Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 12, 1888, Image 2

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    A million of new voters are
expected to take part in the
coining presidential election.
"Woolenite" is a new word
used to designate the man who
wears garments entirely af
A girl of ten years,
missino- '
from Am hurst a., is suppo
?e(j J
to have heen devoured by
The illumination
Alt. ,
TInrd with red lire on the nifht '
,ir .Tnli-Jtli u-ns cnid tn l.nvr,
I,, n ennpnw. bomrr visible '
. - i. n
jong uinuLu .
V. J. Leishman, a barber of
Pendleton, courted, was mar
ried, then divorced, arrested for
drunkenness and skipped the
town, all within five days.
A rumor is to the effect that
Irs. Langtry's father had only
25 when he died. If it is true,
then he had $25 more than he
uoeded. "Would the gossips
have us believe that a man must
have a million to die on ?
John Fisk claims to be the
most fleet Indian hunter on the
coast, lie and .Tas. Ferrel left
here Friday morning, went to
ftrewsey and looked around, and
arrived here with the party who
brought Jiin" in Sunday night.
They were of the party who se
cured him. but the honor of first
(Pitching sight of him belongs to
Jos. Prewett of Prairie City.
A Jersey man in a prohibi
tion town has been lined fifty
dollars and the costs of a cae
or ueep ..g riu imp. nc ... ...
hotel, lie wants the Supreme j
for keeping champagne in his
uoun to put a conMiuc.uuw ,. ,
. i i i 1. 1 r r a i . . . r..vt. i
g- i i A a. : A..
the last half of the sentence. I
lie don t know whether it is 1
. . ,
costs of the lawsuit or the case j
of champagne he is expected to ;
' The. action of the County
Court in immediafely offering
a reward for the arrest of the
escaped jail birds was a wise
one. Although men were after
them already, the" hoiie of re
ward stimulated some to great
er exertion?. Had the pursuers
tarried long the chances of cap
turing the fugitives would have
been few.
The president has signed the
act' making non-milable any
matter haviiiir anything in the
nature of an offensive or threat
ening dun apjMirent on the en
velope or outside wrapper, or
conveying the suggestion that
such dun is inclosed. The feel
ings of editors are not altogether
irrnnred bv the nresident. Peo-
i3e must inclose the duns which
.T. U. -McKune. editor and
propretor of the Long Creek
Kagie, attempted suicide in
Pendleton Tuesday morning by
shooting. Tour shots were fir
ed, only one of which took effect,
lie. now lies in a very precari
ous condition from a bullet
wound in the side. The cause
of the rash attempt was a one
sided love affair, with no recip
rocation on the feminine part.
Dalles Mountaineer.
An Italian paper tells its
readeas of a cannibal woman in
Manitoba that killed and ate a
dozen men. It adds "Mani
toba is an integral part of the
United States, and that serene
republic i governed by G rover
Cleveland and his gracious lady.
"Really we do not know how -he
can bear to hear of this unpun
ichod outrage to nature com
nutted by a woman who can
say, 'I am ar American citi-y.en.
iW ivraxmia CMMinii"C .-urith-' i (iymtr 01 siminii.e :it lilt inie n.rko. iirant eounir tireon, at cjiuvoh cttv,
r- . i i . I h n , i Or ,on .lulv Sii'li., l1-. It: HoltKltT NHIX'K.
-tt -1 f AMMtt. .1M1 I M'lKl klt" II. "..-. I. - . .. . 1
t i. - 1 , r . i . .1 i..
with her hner on a mule dross- ! ' w..t vZr t n' V;,t n $:l!"tvv '
etlinlyov fUliM It we; a' w ilc f 'J !r ,pt -"VA&Ax'l
C1 Ml lMn (lOUIt..-. 11 W.bil . UUlv.ay3 (,f doing WllCt ,..,.;, r,,M-,lc,lc.. ,. ..,1 rnitivalinn
decidedly funny notion. A Nature!eudy, name
lliulc ordinarily caparisoned U i iy. toivctuebo.i.
aii Odd animal If) select for mpUy and v.Uh paia, the other Is to
such an episode, but a mule tLie itrttr' rViaf L,.' V.vT.i i1.1!",.1 ViLtf
J . wi,ich N not violent, but ull went ' '"S"
dressed 111 bny- clothe.- must nml which do-s not pipe the nin -tlncH. If
have looked too rcdieulous fur
anythinii! If the ob
the object was to
character of the
conceal tin
beast, the elopinj coude ovi ne
ed a woful lack of jndjrement.
