Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 03, 1888, Image 3

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    Grant Co, News.
What ails our
Service of Song and Praise at
the M. E. Church next Sabbath
Hugh Smith will apply to the
County Court at the May term
for a liquor license.
Paint your houses. We notice
John Smidt has "caught on."
Peautify your homes; there is
nothing like it.
Last week County Clerk Mael
granted a marriage license to Vic
tor G. Cozad and Winifred E.
Parrish, of Canyon City.
The fence enclosing the chy cem
etery, which for the past year has
been broken down, has been re
paired, and the cattle prevented
from desecrating the resting place
of the dead.
Grant county's school fund has
been quite materially augmented
since the commencement of cir
cuit court. Several large lines
and a whole lot of smaller ones
is the cause thereof.
Mines in Baker county arc be
ginning to make business hum.
They are so near Grant county
that ere many years, business in
Ibis locality will hum too, all on
account of our mines.
The pre-emption claim of Mrs.
Jennie Workins, which was ad
vertised for final proof on May
15, has been thrown out on the
grounds that a woman loses her
pre-emption right by marriage.
An accident occuered on the
railroad about 18 miles East of
Baker City, on Sunday, April 22,
caused by a steer coming in con
tact with the locomotive. The
engineer and foreman were killed.
Julius Mayer, of the firm of
Fleckenstein A: Mayer, of Port
land, was in town last week
and sold two buggies and a thor
oughbrace belong to the estate of
Jules Le Bret, deceased, on which
he held judgment.
Moody's wood is having a hard
time coming down the creek, lie
will have to carry it over some of
the shallow places unless the
water raises soon. I). 1. Dietz
intends floating wood, but will
wait for more water.
A steamer loaded with John L.
Sullivan arrived at Bawsting last
Wednesday, amid the cheers of
multitudes. Bet when Christ
comes the second time Hoston
people will not receive Him so
enthusiastically as they do Sul
livan. Gid Halt was arrested Monday
last for carrying concealed weap
ons, and Tuesday morning he
was brought before Win. Miller,
and fined -f 5U and 30 days in the
county jail, but uxm condition
that he would leave the county
within a week the sentence to
imprisonment was remitted.
It looks as though the O. P.
railroad had died a natural death
for the want of financial aid.
The Harney railroad vill probab
ly not materialize very soon un
less it is built from the east, and
that is not very likely, unless
things assume a more favorable
outlook on the western extention.
Sheriff Dore and deputy A. I.
Mosier started for Salem Friday
morning, having in custody the
two prisoners llunsacker and
Moura, the former sentenced to
four years, and the latter to five
years in the penitentiary. Jud
Haguewood started on Saturday
morning with the boy Frank
Smith, who was sentenced for
one vear.
Longest term of Circuit Court
ever held in Grant county will
probably adjourn next week. The
amount of crininal business that
looms up before the gaze of the
Judge every term is simply ap
paling. We hardly believe
there will be such a docket next
term, however, for some of them
have learned a Wesson, and others
will no doubt take a gentle hint,
and restrain their murderous pas
sions. A case like the one on trial last
Monday is enough to disgust
mankind with human nature and
cause him to inquire: "Is life
worth living?" One brother of a
family was prosecuting another
brother for an assault which was
the direct outgrowth of the inva
sion of the sanctity of the defend
ant's home by his own brother.
Reader, pause and reflect; then
you will not wonder that the
prisoner was acquitted by the
Will Baldwin is not a law
breaker neither is he a bad man,
hut he had shackles on his feet
nearly half the day last Monday.
He was showing some one how
they worked, and unfortunately
snapped one around his ankle,
and the spring lock feeing in
snlcndid working order he was
'caught to stay. 1 he joke was
that Sheriff Dore had the key in
his pocket, and he was at Salem,
consequently Bill had to go to
the blacksmith shop and have the
shackle hammered off, after try
ing in vain to make a key to fit
the lock.
State vs Win Meador, Jr. Ver
dict of guilty of assault. Deft
fined $150.00, and costs.
State vs T. D. Williams. Jury
rcturned verdict of assault with ing court and becoming aequaint
a dangerous weapon, and Deft ; ed with him, we do not recognize
sentenced to eighteen mouths in him in tiie light of a brother
State's prison
State vs Chas L. Williani3.
Deft enters plea of guilty of the
crime charged in the indictment,
viz: assault with a dangerous
weapon, and was fined $250.
State vs Geo W Hatt, assault
with a dangerous weapon Jury
returned a verdict of not guilty.
