Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 12, 1888, Image 3

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On or about July 15th, I will be
in Canyon City with a choice lot
of Thoroughbred Hereford Pedi
gree Bulls for sale. For particu
lars, cnll at or address me care of
Guud Inch Broe., Canyon Citv,
Newman II. Cottrkli.
Jugwunips is the name ap
plied to prohibitionists who bolt
their ticket this year.
Ed Sels arrived home from
Forest (J rove Tuesday evening'
Web foot life has agreed with
Geo. ;Tones, last Thursday,
was. arrested and fined 5 for
running his horse through the
street, contrary to law.
Wm.Lueehasa brother-in-law
visitinp-hini from California. He of jailer Lock wood "by the pris
canie 1270 miles to spend the ' oners confined in the county jail,
4tli in .J annum Miller's old or-
Geo. Biesen and his son
Philip returned this week from
"Webfoot"' to which place they
took a hand of horses, having
found a tolerably fair market.
Colin Campbell, a miner of
Pakcr City, was shot and killed
on Snake river one day last
week by a man named Stuitz,
who was in the employ of Mr.
Married, at the residence of
Mr. Cobb, in John Day, July 8,
1SSS, by Kev. J. II. Wood, Mr.
Keuben F. Chittenden and Miss.
Wilma Shepard, all of Prairie
City, Oregon.
Mr. A. P. McCallum is at
Milton, Umatilla county, and is
reported to be in a very critical
condition. Dr. Pmden is qv
ing him treatment for the can
cer on his hand.
Hupprich has given his boot
shop a new coat of white paint.
Thai's right. Paint the town
and it will greatly improve its
appearance and thereby enhance
the value of property.
Married, at the City Hotel
in Canyon City, July 10, 1SSS,
Mr. .1. X. Thrash and Miss
Arvilla Uunyard, both of liar
ney valley, County Judge N.
11. Maxcey oiliuatirio-
The remains of Kobt. Lock
wood were interred in the city
cemetery on Saturday, July 7,
under direction of Homer Lodge
No. 78 Ancient Order of United
Workmen. He was born in
Australia, and was aged -15 years.
Constable Todhunter was ar
rested Isst week and taken before
W. 11. Kelly, J. P., at John Day
on a charge of assaulting Doc
Jones on the;lth inst. He waived
examination and gave bonds in
the sum of -i'SOO to appear before
the next Grand Jury
Creasnp swears or affirms
that he caught iiO trout in Cr.n
yon creek one day lately with
one bait, manufactured out of
beefsteak. Pill Gray thinks it
a slam on his tough beefsteak
ami thev two will light a duel
at Ion"- range with bologna sau
sages. o
See "ad" of the State Universi
ty under "New today." This
college was established by act of
the legislature, and allows every
county in the State a number of
free scholarships. This county
is entitled to one. we believe.
Application should be made to
tlie county superintendent for
free membership. For catalogue
address J.W.Johnson, President.
Eugene City.
County court was still in ses
sion as the Xi:ws went to press
this week. As usual, plenty of
business conies before that body
at the first session. Mellaley
and Davis, the new commission
ers, became initiated to their
duties in line shape and short
order. urant county nas a
court composed of three of the I
, . 1 i i !
henvy taxpayers, and people can i
reit IJM'3'- j
Chas. Ferrel was arrested and !
taken before the justsce at John
Dav the other day, charged with
being a party in the trouble at
this placv last Wednesday. We
refrain from making any com
ment on this, but believe that
justice will be done to all parties
concerned. There are various
opinions in regard to the origin
ofthe difficulty, and those who 1
know anything'abotit it will have j
an opportunity to testify at the j
proper time.
Last Thursday
.i i
eVClling the
alarm of fire was sounded, and
.- .
in double-quick time the fire
"iiddics were on the scene with
water. The fire originated in
the Ilorsley drug store build
- - - T - - .
ino-, which was occupied by M. !