A man frivinji his name as
"Win. rathesosi, was lodged in
the county jail on Tuesday ev
cuing for breaking into (.Hern
sey's vacant residence in this city.
II is excuse was that he had no i
money to pay for a bed, but :
money was found on his person, j
and a check for Slot), ami a ccr- j
tificate of deposit from county
Trcasuve'r Holey for (500. The
prisoner was discharged next
morning, but the authorities are
keeping one eye on him
came in Tuesday on a freight
v -J
team from Baker, and had a
saddle, and was making inanir
ies for a cheap saddle horse,
claiming he wished to purchase
x- . ,
I nmarned women, widows, ;
maidens and deserted wives, who .
are over the age of twenty-one
years, are entitled to all the
rights, privileges and benefits
under the homestead laws that
can be enjoyed by men.
The mother ot a living child
or children, whether widow, des
erted wife or unfortunate single
person, may acquire title to land
as the head of a family, though
""der tho of twenty-one.
Widows of deceased entrymen
SUCCeed to the rights
of their
husbands and -mav
make final
proof an(1 tlkl. title in their own
names, it is not aosoiuieiy nec
essary that they should reside
upon the land after the death of
the husband, as residence and
cultivation for the prescribed
time is all that is demanded of
Widows and minor heirs.
The widow of a person who
served for ninetv days or more
t . l 1 T A 1
during the war of the rebellion in ,
the United Stales Army. Navy :
or Marine Corns and died with-'
j out making an entry, may make
I an entry the same as her hus
j band, if living, might do. and in
making final proof receive credit
in lieu of residence on the land
for the period of the husband's
service, not to exceed four years.
The deserted wife of a home- j
stead entrymair may mane nnai
proof as his agent and have pat
ent issue in the name of her hus
band or she may contest his en
try on the ground of abandon
ment oi the claim and after can
cellation, enter the land in her
own name. The latter is the
wiser course, for many reasons.
An unmarried woman (widow
- initiated an
h ;)
tun 1 1 m - j
, - ht tQ ;ho lnnJ .j.
A ft
ed she complies with the
Mllli,IIM, Should she mar
rv prjur lo tj,0 tim(. wben she
ii"iirht make her proof and per
fect her claim, and leave the
land to reside with the her hus
band elsewhere, the entry would
be liable to cancellation for aban
donment but not on account of
the marriage.
Where -a man and woman each
make a homestead entry and
marrv before making final
proof, one of the entries must be
relinquished, or commuted, at
lii ..Knii.n It 1 !ltV live t V
111-11 Vli... . v..- -
gether on one homestead, the en-
- . 1
try covering the other homestead
Will W liasne lO cumcM iui au;iu-
it i i i i i i r ..... l ...
donment, even though the land be !
cultivated and improved. 1 lie
1..iwiot-nl lnjif nil 1 11 !rc tlllVl
things to give final title, first,
lirmne. rp?idence Second flood
cultivation, tWO Crops Or Other-
, .i i r - :..
vase, and tniru, iair nn p.oe-
i.w.Mf in ih iiuitfor of hllllMUIfi.
. ., ... ,.
fences and the like. Compliance
u-iih nnU- nn nr t wo of th("-e re-
Willi Oim Oll OI lU Jl iih.v i.
Uuirements will not natifv tho
i lsuv- ul1 compliance with all
in ret rcfjuirtnu ins 11111. 1 ut . .u
fitctorilv shown for the entux
)eriod at the date when the
final proof is made.
