s Grant Co. Kews rSHf.lSHED KVKKY THURSDAY MORNINO June 28. JSSS. Germany is going for the so cinlits, and many of them have been sent to prison for long terms lately. The press is muz zled, and has noting to say in regard to the eases. The president has approved the act of congress providing that pensions heretofore or here after granted to widows of sold iers of the rebellion shall com mence at the date of the death of their husbands. A plan for building a bridge be ween Dover, England, and Calais, France, to cost SI 50, 000,000 and to be Inched in six years, with a railway and roadway over it, is attracting attention and comment. The presidential campaign lias been started, and ere long will be well under way. The Xfws will take no part in the fun, but as usual will occupy a strictly independent position so far as any political party is con cerned. The ' Anthropological Con gress in Xew York admits that simiiii tiiou wi.-u.utu.. wj Cliinese, who named it Fu Sang. I Good name, too. AVe wish that lew sang still, for more doit, than know how, and life is Hindu miserable. A iiiAiiirm .r- 4i,. i;..,.n,.r.l In. A bill has been introduced in Congress giving to fourth class postmasters live dollars for each quarter, in addition to their present compensation. "With this princely salary of 20 per annum, nearly every man will yearn to become a Kstmastcr. The Chicago Kepublican Na tional Convention has had plen ty of trouble in nominating a HiMU. Nothing is known later than the :2od. except what news tliestarc driver brought in from Baker Tuesday evening, which was to the eifect that Harrison of Indiana, had secured the nomination for President, or was so far ahead that he was al most sure of receiving it. There is some talk at govern ment headquarters of having all j the land oihee business that is now done at the oflices of the clerks done at the land ollices themselves. Should such an order be made the proving up i on lund in this country would j have to le made at The Dalles and La Grande land offices in i stead of at the clerk's office in j this city. Hut as to that uoth j ing definite is known as yet, . and for the financial welfare and convenience of the settlers in ! Grant county we hope it may not become a law - at least un til we get our own land office in this new district. In 1S0S, when Seymour and Orant were running for Presi dent, there was a gathering of the Second Adventists, in July, at Milwaukee. These people it will be remembered, believed the world was coming to an end in September. One morning One of the clergymen found a democrat from Kentucky and a republican discussing the com ing election, lie said: "Gen flemen, there is no use discus sing this question, for before that time the Lord wi 1 reign triumphant throughout the world." The democrat replied: u will bet you twenty-five dol lnrs he can't carry Kentucky." Ex. Senator Dolph's bill provid ing for the payment of Oregon and Washington Indian war claims, and his bill for the pay ment of the claim of the state of Oregon growing out of the war of the rebellion and Indian wars have been referred by the committee on military affairs to Senator Stewart, who has prom ised, as foon as he returns from the Chicago convention, that he will secure an early report. A Washington dispatch to the Or egonian says: ''Senator Dolnh, in the senate, ujrhi the passage ' of the lull reiyortetl from the d from the mi affairs to ' lono-imr to n 1 k- Iiuli-m r.i, committee on Indian tiny for cattle belongin contractor Kiuea oy nmians on 11111 T 1 a reservation, called the atten ed more than a quarter of a cen tury ago to the government, with proper proofs, were