State vs M St Clair Burke,
selling liquor without license
Deft plead guiltv, and was fined
$100. Indictment, No 2 Dis-
! missed on motion of district at
State vs Daniel Slaven, obtain -
ing goods under false pretense
To be tried at next regular term.
Mary J. Starr vs A. E. Starr.
Robt. Lock wood appointed ref
eree. R S Miller vs Sarah Miller
Decree of divorce for PHI', and
the care and custody of the three
minor children.
M D Clifford vs Max Ramsby
and M E Caruthers, forfeiture of
bail bond Judgment for PHI' for
W S Southworth vs F C More
ley Continued for the term.
F. B. Rinearson vs Wm Axe.
Continued for term.
E. C. Officer vs Adam Murray,
et als. To be tried next term.
Ilorsley & Shaw vs Geo. V.
Hatt. Judgment for plaintiffs.
A crowded hotel in Butte,
Montana, burned the other day
and two men perished.
first-class workman could do
u i i r
Abe Lizard is a candidate
for office in Missouri. Jleniav
prove a blizzard to his oppon
ent. Sam French has just returned
from a trip to La Grande, where
he went to prove up on his des
ert land claim.
The case ot Penfield it Biswell
vs Peter French, to recover dam
ages, is on trial as we go to press
Wednesday afternoon.
Quite a rain Monday night,
which has caused grass to take a
new start, and grain which was
sown, to spring up cheerfully.
W. R. Cunnington has leased
I. 11. Wood's livery stablo, and
will conduct the same in the fu
ture. See his ad in another col
umn. The criminal docket has been
disposed of except one case, and
that is against Chinese frequent
ing an opium den. Several law
and equity cases remain.
Ridenour, the Nevada sheep
buyer has been in this vicinity
for several weeks, but we have
not been informed whether or
not he purchased many sheep.
2ow that Ifeppncr is going to
have a railroad the people of
the Long Creek and North Fork
countries should have a direct
mail route through from that
Jud Haguewood returned from
Baker Tuesday evening, at which
place he left the boy prisoner in
charge of Dore, who had waited
there. He reports roads in fine
The United States senate is
considering a a bill to pay $20,
000 for a sword of General
Washington. If this goes
through the manufacture of
Washington's swords ought to
grow into a great industry.
Mrs. Volkavitch, of Wilkes
barre, Pa., had the misfortune to
lose her husband at the hands of
the shcrifi', who hung him. Next
da' she married a butcher. It
is seldom that Hymen and the
hangman tie their knots so close
Information is wanted of the
whereabouts of John II. Couch,
who left Tacoma February 1 1th,
18S8. Any one who can furnish
the desired information will
please communicate with Sarah
E. Couch, 2719 east D. street,
Tacoma, W. T.
The rain this week was pretty
general throughout the northern
part of tne county, we under
stand, although in some locali
ties it was heavier than in others.
Down about the South Fork it
was reported as fine, giving the
ground a thorough wetting.
Who hath woe? Who hath
red eyes? He who tarrieth with
the jack-pot. He who bestrideth
the blind and raiscth it a red.
Jlegoeth forth at eventide with
a light heart and .$15. He bet-
teth a stack on a bobtail flush,
and the man with two deuces
calleth, and verily his heart is
full of bitterness, and he bemoan
eth his fate loudly and with much
unseemly language.
We devote space this week to
notice the noise made by the cur,
slanderer and blackmailer, Con
nolly, of the Long Creek Eagle.
Since having met him here dur-
journalist, as he is an utter dis-
graee to that laudable profession.
A lw!.- -if liu minor -..'ill f,nnvinri
anv one of that tact, and if pub-
lished in any ot tne large
:ie larue eastern
cities it would have been sup
pressed by the authorities lung
ago because of its obscenity and
lewd allusions. In proof of this
wo will state that a copy of the
paper was introduced into court
during the late trial, a portion of
it being used as evidence- on the
part of the defense, and the at
torney who read the article to
the iurv refused to read it in
1 scarcely an audible voice, for
' fear of offending ladies who were
! present in the court room,
j Connolly's past history is bad,
j and his past history is most like
ly Ins present one, for a person ot
his nature seldom becomes re
formed, no matter how or in what
manner they force themselves in
to respectable society. All the
many witnesses examined, in the
eae of State vs Tom Williams,
when questioned regarding Con
nolly's past character, and repu
tation for truth and veracity,
unanimously answered, "very
bad." "Peter's" lack of char
acter will be vouched for by
truthful and substantial men,
whose word cannot be doubted.
