Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 30, 1888, Image 3

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J will be at John Day about the
I Oth of September with a choice
lot of Thoroughbred Pedigreed
Hereford Bulls and Hnlf Blood
Hereford Bulls, and a few Hol
steiu and Aberdeen Angus Bulls,
for sale: and also will have a choice
lot of Thoroughbred Spanish Me
rino and H'gh (.trade .Spanish
Merino Bucks for sule. Those
Bucks are from the celebrated
. Ross Band.
I would like parties wihing
either Cattle or Bucks, would ell
mid take a look at my .slock before
purchasing elsewhere, as I know
they will suit. I will take horses
for part pay on the cattle.
XllWMAX ll. CoiTXKI.L.
The comity Imird "f equaliza
tion is in sessien.
To the arly riser thee morn
ing? n hot stove eoines iHt amis?.
.Miss .Minnie Swank, assistant
postmistress, has just rccoven-d
from a seven- illness.
John Swiney is at work in
Clark tfc Garrison? coal mime dig
ging coal for winter use.
1). P.. Ilincharl makes cider of
jierfeclly sound fruit, some of
which found its way into the Xkws
jug lately.
Doc Cameron arrived from the
Hnrncy valley last week, and is
now completing the assessment of
the county.
.Mr. tiro. Kendall, of Washing
ion territory, son of Rev. J)r Ken
dall who was formerly here, is
visiting in town.
Hugh Smith has gone to Crack
er City, where he lias purchased
ii corner lot. and talks of engag
ing in business there.
We have leen shown some of
tin quar'7 from fin famous
Cracker ( reek mines. Rulison
V Keller have rock in their tun
nel above town which resembles
thai very much.
W. II. Clark returned this
week from a trip to the Crarker
creek mines. He has a good
opinion of that camp, and will go
over there again before long and
do some prospecting.
Cal Berry was recently offered
a good round sum for his quartz
mine near Parker's station, by
eastern parties, but declined to
sell. Berry A Co. have a goml
mine and they know it.
The fellow who stole the new
axe from the how cart and left
an old forty-niner in its place, is
suspected, and no remarks will he
made if he will return the axe
and pay for this advertisement.
Yellowjackets are playing hob
with the horse Hies in Bearvailey.
Between the two evils horsemen
choose the former from necessi
ty and it has leen proven thai
thev arc murdering Hies in large
Cougar scalps are ln-ing brought
In. in large numlvcrs. The coun
ty does well giving $10 lnninty.
If ilmt is kept up these pests will
le exterminated in time, as that
nuikes it an object for hunters t
engage in the cougar business.
Jacob Iielmenuaeh. who has
some guod placer mines over on
Middle Pork, was in town during
the week. We learn from him
that he has also purchased the
Hnplonstnll and Combs ground
in the ncighltorhood of his own
From the favorable rejwrls ren
dered by the committees, it seem
that .M. S. llellman will succeed
in recovering from the govern
ment the claim amounting to
over $btMX). for Hour furnished
t.lte soldiers at Camp Harney
in KS71.
conic mighty rich quartz is in
Canyon mountain if it only could
ho found." is the remark heard
in this illahe nearly every day.
Then why not go to work and
Ibid it? Why stand ye idle and
waiting for someone else to strike
it rich? Co to your aunt, you
slugger, strike her for a "grub
sHftke" and ihen prnsjiecl.
Died, at his home on the upp r
Jujuth I'.'ik, Aug. 27. of
consumption, p. llis Whitweirth.
aged 2( vears. 7 months ami 10
da vs. The request of the deceased
was that he le buried at Canyon
Cit v and his remains were brought
in Tuesday, and the funeral ocean-reel
Wednesday morning. H
leaves a mot 1km- and twohrotliers
'and many friends to mourn his
A meteorite fell on Pass creek
one dav last week, away up near
the mountains, which tore up the
earth in a fearful manner, and.
set the timber all on lire where it
fell. Jake llelmendaeb. who
was working on a ditch says he
heard the racket which it made
when it hit the ground, and af
terwards some one who saw it
fold him what it was, and as the
wind blew il wafted the sulphur
ous funics to them. Mother earth
is being persistently bombarded
with these celestial missiles, and
Eastern Oregon lies right in
rang. Lookout for your boad!
