Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 13, 1888, Image 3

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    Grant Co. l'ews. '
School commences next Mon- i
day, Misses Capwell & Parker j
teachers. j
Calvin E. Harding and Lilly '
B. Sweek, of Hamilton, were j
Married by Ceo. Baker. J. P.. !
the other day.
Only seven prisoners in the j
county jail, and some prospect of
more soon. Grant county must
build an addition her skookum
Some of the business men here
will burn coal for fuel the coining
winter, and when they all do
that way Clark's mine will b a
valuable piece of property.
Miss L. Dora Zugschwerdt, is
abvertising to give ''lesions in
shorthand" at Baker City. If the
lady would put a little shorthand
into he? name it would sound
more in keeping with her pro
fession. Ed Sels and Alex Sweek, ac-
-i-.A .tl.T HUH I'll I.V.H, V- 1
companied by Mrs. H. R. Sels, j
took their departure for Paker
Citv last Fridav. morning. Ed
will attend school at Forest (5 rove
during thecomintr term. During
vacation he has improved the
shining hours bv making hav and j
tending store for his father, and j
we trust will improve the time at
school aa well.
Halleck Spinks was arrested! - :i,.., rv,,nU l.wt . .i. wt
bv Constable Todhunter last! Order No. 8. In the matter of ; ; Creek auV bo went to
Mondav charged with vagrancv the proposed county road begin-; Hums to attend the races there,
and living in a housed ill-fame, j n""P :lt :l l)nint on Parvus creek j will K sorry to learn that the
The case was brought before N. ! wlwre the line between Grant and 'and-bag" which the bovs took
Rulifon, .T. P., and defendant Oilliam counties cros said wUh lhem ini,s.nred. and now
pleacHiot guiltv and demanded a ''reek. ad at the resi- .
jurv trinh A jurv was accord-! a-nee of John Helms, the rtlmc hey will haxe no uelorthe for
ingly stunmoned, and after hear-1 was declared a public highway. . horse team which they ordered
ing.thc evidence,' etc., they ren- j Order No. !. In the matter of i for the transportation of the Burns
dered a verdict of "'guiltv as j the care and support of the two j monev to this place,
charged' Judge Rulison passed j lua known as the Red Williams " , Wmt of Mrs
sentence umai the prisoner of a bovs, cottntv charges, the propo- m 1
$7wfineor:i7AdavsinthecountvsitionofD.W. Jenkins, to care Stormer last Monday tour ot the
jail. Being "minus the where- j for, board, clothe and lodge the j Long Creek braves were brought
withal he chose the latter. j boys one year for -foSO was ac- j before His Hon. Sam Branson,
Wednesday morning, of last
week Paker City had a disastrous
lire, nearly an entire block of
buildings being burned. The loss
es will foot up to $250,000, partly
covered by insurance. Baker
City has no means of extinguish
ing a tire, but with the severe less
ons they have had inside the last
two years it would seem that her
citizens, with the push and enter
prise with which they are credit
ed, would look out and piovide j
some means of battling with the j
devouring flames.
T , t ii r .
John Day valley farmer s son j
''Pan. I want to go to Cincinnati
to live." Pap "what for, Sam-,
uel?" '"Cause 1 read in a paper
just now that men there are niak
in' thousands of dollars jist by
watcrin' stock, and here I've been
watering stock every Winter fur
half a dozen years or more and
haint made a cent. What's the
sence in me workin' for nothin"
when I kin go to the city and git
rich bv watterin' stock?" Sam-
ucl, you aint j;ot no sense. You j
don't know no difference between J
a fourletrired stock and a railroad !
stock. I feel like whailin' vou, i
as bin as vou are." Samuel was
too frightened to ask for an ex
planation, just. than.
Canyon City has as good a sys
tem of water works as any town
of its size in the state, and fire
apparatus consisting of plenty of
hose and a new hose carl, and an
orgainzed tire company which has
saved the town from total anni-
hilation bv'lire on two sep-rate
occasions during the past year,
uui uie uu) want wmi; -ui.uiii-
acement from the property owners.
The fire company has a debt hang-
ing over it, and the business men ..lniin linvn . LiKt nf irvot.
ui nun n.v. i ui.ui ui
itudt hanging over them. Most
of the bovs belonging to the com
panv have not a dollar at
in the town, and cannot be ex-
ported to golown into their pock -
e-ts to keep the thing going, and
unless the proiertv owners
them aid thev will be compelled
to disband, ix-t us icarna lesnon
! 1. 1
irom the tale t 1 he Dalles and
Baker City and then pungle the
ducats to keep the tire company
on it feet.
