Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 31, 1888, Image 3

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Grant Co. lYews.
Ho! VDkM'S.
Onlv four days ami then! '
fUmwljerrit-F are ripening, but
isot wry plentiful in tin market.
Wg tU.irix ledge aahoul four
tidies ttkt of town. Particulars
W-jud, from dovrn the valley.
Marled a large Itand "of horses
far aRlm markets laM week.
A Jt-wrptia farmer made $ If1
off an acre planted in watermel
ons, mid a neighboring doctor
made ifcJOO off the same acre.
Notwithstanding the extremely 1
dry vreather tin range i in a
pretty good cewlition wince the
jhwp li..v rust been, of course.
The day is fast approaching
when th- givat American hird
will air hia feaihcrH in tin? Irtveae, ;
laden frith tin o Uwr of blofion;
ing sag" brah.
A. Spron.1 and wife, formerly
rwdiitf of this plaee, arrived '
Sunday, on a vifit. from Iis !
An; eh, Cal., al which place ;
thy now reside.
Marrid, At Can von City, in
the parlor of th - CilV Hotel Tu
iMxv, Mav LMUh. IHtH. by -Win.
Miller. J. K. Mr. iU. C. Sher- j
worl and Mi Klla Taylor, Wh
of Prairie City. j
Memorial day falling on the
Niu- printing day, linker it
r:iiher iiuonvenUiit for the print
er It jj a glaring fact also, that
!nVj.",Vnce day tonus on j
V' ln sday this year.
Th Uiil 'r in King's? sawmill
f v, n;:!es from Harney, hlew :
r. ! v.crlc, completely wreck-1
i:iLr the :iiire mill. hut ikmbk' :
v :i- ii.jared. Mr. King will ii-lii-
i:ab !y rel uihl liis mill.
. :1." of Fik'l Hyd-..
I ;;.ir; (':'. v. agents for I, linaehe
A- i . Anything i'i tlie line of
h.'lv..- r. or machinery you want
you e..n g t of th-ni, and they:
d :.! : i ilrst elass goods.
We iM . in r--vipt of a neitt and
::-t !;;.;. pamphlet, printed by
tli ..;. .i Bind- printing hov..-e,
i ;.!..- i'v. oi'it.iining a om--1
I. vd ort.--t description of (
Ib.k. ; ;vsd Malh ur counties. !
t .
4: will prolmWy .
1 .'! o the ve of dec- j
V , auli.:j the hone-! ;
. : (u 1;. li ve them. if
w. not fake tlkjy wuW j
; . ! ci !ated in Lime (or
P . ;:. M. lr ::! h'ctnre :it
. rt lju-e last Thursday '
-c . v :s l.irg.-iy attfii led. '
M i-.i". i ; .v M known a a hZ
! ! j :ker. nv. l t'iMse who It st -i'i
t bis . ddn ss on that even- '
in.' !
Tt .
.g. :
Cfl .
Ill I
!,tt d. ;.U M'int'Ml.
:. .:s and sl. e an I -
1 f'-MM thi ' uti'itv ea.-'.
i .
li !
:'.r . b w Ibire of lb
It :!- 1 toe'.-
!d "f ? i:n oi' th-ir
!:'-h had ovr-
I: p::,e. ::t
U i k vh"."- tl.'e
1 v t -t tail :i:el
;;;! v. c !n
! .1 i ih r. fe-
.!i a
rh'".'J t. !!.
i. 15 i! .i.;Ilto:i. . !
. t ' '','; r bn u ; h
i ver
h'l i
to . -
d ,
t .!. . . .. Yh- .:
.-. i b' . a:; i v.
that I: wi'i tind !y
. t nt : i . n .
il ii...:;, ..'iid
..I :i :!!.' v k 1 i r . ::
. It i w i '; um le in the
. .i" in S'i'id iv night on
:,. 'I - . . ' The ibief
iv f'-ar. i d t '-sitm. :"id
';; I i lbs! pot ! ' e
' : Veil"- it.
; . ' i i .! - !"r Mo:d. '.y--
, ! vin t il! d t p in
. ...... . : : i afvr !hy
: . I fi l'i t iaiid. some
:t .i-iojel. : ;.d
i '."- !i:.s li !i e.:l
. pr' '..e ! ."-I to
i pr; : . '.. bich i dd
i lay
! . ti. i i-bi-red 1 : -
n tb."'.:pb town l.-t.-.
p op r. oi" John lh
...i va:- t.-king tlK'in to
!. -i ;'!:i;e Mom."
p'. I, . -. d tho ani-i.--
reeent trip
: :!r v :.: valuaMc
i.. tlii ,. .'iv tin.' hrse
. . ..u: .