We give herewith the proceed
ings of the institute, which were
kindly furnished by the secretary:
Institute was called to order at
'11 a. m., Co. Supt J laves presid
j ing. On motion Mrs. P. Kuhl
i was elected secretary. On sug
' gestion of Prof. MeKlroy a motion
was made and carried that the
. chairman appoint -1 reporters, '2
critics and a committee on reso
lutions. Mr. M. .. Ronbam mov
ed the appointment of the com.
on resolutions lc deferred until
Wednesday. .Mr. (Jurnee moved
the chair appoint Rev. .1. II. Wood
chaplain for this institute.
.fternoon session opened with
roll callfollowed bv reading min
utes. Supt. Hayes addressed the
teachers, impressing upon them
the necessity of lieing united in
their work. He was followed by
State Supt. MeKlroy who gave
some apt suggestions. Pmf. .Me
Klroy furnished the teachers with
excellent outlines. This was fol
lowed by a lesson on Constitu
tion of the 1. S.."by Mr. (Jurnee.
. Methods of teaching the same be -ing
picscntcd by the teaehers
present. Supt. Hayes then ap
pointed Miss Parker anil G. A.
Smith critics: Mr. Bonham re
porter to the Guaxt-Co. "i:ws.
and Mr. Ladd for the Long Creek
. Eagle.
, Wednesday morning: The
: work of the morning began by a
J discussion non the teaching of
: primary numlers. opened by Mr.
, Smith, who advanced some prac
tical ideas, lb-was followed by
- Messrs. Bonham. Ladd and Gur
, nee and Miss Capwell. Miss
Parker then gave a language les
j son illustrated by a class from
; her school. State Supt. McElroy
then gave both teachers and pu
pils much amusement in testing
i their knowledge in various diree
I iions, after which he addressed
' ihem. urging upon them neatness
and order in their schoolrooms.
Afternoon: Supt. Hayes ap
t pointed Mrs. Bonham. Mis- Ry
r:wi :md Miss Kiefer as commit
j tee on resolutions. Miss By ram
then read an excellent essay upon
"Reading," after which Mr. and
Mrs. Bonham. Miss Capwl! and
Mr. Vinida made some sugges
tions as to teaching the same.
After an intermission of min
utes Miss Capwell illustrated
with a class her method of teae-h-
; ing penmanship to small pupils,
i The work was discussed by Mrs.
Smith. Mr. Ladd and Prof. Mc
j Kirov. The next subject prcsen
1 ted was mental arithmetic, bv
! Mr. Bonham. He was followed
I bv Prof. McKlrov. who gave the
: teaehers a general talk on school
Thursday morning: Mr. Gur-
nee took up the subject of primary
I spelling. He was followed by
i the teachers, who presented vari
! ous methods. Mr. Ladd pivsent
i ed the subject of 'interest. "which
' was followed by a discussion of
the same by various teachers.
( The teaching of history was dis
i cussed by Messrs (iurnee. Ladd
and Bonham. also Miss Perker.
' Afternoon: Opened with an
address by Supt. Hayes, subject.
. how to secure punctuality and
attendance in our public schools.
' By request several teachers gave
. their views. ?diss Kiell'er then
read a carefully prepared essay
on advanced grammar, after
which Miss Parker and Mrs. Bon
: ham illustrated their method of
; presenting this subject, and Mr.
Ladd gave his met ho of analy
; sis. Miss Capwell gave a class
: drill upon form. Mrs. Kuhl then
; took the class and gave an oral
' lesson Ux)n the human body.
