Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 05, 1888, Image 2

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    Grant Co. News' o, JSSS.
IwersolKs views of marital
relations, if adopted would make
America a nation of prostitutes.
Bub will soon be forgotten, but
Jehovah will rule and reign in
America forever. Ingcrsoll is an
apostle of evolution, but he wants
Christianity to evolutc back into
paganism, "ttob is inconsistent in
the matter of evolution.
The English people are still
anxiously discussing the mo
mentous question as to whether
the defences of their country are
in a proper condition to with
stand an invasion by a foreign
foe. From certain statements
made by high British army and
naval authorities they have been
led to believe that neither by
land or sea is tha defensive
power of Great Britain as great
as it was believed to be.
r The prohibitionists think that
General Fiske will poll more
more votes than St. John did
four years ago. It is ditiicult
to understand how they arrive
at such a conclusion. Four
years ago the condition of the
parties were entirely different
from what it is to-day. Then
both organizations were more or
less divided and men of both
parties who could not support
the candidates of their own po
litical faith either did not vote
at all or else voted for St. John.
This was particularly true in
Isew York state. This year
both parties will be united and
from- present appearances the
issues will be clearly drawn and
sharply defined.
. . -.-
"We notice that someof our ex
changes are agitating the revis
ion of the usury laws by the leg
islature, making the highest rate
of interest alowable 8 per cent
instead of 10. This we believe
to be unwise. "We would rather
Fee the usury law done away with
entirely. The price of money,
like everything else, is regulated
by supply and demand and aUo
by the nature of soeiirit'. When
money is plentifu the rate of in
terest is low on good securities,
and whon it is scarce the rate is
high. The price of money can
no more be regulated by legisla
tion than can the price of wheat.
Ueury laws like) high tariff, con-
iiue business within a certain
scope, and t he-less legislation we
have on the question the better.
Ochoco Review.
The campaign of was
not a contest over principle.
It. was .rather an effort on the
part of two great parties to se
cure an endorsement of their
respective leaders. The cam
paign was purely personal.
Many republicans feel that the
great issue of" protection and
free trade will divide the sup
porters of the two candidates.
They thought the same in ISSi
and they ma' be mistaken again.
It is one thing to resolve that a
certain thing is an isue and
quite another thing to make it
one. The linal action on the
tariff bill in both houses of con
gress is yet to be taken, and no
one can intelligently declare
just, how the two parties will
stand in relation to this issue
until congress a'.'ts. The issue
may be regarding the surplus,
or again it may be personal.
Tens of thousands of the de
graded and poverty-stricken
inhabitants of the Old World
are hurrying to our shores ev
ery year, herding like cattle in
our large towns and perpetuat
ing here the worst vices of the
older civilizations, but, a propo
sition has been made in the
English Parliament, to utilize
the latest British acquisition on
the Zanzibar coast as a dump
ing ground for the paupers of
London, and if the measure suc
ceeds, the United States will be
relieved of the great arm' of
British 'paupers who invade our
land cacli year. As a remedy
for overpopulation, and especi
ally for pauperism, there can be
no doubt that emigration pos
sesses ;ome advantages. The
trouble has been hereto, that no
country-has been found willing
to sacrifice its own interests for
the sake of England, so far as to
become a receptacle for the re
fuse of London Slums. Aus
tralia and all the other English
colonies revolted at this idea
long ago, and the United States
and other civilized nations are
in no moo .1 to allow such a use
to be made of their tdrritories.
If, therefore, the newly acquired
African country can be convert
ed into an asylum for the Lon
don poor, some advance may be
made towards the solution of a
very perplexing problem.
The Hanover (Mich.) Times
announces that it will take in
payment for subscription wheat,
potatoes, old stovepipes, turnips,
beets, parsnips, beeswax, onions,
cider, butter, laid, cast-off cloth
ing, old rubber shoes, oyster
cans, old iron and money.
Here is a practical sum gotten
up by one of our mathematical
citizens that beats the hen and
a half laying an egg and a half
J o on
in day and a half: A traveler
had to pass through six toll gates,
and had nothing but apples to
pay his fare. The first gate keep
er 'demanded half of his apples
and half an apple more, and each
successive gate keeper made the
same demand of what the travel
erhad when he reached the gate.
How many apples did the trav
eler have to start with, and how
did he manage to pass through
all the gates, complying with the
demand of each gate keeper with
out cutting any apples and hav
ing none ft ft when he paid the
fare at bhc last gate.
