Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 14, 1888, Image 4

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    if. ,;. aiM8BBQ
I r
"Defitc trii.r, eonnnandrd
CTS YOU C.! BST OW. , n,,. tcae'tar. Hi little fellow ,
- - ... r t . t
TftrAUla Jct Cty, . J.
W-thfc tenory caip t. r "pan ana1 wri
and foe Grst-U- - .'k - . 1 ".
Tins is a (lav 1 i f "hind
t.e ura t oi uic um. , , i , ... i.
I man wnu i trugagt-u lu 'u 1,1
;;-e.:is the japer, -l1ie,1: , Hip farm for il.o i en?o:i n ; s
j -Trust Is a big snake!" "Where &r tiuty . rovi(i,-l, of course.! hat
rim this faw m eito! -a lour f dM you learn that T asked th yr,. ? somewhere a far
nt laat year (t.r' ir.s
. raMStit) s;.
:. r fourteen H an
ion tf tt .tcv .
Fket this was m- Tf than f.:.-"ni!i f ill lnel
bacct tnnJe la l' I'r.'t. J i'tatc
, MWdtn t jat r-- u .-.- ' f-cr. ! c at work.
That the la t t '. f.U ?J lory la lc!p-d
stjifot the l";.J J : - wi'tst to the
oiMKtoforcr r'-Tt-r t i3- een lf
iot the U. S. TrsMor- in Isusmjl Kr. enu
yxoo ix r ar
IlMK ifci fact r.-1 r ; :
;iwtried:i .
nor try lo attra. : c . i J ' '' "i Jaer
jilicn of infer ; r . r t ..c pr'.vc.
Ckat tUc factory a v -T tc s co .riutm t iBUatre
iuaaiirt -
Tlist tMs fnctor 1 1'. -. is 1 -atcd by
T. ! ::iLLATlD i CO.
ni on
.' : s,; r'.rattwa.
: x. a t oe-' - '.! f oo4
:.-,-c.'. r luctisa
: .t Vi-Iaadatfair
t&f wlVTTi'.-tt-Hii t.t at-a isil ow f r , 1
r.trcV'fl, In . r r,--'ieti lr,taltiMil4 . J J
!..i.- , Iw.a -". t.1 pcj a-J dl
Icidicr. "In the 4jcr, ro- whicli such a relic of a by-to c
1 .y. "! n-'l a triirt age aa U.e hire 1 in: n i to i e
w-.&m ai 11 lai" -Ti: ;t Ha.-nt found this year. What an insti-
ul.-if ! in rsy kjihI tutan he used It) be in th 'ri. -
. :. v!r j.u;.i!, 'it a;d a ' h: -a ;ve were young! A th., -
i.M.t v.; iik!? .K-.i: or :: lUh." 0 Khbrcd Yankee; r.o! a vf
'l.V a number,- the tM tkol in hi v.U:
!. v -V::vr, ,n t ttrth iM Vm : f "g a"? 1' awl
' , U . c s iut.'l;ijr'i t l. lr v v ;1
C llicstt.u, skilliu in hiB i u p.
':"',-'-'r- "i;it11 'i4- and, as a mle, industrious ii-
lej'-iie; lumber ---voml the 1 eiief of this ten-hour
1 itts the paje.-i .u n., .Vr goncratitm.
mine, said It was an o terjins'." j pmu, the time he drove his ax
"This means cBlidtiiv," aid into the woodpile in the dooryaivl ,
the teaeh'-r. uIn the future I , on the 1st of April until tin-
hope ilie class will ptit their j of the season, after harvesting, h.'
tru5t iu the dietionary and net , oxpeeW to work, and did work,
in the neAMvme-rs Kx. . j n ,t from Pnn to sun, hut from j
T.a u j dawn to darknets. and then did I
"Yoitaro w.-;-kin to lard, i Ul" m51kh,S :md fed ll,p I"?8 af"
! . i t r i r . .... .
UTwaru. ins oay was louneen,
1 A dosttteh From Warsaw,
WEAK NERVES : 1,,laM1- 6ay ti,nt t!'e I,m!rs
r.vixr.vrFi.rRYCoMrorNnisftKorTftTania of railways at uar.-aw. (iranica
vhtcU rt-t.r fti:ls. eontalninir Celery ami , T - , ' ,
e ou. ti...- . "wrui nerve siii i Ivan Uorou Imve rtet'iveo a
cures all nervous disonlcre. . .
