Zlff - DON'T )t thai coM of your rttn o. You Uuitt it h n lijrfet tbi:t;. IjhI it mar mil into a raburit, Or in to pneumonia. Or consuiu-M)Mi. Catarrh iiidisgttstinp. Pnenmo niu is dnnsetvtis. Conttuuptioii u death itself. The Ur'uthittg apparatm tnnst lie kttpl healthy atid free of all obstructions an 1 oflTensi'.d mutter. Olhertriso t'i!Oi? u trouble ahead. All the J:e.tMvs of these parts. beat, iio.e, liuo.it, lvon'lil tubo j nixi lungs cn b" dcligntitiily and entirely cured by I he use of IJo-wet-iee'd Gorman Syrup. Tf you ilon't know this airendr, thouE- ai ami thousands of peopla can ! yon. Thfy linv een cured ! t v, and "knor how it ia, them- ' ..,!. "-ft A Of Interest to Ladies. wM Mod n FREE 8AMPL?; of onr nrfi for f aa.-c'a.!!ntnit:oen lb-lrl. i . f t. titrt!icvylfr -ruif h;iut f - 'hI '..ni7 GAStR RUttsy Un., Bs 1. Uafe!.-. t.. en..--: eiSEe : I'i C-:;: 1-T. rrr:n2jjh vf the Arc' " J-'V nIrc, Tiwb ia ! . t; T.ti :1 :! r.earsi:io in ilo : :.c ' --4.1-.iu-;, -wish 1. . rri u.ib'1. frirfts, iriili .?'c lis 3 yr, ilcadc5c r;.- ?i.-rttpsrea, with . r.'iyafitptiHl : i ' .;.-xt; socft K -. as5:" wfc-rer. i' t c,.--. a case lis ::s.i-ra'tAi&ra i 1 r. 1 -.-it CURES W !tkt ALL ElSf rAR5. EcetCwntb ?jrup. T-t good. Use iu liLjn. : u-id lr ann-rists. I bCiico Curo for "onh'-.mjition save! niv lhb. V. Jf. Dowi;:.,-., Ktlitor Krujuiror i-.r:.-ten, 7. C, A;jril 2. Tho in t (V.imh M.ii clno is Piso's (.'ui'i. joh Co;:bU.n--to t'Jaldrn OtUe it -vv'ilu.jit o!jevli:n. r-y all druji-ts. 2ic. mm w;,:?r Alt ils iaiis. Sect Cough Si r .!. Tn . -,,.., 1. Use in Man-. r.i: n..-i:ut'i...'.j jM :ha laast mmey i c a ZM ci 5 CI c -11 7m .; &. ' "11 f E5; RANK DROTKERS ii i da r SKA PI SO . -i ; - I.r Ato -..".r '. : - i . i - i j tmjp11.11 n-fi DEALE33 Farm, Mill and Dairy Machinery, Farm and Spring "Wagons, Carriages, Carts, I'VOGIES, SjHREV3. ETC Jouble and bmgio j -AND- HORSE GOODS. Wo have on hand at all times a Complcto Lino of LaKeile and Rush ford Vt'ai-ons. Buford's Gansa SIky nn ! -Walking 1'hnvs. Buford's Riding and Walk; Cnltivaiors. Harana Press Drili. Hc-Shcrry Rrair or Shoo KcSherry Seeders and I) riionins Hay IUi!tc. Eoyl Sc-ir-Duninf Victor Griiitliug Zajr Harr.Ts: (all steel). t . Ifoliow Tooth I 2 Harrows. e Our Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue mailed frco to any address FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., 68 and 6o Front Street. PORTLAND. OREGOK One Day at a Time. One day at a lime! That's all il can be; No faster than that is the hard est fate; And days have their limits, how ever we IJegin them too early and stretch them loo lab. One dav at a time! It's a wholeeome rhyme! A good one to Iiv by, A dav at a time. One dfv at a tune! Every heait that aches, Knowing oniy tno wvli how long tfaoy can seem ; : But it's never ic-dav which the spirits breaks It's the darkened future, with out a gleam. Oae day :.t a iinu ! When jo is at height Such joy as the heart can nev er forget And pulses are throbbing with wild delight, I low hard to rruitmU r that Oik dav at a time! Bui n sin- pie day, Whatever its load, whatever its iengrih; ; A lid there s a bit t precious ... jhtihiu..' 