Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 12, 1888, Image 3

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Grant Co. Tfews.
local brevities.
court docket this
Read Tucker A- Carson's "rfd."
in jtnotltcr column.
Soe change in Durkheiinvr it
Go's "ad." tills week.
See "ail." of "Cooper's Dip,"
under 'Xew to-day."
F. P. Lovejoy and-W. 1). Bald
win were appointed general court
.Judge J son arrived by pri
vate conveyance from Baker,
last Sunday.
The ntiys., from Baker at
tending court here are Cal
Hyde and L. O. Stejirns.
Baker City's new Republican
pler, the
Oregon llrtde,'' has
trance, with L. f..
umcie its app
Tiureh as editor.
la this issue will bo found the
ad. of Frank Bros' Implement
Co., of Portland. Oregon. This
finu is reliable and will do well
by ywi.
.T. S. flaptoiislasl, II. M. Ifcif
ftird ami Joe Combs are attend
ing the Republican State Con
vention at Portland, from this
The French Court of Cassa-
uon uecioet tnat priests
Hldy JUHII). V.IWI.-, AUilli; Ul
yow had inkier propose to Father
Mr. F.M. .Ionian, of Bums,
iLgini for Frank Hros' Implement
C had a stock of bill and letfer
pritttl nt the Xews job
f8ci this M'et'k.
Tlie prohiitionists arc gomg
to make a desjxrate effort to
asntnto tho iwlitical nools this
war iv ilacinr a ticket in the
1 hat's aljout all thev cs
La!i:s wishing New 1 lats would
t! 'll ( r:ill at the Millinery
Sfcw at Jhn Day, as Miss L. 15.
MiiWtwoilli has just reei-ivcl a
fine a.rtinent of the Latest
Style.; from New York City.
in Canyon City, April 7.
ISfiS. Wm. P. Randig, native of
Pruwia. Mr. Rnndig had 1mcu
emj'tyl in the ment market of
Wm. P. Gray for several months,
mid xaxft of a tract of land
in liear ValJe.
A marriatre liccMt.c has been
granted f o J . II. Watson and
Mrs. Mary K. Seibert. of Pnii
ne CUy. The bride will have
to do all . the talking for that
hou.-ehold, a the groom is both
deaf and dumb.
X. II. A. Mason, the cattle
kiag of I? rant and Malheur
ctMuities, ib in town, just from
the oki "Agency." He rejxirts
lite country very dry, and tlic
041 1. took for ranjje "i-ass exceed
5dv unfavorable.
Grant County will be repre
sciilrd in the National Demo
cratic Convention, which mitts
at St. Louis on June oth, by M.
S. llellman. delegate from Ore-
gim. and we rejoice at the honor
conferred on Mr. Hellnian.
Drcwsey. in this county, is a
flourishing iitlle village, where
congidorablc busiiK'ss is transact
ed, but we are informed the
)lac is without a school Iwuse.
This is not ai? it should te. (io
to work and build an edifice that
your city njay well be proud of.
Haystack valley delegates
could not attend tin Republican
Convention last week on account
of the absence of any road, so
they loadifl the "crazy Dutch
man with proxw and slartitl
him uut. convinced that he was
tm only person who could get
thrnasdfi. lie made thejmirney
in pafoly.
An Kaslern man who recently
hogged a sample copy of the
News writes to inquire what
braiM'h of business yields the
greatest returns in this St.ite
with a small capital. Robbing
Uh V. Mail stands at the head
of the list. No capital, except
courage i& required. At present '
ie field is ptvlly well occupied, j
La (irand" Journal: Tin:
CitASsT Cot xtv Nkws has entered
inwn itsteiiilt year of publication.
Remote from communication with
the bny world, active in its en
f Ua vor t give to its readers li'
happenings in ami about its own
county; the News has proven its
elf a newspaper. ".May she live
lo2 ami nmsner:' Thanks,
Brother, Ihanks.
Pake some- j
rrfli!c rminte is urd :
-.JTii' .:ik n. ,... .ej..4
I'UHIWWI Willi UK. MUiii-.ii ,
hrereita wagon road-more be ;
if... -v . T.V, lv- .tlr.i roiif '
if. over a Iraih and a pmr one at f iIali; fr i,isfi ""wU'liil
Ihut. We are unacquainted with d,l'M-
the co.mtry Iwtween here ami j JSjr"NoTicK: Coaxing is en tire
that piac but it does seem that J ly out of order, and members of
the Havstaek eonntrv should be I the shaving fraternitv. knowing
favored with a county road lead- themselves to be indebted to the Durkhcimer, the enterpris
ing to the county-seat that is. Canyon City Harber. wishing to jng merchant of Prairie City, has
if Ihry want it. A sum of mon- ( retain their good reputation, will ; jUPt returned from San Francisco
ey exiendcl upon roads through-1 save extra expense by ( ailing and j amj the Fast, having while
out tlwr countv is not thrown j settling their "Little Accounts," abroad selected the finest lot of
awnr, where the mud is an abso-;
j - ,
Circuit Court.