1 o looiimu wu. : hhu - '
last Saturday and proceeded to
"bum" in regular tramp style.; 7 " Trt , "f , 1 near lor the HChooI-bov to brush i uh IX, i n.uj
About dark thev were run in bv I had some of bis , , d ff , . , T n(et,(1 ! IISS' nVJ
Constable Todhunter, and the j Poncrs at work tins week, mak- , l0okg an(1 fienp flown0 bnpss the St. V rancis academy,
one that was captured in Cun- "8 necessary improvements The ominous sound of the school ("Idna has refused to accept
nington's haymow booked for the j tnr court house yard. , I rl 1 will strike his ear next Mon- i the treaty which Bayard drew up
cooler, but the oldest and tough- i Returns from the Vermont , day morning, and he will then ' and Congress- amended. The
est looking specimen was libenit- election indicate large Republican ! sadly realize hat his long vaca- j rejection of tho treaty is proba
nd, and offered a bed at the City i gains. It is estimated that the j tion is over. . jjj.. jne tQ 13 ritisli influence
hotel. This he failed to accept. ' Republican majority in that State ; T inbn.,,n w lu-n.iw
and from that hour continued to 1 w5ll w 2S.000. , lM ',on,,:"n. f Annual report of the Clerk,
sneak around, sometimes in dark
..H.., 1 mntmocriwr nt,i
residences. This conrinued until
--11 ' .l.-.n r MVm -
I II III II II . r . II 111.11
mn from
iiuii "'"oh1"- - x i
under Crasap's sidewalk and took
i,;,;n;t Monday thev were
111111 w r
.,,! nn th,. w-ofrrjint act " ' 1 ' - V '""" ; s, ' :f , v" ed White has introduced a on ipro
.lrraigiuu w 1 . raineron With the assessment lie was sent to tiie cooler. . tnni-n cVinll
an! TT0 lSn' TtZ
each or ten days m the county
5nil Thev irave their names as
jail. nu l"" ;; .
Sin- V 4niitb and Chas. Ward!
Tramps fired The Dalles, tramps
- -
firri it-ikir LltV and tramps are
iiiLx xjn.v ' i
no good in any village or com
munity in our land, and should
be quite Bummarily dealt with.
ton to iustifv a perron being a
' Order No. 1. A. J. Hamilton
was granted a license to sell
! liquors in Hamilton precinct for
the period of one year,
Order No. 2. Allan Porter was
granted a license to sell liquor in
Long Creek precinct for the period
of one year.
0rd,?; 0 3 Ee 0. Woodall
Was granted a license to sell
liquors in Long Crek precinct for
nie period 01 one year.
Order No. 4. J. H. Solliger
was granted a license to sell liqu
ors in John Day precinct for the
period of six months.
Order No. 5. In the matter of
the location and survey of a
county road from Long Crek to
the Cmatilla couty line. C. M.
Conger. 1). (J. Browning, and
C. S. Dustin were appointed
viewers, and J. H. Neal surveyor.
Order No. G. Israel Maddox,
supervisor of road district No. 21,
filed his bond, which was ap
proved. Order No. 7. In the matter of
. --- ;
the petition of E. C. Allen and 10 j
others for the location and survev
of a county road from the XW
corner of the SE i of Sec 0, Tp 10
S of R 80. and ending at lh Co.
road leading Irom iox valley to
Hamilton, at Jap. Howell's place, ,
Milton Hamilton. Chas. Pallance j
and Sam Franklin were appoint-1
U d viewers and J. II. XVal sur-:
I 1
" !""
Order .No. 10. In the matter ;
of the proposed change in the i
Poison creek and Drewsey road,
the chance was not "ranted, ow-
ing to a remonstrance being pre-)
sentcd with more names than j
were on the petition. j
Order No. 11. The Clerk was '
instructed to advertise for sealed
t medical treatment, board, cloth- !
ing and lodging of the county
poor for one year Irom tnc Mh ot
November. LSSK, excepting the
I :n: i ...i..,
iu lieu y iiuunia miys. n a it-
.... . . , ri '
Order No. 12. In the matter
of the county road leading from
John Day to the lower bridge on
the west fork of Beech crek, the
same was declared a public high
way. Order No. 13. In the matter
nf th.. nf .limtie.?
