-y - L P Fisher Grant Co. News. Co. News. (3 Jcitt ENT ADYEUTISEMEXra 1U prr PUBLISHED THOKSDAY MOBNINO, BY - D.I.ASBURY Editor and Proprietor. JCOUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription 83. 00 Six Months 1 50 Three Months 75 for firat. and l per iuaM fr ew:U qut-i.t lastrtiun irular ndtcrtniu ea made Wuowu or. a il ii-at ion Ho ce. tlflnU siteu ui.Ml all tharjrea i iJ All Reading Notices in Leca 'Jo! u inn will be ha ted at h ia e of 2) cents per Ime fords and 10 cts each subsequent iust r tion. 3r special rn!es to regular advertisers. nUy CIT1 GRANT COUNTY. 0REG$W, THURSDAY, MARC If 1, 1SSS. . jYo. 40. Vol. IX. Armtfj MJm NX "fa vJiS rTVA 3 - OFFICIAL DIRECTORY: Co. Judge N. It. Maxcy. Clork J. T. Muel Treasurer E. Hall. Commissioners ( T. A. McKinnon ( T. II. Mendor J. II, Neal A. C Dore . .. M. D. Cameron If. F. Dodson Survcj'or Sheriff Assessor School Supt Stock Inspector. J. C. Luce Dist Judges L. IB. Json G. W. Walker DisT. At'orney M. l. Clifford PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ORR, M. D. Canyon City, Ogn. Office on Main Street In Rooms formerly oocu pled ly Dr. HonarJ. D .it. a. w. UAituEii Physician tfc Surgeon Canyn City .... OrtRon. KorroorJy of Iowa, ha located here, and will attend l'rofoMnu.n! cilU day or ni-lit. VS. OlSiec ojijioslie News Otflcc. N. II. BOLEY. IDoiatist Oauyou City - Oregon Office in City Hotel. G. I. I1AZELTINE. JPliotosraplio c CANYON CITY, OREGON. A. E. Knight, DB3XTTIST. From The Dalles, has permanently located at John Day City. ALL WOBK WARRANTED. JA. SWEER, p tti.v ev-at-Law Can?' C - - Oregon. JAURlSII & CoZAD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Canyon City, Ouegon. p D. RINEAllSON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon PRAIRIE CITY " - - - Oreg n. QLAY TOD HUNTER. Collector of Bills, Notes, and Acounts. Canyon City, Orec AH ltniw- oiCriMeil to .'n care wil relve jTtMiii't nU'-h "' " money will Ik; paid Attornsy-at-Law AND Notary Public. Piiai uik City - - - Oreoon. Also Agent for the sale of School Xiunds. 5-oOtf W. A. WlLSIIIKK. Lake-l' )r. Nat. Hi ikom. Burn. Or. WILSHIRE & HUDSOH Attorneys at Law I.AKBVIBW AND. Ht'KNS. OI1EOON. Will iirniticv in the Crrit Court at Canyon City, and before the I. S. Und Oflice at Lake view. Any Ihih1h''' in the I.nnl Offlcc ntrint'il to u will receive the mw: prompt attention. lT ln io!iciled. J. OLLIVER, Pr prl-2tr of t'i i JohnDay IViilk Ranch Fresh milk delivered daily to my customers in John Day and Canyon cities. Give me your or ders. J. Omvkr. F. V HORSLEY.M D. GuADi'ATi: or the University of P -nn.syi.vania, April 8, 1S48. Canyon City, Oregon. 0 tice in his Drugstore, Main St reet Ir.lers for Drugs promptly lulled :Co professional patronage solictcd 1 u' ;ss directionsarestrictlyfoilowed NOETU STAK- SA.Xi003NT. John Day Oregon. S. P. lilOHQAX, Proprietor A Full Stock of Pure Liquors and Cigars always on hand. AT J. 11. KOMIO'S SORIAi. PARLOR TO Bath RoomsNYoHfcITY Crccon Patron, will And frnt-cla,, .ccnn.modatlo.... ll.lr cntli.. in tb. Ut.il .tylc. Particular attention paid to Ladle' and Children's Hair Cutting. Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours. BitUia AccornTBo4ation8jQTLadv Don't forget a your Shear, put in fir.t-class cuttini; crdt-r for 25 cen. per pair, at the JjP- Main Street. Canycn City, GrKiit Co.. One Red Front Billiard Hall! C. D. RICKARD. Proprietor. Dealer in fine Wines, LUjUors and Cigars. CANYON CITY - - - OREGON NEW CANYON" OLTY" SHVW $ OVERTON, Proprietors. ThiaiBaFntiTCLASS lilotul, ami Urn proprietor desires I form the public that here they will receive the best of board and lodging at reasonable rates. The Traveling public will nol jinfl belter accomnw dations at any house in Eastern Oregon. S. A. MM Miami Baker City, Baker con Will always endeavor to obtain vtc for i.arties censi-iiing to me, cording to their desire. MARK ALL GOODS: Omrholt 4 DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CANYON CITY, Or. A. HACHENET. -DEALER IN Genera' M JOHN DAY CITY. -AND- HO TEL! Oregon it y, Oregon. the highest market prices on wools, store, hold or forward the same ac Fj l&J BAKER CITY S. A. EEILNER. MuMrick, Gommission House erchandise. T Why He Threw Stone at tha Church. .1 A gaunt man, with yellowish beaad and hair thatjj looked like hackled ilax, stood throwing stones at a log meeting-house. He seemed to be aiming his missies at a small window, the only one that lighted the house, and had just