Circuit Court for! Grant county
convened last Monday, Judge L.
j B. iFon on the bench. We give
a list of the cases disposed of
i from the time of coininence
1 ment to Wednesday, at noon.
' ' Law.
I Thos. Bain vs. W. W. Johnson.
: Settled and dismissed on stipu-
lation at plaintiffs cost.
. L. If. Harlow vs.! Thos. Bain,
j Dismissed at plaintiffs cost on
motion of pi IT.
I). R. Suminerville vs. T.
. Bain, same.
Ceo, Powell vs. T. Bain, same.
C. W. Conger it Bros., vs John
Carter. Continued for term.
1 J. M. Fisk vsT. B. Hall. Ans
wer filed.
John McCullough vs P. I. Mc
Callum. Settled and dismissed
at Plffs cost,
.hhn (5. Xenlen vs J. If. and
T II Mi tt r i . 1.1
! f(Mu.intf; entered, arid judgment
. for tu, .miount ,)rnvo(i for 5n the
. .;. nanimon. iyciaim ot tie-
! complaint.
1 Milos Roach vs Abb Tharp, Dis
j missed on motion f plfl at his
Slate vs Y. W. ijrown.
missed. I
R. 1).
State vs
Stale vs
Jas. Pratt.
Ed Hell and
Cannon 1 plead
l. Woodward and
Plea of "not guiltv."
Male vs
Jessee Teller. Plea
if..m t ihv
Stale vs Ah Toy Verdict
not guilty
Slate vs J D. Ihmsaeker,
Plead "not gtiillv"
State vs Wm Mack, PKid
''not guilty"
Stale vs J M Hutching4,
Plead ' not guilty"
Geo. Rader vs John Carter.
Confirmation of sale decreed.
. -
Democratic State Convention.
The Convention al Pendleton,
last week nominated the follow
ing Stale ticket:
Presidential electors W. II.
Kf linger, W. R. Bilyeu and JC. H.
I'or Congress J. M. Gearin.
Supreme Judge John Hurnelt.
Gin uit Judge W. M. Iiamsev.
District Attorney for u'lh Dis
trict T. II. Crawforil.
I'or delegates to ilie National
Convention, sixteen names were
placed in nomination, and the
names receiving the highest num
ber of votes, were as follows: M.
S. Hellnian, 101: J. K. Kellv,
103: J. K. Miller, !)J;T. J. Hlack,
.S(J; Henry Clipper, 75; Napoleon
DavR 72.
During the convention some
very gK)d resolutions were passed
in regard to the Democratic plat
form, but want of space forbids a j
review, however, a few of the res
olutions are given, lo-wil:
Resolved, That we favor an
amendment of the constitution of
the United Slates providing for
the election of Cnited States Sen
ators by a direct vote of the peo
ple. Resolved. That we demand the
forfeiture of all unearned laud
grants, and that the public
domain be held as a sacred trust
for homes for our rapidly increas
ing Npuhition; and we commend
and approve the President's mes
sage in regard It) Oregon wagon
road grants, lately sent to Cong
ress. Resolved, That we are in favor
of opening and improvement of
the Columbia river, and various
jxirts of entry on tin seaboard, so
that the commerce of the country
may be conveyed witihottt inter
ruption to the market of the
world; and for that purpose we
demand of the general govern
ment lilieral appropriations and
the sp.t-dy passage of the River
and Harbor bill now pending in
The following named men com
prise tlic grand jury for this coun
ty, to serve during the present
term of Circuit Court:
David Carey. Frank J. IUiU,
cier t lemeus, w m. .). itaioraitn,
A - 1 - H f I II "ll
'p ri l j i :. i
m:icHiimo uiu jaiu i-uunig.
YV J. Calbraith was appointed
foreman, and
John C. Criflith
Household Furniture for Sale.
If you want to buy anything in
the line of bed-steads, spring
maltretfscs, bureau, stoves, tables,
meat-safe, flour-chest. Cheap for
Cash, call at .Mrs. Romig's resi
dence. Canyon City, Oregon. -1
Yesterday was rather warm
;n this portion of the illahu.