Fridav morning: Mrs. Bonham
j presented the' subject of geogra-
phy, which was further discussed
' by most ot the teaciiers present.
; The question ef "when should
! pupils rece'ive helps," was can-
vased with much spirit by the
i teachers. Supt. Hayes formeel
I the teachers into a class and in
this way oblnined their various
ideas ujwn the teaching of advan
eeel spelling, lb then addressed
them upon the u of tobacco,
illustrated by one eif our leading
Afternoon: Motion made and
earned that the lime ami location
of our next institute 1m left to our
: Co. Supt: Com. of arrangement
consisting of Itoanl of e-xaminers
and Mrs. Kuhl and Mrs. Lau
ranee were elected for the coming
vear. The committee on reseiln-
; tioiis the-n submitted the'ir report
which was adopted, but mvirg h
an oversight the y were not hand
j ed to the Si'c. for publication. In
i substance they consist eel ef a vede
I of thanks ie the- jwoj)l eif Canym
1 fr their kindness and hospitality:
j to Iie)n E. R. McKlreiy for his
many helpful suggestions; to the
. County ceitirt anel She-rilf Cray
J fur the use of the court reom; to
, the ladies anel gentlemen who
, added so much to the pleasure
J of our meetings by lecture's, rcei-
tations and music, and last but
I not least to our Co. Supt. fer hi?
j untiring efforts to render our in
1 stitute a success. Also one of
; censure to those teachers who ab
i senteel themselves from our in-
stitute without reasonable excuse.
! Institute aeljourne.'d sine die.
Tom Curl, Grant county's elli
cient stock inspector, gives a list
of his deputies in this week's
! Xifws.
Long Creek. Aug. '24, 'SS.
Sam Miller is in town.
The hog law is strictly enforced
in this burg, to the satisfaction of
J everybody except poor Toney.
j The thermometer made a home
; run last Wednesdav. reaching
1 105 in the shade at" o'clock
! p. m.
! Nearly every well in town is
going dry. and there is danger of
i a water famine if it floes not rain
' soon.
While Mrs. Ksler was on her
way to Canyon to prove up on
her claim her horse fell through
the bridge across Long creeK. and
came nearly killing her.
Chas. Dustin ,Ir.. returned
from his huckleherrying trip on a
wrrowed horse, lie was so in
tent on watching the crowd pick
. that he neglected his horse winch
ran away. ,
Some think it looks suspicious,
but there is no reason for anybody
to be jealous just because our
disciple of Blaekstone took a
young lady to the teachers' in
stitute at ('any on.
Allen Porter is circulating a j
petition for a liquor license. A I
good manv that did not intend to j
sign a petition sign this one, just
: because they don't like the man
; Bryant who is circulating a re
monstrance. A. Ilirschlierg iV. Co. expect to
move to Heppner. where they are I
building a brick store. Their
' goods here will he sold at public I
auction, and their store building ,
will be occupied as a restaurant i
and bulging house.
Messrs. .lim Mellaley. Hen '
Welch and Win. Rudio expect to
move either to Heppner or close
to it in n short time, if they can
get locations to suit Ihem. Rath-:
er a hard lick lor (Irani count v ;
, to lose stub citizens.
Mr. Ren waggart froM Hepp
ncr. ;;nd Billy Cushman. laid :
J over one day at this place with j
' their race horses on their wav to .
. the Harney races. Ben says he
' had to snip to make expenses.
: which 1 believe he did.
There is a possible and perhaps
a probable chance that the races
at this place will be postponed. ,
If the county court should refuse J
license ie the saloon there will be
no races, as the saloons will not
feed justihVel to furnish the purse's.
Right n the
mad between this place and the
school house, where the children
have to pass every day. a slaugh- '
ter house is located, anil in this
warm weathe r it creates a steneh ,
enough b) knock a grown person j
, down. It must be injurious to
the health ef the children who
are forced to pass by it. It is a :
nuisance and ought to be remov- :
i'd. Who's business is it to lemk ;
after if .'