thrown with en couraging directries, a fragment o flint, when.aiA "riding a Tiorse drew rein and demanded the cause of the bombardment. "You jest jog along, now, and let me 'tend to this, will you?" "But why are you throwing at the church?" "Goon now, I tell you. This js a fam'ly crfair. Tom Welch hehastukmy darter Puss in thai- to marry her, and the Ful gums and the others have gone in to help, specially that preacher, whut I'm going to wimp the fust time I keteji him out. I skeered the old cu?s so Ife wouldn't come over to my house, so he 'suaded 'em to come out here." "Why do you object to your daughter marrying?" "Wouldn't object cf she wus ter marry the right sorter man. Bat Tom' so cussed mean." "In what way is he wrong?" "W'ydad blast him, he's the man thatdriv whisky away from Oa'c (irove tuk around a paper an' hud it signed so the county Jedo-e would let no mo' license be issued. Tuck away from the citivensof this here communi ty the right uv goin' out to the grove uv a Saturday evenin' an' bavin' a little fun, that's what he's done. Robbed the folks of a privilege give to 'em by Wash ington, ole Andy Jackson and sich men, when, cad found him, he knows I've got two barrels uv wildcat that 1 made last Fall, intendin' to pay oil a mortgage on my place with it. That's what he's done, and now, cad found you. do you reckon I want my daughter to marry a man thai has worked agin me thater way -Well, but instead of throw ing stones at the church, why don't you go to him " "Look here, do you reckor I wanter go to a man that has done whupped me three times ait' stove in all my front teeth? Ride on now, an' don't try A" give me advice about my fam'ly matters." Then finding a one that suited his fancy, he added: "Ret a ca'f I put this down in the weddin' circle." Arkansaw traveler. No Credit Due Columbus. The fact that this is a very big country never strikes one so forcibly as when he has traveled 2,000 miles due West and still iinds the prairie stretching out before him. A young sprig of British nobility was over here last, summer, accompanied by the inevitable "Jeems." They saw the seaboard cities, tarried for a time in Tittsburp, in Chi-eao-o, in St. Louis and in Kansas city, and then struck out into the M'eat West. Somewhere near the edge of Colorado the train was delayed at a small sta tion, and the passengers got out to stretch their legs, among them his lordship and "Jeems," who seemed in a brown study. "What is it?" asked his mas ter. "I va3 just thinkin', me hid," said Jeemcs, "that Colum bus didn't do such a mighty big thing when ?e discovered this 'ere country, hafter hall's ssid and done. " 'Ow could 5e 'elp it? It certainly something of an obsticle in the way of navigation." The Bad Boy's Plan to Lick the Teacher Didn't seem to Work. "Jos' a minute, if you please," said a man in "Western Nebras ka, as he came out of the house and hailed us as we were going past. "Did you happen to notice a school house much when you came past it down here a mile and see anything of a big, raw boned boy, with long arms an' b'igiiantls, ' V5arin' U ' High felt hat painted red, white an' blue?" "Yes; we noticed him." "Wa'nt he walkin' round tnl kin' loud with his thumb un der one gallons an' a chip on his shoulder?" "No. lie was sitting on the ground near the school-house with his back against a tree. II is nose was all bloody, his arms were hanging down and he looked sick. His clothes were about half torn oif of him, and one of the small boys were carry ing his striped hat full of water to him from the creek." "Weil, I sw'ar if that don't beat me! Didn't holler no slang at you or offer to fight you ?" "I don't think iic saw us at all one eye was clcsed up." "I expect nothin' s'prises me now! I reckon the plan didn't work." "What was it?" "W-y, that feller's my boy, you see, an' he 'lowed to lick that teacher this mornin' but I reckon from what you say sonie thim went wrong somewhere. The teacner give him a longer 'rithmetic lesson than he cr:er, an' says I to him, 'Hop onto the little doo 1 an' whale him jis show him that you understand wliats the matter o' Hanner! Bill said he'd do it, an' that I'd better see the other two school oft-cers an' git another teacher somewhere, 'cause there wouldn't be enough o' this un left to wad a gun with when he got through with him. He says 'Rap don't be scart if you notice small pieces of a school teacher fallin' 'iu:i 1 here 'Ion' dunn' the forenoon!" One eye shet an' his