Ladies call at J. IDurkheimer
( os., Prairie ( ity, and inspect
. -
t 1km r new styles of hpnng Ha ts
d linnets, also their complete
before it is everlastingly too late.
"And don t vou foruet itif d
Convention met at 10 A. M., 1
on Thursday, April 5th, Phil., ;
Metsehan was elected temporary j
Chairman, and V. J. Miller, Sec- :
retary. Committees on "ereden- j
tials." "order of business,", and 1
"resolutions," were appointed,
and the meeting adjourned until
1:30 P. M.
At the appointed hour the
meeting was called to order by
the chairman.
Report of committee on creden
tials read and adopted.
Roport of committee on order
of business read and adopted.
1 lie committee on resolutions
ofVi rtdthe following which was
read and approved, as follows:
Re it resolved by the Republi
can County Convention of Grant
County, Oregon, that as a part
of tht) National Republican par
ty, we are proud that after a
searching investigation of the
books for over three years, by ex
perts of an inimical party, the
accounts of the Republican trust
of twenty-four years have been
found to 1 e correct, and that the
cry of "Let us look at the looks,"
was an empty sound.
Resolved: That the Demo
cratic cry of ''Turn the rascals
out" having culminated in the
turning only of honest men
out, really meant "Let the hun
gry in."
Resolved: That we favor pro
lection to home and domestic in
dustries, and depreciate the ef-
fort of Chveland Democracy to
force "free trade" on our nation.
and esjK'cially depreciate the
sweeping reduction of the duty
on wool as a direct rlioke at the
vital fsnar.eal interests of our
Resolved: Thai "Civil service
reform," rs carried into efieel by
the Cleveland administration is
I but "sounding brass and tinkling
! cymbal."
j Resolved: That in still refain
I ing in the National treasury the
$.J(H).t 5Ul),OOll of surplus, and per
mitting it to increase. Democracy
has shown its inability to fulfil
its p'e Iges in relieving the peo
ple in linus of financial distress.
Resolved: That we favor the
enactment of our State Legisla
ture of an act protecting our
sheep raisers from the inroads of j
rambling flocks from other conn- j
ties, and provide thai such j
flocks shall be thoroughly inspect- j
ed and certified to our County
Clerk to I e free from disease be
fore coming into our county, and j
for the payment of taxes in this j
county on such flocks in case the ;
same has not been paid prior to j
their entering the county.
Hesolved: That we favor a
rigid economy in all our Nation
al. Stale and Countv affairs.
Resolved: That in Hon. Pin
g( r Ilerniann our people havi
found an able, honest and ener
getic oflicial, and we eanestly
hope for his renomination as our
next Republican candidate for
Representative in Congress.
Nominations for Representa
tive now being in order, (J. W.
(lilhani and A. ' Waters were
placed in nomination, the ballot
resulting as follows: (iilliam ol).
Waters 1(5.
Following is the first ballot for
Sheriff: W. P. Cray, 23: N.
Rulison, 7; W. R. Cunnington, '2;
II. C. Luce, ? J. .M. Fisk, 11:
John Laurance, '). Second bal
lot: Cray :!.), Rulison -I, Cun
nington 2. Luce 1. Laurance
witlulrew after the first ballot.
For Clerk John W. Saver re
ceived 2.S votes, and M. M. Pal
mer, '27. .
Dr. N. II. Holey
ed for Treasurer,
was nominat
by acclama-
For Assessor, first ballot: Wm.
Harvev. 1(5; J. T. Sullens, S; Fd
Luce. :j J. W. Walterman, 13;
('has. Timins, lo. Second ballot:
Harvey Sullens 3, Luce '2.
Waterman 10, Timins 17. Third
ballot: Harvev 21, Luce 2, and
Timins 31. Waterman and Sul
lens withdrew after the second
For County School Superin
tendent: F. Hayes, -12; A. Ladd
For Commissioners: A. J.
Wilson. 17; J. II. Mellalev, 3S;
1). B. Rineharl, 12; F. Stewarl,
J. II. Neal was nominated for
Surveyor, bv acclamation.
For Coroner: Dr. S. Orr, 33;
Peter Kuhl, LS.
Delegates to the State Conven
tion were D. 0. Overboil, Phil.
Mctsehan. J. S. Haptonstall, F.
Hall, If. .M. P.asford and V. J.
To The Public.
I wish to say that when you j
come to Canvon Citv don't forget ,
to call at J. II. Romig's Tonso-I
rial Parlor, and enjoy the luxury :
of a good Shave, and an artistic '
. ,
1 an ( uf.
ei Hath :
Also try a Hot Wat- ,
ind be a new man. ;
First-Class Lathing Aecomnioda- !
lions. The only Harber Shop in i
this part of Oregon where first ,
class work is done.