J'ais-k'h Crirrr CYworxn purifies tha tO aetUUHhie, W.tilOUt UefHV.
l.i-L It one iue lacxicacui. wuica , ,.,,,.., , r
:uti5ni. an i it tores ujo Diooa. u.i iiiir, i'",rniv; iuil tt
aiviees say that
i i. .....
I .Hi:' S Jill UlM - M J UJU MAVVU-
T Id
the trtw rezueJy fcr lUicumaUfim. (' O: t ! . : : 1
KIDNEY COMPLAINTS is in u ferment f war
Sa" H(M,ratif5. llv Military ami
curatiV" jvir, c !ub.:u-l with its neno , . . rut l"l
tonics, r.'.-.k." :t the hvst remedy for all e:: Oi I UlalHl have
llUucy cu. laintd. . . .
DYSPEPS3A 11,1 ltli,tnst:'ld certain
ruv,-srrirr.v(rMrorN-DstrenffthenBtho ; what qnartlttitv of eoni, llonr
-rVlVnv anl foraf tbt-y will be aide to
rAixrv Oiert CovrorNU Is notacatliar
. it iu i iiTihm tivlnir fanvanil natural
action to tu- bovi-i. ltigulanty eurely roU
vs I :fc.i r.
3 WW
? i
na i ii. i if i . 7
lfc- !rTfn'-il cf Rtr.rr tli"a.Tjl f -jt
An Autntin iwvron who de
iril .i, shrd to mini sninde cansnli rlkt'J'ti&J'.
e;tra-t, iiK-a. iul for look. - . , . . , , . . - -."t r ! I" "v!
Fr&nt Billiard Mall!
i ion
! ! nr
rdd4 of the f.' r;. : fs. at iWpH :
u 9 ai r f o iy i
-t.fOrvart-'tij'forv.ra,I.,:5fli..n.ft ! k'
1 w&U s,
..ctura. ltiHamtiyuriCaafc Hijox co i
e , , , . iiiieen, cvn sixteen i.ourrf long,
and it never occurred to him
1,11 i tlmi it slnni5! lo sliarfi'P. Hi
i ' n 1 ! .'s ;-::iumeri
faiaria- Fever and Ague,
tobChifis.Wfnd Colic,
Bilious Attacks, etc
1iN!4. Htwf ;;. . 1: ro..",S!h
tbey !-!iil hn f n jitn in wiy
jjotMohol t. 11 if , -3 rents ik r
Sold !E!rci wltere,
OHIre, 4-t array Jt. N. Y.
-To ; 1'
i:.. . i.;;iJ::.-!!
!. 'hr, :; T :
tt a
was no sn.'.'ialist. lie could do
.i I;..- i . ! !, Mr. ; anything, lie was smart v. ith a :
otii-i i!. Ill, eye j scythe, handy with a hoe, cute
.vaie . n l ;o file i with a cradle ana exivnenc il I
with an ax. lie knew how inwh
URES Nervous Prostration. Nervous
..uw, i.crvom meanness, ammacn A. . , f ? ii sic n UM
find Ltvtr nitM.M r,... 1T1C0 fil.iw. turn bj uraspu. w..
pepEla,and all nffections cf the Kidneys, WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's a!,.;ut hi., hesil t ill order to Hiwl
out exactly wliere it was. He.
then tired live shots into his
body, aiming at his heart, and
they lieiny; ur successful, he blew
out his brains with one shot.
A Snl In iim Darlc
Sometimes fails of its niarUwous intent.
The inaUiotis ami dastanlly attacks itleit
on the rojmtation cf lioatetUr'd Stomaeh
Hitters by iwrsoiw who sei-k to oil cheap
anil flcry tonica as idt-nticoil with It, or "the
game thinjr nndrr awothrr name. " or ' 'equal
ly ax gu-Hl," in iinot inst.mcu ra-t dtua-tro;j-!"
uit n the Mnprinoip! d traders upon
iMiti:r ti ?-luH' v w ho r.i tni.t thm, oonvcrt
Uk tUeiCBiH-culatl na into niliimw fttihirw.
M'Sf. itifti-r-i i-i a i.iirf. nh.lf-i)ine hh1 thor
ough ta du-inc, aiiaj.nil to the ti.tal curt-and ( i.
trcveiHi'ri'i i-ver ana jut if, uiHwraim
tcHt. ilvspesU. con-tialiiM, bilimwrnw,
tlehiiiiv, r. rvUHiif53 ami kidney trohlrt.