" - " ' - " - - - ' - - - - - - -
of the Peace for polling place No.
1, Drevvscv precinct, Geo. u
Porter was appointed, and it ap
pvaring to the court,, that two
justices of the peace are necessary
for said precinct, it was ordered
that two be voted for and elected
at tiie next general election.
Homicide at Burns.
Keport comes from Burns of the
killing of W. H. Brown of that
place by Win. Page on the even
ing of Sept. R.
The particulars, as near as we I
have been able to learn, are to
the effect that during the day
j Saturday there had been trouble
; between the two men. and several
iinie.s urowii nau exiiiuucn a
! Knife, with the remaiK that he
would "slicK that into Bill Page
! before midnight."
' ( 1 1 ! . JIt tl.nit
.'vuuiit j u uw. A iut: in; i in
the saloon, and hot words ensued.
j Pago told Brown io go away, as
j he (Brown) was too old a man
I .- l . 1 a 1.1..
for bini to have any trouble
1 with. I'cmonsiranees were of no
j avail, and Brown KnocKcd him ;
, a -,avau, a m r.rown kuuckcu i ..on r .m, ua, .nu, uc u nun a Sonvrgian as the discoverer of
down. Page rose, and commenced ; lHs chase of the thieve- who stole Vmerici This is serving Col
elled ! shooting Four or five shots were horses. He followed Innhua mean tricK. "
I . . 1 lit
. tned, cither one ol which would
- haye proven la'al.
Page was placed und-r arrest
; ;md U-ing closely guarded. lie
I will have an examination before.
! V '!
; at burns.
: T f, ,
. '".'. im imicfc "-'
r i cnn
; thc "lllc, l, l"
, p, I
as sold to Johnny Chr
il Bert Allen, of Long
: weeK, was SOm IO UOMUUV
! man and
j Creek for S700.
. n n .......n.
tr 4 tr jiktt u nLTiaiinrr ijw
' and w aWing him in other
, . . thr0Urh
n?.s;. ine- a 0 , , l?ro;s.
.with tlio n;nqtinifnf. ivnrk fnr this
', w 1 p -essmcnt work, lor this
i tr1or
, -
auer oagc, iiu uimtu a
l , , .,, ,T
oiacKsmitn snop ai iiainuiou,
? i i .. i i o..
W3B K1CKCU oy a iiorbu jam ouii-
dav and Killed. His remains
,r-n fni'ftn n l'rnirin f!!tv r.t
! which place the funeral occurred
I Monday.
Long Creek, Sept. 7, '8S.
Come to our races, every one.
.John Frum has purchased the
butcher shop of Chas. Bradbury.
The auction sale of A. Hirseh
berg it Co's. commenced last
Allan Porter will open the old
saloon in a few days, where he
can be found during the races.
Sam and Dick Blackwell re
turned to their homes in Idaho
last Friday. Sam Miller accom
panied them.
Ed. Woodall. who has just re
turned from Canyon, says Long
Creek will not be oppressed by a
dry spell soon.
Two threshing machines are
now running in this vicinity, and
even they cannot turn out as
much "chaff" as ihe one ginmill.
Long Creek has dried up (and
I expect the taxpayers of (.rant
count v are glad ot it). 1 Here is
no water whatever in the creek.
The fire on the mountain south
of town has destroved the house
of Mr. Alex Cage, ai
entertained that it w
and fears an
ill reach the
c . . -mi
Tln iniiiit Ifiniwlj riflltft t Wi l
charged witli using protane ana
0;jS(rm. language in a public
. Denning appeared for the
1 . , 1 . .
piuutiu.. ..l
Dustin for
defense. Two days were expen- j
ded in the trial, besides many
RmarL saving8 0n both sides. The
prisonors were found "not guiltv"
, d- , JUq .
(' tht'r ,lot evidence enough
against any particular one to
find a wrdict of guilty, and yet
there was no doubt in their minds
but that some unknown one of the
number should be punished.
L. C.
Phil Metcham is clerk of this
school district in place of E.
Hall, resigned.
Countv clerk Mael has moved
.... ... 1
over to Long t rcek ami 111. .Mil- i
l... i i r l ..M!..
k-r has charge of his office.
In Liberty countv, Oa, a man
is attending school and
bis children go with him.
two of
He is
at the head of his
The drill in an oil well at Oil
City, Southern California, has
struck gold bearing gravel at a
depth of over live hundred feet.