4 J. ii. Rom inc.. Barber.
goods ever brought into Eastern !
Long Creek, April 1888. j
Look out for a 30-niill tax next i
levy. j
Miss Crowly, a favorite of this !
town, left Thursday for your city, j
to stav over the Slimmer.
The ladies of Long dock will
m . T" 1 v- 1
a juaoies uiuo, and
give some
entertainments for the
benefit of the Church.
Ttis reported that two of the
S leading church members had to
I say it mildlv, a disagree-
I nl.lf. monlinn in th fU.nrr.l, linn
of them (the poor pastor) had to
r-rv lilt., ,.Im1,1 Sun). snpfn(,1ps
j ought not to happen before child-
rtn as they make poor impressions,
Mr. Slaven, Sou-iu-law and
partner of Mr. llinton. was ar
rested on some criminal charge,
brought by Mr. Rader. Forgery 1
believe was the charge. It ap
pears that Mr. Rader sold a boid
of sheep to Walker llinton & Sla
ven, they paving Mr. Rader in
checks on the Arlington Bank.
When the checks were presented
tlx re was no money there. In the
meantime, llinton sold the sheep,
and left for parts unknown.
The continued sickness of Mr?.
Hardisty has determined Mr.
llardisty to sell out his hotel and
leave the town. Ilo therefore of
fers the place, I believe the best
paying hotel in Grant County, at
a sacrifice. Everybody will miss
genial Sain.
The coming Circuit Court will
dosept-rate this burg, as there is
hardly a man woman or child in
the whole town that is not a witt-
ness, a juror, or a
party in a suit.
Mr ' ir v.
with what the doctors pronounce
a cancer of the stoma m. At the
! present moment vesy little hope of
! his recovery is sustained.
M. Rusendorf, accompanied by
Mrs. . foe Kcenev, started forPort-
I land last Thursday. The former
j to buy goods and the latter to
consult a physician.
I Our items tiny be a little late l y
, the lime the' appear in yourpa
' per, but they are not too late to he
; copied, with a little change, ly
, our home paper.
I The case of State vs. Slaven
' was postponed for two week-, and
Siaven pl.ieed tin ier $1500 bonds
fanciesTrom FOX.
Fox Valley, April sth. 1.S.SS.
Our advent inlo Long Creek
was upon two win els, and we
were received by the multitude
principally Chinamen and hogs
and rounded up in front of I'M
Allen's store, in front of which
the "Old Hlack Rock Rookery."
where once grew and blossomed
some very fine flowers, that prom-
ised well" for the future, but there
came a Hud amomr them that
poisoned the whole garden, and
they all faded away, but one. and
that one is so withered and dried
up that no one would care to
pluck it. It was here that the
young bairns used to gather, with
their hats decked with ribl ons.
mounted upon their ponies, to
look upon tho-e fair flowers and
receive the blessing of the guar
dian who had charge of the gar
den, before going upon the war
path. Passing on down the street we
came to the "Palace" which we
found full of men. all armed with
G-shootcrs, knives, etc I'pon in
quiring of a small boy we learned
thai they were members of the
mounted patrol, and were kept by
the Republic to shoot anyone who
displeases them. But dad says
they are a disgrace to a shooting
community, for they have never
been known to hit anything worth
a darn, unless it was some old
The "Republic" is destined to
be one ot no small importance
,'et. for as far as the eve can j
each vou can see here and there I
nice white dwellings, and thous
ands of acres of land fenced and
under the process of cultivation,
and there is every indication
that they will raise enough this
ye::r to live on through the com
ing winter.
We forgot to mention that they
have a Church in the "Republic"
which is an honor to any city
twice its size, which shows that
the- are good, law-abiding, God
fearing people there, who are try
ing, with the "Eagle," to redeem
purify the morals of the
place may success attend their
Thev have a good school, a
drng store, four dry goods stores,
a urst-ciass notei. two oiacKsnutn
shops, a feed and livery stable
and a butcher shop, all on one
street, the same as your city has.
but thev don't charge so much
f . i iiii it i .
for anything.
Dad" says that the ''Republic"
is tK) much like Fox Valley, too
cold to grow very large, or bear
first-class fruit. From vour
Barber Shop For Sale.