Its cvt-ry iiRmlint, unlike th in Hw imi of it, in it an aso rtainwl s-laatJan! of
o.xi-"!Ipiicj. an l vvhilcthv. by reason ofOwir
ll(rv ir-i.trti., r.ict injiivmnt-ly njon tbe
ltntlti ami nerrMts .tc.i. of bMh tli or
gnm it ii n tfliitire-aiMl invigomnt. ItvIUaC
all thuw hariatol imitatioua.
! (A. b ' r &&&&& "i
G- R.GKARD, Proprietor.
Dealer in jine ll'inex, Lhfttorx iik1 Cigars.
- - OREGQJ'.
i hi.t l :;n; in i grain and prars seed were n.- r, .'Y' TJ .
f . - A 1 . . - 1, J !u-.e I .'en j Hreu 10 me acre, wuen giat-s ; , Not ccto Sheepmen
-eif iha a n t of a ! wa fn to Cllt am! v,ht'n 5t wap ; Henry Husk's Celebrated Beer CnnsfanHi on Tap The St n-kmeu and rr.-i.lex.i8 oi
v.o'dd i ) i:ic oi I kayed enough to "go in," and h- ; ' ' j Silvies Yall. y and vicinity have
1 organized and pledged llu-msc-lre
! to do all that tLy cau to ke.
! sheep off of their rang, in order U
pit J-t:t iheir own stock and pio-
pe f y :
The Vi --n wt.tclifi:! ce
."." .ai:t i ; ne
Cli?S WHU Alt US i AM
Best'. u.lSj:u. it:'---:. .1. U60
in r.i , s ''I d.Uh'.i--:
I 'iK-'ievo Pisn'a Ct:ro
for C4:U4ti:jipt:ru havtd
irtr life. .V. li. Inmvkli,
liiitnr l"nq :iivr IMo.c
. v. . . ... ... .....
IUII, N. V ., ij ill l-Jl,
did not need to he told when to
drop turnip jund in the corn field.
nr I,ii.v in t.nt r:r?i in ii. Kulr
radii..;-, a-1 i wilii the prompt- 1T , ;, . T ,
i l ! f If eou!:t ! mid a wall, makr
in.oi a man arru-I. inrd to , i('er, f-hin-de the ham. mak-a
he t-ok ! hayrack, cr dctor a sick !.'.
i . . .. i, i i i . ... i.
. ... .fT.,,. I,, if . : it was Mur to ir;ie aim to worn
. ... u,.i liililr- il. . :ilT : 115 i .it i
. , . , ' atoar. And he -.'o. tor !;.- f-i r
r.M.t .v.-.-,- : i tiK-m..,,:-:.! t.a.n. v: . . $h, l)iy .,
j month for ;ght ii;t:ithy. :. s-t
' saved ;hrie-fuurths of it. Then
rpr--;-.--- 'ws ; w jH.:, ju. J;, worked eight tir U :
j-::f :::- and acomuu'at d a frw
Irt.:i Jcwv't, Tliaiu. CT.aJUot k,
.?.' i. .. Cuncrje. JJ Sort ".
httndnd dollars, he pro' al ly
int ntd the "hire! t.irl." who
had been at work for $1 a wrrk
j atrl savrd half of that, I ought a
farm. -ot out of dr. t little bv 1 eLiu ry needed fr Ibis tnmnlry
Htlle, ruucattd h's hildren and
Yon will find nil kin.l-s f tiuwaic, heating y: ves, bedsiead?
n J nil of furnitsirr, e kiig itIcuIh, otc . ..
lU.-.i'i;-s. you e;n buy ihe houe and ht with i , ' '
many oili-r aecoutudalions.
A "c.o 1 onporitimtv for a tinner, as he will find all the tcoteftnd
A'ul i.i Ila:iLiii:,
It. n'riin . Jr.,
A. t u-t t',
O. tt. r.- i.
Johti t'r !t- k,
Stm-:: W '.,.
C!i rl.- M ;ttin,
F. K. s.'.indf,
w ;titrmh r.
iKui Can: tli i!,
Wilti:iii Stone,
W l. Baler.
II. C. I'a.if.
K C. ItucVi.y.
lsii-tr.n Smj'.h.
J. I.. 1'IW.
.:ra M"I-1-U,
Krte-lvrKli Vu-n ltrtncil,
J. K. ShtwmakT,
A. K..r!.,
J. W. Tta. ,
Kl. iiiI-tTe.
(Vituc ami .eo.
eino i I'l-.'s (Vrk um
Coshuam. ( hildi-eu
tfMe it v. i:'.)iit ol-iet tiui.