. - - -4 - -
St.h'knien down the river are ;
lmthered by euugars killing their ,
Next Monday will he- the time j
fur tin regular term of county
court. ,
Kil (libsem ami Minnie Bledsoe. '
of Long Creek, have been granted j
a license to We'll.
I. S. eroineers have begun
, the survey Tor the ship railway
around The Dalles.
A false chord of music is adis-
1 cord. A false cord of wood t ;
about seven eights.
The jR'ople wjio bet on elect- (
ions tie wrong, but the man who
: never bets is no better. ;
' i
The owner or the Arkansas
Hot Lake have purchased the.
Het Lake inl'iiion county for the ;
sum of lo,000. 'J hey intend (
t improving the place ami make it
a health resort.
1 The IWtlans Mechanics' fair ,
i will be held in October, com-,
: menetngon the Ith :;nd coiitin- I
' ning io the :27th. This exhihi
tion has proved itself one of the
Wst in all department-. We ac
knowledge the receipt eif a com
plimentary ticket.
Pei-siClournal: A meteor ap
K!ivnlh about four feet .jtiare
was M-eti the other evening in
f the neighborhod of Pine creek.
It lookcil like a mass of fire and
when seen was a couple of miles
alum the earth. !t .-truck the
rround near Crown Rock.
The I wo gentlemen sent to
Pendleton from the Smithsonian
Institute at Yrashingjon have
taken the Hist steps in their res
' earch in naturtl history anel the i
i Cavusc language. They diot a ;
i coujle of Kastern Oregon hawk?
on the reservation yosterdav.
- Eat ( 'regonian.
The will of the late Chas, Lux,
of San Francisco, has been re
ceived by the county clerk for j
transcript. It has been admit-;
ted to probate in San Mateo j
county, Cal.. and will have to be
acted upon by the probate court ;
'oftirantand Malheur counties.
.('has. B. Smith has been appoin- :
i ted administrator for these two
ENCE. Weekly Budget of News as Furnished
by our Regular Corres
pondent. Senator Terrell says Congress
will not adjourn before the middle
of October.
It is expected that the Seiente
Chinese bill will be called up in
the House to uionow. It will pass
whenever it uoaics up.
A bill has been introebn ed in
tiie Rouse to give Mrs. Sheridan a
pension of -o.OtHi a year. As a
similar bill wns introduced in the
Senate last week there will proba- j
bly be a race to see which House
possts the bill first. ,
The national convention of the
American party was a failure. It;
was amusing to nete tin anxiety :
of both republicans and democrats
lest the alleged convention should
endote their uuuelidatcs. They
finally, after a split, nuiiiinded a
tecket of their own.
It is stated here that Hepresn- 1
tative Mntson anil Hovey. the ii
val candidates for oernor of
Indiana, will take the stump toget
her in join o discussieui. It will
make things very liTely in that
state, ns both gentlemen are good
speakers. Both of them are cunfi- j
d-inl of beiii'' elected. i
O 1
The democratic Senatorial cau
cus has decided not te attempt any
"obstructive tactics to prevent a
vote on the fisheries treaty, which
is very sensible action on their
purr. One of the gravest faults of
the rules which govern e-ongress-ional
legislation irf that they allow
the tnineerity by filibusternii- to
defeat the will of the majority.
In thiscuunlry the majority should
always rule. That is what the
pcoplo elect them for.
The Senate committee on epide
mic diseases has made an adverse
report on Senator Call's bill to ap
propriate -SlMUIJUmi to j.j.y fen
private paoperty eleslroye-il on ac
count of the yc How fever ia Florida
The committo hel l that tho bill
was. uneons'iluiemid. The rase
d' bo met 1 y -'fiebi.' tlu money
appropriatcel ! y the last Congress
ser the sujipression of epidemic
diseases. and it necessary
a in'W appropriation will
be made fur the same purpose.
