Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 23, 1888, Image 3

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    Grant Co. News.
The regular Quarterly exnmin-
ution of applicants for teachers '
ecrtihcatcs will commence at
noon on the 27th day of Feb., at
the public school house in Prai
rie City. All applicants must be
present at 12 o'clock of said day
otherwise their applications will
not be considered.
Hen'ky P. Donsox.
.County School Supt, of Grant
County, Oregon.
The wife of Mr. P. Thomas, of
John Day valley, is seriously ill.
Stock loss in the Malheur
country estimated at about live
per cent.
0. Guriiscy is busily engaged
in re-conting his buekboard with
red paint.
Mr. James Robinson, of this
city, is severely alilicted with
lung fever.
Glass is growing rapidly and
stock are taking advantage of it
and becomming fat.
Master Bert Clark has pur
chased from the late firm of Butz
& .Stansell Bros., a stock of fancy
In another colums see the com
munications from Prairie City,
which was received too late for
last issue.
Vol. 1, No. 1, of the -Bus-incss
Educator." issued by the
5'ortland Business College, is on
our table.
Sleighs are
Baker route vet from
r iinn s
station to Orillin's, 2'2 miles this
side of Baker.
(ten tie spring seems to have
settled down over this illahe, and
wild flowers are blooming on
the hillsides.
W. R. Cumiington in to-day's
Xkws announces himself as a
candidate for the oHice of Sheriff
on the Republican ticket.
J. B. Gardner. Jeweler,
linker City. Watches cleaned or
repaired on short notice, and
work warranted first-class.
1). 11. Lock, the author of the
celebrated "Xnsby' letters,
die.d at his home in Toledo,
Ohio, "Wednesday, of last week.
Jnd llaniewood announces
himself this week in the Xkws
as a candidate for the ollicc of
Sheriff, on the Democratic tick
Tom and Charley Williams,
Ed and Bert Allen, Chas. Lee
and several other residents of
Long Creek, are visiting our city
on leal business.
(ranted, by the County Clerk
of tiiis county, on the LSth day
of Feb., marriage license, to Mr.
M. St. Clair Burk and Miss May
Mack. May happiness be sheir
. District Attorney Clifford ar
rived home from Union last Sun
day evening, lie will remain a
short time and then go to Wal
lowa county, where court con
venes soon.
Bnrt llardman. also little
vYnlter -Fisk, of Prairie City,
who have been very low with
pneumonia, are rapidly improv
ing under the treatment of Dr.
Seven converts to the Seventh
Day Adventists' faith were bap
tised by Elder J. A. Orchard, in
tho John Day river last Sabbath.
A large concourse of people wit
nessed the ccremonoies.
'. o1,,rtM-li.1m on ini'ibi.
tiontobe prcseirt at Hie iar-
ri:Tgeof Aliss May Mack and
M. St. Clair Jiurk. which is to
, , - , , i 1
occur at the home of the bride s (
mrcnts, at I nunc Ctty, tins cv- j
ening. j
Horace Sloan and his brother !
ii v; iivniiu" n-wiiv . ......... ,
.Tnl.n Hm (rradi.ur olftbe old Her-1
burner lot West .of the Court
house, to which place they will
move their house and barn, which
now stands on the future dump- ,
ing-ground of the Humboldt
mine. '
With sympathy we note to
our worthy readers the misfor- i
tune which has befallen Mr. John
Carry by th" losing of nearly j
half his band of sheep which he
had let out on shares to a party !
who wintered them in th.- 15ully ,
Cr,vk country, of Raker county, i
The linker City Democrat has
lately lccn going after the horde
of tin-horn gamblers that infest
the city, in a manner not calcu
lated to "set" well with the gam
bling fraternity. Some time
since two of them. Miller and
King, attempted a boh! robbery
on the person of R. Mcintosh,
but failed, and are in jail under
n tan uniier .