Lhistin and family, and was ,
caused by a candle which one
of the little irirls had in her I
hand coming in contact with
some naners. Not much dam-
e was done to the building
a wuiiv- iv J,-v-,--r-i
Out the Family lost couaideraDle.
Roberl Lock wood, Deputy
Sheriff and Jailer,
Pat 3IcCiiiuiiiaumI Buccaroo
Jim Escape.
Have Been Captured, and Will Ex
piate their Crime on the
Gallows !!
of this
the history
has the
thrown in
to m fnrvnr of f-xeiteinent
. as was occasioned bv the killinir
j on evening oi juiv in, anti
i their subsequent escape fromeon
! finement, and recapture.
As was his custom, Mr. Lock-
wood went to the jail about .):.'()
in the evening to sec that every
thing was all right. Residents
of the vicinity of the Court house
heard two shots fired shortly af
ter that hour, in rather rapid
succession, which attracted no
attention at the time, but which
afterward proved to be so full of
import. Becoming alarmed at
his prolonged absence from home
his wife made nu mines, and
w,i inetitnt...! 1 n J mM;,., J
door was found unlocked, and
then the horrible truth flashed
upon the searchers. A light was
procured, and they entered the
jail corridor, the door of which
was ajar. There they met the
object of their search, lying in
the doorway to the iron cell, cold
in death, with a ghastly wound
in the back of his head, and the
two prisoners to whom he had al
ways been so kind and attentive
were nowhere to be found.
This was near one o'clock in
the morning, and after earing for
the remains of the deceased the
citizens were aroused and search
ing parties sent in every direction
after the escaped prisoners.
Upon the convening of the Coun
ty court in the morning a reward
of $5UU each was offered for the
capture and return of the pris
oners, and Sheriff Cray offered a
reward of $2i) each, making in
all, 1 ,.")U!J. Towards evening
Joe Combs came to town after
reinforcements, reporting that
McCiinnis was hiding in the
brush near Alex Fisher's ranch
down the river. Every man and
11, 1 a . niiiiv 'it
boy in town who could procure a
tgun joined the partv, and about .
r(0 or 70 persons repaired to the J
scene of action, arriving there
shortly after dark. Fishers
family were in communication
with the culprit, having given
him breakfast that morning, and
were cooking something for him
to take with him as soon as night
should fall. Upon being prom
ised a sum of money they divulg
ed his hiding place, and in com
pany with Joe Ivey, Hank Wor
kins and Mil Whit persuaded
McCiinnis to come out of his
hiding place, when he was taken
into custody. Hank loaded the
prisoner on his buckboard, and
passing the guard at the bridge,
with his team on, the run, came
to town and delivered him to the
the sheriff.
A party went in search of the
Indian, also, and as they had
supposed, he took a course direct
for the Indian camps in the
Malheur. As an extra precau
tion they had placed guards
around the camp and captured
the arms and cavuses. 'Bucca
roo Jim" was found al out six
miles from Indian John's camp,
about 10 miles from Drewsey.
He was first seen by Joe Prewctt,
and when he discovered that he
was pursued he hoisted a white
flag. There were about six per
sons in this part, and they ar
rived here with him late on Sun
day evening.
MeGinnis had been confined in
prison since last May, on a
, -.1 ..f 1 ..I....M 1 ll...
VU! ! UI l,,,rw llu
Indian was awaiting the action
of mxi gnmd n. chavg(i(1
with the murder of .L M. Bright
in Harney valley. P.efore each
knew the other was captured they
told conflicting stories in regard
to the killing of the jailer and
their escape. Pat Mediums ev
en attempted to make believe
that Lock wood committed sui
cide. All will come out before
Court meets in November, as one
or both of them will make a eon-
fession and all will be plain
enough. Should sufficient proof
be obtained these two fiends will
end tneir miserable existence on
the gallows, and justice will pre-
..fc mm. :n i
v:mi win ii:ii- :i i:nr :iiiu
impartial trial we predict by an
intelligent jury, for good and res
ponsible men learned a lesson at
the Spiing term of Court, 1SS7,
and will not make or exnrcss an
opinion merely for the sake of os-
capmg jury duty, iut will use
their influence to see that justice
53 '"-"i" "u" lu, Ul
1oe rtf Clrf otifl mni
The coroner's Jury, held by A.