Many refugees frm 1'Iorida are in
this city.
The iare number of Congress
men absent from the city is being
commented on. Be ah Houses are
without a ipioru ii more than half
the time, of late. On view of t!.e
mass of important legislation
which lvmains unacted upon, it
would seem that the people of the
counlrv have a right to demand
tin t Senators and members should
remain in their seats, and transact
the business, for whi-'h the- wre
elected. In this matter buth
parlies are eej iaHy guilty.
Senators Sherman and Cojkrell
hud quite a spirited controversy
ovir AI r. Sherman's resolution
celling on the Secretary of the
Tren-ury for a sfate:neut showing
tho amount of Government funds
on deposit in national bunk? on
Aug. 1, 1K, anel the sccurili's
held therefor. Ir. Coekrell in
sisted that it should be accompan
ied by a statement giving the
same information for September
hean, lTS, when Mr. Sherman
was Secretary of the Treasury: he
also criti'isel Mr. Sherman's
eemrse in purchasing bonds in
1H7S. The Seiia'n passed the
"honnan resolutioje withotit
Who will be the iirst man te
bring in watermelon?
Remember the sheriffs sale at
the court house nexi Saturday.
Binder twine. 7"! feet tej the
jmuntl at Bache A- Ce'5.. P.aJce r
Tf you are indebted to us either
bj Account or Note, pleaso call
and settle. Twi.oit k Co.
Jlount Vernon, Or , Aug. '20, S.
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to mo will please call
and settle at once. As 1 desire
lo close up my business in this
place, all .ice-ounts must be.ettled
within two weeks from this elate.
K. B. b'lVEAKSeiX. M . D.
Prairio-Ui'ty, Or., July Ml). 'SR.
I ill st- il Appie "ii my ranch
at o() cents per hu; boxes furnish
(k! at 'Jocts each. Also Vinegar or
Cielor. and all kinds of vegetables
for salo sit reasonable rates.
Ranch four inilas below Cany an
City, on Tho JJulles road.
All orders left with O. P. Crosap
at C. n'on City, will receive prompt
Wm. Ijite,
GOt'XTV oliDKUs hearhvtlate of toc'
trr pd..r to jujy lst, 1880
uill lie iMei'l m jiro-i'iifitiiin, aiHl tntr
t-,t will ctsie fioiu tlii tint-.
X. II. IJOl.EV, Comity Trem.
Canyon City, Or . Aeiir. lr.. f. ii
IjimI elrlicc- at e;ran-li. O'ov-iii. IV.h. tsv-.
Xo'.ler is hereby tivMi that tin; followjii!;. .-cttlfr ha-i HKcl notice nf bin iiit.iiitiiin
to ma'kf tiiml pf.tof In iipxitt of Ills claim, a:nl
that f-aitl proof will hf mmlo lwfore tin- Count.,
I'lcrk (Irntit Co . or., at l'.inejn Citv, Or.,
on .Spt. litli. J. V. THOMPSON.
1)S Xo 7 13. for tit sK iuar. of S?co Tp 13,
of It S'. K of W3I
lit- niioeitne fol ouini; itnescs to prove liis
continuous re ?W;ioc upon, mhI cultivatioa eif,
aUl lanil, ttatni'ly . Krank 1'IsKIh. Jaceil) Sti'l
ner, Ja. Pope aad J. A. Canuer, all of Mt.
1SM HOW niXEIIMlT, IlejiJter.
Are Becoming Less and Less When
They Come to Read the Remark
able Cures Performed by Drs.
Darrin, at C35 Fifth St..
Portland, Oregon, by
From the rortlatwl Oresvitis.i.
Dr- Darrin Hear Sir: 1 wish to
express my gratitude (03011 for the
wonelerful results your electro
magnetic svstein of cine has done
in my ca.-e. Two years ago I was
stricken down with ajwplexy.