He came to Long Creek about
three years ago, and introduced
himself as 4Threc-card-monte
Pete," and a "bad man from Five
Points, New York," and for a
while subsisted by gambling with
md robbing bovs and men by
his Ji-card moute names. In
j course of time E. ('. Allen bought
I a newspaper outfit, and associat
ed himself with Ite now
1 :"o;vns
Peter the Poet" in
tn.' implication
the implication of the Eairle. in
black-mail on every person whom
he could not control and lead his
own way. Instead of publishing
news of interest v would lay
around the saloons ami gather
the vulgar conversations of differ
ent persons, and publish it as
'legitimate local news." Mr.
Allen is partner, and is censured
himself for allowing such publi
cations as have appeared in the
Eagle Horn time to time.
'Ti-te'" enquires why he was
not prosecuted for criminal libel
bv the late grand jury. That is
plain enough.
and sub-
stantial men of Long Creek and
vicinity, Pry Wilson, Geo. Kader,
1). W. Shaw and others were ready
to back a libel suit for Tom Wil
liams, but fancy the absurdity
of instituting suit against the
publishers when there was noth
ing to bring suit against not
even the good will of the paper.
Evidence in the case went to
show that Tom Williams acted
only in self-defense in shooting
Pete, and had he not fired the
second shot would to-day have
been a free man. As it is the
jury which convicted him or
the majority of them have sign
ed a petition for his pardon by
the Governor.
The Xkws minds its own bus
iness and seldom makes war, but
when we are attacked, as in the
Eagle of April 24, just because
Pete saw something in the Xkws
which he disliked, we get in and
vindicate our rights,howevcr much
we may dislike to enter into contro
versy with a skunk for an oppon
ent. Connolly makes use of
language and expressions that no
moral journalist would dare use,
therefore having the advantage
over any respectable newspaper
which would condescend to no
tice his (diluvium. When men
of families refuse to admit their
home newspaper into their houses
as the good people of Long Creek
have done, it shows up a bad
state of affairs, and this is the
case with the Eagle We have
done. Should the Eagle reply to
this article in its own peculiar
language, it will not be noticed,
as the News cares not to degrade
itself by answering any more of
the vile outbursts.
Jack rabbits have thrown up
the sponge, and about deserted
this country.
Fou S.u.K Spring Wagon, span
of work horses ami harness, lor
sab cheap. Apply to Mrs. C.
Phillips, Canyon City.
At Rapid City, I). T., the new
laboratory of the School of Mines
has made its first run of Dakota
tin ore. The reduction process
proved a complete success.
Diki at his home, twelve
miles up Canyon Creek, of lung
fever, on April 27, 1SSS, John B.
Miller. Mr. Miller was an old pi
oneer of this county, and was
loved and respected by all who
knew him. lit; leaves a number
of relatives and a large circle of
friends to mourn his loss. The
funeral occurred at this place on
' Sunday last, conducted by Key.
j J. II. Wood, when the remains of
. the deceased were followed to
. their last resting place in the
Canyon City cemetery, by a
large concourse o mourners.
Long Creek, April 27 tb, 18SS .
Nearly everybody is attending
court, and the town looks deserted
and lonesome.
The First Cbauce Mining Com
piny have discharged their men
and quit work for this season.
Scarcity of water was the cause.
Out butcher shop opened in
grand style, with two fresh salmon
on tbe block. As there has been
n. mG,at here ,fVr about th?J week
I mesaimon som wry readily.
These little "spito" arrests
ought to be stopped. If the
prosecuting witnesses would bo
forced to pay the expense instead
of the couutv, there would not bo
so many "petly" eases before the
Justice, and of dollars
of coals would be saved to the
taxpayers. Old in m Sh:up was
arrested on somo trumped up
charge on complaint of Mr. Bry
ant, the cause of some ill fceiiug
between the parties. In two weeks
the case will come oil", and in ease
discharged the county will have to
pay the costs. Who cares for ex-
Ed Woodalland Cnas Goff ro
turned from Canyon City, expect
ing to pass a quiet Sunday with
their family and friends, but hard
ly bad the' sat down to t' eirp'ain
lemonade, when the ciuel deputy
appeared with a mandate to re
turn to court at once. Like little
children they obeyed.
Some pat ties from Pendleton
came over to investigate tbe feus
ability of making a road from hero
to Pendleton. Now that tbe nil
road is sure to come to Hupptur
within three months, we had bet
ter lnok towards that burg for
communication with the outside
M. Rosendorf who just returned
from Portland, started for Hep
pner yesterday. It is reported ho
bought theHinton Hotel property
at that place for A. Ilirschberg &
Co., of this 'own.