Rulison. actimr coroner, found
Uiat tlie aeCOaBCQ came to uia j
that the deceased came
. - . - .
tO I31S I
dth on the night of July 5th, I
from a pistol shot inflicted by
I ?.ttCC?JJ"!;'
prisoners confined in the county
! jail.'
j A post-mortem examination
was heI(l and the bullet which
i Knieu mm iuuuu in mi;
! part of the brain, a little to the
! left of the center. It
! entered just under the occipital
j bone in the center, and cut the
spinal cord.
! Late:,: The Indian has made
I a statement to the effect that
Au slinntinrr niwl
Tll I illlllO H II . V, ww -------
showed in what manner it was
done. A preliminary examin
ation is being held before Justice
of the Peace X. Rulison, but up
to the hour of going to press noth
ing of importance has been ascer
tained, farther than the facts
above stated.
Roleit Lockwvod had acted in
the capacity of deputy sheriff of
(5 rant county for eight years, and
prided himself upon his record as
an Officer. It was rather a sin
gular fact that after that long a
time he should meet death in the
very last hours of his service in
that capacity Mr. Cray had
taken charge of the office that
very day, but retained Mr. Lock
wood until the day following.
Ail persons knowing themselves
indebted to the undersigned for
meat furnished and delivered at
the Canyon City Meat Market,
will please conic fonvaid and set
tle accounts bv cash or bv note
is I want to baluiuc my locks to
"ly 1st, 188S. Having leased
, - . . ..
tue Jiutcaering business, sain
lease to take eftVct on that date
(to-wit, July 1st, 18S8). All ac
counts not settled by the 20th day
of July, 1SSS, will be placed in
the hands of a collector.
W. P. Gkav.
Long Cukek, July 0, 18S8.
The Fourth passed off very
quietly; there was not a drunken
man in tow n.
Senator Himilton and wife
came up from Hamilton to at
tend the picnic.
The ''Plug Uglies,'' under com
mand of C. F. Gott", made quite a
creditable appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. Cresswell, also
Mrs. Cary passed the Fourth
with their mother, Mrs. Mack
well and attended the celebration.
Mrs. Rovndorf came very near
meeting with a serious accident
while out horseback riding at a
rather fast gait. The horse
stumbled and fell throwing her
and the three 'ear old little girl j
which shefhad in her arms to the
ground. TIkv were both badlv
bruised but otherwise escaped
serious injury.
Quite a crowd went from here
to Hamilton on the th to attend
the races. One of the boys stole
somebody else's girl and took her
along. When the other fellow
found out his girl had left him
and. instead of being in bed rest
ing after the dance, had gone to j
tlie races wan a oetter looKing
man, he was not mad. Oh, no!
He was only raving; anil to cool
himself he just started in and
drank Long Creek whisky until
he did not know whether it was
a girl or a white cayuse that he
It is hoped the County Court
will offtr a good big reward for
the apprehension of the murder
ofMr. Lock wood, as the county
will never be called on to pay the
expense of trial for if there are
not men enough in Canyon to
Lynch these devils Long Creek
will help them. Xo Court trial
for such fiends is the verdict here.
Mr. t'has Lee is building a hall
to be used by squire Hransou as j
a Justice office. It will he fur
nished with Brussels carpet and j
a mahogany set of furniture.
Lawyer Denning, our ladies
man, after dancing in every single
set, had to tear himself away and
leave for Canyon City to attend
some case in court.
1 am awful busy iust as I ex
pected to wiite you lots of news, J
will do better next time.
List of loiters romaining un
called for in tho Post Office at
Prairie City, (Jnmt Co., Oregon,
July 1st., 1888, viz:
Brown, Jolm
Owens, Israel (2)
Fbfing, .Airs. Alary
Bollins Mr Ed
lut ridge. Mr H. P.