10 i ay That, according to each, shall ho our strength. One day nt a iiaie! 'Tis the whole yflifo; All sorrow, all joy. are meas ured therein; The bound of our purpose, our noblest strife. . The one on! v roimUrsisn suio to win! i.hK- day at a time! V a wholesome rhyme! A go-.l oai to live by, ay : t a lime. II en 11 1 t a 1: ... WHAT AH I TO DO? Ti o syi- p nms of Biiiiiusnrs lilitoj.y ba t m w ?. known. d tfer iu il-i'rm.l i.'i.vidw:te i i - io ei'. -nt. A ! l!-.us man is r-. !'o:u h brea&fiirtt etffr Too -,uc !, fti.i-. !-e bus mi -xeellfat tp; t tif-fir liqni.b-H l.ii. none for .-olid i u a mornins H.s tc!i'ne v.;!! huitlly heuv in :c'ion .-.nv js :ih;; if it is not white nnd furred, it i r."Oib, at nil even'. JTiie difeatire syU-in ii v.hnliv r.r m or;ir anit iinrruea or t ov st tti-.n may le a synipioni or the may itUernat : The? are of t ii Kimcihods or even lusauf i. i) d. Thcra may 1 fid Uncss f I of ftii headavho aud idity . if ; ti rin:e hik! J :id-inrs ' n . o." the tiin-h. To crn''t d! t i if rot r-Focl euro try (in n's A;i.r'.sl rii-v.-; r, it f.mt ,: i rili : ih'us;Ji-b- n!:."ts i's fjicnev AULTLESS! " -N.-ifirc is fault'o"! ... Is .iitliat r.o'.-'.e u.jcovcry, cr. .i&i:! cn.y Na j . ..i rcrjcJica, '-1 PFUKDER'S .1 . lc!ieur-.:i:-rn rntl !!- ..r.a, rclicvca v. . '.ati n, iJyi. cpsi.-innJ. i .01. npo.and jit f --if. nr !i7iat)t'.';y-t.-ii hy r-.ahinw .'-..-i. :;!. i;:.mmI. Tn!.i i i-k ,t: 1 1 now i.- !l t ! . t.i-. nj - -.. , ...f i;.-,nse. bold and uatil eci wlicic. a lulc. 6 lor .FArtKtftK'5 OlrJOER TQWIO witlwnt deb 1 : .i -.l o-:..an I:nt p.rMbcnallciifai; 1 ii i"v,i;ntwHlll d tll.v.,-.ui.illVe,Awnnl -. lai! A r:r.. I.M-.; tii.n. Inrtlant !) f .-it i-mnio Vinitnr, i-mi h'A flns and 1l if : Hoi.jich and I'wr'a. 9;. at DrueKiot . "--i- -vftn-l tnt . irercrcVm.HunIinii,A Ill l.'lr-tl.l--. l-oIMfoit to 'tt IrrL ? l-T I3i . i . tt I?ruscK. JIk-lx)X i Co., S. V. IMPLEMENT CO.. It :3.i wrnc'-t to the liunnri r.-c. M-.li' b P " '-T I. IIEAU 'A, Viro l-y O.r- u-.c of f. :rjC.rcoCiok"!Pi;RiKitn. t . 1 '. .. .j-:ete Cut m f :i Li cj.ic.i of t - :.iJi,ty-.. C:-. 'Ccr P . I l.ivcr. It ivvwvvyvvvvvvvvvvvn" ALL GOODS of I'JC Best Class AND W arranted. ! Walter A. "Woods Reapers, 3Iorers mid Binders. yvwvi Clr.irn3. ...nnii. Hodges )ouhlo Draper Header. ; lL, f m m c,U!l1i( j racuc-i m Card ccircl kioxos. Atways keeps Solt. 3 CJaar, Scott & Co. Separators ! lti , ei.ntl ,4I , ... . i riTfT mTSSWWTrWWi i : :. :U:xsl:V:!: ! and Farm Engines. (liptanL Americas hiiit I - ;!;,V:Slt . C- & ' Coi)Cr & Co''s Sav' 511118 i lhilir, 2-t.00t) cmdie mv.er. s : nnnA DCnp. r ' ' t u... Brill. : aiiil Engines. ; af -San .lose. Tni. wc'o"'' Utr "sMi..!rorm,.?utarf.a..r,i,r.e! irilis. I Star TCind Mills & Fore Pumps, i ' .. 