I will sell at Private Sale, all
the furniture and fixtures of the
Canyon City Barber Shop, at a
bargain, for ("ash. Shop center
ally located, with No. 1 Bathing
Facilities and all the modern
inproveinents. Address,
Canyon City Hahhfk,
g&Tine Hats for sale, at 1 lap-
1 tonstall it Dart's
Weekly Budget of News as Furnished
by our Regular Corres
pondent. Washington, April otli, 1S8S.
This is "iVoiuen's Week'
! Was-hiegton, and a Washington
letter of this dito with the inter
national Council of Women left
out would bo an anomaly. Still
with Urn sunee allowed me the
merest epitome of proceedings
! wo",tl l? 1X11 impossibility
. e council uas neon i
I Sail for llVO daS! there llilVt
j three so.vsions of each day,
1 w,th halt a dozen speakers
lninine of each session, so you
see I could not oven mention the j
i names of the delegates to this c-m-
, vpnitnn wifli (lir cnh5pfl ilic!is;fil
i i- a.w.i. .;ti,..r o Ket r
such a character as would prove
to he very monotonous reading.
But really the women are hav
ing a good time and an interesting
time in Albacgh's Opera House.
The citv is full of distinguished
women from everywhere; this is by
far the most imiiort.tnt gathering
of women the world has ever seen.
They come from the farthnest lim- ; Knox, 140, (son of Vertnout He- j n "ar
ils of America, ami from across : 10); 141, by S erman's Black ihwe.
ihu ocean, uoin xmi.uju,;'-f
t i. i l i:
the Scandinavian Peninsula, and
from far away Finland.
The object of the Conference is
to improve the condition of woman
in the Church, the btate and the
llom'. And the wide scope of
the topics umler iisc'is.-ion gives
unusual interest to tlu proceed
ing's. The im t of their
political position is only one of
the matters to he eonsideicd. and
the attention given to their notable
advances in other lines of devel
opment has drawn to the city ccr
lain representative Wuimn and
has added to the audiences a num
ber of hearer who would not be
attracted if the crusade had a sin
gle end in view.
Nothing that pertains 'o woman j
is foriegn to the business of the
Conference, and this coniprehtn- '
siveness of pla i, invnlviuir a view ,
of what Ins been accomplished in j
nil lines of developn.enf, gives to
the gathering a cheerful and con-'
gr.itulatory tone, vhih might be !
wanting if political con litions
alone wit-- eon-idercd. i
It was on Tuesday that Piiiln n
thiopies we re discussed. The i
subject of temperance, coming un- j
dcr this lit-ad, brought uon the j
ntage many wnmen noted for theii ,
work in this cause, Fr.nici.s !
Willard, the president of one of j
the most wonderful
noes Unit ever
to cxiie:ie , leading with j
a strain of eloquence that held her ,
audience in chains, broken oidv
, applause. Mie mentioned that there J
were; nw forty district depart-
nienls and lCJJUO unions. Said
j she: "We have sharpened our
I weapons in sight of the cmeiny,
and thev are aboi.t ercund to an
edge. We want a prohibition
amendment against the liquor
tiaflic, the Esau and Ishmaeiite,
the social pariah of this land."
Hannah Withall Smith, another
woman known throughout the
country for her share in g'spel
temperance, diplomatically in-
eigle.J her audieiuc into eudois
ing en masse a resolution calling
the govei ninents of the eLilizvd
wo: Id to protect the Cono 1'ice
vtate from the flood of poisonou.-,
gin which was being poured in
upon tht! uisu-pecting and bibu
Ions natives. i he resolution was
adopted unaniinoudy, foi the
good lady lefrained from calling' a
negative vole, on the (noand that
it would bo an insult to suppese
that anyone present would vote
The public 1 uildings oil over
the city are again diaped in
mourning, this lim-j for Justice
Waile, the late Chief .Justice of
the United .States. The Waito ob
sequics, which wore simple but
imposing, took place en Wednes-
at n.oon' m
HL"' ot Represe
the hail ff the
ntatives. 'lliey
were attended bv both Houses of
Congie.s and by the higher gov
ernment officials who occupio I
the floor of Hut House, while the
publ c galleiies- were filled with
the f.imilies of Senators and Rep
lesentativas, two tickets of admis
sion having heen issued to each
Senator and member of Congress
for distribution. The reserved
j g tileries, -uch as the President's
the Press and the Diplomatic,
J were occupied by those for whom
, the' are set aside.
In the Senate on Monday a 1:11
appropriating So, 1)00 to defray the
funeral expenses of the late Chief
; Justice was passed without debate.
Mis remains were sent to loledo,
accompanied by six of the Associ
ate Justices, a Congressional com
mittee and a part of the Ohio dob,
eg.ttion in Congress
It is probable the House will
begin d.-hate on the Mills tariff
lill to-day and thai the discussion
will last t ntil the last of May,
when the nieastue will either he
defeated or passul by that body.
