Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 20, 1888, Image 2

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    -C' .-
') V) !;( A curious and characteristic
(jTdlll UO. .Cil-S ' letter ol" .Ilion AWlev. hearino;
r:.BMSUKn i:vki:y Thursday
September J). .SNV
dale of .lune l L 1 1 i., h:.s heeu . AtB (ff'i faTM f
discovered lv t lie 1 1 istoncal
Manuscript Commission among ;
the family papers of the Karl of
Even the chineK- have eaudit . Dartmouth. It is addressed to ; - -the
baseball fever, and they have Lord Dartmouth, at thai time,
carfanized a club nt Ma.rvsville, secretary of the state for the eolo-
.Auction !
1 888
nies, and is an
At Long Creek, Ogn.
We will sell at Public Auc
tion to the highest bidder
Robert ;". lugeril ask SI.-1 pnionnte protest againi the
000 as a retainer to argue the , war in America. -All my pre-n-.
i t 1 indiee.-hiys the writer, -are
suffrage case before the United . against the American, for I am '
.States supreme court. ; ;l high churchman, the son of a
Vermont aiXai7i7have been lgh ehurchmnn. bred up from !
heard from durum the last few ! my childhood in the highest no- ,
days in their state election, and tions of passive oliedienee and ,
the Republican majorities have non-resistance. Ami -yet. in,
been increased several thousand. snite of all my rooted prejudices j without tiny rcSEU'VO, Our entire :
Goldenson, hc wretch who 1 (-,ot nvoi( l.king. ifl! stock of
murdered his sweetheart nearly j think at all, that they are an op- j
I 1 1 1 ! it. 1
two years ago, paid the penalty j pressed people asking ,or oui
of Ins atrocious crime by hang- ; g orc than their legal rights,
. 1 It 1 l' IV . ... 1 .1... - . . ,1... ..,. .1 tk..t.l.t.f 4,111
mtf last rruiav m .mii rran- ami maim tnc iuum :uimoi nuvi
, inoffensive manner which the na
ture of the case would allow.
I 'nt waiving all considerations
! of ridit and wrong, is it com-
A congressman in a striped
flannel shirt and no vest occu-
house of representatives one day ! s t0 usc fom W1"51
'week before last, lie was from , the Aineicans Remember Re--
Missouri. j hobonm. remember Phillip II.,
. , remember Charles l!" St.
iiiK preacher who married
. .i T..1- ... i .lames dnsettc.
Lora iseiie reiiowsio ine inuiaii, j
Choska, has been overtaken by j An obitury notice in Utah j
i l- closes touehiiudy. "He leaves
u retributive mowing machine ! Llu. ,
, 1 . i r thirieen widows and mty-kmr
and sawed into a poor quality of , ., , .. t
mince meat.
A:e., ece.. iS:c.
Anctio,, commenc. on 1W j p A TRIE CI TY A' CAN YON CITY, OREG ON.
jdny, September 4, 1S8S, at 1.0 '
o'clock A. !M.. and will be eon- ; - - " ,r
- II
The Persian Minister on his
way to this country is lost and
no one can find him. His name
is Iladjo llassein Kanli Khan
Metahmed El Vassari. If any
body has seen the name with a
Minister attached, please report.
I 1 mi i3 a r r m rt M ! r TT
1 Mill!
1 11UUJ U11U 1 UUUUU J
We respectfully invite the public to call and inspect our large
Stock of General Merchandise, and learn our prices.
ZlM lifter until the entire ao,-k
the county poor of Grime co. ) , js Soi, "Durino" and between
Sealt-d proposals will be ' , ...
received at the office of the county these nuenon sales, we will sell
clerk untd 12 o'clock n.. on Mon- j positively at Wholesale cost for
day, tbe "ah day of November, , ,
lHS, for thoi'.tri, sujp-.i f, metbcftl , CasH.
licatnicat, bo. id. ciothaij? and , i ,mf,Tni,m. tl,k is a bona lide
We have a full stock of goods, and are prepared to fill any
sized order.
A hot-headed idiot in Parkers
burg. "'et Virginia, shot and
L- 1 1f wl ttrn i'c!-oif,illf fitiypn; nf lMi1rinr nf i li r rnnntv uoor i,lld all
rv, t ii t ' j i..-iivihv - , ' ' i I , . .