unable to secure necessary legislation by : congress for payment of their claims. ti0 of the wmu- to inim ,1c,,. HARDWAREJBOOTSJHATSJFURNISHING TQOODS! i-nlnf i-n lnt)i mill Hiil it Wfic i if ii f ,w I f, TOBACCOS & EL GUSTO CIGARS, a great ontrage that claimant, PATENT MEDICINES, DIAMOND DYES, NEW TO-DAY. Parltor's Station LU N ! JAMES YOV.XG, Propr. Situated midway between Baker and Canyon cities. Travelers will find at all times a full supply of the West Beer, Wine, hiskey, Cigars, Tubneco, Etc., to be had an where. People of Grant and Baker county remember the place, where you will find ev rythiug transacted "on the square." DISSOLlfriON" NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Ivin Jevett and J . W. Tra cy, lias this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the firm will be receievd by J. W. Tracy, and all demands against the firm will be presented to the said J. W. Tracy. Dated this 25th day of June, 1888. Ivin Jkwett. K-1S J. W Tracy. NOTIE FOR PU nil CATION. Land Ofltce at I Granite. Or Juno aoili., KV:S. Nutlce ii hereby aiven thitt tlio fcllowin nainecl nettlnr has tiled notice of h'm ititoutton to make tltial proof in Kumtort of his claim, and that proof will le inado ln;fire County Clerk of Omit Countv. at Camon Citv. Or., on AUBHkt 7th. 1SS3. viz: JOHN M C RAE, U.S.. No. for the S half of the NK iiar . and W half of SK qiar.. Sec 31, Tp 1C. S of R 31, E of VM. Hi-names the followiiij.' witno-eo to pnve It continuiiKs residence upun, uml cultivation of, said land, vlr.i Henrv Mecher. Kr.ink Klster, of .Mt. Veni.ui: On i. rinlurxMi umJ David J. Cameroon, of Itai vlllr. (lraen. hbxky kinkhat. u-tcr. N0TICE F0R PUBLICATION, Lamioaiwat LiOmnJc. or..n. No(itfc h hvnhy KiviZ"uMm-is named ttler lia tiled notice of hi" intention lo make rinnl proof in Mipiiort of hif claim, and that wld proof will be made liufore Clerk of Grant countv. Or . at Canyon Cit. Oregon, on August -lili.IlKfcS, viz: HKN'RV If. McKKRX. DS . 7M7, for the E lull of NW cjnar., NE o,uar of SW qnar . and NW pi.tr. of SE ii.ir.. Sec 0, Ti 13, S of R ), E of WM. He names the following wit ihmcs to prov his rosilliinous resilience iijon, .uuT cultivation f sil'l Hud. namely.- Robert K. ArtHHtrnnc. Jared A Taylor, Vi'liliam Arni'tromj anil Wil liam Vi:iier . a'l of Mt Veinon. Ornf'in- 11-lM. HENRY RINIMIART R.ari.-tjr. N OT I CE FOR P U 131 JC ATI 0 Und Olll. e at I.aCran.le. Or. June -iHh , IzSj. Notice li hereby jrivon that the filWvin lamed settler lia tiled notice of h:s intention t make thml proof in -uppot id hi c'aiw, niHlthalxaM proof will be made beforu theC.mnty clerk of Orant fouii'.yur.. at (.'utiyen Cliv, On.", on Atieut 4:h., la.i, viz :E(). MltlSK'HS. US . OSM. for the K lia'f if NE ijMar. awl E hilf of SEtpiar., Sci- 2, Tp 17, S ol "t 27, E of tt'M. Hens'ik-M the fid'owins witneMrto provo his co iti'iuou- reideniH: u.on. ami cnitiintloii of, aid land, iism;iy.- i.a avet! Sheiliy. Janto Uickisir. Water Rrowii and David --. all of Rom; Iftnl, oror.'ii. 14 1 HENRY RINEHAKT, R-itr. 5A m o o CD 0 few 22 W S George Chmdlach lira. I)EAf,El!S IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CdXYOXVIT)' - PRICES GKRATLY K EDUCED. Notice is hereby given that we shall expect Cash Payment on all Notes and Accounts duo us, by August 1st, 1S88, without fail. "We consider that we have given, and are now giving ainplo notice of this our in tention, and therefore confidentally expect a strict compliance with our request. Goods, including a full stock of Groceries just arrived at low freights, sold at Cost. Come and try us. Geo Gl'M)lvch& Uno. New -Just Received, a Gencal Assortment of Fresh- . FIXE TEAS, Imported direct from FARINACEOUS (iOODS, TAPIOCA, GEliME V, CERE ALINE Will Sell at Reduced Prices For Cash. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE - To close out, will be sold at cost, and below cost H. R SELS. i CANYON CITV, MAY Uth, 1888. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Ofilce at La Grande, Oregon June 12th., 1838. Notice is hereby given that the folUwin; named fettk-r has tiled notice of hit Intenthn to make final proof in suppoit of hta claim, and th.it said proof will be made before J. T. Mael ConntyClerk of (iraut conntv. Or., at CaiiTon Citv, Or., on Julr 2Cth., lSSiC vi2: FRNK R. SELS. DS., Mj-21, for the S tulf of NW,uir. nnd N half of SV iinar., Sec 29, To., 10, S of R 32, E of WJI. He nanus the following witnorRCB to prorc his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. Maid land, namely: W W. Berry, Hugh Smith, Win. Southworth and Frank Metfchau; all of C'anvon ctv. Oregon 13-18 HENRY RINEHART, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lai:d Ofllce at La Oiamta. Oregon. June 11th.. 1864. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make filial proof In tuixrt of hU :laim. And that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Grant eonnty Oregon, at Canvon 'ity, Or., on July SOth., 1SSK. viz: ROIIERf NEECE. I)S . No. tVJSS, for the S half ot SW juar., und bW iuar., of SE pjar., Sec 2), and NE quar., of NW qnar., Sec. 2t, Tp. 15, S of R. 32, E of WM. lie names the following uitnecs to prove his continuous residence ujMin, and cultivation of said land, uamelv: Raliih Ityram. Joscpli Shepherd, I). I). Dicti and X A. blxwr, all of Canvon CR. t)regon. 1J IS HENRY RINEHART. Rogibter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Oiliee at La OMiiile. Orugnn. June lith., lo-iS. Notice is hereby given that the following named t-ettier has lllnd notice of his intention to make final proof In kitpjh.rt of his clnim, and that wid proof will be made before the couu'y Clerk of Orant co.mtv, at Cntivon citv. Or., on July 27lh lSSS, vir:' CHAS. H. L'TI.EV. US., 7J2S, for the hE nnar of SE ouar. Sec 17. and V half NE iiuar of NEvtuar, scc 2i, Ti 18, SJ of R28, Eof WM. He names the following witnesses to prove bin coutinuuus residence uxjd. and cultivation of, i-aid land, namely; Dnvid Mugill, WalUi Ilrnwii, W. Ii. Officer ami U. R. Atherton; all of Rose Hud. Oregon. 13 13 HENRY RINEHART, Rcgiitur. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Ollice at La (irat.de Oregon. May 17th, lbsS. Notice is hereby given tint the following, named settler has 'tiled notice of hi intention to nrike lliml proof in support of hU claim, and that caid proof will he made before Clerk ol Omnt countv. at Canyon Citv, Oregon, on June :'0:h, lsaS, iz: DAVID Mt'RRAY, to eominute H'd , No :l,US7, for theSE ipur., of Sec. W. Tp. 13. S of R 27. E of WM. He names the following witnesses to proe his continuous residence ujion, and culthnlio'i ol said laud, m: Charles Mclntyre, Arthur Ri-gg, John a. Stevart and John C. Martin, all of Dawille, Oregon. il l I HENRY RINEHART, Regihter. NOTICE. All persons indobted tothe under signed, arc hereby notified to call and settle the same at once, as the accounts have been placed in the hands of J. J. McCullough for collection. I. II. Wood. Canyon City, June 11, '88. j-17 SUMMONS. . In Justices Court, for Cairyon City jireeinct, Grant County, Slate of Oregon. Adam .Mm ray, Alex Murray and Win. Murray, copartners as Mur ray Bros., Plain tills. vs. Lester Green well, Defendant To Lester Greenwell, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore "on, vou are herebv commanded and rc(juired to appear