. t,.y ; ..r is o:e win
jn . : r.V on any
' . - !-k i vp - folds iHws-
:Ae mail, mns er-
v. wi !, works in the
- ' i for a tWisand
. .;. ;vr thought of, works
.! .i . is subject So ihe
r. iMlps people who
..: .dt it afterward, and
gti filtrated out of
! .
lu .
fri :
hi :nitigs. l'he miser awl the
ol i ogv are hencfiiiecl, yet they
will ntrt Uke lii paper hut will
ljumiw it and cur?e tlie fool of an
Another Good 4 Injun."
News cornea to lo us from the
JTaniey country that Win. Page, 1
acting "deputv Vlieriff, shot and
killed a I'iute Indian.
J I appears tluit one of the trihe
named "Bueeamu .Mm," and a
ven had character at that, was
UHpiriotn d of the murder of.J.
M. bright, and Mr. 1'age went to
tlieir stomping grounds to arrest
him. hut wap met by Jim's father
ami other Indians, all arme-1. and
howinga disixisition to seal)
PomeLody. Mr. Page.' to save
himself, shot the father of "Hue-
i,... n 1 .1.. 4 ..
caroo .J1J11. ;u,u uiviua.wi.u.
The next day. in company with
other whites. Mr. Page went to
the Indian camp, when the Indi
ans displayel a Hag of trme.
They assisti-d the deputy andius
ui -u tolie lucraroo Jim," when
It- was taken to Harney for an
A canri'ige Mieii wan tuim
near the scene of the tragic tntir-
dcr f Bright, which had I ecn
i ..l .i! ....... r.
Hhilei; antt expUMi-Ni ny ine nam-
mcr f the gnu in a ertain jkvu-
liar manner, the mtprrsoii on
tin shell Iseing a little to one side
of the ivntr. A resident of the
valley reeognized this as a peeul
iaritv of a pun which was for-
im rfv in his iiosessi.i. hut which
he had.sold to this same Indian,
and there leing no similar tiro-
arm in the country. He mas in. jc-
upon amsted. e have not
ieanwl the prirtiuilars. hut hoic
Htlilieient evid.Mice may Le o'a-
t if this is the guilty party.
to put him lcyoml the iMsssibmiy
ol taking another human hf. .
Latkk: Vitterday
JulniMn and Win. Page arrive! ,
, .i
m with "Kuwanio ji.ii, ,
who. at the pn h miliary examm-
ntuvi ufore Jusiuv lav.'. ai
Harmy. was sentemrd t j.ul
without hail, to await tlie ac:o:i
oft? wst grand jury. Jim
savs that anoth'r Indian did the
killing. Int evidence went to!
sl.w that he was working for j
lr. Motley during the lav on
which Unght was killed. A
nuii. -of thelriU-arc doirtiefs
parties to the crime, hut all tin- ,
cvideiiM' ho far has gone to show
that "liuccaroo Jim" is lh guilt v
o:i.. and our ritizctw nuiv wit- ;
n.-ss-the rare treat of a first ciass !
Imlian hanging Ue alotig aH,ct ; your ago at your next birtmtay.
next November. j providing it cour-s md'ore Janu-
; ary 1st. othTwise add your age
XDTK'E ! ai vour asl "' hiv.
f uu ' fv- Multiply the result by l.CHKi.
I will be in Prairie Oity o. . F,,m, thi. lvml so ltiUxmM -
Tulay, June nth, propaivd to , tra.. f;77-j:S. Now in thi result
do all kinds of Dental work, ami .ititut.- for the ligures corres
mil remain one or two wrecks. ; lKtUiV..lf, Au.rii of lh:. .j.j....
ivXIfliIT- a for I, h for 2, c for :J. ami so on.
vmrV ! The result will le the name by
NOl 11 h. which you are popularly known.
To the Tuxpavers of Seh d -District
No. 1 of Canvon Ci; ,-. . Noric.
,;,,,,. ! Tne undersigned having pur-
v . .: :. . :.n enastu me 11 caii 01 piuiwii
tur attention is cRp.M taiiy . t. , ., .
1. , A 1 1 : i , Hros. in the Sash k hv raito-
l,st which was due ApriHth and lVn.! l
...:ii 1... !,... 1 f-"i the public that lie is pre-
iv xt, and will re coM"tcl as oy
law rejuirl.
F. 1 1 am.. Clerk.
Uv onl- r of the director.
ry ivarni.
Nice i-wer ycstvrtlay, and
all nature ivfmd'ed.
i us the news.
If anything
ha pp. ns phage dr i?aard
whh particulars.
St. Louis Um raietl SH.'.IKK)
t meet the expenses of tht
1 )-:iHTatic National convention.
