Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 21, 1888, Image 3

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Ik,:' J
Z3 i I Afnnnf Arnrnf ?o in Vr nvnlmwl I
UlliiiU yU. J ZlVd . for the remains of Noah's Ark.
LOCAL BREVITIES. National Convention, which met I
I rr .1 j
t jiuesuay. Citv.e
New potatoes.
Cold weather for June.
Cornet Baud
Quartz and placer mine loca
tion blanks at this oUicc.
Take notice of the change in
0. P. Cresap's "ad." this week.
Frederick, emperor of Ger-
Mount Ararat is to be explored
for the remains of Noah's Ark.
No news yet from the Chicago
National Convention, which met
Goldendale, which was recent
ly destroyed b' fire, is rapidly
Evil doers receive a small
amount of sompathy from Judge
Ison. Last winter two of Baker
hoodlums attempted
of the
many, died at Potsdam
loth inst.
Machine extras of all kinds at
P. Basche it Co's., P
nunc Uitv,
Born, at Prairie City, June G,
'SS, to the wife of Scott Hyde, a
Cresap has had his dwelling
house moved back nearer the
center of his yard.
T. Jewel t, who has been travel
ing in the lower country, return
, cd on Saturday's stage from
Tn writing a letter inclosing a
subscription you may write on
both sides of the paper if you
want to.
The heavy rains of this month
are putting new life into the
grass, and the hills are growing
green again.
The county clerk has complet
ed the delinquent tax roll and
delivered the same to the sheriff
for collection.
Down at Trowbridge's ranch
three turkey3 laid together 121)
eggs and then went to sotting
Good layers surely.
Bear valley's new postoflice
has at last been estahshed. It
is named Blanton, and Mr. Dav
id Blanton is the postmaster.
We are informed bv the School
Superintendent elect, that the
County Teachers' Institue will
probably be held at this place
some time m August.
The finest and best selected
stock of wagons, mowers, rakes
and hardware ever brought to
Grant count v at P. Basche it
Co'?., Prairie City. U
Married, At the New Hotel,
Canyon City, Sunday evening,
June 17th, SS. by County Judge
N. It. Mxcey, II. M. Thomas and
Ida Prewett, of Prairie City.
Road supervisor Tom Smith
tackled a eddler of the Hebrew
faith for his road tax last week,
and Smith was "too much" for
Isaac. lie paid and took a re
ceipt. Over in the Long Creek repub
lic some fellow stole a set of new
shoes from the fret of a horse on
the rang', last week. Such a style
of thief deserves to be assassin
ated on the spot.
W. B. Carpenter, of Prairie
City, who was thrown from a
Luck boa rd by a runaway team
and received a broken collar lone
Kome few weeks ago, is up, and
mending slowly.
An old si wash from the Silctz
reservation in Washington Terri
tory, accompanied by his band of
Kloochmen and ponies, passed
through town last week on his
way to Harney valley on a hunt
ing expedition.
Wm. O'Neil bit off John Brass
field's nose in a drunken row at
Pendleton the night of the -1th
instant, and was convicted in the
circuit court for the crime of
mayhem and sentenced to one
year in the jKMiitcntiary.
John Wash is authority for the j
statement that N. Brown of Hums j
is having a ditch constructed to !
furnish water for irrigating the
land ollice. Look out Bro. Brown;
if you get water on the premises
they will swamp it for you.
Mr. A. C. Hall, who ownes a
ranch up Canyon creek, informs
us that lie found the remains of
a mammoth. I lie Mimnsoman
Institute will have its hands full
if it will communicate with Mr.
Hall, which will be most likely
The Ladies' Cornet Band of
Prairie City will lead the proces
sion at this place on the -Jth, and
those attending may expect to
hear some excellent playing as
the ladies are spending a great
deal of time with their music.
Come and hear the band play.
Bums. Harney and Drewsey
are all lighting for the land office
in the new district. When the
statement was made that the
office would be located at the
most central point in the district,
the Burns Herald man became
alarmed, and cried: "That
sounds like Drewsey, doesn't it ?"