beforr the Justice of the Peace of Canyon City Precinct, in said County and State on the Mth dav of Jine, 18SS, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said dav, at Canvon Citv in the said Precinct to answer the complaint of the above named j plain tills founded on an account aim wneiein smu piainluts de mand judgment against you b r the sum of One hundred and eighty-live Dollars, and for the costs and disbursements of this action, and you are further notifi ed that if you fstil to so answer said complaint said plaintiffs will take judgment against you foe said sum of One hundred and eighty-five dollars and for the costs and disbursements of this action, and that this summons is published by virtue of an order by the under.signed .Justice of the Peace made on the 11th day of May, ISS?. W.M. Mili.hr. S-l t Justice of the Peace - - - OREGON Japan. ds! CREAM WHEAT, CORN & OATMEAL, Etc. TOILET ARTICLES, Etc., Etc, Jfmv Largest btucn, oj Groc WRITE The leading Prairie City, Or. P. BascheSf Co. Prairie City A WOKD TO THE TWO MOWERS IN ONE! We invite Attention to oir Changeab'e Speed Mower, affording TWO SPEEDS to the Knife. Before contracting for your Im plements it will surely pay you to call on P HASCIIE & CO., And see their wonderful Mower. It is a marvel of Perfection. Vdmitted the DEER ING TWIN For Thirty years these machines have been '1 ho Recoguized Standard. Bain Wag'on Continue to lie the Best Wagon on Wheels. 4 Z y line Are Unexcelled for AGENTS FOR KjYAPP, BURREL CO For Moline Oliver Chilled Plows, Columbus Buggy Cos Buggies Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Mansfield to pes Agents for California Powder Cos. Hercules Powder, No. l and 2. & Blasting, Sporting and Rille Powder. Also Enterprise Nois less' Wind Mills. Wo also catry the Fullest and Largest line of Stoves, Hardware, Guns, cutlery, Ammunition andMineis' and Farmers Supplies, Of any house in Eastern Oiegon, and Sell at Lowest Prices. Call, or corrspond with us. All orcers promptly and satisfactorily filled D. JS. Fish 4s Henry Hyde, Agents, Prairie City, Or. 6 Arriving at J. DTJB.EEEIMER Co's., PRAIRIE CITY, Ogn., the NEW -Ever brought to Grant County; comprising, enei Wo arc now prepared ever known in Orant Comity. FOR OUR PRICES merehantss WISH IS SITFK'IKNT best make on Earth; Heck Beauty and Finish. 9 ware, to fill all orders at BEFORE BUYING '1IU DURKHE MER Grea 1 Are giving immense bargains in iheir ELEGANT LINE OP DRY GOODS. 'e carry the largest and finest stock of goods and sell the same at NEW ORE PRICES 10 yards nice Lawns for $1.0u 14- white pique dress goods 1.00 t Woolen lace buntings all shades per d. .12i Nun'rf Veiling, all new shades " " 25 20 shades of summer silks " " .AO Ladies' white linen collars for 12i jYEW styles. Ladies' hose, all colors S00.l2i Lisle hose, pure for 25 Best child's hose for 2h 3XTo-7-or isolcL such, poods for Clioap'pr Ladies' muslin suits for $00.50 We carry 100 shades, the Latest Styles, of Silk Velvets Striped Plushes, never seen in this part of country befo , All Shsdes ot the bsst Dress Silks. And this is the only store in Baker City and Eastern Or egon where you pan assort yourself. REMEMBER The Great 9. X. L. Store, of Baker Cily Is the place lo buy your FiftJ COODS- Good Men s and Boys' suits for 5.00 and up. WARSHAUER BROS. Orders Very Cnrefullv SFMlloci. City "Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon. W. P. CRAY Proprietor. DHAI.EU IX All Kinds Of lij Wholesale and Retail. g jj 11 j ttf J5 1 2g V5 -V in part- Etc., Etc. Lower Prices than ELSEWHERE Store, Baker City. & CO, I J0I meat market. FRESH MEATS T&.AI1 orders filled on short no tier.