Vil!imi ShenvfKKl. of I !t i-
min , $d.. ha le.-cn scntcui'til ;
l- i.:,e v ar s nnpri-oHHieat lor j
t"-;dir.o a bible.
tlv rego:i i.:mi rurri r i
N. tui 'sown rcin.ily.itii! fdiotjld
b: the xehislo'i of all .
oth- - mi -dieinc in all diseaws of
the st t'saeh, livr and kidneys,
Mr. arter. in
the -ovi rnniciit
the employ of
has I a en in
town l...a f.w days t iUing testi
inor.v in Indian dep1 "dut'on
e;:!i; . and will probably .
fne.j ij.-re to the North Fork)
. ;
A iar-e oro.v 1 itirn l .it ves-
, . . . i
t rday to commcsuorute t tie day
I Sm- tb.-.vj i j .iVi-r lit' wiVi'
.UM Mrel. lii vi I s o u f,r.i)
of loved one. It it? a Inautiiul
custom, and the (rraud Army
bo deserve credit ftr their uc
cesful ellbrta in maintaining its
Mining enterprises arv taking
ouite a loom at Supanville. Mcs-
,-rs Sloan A Haskell an- digging
adh h. miles in length, through
which they will bring water on
to tlwir claims. A large -nmW r
of luen can lind ready emphy
mt :it there, at $2J p r day.
Wc are in ree.-i
of a cony
the tsrst nunil r of the Orcgori
State Weather Review, and Agri
cultural Rojnirt published nndcr
the a u spi -es of tin Immigration
Hoard and Torthind Hoard of
Trale. dvvotcl to information
lsiK ctinc ihe eiimat.' of Oregon
! and the condition and pro-p ets
. if crop. The success of the
i aid rendered by th.ose in tlregon.
inter, sti d in nn teorologicat work,
ami who deksires to see the cli
maleology of the Plate puhlished.
The publication is issuetl nionih
ly and will ieach and he read hy
Uajusands, many of whom will
emigrate to the Slate.
l' lil'lllHIW III UIIVI M I.
Qunrtzhurg. .May "2, 1S.SS.
The Keystone .Mill is riming on '
the Keystone ore, and is doing
weli. The company aio working
ten men in the mine; and in the
Wide West mine there is a three i
foot vein, all paying ore, which .
the company has been crushing :
from all winter,
Tiik Colohado :
Mine is VVorktd hv (Jranville,
j)it,m. & Co Tlje inni. at pres-
4nl -srnnnin on the ore of this ,
u.m.,anii hns been for a month
. j
M'.....'.,,M M.vl-
l nr. i i.-wtr ir.i.i ;
Mr. O. Miller and George
Uently are crushing nv from the
CJarfield Mine at Mr. Xclsoii
Kalx iK-k'sarrastra, ami it is pay
ing well.
Tim-: Kaoi.k .Mink
is owned hv Mr. Feanuaii. He
nas i.n i leei oi i unia i o;i n. ium ,
4;"j fi-t of shaft, and the ore is j
five learinggo!d, the formmation
, . - f , . t :i t
(l.jng granite. o?i the loot wall, j
:it,d the hanging wall U pm-phry. !
which makes it a contact lead.
They have been crushing ore on
Pi. ("'. Ileid's arrastra which siiow
ed that the mine was paying
well. The tfood work is still go-
ne on.
j JUU (l'n.i, (' I
c'iu - will Kimn be surprised, as I !
,iarn a h:ni. m, ll4.t.n j
Hrur. (,t far fro-n it4 vieinilv I
tlJl wiJj sul.jir3s,. iu, neighbor-1
jw v j ,aVt. wjltj.e( ten cents
mt of l :m of imart3! u.
u.t. u jP ;;oi) f,vi
in ,vi,lth . Jlj 1)n;SI;vs. jf ;
.j,( v avi.rttj!,. 5 p r ton it is
fl fnrtu:i(, rr 1hi o;vm.rtt. 1 wjH ;
wr5t(, n,olv aloU wj.u
nartv t jt j P,fl?K..
Prtionof I.:kc Superior are
yet covered with ice, and man
v'Ih remain frozen in.
r ,t .
Tim following proolein inv.tes ,
wdutio i. It need-no great etiort j
of mathematical genius to werk j
it out. out when you do get I
through with it you will 1h- struck
with the truth of the res.ilt.
Ihw i is: -Put down I. e Hj.-;
ures of the year in which you j
were I urn: to tins add I: then add,
. . i . r. i.: 1.:-
;. . . ,, A f. .
Il.ll IWJ ..rut. nil allltl iwf'l'i i k
stoek. and learn prices.
17-tf F..I.
AH persons knoninj themselves
. indebted to ihe un.l"rsignd will
! tileasc come forwaid and si tile at
'once, otherwise t'nir a omits
will be placed m the hands o an
atlori ey tor collecti u.
.Mi.s. S. ?d. ( i.f vKi-.