The statement last week that
"Oregon" had given 700 republi
can majority was not intended
to read so. It should have been
"Eastern Oregon," and then only
the counties of Union, Baker,
Malheur, Grant, Wallowa and
Wasco. These counties gave
Hermann about that majority,
and Malheur went democratic,
at that. Oregon is near 7,000 for
commit a rod" cry, and one of
her citizens was seriously wound-
t ed in defending himself and pro
perty from their
Democrat savs,
j case:
I In passing sentence on Miller,
convicted of an assault with an
; intent to rob, Judge Ison said:
'Tn as much as the jury has seen
' fit to ask the clemency of the
' court on the prisoner's behalf,
! he would place his term of eon
j finemcnt in the state penitentiary
.it five vears. instead of eicht
Hugh Smith and John Parker vejirfi tno centence he should
lik.1i "iJ i Jiavc received nau not tno jury
Long Creek, June Mlh, 'SS.
Interesting news items are
Mr. Lee returned from his hunt
with two deer.
As we are not to have a eener-
to-morrow vc mav hear
nominations at Chicago.
All kinds of card, bill and let
terhead and poster printing neat
ly executed at the Ni'ws Oilicc.
Deering Mowers, equaled by
few and excelled by none, for
sale by P. Basche it Co., Prairie
Citv. 14
hands. The ' i-eieurauou iiuiu, u great many
regarding the S ?5? l-wpanng to go to Uanyon
Mrs. Doctor Hammock came
over from Fox and reuorts con-
Weekly Budget of News as Furnished
by our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, June S, 'SS.
This has been the dull week of
the session in Conjures-. The ceu-
; ti e of the political- interests shifted
! '"or the time from Y.shii g on to
I St Louis. Quite a number of our
! democrat io lawm iters hied away
siderable sickness in thai, nm.rl,. U) 110 Aa!Inni11 onvimtion, icav-
returned Sunday from
to Salem with the insane man
Strawberries are eagerly sought
at 25 cents a quart. Scarcity of
the article makes them cheap tit
any price.
Senator Blair of New Hamp
shire proposes to stop the trans
mission of United States mails
on Sunday.
The committee appointed to
solicit subscriptions for the Fourth
of July celebration have been
very successful.
There is an old law on the stat
ute books of Connecticut making
it a misdemeanor, punishable by
a fine of $100 to fish on Sunday.
Persons who do not belong to
interposed m his favor.
On ord. r of the court, King
was 1 rought 1 efo-e the bar of
justice. Ho showed signs of
nervousness and his face was
pale. In answer to th ' court he
said he had nothing t) say why
sentence should not be pronounc
ed aga'nst him. Judge Ison then
said in substance: "The jury
that tried you and saw proper to
return a verdict against you, of
'guilty of assault and battery,'
did an unexplainable thing; their
j verdict is an anomaly and mons
trosity. I doubt not they acted
honestly and with intent to do
right, yet, I cannot understand
how they could reach such a ver
dict. The sentence of the court
is, t Hat vou be confined m the
the "Hose Team" will please not j mmtv jail for a period of twelve
"monkey" with the cart during moths. ,md the onlv apoloiry
drill. This was emphatically set
forth Monday evening.
A newspaper article on "How
to select a wife," is going around
in the press. Men should be
careful, however, not to select
any wife but their own.
Immense quantities of wool
have been hauled from this val
ley to Baker City this season.
Formerly most of our wool was
marketed at The Dalles.
The world of society bus been
stirred to its profoundest depths
by the startling announcement
that the Prince of Wales has in
vented a velvet dress coat.
Another man has gone into
the cellar t) look for a gas leak
with a candle. He lived in Chi
cago, and found the leak. He
does not live in Chicago now.
Several good clean-ups in the
course of a vear from the Hum
boldt placer mine contributes
immensely towards keeping some
money in circulation in this
We want a correspondent at
every post office in the county
and as many, more as you can
get. Don't all speak at once.
but send us what news items vou
can find each week.
An Omaha clergyman told his
hearers that it is not base to play
ball on Sunday and then grew
very angry because the congrega
tion made a home run before the
collection was made.