Mr. Geortre
Bi-fler, Agent for j
tbe Slitc ! us trance Company,
was in town and did consider
able business. He appointed Mr.
Cims. Gulf as resilient agent.
If ever Canyoa City has a tussel
for county-seat, outsiders will re
member that they bad to piy SI) a
week for boar.'. In the long rin
extortions don't pn
A CarJ of Thanks.
To those friends who so kindly
gave their services and sympa
thy during the late sickness of
our dear relative. John H. Miller,
we tender our sincere and heart
felt thanks.
And especially do we thank
Dr. G. W. Barber, for his faithful
attendance, and noble efforts to
stay the hand of death, which
was beyond the reach or skill of
mortal man.
Mits. Jrt.iA Nkkck.
Lkk Mii.uju.
Canyon City, May 2nd., 1SSS.
4 4
Just Arrived.
At Haplonstall & Dart's, John
Day, a full and complete line of
Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer
Hals, Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc.,
Cheap for Cash. f
Ladies of the M. E. Church arc
invited to meet at the church in
Canyon City, on Saturday after
noon next, at 2:"0 o'clock, for the
purpose of organizing a ladies'
prayer meeting.
People do not ask anv longer
what is this OREGON ULOOD
ITHIFIFR, for they Know it by
its reputation as being the best
liver regulator and blood cleanser
in existence. m 22
There is still in force in Rhode
Island a law forbidding the
smokiuir of a cicar on the main
street of any city in the State,
and in Vermont the smoking of
a cigar on the street on Sunday
is made a misdemeanor.
St)cakinzof strikes and wanes
T 1
John W. Mackay says: --I rol
led rocks in Yuba river fourteen
hours a day for months at a
time, and went to camp every
night soaked to the bone, and
did not average $2 a day, but
no one ever found me (piite
broke or heard mo complain."
A clerk by the name of Gal
usha ran away on time and took
some of his employees money
with him. The man gave pur
suit, found the clerk and the
money, and -telegraphed to bis
wife: "Found Galusha. Hone
for better things." When she
got the message it read thus:
"Found girl, shall elope and get
her thinos."
IS'ot long ago two chiefs of
the Chippewa Indians called
upon President Cleveland. They
were perfectly at ease in the
august presence. Fleet Wolf
in fact grew familiar and offer
ed his excellency a chew of to
bacco, which was declined with
thanks, Then IIouud-That-Bays
came to the front and said:
'Grove, won't you give us a
drink?" This struck a respon
sive chord in the bosom of out
excel lent president. They
drank to the toast, "Here's hovh'"
Who says the noble red men are
on the decline? They won't
even decline to drink.
Died, at his residence on Can
yon Creek, April 27, 1SS8, John
B. Miller, aged 54 years four
months and five days.
On iti;ak v.
John B. Miller was born in the
State of Illinois on the 22nd day
of December. 18o3. In the year
of 1S-17, being then a boy of 1-1
years, lie left his native" State
and crossed the plains, arriving
in Lane county, Oregon the same
From the year of 1S-17 until
the year of LSGu, John continued
to reside in that county. In the
year of lK(J.-5 the gold excitement
caused John to leave his home
in Lane county, being then in the
prime of hie manhood, he came to
this county, which at that early
day was a part of Wasco county,
arriving on Canyon Creek in the
Summer of lSG.'J.
From that time until the date
of his death he has been a resi
dent of Grant county, and hon
ored by all who knew him. By
i i,;s ,-nJustrv he had built him-
self a comfortable home on Can
yon Creek, and there ceased his
earthly labors. Few men have
died here whose loss will be so
sincerely and deeply mourned as
he who is the subject flf this no
tice. His death has cast a cloud
of sorrow over this community,
and many a silent tear was shed
by those who knew him best.
During his long residence in
Grant county he so conducted
himself as to win the confidence,
friendship and esteem of all who
knew him.
By his death we are reminded
that a good citizen, an honest
man, a true friend, a kind and
...... uwM.xir.M Hui.-. u,.. . ,u
from our midst forever. et the
n- i 1 1 i..... .1
name of John P. Miller will live
in the minds of tb. people of
Grant county untill they are
j called to meet him in the great
i unknown l evond.
i no llanos
in i ii
is soon to have
electric lights.
More rain is coming We
shall have plenty of it this time,
but then it is welcomed by both
the just and the unjust.
It is a coincidence worthy of
note that the gold ami silver
misses of the United States,
since the close of the war jo
lSIJo. have yielded almost the
exact amount that has been paid
on the national debt.- -Ex.