From pnsent indications it would
not be safe or wise to venture a
more encouraging prediction.
; The Baker City Daily Revielle
j has been enlarged.
! ggSTGo to Haptonstall & Dart's,
i at John Day. for your clothing.
The best family remedy is un
doubtedly Pfunder's Oregon Blood
Purifier. Harmless, it accom
plishes relief where many other
medicines failed to do. It inav
bo safely given to the infantas
well as the adult. Z
Just opened, at Haptonstall it
Dart's, at John Day, Oregon, the
finest lot of Men's and Youth's
Hats in Grant Co., also a fine
in i tot ot rpnng ana Minimer nom-
' ing, Cheap for Cash. 2
IXoth k: Peter Kuhl lias
for sale pure Plymouth Rock,
Rrown Leghorn and Dlack Span
ish hen cges, warranted to be
To the Ladies of Grant Co., Oregon.
I have a line stock of the latest
styles of Millinery (Joods, direct
from New York. All are cordi
ally invited to call and inspect
I 11
the same. 1)i:k Oaok. iironnetor
! The Nick Naek Store.
Sired by ( hampion Knox, he by
Rismark; dam by Old Rillenian:
he bv (Menco, an imporled thr-
oughbred horse. Second dam,
I Morgan mare. Bistnark bv Gen
' it.....!, j to v r l?t....l. II t. . i
; uiik, J" omiik iinh;
o, by Sherman 'a Morgan, Son of
Justin Morgan, the founder of
the Morgan familv. dam bv East on
horse, sou of Aey's horse, dam
1 iy .miller s mare ot
i Wiuthrop Mesenei
Anson, by
JOHNNY KNOK is a dark hay,
weight about 1,'jUO jsumds 1G
natuis mgn ami uisposition per
fect; age, (i years. Asa sire he has
shown himself cipia1 to his own
if .
The stockmen f Harney Yallev
' allev
"lit ill' O
now have a chunce to in
the best horse ever bron
the country. His c-lts are, for
style and finish, the equal of any
colts I have everse n in the coun
trv. A. C. Ha i.
The undersig.ied having pur
chased the interest of Stanscll
Hros. in the Sash it Door Facto
ry, in Canyon City, desires to in
form the public that he is pre
pared to furnish anything in his
line for Cash. Call and inspect
stock, and learn prices.
!7-lf F. J. Ri'Tz.
Notice to Sheepmen.
The Stockmen xud residents of
Silvies Valley and vicinity have
organized and pledged themselves
to do ali that they can to k&ei
j ( X ,,f their rang- in order to
prefect their own
stock and iro-
In in .U-we't.
n A. OiiiMiriHi,
lur.., Jiiyer.
oI.iimI Itu'iiktiH,
It. Ii mkini, Jr.,
.. J. 1'ifrri,
O 11. uit.
J 1m CrxMftcV,
fcu wii Wwwl-i,
I'harle-t Mm tin,
Uwih Schtt'l if!i,
I. K. t..uif,
A. vViijt'ftwi r,
II I.. Ttrn-v,
D.ui Cnro)tfHt,
Tli-wia Gla.lti.Kk,
J.i:n shriller.
Wtllium StHw,
W. I. Oak-.-,
Omuvn. S-I1,
II. C I'avM?.
K O. Iturklry.
I'iit.m Mi: i til,
J. I. Cofi.
1-iral Mili oV,
Krilrifh ViemlanMil,
I.r. li. ShiitA'innSier,
A. it.-n:.
.1. W Tre.
IM. t;ill.-t:o. 5-2-U
I, the undersigned, wishing to
remove to B iker Cify, offer foi
sale! mv Blacksmith Shop and
Stock of Hardware, ami a'so
Duelling House, verv cheap. Any
one wantiujr
in I rai
riu Cit can i: t a great Barg.tin
Also, what tine I stay here. I nil
sell Hardware and Work vt r
eheap, for Cash.
All knowing themselves indebt
ed to me must -aU ami Settle at
once. G. V. McCoito.
Prairie City, Or , Nov. l'O. 1887.
Important to Sheep Raisers.
1 will prosecute evt,r violation
of the law that comes under, or i.
brought to my notice from this
date. My deputies will please
take notice and do the same. A
word to the wise is suflieient.
John Day, Oct. 12,
John C. Leer,
:50tf Inspector foi Grant C .