Numbness and great pidei in my
head and neck followed for a long
time. ( Uher aflliction came thick
and fast. I had chills, liver and
stomach eleiangwmen!'. causing
vemiting for wie!:s. In short, my
whede: system was thoroughly per
meated with malarial poison, anel
continued so until last October,
when 1 hud a -evnd stroke eif par
alysis. I leering of 3011 I put my
self under yen r care, and now,
after three months' freatmnit, I
rej ice to tell you I am restored to
health, unel can he referred te) at
Corvallis, Oregon If this will be of
service to you publish it. i
MRS. N.P. r.HIC.CS. !
A. A. Durham, Tualatin, Wash
ington count v, Or., writes that
Drs. I )nn in are working wonders
on his kietney and bladder iroublen;
also rheumatism of thirty years,
Geo. P. Hear v. janitor Odd Fel
lows hall, Ifl First street. Port
land, chronic catarrh ten years.
Had eleh aired of ever being eured.
Has had no symptoms of it for
Pt rtlnnd.Or., dan. 2.IS.-S.
Hrs. Darrin (5euU: - I should
be ungr.ite tul were I to neglect
acknowledging my d -1 t ef grnti
t.yti fo; the ex;i-me skill
and ability with which you have
treated my wife ami son Robert
and myn'lf. Other physicians had
given up:ell hojies of saving my s.n
sajing that h" had not vitality
enough left 'o work on. but, under
your trcalmenr, he is to-day free
from the complaint en diseases
that threatened his life, ami is rap
idly gaining strength. His troub
le were liver, kielney, heart and
stomach ailliction, accompanied
with pain an I bloating. As for
myself I feel better than I have for
yeai-s, amidmost heartily ivcoiu
men 1 your system to all who are
suffering from acute or chronic dis
eases. Verv trulv and gralefullv
d. D. IlKNHV.
Jill to 2'iT Front Street.
orncn 1 1 or us axd ii.i i: er m'Mxrss
'I he eloctors can bo consulted at
i'i'i Fifth street, corner of Main,
Portlanel. from 10 to -1 daily; eve
nings, 7 to Sundays. 1U to t.
All curable chronic diseases, loss
of manhoo'l, blooel taint-., syphillis,
gleet, gemorrlm-1 stricture, sper
malorrlni'a, seminal weakness or
hss of de-sire of sexual power in
man or woman, ealnrrli and deaf
nss, are eonfi-Ientially anl suc
censfully treated, ('tires eif private
diseases guaranteed. Circulars
sent five. Most cases can receive
Iniine treatment after a visit to tho
doctor's office.
Tho Seattle Oliico is closed.
Any of the patients from that vi
cinity i an c.ill at the Portlnnd
13y virtue ol an execution issueel
outof the Honorable Circuit Couit
of the Slate of Oregon for the
County of Grant, on the 16th day
of July, ISSS. in favor of Peter
French, ot als. Plaintiffs, ami
against.!. W. Scott anel J. II.
Si'waru, D.fendants, for the sum
of One Hundred and Ninoty-three
dollars and Seventy-nine Cents
Cold Coin, together with eight
pei cent, per annum interest and
accruing cest, I have levied upon
and will sell at Public Auction,
on Saturday, the 1st day of ."'e'p
I ember, 1HSH, at one o'cloek, P.
M., at the Court House door, in
Canyon City. Crant County, and
State; of Oregon, ll the right, title
anel interest wliieh tho said.I- II.
Sev,ar.l and J. W. Scott, Dcfnd
auts, had on or after the Pith day
ofNoMUiber, IS7, in or lo the
following descrilx-d pioniises, to
wit: Thit certain dwelling house,
corral! and all either out buildings
now situate ami being upon the
North West Quarter of Section
Twenty-Six, (20) in Township
Twei:tv-Nine,(2i)) Sotf.h of Range
Thirty-two, 'A2) East of the Wil
lamette Meridian, in Grant Coun
ty. Stale; of Oregon.
