll3
,':5'll- ! Vo..i.g men's 1h.11
lf illj built.
i, 11 'i' c 1 1 j- t
I Ipnn pens September 3d,
Write for Catalogue to A.
, .." , .' ,A 1 i( s OJI'
- nut -n jium at., u turn aia.
W. T.
7i. -Xeirnan.
IK. t or-
Fit fuliy G;i?.rsn6ed.
town a f-v d- vsionlv. nm wiii
th.- trip. All who psh rs:-f-!s.
Ib!!. fur the tre
but he doesn't know it. That is
It is easy. Don't wait. Paiac's
your druggist a dollar, and c:;jcy
Why not you?
Proprietors, Burlington, Vt
fc !
a fid! 1 1"
25 cents j-r pond.
. l2." cents per pound.
Winter Supplies will Savo Moy
I ft
our prices before buying
1 MM
TH T3 T31 1
Salcor City, C?eg.