PnurieCity, Or., ilay 1st, US. j
Notiee is hereby "iven thai the
co paitucr.-.! in here t of on existing
u ;lten u. Mini ami iv wonnon, ;
tloing busine.-s under the firm
nam. of Ward Johnson, Canvoa ;
t'itv. Or , is tins day dissolve.Uy ronsent. lb Ward will
r t,- a!l bilh; and collect all ac-
count owing the fiun from this
(;anvonCilv,Or., Mav 15,
1J. Waiid.
li in T." i
' t&
ljid office ut U i-a't. or
. Aj..i! a th..l.
JC.fM h li rt-l.v trlvcu tiiat Um f llwlf-
m!im wttlor h!. lilcd tmricf r Jils Sutontl'ili t
maim bi - i iiwjt ..r (Mm, :ii
tlliil j.f .nf lie nia.te Uflorv C uit
jtik,- of om.i c,nti. cr m rni.niui.
nv 1'm-.. tlic CmniV C crk ( mU -on iiv.
-tt-i'iv.moiti. .. j,ih. i-h v:. .nmv
r.i;i::uiii.. hi. r.r ii he .-um..
Sw . Tl 14. S ..f It M. E i.f W M.
Il tinia'n th' II ux KUiw-sts i prove l.i
ca-.itj,i.;i-i i u-.:.l i -c llin-n, ami cMllivMtion uf
U Ui:il. .: .m. ti A l.'i'tim. John II' r
bureir. K. S, I'. r.Ot- J ami (iti.ii Ciiinlm. h
nil of .. ti i'irr, Onm; ('i.untv, Onx'"1.
Tl! HKN1.Y hIXl.ll Mtr, Utvi-itfr.
laud nilic; ul Th." In !f. Orcftim. ;r. , l!hS
NntU-i-(-lKn-!-y i:iy. ;i that th.- following
nanif ! r'tkT ha liM uilU-ct li ItiU-t.Utm t..
ma!:-i.-' t fi:j!.rt .i his laim, a::il
tl a :.J .r.Kl ui!) hv niitd Ufure fltrV of
On-.ti' ii.uiie. . or . at C:iv.,n eitv. orornn. on
Jut.e l-tu. Hix. xis: i ll MILKS MClXrVltE,
It S, WCiS. I.".- the W lolf .f sK tir.. mill.
twH '4 tti ij-ic-.. .i i-.. 13. T.. 13, S ui K i, V.
f W M.
id tiAMw lite folios in it.ieiM t jiruTi
I.U raiiilau icthik-iire uk:i. ami i-ulilvaliun
cl, l.uij. U; S Crow, Arthur iUK,
akv, sttitcur i.r;m,
.cjU'mi situ i na -i.m rmiMiti-, all r Iv-
7-12 V. A. MCDONALD IUsUter.
. .W
i F ' Caii gnisi - r
I )
Prairh City
- Oregon
Wlwe yn a ri-t a ilriak of the tmri'st Wlnei
Ml I.i0fjf, rtHaka gnoil Clgnr.
1 1 i it. z..i .. . i r cri n
Long Creek, May 1'oth, '8.
Our lawyers ami constables are
Icent busy with attachment suits, i
The load suparvisor is out with
a full force doing 'some needed re
pairs ou the road
By an oversight my last lot'er ,
with Items was left on the dcak ,
until the mail had left.
Next Sunday the church at this !
place a i 1 1 be dedicatel, ami a
large congregation is oxpcctel.
Itevs. Hayes an l Vood have
arrived in town to assist in the
dedication of the church on next
Ir. Cameron, the efficient As
sossor, compjeieii m "u in uns
t . 1 1 . i :..
partoitiie coamy aim ieii nisi
Just as I am finishing my letter
a zie is blowing ami evtu-ybody
s-sns, "It is goiiu to rain .sine."
So may it e.
' Ti e M y party picnic turn
ed out to be n complete failure, as
alsi tho dance in lh.
even m:r.
What is the matter wiMi toe boy.s'?
Loads and Ioids of wool are
passing through town daily, hu
they don't :;eem to create the en
thusiasm they did when wool was
worth 20cts.
Since the change of editors, the
Eagle seems to give genernl -ati -faction.
Happy Jack d -n't hunt
for a tight or a fuss, but minds his
own business.
Thcj funeral or the late T. F.
Se:o ;gms was attended by every -bi.dy
in the vicinity. The Masouie
bretliren from ('am on City and
John Day were unabl-' to attend.
