Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 16, 1888, Image 2

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    Grant Co. News'
Fclnvcny 16, JSSS.
The decrease in the public
debt during the month of Jan
uary was lo,4S7,320. Since
June the 30th the decreue lias
been $0'.),$ 17,035.
Senator Cocktell has intro
duced a constitutional amend
ment providing for the election
of president and vice president
by a direct vote of the people.
It ought to be adopted by con
gress. and ratified by the States.
The Mormon brethren have
applied to Porte for permission
to establish a community in
Turkey, and it is expected that
the refrnestfvvill be granted. If
Turkey would win the everlast
ing gratitude of the people of
the Tnited States, let her bid for
our whole Mormon population.
Texas ought to be divided in
to two, if not three or four states.
Dakota ought to come in. either
as one state or two. "Washing
ton, Montana and Xew Mexico
owht to be admitted as states.
Then the "West would begin to
assert herself, would begin to
have some inllucnce and power
in the National councils, espec
ially in the senate, and the gold
bugs and monopolists of Eastern
cities would not have everything
quite their own way.
I hcrc'iy r.nnuuHCC myself ae a candidate tor
the oiUce of SlurlS" of (iratit Connly, subjeet to
the drcislon of the Republican County Conven
tion. Joiix M. Kisk.
Canyon City, Oregon, Fob. 15th, 1S&5.
Land Olllcc at I.a Orande, Orj:on.
Feb, 9:h, lsioa.
Notice ii hereby rfven that the following'
imincil M-ttlr has fiKl notice of hfo intention to
make final proof in support i.f his claim, and
that said proof will he nude before the couu'y
Jiulre of Craut county, at Canyon city, Or., oil
March 31U, IMS, Tie: Munloek I), "tjamcron,
HU 'Mil,, for the S fcslf of SEuar. Sec. 31 ami
SW ipiar of bV nvar. .C Ty 13 S R 32 E. V.
M. at d Lot t Sec ft Tp US of R Ui E. V. M.
He namrii the follonin? witnesses In prove Ins
continuous resf.Icntv ujion, and eultivutioti of,
sntd land, viz: Wm. Allred. Hujth Cannon,
James Campbell, Sam A. II III ts, all of Canyon
City, nr,
47-1 IIKNUY RINEHART, Register.
President Johnson was abused
for the purchase of Alaska as
much as Jefferson was when he
bought Louisiana. The price
paid was $7,000,000. The
Alaska Commercial Compary
has already paid about 5.000,
000 in seal rents for the island.
of St. Paul snd George and the
production of the territory last
year is officially stated to have
been in furs, 2,500,000: gold,
$1,850,000; fish. $3,000,000;
lumber, $100,000. Tosal, $(,
950.000. A bill has been introduced in
the senate by Stewart to amend
the mining laws of the United
States by providing that no per
son shall acquire more than one
mining claim on one vein, or
relocate a claim which he has pre
viously located. Also requiring
that each patent for mining land
shall reserve right of way through
or over any mining claim for
roads, ditches, canals, cuts and
tunnels for the purpose of work
ing other mines: provided, that
damages occasioned thereby
shall be assessed and paid for
according to law.
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Grant Count'.
In the matt r of the Estate
of j
Goo. C. Suiy'b, deceased, j
Notice is hereby iven that by
an onler of the Hon. County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Grant
County, made and entered on the
28th day of .March. 18X7, the un
dersigned was appointed Admin
istrator of the Estate of Geo. C.
Smyth, deceased, and that letters
of administration have boon duly
issued to the undersigned.
All persons having claims
against said Estate are hereby
notified to present the same, duly
verified as by law required, to the
undersig.ied, at his tesidencc in
Hippy Valley, Giant County, Ore
g n, within vsix months from the
date of this notice. Canyon City, Oregon,
this the 10th day ot Feb., lS-'S.
). H. Smyth,
All perous knowing themselves
to be indebted to the late J. W.
Church are. hereby requested
to call forthwith at the office
of Wm. Mille?, Esq, Jus
tice of the Peace at the Court
House, ii. Canyon City, and
settle tho claims against them.
These claims have been appra:sed,
ami I have been ordered by the
Court to collect the same. Suit
will be forthwith commenced
against those who do not respond
to this notice.
Also be it known that the book
accoonts of the late firm of Wood
Sc Chinch, of Canyon City, were
before his death assigned to J. W.
Church, and all persons on said
books must settle with the Estate.
Come up and pay and save costs
Thornton "Wii.m vms,
4G-4U Administrator.
Jf Grand Ball at Prairie QHy-
Grand Ball will bo given bv the Ladies' Cornet Band on Fridav
Evening, Feb. 24, ISS8.
Miss Louie Laurance,
Miss Josie DeMoss,
Miss Marv Coats.
Miss Inez IcIIaley,
Miss Clara MoHaley, Miss Hattie Mack, Miss Etta Cleaver.
The Floor will bo managed by the entire Band.