8 8iL S&LkS THE ! r9,iV xr- " . " ,T , . I jMLaSSJtt 1 "aJ CW 1 rnilw'8'- &j3&&&2SA I 7:?i.ir.' Jr.. finr- - AiUSV'SgU23: 3-""i" i.fjM fyWL.r,:I'l?iJ?rS:. (lt2Xl J 'p'-"r J Cultivutor.t, Arc. ! T Against Hasty Conclusions. A woman in L-iyfayotte street, East, rushed out. the other tiny and informed a policeman that she had seen a hi doc; crawl ; under l.er harn, and she believed the animal mad. The officer went round by way of the alley, : accompanied by the usual crowd, and after peeking and peering for some time he shot three' bullets under the barn to scare the dog out. After a third si ot a movement was l:c:il. and ! presently the long mil of a col- !' lored man crawled into view. After haekiiifr out and brushinr the dirt out cr his eyes he asked uYVas it me von were shoot- n I supposed it was a do iin- dcr there." replied the oHiv:. ""Well, eah, doan' you nul.er 'spnso no mo'! It's dangerous.'5 And he showed a bullet hole in his cap and an other one in his coat as proofs of the accura cy of the ollicers aim. .He had crawled under after a rab bit which had escaped fiom a neighbor. "It's all right." ho said as tho ofiieer apologised, "but donii 3ou -posc no mo' ! You jist koej) ritrht down to do cole facts. a 'oposiif around ar what gets pussons into scrus t ruble." Detroit Free Press. Brigham Young a Ready Wit. It is believed that the follow- J in anecdote of Brigham Young has nc-v-.'r 1hmi publishetl. The i high nriest of the Mormons of ' i i ten had to exert tiio whole of j his wonderfully quick wit in j order to j.ireserve the faith that , his followers had in him. but be was generally equal to the oeea- Hon. A certain older, while . it, ,1P1 cnoppinii woou. nau ciu ni .rui so badiv that it ha 1 Jo lieampn- tated. As soon as ho was able he came to Young and stated his case to him somewhat s follows: have always been a j good Mormon ; 1 have several j wives and a good many oh hi- j ren, and in my present maimed . condition I do not know how 1 j am to provide for them. I he lieve track that you arc chrii-i s re present a tve tn earth, a::l that you have all the power that , . ,., Itehnd. If you like von can work miraeles: if voii lilc cu can Lrvo nie a new leu, and now i . i. .i :t " i l you io in; ii. Younn- assent td to ail the llaKcriutr iropos:tions as they were laid down, and wlnnthej elder had flnishol f.j-e.ikin he rih: 4I can irivn you a new leff. an 1 1 will, hut I want you to tiiiuk ahcut it a little liit. V iu 1 the day of judgment comes, whenever you are hur ried, vurold leo will lind you out and join itself to von, hut if I -dve you a new one, that ! will rise with you, ton. and the ! question i whether you would j Hither suffer the inconvenience ' of .jetihur .