To Mr. Franklin, editor of the
Harney Item, now sojourning
in the city we are indebted for
the particulars in the Page
homicide case.
I f) m,,. Krat n-ian tn.Anv u-ill
; 1)e fouml a giriki " nml i;strnc.
j ii,usU,ltion 0ftll0 C01
)f jm
; p . . . .
i ot "kl"R powilers now
J niatket.
j G. W. Mcllaley's "Little flirl'
. .1 ... " .1. . 1
came oui uuiu in me race hi i
nvn week
"Little Dick,"
, tjie jor
dllt-.UI, ,1
row countv horse,
md "Tom Benton."
Drewsev horse, second.
John Fisk has returned from
i t,01n to Umatilla landitur, when
th t(,ok tho (..u. . for ):ll.ts UM.
; k ; A onp . j ,
. , , . , ,
I !tu !l dai' :l hillf
TJ .......
1 he tunc is drawing alarmingly
! Vr . !i i V' ast
iiono:iv. ana win imnrn ' iv.wz
I ...:n l l i
iUyiiii;iY, :i,U Will UUIU'U 14, UUVS
! eoimty. He was tried
! 111 , cu . -V ilu wfs inetl
i,uiecent exposure, and upon con
w.torfi t IP. TUStieo. flit n inrir.. f
viction was sentensed to
nay n
,M.ffi05 ,if.,if r
11111 i in in. ill n i i. in 1 1 i
- Sttturdav h,t R blo0(h. fr.
un Miturtia) last a olooi tra-
j cas occured at Arlington between
1 . " ,
weahl cattlumeiK named
- t .
, -oe iiliot ana liarvey bpear. It
nun m iwu imuiic ui u uuci, um;
.f ii... : i : A
01 tin; priiiuupib utiug a hiioi gun,
i i u k., - w: i,
j auu niu uuici a i mciiuBier.
! Thirty or forty shots were ex -
pli!ini7Pfl in thn
e course of whieh
. " Milieu
. Spear was killed and two bysand -
! ere woundcdFojnl Jouroal.
Dayville, Sept. S, 188S.
J. E. Snow is repairing his
Billv Stewart is slowlv recov-
uringirum a n,.u. lUu,iv u ,
dumb ague. !
- A . ... . f . If ."k1.- nHll.t " 1
Hnrrv Haywood and Billv
Mascall leave for the Weiser
country to hunt sheep range.
Dayville had better empty a
scuttlefull or two over there and
give what's left a chance.
Sheep herders have experienc-j
a hard time of it in the moun-1
, , . i
tains this season between hogs
. .... rni r n
and pilferers. They say . P. !
Donaldson's herder got tired ot !
mutton, and went in wholesale on
Delore pork to the tune of forty
dollars. He had no idea hog
came so high in the "land of
pork" until the bill was presented
at the muzzle of a Winchester.
Mr. Editor, don't you ever fool
with hogs, even if they tip over
your "print shop ' and devour all
your grub, if you get scot free
McDonald, Alex Murray & Cos.
trusted head book keeper and
confidential secretary, after four
years' service, reluctantly resign
ed his position with the firm he
so long and faithfully served, to
engage in business on his own
account. The know alls have it
that he is going into the money
, . . . 11 i
loaning business in Silvies valley ,
and for the accommodation of his j
patrons will issue certified :
"cheques" but the writers opin- ,
ion is that he will emigrate to i
pastures new to recuperate his
lost health.
Jack Stewart bagged the $000
pot in the recent race, beating
MacKav 3 inches. Tiie plucky
Scot hit the ground lively to get i
there, but he "got there all the !
..m..5 !! " Al,o !
ftrown carried off the cash in the
scrub race, and they say Dave
Murray bet on the wrong chicken
that time. A farewell dance was
given for Jack and Dave's benefit
as they intend making Washing
ton territory their future home.
Boys, we will miss you, but may
mind mifcess attend vou where I
! ever you may be.
ii -
Adieu, a last, a fond adieu!
On the night of Sept. oth our
entire stocK and buildings were
imtirnli' flncf rnvnrl liV fif W'o
I I l 41 1.1 U.1IU1 WW ' ' ' ...w. '
1 selves indebted to us to come for-
.v.. wv....r, o
! ward and settle at once. Do not
delay, but come forward and pay.
as monev we must have.