By .ail tirti-.-: t. tZr-c.
s.'iit th. ni to the eitv to preach
rf irz i or to practice law, or to w.rk in
. . : I' ! he stor or shop, while he clayed
Yon r.'i'd.t fir.l scnif tbin-.r tlint y n need.
on the old homcstt ad.
trr. N. li., Mirror.
''ji'!W ;ir! (r him oot tl
A dog at Racine. Wiis.. tried
to jump through a swiftly re
volving liv-wheel, and, it i-
said, ty suceeet'etl A part
iUU I OCiUJi ilU
Baker City, Baker coir:ty.
i Nrtice is he reWy given lhc the
. nrdersdgned R'.diert MWee Iwu
i lv en duly .ippoirded Iy tho Hon.
! G uiity Conrt of the Stale of Ore
t gen, f"r(!raut Comity, Aiiniinit-
tr.itor of the Kst tte of John h
ildlrr. dt c s"il. All pcroiis in
debtr I to a:id Estate ate hereby
notili'-J to settle immediately, and
all persons having claims against
said estate atp requested to present
the s:tt:ie within six months from
the date of th s notice, cbilv vcr -fietl
as by law rcqtiiml. to the un
dersigned at Ins residence on Cnn-
earv" of w . ..:'., jhvoU t l'dailiea.
Dr. l Ut? I'HTarl v rrCTi9lu It
V. .'S' ;r, er rv !!f, t r tfci; gttsA naH
rl ii1v riwiw. 't 1 rakm! or MatlaW
t ' Is, rri. I it m pt:; aurt fr-tn r-fcTaV
t-: : v. Ii;x v t t.-1 U i i tU" uh re aanar
..t .! r.n.I .bsn:u.! !si- i had tost!
t'. Ir s..:ll. j rv;' rt t . Ix uv m ocdflll
r u i..- ' ' ! vL-1 i" r t: rvlh f anHiareil
a-.tC-riiitf vara:i. It t. is'4 ref.miRwuiatl ma
.-tirf-lV ! a m- J peifect tlawlllc fttr
w.u:ji.. peculiar attmrot.
n yewrrfttl, l::vh:or4imt tonic. t
I -. ,i.jt wn-nfrtli t:.?- v; u jtvaaeut. and
t the vnrah aatl to a;i)n.Jajs'. In partkaktr.
I -r'rwr-k.d "w rrimut," "rtt-xfwn,
' !"....:. J tci.'-iiris, r.iUUtiir. dnotakra,
arc vw, "siinji-rtri-t," h c-k wpera, aurw
i : ! : :.;r . or. ! fit ' ! w. r.:-u i:ht rally. Vr.
.. r.i..-u 1 r- Tl.)ti a bt Uie arramt
i i i'.i:. nn.-'ioiiiod a an ipMUataK
. ?' . : r- s"..;rjiliv?lj:iltf'.
. "i.s-. i-v. i'r. ivt.:U a" h cixqaatwl
it:' 1 r. i.uuMf i :.U:i;rc aad TSMMac
ii. - .m . . .'Atili:y. IrriUMiit;, cxliaOMta,
. t-.'I- :, hystcn.'. f ms:n'i r.?A lAtutT 4bt
tr. - ... r. r.-i . lU-t fvuiptuiiu c nimonly ctteot
u . ". .! 1'ir.ctl.ioul r... 1 1. cranio iititawe rUia
ii r. iwr'rn-?niTaiocpaaa hw
. k ty a! leap'u!jKr.
Ir : rrrr 1'xvarJto -'rrrr.ikm Jh
a !: "r .iialt mstUrlar. pari-f-.Ii n
p .o t 1 r-.jrtenc a ari s..!:)rai pajr-
.!. ?:i-t a.U.,U I t. wrjaian'w kIicae
( : ir .1 It i-f purIy vt3Ptahle M Mil
.i tandpt-rfA ::-harr.:lesiaiaaIB
l i i ;,a .ku t::- - -U'i. I r awrnnax
' :i .r a. ftiin tit: :lvr camw
ur . i , r.t -.: ..?!, la;ir.aoD.
I I.:.i'ro-l .; ::. IW ase. ffi
v.,; ;.r ;ve vtrj t)CiKi!tu!.