Terms of sale cash.
Dated at ('nnyon City, this 1st
dnv of August, 1 SS8.
Sheriff of Grant Co., Oregon.
I will Sell Good T.rick at 810.00
per thousand for Cash, the next
sixtv davs, near Prairie Citv, Or. !
Address PAUL FA I MAN, I
. Or enquire of Geo Shearer, Prairie, j
PnAintn Citt, Ok., August U, '$H !
Loim Creek Baces.
There will lc Three Days fa
cing beginning Sept. 1-Hh. 20th
anel 21st. 1SSS.
first day's kack:
Two Rest in Three. .1 mile free
tor all purse $1.10.00.
; First Race. : mile D.tsli. Free
for All ptirsel00.0.
Second Race. .'. mile, free for
all Three-vear-olds. Simrle Dash
purse $100.(Mi.
third day's rack:
One Mile and Repeat. Two in
Three, Free for All purse $200.
ICntranee Fees. 10 per cent, of
Se'venly er e-eni. te the first
horse and thirty per ci'nt. to tin
Si'CeUld heU'Si.
All Races to he geiverncd by
the Ii. Sl. Association Rules.
I 'resilient.
En. C. Allex, )
Chas. II. Lkk f' Directors-
W. N.
For Sale.
A Bund of Sheep 3,000 head
Perfectly free from disease, ge.od
wool producers, averaging about
7 (pounds each. Range in Rear
valley, Grant county, Or., and
known us the
Will sell the entire band, or half
of them, on reasonable terms.
For Parti'Milars enquire of H.u-
TONSTAM. & D.KT, dolin DuV, Of.
If you are inhbted to us either
by account or noti:. you will suve
costs by calling at our oinee, in
Drewsey, and settling the same at
once. Respectfully Yours.
RoiUUNs A" I Vital NGTON.
Drewsev, Or., A-i-. !. 123
Vh'rkc 4 Weather
sell yon goo-is rhcafwr than any other house in linker Citif.
They cury a full line of
Full Roller Flour. .
. Oooel Roast Co flee .
Choice dapau Tea.
Parlies wishing to lay in their
j lo call and examine goenls anel ge
If You Come lo Baker Cily Go lo the
Wheivj you will ;-t tlio I!i'gest Bargains fer Half the Mony as any
other plae e. We- are closing out our Entire Stock of
Goods in all tlcpartments. You . get
nior goods for oi) i ts than for
?1 at anv olhe-r Store in Eastern '-regon.
Closing Out, Closing Out! Closing Out!
oO mon's Fuits at 7; formerly 12.
2o men's Suits at SS.UO; formerly $1.5.
1,000 pairs men's punts $3; formerly ('.
oO1- puirs men's lino Calf Shoes S'i. ln; formerly $Cl
Here is a Stunner for You:
75 dozen Ladies UniP-ishirts each ") cts; formerly 7. cts.
Id0 dozo'i Laelies' Hose each In cts; formerly '21), 2o and .'50 cts.
")0 dozen Lubes' line handki-rchiefs 10 ets each; formerly 2.I. to 515 ot.
7" pieces Summer Dress Goods light shades 20 cts pi .yd, formerly 51.
This is a leader in Bargains.
Great 1 'a hies for the least Money,
ai oar Closing Out Sale!
The Greal 2. X. L. Store, Baker Cily.
5. Po sure and send us an oieler, or come direct. It will py
you. One trial is Suflicient.
Haptonstall & Dart
John Day City, Oregon,
Ltuil OWcc ai La liiaiiele. Ore-ii.
AitUt Ttli.. lSS.