Mr. B.dl.ino.! is l..nsy pivparmg t .aui;t rem;iius o 1 determined,
fui the sale of the hursts belong - j Ujt u is lllMfJi,t it wji 1,0 (V the
ing lo die V itzhugh estate. ' ) formation .f uctvisoiy h.rtrds,
tightness of the money market it v hit.,, wi1 r.jn,u,iJtt.. bdls f .min
is fi are.!, will eltect the prices, as ; ,au b;I1;. ftn. l!niform l,,:sl:ltin
only cash will answer. , ( H t;(t,s-. j,ni,jt. ts. an l pivs-nt
Where, Oh! where are the thtm the arious Hsa'.e I.egishi
cimhdates for otlicc, election, is i (n: M:u:y vf the S.ntc-s east i.f
close on hand and not one Ins )L Aiisi-s:ppi will send fivm the
shown up. Are they going to ! iv-n-y es lo the cor.ven- '
thrjw off on Long Creek or don't ; ium, which will he held in the '
they need our vote. We viou'd 1 I'aiveis.dist t hnrch und will lost ;
like to get acquainted with them ' at;v.t:il davs.
auyhow. j The oider of Knights of the:
M'llky Hunsaekoi's nr- 1 (!.,hl,.n l-'asxle is a secret betievo- 1
livtu leaneii uown 10 ine guariis
with Lmg Creek necessaries, viz ,
4!J 1 arrels of beer, lhpioi-s an I
whii-kev, and every body can Hgain
be !
moie danger .
staivati m. ( 1. r, a belie., r in ti e ( xisienee of a
Tiies.doon of this pi ice h:is ,et Supivme P.eing, of the fhiislbn
a good exmiMle by the closing of J fab n, free from any mental or j
ms doors 0:1 Sunday, and we hope hothh infiriuitv. compeUmt to sup
cerv business!ihment will ' jort I imself and fnmily, and Imv- 1
f.. hiw. ISven if tho buck door is ! ing sufti ii nt edu ..tion to sign his :
opcnel occasionally, il sh e.vs re. - j
iitet tj thi seiitiaiental public. '
Everybody seems lo beanxioiii
10 ei. her leave or . 'ell their busin-
cks. iNOapy eery m -rcnain
T , . . ... 1
wants 1 1 sell, hotel wo.its to well
or rent Blacksmith shop, lieiy
stahle a ad eery thing e!.-e seem:; ,
tobe in the market. 'tho bw :
priee f r wo d mrl continueil
drouth seems to be the cause of i
hard times. !
lid Woodalt vs Charley Wil
linn.8, was n . ae tried hi fore Cim
static Divis. Wood all attach.'l a
bono claimed by Williams for ,
money loanel long ain lr.
i ::i!iis ciaimn.i Uic lioise as
hur's, and afici
hearing the eh.-
oiient ideadin''s of .Mr. Dustin,
nmui c on clti-ll !V.llllli(Ml III
. t
h- . r ; .
arffM. Ion out ol sinto, ov lor
. 1 . 1
sake of vengciice.
A respectable woman, willing to
woik and do washing for the com-
-.i i.i a... i ii.:.. .. .......1
inuniiy woum umi tui .- w-m.
pb. ce to mal.e an honest living.
It is nearly impossible to got cloth
Harney City. May 23d, 1SSS.
The llarnev hems id 1 1th..
itl on i in nn onen a n't clc
maiifiillv declares mniselt in lav
! or of division ami proposes to
submit the selection of the county
scat for Ihrnrv county to the
people of said county. It seems 1
that this very fair proposition
dos not 'meet the approval of
the managers" at Hums, fear
ing that place will be left in
the contest for county seat, ar.d '.
we have reliable information that
the eond people of Hums intend
to support Mr. .1. F. Morrison,
the Democratic candidate for the
Legislature, and in turn expect
his aid in securing the county
seat for that place. Mr. .Morn
son has been invited to define
! his Kisitiou on this subject, and
! also on the qiie-stion of division.
but so far has failed to respond,
Th he afraid to offend the people
of Hums?
Truly yours.
Hap.xky Coiwty.
Just Arrived.
A I Ilaptonstall & Dart's, Jolm
Day. a full and complete line of
Ladies' Dress '(loods, Summer
Hats, Shoes, Fancy Hoods, Etc..
Cheap for Cash.
me I'Hv iieeiueu ine case in u:or : . f i sum t'suuu i e :ii ;n-nm loprcseui i a. lUHfcin, jr., Otiuvn.
i As I predicted b-fore, tj.e cas 3 V.A "ic d werk f evan- ths mit.iv , pon- v,'
! o: the State . ; Oregon vs Kit Car- 1 ' . tied as by law ifoun. d. io the un- rhri... m.ii.i.. m-w ...)..
jsoiicaa,,tinui4ht,the present- , H Kiti-.n, fducatmn and ex ec dersigned at h.s re. on Can- r- T'
.l . ' ,n.n. ! iroiicrb these misoiis ,. .... ... i : . ... ,,. ..,.,. i! r. t. o.wiu .un ij. -mufnn,
111" Witn'iiS, .Mr. lirvani, no: ap- V , " , . , ." ,l ' "l " "-. "l ""wHir, a. nnm:,
.!. ,i .?.!... I'lie foinidtd and summed m M.istiii . t'aiivon fiiv. Or. l'-H . . ' u'- ty. l'
. .,n . , .i batheii hinds: thioog.i these li:- ,i ... , .,,,,. ( ii.Te'Sil.