Bou o, E T.
Miars & Co.
Thomas, Hon. O. 15
Williams, Mr. Geo.
Persons calling for above
please say "advertised."
J. W. Mack, P. M.
A railroad is to be built u
Mt. Hood to the snow line.
Lund Ollioe at l.a Granilo. Orcznji.
Jtmc 12th., liW.
hotlcc U liereliy rIvcii tlmt the follnwinj:.
n-miL-l settler Iim (lloJ not;co of hU intuntlon to
make final proof lit Mippi.rt i f lil claim, anil
that olJ proof will be made bnforo the coun'v
dork of Oram county, at Canyon cllv. Or,. 0:1
July 27ih.. IMS. vU: CIlAS. H. UTLEV. IIS..
7325, forth" hKquar of SK (juar. Soc 17. and
W half NE iur of M' miar, Sec 20. Tl 18. S
of KS3. Eof VM.
Hu names the folionlnv witnfssc to nroi-i- ln
continu-tH reldcnc-; upon, find cultivation of,
unM lunfl tinittnlu. fl.i.l.l r 111
UrnwH, W. P. Officer and D. It. Alhtrton: nil
both, w. u. uraccraod V. It. Atbtrtoa; u
u' ims Tien?i bixehart, itcr.
What Was Done, and by
Whom The Ladies' Cor
net Band.
Evergreens and Banners and Picnic
Dinners Furious Fights, and
the Fireworks a Failure.
Our National Independence
I day dawned a perfect day so far
as the weather was concerned,
only it was rather warm, as must
be expected in midsummer.
Everybody felt patriotic, and
Canyon City was made lively by
the appearance of an immense
throng of friends from the neigh
boring country, and it was hoped
the spirit of prejudice and antag
onism which has so long marred
the feeling of sociability between
this and other sections of our
county had been forever laid
aside and been supplanted by a
common depire by all
for harmony oty action in every
measure having for its object the
advancement and enlightenment
of the people of America, and of
Cirant county in particular. The
streets were gaily decorated with
evergreens and the ever glorious
"red, white and bill"," and a
handsome arch stood over the
very gateway to town, bearing
the word "welcome."
The procession, which formed
at the Court house and marched
to the grounds, was one of con
siderable magnitude, ami reflect
ed well to the credit of young
America. Headed by Tiger
Hose Team Xo. 1, the procession
moved off, followed in this order:
1st, the Broom Brigade; 2nd.
The (Jrand Army of the Repub
lic; .d. The Ladies' Cornet Band:
lth. The Libert' Car, containing
Miss Columbia and oS young
ladies; 5th, Old Mother (Joose's
Car, and liersolf and family; 0th,
Citizens and everybody.
Arriving at the grounds, after
music by the band and glee club,
Kev. J. II. Wood was introduced,
and invoked the Divine blessing
on the occasion of our meeting,
and for the prosperity of our na
tion. The Declaration of Inde
pendence was read bv Mr. J. J.
McCulIough. Kev. E. Hayes
was then introduced to the mul
titude, and delivered a concise,
yet very logical oration, not for
getting to mention the fact that
we were celebrating on an histor
ical ground the orchard plant
ed by the world-renowned Joa
quin Miller, to whom Canyon
City gave the first official honor
when she elected him Justice of
the Peace away back in the '150s.
At the conclusion of the address
Miss Mamie Overholt delivered
a recitation, and the glee club
sang America,
free dinner was
alter whicli a
announced for
all who had not come prepared.
A long table had been erected,
and filled, that everyone
might partake without leaving
the hospitable s h a d e
where cooling breezes blow.
After dinner the hours were spent
in sociability until the time ar
rived for the rac:ng, when all re
paired to the most convenient
positions along main street to
witness the different contests,
which had been advertised to
take place. Tley did not come
off in the order intended, how
ever, but were as follows:
Hose race, against time, won
by Hose Team in .'5(5 seconds.