1,000 bonds each. In its efforts ,
to rid the city of such an unde-
sirable class that constantly pol-,
MiitUIO Clila lll.lL (.UllBl.lllH IWl- - , , rp 1
lute the locality with their pros- eye, therefore his eyes could not j the paper. ihe genera ap
ence,the Democrat should re- Me closed, and the legacy was pearance is good" and liable to
. csive merited praise. j
Its Future Prospects Bright Eve y
body Hopeful.
During last week tne editor of
the News had occasion to visit
Baker City, which place as pre
dicted by some, will be the fu
ture metropolis of Eastern Ore
gon. Although the business men
complain of dull times at pres
ent, all have hopes for the future,
and we are inclined to the be
lief that another year will wit
ness great changes in Baker City.
I he capitalists are showing great
enterprise in building up their
town, aim me mines inouiary to
the place have no small influence
in the permanent and steady im
provement of the place.
Another industry that will give
employment to a lurge number
ofunen. and teams, is the ship
ment of lumber. Parties have a '
contract to ship several million of j
feet to eastern cities within the 1
next four years, and besides a
number of mills in the vicinity
two new ones will shortly be
placed in position in the belt of j
timber near Britten's station, on !
the Canyon road.
Politics are beginning to ''loom J
up" in Baker county to an alarm
ing degree. Everybody wants to
be Sheriff or will at least accept j
the nomination anil serve the i
dear people it it is loreeu upon ' .
them. The woods are full N
i . i 1
uemoeratie ennumaies ior me
oflice. Seven have announced
themselves in the Daily Demo
crat, with more to hear from.
Some have been before the con
vention for years, but "hope
swiiins eternal in their breasts."
The Republicans have not shown j
. . . . i i 1 1 1.
up yet, over mere, aim aiu iikik- ,
inr no elfort to select candidates.
Quartzburg. Kob. 18th, l.SSs.
En. News: I suppose you
thought I hail forgotten to report
the mining news of this burg, but
I was waiting for the develop
ment of some new strikes, to l e
certain that my statements are
The Keystoxk Co.,
are still at work on the Wide
West mine, taking out rich ore.
and Mr. Patrick Daley has haul
ed 100 tons of ore to the Key
stone mill, and over 100 tons
still remains on the dump.
The Ixgeksoli. Mixe,
which was struck by George
Bently and Mr. Tucker, is the
richest mine in the camp, and
' shows plenty of coarse gold, and
. there have been some very nice
specimens taken out. The vein
is situated on the Cougar hill,
runs in a Southeast direction and
varies from twoinches to a foot in ;
width. They have out seven I
tons of rock on the dump. '
The adjoining claim on the j
South was located by Mr. Bab- j
cock, Mr. Blinn, Sr.. and Joseph
Kesler. , They have not done
much work yet, but the rock is
very rich, as it is the same as the
Ingersoll mine. 1 will wait un
til I write again, and then I will
tell more, as work will soon be
started again on this lode.
Mr. M M. I'almer is in the
camp from John Day, looking
after his quartz inteffest. Mr.
Joseph Kesler is representing his j
mine, known as the 1 lorence
mine. The vein where Kesler
struck it is six inches in width,
and nrusnects in tree eom. 1 ins i
mine adjoins on the North to the
Gaukipi.p Mixe,
owiudby O. C. Miller. This
mine was leased to George Bent
ly and Mr. Peter ' Tucker this
last fall for six months. They
took out six tons of ore and had
to let it lay on account of the
spring water, or suface water, run
ning them out. They went pros
pecting and made the rich strike.
,. . . . . ..ji.
iJiJ"l? noiwi
ls 1L Wasuixotox,
, , T , , , , .
owned by Joseph kesler. and has
ft tuInc,-on u I,:, f,d in lenth.