We have received from state
print'-r F. C. Baker, a pamphlet
of 100 pages, descriptive of Ore
gon and its resources, published
bv authority of the Board of Ag
riculture, by direction of the leg
islature at its last session.
Harden Party and Ice Cream
Festival at John Da' this after
noon and evening, in the orchard
of Mr. llazeltine, providing the
weather is fair otherwise guests
will Le entertained, and refresh
ments served at (J range Hall.
that 1 have to offer to vou, and
the people of this county, is that
1 am not permitted by law to
multiply this sentence by five."
It is thought
drama will be
on the Fourth!
the late political
Carlos Houham has gone out
of the blacksmith business and
will move out to his homestead
on the head of South Fork in a
few weeks.
A Michigan girl
her lover can jump
on the level. As
year he is probably
get away.
boasts that
sixteen feet
this is leap
trying to
l see," said Mrs. S
a Til
"that there is
ma epidemic among the cattle.
Can't they do something to stop
their moaning?"
Scientists say that the s ature
of man is increasing at the rate
of one inch in one thousand years.
However, it will hardly pay to
wait that long to grow one inch.
The prohibition candidate for
Congress, O. M. Miller, received
in Baker county, Oregon, 21 votes
out of 1,700 votes cast. The
prohibition party of Oregon have
made a cold deal in the last elec
tion. Deer cannot be lawfully killed
until July first; ducks cannot be
shot until September first, end
ing May first; prairie chicken
and sage hen are safe between
April first and June 15th; moun
tain and brook trout may be
caught from April first to No
vember first.
The mumps have made their
appearance in town. Mr. liar- j
disty s children being alllicted
with them.
The lamented "Peter," of Long
Creek, was at Independence,
Polk county, and gave Grant
county a raking over.
The family of Mr. Chas. Bal
lance are sick, and Doc Ham
mock who was attending them,
has taken sick also.
There is some talk of starting
a bank here by local capitalists.
They would do a good business
if they had plenty of money to
The heavy rains and continued
showers we are having pleases
the farmers and stockmen, as it
insures good crops of hay and
plenty of grain.
The church boll has arrived
and will be put in positian short
ly. The first ringing of the same
was done in honor of the nomin
ation of Cleveland.
Hon. II. If. Davis, democratic
county commissioner, look a trip
to Canyon last Wednesday, i.o'
to be sworn in yet, but, well I
don't believe it because be likes
hatching too well.
Judge Branson decided in thr
Barger case that, although Mr.
Barger did not use due diligence
in branding the colts, he did not
think it was done with criminal
intent and therefore discharged
Mr. Barger.
There would be a good opening
here for a good restaurant, by
somebody who knows how to
run such an establishment. At
present we have only one hotel,
and if you happen to come after
meal hours, or if the "boys" sit
up evenings they can't get any
thing to eat.
The horse sale at the Fitzhugh
corral was better attended than
expected. Parties from Heppner,
Pendleton, and other places, at
tended the sale, and the horses
ing the all important tariff debate
to do the best it could during
their absence.
The latter measure did not make
much progress, as was expected.
Uongiess has not been paralyzed
however. It is entirely to largo u
body to be influenced by the ab
sence of a bun !red or two mem
bers, lis work has gone on in a
quiet way, and and although over
shadowed by the Presidential
Nominating Convention, ns much
has been accomplished as is u jiial
in the same length of time.
On Wednesday the House got
us far as the sixteeentb line of the
tariff bill, lut it required a Cong
ressman of great application to
sit ly and give bis serious atten
tion to this discussion while the
bulletins from tho St. Louis Con
vention were being posted oery
fe-.v moments in the corridor.
The Cleveland red ro;e was
largely worn by the demoi r.itic
members, and several enterprising
j ages of tl.c I rouse, secured a
Itu-trc! supply of I a-.daana handker
chiefs, v.h eh they distributed free
bv. Everybody bad a band mim -even
tlm most dignified
could be seen Haunting t .e Hag of
thi u01-l Roman" in a significant
mai.ncr. Mr. Bandall spread l is
out over Ins dek: tlt-n. Snniohi
4ih, 1888.