The daughter of a deceased ;
soldier, sailor or marine, if oth r- j
wise qualified, may enter land in j
her own right, notwithstanding :
an entry may have been made '
by her guardian and peifected for ;
her benefit, during her minority j
She can thereby secure to home
steads. A widow, as the legal represen
tative of her deceased husband
may continue to cultivate his
homestead and at the same time
make an entry in her own name.
A woman has this advantage
over a man. She can thus se
cure two homesteads while he is
allowed only one.
The widow of a deceased entry-
man mav purchase, under the
act o June lo, hVu, the
embraced in a homestead entry
in case1? where that act is appli
cable. IIenuy X. Coii
New York, where
in the
"were freeziiiif to death
'. blhizard !:i-t Iarch. thc-v
tllf UMtlSE'-IOHWl, III!" JH-J.-.OII loju...
lie. d not crc.icct peniiunent IipiipIH. and lio
. i ... iiii. ?iniii:i:iTi' l i :ti:-
ration of art pilar 'lulut f ''. co '""l"1
;. i,-'- nti Hitters urou-.c. a dormant
liver, I miiarta a b-iieilcial impetus to th-ac-
:. 'i .:) . i.rrin. f....i ...nnienii-.tM the oar-
-twines .V,"VirJ.uua,ir,,,v a teudcticy to
Rout, nud malaria iu nil iw forms.
University of Oregon:
Next session begins on Monday
M r. ITili nf lfifiS.
Free scholarships from every
cottntv in the state. Apply to
vour County Superintendent.
li-nni-flonrRnc- Classical. Sei-
tmtilic, Literary and a short Eng-
! lish Course in which there is no
Latin, Greek, French or German.
The Enidish is nre-emim ntly a
Business Course. For catalogues
. .
or other information, address
J. W. Joiixsox,
Women's Rights Under the
stead Laws.
v Dana 01 iroin iu 10 ou iienti
of uooil, American horses, consist-
of ' a nm ()ne
.!. dui .. .
i t i . in t . r. l i
stallion. Sold on easy terms.
Enquire at the News Office. 13-ft
Tuesday, the 24th day of July,
1888, at the hour of 2 o'clock
P. M., an application will be mode
to His Excellency, Sylvester Pen
noyer, Governor of the State of
Oregon, at his office in the city of
Salem, in said State, on behalf and
for the pardon of Thus. D. Wil
Hams, now imprisoned in the Pen itentiary
of said State under and
by virtue of a judgment of the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore- i
con for Grant county, whereby
the said T. D. Williams was con
victed of the crime of -'assault with
a dangerous weapon," ami was on
the 28th of April, A. P.. 1888,
sentenced for the term of 18
months in said Penitentiarv.
Paled June 2D h., 1S8-?.
11- 1(5 Thomas I. Willi vms.
DEPrt.x-ls.oa.-'as Station
siuialeil miawiy between Baker
ftml Cunvon ui,ies. Travelers will
find at all times a full supply of the
liest Beer, ine, W lnkey, Cigars,
Tobacco, Etc., to be had an where.
Ponple of Grant and Baker county
remember the place, where you
will find ev rything transacted "on
the square."
Notice is hereby given that the
j partnership heretofore existing be
WC(.n xj Jewelt illul j. W. Tra
cv,i,ftS this day been dissolved oy
i i ii 1 k i ..
mutud consent. All debts due
the firm will be rceeiovd by J. W.
Tracy, and all demands against
the firm will be presented to the
said J. W. Trncv.
Dated this
25th day of June.
Ivin Jl.WK'IT.
.l.W Tuacv.
Liml Oilice at I-i Cramii-. Or
.ill Mf 20lh.. IViS.
N..tic" i- liercbv trivoii tlit tln f Honing
mur.otl scttlt-r Iihb liloil imtlro of iii inlcntiitit tn
nwk ftiuil jinmf in sniijirrt of M claiiu, mul
j n.rk i.fomnt c
j y!:'nu
:ool will uc liLidi' Doioru i "iiin.v
Comilv. at i i.y, ur.. on
S. iz: JOHN M C HAK, US..
till? S litlf '-f Oiu NIC iittar , aihl
W ha'f f SK qimr.. S.t 31. Tp IB. S f It SI, K
( ,
iiiu.-mu. ti.efniiwiivitini-!'ostopr..vfi.'