The win in the mmv iH.iv,..m
the walls is three feet in width.
t during the cold weather
"Incli we Had during tne winiei,
ice froze in the tunnel four feet ,
thick, at a distance of sixty feet j
in the tunnel. Most all the min-
crs sat in their houses and kept
up a big fire during our cold '
weather, but now every one is at '
All this camp wants is capital
to work our mines, If any com
pany wants to invest I think this
camp would be the place for them, j
P. T. Iiarnum leaves a fund
of S 101)0,000 in his will for the
use of Ins legatees in iijjhtinj'
any contestants of the instru
ment. This is better than
threatening to haunt quarrelsome- i
A Fuexcii lawyer willed S-100
' to the servant who should close
! his eyes when he died. "When
ti, t,
,. , ,J , r . , , .
. " , . . .
u.c lawyer nau on y one
The Editor of the Bunchgrass Blade
Very Much on his Ear.
Little Jerry Xunan, editor of
the "Ihinehgrass Blade," (sissors
blade), published at Lexington,
, Morrow county, every Thursday,
1 is bothered with colic, and makes
i wry faces at the Ghant Coi'.nty
j News, and, further, in his half-printed-at-Portland-sheet,
he re-
; fers to the editor of this paper as !
, "Asbury, the enterprising idiot.
Thanks, Jerry, for tho compli
i ment. Enterprise is commend
able everywhere, and is never
- than in the public-
tiouofa newspaper, hence, if we
are an idiot, please allow a com
parison: Asbury is an idiot, and
prints both sides of his paper
himself. Jerry is a gentleman,
and ge.ts half of his paper printed
in Portland. Jerry says we steal
editorials from his paper. Well,
we shall not attempt a denial of
the charge. In one sense we 1
have stolen from dear Jerry, hav- j
ing 'clipped' from other exchanges,
for the outsid pages of the News, j
articles which had been "clip
ped" and copied by the press many J
times over, which article would
turn up in Jerry's paper before
the Xkws was issued, therefore
Jerry would be led to believe that
the articles were copied from his
paper. Dear Jcrrv, we inav have
t opio! some of your
t vi-rhntini. w
flowery edi-
ithout ever .
thinking to give you the credit
for them, but we humblv beg
your pardon, and have been sen-
ouslv thinking about
our exchanges except
yours, so that it will not escape
our memory to give you the pro
per (.r(Hiit wiUMlt,Vl.r :mv 0f vour
. . r -
editorials of burning elotiuence.
which are to tie tountl even in
the far Eastern papers, aie seen,
floating around in this neck of
the woods. i
Vour picture its 'If, which per
haps was taken by the "instan
taneous process," shows you with
your "blade" in one hand -and au
exchange in the other, just in the
act of writing one of your edito
rials. Now own up, and don't
deny it any more, Jeremiah.
Come over and take a cigar with
an EXTEUJ'Kisixo idiot, won't you?
He Declines
llarnev. Or., Feb. 1-lth,
En. Gkaxt Co., News: 1
noticed in the last issue of the
News that I had been placed on
the list as a candidate for clerk
on the Republican ticket, and
was not much surprised, only tit
being placed on a ticket that is a
dead issue, or will be after the
June election. Now if you will
be kind enough to withdraw my
name from the list and place
that of J:imes F. Mahan instead,
you will confer a great favor to
the people of our little burg, as
well as to myself. As to the rest
of the ticket wcare well satisfied,
and more than satisfied to see
our ringleaders of tlrant county
bring out the names of such
strong and hearty candidates for
the June election, as they did for
Representative. We are satisfied
that Scarface Charley will carry
this part of the county. I must
look around and see how lion.
I'into Tom and F. Ross stand,
and will let you know in time to
make other changes if necessary.
Yours Resp.,
R. J. Ivors.
The undersigned having pur
chased the interest of Stansell
Rros. in the Sash y Door Fstcto-
ri' in I'mih-imi f!f' ili.iriiu ti in.
form the public that he is pre
pared to furnish anything in his
line for Cash. ('all and inspoct
stock, and learn prices.