It is now proposed to enact a
law in Louisiana prohibiting
under penalty, the manufacture,
sale, or use of dangerous weap
ons. A heavy special tax is to
bo placed on those owned in the
State, the proceeds to go to the
public schools. A person con
victed of carrying a concealed
weapon is to be punished by
imprisonment. There is need
ehoufdi of such a law in Louis
iana as well as in many other
sections of the Union. - liesort
to firearms as a means of settl
ing a trifling dispute, continues
to be far too common in this
country everywhere, and if a
law, such as that proposed, can
jut a check upon the savage and
rutal practice, by all means let
us have such laws.
The young man fell dead !
A friend had pointed a revolver at
"He didn't know it was loaded!"
Wc often hear it stated that a man
is not responsible for what ho does
ii -t know. The law presupposes
knowledge and therefore convicts the
mun who excuses crime by ignorance!
"If I had only known" lias often
boon an unfortunate man's apology
for some evil unknowingly wrought,
but in a matter of general interest
as for instance that laudanum is a
poison, that naphtha is a deadly ex
plosive, that blood heavily charged
with a winter's accumulations of the
waMe of the system, it i.sonis duty
to know the fact a'nd the conse
quences thereof. Our irood! oil g'-and-ntlieis
knew for instunce, tha. the
op'ning of spring was tho most
IKr::ous period of the year.
'. -;i'iso then the blood stream is
shi-'g sh and chilled by t lie cold
uvnther, and if not thinned a good
den! and made to flow quickly and
hedthmlh throuvh the arteries and
wins, it is impossible to have pood
vigor the rest of the year. Hence,
without exc-ption, what is now
known as Warner's Lug Cabin Sarsa
parilla, win plentifu'l made and
rciigiously yivi n to very member of
the family regularly through .March,
April, .May and June. It is a matter
of record that this prudential, pre
ventive and retentive custom saved
many a fit of sii-kness, prolonged life
and happiness to a vigorous uld age,
and did away with heavy medical
Mrs. Macgie Kerehwal, Lexington.
Ky., used Warner's Ixg Cabin Sarsa
purilla "for nervous siek headache of
which I had been a sufferer for years.
It has been a great benefit to me."
('apt. HkbIi Ilarkins, 1114 S. loth
St., Philadelphia, I'a., says "it
pii'iflcd my blood and removed tho
blotches from my skin." Mrs. Aarca
Smith, Topton, i?erks('o., I'a., says'
(he "was entirely cured of a skin d fa
cane of l lie worst kind." by Log Cabin
Sarsaparilla. Jtad skin indicates a
very bad condition of the blood.
If you would live and be well, go to
j-ourdrii'jgist to-day and get Warner's
Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and take no
other, there's nothing like it or ns
good, and completely renovate
yr.ur impaired system with this
simple, old-fashioned preparation of
roN and herbs.
Warner, who makes the famous
Safe Cure, puts it up. and that is a
guarantee of excellence all over the
known world. Take it yourself and
give it to the other members of the
family, including the children. You
will he astonished at its health-giving
and life-prolonging powers. Wo
any this editorially with perfect confi
dence, bccauKu we have heard good
things of it everywhere, and its name
is a guarantee that it is first class in
every particular.
O. C. Miller. C. IV Fcrrel,
Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing
in all its Branches, done in a work
manlike manner, ami with dispatch.
Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, and
Buckboards, built to order, from
the best of material.
Laud Otfioeat I. a Grande. Oregon.
June 12th., I!S3.
Notice is hereby given that the follnwinj;
namotl settler has HUnl nutli-o of his intention to
make final proof in iuput .f his cluiui, and
that vaid proof will bo made heforc the county
Clerk of Grant county, at Canyon city. Or., on
i July 27th.. ivis, Mr. CIIAS. II. l ll.K.iis..
I 7!tt5, ftirthcSEquarof SE quar. Sec 17. and
W half NK iur of Mi qmr, Sec 20, Tp i, S
.rflt2S. L of WM.
Ue name tht following witnesses to prove hi
' continuous resident- lijwn, nnd cultivntion of,
fithl land, namely; Dnvkl .Mcunii, a.wi
Jtrown, W. D. Officer and D. II. At liortnn; all
of Uose Bud. Oregon.
13-18 IIKNUY RIXEHART, Register.
A band of from 40 to 50 head
of good, American horses, consist
ing of mares, geldings and one
stallion. Sold on easy Icrmsi
Enquire at tho News Ofiice. 13-ft
Tuesday, the 24th day of July,
1888, at the hour of 2 o'clock
P. M., nn application will be made
to His Excellency, Sylvester Pen
uoyer, Governor of the State of
Oregon, at his office in the city of
Salem, in snid State, on behalf and
for the puritan of Thus. D. Wil
liams, now imprisoned in the Pen
itentiary of said State under uiul
by virtue of a judgment of the
Circuit Court of the Stnte of Ore
gon for Grant county, whereby
the said T. D. Williams was con
victed of the crime of "assault with
a dangerous weapon," and was on
the 28th of April, A. D.: 1888,
sentenced for the term of IS
months in said Penitentiary.
