Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 16, 1888, Image 3

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liny is pretty generally har
vested, and no bettor weather for
curing it could be desired.
I very one who has gone here
tofore failed to in any of the .
warlike huckleberry, and now the
pheriff has gone sifter him. ,
Should we judge the future by ,
the exnerieoec of nnst years we
might safely say that the hottest j
weather of the season wa over, i
!.! I of jinlpni.
Talk almut vour big red apples! '
Mr. R. C. Trowbridge jire.-ented ;
this gas foundry with a basket of !
the largest Red Junes we have (
seen in any country, ani oi nne
flavor. ;
We long for an inspired goose
quill these dull linn?. We could
boom the camp, but don't want
to do that till the sign gets right
at such time when the lmom
would stick.
We learn from School Superin- ;
tondenl Hayes that the daytime J
exorcise? of the Teachers' Jnsti-'
tute will lve held at the school j
house and in the evening at the j
court house. j
A group of mines over in the ,
Oreenhorn district were recently
sold to a capitalist from oou j
1 liver, for f HX).(XH). so we learn.
This has given new life to mining '
matters in that vicinity. -
rtl - t , 11 I I i.v. j '
uu- .ui. nui ,mu i.,.riw
iif. . null
Bflilway Lompany nas neon in- j
coriHuated at Portland: capital
.toek'. iney irojMse
t t 4 t 1 1 jl
to mulct irom I ortianu acioss iik ,
Cascades to Lastern t)rcgon. .
Manv sood ranches lot urmer !
Can von creek. Lots of hav and i
considerable grain is imKlueeil. !
Mr. John Sloan informs us that :
ihh we,-k ),, will M. mitinii j
his grain and otherwise making
tilings hum.
Col. N. II. A. Mason
w1m was '
si delegate from Nevada to the
demratic nati.mal convention.
at St. Lmis. returned a snort
time since and was iu town dur
ing the week, looking toward his
tHoek business.
T1k Eastern Oregon Uepubli-1
ctjii is the laleat journalistic en-:
ageu oo a p.onee o! wirgu... ou - - - - - - - , rh , k J)()C. Jones and
father oft. . Parrish of this 0 ,t Jc dg( wmcn ne ,w aii u in tne . Tuck-son- i
city, was married to a widow lady ! Orecnhnrn country. ' i"1 n'Lt r
.. l - ci i nuu (MiKiiiir nii'Sv wiiii mill, 'iiiii .
" - - . .1 1 ? Til. 1.:
aged o.) years, on .Monday ot last ! John MorrcR. who was aduidg- ..,..,, n;il "c.nrv be
lerpnse. an conies asking t ie r:irri. HiswWK
.vEvstocx;dmngewithit lI:(;UIHl!m.h ranc-h. ms b,
ikw paix;r is pumisneu at i nio.i. f
is ivpu :
allied by Lev. (... .d. Irwm.
Horace Sloan came over from
the vieinity f his lClk creek dig
gings hist week, and reports the
outlook favorable. He brought
over a g h k I sized nugget, picked
up in the tail race ot the Moan ,
iv nasKi'ii eijuiu ih hi .-u-iiiiwiu . .
Ttais of winter annles from this
section can lind a market in
southern (iranl this fall. Mr.
Loggan. a merchant of Harney
citv. was over on business last
week, and he remarked that he
would require at least a ton at
"gathering time.
One night lately a train coming
.. ", i i . .......
up tile raging l-oiumoia nei.