A dressmaker, with a record
to back up her assertions, de
clares that tbe waists of Ameri
can women have increased from
four to six inches in circumfer
ence in the past dozen years.
We stand ready to wa;er this
bold woman bio- odds that the
arms of the American man have
then prown from four to six
inches longer, because they
reach 'round just the same as
List of letters
remaining nn-
called for in the Canvon Citv
Postofiico, Grant county, Oregon,
on May 1st , viz:
Mable Aringtou,
Jafco lime,
li.ily Bnetior,
Juhn C. Carter,
Iren More,
Mi s iSunnia Masdcmron.
Joseph Mepenger,
Fred C. Poo,
Mr-. J. M. Sweeney,
W. S, .Sterling,
Miss A.inie Savage,
Mrs. V. Herron,
Ph. Land
Persons calling for the above
will ploase sav "Adveitised."
O.' P. Ckimap, P. M.
List of letters remaining
called for in the
Post OfllCe at
Prairie City, Grant Co., Oregon,
on April "K)th., 1SS8, v z:
lierryman, James
Montgomery, Dorcrts, 2
Bowman, Sam
Montgomery, Dora
(Icrrans, Nicholas
Strahm, C. P.
Glover, John
Tales, Charley
Hiirris, J. P.
Tolles C. S.
Hickery, A. L.
Persons calling for above will
please sav "advertised."
J. W. Mack, P. M.
The undersigned having pur
chased the interest of Stansell
Bros, in the Sash & Door Facto
ry, in Canyon City, desires to in
form the public that he is pre
pared to furnish anything in his
line for Cash. Call and inspect
stock, and learn prices.
17-tf F. J. Kutz.
I, the undersigned, wishing' to
i t.i. "., t ...
reuio to jj.iivui uaj, u.iu. iu.
sale mv Blacksmith Shop and
Stock oi Hardware, ami aiso
Dwelling House, very cheap. Any
one wanting a good Bbop in Prai
rie City can pet a great Bargain.
Also, what time I atav here, I will
sell Hardware and "Work very
cheap, for Cash.
All knowing themselves indebt
ed to me must call and Settle at
once. G. W. McConn.
Prairie City, Or., Nov. 20, 1887.
Bealers in Hardware, Wagons,
Agricultural Implements
Etc., Etc., Etc.
D. B. FiSK, Prairie City, Oregon.
Notice to Sheepmen.
The Stockmen and residents of
Silvies Valley and vicinity have
organized and pledged themselves
to do all that they can to koej
sheep off of their rani in order to
protect their own stock and pro
In in .Frwett,
Tlmm-is Cnaddock,
John Mintler.
William Stone,
W. 1). linker,
Ciisuvii. S.ille,
11 lltjmt,
K Uttekley.
luiti.ii smith, ,
J. I. C'fO!".
Uirul Muddook.
Kr;wler!i:li Vtanit niK''!,
Jh. I". Shewmuker,
A. R.xelll,
J. W. Traev.
' ! v. CmtT'-n,
ii i"-! : H.tyer,
(! IIuiikitiH,
11. Ii-i.iii6, Jr.,
A. J. I'lcrce,
O It. Fuv-it.
John Cr ilclock,
Stiveti Wood,
Charter Martin,
UmiN .Schu l iuti,
F. K. Oi.inli-,
. U'mtcMiiii r.
Uxn Caiiil'lin.
K.l. Hilletlo.
Important to Sheep Raisers.
1 will prosecute every violation
. "l " "
of the law that comes under, or is
j , hfc t0 notice from this
... ir.. ,....,,: ;n ,.i.
ui.i(j. .li lll-im n-r "ill ijilimi
I take notice and do the same.
word to the wise is suflieient.
John Day, Oct. 12, 1SS7.
Jouv C. Luce,
30tf Inspector for Grant Co.
S 50.00 Reward.
Strayed, from the ranch of the
undersigned, iii O.h? Valley, Uiunt
county, in th.- fall of ISG, two
horses, described as follows: One
Bay Mare. 1G hands high, branded
thus, n on left thigh and on light
shoulder. Also one sorivl colt,
.'i yours old this spring, and has
the above; brand on left shoulder,
f wili pay the .above reward to any
person furnUhing me the inforrua
tion that will lead to the reeovc-y
of the above described animals.
H. O. Hal;.
Drewsey, Grant Co., Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
Copartnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned, tinder
the firm namn of t.'iilfurd & Wil
liams, Attys, at law, of Cam on
City, Oregon, has been dissolved
by mutual consent.