Dated Juno 20 h., 18SS.
14-1 G Thomas D. Williams.
IE3 .ax-Is. oar 'is Station.
Situated midway between Baker
aud Canyon cities. Travelers will
find at all times a full supply of the
best Beer, Wine, Whiskey, Cigars,
Tobacco, Etc., to be had an y where.
People of Grant and Baker county
remember the place, where you
will find ev rything transacted "on
the square."
Notice is hereby given that tho
partnership heretofore existing be
tween Ivin Jevctt and J. W. Tra
cy, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due
the linn will be receievd by J. W.
Tracy, and all demands against
the firm will be presented to the
said J. W. Tracy.
Dated this 2.r)tli day of June,
1888. Ivin
H-IS J. W Tract.
land Ollire at I.i Crandc. Or
.June -.Mill., lb?s".
Nolire is hereby riven t hut th. ff-ltovrinK-named
settlor ha tiled notice of hi intention to
male final proof in KiipiM.rt f hi kim. and
that wtiil proof ill oe made before County
clerk of Ornnt (V.iintv. nt Cammi City, Or., on
Mi-.ivt 7th. l-vis. vir: JolIN M C K.W., U.S..
Ni 7'l-l. f-ir the S Inlf -f tl e SK qunr . ami
W hn!f of .sK quar.. Sec 31. Tp Hi. S.f It 31, K
..( !
IlnnnmM Hu fnllnulnc uitllitscs to tir.V h it
com. nn- ux.n. ahd cultivation t.f. j
sahl bind. O.: Henry Met Iter. i-.r.iiiK j-iier,
of Ml VrriDit: Oh i. Kinluyson and li.ivid J.
Cam-icon, of Out villi-, Orcjr'.n.
t and 0;lif: :it l.i Urnndo, Orrj;on.
June -JO.. IS&S.
Nut ice i? hereby pivrn that the following
nameil settler ha illed notice of hi intention !
innkr tinal prorf in sujiHirt id lii ilaim, and
that said will be made before Clerk of
(irant tt untv. Or . at Caiivmi City. Ouimn. t u
AtiK"-Hih.; IS viz: UKVIt" II. MrKKKN.
IS . 7:.;7. for tin- K hilf of NW iiiar.. NK . lar
of S' onar . an ! NW tpjnr. of SK, Sec-15,
l'i l::. v.f H :ui. K of WM.
He nauioH the fol!oiii? vitnth to ,
!iis roiiiiiiuoi: loidenre iihiii, rimI ri.'t itntinu j
f ild lind. uatiH'h . Itobert K Arni-tronc. I
Jired A Ta!or, William Ann-trim- and Wil
liam Wi:ne'r . a'l of Ml Vr:non. OMT-rn.
H-l'.i. IIKNUY KINKUAKT. llecWer.
I-and Oll'iteat I.aCiantle. Or.
June '.lull . lsi.
NoMcc is her.hy sivi-n that the loUtiwing.
tiametl nettlcr lain filed mitite t.f hi inti litbin
to make liiial proof in Hippo"-! of
l-.i-i rlaiin, andthat aid proof w '. tnadelH'foru
the County clerk of (irant eoiin 'Jr.. at Canyon
Cilv. (ire., mi -Ith , 1---M. vU . CliO.
IIIHSHOIS, liS . thfil, fo.- Ihe i: half t.f NU cpiar,
and K hilf of SKipur., See 'Jl. Tp 17, S of H 'J7,
K f WM.
He names the fol'oivinjr witiM-o to prove hii
eniiti.-iuou-t resilience upon, and eultivatimi of,
rani bu-l namely. - l.afavette Shelhy. .laniM
Wii k'- r. Wa tcr Itrown an I David - -, all of
Ui.f llud, n iji.
Lend (iflk-oa Ijt tSrande. Onon
June 12th., ISsri.
Niitier t hereby civen that the foiUwinir
nauit-il hettb-r Illed notice of bin intelltinn to
make final pro .f in stipM,t of liii claim, and
that Mill r.if v.i!l be made before .1. T. Mael
C'umitWli rk of (irant c.nintx . Or , at Can von
ritv. Or., on Julv 2lth., 1--N." vi.: I U M It.
.S'K1.. IS . 0-'l, for the S half ,f NW.:iur. and
half of SV ipiar.. Sec 2, Tp., Hi, S of K Hi,
P. of WM.
He nanus the full. mint; vitnce;i to prove his
cTnuriuoi'H resilience upon, and ruhixution of.
a;d lav.I. i:amel : W W. Ileny. Hiijjh Kniith,
Wm. oi:thvorth and Frank Meteclmu; all of
i a- vi-n r if . n.-eiron.