-dons with one he for a few years here or through all eternitv with tliree les." ! i The choice was foou made, j and Unchain's repul tllo:'. a ;i ! miiade-worker was ?avcd. .Near the town of Soleure. in Sv. it;:er!:ind, a lard's nest wns iwently found which was con structed entirely of the imper fect watch springs thrown out from the workshop-. il iian heen deposit. d in the local mus eum. Tito hirgest electric light in the world is in the lht house CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED Jo the JboiTOP. rienso in. nrm j .-.iv... . . w ... ... ... iionr renuer.i tin:- l nave :t f-.si- r-'int-'tlv fr Uih iiove i:-:... d d,s.,so. IJvil iirrolv tl, .. - . . ! permanent v cr.reo. 1 rimll Iell " st-ml two h.ttl,,sof ,,.y i.ilic1" 1 nr... tu.wij n. 1 mil 1: w;j0 i,vo conynmption if thcvwdl s-i 1 mo their express and pn-i ofnee r.ddrcsH. lir-spctfinh-, 'ii or r .ti a r i ,'. dSOmo 8 Pearl st, Now Y.ak. :it Sydney. Australia. It Ji:w - " " n U H Ik Snn.W . JM i in - Ukz&z-z r fi&y&b R 3 g U 53 AT I S iV3 sK?53;tci l-.u r?v m j u .vvvry . . .. .... ... i I HH! 9twtl0fHSl; IlS7lttndMncM. ! . Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach ft c.m h nmmhn 'k,L1!" repsia.and all affections of the Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop Med Front Milliard Hull! C. D. RICK ARD, Proprietor. Dealer in fine Hiitcs, Liquors and' Cigars. CAXrO.X CITY - - OREGON. II envy Bust's Celebrated. Beer Constantly on Tap or Il WITH ALL PREMISES THEREUNTO BELONGING. r BICES :dqwn TO BEDROCK! ... M l-t.i.l. f "..vi.. J. Oil ,Jil llilll till nilllin t.. ........ , , k. f .;... ,.., i.;,,,, i ma Kesi.h-s. vor. c;in buv ihe house anv otlit'i- accoinirioihition.s. i A 1 rv,.i,nvniv fm- n i"":iM' ns hn W'll find ftll tllfi tCOIS ft 11 v... t , n,.ici,inr:.v needed for this country. ' CVme and p.ee. Von n.iglit find t S. A. imiLNEM Eorwafc 8M Baker City, Bakes' county, i Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale at Wholesale j ; I Will always r-lcavor to oUr.in etc., for tittrtiea consign in ir to mo. corilinic to Iheir de.be. " ' UAXSil Ci'iY -MA UK Al.b GOODS: B ,. L U M IS' : ?or The NiiRVOUS The DEBILITATED 1 lie AvjrJcJL'. : .T""?,'"1': 1 r. -i .. - r : -lA i . ' 1 : 1- P :. V . I." . . ... ! .- I -. . k A -i 1 lit. ', . . V -x , li i 1 :. t' .r.i XT', .a K U.- !. if.- O.M.FERRY&CO. ro a dmitted to bu 1 l.u LurKoat Seedsmen in the world. 0.H.rE1RY&C0'3 Illaitrtlrf, nwcrp. life zc t-riiid SEED For 1823 itIU bo mailed FREE TO ALL. I': tu cn'tunicia will: 03 Invnluabioton!'