, t , l 1 .... I . 1 ...... I ,.-, I, ,i iv l,t,r
UIl'JU JUItU anil. llJ un""Ll5
therefore come and sernre bar
pull hemp fi'r hir- ntshness and vemliCr, 1;,S8, excepting the two I rrain
,,ur goo are sold e"; j'q want your trade I
that place for hurrahieg for j lf"s h ? Je cl-l.o ooun
t n ! tv charf.s for Grant county, for
t;ievelHiui. lie win ceruimiy .. w,. fnit!1 ,i,0 Kth dav of
As to quality of goods we guarantee everything just as represented..
take n1) his well earned abode j Ued "Willimu.s bovs, who arc other- '
. . . . , -i , - Alter
Jas. 1. M.kva., Uerk. . v.-ill sell at auction, 1 l'avlor set: ;
The totnl nuiiiher of vetoes
sent to congrCfeS by -Mr. Cleve
land since he became President,
is 23b la'ing eight times as
many as sent by any other Presi
dent! ami more than twice as
many as sent by all liis predeces
sors'iu the President's chair.
SlMMOXS. , H Bedroom sets: Dining Room
In the Circuit court of the State ot and Kitchen Furniture; H ouse
"v r .. " . ....4.. !
uregyn wv umiu c muj. ; . . , ,
for sale cheap.
uaviu i.iawner, um. ) ; A. 1IIRSCI1 P.KRCUNr ( n.
To David IJrawncr. ilefeiulftnt
above narncHl:
n the imine of the State of Oregon:
Von are hereby required to an
Millie Drawntr. Plff..
Yours Truly:
1 The Leading Merchants of Prairie City and Canyon City, Oregon.
I .oust Creek, Oregon.
Jn il.e Circuit court of the State of
Oregon for Grant county.
John S. Deviii", Plaintiff, jf
M1u buck bum- of summer i
..... r wear and answer the complaint
oroKon. ith cnfcebksl iuree . amnsl von iu t, e ftn.
she will continue, intermittently titled xuit on or beftnv the first
f.. .. r.v. ...-.,,... ,., I. lnu-inrr flnv lf tl'O 11PM rt'liul ' ! tel UJ of
, ,. , r saiti i ourt tor siui county io-wii: i h-uuiin uevtne, j-iciKiam
up the bellows to the furnaces. . MonJjlv XoV lt?NiH , . St.linda
.But her energy and vigor are You 'will lake notice that if you Devine, defendant: lathe name
one. and the few sniteful eiforts fait so to aunenr and a-iswcr, for of the Htat" of Oregon ou are
'she will be able to mane can be want thereof the plaintiff will take , hen
ir You Come to Baker City Go lo the j J. C. WELCOME.
Great XXL Store! saddle & harness maker
Burns, Oregon.
but of short duration.
tions up to date there will ftll yt)r u decree 0f said Court d s- 1SSK. the same being the iiiv.t dn
remain in the Cuited States solving the bonds of matrimony, j of tic regular November Term
Whcr-i von wid gpt the lliggest Bargains for Half the Money as any
other plain. We are closing out our Kntiro Stock of
Coods in all departments You wdl get
more goods for all cU than t.r
1 at any other Store in Kastein Cregon.
t I
hereby commanded to appear in
judgment against you for tl re- i th above named com! mi ! answer
lief deinan-led in the complaint ' the complaint tiled nguinM. you in . . . ..4. r i Anf I 3nci n cr (Tliif- 11 i Has iust received a Full Stock of .
. . u . ' filed agdnstvou in the above en- i the abuvc entitled suit on or l,,, ; Closing uui,, wv, - - CSLVER t HL AID BITS 3 n d SPURS,
Arn-K paying all appropria- ; : , ie -th (1 of Xovt..nbt.r formerly l- ! H-VfcK
i ... .1 ...111 .illl 1 . . . . 1 . ..,.! . .)0 llieil S Willis ,11 C (, IOI lilt 1 1 V ' - ; ,, t- U . ,1 fipnnt f nuntV.