i l... i f:;il...i,, Jn. rou at V KumlaV alter- l "i wihj,i.v r-ai ..i mWK ni-u N ji.v-.Hip.ioi.,
siaiei:i--:u o i'i. .n. ....... r, . . ( ji. -0. (r,itr-ri i U:..l m Tin-
i ..,.!i, i-itiilbbitc for the Le'is- n- ons on I'emssv Ivanui a. :i'ie, 11 DMikuHnM. n im r u -y it.
p.ti man i. 10. im ., f,ni tho Th.ii.MtiWL i-.t HtM ipw
hit u:e, defining his position on ami t lie t.ospti u-igon itont a)hlut Md lr?.r. .,,,..,, t .tt1,IH..
h j ,..: flw, livis- ' t litr il I nioti Mission often at- Mi mveciiit'o:i. hI nmitr .m ir-.moit shi
the e-eil tJIUStinn Ol UieOIMs . ,.,...: . ' tho mhw t m JT. M.Oviif.-'.t njniij.'
ion of ('.ran' Cmmtv. In it he ten Is and assists m tne e:feiv w s. , nr!)Kt ..m .xi.?.a :.. .....t uU ,
! Weekly Budget of News as Furnished
by our Regular Corres
pondent. Washington, May 21, '88.
During the month of May the
Capital will be given over to the
coir cuMouists. At present the
!ivo National Baptist Associations,
wlm-h have attrncte l thousands of
ueiegates. are m session tiore. ua
the Jrd., the National liar Asso
' cialion will meet here. On the
. same day they will be on Pt-nnsy!-1
vauia Avenue sm-h a panid. of
Knights of the (iohleu Eagle as
has never heon seen the history of
that order anywhere. On tio'ilth
' J
tj , j f t, er f
the Cathuli University will be'sed by an immense number
of prrsons, I0,(M1() invitations have
be.-n isiu-.l, and on the same day
the Hebrews will open a con voli
tion in this l ily. If thciearcany
more conventions looking for a
place to meet thev will doubtless
gravitate towards Wasl.inlou.
The object of the b.wver'.s con
vention is to form a National As- j
Kocintion for the purpose of bar- j
mouizing ceitam matters ot law in
the ('.illtrent States. A "real deal
01 uuneeessaiy trouble ami iucon- 1
venienco is caused by diiferout 1
laws, for instance, on marriage .
and ui voice, descent of leal estate, j
distribution of personal property,
manner of attesting and execut- :
1 i 1 1 i:n. . . r 1
ing iti'COs ami, ui i- -u
change, hii1 notes and chet-ks.
J'y the fonitittiou f this asmKria- !
ti .11 it is hoped that many of these j
dimcalt i s can be obviatod. Just i
K. iiv .1 flio tur.t tit Itf liiniH'Iif.
lent institu.ion.
fonmltd in ihtlti- .
more, in Its membcr.shi ,
now approach-r lu.W 0. No wr-'
Ma can lie admittid who is not a ;
white male of go d moral chane- '
apphcathtn for e.euiher-Lip. Ynere
are to be S.iitUJ uniformed Sir
Kiiir!ts fr an all parts of the Un.t-
rd Ht.-ites, and they aie to Ih t au
(pieledj exliit.ited aed mad to
Imvc.i ;ood time verv war.
Sjecial trains starting from
Aliiinc.ipoliH, Chicago, New Kug
huul and the South Iniv-9 been
bringing dideates to the reat
liaptis con van t ions, and the large,
h.tmbome t'.dvniv Church where
the Hve I'.apiist Societies
session, presents a busy
Tttse oratiizit;ons are:
are m ;
Women's Home .Missionary S ei
ety, lise Hnptiht Elue.ationnl Soci
ety, the Ami ricm IJaptist Jillie--
I " p1?;). '" - '
. . .. C ! ... . . .....I II... 1 nmi.ii in
jjap!i i. i ni'ui. jl i "u;
these five oiL-ritiiations th ;t the
o iji. i;:o..n. :a inn.
i ' i
nfl Ivrif! nvn . Iiii
Willi Viitlif iM f uimmmi "mu
, irt
. .-t I V1 til f o
, 0ItSliz.uion
, , RV(i n fn;, xjn.ieimMlin.' ami ap-
,ll.,.i.:.ltl,,Il Qf n,0 K(.0pe, character,
' i . . .
and Completeness of these organ-
' ir.;tions io every detail.
! 'licll ef the.e five Societies
' t i ii i
1 lii.l.'tt one session da;lv. imt olilv
.. ...... .
i mio fit. n tiinf A soon us onti
i ,r. c. ..,..,.1,,.,. i.,L,.2 o I.!,....
uij" i'"'"- " - lJ .
i 'I'ltnrfi Ai'K nn I-ek fif femMf-r-
inerewasno i..e h n. i iii,h i
j mice :v e'.ms m m-mngti-it I ist
humbiy amt llo as uu i ue
intended. Tl.O t'.lpitol I I ill
i T . .
iiiiii'. :i
, ., .. ,
J- the ttUSpie-OR Of tie tiOOO
... , . , t .i .i. . i. ..