M. I). Clifford.
Thornton Williams.
To WIIOJl IT may concern:
Take Notice, That my wife. Mis.
KUa Welch, left my bod and board
without cause, and against my
will or consent, on the lath day of
March, 188. All merehauts,
traders, boarding bouse keepers
and others, giving her credit therefore-
must look to h"i only, and
not to me, for their claims, as by
this the will take noticj that I
wi'l not be responsible for any
bills run or debts incurred by her,
subsequent to said datf.
7 Wm. Wi i.f ii.
I .a Jul Ofl'.ce at L Crnndu. Oregon.
.. nl t)th. ISoS.
Notice U hereby xh.n iai the folhiwiwjf.
tiaiiietlseltle rMtRve til- it notice o! the r iotontlon
to maktt Ihml proof in t ot
their i luhr.s.aml thnt aMprHif will Lv i. .. 1 r
fore tii i omity Jmle of Onwit nunty ;.t Can
City, or in cnc of hi alienee, before tbe
( oiintv Clerk of .4'iiJ riHiii itt Ciiivnn city, on
Mav 2Sth. Kvi. viz: .lAJiES Ml ltl'IlY. lid..
No. for the SW qu ;r. of Se: i. Tp. II. S of
It SO. K ..f W M . Ail ibr: JDII.N" J Mt'ItPIIV
Ud.N".:U0:L f'TtheSKijimr. ofSnq iar. Sec C.
.v w ipiar. in .. i iiwr. mv. s. ait.i nail
bW ipwr.. S.c. 5. Iji. 11. S of R rto, E of W M
They name the fol.owin v itnosn tomo.e
their ntimioiii rordUncc upon, and cuitin
tifHi of. siM land, vk: Jo.-eph G- Lofton.
John ll.l.'arjxr. Win. M. liiiiilnp nnd Henry
Lofton; all of Fox VjIM. Otant Couii'v. Or.
10 HENRY RI.NEMART. Rejciiiter
In the United States Land Olliccat Lakevicw.Or
C. A. SMcck, Timber Culture contestant,
Alnx.inder L. Enyart. Pre-emption ciaimar.tand
T. M Overfclt : Co , l'lirelmneis.
In with iimtrurtiomi from tbe
Hon CommiMnn)r of the General Land Ollioe. havinjr been made to him tlitwipli
thN i.tnce, by C. A Su.-ek, aain-t Alu.xmiovr
L. Envart, who miiile Ctmli No :IM. in
thN ottice, on Dec. 24th. SS.-:I. for th-SW iimr ,
of NE quar.,aml Lot 1,2 fz :t. See. 5.T. 20, S. It.
ifi, E. W. M., audi. M. Overfeit & C.. jmr
chuerf of aid tract of land. Alleio;; that
mid Alexander L. Eoait Imd exbaimicl nfs
pro eiupt m r ht. prior Ui t:e time that be til
ed pre iliiptioii. 1. b.. No. l.O.'.l. Sordid tra..t
of land, by reHon of ha. hit; tded a p.-e-einpiioii.
I. No. a., t-ir a trcl 'f land in Tbo lIle
I-aml District, Oregon, on IVI.rnary 17. I STB
1 rml atd Aii xamler L. hnya I settled upon
the uw. to a:dT. M.Ovutfelt Coinii.-nv.
1 bat r.iid Alexander L. Any art failed to com
ply with the ixipiitetnciiti the Lw in niutU-ri
of nidi nee and rtiltivatb n.
'Ibert-fore thesiild Ai.ivandor L and
T. M. tvtrfelt fi Co., nre hereby si:n.ii.oiii .l to
appear at till office, ot: the 17th !- of S- pttn
ber, la3, at 1) o'cioek A. M., ot vaid dav -ud
ho c..ii!e if a?y there be. why aid Ca;d
Entry, No 314, t-h--tlld not be be canceled.
And the p.rti-n hereto will further Ukeno
tlrc. thut the Rtqcihter and R. have de
imted Jamet-T, iUel. Count. . leik ut (irrfiit
. c;,.untr.Or.-'on. to take the teMimony Ii
w - . "f, ittietsea an c-ch itt n.-:
unit to him for that purpme, at hi otti
to take the testimony in thin
p-jrpme, at 1:1 ottice. m
Canynti City, in said Oi'it County, Oregon
j The tnkiuof iuh t'tstimoiiy will couimi-iice
I on tht. ISthduy of June. l!l-, at 10 o'clock A.