25 men' Suits at 8S.HU; formerly 15. j Which will be Sold 1 "heaper tnan w u.Cu 00.
1 ,000 pairs men's pants $.1: formerly Sli. . - .. , . . f,.twi :,, rt-f
r,0l) point men's fine Calf Shoes Si'. In; $3. j r A Full ami Complete Line of is foand in a
1. 1 1
... . .11. 1 1 now uxiMiU" u;teeii .jiuiiiliii i.ii
Treasury seventy million dol- tlt,feIu.ljt
lars of the peoples money, col- For the care ens' oly and con
lected from them in taxes use- tn.l ot the minor children the
lusslv and hoarded not only with- . jf t:f ;nninaSe vi.: I nv:d
, . , . . 11 , IJriwiser and Obvo Urawner.
out reason, but detriment ly to , M pnr the eostsaud disbu.
the business interests ot t lie ',- r,r .,, ! r,,.. Sllj.
liSHS of said court, and it von fail
,o to appearand answer the plain
till will apply to the court fr th
relief puayed for in the complaint,
to-wit: for a decree of said court
dissolving the bond1? ot matrimony
existing In'twe.
defendant ami
Here is a Stunner for You :
To dozen Ladies Undershirts each 25 cts; formerly 7.1 els.
jbst) (jLfiss) Harness) Jhop.
11 the l.laintiff ami 100 doci Ladies' Hose each 15 cts; formerly 20, 2o and HO cts. Ttnidov Srnmo
for the costs and f,0 dozen Lulies' fine handkerchiefs 10 cts each; foimerly 2-1, to 35 eU.P l?ro 1 ' l S
.$H5 00
.8 5.00
. . ! . r 'l . i T r . ? c.. i-v - -1 ii 1 1 1 1..... ....1 rtfl I
other and lurtner renni 111 iiic ; uioourscuienis 1 saui sun, aim 101 . . pieces nummcr urcss iioous iigat snaues o c;.s r o, iuiuicim uv. Water I ilv
A" memises to coaity may pertain. 1 such further relief as to the court , , . . Uv. - , 1.'.. , :n, cjn.i.ll..e
An honest farmer, on a cold ' This suma.ons is published by iu equity, may seem meet. You ; J 'IliS IS (I- (JrVC-at Leader III -nUHC-llSC JjaVSai llti. I uipu.aiuL.,, 11....
winter day, found a snake lying " irn- h V- ln.Julge will imlhf.r take notice that this Great VcduC-S for the hast JMoilClJ, Extra Snados and Spur' ilo welts for llcnaira. kept constantly
... : , T of sdd iVnrt. summ;u : published by order ot ,7. Dncinn Hnl Qolol !...,.... "l
liCUUirKinir , -n 1 oa,.,.u,. 1.1 icsi ' fi W V.'nlL-nr .To.b.e nf . " ' " ' lUJlllu uui ju.w on uaini. .
Full Stock ot liucKie ami rtjmr v. .oucinv- -'
to himself that he was not so
stupid as he looked Ire dis-palch-
surnm-m is published by order of
Dated September 11, 1WS. . ihe ilon. O. . alker Judge of
C. A. Swi:fk, j paid cotnt. "Made and bearing
Plaintiff's AtUu nev. , date the 5 dav of March lb'SS.
I'airisii &. t'ozad.
Plaintiffs Attvs.
niikf Hnal tHtJl in MJlitmrt
. Mcaiu. niMltliai -nW nr.-.f illl. wmlebfforc . A land of ShCOl) Ii.OOO lioau
ed the reptile with his boot. XQTICE FOU PCJJ3 LI CATION.
On reach in' home, ho noticeil . tHdoreati.inwniic. orrtrow. !
' S.jt 7.
iii ve-ttM'dsiv s niiWMamer a lare 1 xj i n-br ivi ta: tnr fouovrini'
ill talUUJi . wowoupi-i ""pi f(RmM j,.,. fliort notice of hw lit:rnU'.
reward for the aforesaid snake
The Great I. X. L. Store, Baker City.! I'M"1;'
. .....w.w ... Vvi J B S 5." IV 1 III. '' I3II llPilk .li.