Ifinpiar.; at me uuren m mu
Ib-iormr.sien and at Prohibition
I bill, aho a. m .83 meeting of the
U. 0. T. C. at tho Conigreg.iliou:d
Church and a temperance talk to
tiK'ii at the Voug .Vein's Associ
ation pailors.
In Congv ss the lover Branch
is, the busier body now. The tar
iff bill has the rihl of way and
i. n iff sei ehes aio riicing fourtii
ii. et.:,s!i!itly. On Tuesd-.iy the
spe.' ch of ntaii-. e liuttrM-
worth, i f Ohio, proved
to be tin
feature of thy debate. 1 he other
I sn.-' ikers were M.r. Ibsckalew, of
Pa.. Mr. Simmons of Jorth Citm-
Un, Mr. Bioiio of Kontucky, ?.lr. ;
Henderson of Illinois, Mr. (boat
ol Vermont, and Mr. Seymour ot
Miehiuan. On Wednesday Ke p
veM'titatives i'.avne. Lair, Ilyan,
Weaver, Fitch., Alton, hak-
tomorrow will
belonr to
Hoed of Main aud Fpeakei Cnriisdo
I . .t. I .!. A' I' M I
er, iioniKl. ami ua Ken, slo.;. v,. 0 u, tl!p(l l7?tl.e ,.1, Inter.- R??yjg?yfU.l .ffgRffM
! Tliuituhiv jresiR Breekinridue i f , ,.. .o ihU-i-.f ' .jitt a:. t- a..... lffliiiLaigAiiMlLUOy-
i -i i .it i. ft.. it-.-i i liar .i. i. .-Ji"ii?"""""i , .Tiir i umul. i j i m
Arkansas and Cox or New lor rpNK
were on he prn.ramm, ,tl, well . ' j 10
piepaieal Speeches. lo-tlay Mi's- lU., U,ei h. .Uy .. IJihw. CWa. 'the OUa. KiUaivs. Bladder .dUve, l
srs Hambdl, Mclviuloy and Brcck- , -u r .hl
inriil'To of K v . Will
i --------k - j
jp. Haseke
We invite AU.mtion to ("nan eah'e Speel Miwer. afiord'ng TWO"
SPEEDS to the Knife, iit fore contracting for your lin
p'e:n:.nts it will surely .y vou to call on
P UASC11E & CO.,
And see their wonderful llower. It is a marvel o; Perfection.
Adnutted the
l?'oi Thirt
Coiiliiitie to I e the lk -
Are I'nexcoHed for
e.tis tc:." in ichiucs have heon The lt'.'ctgu:zed
For Moline Oliver Chilied Plows,
Ooranibus Buggy Oos Buggies
Buffalo Pitts Threshers,
Mansfield Engines and SawMill outi.
Agents ftr C;rtlifrni Pow ler (!o. Hercules Powde. No I and
IJlasting, Sport utg anil llitle lender. A ho KnJetprif e Nois
less Wind M.lls. "We aho cam the Fullest and
Largest line of Stoves, Hardware, Gunr
cutlery, Amminiin'on and .Mineis'
ttud Farmers Supplies,
Of any house :.n 15ns? ern Jheg-ui, and .Soil at Lowest Prk-ar.
Call, or uompou.l with us. All oreers promptly and satisfactorily ftlleil
rairie Oity, Or.
i ADM I X IS I'll ATt 'li S NO : PJF.
i K lice is hcreliy given that the
t iin.hraigmd lbdiett Nt-ce has
tjceu duly appointed by the lion.
Coiinfy Court of the State of Oie
eon, forflrant County. Adniinis
tr.itrtr of the Kst-.t of John lb
Miller, deeeasnl. All ner.-ons in-
ilebted to shid J3t:ite are he rely
notified to settb- immediately, at d
itll persons iiavii:- c againsi
u "
Day of Mav, l.-'SS.
Kor.r. NnEeK.
Adminssr.i!or of the 15st ,
John B. Miller, dcrca-d. S VI
' jn tlx I h ll &tt-sl.i.l Uk.nirw.Or
! k, Timr -mw.v .u-mk.
i Ali-xawUcr L. V.- yrrt fn- c.nit';rt rUi.mtnl sail
' M lint 'o , l'uri'.u.--i.
' . .... ...... , . . ... ..
