i ' y, .' ;I?r : . : '"'' 1 n; , 9 CANYON CITY, GRANT COUNTY. ORE$QN, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1SS;8: Volume X. Nio v:lcv 14. Granl Co. Kews. PUBLISHED THOHSDAY MORNIXO, DY D.I.ASBLRY Editor and Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subsrription . . 83 GO Six Months 1 f.O Threo Months 75 TUANS1KNT ADVEUTISEMENTS ttMprr -quire for first, and $ per (uaro Ut eieh -ubsequctit Insertion nebular advertidn cs made known on an plication. No certificate given until all charge- a id All Reading Notices in Local 'Joluum will be charged at the rate of 20 cents per line for first, and 10 cts each subesquent inser tion. JCST Special rales to regular auvertisers. WE AUE PHEPAREU TO EXECUTE -fine Job Printing OF EVEUY DESCRIPTIOK, CHEAPLY Posters, Dodgers, Billheads, Let terheads, Noteheads, State ments, Invitations, Tickets, Curds Etc, etc. PRINTED TO OltDEH. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY: Co. Judge , Clerk Treasurer Commissioners Surveyor Sheriff -Assessor School Supt - N. II. Maxcy. J. T. Mnel E. Hall j T. A. McKinnon ( T. II. Meador J. II, Neal A. C. Dorc M. D. Cameron If. F. Dodsou Stock Inspector T. II. Curl Dist. Judges -7-. " Y J; ?01 Ison r Dish At'ornev . 31. P. Clifford PRO FKSS ION A L CAR DS. ORR, M. D. Canyon City, Ogn. Office h Main Street in hot-as formerly ooea. jhbJ bj Dr. il&ward. It. G. W. DARKER Zlhviciai & Surgeon. Canyon City .... Oregon. Formerly of Iowa. h.-e located here, and will attend I'rolccdi.iual call day er night. t3L Office npiKHite NKUd Ofliee. , II. UOI.EY. Dentist Canyon City - Ore 'on Office in City Hotel. G. I. I1AZELTINE. CANYON CITY, OREGON. E. A. Knight, From The Dalles, has permanently located at .John Day City. ALL WOBK WARRANTED. J A. SWEEIv, tto. ev-at-Law Cany C - Oregon. JARRI3H & COZAD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Canyon City, Oregon. p B. RINEARSON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon PEAIRIE CITY - - - Oreg n. QLAY TOD HUNTER. Collootor or Bills, Noles, and Acounls. Canyon City, Orec All btiiltieM ennited ti xU care il reelve prompt alteuii 'li. aud all tnoin-y will tc paid a fiut as ejlleetid. Attorney-at-La.w AND jSTotary Public. Pit.vi niE City - - - Oregox. Also Agent for the sle of School Linds. Omrholt Sf Muldrick, -DEALERS IX- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, C.4JVT0JV CITY, Or. PRAIRIE CITY, OR. J. W. BATES, Proprietor. The Culinary D.-nartment is in charge of Competent and Ex: erieneed C"oks, who spire no labor to do In Connection with this Popular the Best Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cig irs. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMI'.RCI A I. TRAVELERS. JiHORNTON WILLIAMS AUorucy-al-IiUAV, CANYON' CITY . . OR' BOX Office at the court jiouso. g S. DEXXLSG. Altorm-j-.il-J.inr. Long Creek - - Oregon J. J Mc'JULLOU GIL Xolary Public. Canyon City - - Oregon $TOfficev.ith M. D. Cliff nl -2 Land filim-s and ColliTtitiiu promptly atten ded to. Deeds and Mortues diaun, -.ud tlmrj-et' rcu'o liable W. A. W11.DIUP.K. . Nat. Hi 1hov. Lakcview, Or. Rum-', Or. WILSHIRE & HUDSON Attorneys at How LAKEVIEW AND Hl'RNS. OREGON. Will practice in the C'rcnit Conrt at Cion City, and before the l S. Laml Ollice at Lake view. Any ImMneM In the LhihI Ollice entrusted to or n-ilj receive the most prompt attention. 1ST" Land c.nes solicited. F. C HORSLEY.M. D. Graduate or the Universitt of P4S.s-SYLVA.