"FaT?!' "PrterixHUm" k iwaf:tv
rare IT ll- Pit ci uij lR-itcd aad uteattwatu
.i--i r .'urjrrh.-, :s.vs-lv. ttowliar, pal .Itel
i.i .tirasi'i .rt, unruUuri! a;:rl m, prclaB
!, rf..ainjt' r t '. iji.w,..lih.-H, -finaala
a- .' ai tcverHlort, r troverslun, btsurtmr
t n.'.ii. ti'viti .r,clir f!L'".i.'"tli n,lnlIiaii'
li ti an I ul-tin' rt!i.' v..ii:,ji;-aBiiiatt'a.
jn.i i a--! t'. t li: ovarica, accomiiwaawl
ltl ' uti-?.-iii i.v-Ut.'
A a ypcMlxlAr an 1 prnoter of ftnwtloaa.
acti ul ta a niHiU perPxI vt Uaua Bun
; ir!:i-.l t ki -natili-Kut, 'Fnr-rUe Pttatafrfr
tl ::Mlsa'r:firi;.l.r'.inttU aint. ara can
;ct lot-v only k I rvilu. II fc ptu Uly tflear
t ra and T..1U uk fci It i cta wlwn taka fee
! . '.; .ni.-rt ai'! tti mi'.rt-TUPttt' tndteot to
.-!, I r i :i i i:i -t crttl vJ vrtQU, Itaoam m
r.i- eina'!wi' Jfo."
i ; . . i .i u;.h I. iv .ivi.f ir. i'iffw'a ti.iIwi
a .1 1 -jv. ry, s,-. laniail Iiutcstr aaaaaaX
l?:r- i IVr.ttv.' I-cli.-t (UUle JUnr
t .11 4 , ritr-t liv. ;, KUitfy and Bladder Ha
. Tti tr c :.i:.i:.' ! use also wwoTWbJ awl
i i l. c i I u In."9 camwrom ami acrofMotai
.r.i fruBi the r.ywu-iu.
' rarrl t'krri lK " H the only aaaV
t,: .. f -r w. u.'.i. a la by dnmfeta, njidrrn
a.:.;;-. - i.twrnnif !' tiw twiwatawii,
. . . ' 1 1 u I .... . . .r..... .. ... AUAU .
i.i . - ti .!! be rff'imlp)!. TM-. Rtura:tee Mri
Ix -i " :i n tin h .tll-wri.iper, auU fcitll
f.iliy i-rr.i-d cut fir uuny years.
!.'tir.t M(tlc 1 1) desea) 9:1. m. or Six
P -r i .riro. tnmtriiUxl Traataw on Mataaes of
W iuc:i tl.') . f, p.trt-r-cjTCtiI), ivl Ufa
wots In t. jap?. AUurM,
CC". 5'.a.n St.. KiFFALO. . Y.
Bcste. t
in in..... i
1 i jM --. . .(. Vzo
!nv.'i-: '
s iLSr '" ' Cocper's Sheap Dippiny Powders For Sa!c al wholesale i srcS;, m- rv m p
, :''?iiK . V , ! I:ni.d at ('miitoh fit v. this loth JitVi -1 W A W u3b
r -. ' Hu&ll .. 1 ...... l.l..;.. ..( mni-L-nt l.n.m: fin nfl. ! r. It 1 ooo tVSIi.
V'i ',: bi - 'etbei cold of vot is nm on '' frr Irti tviragning ro mo, oiv. !,ol,l or forward the same ae-j ' Uokt. Xkwe. Whem t';- anL.l-.rMM;. --furM
' - - L-AJBSm xn '.'.i'.,..; i;:.i.s ..... . it.., ; .rdm2 to their desire. m ! Administrator of the st.. of I'-TL'1"-- iLJh P-;1' -lfKE.
. T..t... t ir:n.. .1 q i o 1
tinuu i. .iiiiiui, iKTcnsvu. j-1
i:.c 1.
3 'z.jifsJ A V tri : it W!iv run into a cat a rh
."in?IW ir'y.tsi . 1 in riipnmoiii.'i
i :
fc 1
? A-,
1 JT i
Or iu-
()r onsmnntion.
j L-.ilarih is disgust in;. I
nia is daii"Drou. Co'-suin tu n
i s do dh itself.
acn3x3fc ! T .ct.r.athing ajpanfui a.-s-he
k pt hea'thy ed fee o' tl
i ' bstrunioiis ai d offens e ma'ti r.