Vsvt- AM .5.f'tio' - "
lie sure and send us an order, or come diuct. It will pay
One trial is Sufficient.
if returned iu good order to the :l"ln;t i :rT'n. . Perfectly free from disease, good j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
mueuin in a neighboring town, b.own.'i tHif..7nriiwN: kKnftr!i.i wooi producers, averaging about ' umi om at u orHmie. onr.m.
'lids fable-tenehes farmers that .Ur ' rounds each. Range in Bear ; Kot5wh ienIlv ulvclllIIo,;im.
tlnv itrst i-t no befon break- , .1 : ,UJ ' va rv, Urani coun y. ur., and . iwiije.i:thriisiiir.iiiotii.onioriiit.nti..i.t(.
Ijir Mini red the" dvertimcuts. '" ''. ri ,l,r" '- fTT, h'''1',1, ' l;nMvvn ,l? t,,' ( uwt MMiro..fuiin.enu.i(. ifor.- the ciik
. 4lK " V w uXrU..nU.l-.i..M M- h.-.y. al. !)- v, lv , , jiny VND OF SHEEP. ! "n Urtv. at Cnny.m City. Or., ct. On..- !
if tWv W.ilit Ji ktVti III Wl!ll - .. . ..." 7. . . . 1 , ki ' IS.V.. viz: M. F. MfKl.I.Kl:. OS No. ;
. 11 IIFAHV R K A r. i:-'.tcr. I V , I inmilirn h'ini ov 1 1 i 1 1 ...... . " ..- , ....i if.
-3 . ......... ... . --- ti ,11 im. i,,V' ""hiij " ..i... t . .:. .or Irf .... ni;ii., i, 1 n i (
v - - -
the jtj'oees-ion.
Iu another eolumn v.e ub!is!t
iljc mhu'.tes of the last meeting
of the Canyon City Fire I)emH-we-nt,
which explains itscjf atid
is Vvilhttl full of unwelcome facts
which coic cro tin biisine men
if this place.
tlend, or aiwul so. for the
enterprise among our
who do not realize the
from tire Mhich they are in at
Lu.i l 'ttuv af L oran.l.'. Oregon
H-i l'--s.
Nirti.eia rjl, that tie' foi.ortlns
iwa . 4.'ttcr h' fl!-l ii' KI- inl-nti n' 111 ti i'fmi in Mip It nf l.w -.aim. atitl
Out i-ro-t iU 1-f i.irt.l Jforv C'ountv
cif.iiUnut ('ini'itv. Or., t i'iibvum city
of Il1e.11, on reasonalile terms.
For Partii-ulars emptiro of H ac
tonstai.i. iSc Daut, John Uav, Or.
nor. ec M.Tp IS. S It Wi. K.
: i:aif. the foMnwin? witnesso- to prmu ,
h-r r tttit',oiM ruIIutu-c upon, culthiitinii i I.iihI Amlrcw Aiidcrsuii. Frank ( i
1-ii.Ur, AiUm, of Mt Vorii ui. Or.. :uuf
John .' thnlKIt. .r Cniiy on City Orwron. I
it-Ct 1IENIIV KI.NE1IAHT. lUuUttr. '
.Sifi5 k v
Just Received, a (ieneal Assortment of Fresh-
Or.. Hit Oct:cr it. in Wll.I.lAM Jl. i V,.' V- M . M V.
lie cmpany is 4 tms. oz: i-h e itxmiu, wia-.a
1 will Sell Oood P.riek at SlO.Od
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j Ofllce at La Oianil". Orccon. I
Atiguot 7th.. Is?. I
Notii-o iri hcrchy uhca that thu follnwiiij:
naiiipil sltIiT has lllcl notice of I i intrr.tiou to
pominntc ami make iliinl oriof l-i siiioit oft
hU M: lia. ami that snlil jiriMif P.! I.o iiuul. hefore I
c to- C O c
i. I r,,. A'..r.l. li.n ..n.-f the C.mnir U Icrk of tiran: comity ore;t. at
1 ll!.. iai V HMul I.J.u I II ....- imUXlli'l Illl V HDII. lilt.- ill-M ,. .'. i- 1 ,.1 .1...
lack of ,,w,,:;,v'r.r;:'!!,v.,....,.n, . : sixtv divs, near Prairie Cttv, Or. kkRkm n'a. tauku, 11.1 x.. :i7.c. for the ,
. . -'' iin.iu m.,r.Mu.i, , - - . . . . , , N W .liar of NW . 55 tliUf "I ltll.. .