-ciA, April 8, IS 18. Canyon City, Oregon. O lice in hisDrugStore, Main Street )rders for Drugs promptly tilled. tTo professional patronage solictcd m1 ss directionsarestrictlyfollowed J. OLLIVER, Propriit )r of r'i 3 JohnDay Milk Ranch Fresh milk delivered daily to my customers in John Day and Canyon cities. Give me your or- ders. J. Oliver. Canyoii-Mitcliell STAGE LINE! Jewctt & Tracy Proprietors. Stage leaves Canvon Citv with the U. S. Mail at 4 a. m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and ar rives Monday, Wednesday and Friday. CITY HOTEL MAIN STREET Canyon City, Oregon, GROTH THOMPSON Proprietors. Traveling men will find this a 1 pleasant and desirable place at which to stop. Give it a . II MAKER'S VITAL RECEflERATO -3 NER7E TOHlo removed all cousetjiieno 4tranduw.;nnjwsl. -r. cromjnilTli f jonth. Cares ranknoM of tniuu nad bolr: Nern MliUitr, Silaal EzliatuUan. Lot Manhood, tc. OHoriul nrnu niiratnrand rmtornJlTo. Tar' lara U . BJLWEU K2&L CO Uoi VX. IJutfulo. tL HO Q8fi. r honor to 'lie palates of the Public. Hotel is at all times supplied with 15. MALL, Co. AT THE- Old PostOffico Building. DEALI.R IN RagcrE Smith's Plated Ware, WATCHES JEWELRY, CUTLERY Optical Goods an.t Stationery. Silbcripti()iis r eivol at PulilWher'n rates foi ail the le.tdinc I'apcri nnd ManZines published n t!ic 1 lilt 'I blste. EAKER CITT FULL ROLLER Flouring Mill. Littleton & Palmer Bros. Proprietors. Try our Flour ami become con vinced that it is First-class in cv ety parlicn ir. Orders From a fclHtanco Promptly Vtt0.ll3l tJ- jA.. 33C XT 3 3E 3FL X O 33 , Canton City Oregon. Roots or 5hns. mde l ordr, r ncHlI rcpalretl. All Work Warranted Tirst-clns. "BIT SALOOKI" A.Y0. CITY - - - Oregon Hugh Smith, prop'r. A Tnll Stock of Ut Forest .f Wines and linnort. The R; cif jrs in tha .Market. A ttrictty tirdeiiy Liite ronduc: d v5 p -c.iu.,i,- ItS AT TUCKER j- CARSON'S, Prairi: City Oregon Where yon can irt a -Ir'nk of the purest Wine ttid Llnior. nr mk a f -t t'ij;ar. ORTREfll mm PLANT! ARB SEEM Are eUsowfeflrM th kcat, fcotag hardier more yrcxIncHT tet&fitm Wter erapu. riNIi EsLUETtULTBSZ BATAXOSUE OaniUslH otj ttt kol TrKttt, MtM tm ta uoO Xk. VLASST s CO.. Jiowtra Ana Butmnn, 81. Pawl Mom.. sePARXEU'S OINQER TOXIC without M. , 1 ra.e ivnlicmal roi.-.,Kjn I ihni rtTie when allcl.fr-. lani-'ii I thuorta. r.uf C'oi.Rh.Vi nk I.unc, .ll.m i lutii-i- 'mn. Inwarrt l'ams. Kiiun'tinn, ImalnaVle fi 1 ;!. si at i n, fcrunlo Vi'tnknrjr., and a 1 pn.r. m ! ill irdtis of this Ctuiimch imil I'.Li. f-z. at L:jgiu 1 T!i'- F:ifet. rurit ani best er.rc fnrC-.rr.f, Uunk na, ft to-.all M'fi r.unieirti:r.rnt to llu J. rl. Jirver ui -j euro. 1 teats ailrc,-c5ta. lllscci i Co., 1,. Y. FAULTLESS! i o-Uaturc 13 fuuHl-f t cr.d : i . that no' 1 d:so.try, cir.'.irA:. .r..y Na turc'j own remedies, "1 i.e" 1 1 t'i -) -itk i M iJ I V i ? t . It iia bcnc.it t I'.t hur.tun r-c. . l.Li U . YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOK hy t!-. i: i f Pfunder'3 Orgom Eton runiFiLn. Qu.c'.: and Complete Cure t f til Li.r.iscs of the Shin, Kidneys. Diit'dcr r.nd Liver. It checks Kheuir.p.tism end I'-: -rla, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsi tand !:i!iour.e.pn:l nut; tutu frech cnernv intD ;"..c r y it.-m L v n:!finir m, Kifh lllood. TaVt it i M t-i-. r : iua. asit cannot be l;cat a .i-te ntat x i.f i!,.iu'!. Sold and used everywhere. t a 5olt!e, 6 for a ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P, Howell & Co., Newspnpcr Advertising Hurcsu, lO Spruce St., Now York. "Send lOets fo- lOO-p"0 Hnmphlot CTS YOU CAM BET ON. the oMett and largtst tobacco factory in the world is in Jersey City, N. J. X this factory rnakci the popular ami world- famcd Climax Tlti.-, tUe ac'r.mledgcd stand- ard for f.rst-class chcv.-ia,' totecco. it this factory was established as lon ago as j;Co. X hut year (i90) it rsade ami sold the cnorn oui quantity of i.