Otherwise tlt.-'ie is trou'de
Ad the diseases o!' th se ji.rts,
FITS, Ev?T,Si-SlTo-
A.llfelon.tvTr. T r-A2R..xr 137 zmteCr tm
CCRF tUf r -r : f-, i f r:r:.' r.rtf htft
Send af .si::-.- f. -
A DVF "Q T TC.T? T? Q ' he:l. n. se, tluoat, broi,chi.-.l :u! t s
;,!'fV A -J-'A j af?d lMRcaa h- II. :ttd
K,.d Icarfl the exact cost : 0, :nv r '1 h-v jh" v; rn : m
any proposed line of d h,jv this a'-.iy, iwjjra
J17 proposed
; ai7etisillg, In American
' Papers by addressing
Geo. ?. Eowell & Co.
Vv7? "-tj
2 1 '" ruo- St., Naw York.
Rr :- ' : -'C fc- ?00-rrg Ia -nrtlet
Frank Brothers Implement Co.,
Farm, Mill aid Dairy Machinery,
Fai.-m and Spring Wagons, Carriages, Carts,
7i"sc a-xxn, r;Tjit.riT:v3. etc
OouWe and Single jg - t'sW"
.iHl.-- I 1 V , r ., v. I I
t . j n
of the
j Best Class
1 .1. t j.
:m .-iiiu (lioutfiiitis 01 JCOp c .'.11
'.eil v r. Tbey hive f( n ru:e
bv i', : 11 1 ' Know h:-.v it ?, tlrn(
.-elves" it t tie on'y 75. Ask
at y d. tig. is .
) LSO L i: 1 1 J X XOTIC K.
Not iec i-i iieivhy given t hut the
! eo-paitip rl ip hr-rf-tofoif existing
ortvten It. Ward : ria l iv doI:non. f u:y l. t. 1- ; a" Ftp?
t 1 .t an j'i't '.'Si'" t n '; . n riiini fer -
doing b S aers innb r the linn 1 lriajf , i j t r.r:j c;i. , n7, "
H.G. R0 3T. T.T". iCr,i.rjir?b
oirr niwl rica. the nromlnont in-
-iiitent. are uie ipt miu fv ilaaie ot Ward .J 11 o l. anvot:
qui. i il- riTou sy.-utn. cnrtoK 'Jllv, ( 'l . is .: naV dissoitrd In
k'-T'a-.'1''1' "vstena'SIM, imttual con. at. R. War-i w
AH ALTER AriE. p.iyallli:is and tolleet ail .1
th. :
. . . . , r 1 . . .1 ... ..!
:. Sf.bnnrw noownui ; counot OWllI'f me mm I rem 11ns
tia-1. !
"Hie syieptoms of B hon.-i.e-s .
an uji'ii;i; v ut I jo wo.l k:iwu. : ---r-r-i
Ti iy d if. r in difforeiitiinnviduals For The NExVUljS
.11 pur or iwpovcr
' -. i-!r.-ntrtKWe'!.i
-ip!U.'r, and
r !. 1' :; ItMiviKth
, ;.:mIi.i.U tligcAioa.
Cnnron C i!v, Or., Zslnv lo, 1 f.
lb Y.u.
8-1-2 E. Jul vox.
to on. 1 .t- nt. A !;li -ii oij.n ! I
, ,.' 1 . . .. 1 l.r... 1 1 .. i I
:i I'lrauinM, c.iir r lu
t '.ti 'it, ;dus, lm ha-i nn eeelli;t
a; ; li e for HquM hot 1 o ie for
Miii I.; (,f a morning His ton;:;;e
v. li J : tlly bear in.ixctieii at r.ty
t'vu--; ii it is not .ml furrni,
it in !tujh, itt.dl cvotiiS.
The digestive ss; ai in wholly
oik of ord; r and Diarihaa or ('on
ftipi'iori finy b a symp'om or 1 he
l-o may alternat". Tlieit; ate of
ttn IKmonhoids er ovon lof-sof
blood 1 h.'ie may le gil
nnl lien ht adarhr and acidity or
fh'ulci c and Imderness in the
p of tin- m?ich. To correct till
i i-t-j. 1 -j 1 j th: if not. c.ft-et a cure trv (irflea's
Warranbea I j Augnst Flower, it cost but a ,rifie
and thonsiudc Kttests its efTieaev.
1 ' m tttiaMtdi.M
. . !'.ywithothT
' ri.S'a:rftfcc
1 -. a;lo!i to give
iatr..Ur :. r.rat. Bi?r.41urcirc!lni,Kitta
fall p-iiti:ui.:r.;.
Price jr.eo. BoW V? DrngUti.
.r! Ij7 very bxaDi
Ti IT-if-!--, 'W(,: '
I '. . .--.' t 5 ' ;
U.-.t t 'iff
tu-.-i'-. . .