Citizens, .,viiin-.- A-a-v.-. , ;.(. :.'.V itmr ot s iinr., i.i, . 1 1, u .
'vi"nt? 1 n....,...: r p.nnC:i,,.i.i. Pi-ovln mi v. w m ' -
fhmwef .. J . . ..... II. name the I.Oiowni witi.hM t-iiir-.e.
0 1 S. IjihJ tf. L Otwiil'. Or. ScM. i. lvvS. : I a.VIltJK UITV, I Ml., AUgllSt Id, .'O hii tontimioiH roldence uimii, anil cultivation :
FJ.YJ'J TEAF 1 in ported direct from Japan.
! Will Sell at Reduced Prices For Cash-
! rrv, ,. niI, -u0 i( Id at cost, and helow cost.
II 11 SULtZi.
('Hniliiit haiihs lirt-ii inturl at tht-i oWicf
In UK ItTII i:i.l.i: llll .1. . WOIAKY. 1 ,-.-ni.Trn,T.'Hrt-il' TVPm.Vtft'AnL"
this the most dangerous season fJr i-Mtn hu hmmu1 i:ntr No L 11 oiuviv 1 1UJ,
, . " ., 41 .l;v a. Iis".. i;ion Oh' N'ni,t SI.! Sh. v.rT.., 1 l it i T
of the year. No set of men will n'. sw ,'tnr.. .-b Mir w .,uar. .siion I "iTO TlCh is herein- that l
i.. TWHhit. 1. a an- w W h. iH ;wnt Uumity IB j,ave appointed the follOWlltg
wl:h U'V hi the CHn.'-llatioi. of mid mitry; tr ,
the -nil )wrti herein Mimioomil tonjic r ti:lUTCl perSOUS a.S til V iJCJiUlie.'", 17..
t. sitiil I.1111I. WilliHin Luce. Chariot I.uc '
1 .loliii lM. orcaon; c oritur, rat MiiKsm-,
f Cnoii Vitv. Oroson.
21 i I IIKNHY Ill.NViHAIlT. HL;Utt r
work so hard at a lire as an or
; 1 1 .1: .. 1
gUlllZCl Ul.o uiM-iiimiuii ty 1 1 1 - altMsrt,,ee iitl.- ;.rl .'at of NorctHlHrr l-.
Tiany. The Ni;w cucourares w oVi,.k a. m.. to rcNmmi ana funiUh
jiuiij. . ' n t.-stimtm) c-'ini-erHiiix' "alI a!lvpd rfl-Ji.iU'ii-
'vovv niitoriiiMM! for the heiieflt m-m. am! M imrties arc timber iiotifloi!
I, , ,. ... . that J. T Miu-I. I'omitv C
M. S. Kcenev
Warren Carsner
-1 , ,
Clerk Ormit C.. Orez . .lOUIl UlUV
Of tUe UC'Oplc, and dislikes tO SCO 1 In.! l.Si.ttil lo take te-tiroony in the T.,lj,j ( Lnco
any fail, and u?t as sure as the ( ij.isst. at m o'clock a. m. Geo. II Hrown .
,,..,,ri1n ,,f f,,,vm Cttv 'lllnu- Srrvio of tins notice! he ma.J ; 1 jiiib- p,,.... "R.,
people ot t.nmon n '"'ou . li hJIU lhtfHMfr, wcat.;vevUH.kt ,,, tht. i em ttuiiieiioitt
this lire company to dishand iru,.t count, n, w. a weekly laup.r mib. Y. 13. Peterson .. .
LaiulOfllco at lj(;rmlp. Oregon.
- is,.-
JjOU'Jf I l'C'Oiv Notiv i hcrebv trlveii that the foilowiny-
W-irrnpr iwtncit .ettlcrhsj liliM notice r.flhli Intention
' ' "V, ;o niRkc final proof in nupjmtt of hU claim, anil
. . IlUUilItOh Uiatiuld p.of ulll 1m: uiA.le lieroro the County
11 n trk of ISrant county, nt Canyon City. Or-on,
. JOLI1 IJ."J ,fno5t-JWri.lbs. viz: T. C. UANDALL.