. Ererr per303 ciuia . Carden.Flclc:."":c-AOi-. S E EDS'lf1'? D- M FERRY&CO..DetroIt.raioh. i i &tf . - . - . tint t: 'i s-' rffri . 7r-? hVwih'! xW ti Sti.. mi:!W. ...''..r.l.,.-a-T nppUcncos to ritlo. w.ili., danco. sleep, li.-.r-. 7Viv ".!.k,k.i . ....u,::,, eat. fieh. huut. rrork. no to church. u i ' -r : ix1. 'i . -.-.,) ' v Vy? ""' il-. i' i.'"i Hub-t..iin i. or stay nt home, a-, i ia lariona r.i-sas, ...-: -t !- Ss' J- ! r'oir-. terra tils Btylen and quantities. .Tuat flcuro cut .';.)-:- ..l'..;.. av"-" :rr- , .v.'i A . nr- .:-! ni-. i:- What is required to do nil theao thinpa or 1- ' . j : t SfS'f 'V'-' :r' : V.i' ' ,""-i"ri ,;: "'-t 1 COMFORTABLY, a I you can nianoafair I W K W r? 7" I : 1 ;.!::jtf oMimato of tho vaiuo of tho BUYERS 1 WEAK NERVES ' Miik-fa -it-v i '.:.. containing Cclcrj" and C cs i !".. v. : :--r!ul iicno ititmuants.lt tl.:..-.-ti.re8uucrrou3jicrocra. nni4na It a c arid, which ! retoiv the blood !i.'x.ui ---.-.;! to luiiifliv r.-uiUtiuu. ItU ' it: vr.!w- rtrt-V lor l.ke.!uatiiiju. KSDNEY COMPLAINTS rr.'f f r.i r.v "ri:r. rouirklr restores t' i;v-.r: u1 f .i'u v i : ifi-rt Uvaltb. ThJa t.:ajT ' p v.tr. o ! .! : nl vtli tla ucru t-cu-. K-ut ii tUc Utt rtn.edy for nil J.A lifi' CUJl!ui!lt3. I .in, -,:.":.. "-v: own ftreivthem the fl t-.-i 1 1..-I" vb-tt cures even tia A COWSTS?AT!ON J'aikeV CriKBV CoxirouND Is rotftcatliar. , tic. ltlsalaiiitiv.in-lnif ityandjtutml action to Use Iwwi la. lU-sulanty surely toU , lows lw u?e. Sal CITY rsseop liAtlitw eir vr-s bf'd.Qfrrndi. iiv..i", 1 ,,irtt,;! ri? . pIp. and lot with t f ,' t ., ... - KonifMiinff Unit you need, GoiiiiiiM House. Oregon. ; U,? l:iulst mnrhei pricw on avoo!s ; vtori'. hold or forward the samo uc- , Rgft S. A. II Eli NEB j ! j A HERVE TQfilC. ! CokryatlCoc.tUc rrorolncnt in- j prUiit.. atv Uip best mul an fiat ; Nerve Tim'.rsi. It vtntullteM ul : miirtii il.- t.-rvi.u ynvm. CUtirg K'- ' n-j.-liioir It. ,::.f -i I. ,'i . tri t! IToo-i.- !- ' ' fri-. 1 : 1CI .'K-.'li. 1 ?tlC3 tl CO. . 1 .-. . i'- .toi-m.i. ' 1 . .v.cUi...-l..-.v ; ' uur.LiNtiYo;-. vr. four "e-.'pon fills pf tbo Ix-ktlVJiiup; ?odr,--iT- iaj: tv.-. ity . tii.-eJ itfl : , J? 1 'Tf ?p 1-" 's " 1 y -"fe ' ' 1- ''", P-'-- f ""TX; . .! J n t . .r.-e.iM tali fi 5-Hr2kv' k ' --'M "t .rl 1I.0 t t: cj.- t i.-t. Su'a or i. ...,".'.' ,",..f. 1 t' . : . . ' 1 .i iat-.i,. xticut. S.. . 4.'-ffv. iTiirv .O.'u? i F. vV Trao l-p,nr. .uvr. l'sciMPrUid Frddht at rSb raits xottfv Tmi!i iruiutu;..iiCI.r to Tot:., in 3ALSAt3 limb and comfort which surround the plont . . irvy .allev. rrrym U. . i i.i ,rS-:CS'ji.Mnse3 and Jirautiilei tho Lclf The fllcrebniit needs Itaboat Rls tior .licanta. en-l 1.-. fi'i uct s r.xjiry. -'gi'rouiotceaiuxuriantcri.