National Salute of 38 Guns at Sunrise
Procession to form at the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M. sharp, an 1
headed by the Bnih.s Bands, will proceed to a well arranged Picnic
Ground, when the following exercises will be hud:
Singing by the Glue Club
Prayer by tho Chaplain
Singing by" the Glee clab
Reading of Declaration of Independence by J.J. Mt: "uliough
Singing ly the Glee club
Heeitation by Miss Mamie Overhoit
Orator of the I xy Rev. E. Haven
Sinking lv the Glee olub
To which all are invite, and expert: d to bring a well-filled bis ket.
tied hi", l! ig fashion to the brass j
rod in front of his desk; Reiu e.sen-
tiitive Lawler tucked his in his vest
front, and ovi-ry democratic: pock
et peeped the ruddy cloth.
SPORTS, To Commence at 3 p. m. Sharp:
And to be carried out in the followii ordei :
Tho tariff debate was plodding i 2nd
brought a fair price considering
the scarcity of money. Al out
fifty head sold the first day aver
aging about -tGO per head.
The United Labor party has
put the following ticket in the
field: For President, Robert II.
Cowdry, of Illinois. For Vice-
President, YV. II. T. Wakefield,
of Kansas. Cowdry is a drug
gist, and Wakefield an editor and
an anti-monopolist.
''What is your name?" asked
a teacher of a boy. "My name's
Jule," was the reply. Whereup
on the teacher imnressivelv said:
. 4 mt
is vour
During tne past twelve months
Boston has sent f00,fl2-I..HG
drinks of New England rum to
the benighted heathen of Africa.
Boston has always been active
in spreading enlightenment, and
realizes the proverb that the
shortest way to a man's heart is
through his stomach.
The Methodist (Icneral Con
ference iave the New York na-
J pers a proper rebuke for giving
more attention to base ball
! frames than to the meefinjr of a
great religious church organiza
tion. Out in the wild and
woolly west the papers take care
of base balll and reliirious (rath-
3 r
with enual neatness and
Is hereby given that in sixty
days from the date hereof it will
be unlawful for swine to run at
large in Grant County, under
penalty of Five Dollars for the
first offense, and Ten Dollars for
each and every subsequent of
fense, to be recovered from the
owner of the swine by civil ac
tion in the name of the State of
Oregon, before a Justice of the
Peace of the precinct
such keiper or either
may reside.
Dated this 12th dav
J. T. Makl, Co.
in which
of them
of June,
, Clerk.
"You should have said
sir.' And now, my lad,"
to another boy, "what
'Billions, sir."
Everybody complains of dull
times. It will not always be
thus. With her millions of cat
tle and horses Grant county
ought to be one of the best places
in the State, and will when a
buyer comes along for about half
her stock now on the ranges.
Last Tuesday as C. W. Parrish
and his son Sam were coming
down the hill the other side of
John Day in a cart, the horse
stumbled, jerking the lines from
the hands of Mr. Parrish and
throwing him out of the cart.
The horse took the road for home,
and as Sam climbed out, no
damage was done excepting a
badly mashed cart.
a.'ong over tho "hunler
when Mr. Cox, of
a diversion ny a king j emulsion
to have re d a dispatch from St.
Louis, announcing President Cleve
land 'k reaominatien by acclama
tion. This was rreted with vo-
cTerou-? applause by the demo
crats, and Mr. Tareny, who bad
the f! or, waved his bandanna rapt
urously. As soon as the Demo
crats had quited down the Ilfpub
licans answered iln-tnwith around
of applause and hand clapping.
The Democrats joined in this
again, ami the scene was contin
ued for several minutes.
On Wednesday the Whi c House
was as quiet as it usually is cn
these summer days and there weie
no nuKe stions on the outsido that
its occupant bad received a re
nomiuation to the high office ho
know hold-. In tho morning Mr.