Best of Music will be furnished for the occasion .
TICKETS, wilhoid supper,
A General Invitation is Extended to all.
Notice is hereby given to all
knowing themselves indebted to
us to come forward and settle
immediately either by Gash or
Note, as our George is intending
to locate in Portland in the near
future, hence the necessity of a
settlement. In the meantime we
will continue to -sell our stock ol
well assorted merchandise at
cost for cash only, as we have
closed our books.
We also have a Hodge Head
er and several Schuttler Wagons
for sale cheap.
George Gimdlach JSro.
Land Olflce at La Grande, Oroirou.
Dec. Sth, 1SS7.
Notice is hereby piven that the following,
imincil settler luu-li'.-jtl notice of his intt niton
to make final proof in fupiori of lm claim, and
that aid proof will he Hindu before the- County
Clerk of Grant countv, at Canvnn City, Oregon,
oil Febrntirv 23, 133S," viz: WALTERS. IIROrt'N
US No, (!G0O, for the SE quar Sec 35, Tp 17 S, R
27. E W SI.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his Continuous resilience ujkiii, and cultivation
of, said land 'u: John yde, Charles Ruplsy,
John UiULmh. Giome IlnsboW. all of Can) on
City, Orer :.
11KXRY 111 N' El I ART, Register.
.and Office at Ltv Grande. Oregon.
1.c. 21, 1As7.
Xotieefo herein given that the following-named
settler 1ms tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in suport of his claim, ami
that taid proof will be before N. R.
Mavcy. Count Judge of (Jr-int eotititv. at Can
ton Citv. Oregon, on Frhruati Ihtli, iSsS, viz:
SAMI KL FRENCH. Hd. No. 2 12. for the SW
quar ..f SV qimr, See 22. Tp, 13 S. R :M. EWM.
He names the following witnerws to prove
hi- continuous residence ujkjii. ami .-ultivation
of, taid hurt, vi.: Joseph Deardorf, Hiel A.
Hytlo, James Hajdiug. Th mum 15. Laiiranue.-all
of" Prairie Cltv. nregon.
-41 -Hi 1IENRV RI.VKHART. Register.
Land Ofllec at La Grande, Oregon.
Jan. 4. 1SSS.
Notice i.s hereby given that the following
named settler lui tiled notico of his Intention
to make ftral proof in stiport of hit- claim, and
that sahl pnf will he made before the County
Clerk ef Grant eountv, at Canvon Cltv. Or. on" is, ls.S, viz: JOSEPH II. McKEE.
I)S 7H2. tor the N-Imlf NEqitar, SW qnar NE
quar ami NW quar SE qutr Sec 3), Tj. 13, S R
241. K W 11.
He iMufiOi the lidlowing witnesses to prove his
continuous resiiletiee unon. and cultivation of,
aid laud, i7.: V F Henry. El Aldrich, V A
tioan, J C Moore, all of Mt. Vernon, Grunt Co.
42-I7 HENRY RIXKHART, Register.
Laud OlHce at LuGrande. Or.
Jan. :miii. H.
Notice is hereby L'iven that the following,
immed .-tiltler has filed uotiee of nis intention to
make llnal proof in support of his claim, ami
that saiil proof will Iw made befi re the county
.lmlj;e of drant county. Oregon, at (Unyon City,
Or. on the 17th dav o'f JIar., l.aS, iz: Chili.
S. HANSCOM, Hd. No. 4,03') for the E half of
N W quar., and " hulf of N E q'.iar.. Sec, 25,
Tp m s of it :;o. Eof V M.
HeiKtimts the following witnesses to prove his
eoiitiniHHis rwsiileneij upon, and cultivation of,
said hind zis: Jos. Ho.lson, John l.aycock,
Hat M Luce and Hunry Workinr. all of John
lat. Oregon.
40 M II KN RY It IX EH ART, Register.
.There will be a Grand Ball in.
JurrelVs Mall, John Dayu
Wedncsday Evening, Feb. 22, 1888,
-Under the Auspices of-
The Public arc cordially invited to-attend. Xo pains will be spared
to make this tho most enjoyable Bull of the Season.
J$m$U. Tie
The Wal' a Walla Husinoss College of Walla Walla
Wat-h. Ter., is a thoroughly cquipied school for
I'raetical Education and actual IIusinessTrainiug.
In this lii.-titution Sujierior Advantages are of
ftrid, both Da.t and Evening, throughout the
)iur for niepariug youug'men ami women for
Hujiiness pursuit.-. StndentH may en
ter nt any time. Short hand taught "by
mail. Send for College Journal.
S. THAl'KER, I'rin.
Old PostOffice Building.
Rogers Smith's Plated Ware
Optical Goods anj Stationery.
Subicriptioii.i re-eivctl at Pubii-her's rates for
all tin- leading l'ap. rs and .Mag.izine- published
pi the I'nit' d States.
In the iield of inininr outer
prises it would seem as though
there was a fine opening for
prospecting for paying coal veins.