17-tf F. J. lirr..
A Copy of the Bible always
lies on the oflice desk of Robert
(!. Ingersoll. The reason of this
is that be prepares his lectures
and newspaper articles at his of
fice, and this is the only work of
reference which he keeps on hand.
It's just awful funny to hear
two or three married women in
a room talking about their hus
bands. It's be this, he that and
he everything, and each he of
each she is the queerest he about
the house each she ever saw.
the trea:
service division of
ury department has
d l s c o v o r e d that si new
counterfeit So silvei cer
tificate ha been put in circula
tion. The bill is about three
sixteenths of an inch too short.
There are no distinctive lines in
i . t t
A Brave Robber Who Wanted Penuts
and Candy.
Last Saturday night about
j half past 9 o'clock a robber made
his entrance into the stage ofiicc
through a window, on plunder
' bent.
i Mr. W. U. Clark, whose resi
I dence is just across the street,
heard a
noise in the store, and,
thinking that perhaps he had shut
a dog up in the building, crossed
the street to ascertain if such was
the case, and while opening the
door, saw some one leap through j
the open window to the ground
outside. Mr. Clark ran around
and was soon
but the violater of
being very fleet on
tanced his pursuer.
law and order
foot soon dis
and all trace
of him was lost.
from Hitter creek" was probably
in quest of something to appease
i r v v a v- t '
the inner man. as he dropped a
paper of peanuts when he so un
ceremoniously skipped through
the window. If peanuts was
what he was after we will start a
contribution for his benefit if he
will apply at this ollicc.
John Day, Or
Mr M. D. Clifford arrived home
Sunday evening.
School is again in session, with
Viva. Nellie Mc "oy as teacher.
Vfl -i ill 1
btiuday school has been or-
i , i, L c
gum. 'ii under ine inaiiageineni vi
the Adventists church.
Mit. Cattanach has been on the
sick list for the past week, but is
able to be about again.
Mr. E. Lester and Frank Foster
1 have gone to South Fork to drive
uj the salmon for spring fishing.
Mr. J. Griflith now occupies the
house vacated by W. Jl. Kelly,
who has moved into his own pio
perl v.
The parsonage that has always
stood about half a mile out of
town, is being moved to a spot
near the church.
Mr. Shelly, of Dayville, litis re
cently purchased the house for
merly occupied by Dr. l'ruden, of
A. II. McCollutn consideration
I understand that the "John
Day Qrchestra" will furnish the
music for tho parly to be given at
Prairie City tomorrow 1 Friday
For some time past Mr. A.
Hachney has been quite sick, al
though not able to be on duty in
his store, we are pleased to hear
that he is improving.
After service last Sunday, seven
persons were baptized by immer
sion, in the John Day Itivcr below
this place, and received as mem
bers of the Advent sts church.
That two mile race from (lanyon
to John Day, indulged in by a
Canyou-i e and a John Day-ite,
came near ending disastcrously to
the John Day-ite as he got in too
big a hurry to see Joe aud tried to
go faster than his horse.
A number of the friends of W.
II. Kelley and wife, gave them a
pleasant sur- rise on Monday ev
ening, it being the 15th anniver
sary of their wedding. The even
ing was enjoyed by all. They
were the recipients of a number of
crystal remembrances.
Tho building occupied by Bung
Gee for store room took fire on
Tuesday night of last week. The
roof was entirely consumed, and
it was a miracle that the whole of
Chiua town was not burned. Three
barrels of China gin are reporied
to have been used to quench the
Haines. Too much China Nw
1'ear. l ater: The building has
been repaired with the usual go
ahead activeness of people down
Ibis way, and business continues
ns before.
John Pay is beginni'ig lo look
up in the way of improvements.