-jBi.jSo I'j. or fourteen ll tu sand tons of tu'jocco. (t thU was more than or.e-.evcnth of nil the to bacco made in the Unite.! State notwith standing that there were 9C6 factories at work. t in the last 3! years factory has helped support the United .State Government to the ' extent of over Torty-f.-ur mi:.'-!. seven hun dred thousand d..ars C?44w'.0"'-,:0 PW into the U. S. Treasury in Internal Kcvenuc Taxes. the pay-roll of this factory i abot $i,oco, 000. ex) per year or $5o,.oo per week. I this factory ctr..-lcys alw-t ,: operatives. I Uiis factory makes such a wcnderful'y cowl chenin Climax I'liig m-V ser facti have tried to imitats i: la vIn, n Jpnf now tr- to attract c-istom by o.'.crir. : larger pieces of inferior cocils f r t'-c fci..c price. t this factory r.cvcrt'.etfts cootinuc. to Sneae its business cvciy -r. it this factory Lf'..in -i to and :j operated by Yturs, er)' tmy, T. I..'!-!LLARD CO. 0 25 YEARS m use. tVa n.rf HT.-,r!ifn1 TrintnnTt of thn Acfl! SYMPTOMS OF A TeP!0 LIVER. Losaofnppctite, lloircla costive, 1'nlii la tho head, with a dull ccnnntloa in tho hacU parr Tain tindor tha chonldcr bldp, Fullness after cat!as, vrith adlo lr.el!nnt!cn to crcrtlonor hody or mind, Irritability of temper, I.ovr oplrltn, ritU u fccllnc of haYlnff neglected aotne duty, Wcsriucrti I)lzxlnen3, Flattcrini nt tho Heart. Dots before tho eyes, Headache over tho rlzht eye, Itcatlenness, with fitful dreams, Illchly colored Urine, end COWSTSPATiON. XTJTT'S 111.1.3 aro especially adapted to euch eases, 0110 dnuo clTccta such a chrtui-'' of fcoMnjr if to astonish tlicsuffcrcr. iuo'i inercR(iothB AppctUc.sn.l cause tho v,r4r to Take 011 Flexh.thni H10 tytcm Is notulaacrt.r.;d by th ir Tonic Action on IHs-estlvcOrsans.ttetculr.rhtooUtro if.VlU-1 l. rrlf3I3tc. tJTinrrayni..ii.a. G::at IIaiu or WHfKEKB changed to a :tosr liLACS by a aincjic application of his Drn. It impart? a natural color, acts nstuutanroiisly. Sold by Drusgist-a, or -ent by espress on receipt of 3 1. Ofnco,-44 Murray St., Now York. .i. T-TrtT3 y. c jt rvcr coo : -.- TUTT OUR NOBLE HEADS. SENATOPv'S RECSEATIOS'S. Vtuuicm?nts In Which t!ie Circa t Ueu of t!tu Xatlou t'iud Ilelasatlca. The Hon. A. P. Gorman finds un rcasins deliirht in two games poli tico and basu h ill. Of the fo merha has had a surfeit lately. NoV he. looks for amusement to the diamond, and seldom misses a confest:at the National Park. Senator Hnf lor, of South Owrolina, is a devoted' admirer. of -tu5sn.i s,njoft.irrtwrtRrTTa5 is bt nrnT.z:,0 :OIia r:i,s,rH. i:I.i'.M ,. ordr wlucli rolies for success more on llic wa'ity of its scenery, ti tn.t e anl otherui! than on literurv jm it or ali!e acting. When on 0 the prut ty ir! of the p'ay comes upon th st.ie he is totally lost to all else, an. 1 iiier lowc.-s his ylasses till she dis appears. v'nator Howell Jackon, of Ten-ns-.ec, contriliiitcs more to tin -up- ( port 01 tlm drama than anv o:hcr man in pa'd-c li.o. Fo ir ni'! -u a , wct'Jc at the theater is not an uuiKuai 'ave ae for him. Opera is his espe cial d-'Iijdit. 'i'liator In-alls is fond of c-m dv. ..eo.;- un a, pie.wo . ; .minor. in ire particularly the subtle humor 11 1 . ... . . of some old Kurdish comedies. There no publi'.r m in who has a keen-r M'i:-e of the r.dirulous, and no ma'i i-.-.n show his enjovmeut hva heartier iaiv-h. S -nator Call, of Klori la, atton-b t'.e theater quite frequentlv, but ha onlv onev or twice been known to ' sin.le, and even 0:1 those, memo able c.:o:i:i thc smiles are s.i.l t have j come in at lh v. rori p!ac.. A joke . is omethin tha th' Florida Sen.ttor 'vis r:?ver been able to comprehend. '' A ; t!i is ju-i s nrich Cltwtaw to him. Si-uator Five is seen more fr:-(ji-.etdly in the billiard 100m than at the theater. He i an e"dleni shot. Mini dim s rna'cin iiins of fif teen in a thro.