NmL'C is hereby "iven that 'Jie
j I'lini of t!e. Shearer iSc Co., and
Ilowi-il t Shearer has this day
heen dissolved, by mutual consent,
(ri'o. Shearer will pay all indebted
ness and collect all bills. Parties,
knowing themsehes to be indebt
ed, will call and settle, as
we are determined to settle our
business as soon as poFsiblc, And
oblige Gko. Siieakkk,
Ma usual Howell.
Prairie Citv, Oiegon, .Man h 27,
188S. 2-f
Estray Notice.
Canii! on the prem'ses of the
und'-rsigned, about two years ago,
One dark. iron-rrny mate, five
years old, about 1(5 hands high,
and branded with monogram ".!.
A. N." The owner is requested
to call, pay charges and get the
Samuel Fkkncii.
Prairie City, Qr, March 19th,
I will pay tbo highest maikct
price for Deer and other hides.
W. II Ciauk.
2Slf Canyou City, Or.
Arc acknowifdL'rd the hmL beln? hardier,
more productive audyivld Ik-Hct crops.
Cuoi.luUj it.. bit Tirlcilct, mIItJ tnt oo tscU
ciUoa. WBITK rOS IT.
r.. x.. ivr,A.-sr & oo.,
.Fioruti c SiiMum, St. Paui, Minn.
Land Olliiv at Thf iMlse. C-.
Man-h 20, .sSS.
Notice if he'cl'y u'fvi-n that tie fullovrin--named
soUlcr !m filed notice uf id intention to
ntakc final pnxif in Hiiii,x.t (; liU claim, and
t'mt ai.l prttof will 1 made hi-fur; tin county
Clork of limnt countv. Or., at Cinvou Ciiv, Or ,
mi Mjjt 5th. ISii. vi.: KKSMCTH MCLEN
NAN. IK.. X.j. t..r the .S 1m t i-t S" ijiwr.,
.t W lmir of SW iaar., St-c. 31, Tii. 12, S. of it.
251. E
lie name th. following w:tnoi to prove hh
r-iHtniiin i nM letsre 'ion. and cu'tivaitmi uf,
'cW laml, yiir JiowtW I.-Jo.iaW. Ii.iiiufd
MdK iv. o'iver Crown and H.tirv Uiius uver:
ail if D.yvi.l. Or.-trmi.
1 F. A. MODO.VALD, Heftier.
Land La Grande, Orepon.
v. . . . . . iUr. li jn i. isaa.
named uttler ha tiled notice of her intention
to make tlnai proof in fupiHj'l of
her claim, amlthatinid nron! will hu tnadelicforc
t .el otuity tlerk if Orant coniev Or., at Canyun
! :: tvi0,vI,v,.,w,, s jkv.vik W&R-
hl.NS. (.W McMuitfrs). I)S, .;;. f.irtheNK
Utiar . of .Nh..ur..Sci.. 19. SE .,,Kr. of SE nuar.
I .-ec. IS, and S half ,.f nmr S.S. 1' To 11
! S. of K. 31. K. of WM. ' ' ' ' '
; e..n;nu,n:. a,.7oni,?viT.J.? ,r
..1.1 1 I
MI.1 UimI. l7.: Mr.t:. A. l...trr. a. I M.!r
MI.MciaMlJ K. W..lti,ccr: a.lof John Dy!
Gsnt County. Orwron. ""
I "t.tii KlMniAllT. IfrfHrr.
Land office at I.h Crai.dc O'eeou.
v ., . , . Knl.ruary 27th. iss?.
ore m hetrlir tiven thrt tkc fiiHwin. tiled uotie of Ids intention
to make Unal ,,ro..f in ,,,mrt r hU eVnj
mm! that fold tiroof will be made before CUtk of
uraiit c:tntv. st O.mnii i'Ut i
, . April I lh. HsS.vic: I'M Kit VOX SSl Klt.V
I l S .No. (l.rtM. for the S K T,.ir . of N Knsnr
j ai.d h l a!f of S K .ptar . ami S W nuar . ot S E
01 ftv..-l, rp ,10. S. It. 21, K. W.M.
nifiifi. the foUmxiiH' witnefws to nrovn
nw c Ptmu(.u- reidfiirc kjk.ii. and cultitatinn
! i v': Urmaii Koch. Wm. V.
IJcimI John Miil.-arc. and Juinen Allen: all of
tan. "on fit v. Oregon.
'-3 HEXItY ni.VEIIAItT, Itei:tr.
Land OOUe at LaOramle. Or.
March 14 th., 13S3.