First the school house underwent
rcpa is that makes it one of the
best appearing houses of tho kind
in tho county. Next comes the
residence of Onus. Timms whuh
has been enclosed with u very neat
picket fence, and he is now set
ting out fruit trees and making
other improvements. Mr. B.isfoid
has turned his potato patch into
an orchard. Even Dan Reamer
lias caught the tever and is put- ,
ting a new front into his palatial
residence. Who comes next.''
The climate of Texas is illustrat
ed by the the case of the man,
one of .whose oxen died of heat,
and while he was skinning it a
northern blizzard frozo the other
one to death.
Prairie City Correspondence.
Prairie City, Feb. Unh,
Ma. Esutok: As the great
metropolis of Grant county has
not been represented through the
coliimri3-of your paper since the
consignment of laurels from 'Bet
sy Jane," Sniktaw" and "Old
Maid," they, hav-ag obtained all
the laurels that, the good people
were able to bestow upon them
took their departure, and, lam
told, are now residing in a less
i populous city, and one of greater
j wealth, there to spend their declin
ing days in peace and purity.
But the' are gone and the people
now feel the loss. But not until
j Inst week could their absence be
Court was in session, an 1 no one t
to take notes, and report the deois- i
sior.s rendered by one of the high- j
est tribunals in the Innd, Jlis Hun.
IlL C. Reed J. P. A civil action .
to recover nionej- was lirst on !
docket. Cieed Hay rnoud, (alias) ,
W. D. Baldwin, appearing asatty.,
forPlff, and N. Given Cmtis,
fnliiiRHi. W. McHalev. anneai-in"
for the Defts. Eveiy thing being
leidy a jury was impaneled, and
business commenced. Witness af-
ter witness was called. People said
it was a plain case But wait.
The voice of N. Green Curtis,
(alias) C. W. Mclfaley, is r.ii.-od,
an 1 facts s ably argued that the
case is plain, (hut for the defease.)
Xovv tomes freed Ilaymond,
(alias) Baldwin, "I tefl you
mighty rev. gentlemen of the
jury, this i.s a plain cue, " an i his
voice echoed and re-echoed
through the hall until all were
spellbound (I mean the jnn ).
The case was at last submitted,
after lengthy and ablo instructions
bv l is honor. It. ('. Heed, to '.he
'jury, upon which they refuel to
reviewiii" the important points for
c; :. ...ii.. '
U Ul (I'll IIUIII.1, Milling I.IMIV1 UllUll
that they could not agree. Ai d
so kind their verdict that uaeh re
ceived their hard earned dollar at
the same time, saying that never
in all their lives, had they labored
so haul and faithful tor one d -lar.
Tne Court ordered that an
other jury le summoned, and, ( is
funds weienow exhausted, and as
they should be termed "the pau
pers jury"), h- deemed it neeessa
i v that ih'-V be placed in the clause
I lll' l W M.l-Ul
- x , , '
l J W. Hales dun
ing the trial,
he beim: the 'no who has -n eiiuigo
; the ''county poor. " The case i.s
I a,'ain oifeicd, and one two and
three days spent in taking testi
mony, and finally submitted An
other liht. is spent in reviewing
the arguments of the attys. But,
what, now! One among their
number lias jut discover, d that
they were to decide according to
law and evidence, and not the ci
tations of the attys, as a result.
A verdict is at onco agreed upon
in favor of the Pill'. Tho Court.,
feeling that rest
was necessary,
both for himself and tho attys,, j
nvtlfii-rwi trot t lin I nttrf lm Of I inlif'P.
ed for three d'ivs, or until such
W 1V.U (1 III V I J WWltt" V. ttVJ.4
time as it would bo necessaiy to
Court being over we must now
look for .something else.
The Hist man we meet is rub
bing his head with one h. nil and
his elbow with the other as though
in di.sti ess. "What is the
matter. " we ask.
"Nothing, only some one has
jumped SO acres of 1113 land."