3"jm over
and killed a large and
tie rc
, , . i .1
It is supposed the ;
lieadlight on the locomotive daz
sded the hugi? denizen of the for
est facinated him. as it were,
until he ,-ould not get out of the
Cougars, the bold varmints
besides menacing tlie iKirse and
sluvp industry, are a serious
drawUnek to the hueklclcrry in-
.lusirv in this county. A num-
- . " i 1
Iter ot persons have i(Hn naoiy
friglitencil by seeing their shaggy ;
forms and 4w scalps appear in
tin bushes. j
James Lofton and his Hi tie! oy
rulled a turnip into our sanctum
on which we sil to write tins,
Faid turnip weighs 101 lbs. and
meauaes 211 inches around the j flmrge of Ingle's band of sheep fos-ional clubs; second and third and will hold water like a strain
waist with our shoes off. and will over about JJoar valley, became ; prizes to bo played for by ama- ' cr. No amount of such silly
Ik on exhibition four da vs. Mi
Urfton can furnish you any size
of tumij)s.
Johnnv Hammond agd 1S.
and a girl namel Taylor, much
younger, ran away irom ana
Valla to Pewllcton lately to gel
married. Tin two kids were fol
IowihI uji by the girl's mother,
wlio sjwnkc-d her erring daughter
ii .11
and timk her home. I lu
ie iHy was
jailed on a ehrg of alHlm-lion. .,.. JIM.S first-class work, and j f;(n no, snnlu.,..
NoIhkIv ever saw a I'iute In- at prices as low as anv in Kastcrn i "
ilian that" was devoid of comjianv j Oregon. Having s eii samples of ; Potmaster-( ieneral Dickenson
when 1m- was aloii. . ami reeentlv his work we can recommend it to issued a circular recently mstrue-Kuc-aroo
Jim has develoMd that the people of Grant eotintv. Pat- , ingr Jiostmasters that under the
trait to a wonderful degree. He ionize your home instil ution? in ! lrovisions oi the iicstotluce aj)-
was observed catehing things and
jmlling them in two. and then
the jailer and attendants mixed
up a bucket of ointment, made
niojjs tu long jHiles.and thorough
ly anointed Jim. lb f'-ls lon
soiiH now.
From a gentleman ju.-t uji
from Mitchell we learn ofaiM-
culiar mishap with which a Ixdl
of lightning met at that jdace.
lie says that last Thursday a
ihunder shower eameup, and the
lightning llahe-' wen extraordi-
narilv dazIing. One streak of
lightning seemed to he msjiired
with a new idea, for it leaped in-
to the butcher shoj) and struck a
quarter of beef lying on the block. . veloped by foreign eajntal, and for freedom of thought and ojmi- ; died at Ins Home m .lolin i):y j doctor s oihee.
The beef was not injured, but the 1 we welcome that development, ion. Persons from both j)arties last Thursday night and was; The Seattle Oflico is clqsed..
.streak of lightning went limping knowing that the result will le , are invited to contribute short buried Friday afternoon in the Any of the jatients from that vi
f$ut j?f lie window, shrieking with . millions of dollars added to the j sketches to the column, as we Canyon City cemetery. His ago j cinity can call at the Portland
pain. ' lyeallh of the country. 1 shall be partial to none. . was something oyer 21 yeare. office.
Cowlvoys. look in I his week's
News, and learn how to find a
Welcome in the citv of Ruins.
An attachment has been issued
in favor of I. R. Dawson of Fort-
land, against
longer oi
Fish are easily aught in the
..,.. I 1,... ..i. l$.,...l.
herders say lliey literally
wallow in the dust.
.las. Mael brought home some
ed insane and sent to the asylum
from Harney valley last winter.
uis-nargeu as curci.
gentleman at Lakeview has
Jvcen appointed to select the most
suitable and convenient location
for the new Harney land office.
lion. J. F. Morrison, of Drew
sey. smiled with us this wiek.
lb is over, he said, not on an
electioneering tour, but other
Near Wcatherbv station, a few
miles from linker last week an
engineer on a west Iwund train
fell from his engine and broke
hi neek.
By wferring to thp rmmty
iVas;ur,.rp notice in another eol-
umn it will 1m seen that Uraid
county is able to redeem another
lot of scrip.