I). B. FISK. Agent, Prairie City.
If you are indebted to ua either
by Account or Note, please call
and settle. Taylok & Co.
Mount Vernon, Or., Aug. 20, 'iS.
Buy your winter's wood while
it is cheap.
Mrs. John Muldrick is on a vis-
j it to Weiser city, Idaho.
Cresap has purchased the rem -
nants of E. IlalF stock of goods
The import of tea from Amoy,
China, to the United States dur
ing the past season was IS.'iOT.OOO
! pounds.
The taxable property on the
assessment roll so far is $2,231,-
130.00, and D6e is not shrough
assessing vet.
! Boston builds a monument to
Uro. Hayes took his depart
ure for Harney valley last Tues
day, o look after the public
schools in that section.
I. II. Wood took his oldest
i iljn,.r rnnnS; v.vnp in nnk.p,.
! sheriff and Treaurer have been
, i i i..
. "'- -
1 1
j Drinter bnt werc crowdcd out 0f
i printer, bnt were crowded out of
I ncxt wcek 1 1
. . . mi.. -ii
' . , :
: :n oia.a uiigiiimi. .mm-.
i - . i 11 mi 1
T?0l)c a
' W bat cor
IVtlliL, V - . .
dollar a dav for work.
compensation other women
! are to receive is not provided,
Among a lot of blanks return- j
ed to the assessor was one with
this item of indebtedness: -'Taxes
j . , (... m,lltltt. fr i qc7 " Tlii
1 r v lvl . i I, 1 n
! JS t4ulu lu U,C1CI1U wuunui-
. a t
1 ed himself exemption for "tie-
! Uuuer.t tah to Graat cnjDty.
Weekly Budget of News as Furnished
by our Regular Corres
Washington. Ausr. ol, lbbfc. i
'. '. ;
.- a " 1
speaker Carlisle has raiseu S
hornets' nest about ins ears by
niirvi rntitlr" fnbinrr ctla with flirt !
"I'l ."""""".
appropriation oomnmteo oi iue
House m its controversy with the ; a great Bufferor v,itb severc pnius
military committee. j in ray I)ackj nmj wom!, aificulty
The Senate has passed Senator j which made life miserable and af
Hoiir's resolution calling on the j most unbearable. In this condi
President for coppies of all re-! tion I came to Pis. Darrin for
nionstaiicos mnde ov demands up- advice and treatment. Now, I
on England for redress for the !
treatment of American fisherman j
bv Canadian othcinls.
, , . .
The steam pla'o printing pres-
m Jn lh(, urt an 0f Engraving &
Printing have been abolished, as
far as the House can do it, by the
passage bf the bill providing that
all government securities shal be
printed on hand presses.
Mr. .leveland seeing in the
newspapers that Mr. Harrison hat)
gono fishing, could stand it no
lunger, so he went off on Tuesday
for three days fishing in the inount
ainaot West Virginia. He return
ed this morning
If trusts can bo reached by con
gressional enactment, some of
those unpopular institution arc
likely to die in the future. The
democrats at e particularly aggres
sive in thsir fight on them in both
House and Senate.
The new silver vault built in
the Treasury Department build
ing for storing standard silver dollar-
is complete. It will hold
SI 00,000,000. 8500 000 h day will
t- i - i i r .i:tv. .
slP' el "" ""i?1"""
mints and sub-treasuries until the
v?uh s mcd
Sountor Sherman during the
course of a speech in the Senate,
4 i
made tno star ling announcement
that in 1SS5 the balence of trado
(with foreign countries) was in
favor of the United States to the
amount of $LG3,000,000, while in
tho fiscal ear ended June 30, 1S8.
it was l ,000,000 against the
United States. en.itor Beck
conteiidi-d that the baleneo in our
uvor Inst yar was Sb.UOO.OOO
t'.kin? ntlier statement as correct,
the efiect is perfectly astounding.
l.cp up without danger of a seri
ous fanaucial panic iu thistouutry
The proceeding of congress are
very amusing these days. They
consist mostly of what would be
called, in the language of the prize
ring, sparring for position. Au'
the agi:itv displayed by tho mem
bers of both parties iu Jumping
over and under a gien question
j 1S verry tunnv to a person tnat is
. . .i .
! ot micresiuu; un u ih e. nn-
SOrioiIS to luo men enayuu m u,
as somr chance woul may resur
in lusing tho member the coveted
renomination from his district.