V e leave him to deliberate by
j himself, for his looks indicate
j that his temper is riled. Wo move
on down the slicet .and the next
man wo meet has a grin on his
face as broad as your hand. ''What
is the matter? ' we ask. "Is this
the man that eot that?" No one
seems to know. One says, "he is
trying to j;iin a pt.ssum off a limb. "
Rut we can't see any possum, so
wc venture to ask- what causes
this broad grin?
"You see,
says he, "T. W.
a plat of Sfhcol
Mack has
land and he showed me up here in
Ciillenwatev's and Carpenter's
field l'JO aci cs of vacant land."
We leave this man in his glory.
The last man wc meet has a face
longer by odds than the speeches
made by Curtis and Ilaymond.
"What is the matter, now?" we
"Iguecs I hae lost my ranch or
the best portion of it.' '
"How is this?" we ask.
"You see, I filed cn a piece, of
land and got a patent or dcod for
it, and now they say it is school
land and is vacant:"
"I suppose through the mistal-o
of your atty., surveyor, recorder,
or some one, vou will lose vour
lNo," says Le, "I fame here
1863, when this Ww a wilderness, j
and not knowing what mmute mo
nii.l iiiv nntire f : 1 ( 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 -1 1 r. lui i
and mv entire family might be
scalped by the Indians. Yes, I
Pm.- the risk. 1 wanted a home,
1 place that I could call my own,
and with my family, enjoy the
last of mv declining years in peace,
ami reap the benefits of past pn
vat ions and labors."
"But what will
ou do now?"
we ask.
"I will tell you'" says he, "in
the years of (o, 'GG, G7 and 'U8
I held the land from the tres-
eg of tjie gnakc Indians. .
a,rjlin in 7lS ju the fort.
si nd
bought the land and paid for it,
or at least that was my calcula
tion, and God being my judge, I
am too old to '"go elsewhere and
build me a horns. As I have since
1SS5, held an undisputed right to
this land, so I will continue to
I peiled to face'tho entire militia of
hold this laud, tiiou"h 1 am com
the State of Oi cgon
Now when things
como lo this
crisis it is higu time tuat sonic- j
thing should Ik? done by the pro-j
per officiate-- to ; these plots ,
corrected, and not allow this talc- :
ing of a man's h u.e for notlrug
simply b' cau.-o a mist.tkj has b.-cn
made, and the law says yr u must
Ol.Ol.ft.fc. X
the dang- rs
.ose wuo uivetaei u
i fr.m'ier lift f r 2")
or i0 years do not yield so easih ;
us one might expect, and we hope
to sec this matter satisfaeiurially j
settled at onoe.
In our next we'll give a few
items of the business jioition of
. .-
Very Near a Fire.
On Friday evening of last week
the residence of Mrs. C. S. Lock-;
wood, of this city, had a narrow J
escape from lire. In the fore j
part of that i veiling, her oldest :
son, Edwin, .with a candle in !
his hand was in the act
searching for some article in one
' Ot the Ued-roonis, alter wmch he
retired from the room, leaving
, the door behind him slightly
i ajar. Very few seconds had
, passed, when, on looking around,
. he was startled by the sight of a
,' blaze, observable through the
space between the door and the
door-sill. On the sensation of
the moment he sprang into the
flaming room, determined to
prosper in extinguishing the fir
siezingthe window-curtain, which
I cing all in flame, threw it pros
trate at his feet, smothering it
with a blanket. Hut. now he
discovers that the flames are
gaining speedy headway on the
wall, I ut with several successive
and determined strokes of his
slender arm, administered with
1 ll i:,nkLt
ing the sec-
he succeeded m shift-
ing the scene ot a llanunu room
to that of peace anil quietude.
Although his hands were severe
ly burned, the sanetitude of this
deed will ever guard him from
regretting his energetic action.
A Friend of the Boys.