-sui. his employe&i. Accidents will happen, and t crd.noB it. tst;eIoA-w 0Bitri .Mmway aim iuarj ai Ls,&-cJCKirK;" r,T;;i.,T.,.m Kccpa Bottle Ititho House. W. R. CUNNBiMCTON, . AND- CORRAL, ard FEKD STABLK (Wood X- Church's old Stnml) Oool lmmfV taa-ii and !4e Saildle llBrsci runiMiiHl ut !! hour ( the lay or nh;tit a re&sflimbk- prieoi. Particular atlaiitftni )M ts iKwr.lintc and croomiti transient cttHjI.. ENTIIANCF. ilin and Waittir.stAii streets. KTotico 8 mnhA' fVls hifn ijItlUOGl W 2 QaLiC, AT THK 7iJ?yiZ- CHEEK MILL Roiifrh liUiuber can be had at the i -:t j iooq i c ii nit alr,ve mill dlirinir 18.8 at Sd-'.UU tioi- t for OiQrj nriiosi Ws'un. to buy on credit purchaatSl-i.OUper M. by .,., r f l..,v iti i.roilb "ivmii' apiirovcd notes tliorefor. WILLIAMS, JI0UPH15W & Co - . 1'ropn.tois P U v. t heep Dipping Powder is rsKD os LUUQij i IT IH A GOLD WATEtt DIP AND IS Till: i .! Cheapest, Safest and Best ( 1 , Cure for Scab. It has been in use half a century and applied to a graacer number f shcr than are now existing on the cart.'i. sneii, neiisuu cc wocaur.'. Whelasals A;;anf3, Portland. Or. Koshiaad 5ros..g Portland. 3) i .7n e.ala by the Wass Warcho'.tsc Co., The Jalles, Or-, and rcta:id by all merchants KXiiXil ami CA.VYOS CITY STAGS LlMS. WcCUJ W & GKirriV, Prours. i Stapl vm('J- iii C:. . v: iv morning e.xwpt J Sun'Uv. arri'.ii t I; J.r ;.i iu-t iisv. ' oa teens, r?. with mi .s uaJ fast ime. ! i n-rynyrr.tl- .t n to f.ie comfnrt of ia- ' 1. c Charges rtf:uoiinLlo. i Anally i zz.PAWElNT Cv?'. n:l Tm-Ie M:.ik li'aii. l, an l all 1 PjIimi J'.FiiK t-if.'l'iott.' for ti.ot'trii t fiv. , Cur itt' e i- np;-ttu V. S. l.t ! Him We , hae i; rt.b 'e. nil l-ii Ji it:. !-. nt 1 can trii -siet iw.ti t bi.Kiiiivi. 111 time r.-ni at I , 1 e.-f ro! t'i in h-.'. rc:nttf rrun tv'ar.;u.-:o:i ' ' .-ifwi n: .iil.ilriHiti-.tr )ht , with !i-'iu- . Ii. 11. We a!5- it (,-!! nt:.1 le i.r i.i.t. fr-i- iif 1 j ch.ir. ':ur fT not ii till tn!--nt ! ireil 1 A b..i';. ti 1 tit.i i I'ltenl-. ' ir!: r. for , iT.rtx t rli. .-lis : i i-.u Sm'i-, t .ir i . . r I t'jKit. M.-:it Ail'irt-i 1 C. A. SNOW & CO.! P1" -: I'jitttit )fliix, W.sJi. ),-. i, ivi: ; The BUYliiP.S' QUIDS ia isstio-l Ja?c1i and Sept., ( each year. It is an ency- ( cjopeciR 01 uocrui mior mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or tho roccssitiei of life. Wo can clo'ho you aud furniah you with mnink of 10 cents to dav joataee. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Sliohigen Avonuo, Chicago, 3JL j r.T 1 r r It m t f Tl r. i..imimi!n! the -.-. it 1 A.u Iiii-t wyz i.ii- w..imM: ' .n.-:iif-. e ;"-i cri-h is .1 t:i-:!n J mid xte;a -tt work tli.it i ii In- M-rf'.fini-l fl li- Ml! tr tilio: i-;nr-itii: thi- wirten f;i t!i.-ir '! . I'-i-. '- "' r ! ':- w ,rk : 0itrs!.x ,,s-,.: ,.0itrj!aMiit rei:i:irl t'-i;iif.-i! H-t M-ofteil : i uic etMitfc.1 lre- tut whi;liv'-K at h-wi.-flwulil.