It 1 i : : : 1.. .1
1. . . ' ' ' - :.:-1
f . 1
oun t ;:a:i5 wt i:k
-AXt -
'O ! i 51 A b. and FEKl) ST A I if. K
I (Wo rl v hureh'sold Stan.l)
(;. I ' t va tf: and nira SiltMk llnrate
1 funiinhrti at a!i !i i:r i,f th.' day or rigl.t s
rt'i-ot.:!. Jo prion. I'.iitiitiisr attiatkti paU t
aey. i
j Ijttitl . Ticent T!it l:ii!lf. Orc,-.a.
I April :: , ! !
Hixigrs Double Draper Header. . m. ri.a!;;nii,..iivrfh:f n.t. ntioni..
, ,, . , . j wak llital proof In niniiort cf he, mm
auar, dcou ez t o. bonnrators ""t w j.ri .1
We havo on hand at all times a Complete Iiino of
LaJfrUe mid Rusf2i Waor.s. lYulter A. Yoods llcapors,
Bu ford's Uan::, .SnILy c:: !
Walking Plows.
BufonVs IJidiu aiul WalJciisj
tlavami Press Driii:;. C,
KciShcriT Drag or Shop Dt iH,
EcSherry Seeders ami Drills. Star Wind Milk & Force Vnmm. I .STT "ZXiZr t!
3fc, .-X JflCJ
fear t " rt-.o'n.ftils of tho
in nt I'.-itii!': i owJer.-av-l:t
tai-.ttv' lime.) itH
t.t.. It ;.Ps bolnj; j tvurdi iali.' rtioir.inj tRtOfkat utatlt.
itint'Mtrtllliier. I'CSUo
itil vo..'t -onaia any
i'H titltiirM,
:i : B:'n. Jrrra aLt
it .vM.Urt it.;. l!ak
' .... d. 1 rf 11 adc.
-M.-. r..ilil"3r:..rH
1 ...tysh.'-.'rni
S(a!a aatl WMhiRPia irtn rUt.
a; .
rBl Iter 1
Ji.l kt.Tilia
.' l.'J3 Mwici ! I
r-ir ! Lumber ivv Sale,
T Till'
aWP&a a
R a s
M r.vers and Binders.
grs Donblo Drajier
r, .Seoil & Co. 8ep:-u
atd Farm Engines.
I : :. : .tiita'.n tan
.!. U-1. a-:d tlie
.0 . t i k j: Jk I
I ,n" . 41 '., S..ui or
1 1 1.1:11 ..h k.m rt
2. J ca cact; v! age.
4 lUratol-ae. I CnntrArtxl
Sir nia?.
Hoaf AH,
j SwI-aser,
.r t'-vw" ::
rd Dcard Boxes. Always keeps Soft
t.raiu tvtiuty. or . at ( anj-fti City, oronti.
June lMh, Is-i'i. : CIlAKI.BS NCINTVUK.
. , . t. , 4, ... 1 I S, -T. f th VV half f SE tioar.. an I
. & t . (. OOpet & CO. S Saw JtlllS I Ial. t Wl.:ar.. la. T,., nt, S ol It s. ,
1 , ;1 . : .t w 11.
atlU idlillCS. ' Ik i i Oie fft!!oiiuri!itn f i .
rhoaiasllav !inko.
Boyxl SelM)iMi
Victor. (Jrlauiag
Zis-Zar Harrows.
(ail s-ec:).
Hollow Tooth
rv-v vvvvvvvyvvwvvvv vw-v-w. vyw
$ f!nirnt.
5 ( hJer iiill :.
l J6r. iS. a .v
1 '. Xti'.n hni-I'!! Mi layjti-.
t I.-.Jratit '..! l. St1HT;i-i.
liav and liovl
1 ;:.:cr.i
J. ? b"a I)ri!l r.r.4i
wrftyfMFi'i (r.biraio.
. -.
bad 0:!':i . -t !.-.". . .i ! t,
A, r , .
X-4i i I; -'.' si.cii tl. : :' 1 i
Ba:w-i - tt1 r tt li!l I'tij.-,. -f ! . iMt :
wkt :al pr-'! ia !:pj-tt li ii - t! ..