Let us bo thankful wo are not
politicians. Senator Allion'
statement makes r e appropria
tions for curent fiscal yenr c-t'il
UOO.OOU, and the estimated incom
fr-un all sources S4t0,0l'0,00
Th .t will leave a surplus of $19,
000,000-just about the amouii
that the average newepaper mai
gives his wifo every year for pi
The republicans of tho Senate
have recovered from thetempor r
panic iuto which Mr. Cleveland'?
message on the rejection of tl.
fisheries treaty threw them, anc
now they deny ever having beer
for a moment demoralized. That
is all rig -t, let bygones bo by
goncs. But what about the mes
sage? The repVlican Senator
held a caucus last night to nighi
to discuss their tariff bill, they
! said, but it would bo safe to sa
that' they did not neglect the mes
sage, they are not doeing much
talking about what the policy oi
tho party is to be with regard t
the message, but from opinion
expressed here and thero 1 bsheve
that the .senate will pass a bill gh
ing the President tho authority
for which ho aks, after placing
themselves on record as bclieveing
that lie already has all the author
ity for which he has asked. 1
may not be ami.j.s to state in this
connection, that tho general im
prcssion among our naval officer.'
is that all this talk about a win
with England has tho result of oui
retaliati n, is a jcko of huge dim
elisions. One of them said. Why.
what is the use of talking aboiu
a war? England, to stito tho cas
plainly, has forty or more avail
able modern armored ships of w i
which could reach our shorts
within three weeks fiom the firs
alnrm. we have- fifteen vessels o1
war, which could not bo mobil
lizetl within three months, aim
when they wero ready they would
not altogeather be a match for tra
of the English boats. Such a
fleet as England coud send ove
could occupy everv one of ou;
I nnrts in less than o month. Thosi
T " totV? be cousulercd b'
t iuc nui uiuuucu.
To All Whom it May Concern.
I have appointed Mr. John II
Blake my duly authorized Agent
during mv absence from Canyoi.
Sept f); 18S8.
Phil M etschan
Just Arrived.
At Haptonstall & Dart's. Johi
'. - , , rn ,V r mi,:.,
I,a.v ine'
uents r urnisning uoous, ijuiuvj-
' , l. i- 1 U
Dress Goode ete., ever brought to
Groat Ooulaty.
A Caki) from Mbs. M. Kkbe.
rrom the PonUn J Orojronian.
Mr. Editors: Dear Sirs-
. , , . T ,
since I was lu years old, I Lave
had pimples and blotches at times
on my flic0 for wuich i ,ave trieti
t -i i ?
many remedies ana puysicians.
without anv benefit : also h.tve been
ruist truly .say my face is perfectly
from eruptions, and is as fair
as I was at lfi years oi age: also
my other troubles are entirely
cured, and feel perfectly well, and
in justice to the doctors,
and for the benefit of hundreds of
s'lft'ering women, 1 hereby sub
scribe my name to tho above, and
am only ton well pleased to have
it published. Can be refered to
at 143 Water street, Portland, Or.
Mas. M. Rebf..
Mr. Editor: Dear Sir I wish
to testify in regard to my case for
publication. After being kept in
a dark room nino months, with a
nervous abhorrence to light, was
made to see and bear light in three
months by Drs. Darin, 235
Fifth street, Portland. Can be
referred to.
Mr.s. W. H. AcsTin,
The Dalles, Or.
The doctors can bo consulted at
235 Fifth street, corner of Main,
Portland, from 10 to 4 daily; eve
nings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12.
All curable chronic diseases, los
of manhood, blood taints, syphillis,
gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture, sper
matorrhoea, semiual weakness oi
loss of deairo of sexual power iu
man or woman, catarrh and deaf
tipss, are confidentially and suc
cessfully treated. Cures of private
diseases guaranteed. Circular-
sent free. Most cases can receive
lome treatment afrer a visit to the
loc.or's office.
The Seattle Office is closed
Any of the patients from that vi
cinity can call at tho Portland
Land Office kt La Grande, Oregon.
Aiiit CTth. 1S4S.