.lieep are away down m liar- . ..I . 1 1 ,
r. t. ,i . Jn nin-j will nvp von some 'Ood
,.;n;o k,..i
nev valley, i ne l tenis savs tnai
it . a i' -i" : 1 - '
f. .ii i .it .11. vi. i. l'i lien mi ir
.,1.1.11 .Hiuiuii w .-iwoV .(";- ,
meiits. khj nrougm m cem a
head, and lV0 $I.Ma head. '
The second night from home .
, , ..... lis mnli,lir
aU(I uu.kl,.lM.rrv ns ale
uu all his meat and he sent in
word bv Morton ClhTord to have !
Charley send him some more.
, . u. i,,,.,,,. .l t,i:.,
,. -T , ; ,.
W i.liir.cil?i' nt hii'i'iii i
was consumed by lire, together
with the contents of the barn and
- - - - - - - " " ' - - - - f
a stack of hav.
We did not learn
by what means the lire urigiualed.
Thi. (.u) is n.h,..irsim.
for the teatdiors' institute which
will meet on Ttifdav next. Mu-
t;? hmII lir .llii.l'ti;
it. 111. ri i II ...I"..!'..-.!
during the four eveuing bv tin
Canyon City and John Day gle
at the'
(iundlach ranch, has hee.i dan- '
,mslv sit.k wih hvnhl ivYi.Y
jmrl is mi vH in a ,lnngerou?
nm,litin. Mr. Biswell's familv
have Ik -en unfortunately alllieted
with a great ileal of sickness.
W. 15. Donaldson, of Day villi.
has returned from a trip to Wash
mgton territory
1 le gives a very
nattering retmrt of that section, j
cs)eciail oi tin I'Kanagan c onn
Lot i , tn rh file ,,1,1
liiln vet
'J Willi l." II ! ( II. l & v. v v
J. 11. Cabbell will soon havo 1
his concentrator erected on the j
La Bellevue mine on Onion creek.
Mr. Cabbel has just returned from
Francisco, where he iur-
ehased this costly maihinerv.
and this outlay of money proves
i r..ii. :.. .!.' i .. r..n....
nib i;uui in uu- icueu''.
Coder head of "NYw to-dav" ,
. . - . t
Will 1K. found the notice nf Mr. ,
1). 1. Minehart. who has a great franchise has Ihvii granted L. L.
variety and a varied assortment Mromweil. of Omaha, and the
of summer apples for sale. Mr. ; necessary amount of slock sub
Minehart's fruit is all good, and scribed by the citizens of Maker,
samples can be seen al this oHice ' (.f(imlv rl(.rk , T yM jmi,
if you come h.'fore the tleVlI r-iiiiiK- rhmied fmrnnn enfendee
t 1 i i1
claps ms nns on mom.
Tuesday morning a physician
wns hastily summoned to attend '
Mrs. J. S. llaplonstall. of John '
Dav. whom a velJowiaekel had
stung on the throat. The wound
iniiieted by the insect had cauid
Judy's throat to swell so that
her breathing beea me ditlicult.
and there was iilentv oi (Hcasion
lor alarm
A noor sheen herder who had
lonesome and left his llock to the
mercy of coyotes and other boasts
of leisure, and trainjied into town
last Sunday evening. He iniag-
ined he could see things, and said
some one was trying to janson
his sheeii and himself.
Klsewhere. on this jiage. will be j inn; forces are now in the neioh
seen the new advertisement of , borheod of ( Jrron river. AVyom
J. C. Welcome's saddle and bar-. intr .Jin) miles Kast of Hailoy.
. . ....
m-ssshon. at Hums. Mr. el-
referenee to sending abroad for '
inferior work.
A deed ha
s oeen placed on the
v records, tor a group ,
(Irani county
r,i , .',,, : :, I
t uiin juiiii. ill uu ruu'iiiii hi
the Olive creek mining district,
alnjut a quarter of a mile west of
Robin.-onville. and known as the
"lied Man." - Red B.v" and -Pel
Cirl" mines. The grantors are
A. F. Iykes and others, of New
York, to a eoriorntion of New
Jersey capitalists under the name
of the "Ked Man Mining Co."