Cleveland drove in from Oak
View, his country ipsidence, and
wc-nttowoik as usual with the
mass of papers requiring his at
tention. He permitted noisib'e
anxiety about news from the Con
vention, but he read nil the tele
riums with great interest. At
noon he went down to the recep
tion in the East room and shook
hands with the pcopln who had
gathered there to see him.- L-iter, j
when the bulletin announeinr' his i
re noa.nmtion wan received, he
was seated at his desk. Uol La-
mont read him the telegram, am'
after exchanging a few remarks
ine i resiueuL went on wiin his
Sack Race, 20 yds., f:ca for ab, .
Wheidbarrow Hnee, 20 yds., fre for
Hohb'e Race. 20 vd.i.. :ioe fcrail
7. Y.. created j Foot Kae,-, 100 vds. free for ail
Hose Ka-e, Wet Tost, arxinst time
New York llacc Maki and Break Couplings
Grand Moguls, CO yds., and repeat
.lumping, free for al!
Purse, $5.
. . .Purse, 85.
Torso, $5.
Purse. $o
Purse. $7o
. . .Purse, 820
. . . . Pt:re, Sil
Ever Witnessed in Grant County!
-The Services of tho Dav will conclude with a-
Firemen's Grand Bail at Court House!
Under tho management of Tijcr II Ma Te i-n No. 1, of Canyon City
COM M ITTJ3K 0 F A l R A N'H K.'d ESTS :
Smith, Ch-w. Porrel, Frank Sds, Fr:t.k
work as if nothing had happened.
Soon the congratulatory ti le
,'iams began to pour in from all
over the countiy in Lrye number.;.
Immediately after the receipt
of t'.e news Col. L-tmont tele-
dioned it to Oak View, to Mrs.
dispatch, and win compliments ; uv virtue of n judgment of the
Irom both. -
A band of from 40 to oU bond
ofjjood, American horses, c insist
ing of marcs, geldinga and one
stuliion. Sold on easy terms.
Enquire at tho News Oflice. 13-ft
Wednesday, the 1st day of Au
gust, 18S8,"at the hour of '1 o'clock
IV M , an application will be made
to His Kxcelleuev, Sylvester Pen- candidates on each of the ol I nariv i
yer, Governor of the State of j tickets is of vital iinj ortance at :
tins election hecause of the po.-.ei- I
biliy that the president of t! e i
Seu.tto for tin- mwf, two sessions? ;
may have the casting vote on all
questions of sufficient interest ti.
cause a division on parly lines.
The term nf twelve Democratic
Jnke Fimou, Jack Stephens, Frank Metsehau, Frank Eby, C!ms. Gray,
Jamas Ferrel, G. D. Kicknrd, CJny Tudhnziter, P. O. Dustin.
The best of music wd be fa: mshed by the John Day Orchestra, con
Histiitg of the foHowieg Pieces:-K. A. M-Coy, 1st Violin;
Mrs. McCoy, Pmna; Yv. ). Baldwin, B-llut Comet;
G. I. HttffMtiup, l::ss Viol.
( level!! ml n'lin
more delight over the tidings than j J ICWIS, Including t"llppcr CtC CiJf sloM
her husband had done.
Th choice of Yb c-Presidenti il
Oiegon, at his oflice in the city of
Salem, in said State, on behfilf and
for the pudon of Thos. D. W il
Hams, uow imprisoned in the Pen -I'tniitiarv
of said State under and
J. Muldriek, C. Todhuulcr, M E. Sfa:iseH, com. of Arrangenieats.
Exchange: The Mississippi
valley folks are being drowned
out. Last winter they va'ie, some
r 1 1 e i i a x- i
oi inein, irozen 10 ueain. jcxi
August they will be
or half baked. If they want to
enjoy life let them come to God's
country, where there are no cy
clones, freezes and Hoods, and
where one can enjoy himself or
herself thirteen months in the
Thursday :i band of sheep I
from Antelope crossed the Mid- j
die Fork of John Day, on Con- i
ger's sheep bridge, and were met j
by an armed posse who ordered
them to turn back, with which
order they complied . As near
as we can ascertain there is an
organization in that locality.
who are bound to protect their '
ranges from the invasion of sheep
from other counties, and we
wf.ubl not be surprised to hear
ofbloidy work being done in
that section, if other bands should
attempt to invade their ranges
and do not turn back when ord
ered to do so. Eagle,
People of Dayville Say
That if it keeps on raining
there will be a show to have good
crops yet.