,, , nun i;.irii ui'iis inwn ni
' Uw HiiiMi i. iwr f lit ; Mril :-:.! ' f!r-. i
1 -.f'tt hv.hc lt,w m.l- t.i Mm
. i ' i;. a s.-fii. t;a!H A;f.vofr
! KTarr, .! n. !- Cauli N. Ml. in
N tiilli ,t tH., ,H.., tr ihw
, .m; ,, .a,..awi u t 1.2 a :i. s. . s.Tw i?.s. K.
j t o(rmiA UMt U J ,u
' mih! Ah-ml. r I. l .il la:.ntei i.U
t lu. i'.4'HHm l is. I .inn m; n
' . .. .
I II I'I' -liHI"l. I" lrrt'
, u! unit wi.tiv.tU l.
I ihrerjlh wii.I Av.. I- . Knyot
T. !
O-. ta-lt A. C., rf hi o-lir hiiriu imnl i j
irut tbUorr..-., uh thrlTthil of S jium -
l.atl MiVMHk A. il.. ol sBM.I,vJ
iwr. Iw?
erniv. X.. 214. ll nM m I hr caucclwl tliel8tic- Iwtiai w:II fu ll er Ukn ho- j
the. that Ibe Hefc-litiT .nnrl t:.rri cr have do ,
i.M, .r..! .1 n.i. T. Ai:iio i-rk t.t lr. I 1
' Uttitntv. OfT". tft t"1- T!" - - in Uil j
I i-n-r. f Mirh v. .tn !. i-mS :n:t. in: y " '
-. lit la turn f'-:- th it p.irji.1 . i hi- nfS. in i
Cai om l :t. l:i t: O l. O.VKim j
' 'r.'K- t.ik-i.K -mh t"ttn.tir.v 't'll n mm-t-rr j
mi lh I -Hi Jnr f t Jin-. I"--. IU iMi'i A.
.!.. l ! ami iwl'i.i.e e:tfivlur truw
ilav ti day Hlilu Kit th t t.twll.y m '.fli'wtt It)
i-.t:i r iirtv In- inVfii ml nl tvr.0ntf hj
.-fcM JMim.r. Ma:.nil mthf c-i.rlu.iil tfceten:
J."if will Im 4ii y o-ricil at ir
j uwiuhf hMi-ii-if m-r-rf.
IXSrt! till-It tho Marrh, A. I. 1S38.
A. I . SMI.l.l0, i:4lr.
! W. M. Ton .NSKI), heolver.
Thi-i tthf)iIii-h--t .. a:i -tttr u: fcrUn
nnt lire itf-r at tin; V S. Und 0lv, t !jke
vkfw.or. Wiisih::k m-D-o.v.
Ot'tttrrtHtit - Atturnyi
notice ro.H rrui.i'-ATio:;.
f..'t! SlU LrirM OJBn. Li Ormiwl
Ky :.:n., ii i
f..u..:,i,.n1u vi'io i in 'I l-'aMHia K. I r t-
,. u u.- is.. wj. iahM!t -
... . k. lfl I'll An I .m. . k I II Pm lit
II .11. Jr.. Ilw h Ux, Or., a.
v liu-ii'ht. of Ui e;rmle. Or.
Bill HKNUY KIMIlUnr, KeftKcr
Co. Maker City
best make 0:1 Earth;
- :t W.t'-on on U heels.
Beauiv and Finish.
Mot'cc to Sheepmen.
The SitM-kmen and residents of
Siivit'.s Valley and vicinity have
organiiod and pledged themselves
o do all that they can to keep
diepp off uf their r:ig in order lo
preti c: their own s-tock and j ro-
' i)(,v
I .Tmr.m,
JniHt : hr K.r.
i l. Ail k.i.l Hunt in.
V. . 1). Itekiir.
Lumbor for Sale,
AT 11 IK
Hough Lumber can be had at the
HlKe mill iluiin? 1-SS'S
t $12.00
per M. for CaSh,
Par. ies wishing buy on credit
ran ptnvha v at SI l.t t) per M. by
git big approved cotes therefor.
I "T C$4- - 1-1 r-
(Woo.! ,t f huivh's old Stand)
ViMA hw;ry Im .-intl nlr SimI.U.i irui?r
furMMttl l ia hoiirM f tlw 4ny r nhrlit a
rii!ml.K triw. CirtUHhtrtitr-Htiati hM lo
hnJhm i' snxMBhi tmtoit'nl tni.
Ml ami Waithinctnii trci't.
u i.-I.iturc ii fsu'.tlcis cd so ii that
rc'.-'.j d.scocry, coat-iainj oa.y Ka
. iah remedies, "The"
Or. tu.-c
U J,-,. lUcll l;l35d Tkeltl-itime.T.rl . r
I i.lliil I.I.WU, intcu ) llllHC, nt;Iit lio-,v,
I it caniKit be beat an jircvrtitalive uf tll.Hase.
wia ar.u ustu everyw litre, ji a DolUe.6 lot t.
' , " I J 1 I I m I , I . 1.1. . WAAZA ,