....!. ur ...:lt,.t ttl11l X l I illltlff tM 4tf
, Jrr'-''TsM
I I Ml
vorn uj: o:i:n. Minuyou am i luriu j.
Cr.iii-f"ii, of PiiwiIIi. Onp.n.
. " "y,;
i Notice h.rcliy pven that tin fnllowing ;
,IMUi. linal prtuf in Hiiin-ort of hti- claim, and '
i tli.tMhliirirf.fuIH lie iiikIp licfore Citric rtl !
t. ., , o . at,.ciu. or,.,i. on
I Aiiiruxt 4.1i.. viz:
IlKVIiV 11. .Mt-KKKN. i
I I)S . "Wii, for tin- h lull of w qiiar., .M-. ipisr
, urstr qnar.ami NWquar. of sF.qnar.. .e. ,
! T" ,:5- s"f K K,,f
tia... .... f :niiiL' w tnes'e-i to nr.c
jatiA Taylor, v
sidcncc upon . niiU ruilivation
IColmrt h Anu-triitiir.
William ArnutroTi-r ami Wil-
1 Hu, hkmiy hinkiiakt. u.-utjr.
IjihI Ofilieal l.-illrwuit?. Or.
June AUti . 1S3.
N'n'icc li I.LTiliy Riven tliwt In loltmwM'.; settlfr l:as Hied notii-c of liis inieiitiim
ti make Hrml proof in -tl!,
hi. c'aim. :nnitliatalil proof will Ikj iik'iI. Iiefore
tlu County Icr of Orant cono-y nr.. at Canyon
Cilv. Oris.", on AtlUt 4th., 1-S. vu !IiO.
BKISKUIS, 1S . fWf.1, for tin i: lia'f l XU qnnr.
ami K li'tlt of SK quar.. Sec JJ, I'p 17, S of K 7,
K..f W.M.
Ut names the fol!o-.vinx -itnesito provoliib
eoiitiiiuoiH lesi.k'iiee iii'on. mul cultivation o',
tau IsihI, ntmi'ly.' I.aravett.- Shflhy. James
U'icki-r. Wa t. r llricvn nnl Davkl - - , all of
Une liml, Orrs'-n.
11 Hi IlKNicY KlNKIIAHT, HecKer.
tai)il i -Ci-o a fi ramie. Oregon
.Itme 12th., Is..".
Notico U liereliy trlvcn that the follwinx
naiiail hcttlcr lu Illiil notiieof hi iiitenti.m to fiiin.1 pro if hi supjuiit of iU claim, ami
tint ssitl proof will he nimle liofore J. T. Mac)
C'ouiitvCleiU of Ormt i'onnt. or., at Cmuon
ritv, 'dr.. o;i .1 il 'AHIi.. I vi.: HI NK U.
?Kl.f. PS . fi-tl, for ilia S hilf f NWi.iur. nnil
.n hif of SW Sec SU. Tp., Hi. S of It Hi.
K of WJI.
Ho nana the fiHoin-.' .vitnrw to prove l.N
ntiiir.oi.x rt iiioiico iiixjo. anil culii..iiioii of.
i wi'i laaii. tnielv: W . Hern. Iltiirh yniith.
i in. Miuinworio ano i rniK .nei.-'cnaii; an oi
( at. ton c iti. O.-t.iii.
n is im:ni:y kini:uaut, invi-ur.
Lard UflW at La (itanil". Onoii. !
.lone lltli.. Is. i
Notice iierehy triven thiit the follow inc i
mined s.-ttU'r lias Hied notiee of III - inteiition to I
make tli:l orofli" In .inpiit of ,U -Uim. audi
that sain prrmf Hill Iw ntud.- ; fMre tiie t V.iinty
of vaid land, nninnlv: IE tln.'i llymm. .lus.-'pn
.Shophi-r.l. 0. I liet ami J". A. .SIham; mII of
I'aiivon C''. OMgon.