The price paid was .foIo.OUti.lHi.
1 rosjeroiis tunes arc m store for
Crant county. Her mineral re-,
sources are beginning to be de- ;
Ml. Vernon. Or. Aug.
A good rain would be agreeable
Daw Peterson siarts for Web-
foot to-day.
Times are dull. and most awful
drv are the creks.
Haying is about over. Ihuik
Workinslinished Saturday. Hay
is selling hr ri per ion in me
t .i. 4 - V. 11. .
stack. I
would like lo no too. 'but he is
afraid Daisy would throw oil on
if h(. iJk
Win Lemons killed a deer the
other dav ami took a choice piece
over to "his 1ksI girl.
School commences to-dav
.Moon cr-ek.
Miss Jessii
u.u.iii 5 rniT lo
start for Monmouth alioul the
first of September. L.
.. j r-
We rise to make the remark
that it is much cooler.
Binder twine T-'O feet to the
pound al Basche A- Cos.. i?aker
We had a call this week from
"(iassy Bill, of Yamhill, who
never wnrk d ami never will."
If you want to be well inform-
.i - - - n
- - - . - .
rm j it" .1-' . . 1
i ne osieciuoit r"-uu oi .ew i oik,
tlo (.usl r ti1(. pv?iIential
campaign in all th.'staiesat $:.'.-
UIH), IK).
T, , . , ..,..;.
io U vmv iu to-eiher. Thev
iulii, di-,,.,. ( ....m.ti-V nm.
institute 01
i i ? . m. ! l...
1 1 Ji" ..wnr. , .. ...
j held in Baker City commencing; '
I I f k I i t I ll J '411' I III' ftlllllllllllllMIIir
Willie tientry.of whose sickness nientlv denying that the woolen : may b entered, and that the re
we male mention last week, died I iii.iiuikiHiiici; :iiv hi favor of free fcrenccs to !( acres are meriv
Thursday. anl the funeral rites
weii observed of Friday.
The horse says neigh when he
sees the groom appnf.tehing with
a bunch of hav for him. and tin
girl t-avs nav when her beau hints
at marriage,
Ilenrv Villard. with ihe assis-
tance of several Herman scient
ists, contemplates fitting out an
i i . t
eii:duin lor tne exploration oi
the south He.
There are .i7.70H school child-
rcn iu the citv of San Francisco.
From these returns the popula-
lion ot the citv is estimated at
ai,OUi ;,iK).()0n.
An Irishman wrote home to
is friends over the briny deep i
i i f i . i i.
"S ineilUS OVOl' 1110 OrillV
that in tins blessed land
011 a """ l loa.n im.- iu j
)t? 'dlercd for thieves. '
Pi...,,t M...l ;,, fl, I .,;. ;
1 Ocean, has been annexed totier-
j many. The (iovernment is jjro- ; It is a well known and genera 1
jKiritijr f,r the introduction of ly conceded fact that the contest
arm and ammunition. I of htst JuniMvas fought out on the
t itni'tiini of lV(.i. wnfil or tirneef ion.
Maker Citv is soon to he light-
, i " , , .
ed by gas and electricity. A
tour to his ranch in creek
valley last Monday. Mr. Mael
has "been ijtiile uiiwell all the
time lie has been awav. ami his
looks show it.
P.iL-f,,. f ",tx- tvJl! lt.ivr. or
ii.'iKOi v n win nao atiotnei
, , , . .
1 u m-m in cuii ii.uiiein ii conic on .
... , .. :
Pe '
t)ctoler. 1 Ho
jin.e ni'ne .
will amount to bis
tween Sl.OMO and S 1,201): first '
l-mc oi .SoUU to lie open to pro-
The Chicago A Northwottrn
. Ivailwav Company eteudinir '
its road et from Helena to a
j connection with the Oregon I'ac-
i!ic railway at IJoise. Its work-
f i ,, m );l fitP r(MMi I? Ivor re.
propnation lull recently passed
Pv ( ongress. jxistage on seeds.