1 M., of .!! U and continue thrtrafter trom
flay to day until a'l the t--t moiiy o 'iffi-rid b
either irty bo tuketi and reduced to writing by
said James T. Maol,and atthe cuiichiHion thereat
the 8ii me will bu duly reorted at this office fur
use at the heat in? hereof.
Dated this 21st dav of March, A. D, 1SS3.
A 1. SNEl.LI.M5, Reenter.
W. M. TOWNSK.N D, Receiver.
This untie., published by an on'or of IUUtcr
and Uec ircr at the U. S. Land Office, at Lake
view, Or.
Contestant's Attorneys
a,,,o.,c,ut.H:t,?ct.f MiotulTirCKKR cj- CAliS0.Y
on pr u iitioii. and under an ariii. tit to Hxd . -J f
4 Company,
Land OHicc at La Cramle. Oregon.
April 13Ui,
.' ticc is hereby siren that thr 1 ll'..inj
named ettlrr has filed notice of his Intention to
nitifcc final proof In um)rt o Lit .-Lim. a..d
that tatii proof will be txmdu brf .rr the ..VnHty
Clerk of (.'rant count r Oregon, at Cuhv.ih City,
hi June Till, ISM. iz: IM VU A, s ISNEIt,
US.. N. 7 1M. for tliu V. h.Jf at V h-l' of sec,
30. 7 p. 15. S of H 27. E of WM,
ilu nainc the follouiuc Miinic-th t prttvo
Mi continuous ruHiiIcnce .'xni, a:il c.i.tiia:'ou
r ai t lull.!, vu: i h s. V. Koe, II. . Smith,
II. l:inj;iivur and K. Lucai; alt of I'aville,
Cr-l.t County, Orison.
i-J IIE.NKV UI.Nf;ilAirr. nesUtr
L"d '
Ulicc a Tj. .irandt, Oregon
AprilUl". lSi.
Kt(o" i hereby siven that the f"!--.vjn.
Wiliitd cettli-r llii tiled ttotitf of l.ii- ixt- i.tinH to
make final pro if in uppit ot tit- e aim. ami
thatiunl pro if ui.l ncm ! before J. T. itucl
O'KsiiyClrrk of ( i';iutj . u;.,at Cammi
City. Or. on May :h. ix: IIKNKY A.
HI-KI II y, 1.S. .S. C,-57. Tor t..e SE Hilar., f
Sec. '., Tp 11, 5 of R Su, E of V." it.
lie t.amen (ho f. I!:viii'' vi:nus to prre hli
conlinuoiLi resilience upon, ami rnl- tvuioH "f.
said lam I. viz: Jim-iiIi O. I.":iii. JAhi il. llar-
'T, Wm II. luiia aiHl Ilinry I.fl'.oii; cM of
fox Vu Iv. CiraNt CVUt.ty, Ole,Hi.
Ln;tod itiUn Land (WWt. I.t Urxd, Or.
.March Nth. 1:S.
.S'.itice i h.T. bv ifiv-jtitliat SAilCE. PRE.VCH
of l'rairie ( U, Oraiit Coriitt. nr . hs. Ilktl
nM lev uf intention to nuke iiiMif on bis to.i-
tri in ml el.iiin N. HI. f--r the NW (Ma-tur.
ami K 1 :.. 3t, Tp. 13, S. It W E t W M,
If tote Uiu Ureter !! Itetucr. at La.
liraitdc. ie0. on a'tuniar, the 2bth.. d of
rVprsl. 1-S.
He twiiifj :hr foll',viH ' titn!t to ttruva
the contpletu irrigation and relaawt-o.i of
Mt'ti la no:
J-i:ns ard ti'. Jotih I.'r. M J .
ThompMin and E I. Laurence: all ot I'mlria
city, urfson.
.'2 5 I.KXKV KINEHART, K;teier
Unnd Oitice at Th- tHi e-. r.
Mar. b -M. VtSL
Kotlcp i hen hy uivrH t fmiK ul):.
naHHl m:Ui r !w fib H notice of ii.leut m to
itrtWc fin.t' pr- f in vHMM:t of hU witu, ami
thfct W prvd will In- made Wfor th- vHh'.y
Cle-k of ;ranl eoMiity, Or., at Ci.KtOtt 1ljr. Or",
n Muy :,th. l!. v..: KKNMtt:: MOLK.N
NAV w.. N-i. 1n-L lor it.c S r.a f . I N'W ijHr.,
.t W half of SW ..n.r.. Sec. 5;. Tp. 1 S. ul K.
ii. E-
He IKiim- the folbwin-.' xviti'si t jtov Ma
CoHtiiiti.i ip-reyiJotite iipoii. aril iHlivmiw. wf,
iJ lnd, to: Leonid M. .t ml I. DohmM
M:i"K'iv. OMer Orown arxl Henry Kliumyr;
all o! I)..vvi'!o Or'f'Hi.