nose bloody! An' Bill abays claimed he was a iiditer, too! I'll be tetotally chawed if he ain't been trottin' in the wrong class for two years. When becomes home if I don't bring out the old strap air larrup him myself then yon may shoot me. A black eye, an' nose all bloody! Say, wait till half past four o'clock an' you'll see a big, lazy, double-fisted fraud of a boy git pounded all to pieces by his old father!" -Chicago Ti Tribune. Observation have been made with tha great Lick telescope near San Jose, and it is repotted that already two stars heretofore un known to astronomsrs have been discovered. Speaking of the ic sultof bis obst rvutiuns, Mr. F ra zors lid: The grandest sight of all to him wns the moon. It was brought within 150 miles of the earth, aud we could see the craters, canyons, ravines, rocks and val lejs with the greatest distictness, just as though they were on a checker-board. There was abso lutely no sign of life nothing but barren, white waste; everything desolate. l i uco oa T.n.rth cuitntir'J nrmr of martyrs, . T'' ks uro const'.titl- rccniited frorn '.f. vicll'u t-f nir:MiP'"' upitous dis '1 hi' i-r - ot Hi-- lo n is r svtcnft- ic oiir--i. or JIoiti.t.'4 ' b umnch llittera, llic Jiat-bt nnl nwutt priila! ot' tunic ncrviucs, i il wit.i rciuiotiabU'iici'sI'iU-iico. Ensirr, jilociaalrr and eali-r tula than to srosh the v f i-iiinlmir dfi.nrtnicit with iicctuto-tszics. .ilcol:oli;ort io rcverso.liti t cilructs, nerro ! fooui, naiCi.tic?, be'tatn'cs arm poisons in dispui3e. "Tired Nature's pwcit restorer, lslmv8lcci" id tbc jirovldentiul rcrnpi rant cfM'cak nerves, and this gloiious franchise Potion and incroa-d vil-or, the great ctom- achlc which insures both la productive aiao being usually tno couficfiuraccs or eoiinu at jf rci)oscntthe required time. Kotunro- frcsiii (I H'.rakcna tho individual who uses It, but vigorous, dear-hcaded and trannuil. Vie the rittcra also la fever and apne, l-heu-matism, kidney troubled, oonstij-utlou and billousucij. Can't Understand Wyh His Wife Treated Him So Well. A certain lady suspected that her husband was kissing the cook a pretty German girl, by the by and resolved to detect him in the act. After watching o j four days she heard him come in one evening and gently pass through into the kitchen. Now, Kate was out that evening and the kitchen was all dart.- -Burning with jealousy, the wife took some matches in her hand, and hastily placing her shawl over her head, as Kate often did, she entered the kitchen by the back door and was almost immedi ately seized and embraced and kissed in the most ardent man- iter. With her heart almost ular tipple. Ji is described as re bursting with rage and jealousy ! sembling a mixture of salt fish and the injured wife prepared to ad- nn(l soapsuds in taste, yet, next to minister a terrible rebuke to her j beer il h IS m' ro vo,,5ri3 tbnn any r.r.ir.i . rn , other beverage. A tul'ow candle faithful spouse. leann t her- i , , . , . . . , , i wrahed down with qur.ss forms a self from his eml r.ice s'.ru ka . , , , , . , . meal that it wculd be 1 art to bo match ami stood face to face ; lhttnkful fon with Kate's beau -one of the j Ia aiut, n nU)1 nliier c? inese factory boys. Her husband says 1 citi. s n t ao oLl at the rate of she has never treated him so $'2 a dozer, ond the hindqurters well since the first month they were married as she has for the past week. St. Louis Spectator. It Wasn't Murder. The St. Paul dole gives tie follow i:i sensational item "Stop, Nellie! Don't kill me! For heaven's sake, do you intend to murder me? Oh, Oil!" Tlieso -tartlinn oxolamations came in a man's voiee from a room in the third story of a well-known family hotel late Saturday n?gV. The effect wes electric; white The G-iachos of the Badda Ori robed figuies appeared at tho doors j ental are in the habit of bunting along tl.e hallway, and whispered i skunks for the sake of their fleh. co'inti'.a'.iuns were held. Mean-: The octopus or tfevil fish wbru time fie uproar from room "id" boiled ai.d then nested, is eaten in cc-ntiuued. ' -'riea, and esteemed n delicacy. "fv God! Haven't voa anv ' In the Pacific Inlands and U'est mercy? Let up will you? ' Tliis wa-3 too much for one of "Sta J lie natives of tbe Antnlea tl e room. rs, who boldly declared a' aMign-Ws eggs, and the eggs his intention of finding out what le tartie ari popular every was tl.e matter. lad only in his , wn ie, thmgh up to the last c u-night-gown and p-mtaloous, 'w mry tiirtle was only eaten by the ruslied for tlic iloor. A woman, ; pm-r of .iimmiea. dail only in her robu do unit, also 1 Ants are eater: by various na tushel afb r him, her long bait ti-ms. In Hrazil ti.ey j.r sened streaming in the air. Henrv i with resinous iimce, and in Africa . o ne ba -1-, or yui'll be murdered ! ' i they ai stowed with greasj ami she cried. But Henrv would not I butu.r. Tint Fast Imiians catch listen, and Patching tip a chair them in pits "d carcfull wash usd it as a pedestal from which he them like rai.