'..n: i ..ii. . l
, ... , , , . , .
ii an s will 1h charged at the rate
, , , ;
oi l ceni uu eai'u iwo ounces or
fractTon tlcreof. The former rate
was 1 cent per ounce.
This week the Ni:w sets forth
a new feature in giving the differ
ent politi'-al exirossions. While
it is our aim to treat all fairly,
therefore refraining from editorial
comment, we deem it jroductive
of much good to devote a column
for the dissemination of the views
exjiressed b brother editors oi
both political faiths. This will
give our readers an ojijiortunity
Republican and Democratic Morsels
Culled from our Exchanges
and Published without
i .. .ii... i.i: t
.vuou.L-. . h-jk uu. ao M -p ifc for granted that the constme
omand says the hicago plat- tions of lnw .uui (lemrtmontiil de
form will not do. Mr. N. O. Nel- . .,r .1 t i
son. a large mautfacttirer of St.
Louis, refuses to train with a nar-
ty that is against reform of any
, j
Hort Eugene (iuard.
Twelve years ago (ion. (irant
made a prophecy which will be
fulfilled in November next. He
said: -When the Democracy
j oomcs near to complete control of
fin. ,.-vni-.fvv- if will lro..l- l,.i,.l-
the cou ti, t will bie.ik its hack
! across the Alleghany mountains
on thetarifriuestion. Hoise City
Mr. Morton, republican candi
date for the vice presidency, turns
j out to be a director m British
1 railways iu Canada, which tak-
ing advantage of
tin treaty ot
IS71 are taking all the American
transportation they can grab.
Mr. Morton, the London banker
and the British railroader, is a
splendid ornament to a ticket in
behalf of whicjii so much Anvri-
U-an howling i? done. S. V. Alta.
A democratic paper in Oregon
says: "The average tariil' rate is
now -17 per cent, and the Mills
bill will still leave an average
rate af H) per cent." What's the
use of talKing about an averagi
rate of -10 per cent.
when the
v.diole of Oregon's products is to
be put on the free list. And how
1. . A . ..1
i j, iratululent ".vera"e rale
! to jM. 1nailliained, Bv continu-
: i,, Llio lmMluets of southern
ajirieuliurists and of eastern
j nulls the nrotecti.m that is denied
! to the products of other portions
! of the country. Then this average
rate twaddh
i 5
I the Mills bill, there is no fraud
! ,ii. imln.iM,. 'I'Iuti
j... ...... .v
, ,.n a fl? i,,ir t., .-ov,r it.
. .
I'he war t a ri if organs are vche-
w.h.I. 1 1 doesn't matter whether
thev are or not. The twoplc of
this country arc in favor of chea
per clothing, and they are bound
to get il some time. Bui the fad
remains, and is not denied, that
only three years ago the National
Association of Wool Manufactur
ers "unanimously approved" and
sent to the secretary of the treas
ury an argument for free wool.
This was signed bv William
Whitman, president, and Thomas
uoian. one oi tne vice prcsiMem.
of the association. It recited the ;
disadvantage under which Amer-j
lean manulaelurers lahorcu m
being compelled to pay high du- j
!ios ?n wools not produced here, j
l "k ispens.ole tor admixture. ,
while their foreign comnotitors
i,.i ,i 1.1
lo s.v0f.t from. This is no doubt!
the real sentiment of every intol-
Hgent woolen manufacturer to-,
day. Jackson villi Times
i... i. .. i. i.. ,i....;.i.
i in- r-oui- i ei ii in iiiuiijii mi i i-
. ... ,., ...,.
, wool is only the sharjx'iied end
i of the free trade wedge that is to
rive the thcindustriesof this conn-
try. That democratie defeat was
then so great and upon that pint -
form they find they cannot stand.
Now thir utmost endeavor is to
devote their attention to some
thing that may assist to modify
their defeat. We are told that
tne renuh lean? mav carry me
...... I ..l i 1 T .. .