-t ii-M-j !.! t'i -tr . . . . i .I'' 'j';:.' : .' Tr t ' v."-. ' r- ....': : rrt.- -'a: '-ji ii-t r.-.irn'. s i. I -e )iiJ.' i I i r .V!.i ..xin.'lc d a: f'.ii Mirk. A.! ;r- c.v.! k li iiSi O 83ESCi teaItloforCtec!ir,C103IIawIIattrt,oi , i i g-w. . .'iMrroMLaicJTegwjBci.e.yMrrJ-..Ti' .1 PARKER1'. Pn tg S9 t i r'if.rl . r.: t - . iiritt-1. ItAli. .: ii -.ibu ia- ri :-. 'a)U iiu.yiioiiiy a iJ ri.-utnllv: .---i :. j : tiseof fullnew r W-.i..t f-r -. -r f-;,- .i-aesc," or omp I! :'-! tt.: n-v 1 1 t'l m . r: ' ' r.t:.Ktw cooteu, ti:u-r irU.ii.-. Is i.i :.f :i. I: Ttt'iir uppetUf , ttbsbteMi. fro ir- .t L.- - Ii. ' lurrtU pyAtht, i "llooti f. --l:-i" b-. ! ro Mm orw. ner-mw tiMwiraOm ' r r.l-ui. . lr.-!ujIUv- ttt torn BTT, hot uh-. l.rotL-: f v JV rhlil- sorna- I tl -i-. UtUf. ttv.:rl i-twi lHrn nwl t TO C'm J IBM. '" aw f-"l f ?. cr t-4urh- 1 c- : r-.r-J'l-ai slHii. . . t.n 's. r; le i :.:.. of drscil, ir at Hn..v iUu-: cilju.:r t , If y. Ii-.r r arv c.'iriier:l.l raOJr . f t vni-n rat. y a- j rfvtaf Jrcni t-.t m n'camaoa tf AtJc.-lai iwatle r. 'i rh e;4j, or T.-r. i 1 Jvr, awcMinl . u ,iu... inflame, tua p.-ctcriVnamjrarjU:.v.-rrsym-m!i. 3. muiu-r tvhit . K 1um,-IJ, Or. 1 1 f. If Uiic i sr.- r L 3 t U.Uww for u r M 1 l?.!ta tl '-m.-. l n trcu.cwji- li: wal.lr.lr a I fwaapiiii cf ihe I .. . -".1 1 Vr. II'.T.rt tlnat, Ttbsuma tl j:iiu-r Jili"3. cr o'.lK-r rrr.ve nwkik-i j r r il5 I J '. 1 1 m l.&ooMfrr r lrtt-r, I I ia ' - s f'.al terminal! -. ,-.-. ..rr-iiv .-. i th.- uvi-r. u-i t!irsli tha' cr '.:: irirl-i'; frrj l. cteiBWH tnu rtU bl'jc-ltU avtl-onrfti.frm wh.uw.-.-cao:frW:"T. 'tiit-.t .r efflcneioiw i t.iry :.ft-awr?-:.rat fa-r.aai iicai- j lTxS . :. J; ? .y i ; m "m-i i-t ir :ri.-p. t-.ti .::.i ticc!ao I aP-. u. ur-t iv.vr, uai hl.uu..lu: -t'i. ...,,.,,::.,.,.. !cat Discovery GyBESALL HOggOBS, I from ft rommon Hi. f' or Knioiion, to tho ' w.-st s.-ri im-1. s '.t-.!i"iii. " l-cver-sore3," I SoUv r It -tt-h :.i i. In sliort. all Hwici3 caa 1 1 Woo ! i.r r -yju?rt.-j iy uiw ww-iti.-.I. i.i it Inp. a- I I vi- raiins mdljlnt. (ir-.U K:ti -K I Ut r. ?Ully liU aaOtr 1H tc-..t-n i-:rta Ixv:.i-y Iim i: msalftatwl Uin.te--.-y In curi:i To.::r, ICoeaw. Erysljie lai. It (.ar'Min.-l s. t; rj JJ. es. ScrofnlJa s -tct a-i-1 sw. :ii.i-r. lllp-J !.t I! ;5-J?. " White Sw-lli:is," C iltri-. ir Tbk-Ii r.'eck. and Un- I l.PT-.t Ol mK. H:i.1 ten cents hi B:am far & r Scrot'.ilJUK A'T.vti .-! . " rea the blodd is the ufe'' Tharoaslilv i-Kmv it liv twliiff f!5r. Pierce' !St-u M.V. cs.I Kl-wivrry. uml kooU dl-in-rti.... f.r M ...... :t snirita. vital btrenelh r..l luxll!.- hwil'li will bo wtablbhod. whirh W Screfn'a oi "if S.cne. l arrested n 1 c; 1 tiv t'-:w dr. if t.tkv i in Ute v -ii rfceii r th?'. u-. From i'-i laarrel i u : i. vi r i -. i r tf 1 1 r .-.:y f-l 'U -Jt-. whan tint i fT"-i-S t!:S f -w worl !