1 V. A. MUDONALU. RlsUr.
LmikI OIRee at !jt (rtH!t. Onreoa.
Apr.) liih. 1
Notice is hereby given trui the f;iwMv
nanicl .-t'lerhas Mn, nnt'vt or his iutvtttioM U
mtike final prf in MiiiK.rt . f his rlii:n. atid
Out sohI proof wil! be nude bufoN Uh cMNy
C'crk of Orant eo n ty, at Canvo i city, Ot .. mi
Mav ?h. H viz: IlU'.'H SMITH, OS. .Vo.
b.OSfl. f. r thi NW iju..r.,Sec at, Tp its, tiofR
air. k ..f w. ji
He name thp foLo-.tin? witnew.H to : rov hm
continti iiix re-idene- hmh. uhA eiilt:vntwH
vt d Mik!. tlx: F. C. S N. Frank .SK W. S.
Smitbworh and Walter iterrv; a'l k O.Hvati
City, Otai t'Countr, re.;.." "
i 0 ME N'llV R IS El f A ".T. R -fcter
Lend Ofilee at Ij.Ora. de. Or.
Marrh Uth.,
Not're i Hereby cfven tf at tm? fl orfttc
oame.1 ettler Ins fl'ed if i.U!in m
mak. final pro..f the heir In iiipfwwt ! iMr
c'aiin, ami thui Knid proof jit be m.lde before
the Ileelnter and It. teiver. at ! l.rH.I- Or
o.i April 2ilh . 18a. t.z: JAVE ll.l:nit:
hitOaitd of Amy H. Han intr. nit i a.i- r .n rv-
Amy It. Mi.tir.itin?. u!ibiI II. J). No
19t fortheNW rit:ar.. of SW
of NWo,uar.. of Sec, ,1l. 13, S. It . Si. 2
!o mines the fulWin' witne-e to nrnvo I. In
itH.tliilloUo roMtilenee iit.on. ami .-Mltivi-i..,. .j
il I .ihI. viz: Snmiul French. Jicph Hear
dortl. JI. J. Thorn p-.... and E. I UNtUMt; all
of l'rairie City, iwiih.
82 5" IlLNI'V RINEHAHR. Resi-ter.
land Oflice at Ii (iraitiie. Or
March 3.1 , 1S5.S.
rwitteo ii In rebv iriveii tout th.. f. !!..-;,..
nanve.1 settler ! IHcd notice of hU iHtentHU tn
moke final proof in Riit-i..rt of hi rlOm. .-imI
tlMtsaM proof .ill be iiki le kfowl'miuii-
Clerk d (irnir co mty, or . atCnnynN Cttv.or..
on April 2itb , ISaa. v..: E. i . Rulkalev. i.
No (..,00. (or tho N 1 ..f s KoRur.. ..f s R
quar.. of S. K o.nar and N K .mar . of S W
qnar., of i. e., 32, Tp.. 13, S. if It. 32. E. W.
He turnips th foilou-iinr u Hnesc-' t prv his
eoiitimioiK rchleii-e upon, ao l ci-ithu'loii of
aid luii.l.xi:: J. Q. Crittith. of 4h 1wt.
Oreson. and W. s.,. Jn -.urM
and IC.dHiid ll all f Cav Cit', -h
51-57 HENRY RINKH.CRT. 1ii.Hr.
Attorn cy-:x t-Ln v.
Lono Creek
-Cnll Knir.
AT Prairi: City
- Oregon
Wh"re -ot ein set a drink f tr purer t WIhm
and Lbjuor?, it smoke a jjocl Cigar.
i3-I"aturc la fruitless nnd so Is that
noble discovery, contaiaicg on.y ha
turc'a own remedies, "The"
It isa benefit to the human race. KEEH UP
YOJTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of
Pfunoer'3 Oregon Blooo Purifier.
Ouick nnd Complete Cure oi all Diseaes o
the Skia, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves
as it cannot be beat a a preventative of dlscsje.
Sold and used evcrj-whexc. Ji a botilc, 6 Ibr lb
.or.5iipauon, Dyspepsia ana utliousness.and
ruts fresh enercy into the lyitem by making
New. i:ich Uloud. Takeit rii-ht