In San Francisco alone during
the month of January there was
a ueiiciency 01 over iwemy-six
thousand tons of coal, forcing
consuiners to fall back on wood,
with oak wood bringing from
ten to twelve dollars a cord.
There has already been many
discoveries of coal in different
parts of the State announced,
collie in this county, and it would
certainly pay to look the matter
up and develop any vein of coal
that mav be found.
in Lin
A young German lady came
to this country last Spring and
married Afr. Adolf Mueller of
Buffalo. J hiring the honey
moon they visited a crematory
and she made Adolf promise to
have her cremated when she
died. "Well, time sped, and she
died the other day and left sealed
directions requiring her hus
band to not only cremate her,
but send her ashes to Germany,
to be sprinkled on the grave of a
young man to whom she was
engaged before Adolph crossed
her path. It is said that Mr.
Mueller showed a somewhat
unresneetful haste in getting her
And see the Most Complete Stock of General Merchandise ever
brought to the county. We have
mmm mm mm mm wmmt
The only complete Stock of Goods in GRANT COUNTY,
:o tl
into tlte oven.
Tho Prices are sucli that we defy competition- Wo want your trade. Come
and see us.
W o liave Exporioncod audnGor
Olorlts tc wcvt on you.
Some of our Southern Oregon
exchanges suggest the forma
tion of anew state out of South
ern Oregon and Northern Calj
fornia. They reason that no
countr' could be speedily or ful
ly developed while separated
menr, or when, from its peculiar
situation, l
a subordiiii
parts ot the state to whi business house i7i Eastern Oregon. Keep
longs. Such is undoubtedly the
case, hut if our friends m that j mon6J cvfr home Cilicl We Will SCTVe 11 OU faithfully .
peacefor a while time will remedy
the evil. The Star of Empire is
moving westward with resistless
force, and in a less number of
years than many imagine, there
will be three or four states in
the area now known as Oregon.
situation, it must always occupy Tt ,..a,77,, ,.1, -P. 41, n i-,.4m ,. An . P 7,o oiJ n,.4- n,n-h,, rnrrl. mo. 6ii.fiTmi,tee them
mate relation to other. 1 1 u ' ' L ' ' u
Blount Yernon, O. W. Bil'go.
Pruirm City, Fnmk Flageolette.
John Day, M. M. Palmer.
South Fork, Capt. Lewis
Canyon City, M. A. Lucas.
Fox Valley, John Sliriers.
O. W.
J. Kesslci, J. T. Mael,
Thos. PcrkiiiH.
TICKETS, lacladiiig Ball Supper
5c" A Free Pork and Boans.Snppoi will be sorved at the Grange
Hall. at G p. in. Come oiitt; cocmo all, sad enjoy yourstlf with the
Store, Bate Lily.
Are giving immense bargains in iheir
We carry the largest and mieststoch of goods
and sell the same at
15 j'ards nice Lawns for 1.00
14. ' white pique dress goods 1.00
Woolen lace buntings all shades per yd. .l--i-Nun's
Veiling, all new slmdes " " '25
20 shades of summer silks " " .50
Ladies' white linen collars for 12-i
jYEW styles.
Ladies' hose, all colors S00.12i
Lisle hose, pure for 25
Best child's hose for 12A
TCTovor rsr-lcl sucIl goods for Claoa.jr' jpx
Ladies' muslin suits for 00.50
We carry 100 shades, the Latest Style?, of Silk Velvets
Striped Plushes, never seen in this part of country b efo.,
All Sfiades ot the test Dress Silks.
And this is the only store in liakcr City and Eastern Or
egon where you can assort yourself.
The Great I. X. L. Store, of Baker City
Is the place to buy your PUE COODS.
Good Men's and Boys' suits for 5.00 and iip.
Orders Vory O.x-ofxxll-cr 311X2.0 ci.
City meat market
Washington Street, Canyon City, Oregon.
W. P. CRAY Propriotor.
AN Kinds Of
By Wholesale and Retail.
T3&.A11 orders fllled on short fietler.
Haptonstall & Dart
John Day City, Oregon.
Has an Assortment of
Also an assortment of Barhedine ware something new, which for
beauty of design and finish is hard to equal. A fine line of
jXT. oeuxio Waro
In all shades. Somcthni'' new and beautiful in design
Glass Ware of all descriptions.
Toilet sets for old and young. Conuiiic Bronts Lamps with Duplex
Burners, one sufficient to light the town. A. lino lino of 8-day
Clocks. "Watches aud Jewel rv of all kinds.
Mm k Cigars
Pipes. Meersehau-h Pipes a specialty, warranted. Oysters, Sar
dines and Crackers, of all kinds, fresh. Soaps of the best "brands
Every can draws a prize worth from 25 cci'.ts to 1. Also a full line
of school books. Stationery of all kinds.
All orders from Ihe Country Promptly filled.
; " . . . ...
A , ,j
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