Rile OS No.SOSO. forthe Nhalf SE ijuarantl n!f
" "ri' ' NF. tK..r Jec a.., T p 15. K 30. K.
. .. IJiewsey Ho rumoi the fo'ilonln? wltnei.- to prme j
Unlversily ofOregon? j
Next session begins on Momlav CANYON GITV, IMAY 14th, 18SS
the 1 tii of .September, '
Free scholarships from every '
county iu the state. Apply to j
vnov Cnii!it.v !
" t . r' C.; ' namea ?ettler has filed notice of lis int
i iiui viMiiaci. wi.iaoit.iii, wit-i- .,. f,,.-i 1)rn,,f
Lnd ilfllec ' The Dsllei. t)r:on
. .. . . i . - t .
juiy jjui., lots.
Ijind othceat La ilniule. Oregon.
AU" 2o, lsSi.
N'otics is hrcb- riven lh.V. the following- t. I.v.lir c-lfnn f!llf thn folIiivrlniT '
..UUl.t .... - . . 1. - .,.. I M..n
i Jlleu notice u: 1 1 ini.'imuii iu i ubiu rcmt-i un ...... uu iU,wo,.uu
iii suppoit of hi rlwtn, aiwl j to make final proof la up;Hrt his cUlm. ud
III .,.;. Iu l.nfnr.. J T. Mrl ! tlljt ifclid ufOof U'Ul be UIU'JC heforc th! Clerk Of
anvi.ll ' U"1 to.. tT., ai v.anj"u uiiy, un viciouer
AKTIIL'lt i l2th.lSy.vU'. TUOMAa 11. JIU TUOiltli I ,
flE'Us. U S 52K, f or the .NE quar of N W ijuir. i No.ilSO. for the SU qtiar. .tqiir., b
lUSt BOUfO Will they reoret It . pwUujr coUcas fts U UBitcd.SutM Und CaL'. . L- VLItL, A djiiirLji. William iloi
jusiBu tuiu .u i bv . v ,t. t. oituouse, i Stock Inspector for Grout Couotv. ' "'ou-0ft,nv
after the tovn 19 swept owov. w-cin.r. j oiuck a"i,1-.wi ot vvuuv- u.vm iu.nb
after tlie tovu is swept
l;i ooiitinuoiH reidence upon, and cti!tlvt on
..f. mid liml. Jatksun CluimVicr.i. Milton
A dhini-Lii. Wililaai Jiorse, Edwin scaeact.. an
entlflC, hltci ary and a sllOl t Kim that xaul proof will be inaila before J. T.Mo
,. . . J , 1 11 : (.onntyClcrk of county, tir., at t n'
llBU Course 111 Which there IS 110 , itt t)r.. on Septcmtr 22.1S. U: AKTIU
T , Tt, t. ... ft -- , ni'i!l! Il rWl for tli Ml' ninr nf W nil.
it. "U i- , r l WtV"Hn- NbaVfscVuar: J' p""
.Tho.JSrtL'lish .is pfP CinilU nth' a i. Tp.. IT. S RSC. E. anilS,.iiiar.MVqur..Sec 12. Tp 14, s r.33, E
llV;nnCcf'nnrc K,.i- f,i tuli irr iiftc: ' ' lie nia the following wltne to prfire hij Ue name tha fotlowin,- vrlt.n-MM to prove
LJUSlIlOhS L-OUTbO. COl catalogues .., ,.,..,?- . ,.i,i...tini, f. hi continuoiw rwidencc upon, and cultlvhtlon
ill address IJ hmJ, ls: 1U Stewart. W F White, Cliai ! of. mW land. lz. J. J. Cozart, John Martin,
7 t v, I Lailrow. of ttewatt, Or ; Cb.rlei. itclr.tyre, vt Ul Fruit, Tom Blacktuan, all of Fraitie City,
or other infonnatio
J. W. Johnson,
IU vllle. Oroiron.
-V Tf
1. j
yygyt p 'W. 'j in