Notice is hereby :Hvon that the following.
i:mnl ettler Imk Ulwi notice ..f nla intention to
make linal pro jf thohoirs in stipp.utof their
e'aim, jh that 4ll pnof will be m.vle before
the Ite?isSer and I.Vceiver. at I.-i Grande. Or
o i April isth.. Idvi. vix: JAMES li MtniXti,
haot-aiHi .if Abv H. Ilanlin, ilecea-Knl: f irnurly
ty It. M.ciu-.triir. wh mt le II. 1).. Vo. .
1JW fortheNW o.-ar . of SW qiur , A SW q-iar .
urW',,!,,r" r i!tc'' -9'riK 13 s-"5". k
U.-icniKt) tlie'ovin uitnvisosto nrnvc hln
eout:nHJs residence upon, and cultirallnn of,
!"t'1 1 iz: s-'"l French. J..tph Dear.
do tr. M. .1. Thoinpii.atid E. 1'. Uumntsc; all
I of ''rairie City, uretfon.
Land Ollice al li Oramle. Or
Mart li 3d., lSS-i
NVtiri i liTcby "ireii t.'iat the f. ll..w!n--iMNMsd
.settler lmi IITcmI Hoticc of Iii iniotititin to
imfce ftual jirof in unj-irt n( M cUini, and
Owt Hi,l ptouf uill be made before County
Clark ..1 Oram i tiiiuty. Or.. atCnny.Hi City, Or.,
mi Ai-r:! tslh., 1bk. v.z: K. C. Ilulkeley. D.
S.. S: (iMSO. lor tlt-j X f S EHir., uf S E
iuar.. f S. K iiwr and .V K ijHar.. of S W
fiar., of v,c, Ip., IS, S. if K. Xi, K. W.
I ir uaiiic.H the follow in;: witnewies to piove hi ruiiileii-c UHin. ami cultivation of
i'd ktii.i, J. fj- Grittith, of John Day,
O'l em. Ntnl . S. StMHIiwortli. John Cameron
ai:d ICiKind IIuHkiws. all of Canyon City, On.
5157 1IKNKV ICINKll.MtT, Knntter.
In the matter ot the Estate of
B.itt J. Todd, decatsed, in the
County Court of the Suite of Ore
gon for Grunt County.
Pursuant to an order of the
Hon Comity Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Grant,
the undersigned wfdl sell, at pub
lic auction, to the highest Udder,
for tush, nil the property herein
described, nt the Court Utilise door
in Canyon City, Grant County,
.Stale of Oregon, at one o'clock,
P. :1., on Fridiy th.i 20th.,
day of April, A. D. 1S8S.
The order above mentioned is
dated the Oth. , day of March, A.
D. , 1SSS, and the property order
ed to he sold is as fuiluw.s:
The h undivided interest in all
that placer mining property cou-
81S1111'' oi oo acres or placer non-
; ing ground, situate on the Enst
j side of the North Folk of the John
j Day River, in Grant County. Ore
j gon, (j miles below the point on
j said iiir where the bridge crosses
thes.iinp, the st lice of sum
claim r Mining the wholo length of
said claim, tlic North and South
m .e running along the bank of the
river, Kiid the Fast line running
pantile: to and -:0 chains more or
less apart from suit! West line,
and saiil Nrn th and South liua
running parallel ti each otherand
(in chains more or loss apart.
Aiso the A undivided interest
in and to ail tint certain Ditch &
Water nht-whei obv ihe waiorsof
of the North Fork 'of Said John
D.iv River nt e conveyed onto and
iiIHiii sai I miniu ground for min
ing purpos s.
Also the undhided interest in
all and singular; 2 gimits, -iGO
feet of pipe, 4 picks, 2 shovels, 4
drills, 2 axes, 1 rotkhook, 2 hatu
inors, and one log cabin, kitchen
utet sils and cabin fixtures, situate
upon and incident to, appei taunt
of ai.d usually bad and engaged
with said mining claim.
Dated this Qth dav of March,
A. D., 1SSS.
Tuos. McEwen,
52 4 Administrator.
On Long Creek Singe Route.
Kalf?vay House.
Mrs- Hat He Douglas,
C"5Naturc la Taultless end so ta that
noble discovery, containing on.y Na
ture's own remedies. l'The"
It is a benefit to the human race. KEEP UP
YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by the use of
Pfunder'8 Oreqon Blood Purifier.
Quick and Complete Cure of alt Diseases of
the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It
checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves
Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, and
puts fresh energy Into tne system by making
N'ew, Ulch Vlood. Take it in lime, right now,
as it cannot be beat a n preventative cfdlwase.
Sold and used ertiywneie. x a bottle. 6 fox K.