That if Cleveland is re-elected
the tariff will be taken off wool.
That there is to be a grand
time at Canyon on the Fourih.
That Arthur Pegg's newly im-
. . 1 norted Arrani is siinJv ciJ.
sun struck i - "j"""
They say that Plandie did not
buck, and the South Forkers
say that their friend and well
wisher, D. L:internjaws, is leav
ing Tigertown.
Col. Bobtail.
Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore
on for Grant couuty, whereby
the said T. D. Williams was con-
vietctl oi tue crime wi uw" ;v.u
the 2Stb of April,
sentenced for the term of IS
mouths in said Penitentiary.
Dated Juno 2iJ b., 18S&
13-15 Thomas D. "Willi ms.
A ranch of 1 GO acres, nnir Can
yon City, a'l improved and under
! fence. New building ana pie: ty
' of good water at the door. Perf-ct
i title given. All farming tools and
: implements go with place.
Also between 50 and 70 head of
fdock horses, all. improved bneds, ' render valuable service to bis par
and about fifteen beau of cattle. . ty as prc-sidihg ofiner, and an m
, Tho owner's health will not per- , eilicimt one could do correspoml
I mib of his lookiugafler, and giving ing injury. And, should the Vice-
' the place his attention, therefore
! he desires to part with it. This
I .Senators expire on the tth
I March. 1S.VJ. Of all these the
j only seat which the liepuulicaus
ami was on j can hope to win i that of Mr. Me-
:. D.. 18S8, J'herson, of New .Jersev.
j As Sniafor lliddlebi-rger will
m:ko way for Mr. r.mboui.o' V.,
; !h' Democrats are s-ure of being
j no wor.-.e off in the next Senat3
j than thev are now, while, incase
I Mr. Mcl'herson should be sue
! ceed 'd bv a Democrat, thev will
I have exactly the saints number of
Senators as tne llepubiieaiis, and
can tie them on every prty vole.
Should the next Senate b's tied,
an efiicient pat l amcntanan could
Dider In
Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Gilt ml ami Gl swnr in KuiIh
less Vaiietr. Fancy Wares, suitable fot r rest-uts for both Old
and Young. lioys' Iron Wagons, Baby Carriug-s
from Fourteen to Eighteen Dollars apiece.
Candies & cigars. Tolmeeos, Cof
fees, Teas, Lard, Flour,
Drhcfl Fruits, Cnuxrft Fruits, llir.e, Cream, Wkosatk
the tinost broaktast d l; known - Fishing Tuekle,
Fish Pole.1, Baskets, Tubs, Brooms, Lamps,
B rd ea-es, and every Kin;; that is
usually kept in a Variety
Store, nil of
Can now hj Bought Cheap for Cash, the Old Standi
Can von Citv.
is a good
chance lor some one
,;m. n.iniinl tn invest. Will lu i
sold at a groat uargam. enquire
of Pat AIulcahk, or tne Kkws
Oflice, Canyon City, Oregon.
je-2l tf
I'resident-elcct die between the
easting of the electorial vote and
the meeting of the Semite, it would
be doubtful whether that body
would be able to organize at ail.
Haptens tall & Dart
All persons indebted tothe under
signed, are hereby notified to
call and settle the same at once,
as the accounts have been placed
in the ban Is of J. J. McCullough
for collection.
T. II. Wood.
Canyon City, Jane 11, '8S. j-17
The Juneau. Alaska, Mining
Record states thr.t the Newelis
j company's Union mine, at Doug-
las Island, has been shut down
after crushing 5U0 tons of ore
, with unsatisfactory results.
I The Oregon Blood Purifier is
j Nature's own remedy, and should
i be used to the exclusion of all
other medicines in all diseases of
the stomach, liver and kidneys.
John Day City, Oregon.