Ilobl le race, free for all, won
by Jas. and Chas. Ferrel.
Foot race, free for all, 100 yds.,
won by John Stevens.
New York race, won by by J.
Stevens aiyl Jos. Fitgerald
m-ule and broke 3 couplings in
8-1 seconds.
So far everything had gone on
pleasantly enough. All the rac
ing had not been carried out ac
cording to ;programme, but the
evening was coming osi, and
people were becoming weary, and
for the sake of the morals of the
community it would have been
well had they all dispersed, but
they desired towitnessthe maneu
vers of "Tiger Ilosr; Team No.
2," represented by the "Brother
hood of (Jrand Moguls."
Down the street came the
Moguls, with all their ludicrous
costumes, and Peter Kuhl's old
dump cart to haul the hose.
Certain bystanders crowded up,
and began to jostle and handle
ihe Moguls pretty roughly, until
forbearance ceased to be a virtue
with them, and some blows were
struck. A general free for all
fight was imminent and Con
stable Todhunter laid aside his
Mogul mask and in the name of
the State of Oregon demanded
peace. This command was not
heeded, and to prevent a general
riot and the probable loss of life
of innocent spectators he severely
clubbed a young man known as
uDocM Jones. To this sad end
came the day's proceedings of the
Fourth of July, 18SS, in Canyon
City, and it is regretted by all
that matters should terminate
thus. Such an affair which is
liablo to occur at any large gath
ering of people IB calculated to
reflect discreditably on tho hospi
'tattty of tfje pecpfe of our town,
because they extended a general
invitation to every one to meet
with us on that day and observe
the natal day.
The display of fireworks in the
evening was almost a failure,
j owing to a series of distressing j
j accidents. Some of them fell
, into the ditch and became wet, :
and an explosion occurred which :
prematurely destroyed another
lot. and seriously burned some of !
the manipulators. In the j
strength of all these adverse cir-!
cumstances only about one half
of the pieces were disnhyed. and
that being only the plainer ones,
! such as rockets, candles, etc.
I Put what enjoyment was lost
in the pyroteeltnical display was
I made up at the ball. Over 70 ;
couples were present, and the
music furnished bv Messrs Ilaz-
eltine, McCoy and Baldwin, and j
Mrs. McCoy, was perfection.
The ball rolled serenely until !
daylight, not a hitch nor a jar to i
mar tlie pleasure of the dicples '
of terpsichore.
The Ladies' Cornet Band of j
Prairie City which discoursed
such excellent music, is under J
the immediate supervision of
Prof. V. D. Baldwin, who has
been their instructor since their
organization a few months ago.
Their playing called forth gener
al applause, and the proficiency
is due in a great measure to the
untiring efforts of Mr. Baldwin,
who organized the first brass
band in (Jrant county Follow
ing is a list of the members of j
the Ladies Cornet Band:
Leader. Clara Mellaley, Kb;
Iniz .Mellaley, 2 Kb; Solo Bb,
Josie DeMoss; 2 Solo Bb, (Jeorgia
Hiee; 1 Tenor, Hattie Mack;' 2
Tenor. Josie Johnson; 1 alto,
Fttie Cleaver; 2 alto, Man
Coats; 8 alto, (icorgie Armstrong;
Bb Bass Louie Laurance; Tuba,
Rose Hustiu.
In running a race while blind
folded, some one ran over Mrs. i
McCallum, a lady aged over SO j
years, injuring her slightly.
The jumping match did not
take place neither did the sack
Only one wheelbarrow was en
tered for the wheelbarrow race.
rs - - - - -
Mt. Vernon, July 10, '8S.
Haying lias commenced. Jus.
Pope is en-ting some.
J. F. Th iinpson has harvested
his first crop of idfulfa.
Kev. (Jinpp discourst'd to the
propleof M .on Creek last Sun
day. drain is beginning to ripen.
There will be conivdenible in this
sec:ion of country.