Ui'tfell prif w.?! t.v ii.a.i-- !. f-tri i -i
imtisr f ttttint Ciniit . . r 11 i-r . t i 1-sft-f
' "far.' tl!r J i'4tv r trk i - .1.5 1. .
at -. it Ciljr. it 4ile f'Oi, 1' vu: Jo
!.;;: -aiAHi.. iltl. -ju, f.r iu 1
!S I n 11. K.r l: ai. K if H
I'srW ". tti fnllioriliir wittrti.- t-. i.ri !.,
Our Handsomely TKajtrated Catalogue mailed frcj to any address. ; -"' vmjhi. ai.j -ui.i. ... , .
' '-. ii .11 m .1. MlilUli. i i'l .
liur-.f-r. K. S. l nc.'it a:.. t . . .a ' in . ae
:i .t 1 1 . . . ' r 1 : .
7 i : iw.M;l;;
Di iRita;l TootU
(58 and 60 Front Street. PORTLAND. OREGOK
fixer 6,000,000 people us?
rdmittoH tiltttin
K03t bacaanic.i
in tho world.
Illu.tntrJ, m.r'p.
Urp til I'rtn t
For I0G3
vriil bo mrtiie.l
f 'AF"t.Cl IU ALU
Yt. jf fcO icn r."o.M. 1
STlnvnluable to nil.
L Wv- twtnuiti tl?lT
P4 gB
ne uiiir sfLjn i-nr
.r?r353l,JM ,
Harney btnge me.
7?:, ?. CREEK .MILL accumplUbfii fur-ry' odr nct!y what tdalmil
I fort. Oni'.f tim'T2.. nj Tvrtiir crcat pcpalarltyef
Jw jtujtariK LtabtHi.t U foQUillalts nl vernal
lietedi Land er can 1 e had d thf ; nppnenbi.tir. try'-y is ioch a sarrtWuo.
" 11 1 ice- 1 ii.ti,.! Tho I.amtteriHnuiifctUrnraaeof aer!Jat.
al.ovf. mid .Inrin.tJ-S-' at 0 Thonmtevlten4UtvmmntaHMrn.
prr M. for 03S.1 I 'rii(' Cnnalrnei-Mt f.-r his leans aaanltniqa. ;.irn; to lny , u credit : J" 31 wi:,tnic HeetU "
ran plirehae at ?1 1.00 per M. by, Tho Miner fU It Ut case of -a-riiey.
gr.iag approved notes therefor. ,ps iMeKeevniit-'ttaeTwHiwutit.
initDiir vi t - 1 Tke I'liiMjer aetds It Ir Hto borne, hh stable,
P. Opl irtoiH fHfawibHHt mnn oflim lion t man neodi
It IB Ub"- ' -rv, lr .'.auatatvlashtsf.
' Tho I -Irr.cicr need tt It to life best
. frit nil ar.-i ..... rfsnce.
Thin nprrnhrrt en fllent tae Cyflli ? f j Tkr tocU-crov er nceU it tt -will ssvo him
I.. ,i,r.-iTi'TTn.
Jowatt & Tracy. -M
roit? Tea-! from Canyon (Ity to VwpmL In
-.viff tiHtv, wrrynr; I". S. i-'al ih
ii. i--f A C 's i:spre!.
r..u. m.,ulleavea Burtw at ou tht Mote rf'TIUiVne Far 5J7wSri R lT, r.I!'.5K -r-r-,ja,
r ; LO 1 1 IB ; lo a :.ovaet Caa.: rate 1 tlLC
SEEDS1'"" lM,1,1lrl;:.,..r,u.u!. r.., I ""
rili ' 1 thc.natwl c-: dollar an.I a worUl of trcttbfe.
JU 5 47 V""-. Jj. vj j The Kuihonil raan ae!a It and wUl ael It so
y A fwi.5L O A ;l loasbllt-'!arouinlof sc.Menuaatdaiaer.
' l'UPnT!r,'!in 1,,Uf 5;ic,wiIiwrm lawekneth-
!kz I i V I" K 1 1 .S I Iv It lasllko It m an nntlloto f.T the dancers toUfo.
Staci-leaves Cart) mi MotMay ul TUtu-ir at
limb awl rumfort wlch sttrround the pioneer.
Tho ilIrrehKiit iieeiU It about UU atere amonj
Ills euipl'yrc. At clditiL. -sctll nappes, and whea
theMoomo the Mustatty Liimtnt Is w anted at once.
Kcopa Dottle iu thu llonso. Tl3tho bestoC
Keot h nuttle lu tlui l-'nctory. IUlwnieJIati
use In eaaa or accMentsnved pain and lead of w-ssee.
Keep a Uottlc Alttiyniu l he tjmblc for
uao tvhcD vnntcd.
D. tV3. FERRY&CO. .Detroit, Witch.