-ins. In Stain a cur gaztd through tho opun trans m ry of an's eggs is a costly 'u-.ury. into the tootu; and tho tight that j The O ylonnsc eat the bees uf met his ryes iio: an itrfuriated j ter robbing them of the boa y. woman brandishing a dagger owr Caterpillars an 1 spideis ate dain- tho lifuIoss rV of n inn-no dagger, no blood, only a woman sitting on the led bes:do thewiith 14 body of ht r husbati calmly but determinedly teating a porous plaster from Vis chest, while he begged her with teats to desist. Henry got down from his perch sj uedily aud remarked: "I guess all us datnphools can go to bed nyain. There's 112 murder bein" committed that I know of." An Accommodating Texan. When Colonel Sumpter was in New York, strolling about and seeing what was to be seen, he noticed by the side of a door of a large mansion on Fourth 1 . . , t 1 11 .1 avenue, rigiu. uuuer me ueu, me words: "Please rin r th .' lull for ian- .. t 0 J 1 LUi . After reflecting a few min- utes, Colonel Suntpttr walked up and gave the bell such a pull that one might suppose he was trying to extricate it by the roots. In a few minutes an angry-faced man tore the door open. "Are you janitor?" asked Colonel iSumpter. "Yes, what do you want?" "I saw that notice 'Please .;mr ,).,, 1)pl fnr :.in:tllP n T I,Mn l lor JlI,HOr SO 1 rang the bell for you, and now I want to know why you can't ring the bell for yourself." FOOD FOR MAN. The old 3ajing that what is one man's meat is another man's poi son, is realized in tho opposite tasten of people. Tho Turks shudder at the thjught of citing oysters. The Digger Indians of the Pu rine Slope rejoiced in the great lo cust swarms of 1S75 as a dispen sation of the Great Spin", and laid, in a store of dried locust's powder sufficient to lust them several yea ip. The French will eat frogp, anails and the diseased liver of geese, Lut draw the line at aligators. j B ickland declares the ti.ste of b ia c metric' or good and muchlile t boiled veal. i Quas-s, the fermented cabbage I water of t ie Russian, is their pop of do,s r.re hung ip n the hi ch cr's shops along side cf mutton and iuris but cimmai I u higher plica. Thi edible lirds' i es'ij of the ( hinese a-e v o.'lh twic s Ihe.'r wr'gM in sil t, t5e tin-Jt variety selling fcr as much ns$30 a poun1. j Ti e -egrces of tho West Ii dies eat 1 al e 1 -naks an 1 palm woru.s ' fried in their own fat, but they cannot be indmed to eat stewed ! rabbi's. In Mexico pairots rre eaten, ; but they are rathtr tough. In liuS lizard's V''R are eaten with tio t th i Afri:a i bushm u. After they have wound the silk from the cocoon the Chinese eat the chrysalis of the si k-wortn. Spidi-rs roasted are asjrt a des sert with the New Caledjniaus. ! Ex. A Missouri farmer has found a Tciu of shoe-blacking on his land. Ileriisa chuuee to polish Mis souri grammar. Senator Cockri 11, of Missouri, looks like the typical pictures of Uncle Sam. He has a long beard an 1 a lean frauiH Discover!, s, inventions aud com pounds patented each ear in the United States and uover amount ing to an) thing, cost $3,000,000. The Secretary of tho Interior has sent to tlm Senate a statement I in tv"ard to the amount rf laud ; 1 , c. . , J each of the States has received ; from the United States f r school t pu- pos s California has received 1 5,010,702 i.eres; X. rada, :1 U05.-IG2 civs; Oregon, 3,387 ,.r '20 acres. It other si. tes received an equal amount with the newer Stubs of the West, it would take 2G,474,fJS8 acn-s. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED To the Editor Please inform your readers tnat I have a posi tive temcdy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless cases Imvo been permanently cured. I shall bo ( glad to send two bottles of my erne dy frke to nny of your readers 11 -," -"-J s-Ild me their express and post ; office address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, j dSGmo 181 Pearl at, New York.