Senator Stanford seems to 1 e
the best friend th pages of the
Senate hav.-in that 1 ody. He
remembered them all handsomely-at
Christmas, aud now he has
invited the little fellows in knick
erl o ki rs to tak- dinner with
him on Maturday evening. lie
also inclided in the invitation all
the fleet little Men ury s who ride
about the streets o.i ponies to de
liver messages for the Senators, -j-
who arc called the riding pages.
There will probably Ik- twenty
youngsters to sit at dinner with
Senator and Mrs. Stanford and
enjoy their hospitality.
riicre is a family in Lancaster
county. Fa., in which there have
um, ve ,,enerations of si.-fin
descended in a
straight line.
A False Statement.
In reply to a ceitain article
which appeared in the. Long Ciuek
Ivigl on the 15 1st day of January,
l.SH, in regard to Thus. Williams
taking a .ertain young lady of li
repute, to the Cinistnu.s dance, I
say the statement i.: fabe. For I,
the uudeisigned, took the lady to
the dance mentioned in said arti
cle; and Tiios. Williams nor any appeared there as back era
for me to Lreak up the dance.
' I'd Ginsox.
About InO head ef cattle, moie
01 less. Our stock averages well
for age, bro. ding, and particularly
in gentleness, and are the most
desirable bunch of stock for a be
ginner to start with of any in the
County to be bought. Have been
well well wintered, and will
tin in rea-ionable fo1- cish, befon
uetuin ihem o:it on the ninne.
App'y at our store for particu
lars, or addre s '
Geo. Gt-NPiAcu k Bno.
Canyon City, Or.
The unersigncd Administrator
of the Estate of J. W. Church,
deceased, pursuant to order of the
Court, will sell the personal prop
erty belonging to said Estate, in
cluding furniture, kitchen uten
sila. wearing apparel, stoves, ear
pets ami all the articles of the
permnal property of the said J.
W.. Church, deceased, at public
auction; at the store house of F.
('. Sels, known as the old saloon
huMh; mw (loor South
; (,Jinvon (..f
1 .... , - ., - '
of the
gon, on Thursday, the 1st day of
March, -A. D., LSS.S, at 1 o'clock
P. M., of said dav.
Dated this, Mth day of Feb.
Tn o ).V WlI.I.IA MS.
"1 1 I
I J, tne undersigned, winning to
remove to Biker City, offer f 01
sale my Blacksmith Shop aud
Stock of Hardware, and b1m
Dwelling House, very cheap. Airy
one wantiug a good shop in I'rai-
' lie City can :rt a great Bargain.
I Also, what time I stay here, I will
sell Hardware and Woik very
cheap, for Cash.
All knowing themselves indebt
ed to mo must call and Settle at
once. u. Y. jucuonn.
Prairie City, Or., Nov. 20, 1887.
Put au augcr-liit
in the head of a
grasshopper or mos
quito (naturalists
say the latter lias a
Raw-shaped contri
vance to cut the
llesli with), aud set
him to work to
hore through the
check nud jaw.
Let him ho big
enough and strong
enough to handle a
man, get him dovn
-ni1 Kin operations. If such savagery
co n hi be realized, it would be uo worse
than a j mailing toothache. The old
comic almanac used to have a picture
of a man. his mouth filled with wutor
a'nl s .t.-d on a hot stove waiting for
it to lMiil. This was called a cure lor
the toothache. Grim joke. Hut it per
lii s suited the times, as there was then
n.ttlting known to give instantaneous
and permanent relief, and the joke illus
trated the doperutioii of the sufferer as
wcl1. l.ttt not so now. At least wc are
, Mtre from the followiiur that some men
j have found sure comfort and cure, at
ni:ee. as iiiey tc-tit: Air. ueorge V.