The latest excitement was the
capture of MeGinnif. The fun
niest part was n Hank Work ins
taking him oft' to town light from
under the nose.-, of 40 or n0 men,
aud they .landing around guard
ing, as thev supposed, all the av
ciiuoh of es ape, tiil nearly morn
ing before they found out he was
caught. Their feeling can better
be imagined than de.-ciibed. Thev
say t' at Joe Combs showed con
siderable courage in searching
Al-x Fisher's house all b himself.
It is thought tint h id he discov
ered McGsnnib he would hate tak
en him in like weP, 1 ke we took
tho Indians in '78.
The people of this vicinity are
highly incensed at the outrage
perpetrated at Canyon City on
the4ili inst., on a quiet citizen of
this place. One oi two more
transactions of the suae kind and
us country jukes won't coi.e to
town at all. It is claimed by eye
witness's that the proceedings
were cntir'Iy unnecessiry and un
called for, and had those claiming
to represent the law mani estcd
thi proper s, irit it would never
have occurred. L
The Rev. Mr. Goss, Minister in
charge of St. Stephens Church.
Raker City, Oregon, will (IX V.)
hold services and preach as fol
lows: Sunday, July 22nd, in the
morniiu at Priorie City, in the ev
ening at Canyon City.
Wednesday, .lu'y 2oth, both
morning and evening, at Dayi!Ie.
undav. Julr 2!):h, in the morn
ing, at Canyon Citv, in the even
ing at Prairie Citv.
The Holy Communion will be
administered at every morning
semco. Holy Baptism will be
administered at any service if de
sired. All who may be interested in
those sen ices are rrqui-sted to ex
tend the notice, as wiile as possible.
J. N. T. Goss, Missionary.
O. C. Miller. - C. 1' I.;r-i,
caxyox crrv, on.
Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing
in all its Branches, done in a work
manlike manner, and with dispatch.
Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, and
Bticklvoards, built to order, from
the best of material.
Opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon City, Oregon
SAW! SIRED, Manager.
. . . .DEALETt IN
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Building & Carpet Faper,
Mattresses, Etc.
0. R
Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Gilt Bind and Glassware, in End
less Varief r. Fancy Vur- .suitable foi presents for both Old
aud Young. Bos Iron Wagons, Baby Carriages
from Fourteen to Figbteen Dollars apiece.
Candies & cigars. Tobaccos, Cof
fees, Teas, Lard, Flour,
Drie(t Fruits, Canned Fruits, tier, Crenm Wn&cU,
the finest breakfast d sli known Fishing Tackle,
Fisli Poles, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lumps,
Bird caes, and everything that is
usually kept in a Variety
Store, all of
Can now bj Bought Cheap for Cash- OldStandtin
Can von Citv.
Haptonstall & Dart
John Day City, Oregon.
Just Received, a CJene-al Assortment of Fresh
FINE TEAS, Imported direct from JaVan..
I tti-k-rvT. -.....'-,
, Will Sell at Reduced Prices For Cash.
I - -To close out. will be told at cost, and below nnst
CANYON CITV, MAY 1-ith, 188S.
George Gandlaeh $f Mro,
gly row err
Notice is hereby gircn that we shall expect Cash Payni'-nt on all Notes
and Accounts duo us, by August 1st, lh"H8, without fail. We consider
that we have given, aud aiv now jjiving ample notice of this our in
tention, and ther fore cunfidentallv expect a stiiut cotnpliauce with our
j request. Goods, including a full
; freights, sold at Cost. Come ami
- - -7
HIl!im!IHZI3k Hd.ft'lB
2c pi
-1 . t
-nJ - A
3 '.; .:
,--; - . -iu j ij, aaet . . ..i-m-, ip
Bs 3 8 Hi -l 3 mMw (mm ?-' Wb I
Ee sure Ihs'. IUptp Is a plrturo of a
t3 Us:
dor Tn-
stock of Groceries just arrived ut low
try us.
Geo Bko.
0r. &n rour paakace "-il you uUl Lave