-Ciiir! r-oi.y to t!n im'ilL-, Or. Vi - - - tli vi ,l.t ( t! tr-: f call liijf It hh "C.v .i: ::-ri f Ct'ar." but r!1 t i-ihI ti :u -' " t f t-l:.U.-' firnrapdldBO whi 'i. f: :i ' " " ' -f. lc.m:.lii:l o.rtJnfc, or rn -tiio: 1 : !;i . r bl J-chMaslrK,-, hsU Vli t-I. u : 1 trntrttlvr projwrtlaa. In ii..iult-l, n i :Iy ii r.-nrtv fjr Con-auiu-ti!iu, hot r-r ull Chroulc DiseoscH of the LIVER, BL003 AND UJHGS. Pnr W. -ik T.-Jn--.. f -lttltKr of Blood, Short- Aii atf-ti..!u. it U sn vi'Sv-k-i.t remedy. i s- iT OriuaUts, at flt.OO.or Six Bettlea rse. ' y iu,, in onH in stamrw for Dr. Mereo'a ; 1kck .i t: .iiuptl-. ACdresa, ! WrkTs BIs?3?iSffiy Radical fissociatlQD, Main :r-si rvvfavo. r?. y. ' g"SSS8ElgaS:; 65 51 Sti?-..-:-35 BWfli 3 a 3 6 :4 i Whn I . y f : r.- t r r . w-rrlT tt i I top th ;i .'-.r - .- -,. t;:n rt turn rz.v. i jw.A i:..v::!. ttnt I I haxe iratle tr.r iikc-Vsr t. FALLII-TG 5ICK.SSS, A. life larg st ! . . I tr.vHr.A-rr ar r-nwsiy in (ailrdis ao r":rcn t r.:-t u .v rrrivUiganB 3i(! at o:w fur :itiP:'tA n. la Ynr. HTtl: of nsv !s-m.;.iiu- I?. .-k:,y. .:.v Enw-jt 5S1! f,,a,".i n s N ' ;,.;-';,,k c :J' "'"t"'Vl. v H. G. ROOT. . O. 123 PtA IT" .JtlTfYcRI - , , T-..i-..J , ttfi?i?-BiC' Seistica, f Scratch. CcaTactsl Lu-abago, Cpraias. Muscle-, Ehcuaatisra. 5tri;:u3f Emptij'is, Eernj, SUtchci, Hoof fJl, Scaids, EtiifJoints, Scrow Stings, Backache, Ycrj. Bit&s, Galls, Swiiue.-, BrniMs, Scrcr, STftdlaQalL, Bunions, Spavin Piles. Corn.", Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-bi Y nccompllAhei for vrr,otly exactly what lacl&hn-id forlt. Onoof tlin riaon fertile preat popelarfcy of tlie Jlustan Llalrucnt U fottntl la its uuircrsal npplicnbl.it y. Everybody neoils uch .i mwlhilne. The I.umbcnunu needs It In caeof aecldsnt. Tio Honncwlfe needs It forg-aeralfAtnlly w. TUc Cnunlcr needs it for hla teams ami his cien. Tho Mechanic ceedi It always n his wort bench. Tho miner needs It Iccmc of emergeney. The rioncerneedlt-Rn'tc"talor.gwltlnt It. The Partner needs It la hb house, hfci table, and his stock ynnl. Thf? Strnmbunt rrmn or the Tlaatiunn need It la libera! apply nUcatandaxhore. The II. --fnncIer needs It-It Is I.U lost rnni nn iru.i rcimnpc. The tJtock.cronor need. It-It ttI',1 saro him thousands of dollars and n world of trouble. Th o II n 1 1 r o a d ni an n cols 1 1 and V71I1 need 1 1 so , Ions as lits life is a round of accMenUand dxnsen. Tho HaclttTaodMiiiau needs It. Tlwro Is noth ' las like It as an aatldotc for tho danger to life. cr. a among trbea tbeso come the Jlustang Liniment is wanted atone. TIs tbo best of economy. ... .- - . . . T - I I I n I . cohicasgof Occident sares pain and Iobu of -arsts. Kcep a Botllo AlwarIn tii Stablo for mo when vranted. jr. Mexican E?IUSifij Liliiiiilt - 1 --"rfT. jfith i