- b ilt .tni . He lik".s riding, too. mi I lakes d .inht in dis Iliin his little i-and-dauh'e , who invariably o cuj-ieria position on hrs knee durini: his drive.-.-. j cra.'k oil!ar iist of Co-i're'S is Wa.ner Miller. Thi Senator fr m New York hariilles a cue a-! traet? Tilly as Sloson, an. I thinks it iv i'.i to run uj thirty pom's in an i.i nin'. IK: is fond of" s ciety, in which lr siiiii s on ac-ount of his po ishe.I mariners. In the Senate, howvve he is utterly iot, an 1 seem? to be iu a constant staV of wonder at the un accountable freak of fortune that put him there. Senator Bowcn, of t V.orado, jairred a wide reputation at home as a jmker player, nor ha his f.-::no d.m;nished since his advent into poker circle-; iu Vashin,'t"n. Wiien he sits down for a (.'aim1 he assumes the innocent ex pressiou of the "Heathen I hinee." and can manipulate the car.l quite a- 5itccesfu!ly as Ibet HaMe s hero. Kike all men of genius, he is mo lest, new r playing except when pressed ; but once into it and he can scrape up m ire lu.' h's than any player known. Senator Coke's favorite recreation is hunting up old hooks in the Capitol Library and iu the book stores about town. W.tir a tattered be ok and a very bad cLar he parses his leisure h'Uirs, varying occasionally bv sub stituting oine Lone Star whisky for the t-iar. One of the h-adinri icdestiians of : Washington is Senator .(ones, ot ' Flotilla. His towering figure is fa I miliar to all the residents of north I west Washington, i John Sherman seems to relish no amusement. Senator Vest is fond of good din ners ami the. jovial conversation- to which they give rise. As a story teller he ranks high, but lacks the finish of Senator Vance, who is the champion humorist of the Sena'e. Senator Vest admires athid'ie spot. He was quite a famous ath lete himelf in the days of his repor ter's life in Kentucky. 1 1 irli living ha since taken the elasticity out of his IhmIv and robbed his once well turned limbs of their suj p'eness. He is still a tolerable bill ar.I player, however, and occasionally disp'ays his skill in the hotel pool room. Wade Hampton is a personal friend of John Mci'u'lough and Lawtcnce Bariett. When these actors are in the city he is one of their lirst ca'lers. lie has given dinners in their honor both h re and at his horn?, and is a regular attendant at their perform ances. Senator Allison, who a few years ago was the joliiest of public men, is almost a hermit now, living a retired life, and never appearing at places of amusement. Mr. Ransom, of North Carolina, wears a button-hole bouquet summer ami winter, is very proud of his go d figure, anil indulges freely in the p'easures of society. Senator Fair finds pleasure in giv ing costly dinners, which display his enormous wealth. Mr. Kdmutul's principal sources of amusement are musical and literary entertainments. Senator Morrill, the best preserved septuagenarian I know, owes his ex cellent condition to a quiet life, void of anything like dissipation. Senator Plumb regards newspaper writing as a recreation, arrd indulges irr it freely for the benefit of his Kan sas organ. The new Senators who came in last session, are rather a solemn fet. Tle'y include such men as Spouner, the skefctonian railroad lawyer; Kustis, the cranky Konisianian ; and ( hace, the Rhode Island Quaker. Phila delphia Times. (iabe snodgrass recently applte I to the Rev. Aminiilab Bled,o i f th- P!ue Light Austin Tabermu-le for p. miliary assistance. " I jess can't do hit," replied Parson Bledso; "I ha to s'port my pore ole mudder." 4 Put ver pore ole mudder savs vc don't do nutlin for her." ""Well den, ef I don't do nuffin for my pore :e mudder what's the use ob an out si.ler like you trving to make nu the!! out?' iTexas aiftings. The Sentinel of Pomp:!'