Il.inis, llaerstoun, Mil., writes June
P-.S7; i suffered with neninlgiu,
catted ly a defective tooth; was ad
vised to inh my gum with St. Ja
eohs Oil; did so and was relieved
thoroughly." .Mr. Urorgu A. Grimes,
!);j.-f Lemon street. Haiti more, Md., May
1 1, l.is7t states: 'I suffered severely ou
several oeeasions with jumping tooth
ache, hiAting once several days, when I
w:w eund immediately hv St. Jaeoha
Oil.'" Mr. .1. S. DePalos" 10-JG Opera
Kuihling, Chi.-ao, III., May 5, ISaT,
.says ho v as not only cured of tooth
ache hy St. .Jacobs Oil, hut found great
relief in its use for sore feet and ohil-
Mr. Val. Steinhach. lbMS 2d
stivi-t, N'e.v York, writes Fehrtiary 2,
l-tT: 'My wife suffered with toothache,
and nothing would give her relief. Sho
tried St. Jacobs Oil and was.citred at
once." Mr John Gntmon. Shetnmn, ICy.,
writer rehruary, l.-s: 'H.ive used St.
J :eol s Oil alxmt ten years. It always
cured toothache in about ten m-nutes."
l 1 ,n C,.l,...,l. -W. W 1.
I K,,.r v v .( .(..,....,- ? iucr.
Jacobs Oil is excellent for toothache."
Col. A. G. Alford, Baltimore, Md., Mnruh
1), lfjCT.says: ' I was sulfeiing terribly
f.r several days with au ulcerated
t oth, and could got no relief till I tried
St. Jacolw Oil, which relieved me in
stautly." SHERIFF'S SALE.
By wrtue of an Execution is
sued out of (ho Honorable Cir
cuit of the State of O Qffm
for the County Gran 011 a
Judgment rendered sn'd
Court on the 7th day of Novem
ber, l.-v7, in favor of Henry
Flcckensti in and S. Julius Maj
er. Plaintiffs, and again it S. V.
Moigmi and J. F. AVolfinger
Defendants, for the sum of
Six Humhed and Ninety Thro
Dollars and Twenty Cents Gold
1' and Fifteen Dollars Mill
Folly four Cents cos s, ig- liar
with E'ght per cent, per huluiu
iiitere.-t and accruing costs, I
have levied upon and will sell at
I'iiUsc Auction, on Satur.lav the
1 Ot It day of March, 1S88, nt Two
oV.o.dc, 1 M., at the Oou t House
door in Canyon Cit, Gran' C01 11
tv and State cf Oreijoii, a'l the
right, title a d interest wlinh tho
said J. F. Wolfingur, Defei dant,
had on oraftar the 7th (!ny o
November, 1S87, in or to the fo'
lewing described premises, t -wit:
'Ibo North AY est quarter,
and the Stnith East quarter of
Section 21), m Township 1J,
South of Bange X. East of the
Willamette Meridian, and co -faining
Throo Hundred and
Twenty (:0) acres, together wi h
the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belong
ing, or in anywise appertaining.
Sai'l described premises huirg
situate on Indian Creek in Grant
County Slate of Orcou.
Terms ot sale, cash.
!Ht4fl at Cnnyon City this Sfh
dav of February, 18SS.
Shcrifi'of Grant county, Oregon.
.'.0 Deputy Sheriff.
Jity Mrewery
Washington St., Canyon City, Ogn
Sut-cesgnr to K. C Set.
All order far Hrr in fir r ten a!leR
will rwlvt ivr-mi'.t attiitWH.
Popular Seeds at Popular Prices
5 CEXTS per PACK AG I-..
Gd rdt'jt , Gra ss, Flo war
mid Tree Seeds, Whole
sale, (md Ret (til.
('aialogacFree ov Ap
plied lion . Address
Walla Walla, W. T.
II ilnut Trees for
Over 6,000,000 PEOPLE "Sc.
J O.M.FE3RY&r,0.
aro pdmutwi tnliotbo
LarKont SnotlAmu.i
In tlto world.
D.BI.rE1HY4:Ca 3 ni. tlT!5
t2rrni( . Hcitl
Fcr I -3k 3
9'.4a r.r ii.-;
D hi FERR V&CO..Douoit.!c