Notice U Lft.-b Riven that the fol.owlni:
uair.ed stealer l.i tiled notice f hU Ititrntlon t
nake pioof In fjppurt o( his rlaira. mi-
ihatwid nrKf will bo made bofore Count
'lr!i of Grant Co.. at Canyon lily. Or., or
ct. lath. lh. i?. . KI.KY K ALDR1CI1
U .S No. 7143. for the a hall of NW quar, and E
W quar., S- ZS.1v 13. S R 29, E.
lie name, tte fn'Iowlng wituesfes to prove
is continuous reiidt.nre nyon, ntl cu'tivatinn
if. sid land, viz: William Ucary. J C iloore.
W A (loan, lienrv McKee, all of Mt Vernon. Oi
2I-S9 HENKV R1NKIIAKT. Reirister.
Long Creek Races.
There will be Three Days Ra
ing beginning Sept. 19th. 20th
nd 21st, 1SSS.
first day's rack:
Two Hest in Three, A mile free
:br all purse SloO.OO.
First Race, mile Dash, Free
or All purse $100.00.
Second Race, J mile, free for
ill Three-year-olds, Single Dash
purse $100.00.
One Mile and Repeat, Two in
Three. Free for All purse $200. i
Entrance Foes. 10 per cent, of
Seventy per cent, to the first
horse and thirty per cent, to the
second horse.
All Races to be governed by
the B. M. Association Rules.
Iud. C. A 1. 1. en, )
Chas. II. Lee
W. N. Wilson, )
Clarke Sf JVeatherby,
Will sell you goods cheaper than any other house in Baker City.
Thay carry a full line of
Full Roller Flour ..3.2.ri per Bbl.
iood Roast Coffee 25 conts per pound.
Jhoice Japan Tea 23 cents per pound.
Parties wishing to lay in their Wiutor Supplies will Savo Money
o call and examine goods our prices before buying elsewuere.
For Stiffness Stiff Neck.
c ?
t s
J ?
a C
All persona knowing themselves
indebted to me will please call
and settle at once. As I desire
to close up my business in this
place, all accounts must be settled
within two weeks from this date.
F. B. Rinearson, M . D.
Prairie-City, Or., July 30, '88.
I will sell Apple3 on my ranch
at 50 cents per box; boxes furnish
ed at 25cts each. Also Vinegar or
Cider, and all kiuds of vegetables
for sale at reasonable rates.
Ranch four miles below Canyon
s'ity, on The Dalles road.
All orders left with O. P. Cresap
tt C nyon City, wili receive prompt
18 Wit. Lite.
Land Ofaec t La Oiand-. Oregon.
August 7th., 1S3.
Notice 5 hereby jfiven that the follohiK
.lamed aettier hu tiled notice of hin intention to
uommutn and make final proof lu ruprt of
hid :laira, aud that said proof will be made before
ih Countv Clerk of Urwit conuty Orejrou, at
Cinvon C'ity. Or., on September ti. vis:
t-'aEKM N A. TABER. lid No. 373. fur tho
.NWqnarof VW qnar.. H half ..t NW qnar..
and NW nuar of SV quar., Sec 15, Tji. 14. H R
11. E W M.
He name the foliowlnjt itnee to prove
tis contlnuou residence upon, and cu tivation
f, said land, viz: William Luce, C::aiIe.- Lnce.
if John Da), Orecon; C S Orisby, fat Muljre,
of Canou Citv. Oraeon.
21--.'0 HEXKY R1XIIAUT. Refiier
For Sale.
A Band of Sheep 3,000 head
Perfectly free from disease, good
wool producers, averaging about
7 'pounds each. Range in Bear
valley, Grant county, Or., nnd
known as the
Will sell tho entiro band, or half
of them, on reasonable terms.
For Particulars enquire .of H.vp
tonstall A. Dart, John DtfV, Or.
C BRICK )f FflYsLE , )
I will Sell Good Brick at 810.00
per thousand for Cash, the next
sixty davs, near Prairie Citv, Or.
Or enquire of Geo Shearer, Prairie.
Prairie City, Oi:., August 14, '88
II Collcgo Course. Also Scien
tific and Litorarv Courses.
. ' ca dem ic Department-
prepares for anv college, for teach-
I ing or bussiness. Superior Cn
1 servatcry of Music, Instruction in
j Art, Elocutton and Modern Lan
guages. Elevm professors and
teachers. 100 students. Ladies'
boarding ball. Young men's hall
being built.
Fall Term opens September 3d,
Write for Cata'oguo to A. J.
ANDERSON, Ph. D., President,
401 Kast Main St., Walla Walla,
W. T.
s I
CO vOv
-5. I
! S
i Kj
1 I
a - o
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