Slilie OIH y HO SUCH Mill OI1IV :i
, . ,, . . ., .
last June. I heir hope tor all this
, ... ... , . , . ...
lies in tiieir eflort to divert at -
,..;,. rnilll free uool to Chinese
j,nnn,n.j, Anvthing to check the
ti,l,. for Il.-nrison. ' The Chinese
dodge is the merest subterfuge
twaddle will divert the attention
of the sheep raiser from the main
dueslion. I lis interests are at
:md he knows it: his vital
parts have beer touched and lus
nerves tingle as he looks at the
dead market, in vam he tries
to raise the nipney for his e. pen-
ses without completely slaughter-!
ing Ins wool stock. ! Ic calls tor
buyers and they are not there,
What does the wool grower care
tor the pig-lailed Mongolian in
comparison to his sheep? No.
friend democrat, you may call in
vain. Ye are like the lhialites
on Carmel who called in vain for
their (Jod to hear them. K. (.
- i B
Paul Faiman has brick for
sale. See his "ad." under "New
Died, at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C.
Prowbridge. of
typhoid fever, James William,
oldest son of Mr- and Mrs. W. 0.
( Jen try, aged 22 year--. 1 month
and !W days.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Duncan's
son, who it will be remembered
was accidentally shot by his
cousin over on Reech creek some
three vears ago, after suffering
all this time from the wound,
. . . , .,
. Somc Rcccnt DecSIOns b' hc Scc
ary of thc Interior.
.....t......i.. t t.
oeiTutiin ftwius uui iu ihivu
rert-imlforilo W interests of
! ..n
; uu i oumi UtU.
; Since tin: pre-emption and home-
.stead laws first became opeiittiTQ human being;. There is no utili
it has been the rule of the (ieautal ( ty in such lio-ures. A mosquito
Lund Ofilco and Department of ean do aboiif-lOO timo ro much
the Interior that the laws intendetl 10W j,'x
that each settler should acquire I Z1
title to HJO acres of land, and that NOTICE.
where entries were made for parts
T V V , i 1 T
j ,ml.tH of fractloiul sections, al-
' though all of the sub-divisions ap -
j plii fot by theentryman might lie
wiun.i t ie oounuary lines or a
trv must hj restricted totliat num
her such s'lb-dhisions that nearest
, apprjKimate. in area the magic 1(50
acers or nominal ouart'-r section,
, U,K jn ,UJinv istnnccs settlers.
! n
ive u. en required, alter nav. mg
made entries, to ielin.uisii some
om oi uie suo -invusiuith euvcreu
Dv Uitir entries so me excess
... . . .If.
over li!:) acres should be .is .small;
s possiansf, arm ireipieuny unoer
1111 il l'
thin role settlers hae lieen foived
to take less than the H!0 acres,
the practice being to permit the
entry for such traels as come near- j
est whether above or lelow that.
In homestead entries, where '
the land embraced excee!od the!
area of I (iO acres, the
s.ttler was
j required ta make payment in cash
i or its eqe.ivalent in some kind of
Lanu Herip tor ttie exepes. as
. ... .... . .
I the surplusage is. technically eali-
! ed, at ilie rate i)er acre at "which j
the land v:i, rated by the govern-
; T Secretary has recently char.
tfed tins practice, nun a pro-em p
! Litin nr liotncstpail Ki:ltlfr miiv iuiw
' " V " . i
enter ail oi (lie land wit -m tlie
limith of a quarter section as sur- !
; v - . -i- ;
. , , , I
I 1 J . i'l'l. lllU 1
the l iw shall We entitled to
i one iu titer section a suiveyi d
1 explanatory, not lt-rtetive 11
: char.ieter, or that they .-q.ply to en
tries for sub divisions of sections
uu, . ijii.n .-uu a.s
i -i n .