NtOksit !icr!v siven tlmt tlec fatlowlH!:
iramiil tllor ha"tilel iiotWfriii.- iiitueitiuH lo
cHtimtiU- and aiteUc final rHif lei T
M jtaitn. Mnel that will trmt w ill In? mailt- lolre
tH Cemiitv Clerk of limit county Oregon, at
Cunvon Citv, Or., on Septcenber ii, ISja. :
ntEEMX"..TAHEK, 1M X". a?'. lr the
XWijuarof NW i:ar.. S half ot XW .iar.;
anel 'V iiuar of SW ijeiar., Sec l.", Tp. 1 1, S )t
31. E W M.
He iwi.itjs the following uitnesnsei ti pnwe
hi eoiitiimoU'i rfsiilunce upon, anel euitivothtn
f. ail laml. viz: William Leew. CharhH Lw;.
f Jnkn I)a. OreKWi; CS Orihy, at .Mnkw,
f Chhj on Citv. e;retrii .
21-rW 1IENKV lUX.'HART. Husister
Lh1 e)fltet a' The Iattf. OrtsiH
July :otth., I.-SS.
N..i'P U livrihi" sivril tint lhr fWr.wi
llAliloi ,-ttlT h i.- rtlisl iiotirt-..f li iiitMtiitN to
tiiik filial irMif in iiijipoit if Iim t'hilrH. ami
that saiil proof will ItviiNiiif hefor J. T. Ml
e'.HimyCk-rk of Oram enunt. e)r.,at Canvun
r i:v. Or., on StntmiiHT ., lias. Tint: AltTlll.'K
, HReilJ, I S f.233, for the XE qeiar of X W .,wr.
. imit .Nr. )tmr. aietlSr. tir of Nh ittar., bee.
Ii. Tp . 17. S It 2. E.
lie iiame t tt-e folhiwiiKT witiMM to itot his
, cnHtiuiioitH ri'iiloiii i' upon. i hiTntittn tit,
himl. vlas: t) II Stt-wart. W I' White, e Wi
J Idiiron. of Stcwjrt, Or : Cliarh-s Mfltrc, f
Iran iiiir, nrrjciHi.
' '.'! -ei F. A. Htcv-t.T.
Ollkv at 1m Oniiitl. er:ni.
.Inly :th.. 1.
Xtlfr i h-rehy s;ien that th fothiw
mmihoiI --ttIer hat 1111 nntio f hM intenlhm tu
) twtke fiiwl proof iii sipprt i f UU claim, anil
' that aid proif villi bo maiie before the rmiiy
i i-rK oi i, rant went., at emiviMicHy. Or., on
Sriit. i.'.eh.. ij,; CII.VS. II. l"Tt.KV. 11S..
T-ti... ft-r the. Ml qemr of SE qar. See J7. ail
f W h-Uf XE iiiar, ami XE iiuar of XE nuar. See
! 2e. Tp I.-, S K2S. E W M. "
Il- names thr follow in witnesv;!) to prove hH
roiitinuii'is reiJeiHre iiimiii, uimI cnltivattmt (,
MtM lati-l. nanietv; UixUi Masiel. Walui
I'.rowii, W I). OfHrerinxlD It. Alliurt; all
of Kim lluel, Orejroei.
2r.-t 1IEXHY HIXEilART, KenrWtrr.
Full College Course. Also Feien
tiiic and Literary Courses.
. ((( emic Deparfnti!Ilf-
prepares for any college, for teach
ing or bussiness. Superior Con
servatory of Music, Instruction in
Art, Elocution and Modern Lan
guage's. Eleven professors and
touchers. 100 students. LadieiK'
boarding hall. Voting men'x Iwll
being built.
Fall Term opens September ikl,
Write for Catalogue to x. -I.
ANDERSON. Ph. D., President,
tot Kist Main St., Wstllu Walla.
W. T
. ...$:i.iri porBbl.
2") cents per pound.
.2.") cents per pound.
Winter Supplies will Save Money
our pr;e -s before buying elsewhero.
Saker City, Ore.