:; IS MKNHV ItSNKIlAKT, liexiMer
All persons indebted tothc undor-
are horebv notified to
I call and settle the same at once,
have been placed
in the hands of J. J. McClllloull
I x Tr
j , II. i uuu.
Canyon City, June 11, '88. j-17
A much of 1G0 aqres, near Can
yon Oily, all improved and under
fence New building and plenty
of good water ac the door. Perfect
title given. All farming tools and
implements go with place.
Also between f0 and 70 head of
tock horses, all improved breeds,
J and ahout fiftren head of cattle,
I .l"n owner a health will not por-
! t of his lookiugaftcr, and giving
' lie Plnce hs attention, therefore j
."e desires to part with it. This j
is a good chance for some oue
with capi'al to invest. Will be
! so,u nt ft grt;t bargain, inquire
( oi r.vr aiulcaue, or tue Inews
i Olhce, Canyon City, Oregon.
I je-21 tf
! I
Largest Stuclt, of
The leading merchants,
Prairie City, Or.
P Masclie&fC. Prtdrie City
Wo invite Attention to cir Chnnoab'e Speed Mower, afVording TWO
SPEEDS to the Knife, lit fore contracting for your Im
plements it will surely p iy vou to call on
P r, A Si 'HE '& CO.,
And see their wonderful Slower. It is a marvel of Perfection.
Admitted the
For Thirty yetirs these inuchines
ain Wasroni
Continue to lie the"
Are Unexcelled for
For Moline Oliver Chilled Plows,
Columbus Buggy Cos Buggies
Buffalo Pitts Threshers,
Mansfield En
Agents for California Powder Cos. Hercules Powder, No. 1 and 2.
Blasting, Sporting and ltifle Powder. Also Enterprise Nois
less Wind Mills. "Wo also cairy the Fullest and
Largest lino of Stoves, Hardware, Guns,
cutlery, Ammunition andMiueis'
and Farmers Supplies,
Of any house in Eastern Oiegon, and Sell at Lowest Prices.
Call.'orcorrspond with us. AH oreers promptly aud satisfactorily filled
D. IS. Fisk iV Henry Hyde,
Prairie City, Or.
Arriving at j: DTJ11KHEIMER $ Co's., PBdITJ.E CITY, Ogn., the
-Ever brought to Grant County; comprising,
Groceries. Hardware,
We are now prepared to fill all orders at
ever known in Grant County.
best make on Earth;
have heen 1 he lf.ccoguiz.etl Standard.
Best "Wagon on W herds.
Beautv and Finish.
J. PURKHtlM&R & CO, i
Tug m
Are giving immense bargains in iheir
We carry the largest and finest stock of goods
and sell the same at
J5 yards nice Lawns for l.UU
11 " white pique dress goods 1.00
Wo.den lace buntin-s all shades per yd. .12i
Nun'. Veiling, all new shades " "
20 shades of summer silks " "
Ladies' white linen colIa;-s for
Ladies' hose, all eolors . S00.12J
Lisle hose, pure for 25
Bes child's hose for 12i
INTovor aold. sucIl goods for Clio pr
Ladies' muslin suits for f 00.50
We carry 100 shades, the Latest Styles, of Silk Velvets
Striped Plushes, never seen in this part of country b eft,
All Sh?des ot tho best Dress Silks.
And this is the only store in Maker City and Eastern Or
egon where you can assort yourself.
The Great B. X. L. Store, of Baker City
Is the place to buy your FlKE COODS-
Good Men's and Boys' suits for $5.00 and up.
Ordors Vory 0.Lorxi.ll7- HPilloci..
City meat market.
Washington Street,
W. P. CRAY Proprietor.
All Kinds Of
y Wholesale and Retail.
in part-
Etc., Etc,
Lower Prices than
stoit Bato city.
Canyon City, Oregon.
X.Q A!! order, filled on short noUcr.