Lard Oftlce at I.a'. Orrcon.
Juno 11th.. IsivS.
Notice I? hereby civen that the followlns
named settler has fileil notice of bin inteniion to
make final proof lu HUpjtoit of bis J.iim, and
that said pro)f will be made before the County
Clerk of (irant county Oreiron, at Canvon Cilv,
Or.,onJiil Soih., 1SSS. )t: KuliKKf NKIX'K.
US . No. (108, for tho S half oi SW qmr., and
SW ttt:ir., of SK 'piar., Sts.- 21, and NK iptar.. of
NW ipiar., See. 2H, Tp. 16. S of It. 2, K of WM.
He name the following uitiici-ec to prove
liis I'outiutioui residence uw)ii, and cultivation
of Miiiil land, nantelv: Kaliih ltyr.mi. Jieteph
Shepherd, l. II Dictz and J. A. Sloan; all of
Canvon Cit. Orecon.
All persons indebted tothe under
signed, are hereby notified to
call and settle the same at once,
as the accounts have been placed
in the hands of J. J. McCullough
for collection.
I. U. Wood.
Canyon City, June 11, j-17
A ranch of 1G0 acres, Can
yon City, nil improved and under
fence New building and plenty
of good water at the door. Perfect
title given. All farming tools and
implements go with place.
Also between 50 nnd 70 head of
stock horses, all improved breeds,
and about fifteen head of cattle.
Tho owner'H health will not per
mit of his looking after, and giving
the place his attention, therefore
he desires to part with it. This
is a good chance for some one
with capital to invest. Will bo
sold at a great bargain. Enquire
of Pat Mulcaiu:, or tne News
Office, Canvon Citv, Oregon.
je-21 tf
Baadl m m Shoe Vssbb rwTWffl mum
The leading merchants,
Prairie City, JDr.
jP. Baschc&fCo. Frmrie City
We mvitf! Attention to our Changeable Speed Mower, affording TWO
SPEEDS to the Knife. Bifore contracting for your Im
plements it will surclv pay vou to call on
P 1USCI1E ifc CO.,
And see their wonderful Mower. It is a marvel of Perfection. I
Admitted the
For Thirty years these machines have been J ho Reooguized Standard
Continue to he the Rest Wagon on Wheels.
Are Unexcelled for Beauty and Finish.
For Moline Oliver Chilled Plows,
Columbus Buggy Cos Buggies
Buffalo Pitts Threshers,
Mansfield En
Agents for California Powder Co. Hercules Powder, No. 1 aud 2.
Blasting Sporting and Hifle Powder. Also Enterprise Nois
lessWiud Mills. Wo also catry the Fullest and
Largest line of Stoves, Hardware, Guns,
cutlery, Ammunition andMineis'
and Farmers Supplies,
Of any houso in Eastern Oregon, and Sell at Lowest Prices.
Call, or corrapond with us. All oroers promptly and satisfactorily filled
D. B. Fish Sf
Prairie City, Or.
Arriving at J. DTJREHEIMER & Co's.. PRJlIBIE CITY. O&i., the
. 7. J?
-Ever brought to Grant Comity.; comprising,
r1 M.crhr'SC
j y y
.. We are now prepared to fill all orders at
ever known in Grant County.
best make on Earth;
Henry Hyde
r-v -1.1 -
G0LCI5! BEffi IP 'WW J rTil I'ffUff BBHMI B
ardware9 '
Are giving immense bargains in iheir
We carry the largest and finest stock of goods
and sell the same at
15 yards nice Lawns for J1.0U
M white pique dress goods 1.00
Woolen lace buntings all shades per yd. .12i
Nun's Veiling, all new sbades " ' -25
20 shades of summer silks ' " .50
Ladies' white linen collars for 12i
Ladies' hose, all colors- S00.12i
Lisle hose, pure for 25
Best child's hose for 12i
INT o -17-o i- e-lci sucLl goods for C3txoo-ir iar
Ladies' muslin suits for SOO.oO
We carry 100 shades, the Latest Styles, of Silk Velvets
Striped Plushes, never seen in this part of country befo ,
All Shades oi the brst Dress Silks.
And thisjjs t he only store in Baker City and Eastern Or
egon where you can assort yourself.
The Great I. X. L. Store, of Baker City
Is the place to buy your Ft WE GOODS
Good Men's and Boys' suits for 5.00 and nV-
Ordora Vory Ca.rofu.ll-c X'illoci.
City meat market.
. Wsusliington Street, Canyon City, Oregon.
W. P. CRAY Proprietor.
Ail Kinds Of
Ily Wholesale and Retail.
' !
in pant-
Etc., Etc.
Lower Prices than
Store, Baler City.
XJ1.A1I orderi Ailed on ihort noUcr.
m & co, I