Ihe i would appear for
the f'tture is to be thai a settler
may outer all of any qu uter sec-
lion.'Uess ot area, and with-
out payment of excess; but if the
settlement 'o up-m land not em- !
braced within the Mirxewd lin. s
nt nun ..ifii-lnr cAe'i.nt tl mi (I... .
o(1 rn,p rf n-iio,, 'iVi o :i,ea i
a M,ti).Pl!1Nl( (,f o.vcess i,v-
mnn.Q ...ivm-n
i .
It has also been decided that a
nrppmnini' mnv nni l.n nnrmien.!
q sub-divide the land covered bv
his in
mo town lots and ofa-:
ices of business and trade :
thereon without waivine- his ri"hl
doing will not be premiUed to
make payment for and perfect title
to the hml under the pre-emption
U is held that with regard to
railro id grants that land covered,
by a pre-emption filing valid on its ;
face is expected from the opera- ,
tion of the grant. j
A pre-emption filing is consido-
as the iveoid assertion of a claim j
into uie validity of w'och a rail
road company is precluded from
in-miring. Kven the fact that the
Ian ! has been awarded to the grant
in former coutrovrries involving
its status, doe-; not prevent the
Dop.utaienl from le-onsidcring tiie
matter and making different do-
llr.Mtv N. Coer. i
Ivtumirrt r f rv o.lilvnci!
i j
I . J.. J' isrt,
21 if
Prairie Citv, Or.
ix ori-x i.KTTint.
Vmm th OnrtUn-l Oivx-Hiiun.
Mu Editous Dear Sirs: I have
i been a great sufferer for almost
l:i firj 'A' ii li ilio !ivi' n n.l L-tiliwiv
(iiM).,s,,. .m u stomil(.i, diniculu",
and in fact mv whole svsiem was
deranged. In this condition I
fVlme fo )rA D-nrin, 255 Fifth
street, Portland, for consultation
nm treatment. Now, after a few
weeks' tr. atment, I have not felt
s0 well in iiveye.ns as 1 do now.
and consider myself cured and,
well, l also was deat, and am !
nearly cured of mv deafness. Can
be referred to at my home at e- i
ateo. W. T.
W. F 00 LL
Portland, Aug. :', 1SSS.
. ornci: itoras and nt siKKss
'I he doctors can be consulted at j
2-55 Fifth street, corner of Main,,
Portland, from 10 to t daily; eve-;
' "V!- to unoays. .o ,o i".;.
All curaoie c.ironic diseases, loss
of manhoo 1, blood taints, syphillis,
gleof , gonorrhce i stricture, sjicr- !
matorrhcea, seminal weakness or j
loss of desire of sexual power in I
man or wunrin. catarrh and deaf j
ness, are conii lontially and suc
cessfully t routed. Cures of private
diseases guaranteed. Circulars
sent free. Most cases can receive
homo treatment afrer a visit to the '
Notice is hereby given that J.
.1. Dorris is not an agent nor is
he in anv wav connected with
" " ' . ,v"
: the Farmers Merchants fnsur
mmpo Cvnnnnv of Albfmv. Or.
- i . - -
.1. K.
. A scieinu-t ealculates with
! Lrreat precision what a mosouito
i J 1
could do it it were as lartre as a
! -tvn persons Knowing uiemseives
;IHlt.i)te(i to me will call
4 11 1 11. 1
! . "V"'
' ' " n
once. As 1 desire
tn fln-r im mr luminA.K n this
K a accounts must bo settled
F. B. KixiLxitsriN, M. D.
i.-.. Jvio-i'iiv Or Jnlv :in 'SS.
! 1 "
if vn nvn :,i1Ktwl n i. mtW
. i)V ArC()l -vr nrx.,Ti:. von will save
' eosts )V eallin- at our office, iu
),.,,,. nm citl ni t mm.. ..I
; nnf.n i?nK,.-.fiiv Vnnvo
ifnMi.tvv.v Pi umvnTnv
: Orewsey, Or., Aug. I, 18'S. 23 ;
A J I'I'I 4i V IIIU.iUM.i I
Hgs just received a VnU Stock of-
Which will be Sold Cheaper than has Kver Been Sold in tJrant County.