. Eighteen hundred years ago tho latter pai t of this month there occurred one of the grandest tragedies ever re corded on the pages of history. Two Towing cities peopled with a husy fopulace,. imbued with the thought ess - security that a temporal rrgitit presented, basked under Italian skies on the sunny slopes of Vesuvius. In the blaze of national glory they lived beneath the proud standard of the Honvtn empire,, and that was their life's chiefest honor. k Bpyond the maro animal, .existence, their only eares were -personal ''comfort- and pleasure, to both otxsfhich they ro ;c fr., n( ... I 11 i i (inn t oi cat tftti it j d jr. ranic tr jujiin.' hom .tnl yearly 1 frotn ail directions to tho " metres o: the world." Kveiy city, town, ami hamlet irave loval welcome and shout to the conquerin-' heroes, an I in return for the as.-urancus of allei aniv, the captives, both men and hearts, were distributed for tho future amusement of the citizens. The old emperor was dead, ami l'om;.e:i. v Inch had just renderetl homage 1 1 trie newy-crowned litu, was to en joy the national sports on the holiday decreed tv the hauglitv sovereign. . 11 n;i- nu-iium Mu-i , ;um in ti'in.-. , rf triremes swir.g ng idlv ., -., .ir lt,..ilfl,.. ur !:...,:, li gion statrorred at the barracks and j guard houses, were the only evidences 1 ot inc. Silence haunted the s-a I and land. ()utide the northern gate, ! leading to II.-rculauentn, iu the scanty 1 shade aiforded by the sentry Ihix, ) stood a Roman soldier, detailed to guard the principal entrance to the city. The afternoon approaches with sultry steps, und the jvopulation seeks th! refreshing baths to stir their drowsy natures and innervate them for the walk to the Coli-entn. at th. extreme southwestern corner of the city. The ne'.ghlioringeity of IItcu laneum and subuiban villa 's sen ! j their quota to the great stone audtto- r;::m, and thousands upon thousands I liock thither to sate their depraved j taste in the fiendish exhibition. The j pio'ram:ne proceeds, and the de 1 lighted multitude sr.tve vent to their j entJiu iasni in lan-hter, cb-ers, or ap ; p!aus. when h"t! a roar, a light, I .... I 1.. l an 1 tiivJ in-ii iin 111- ,1 iii:i" in i.auic. " M.'lttri'ul." .' Mi'g i";r,-,.'.' S-tl.eum. '. I '-c-.-." ci y thcaifiiglited jieople to t'ne city's goiKless, and in their blinded fury block the narrow gates of the theater as they rush toward the city. The story of that awful night, and the week's euidinuo'is steim of burn ri:g ashe-1, was written iri a book that remained unopened iorsttwnteen cent uri 'S. Pliny, the younger, left the only account of the wonderful scene, of which ho was an oye-witness, wherein he describes the accident which led his uncle, Pliny, the elder, t. visit Pompeii o the day of the eruption, and caused his death. Ileiculaneum, nearer the crater, wa-buri.-rl in the molten lava, which formed an almost impenetrable en velope to the lost city. Pompeii, at a greater distance, wa "dirouded by the ashes brought thither by the w in l, ami com'e lucntly presents a iirre opportunity for observations. At the Herculanenni gate, above mentioned, was found the rusted ar mor of a PomjK'ian soldier, erect irr the sentry-box, grasping a corroded spear. The raging hell of Ve.-uviitR fires burned out that spirit which the storm could not queu. !, and forever t!r story of the noble sentinel of PonijHMi will remain as a synonym of fidelity to duty. Ruiwer says of him: 44 The fires raged, the air was darkened, the o- an of bla.-.ing lava Hooded every st eet and house, pala e aird garden Wildly shrieking multitudes 'rushed thro.igh the pan U-mouium, making the horrid scene still more hideous by the death-wails, but amidst it all the sentiri 'l rem line 1 iiio'lmlc-s in his place, aw.titin.' the resurrection of eighteen cen'urics to prove that there was one faithful soldier irr the doomed city of Pompeii who died at his post and preferre I a dreadful death to a shameful liight." Ex change. Lurk ' .Vot T calibre rah It Referring to tne little iucident of th" Southern girl who sent President ''lew and the four leaf clover sh had fo rnd.thc .Ye r l.r!- 7V;.f. joints out tli it luck is not tr.t i-fentble. That tin ling a loir 1 aved clover b: injs good In. is univeis.tllv con ceded. The i'lek. however, in liin'te I to the finder, and is not nc.ot:aMe Trie same is tr ue of horse-hoes. The ;n in who finds a horseshoe in the road should le envie l evei by the Imldet of half a million dollars' worth 01 mining stock, but he can no mo 1 convey his om1 luck to ano'he- man by giving him the lurs s! oe than th oAiierA-f the mining stock can enrich his crrlitors by assigning the s'o-fc to them. The tinder of hor-vsh-e - o four lea veil clovers can destroy hi own luck by giving th -m away an : th.is i.isuiting fortune, but he cannot convey to another the luck which he himself rejects. Print Cloth ('o:iit::ipt;on. IU is remarkable to notice what a falling oir there has Ijeen in tne us of print cloth for dresses and olhei kir Is of wear, as compared with twelve or fourteen years ajo. At that time, when prints were selling for from nine to twelve cents per yard, print dresses were very much worn in the summer time by the good house wives and their children in our New Kngland towns and cities; while at the present time you can scarcely t-ee a woman or child wearing print goods, although they can be purchased for from threo and a half to four cents jier yard. This does not seem to corre spond with the theory that lowering the price of goods increases their con sumption; but in this particular instance it has acted quite to tho con trary. A thief, the son of a burglar, is a chip of the old block when he is a copy on tho hook. "ittaburgh Chronicle-Telegraphu KUoSiAX W01IEX. Surprlsluj- Cu-toin Hotv Clrls'inro' I'mauclputed. " "v it 1 - In linssia, whero in the n-tldIe.-'.-.:-classes the seclusion of womenyvrir i even a few yea.is ago nearly a great' its -in a harem, the advocate of womjn'a. rights' would to-day find little: to - inand for any class of females above . ' the level .of the peasantry. Tho muii jik still adrninisteracorpomlcJiatis" ' meat to his wife -'as he would'toritfe-' child, and hi right IoaIo -so, jhongh iw-tci hfiy.trvirt' ruk- owled red in practice. The g rl, however, is nearly as in lep-n lent as her male relations. Ki.-.elierb.otnep-, and irom similar causes, she, loo, olten becomes il.sgiisted with Ir home, and dete ni.ned to seek what she imitiines to be the delights of Uiu in.U.;ienderit life led by the numeroits female students who "follow variott ; university courses, ami partkriilarly that of medicine. Some lines, wheii her parents refuse her (lemi s ik Ijo lea'.e hom , she simply mart away, ami having no passport h.v ;Hsttiiiti la-comes il.ega , and slie ri.it nr.tiir finds her coiupan o:i.s anrotij tli. v. no, like hers -it, have got iitio .Aijte' tneiiile with the author.1 ie;. In sime ca--e.s eiith:i.-i.iU like KlI ovieiF, who fired at the la'e cm.- ui April, 1S7J. marry giri.-. wnh wukii they have icarce.y any aeq::aintjn. v, aud for whom they have 110 1'e.m s 01 atlection, tnereiy torn,- lit id iti a tr.e obiia ion upo.iiainin a .an.-j., i float their pa.-ents a. id thi-ir iti'Ajt,t to Ieae home, l'ii.j vo:;ig ltu-tt I .in I wile pi.H-e d tugetiijr Iu Hh k i etsity town, artl Lure, It tviri,; it ) p.ir'icular ta-t h.r eac.i u'.hji '- ti c;ety. they o.ten sepa ae ini'iied -ite-I;. . and even where th-r wu :M dj to :n.i'iiM.!i th.