4rA Full aul Complete Line of Kverything that is found iu a
j Vaqucro Saddles, Plain or Border
i " Checkerboard
,i .. r... r
t .him i n
Tnpidaroos. Extra, with Saddles
, Kxf rn pnrio.s and Spur Kowells for Repairs, kupt constantly
i i i
on hand.
; A Fuil Sto-k of B,, klo and Spur Conohas-83.50 to 4.50
i . . ...
If You Come to Baker City Go lo Ihe
reat i al tore
i . .,, , .
u - , i" geL i .e n.ggesi
other place. Wc are closing out our Entire Stock of
(Joods in all departments. You will get
more goods for oO cU than for
$1 at any other Store in Eastern Oregon.
,UJ"nb vuc, viusuit;
Closing Out, Closing:
o() men's Suits at $7: formerly 1"2.
25 men's Suits at crS. fT) ; formerly $15.
1 .IKK) pairs men's p mts $J; formerly $'(5.
5()o pirs men's fine Calf Shoes 15; formerly $5.
Here is a Stunner for You:
75 dozen Ladies Cndershirts each
100 dozci Ladies' Hose each 15 els: formerly 20, 25 and HO cts.
50 dozen Ladies" fine handkerchiefs 10 cts each; formerly 25, to J55 cts.
75 pieces Summer Dn ssOouds light shades 20 cts pr yd, formerly 50
j .77 .V fS (, (U'Cdl ('(iclcv
j CrVCttt WlluPsfoi'
at our Closing Out Sale!
i The Great
I. X, L. Store, Baker City.
He sure and send us an
von. One trial is Sufficient.
0. r. CRESAP
-Dealer In-
Stationery, Books, .School Supplier,, (Jilt Hmd and OlnRwarc, in End
less Variety. Fancy Wares, suitable foi presents for both Old
and Young. lo)s' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages
from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece.
Candies k. cigars. Tobaccos, Cof -fees.
Toas, Lard, Flour,
Dl'lC" Fl'ttlts. Cm)lit,(' Fruits, Hire, CrCCMJb Whactlb,
the finest breakfast dish
Fish Poles, Dnskets,
J5ird cages, and everything that is
usually kept inn Variety
Store, all of
: Can now bj Bought Cheap
: Canyon City
Haptonstall & Dart
John Day City, Oregon
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned desires to ten
der her heartfelt thanks to the
i f ,1-. r.,
! VV l conniiuiinv iui
- 1 K-mdness and sympatny snown
! ny all in nor late nereaveinem,
the sudden taking off of her only
son, who mel his death in dis-
diarge of duly. Mav (Jod bless
you all, is the prayer of an a flee
tionate mother
Mus. W. S. Evaxs.
Card of Thanks.
To those who so kindly assisted
us during the illness and death of
our son Willie, we extend our
heartfelt thanks, and especially
thank Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Trow
bridge for their hospitality during
our stay at their house.
Mk. & M"ks. W. 0. Gentry.
I will sell Apples on my ranch
at fif) cents per box; boxes furnish
ed nt 'Joots each. AlsoVinegar or
Cider, and all kinds of vegetables
for sale at reasonable rates.
lianeh four miles below Canvou
Citv, ou The Dalles road
U orders left with 0. 1. Crosan
at C. nyon City, will receive prompt
IV Wm. Lrcir.
. . . $3s.nn
. , n ,i ,r
imrgau.s ior iiau uie luoney as any
Out! Closing Out
vul. Vriuaing UUl
25 ets; formerlv 75 cts.
111 J DtDtCUSC ' Bai'Zaill$.
fliP least MoUCll ',
older, or come direct,
ft will pay
known Fishing Tackle,
Tubs, Drooms, Lamps,
forCash at I'0 Old Stahdn'iit