-ir rnalxti nuav t on, th pre...-a e of ty and lite i;:.i. ..Il:es -a their jn.dl on l'.-.j.K;t-y i.b.i.,- ri -in iu p.ir; cotn;t fHE LESSONS OF FRITZ" CASE. 'UNSER The en-atest doctors i:i Europe don't seem to know what ails 4,Lnser Fritz." Thus are the Garfield and Grunt episodes repeated, and public con fidence in "expert" medical know ledge is again shaken. The eifjet is a revulsion. Since the fatai davs of 1SS3, many 01 the doctrines ot the schoolman concerning ex'ensive medication have been abandoned, and all schools. of practice are more and more rely- mg upon old tashroned simple root and herb preparations and careful nursing, the only reliances known to our ancestors. These methods and reliances are illustrated to-dav in a series of old- fashioned roots arrd herbs prepara tions recently given to the world by the well-known proprietors of Warner's safe cure preparations matte from formula- posses-eJ by many of our oldest families, ami resr ucd for popular u e, and issued under the happy designation of Warrrer's Log Cabin Remedies. 4,.dy son," exehrmed a venerable - oman to the writer when he was a boy, 'iiiy son, vou'r yeller and pule nnd weak hkc lookin . vou r neudur a good shaking up with some sas'- vt-;o " parii . A jug of spring sarsaparilla was ust as neivs-ary in the "winter snpp ics ! 1 i;y years ago as was a barrel f riork. and a lamous medical aut 101 i'v savs that the verv general prevalence of the use of such a prc parat on as Log Cabin LuisaMirilhi exj lams the rugged health of our rnc-stors. Wld'e Warner's Log Cabin Stusa- 1 . M paril a i an excellent rerm-iiy ior ail r-ea-on? of the vear, it is twrttctilarly valuable in tne spring, when the system is full of slu.gish blooil and requ'ns a natural constitutional tonic and iovigonttor to n.xit coltlfl and pneumonia, and the effects of a long wiriler. Philo M. Parsons, clerk of th" City Hotel of Hartford, Conn., was p ostrated with a cold which, he say, "seemed to settle through my body. I neglected it and the result was my b!oo 1 lieeame im poverished and poisoned, indicated by inflamed eyes. I was treated but i:iy eyes grew worse. I was obliged to wear a shade over them. I feared that I would be obliged to give up work." "t'nder the operation of Yv'ainer'B Log Cabin Sarsupari'la and Liver Pills," he says, "The s re and in flamed eyes disappeared. My blood, I know, is in a heaUhier condition than it has b.-en for years. I have a much betb-r appetite. I shall take several more 'bottles for safety's sake. Warner's Log Cabin Snrsa parilla is a great blood purifier audi most heartily rccommei.d it." A few bottles of Warner's Lo! Cabin Sarsaparillau?edin the family now wiil save many a week of sick ness ami many a dollar of bils. Use no other. This is the ol lest, most thoroughly tested, and the best, is I ait up in the largest sarsap.irida lotlle on the market, containing 12J doses. There is no other preparation of similar name that can equal it. The name of its manufacturers is a guarantee ot its superior worth. While the great doctors wrangle over the technicalities of an advanced medical t-cience that can not euro dir-euKc, such simple preparations yeariy snatch millions from untimely craves. Chaff. ! Whan a $5 bill ;3 dropped into th" contribution bos it makes jus' enough no so to be heard in Heaven Drake's Magazine. Oxbcrienco was a bully dcachcr. D.jr only trouble mit him vac dot ho gifs his knowledge out vh.in it vas pooty lato. Ctrl Pretzel's Weekly. It is announced that Senator Ev arts is a silver man; and judging from certain of his methods of con veying information we certainly know ho isn't agohlau one. fJudge. ! l.lirfci - A