Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, April 28, 1887, Image 3

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. 1 1 . . - IfisEF
County News
APRIL 28, 1887.
, J.n the case of State vs. Abe
Tharpe, the jury failed to agree.
Died, April 25, 1SS7, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mael.
Preaching next Sunday morn
ing and evening at Prairie' City.
The I. ). O. F. gave a social
jmi'ty .tt ihcir hall Tuesday eve
ning, for i Members only.
A licence to wed has been is
sued to Krastus Lewis and Itoua
Carter, both of Harney valley.
The Third Quarterly meeting
for Canyon City charge will be
held at Canyon City, May 7th
and 8th.
From the proceeds of
three entertainments given dur
ing the present session of Court
the public school fund netted
SI 87.
Last Monday in the Jnstice's
court .Joseph Sewell was lined
$5 and eoste for using profane
and olxseeiie language in a pub
lic place.
Uncle Eli Lester gave this I
oflice a pleasant call one day
last week. I nele hli is one ot
the men who send the X i:vs to
relatives in the east.
Look out
for hiiih water the
Plenty of
snow in the mountains and the
cool weather is holding it there
to come down all at once with a
hot sun.
By courteous demeanor J mice
"Walker has roiincd the j'ood
will and esteem of the people of ;
tin ennniv. and is Kiinkmi nf in :
" J "
trlowiiijr terms bv the attorneys
as 1kmh a good iudjo of law.
In the Justice's court last
"Wodnewlay. A. E. Starr was
lined $o and costs for using
profane an 1 obscene language
on the streets of Cnnyon City,
an incorporniod village in (irant
Ekler Evans, of Huntsville,
"V. T.. will conduct a series of
meeting in Fox valley, com
ment May 7rh. at o'clock i
i'. n. lie expects to remain '
over iw third Sabbath and wiii
hold rmarU.-rlv conference on
Sdlimlay. lh- Lith at :l v. i.
Dick tie Arnion l has a ranch i
the Malheur, but will '
over on
not attempt to raise a crop this
year, llo says hist summer a
waterspout came along and
v.'nshed overyrhing o!7 the place
except the mortgage, which re
mains "till vit."
The San Francisco Examiner
publishes a story of a band of
200 Chinese pirates and desper
jtdoc iu Hawaii who live in the
almost inaccessible mountain
fastnesses. The .Hawaiian tov-
eniitieiit and jiress kept quiet
on the sul)6ct. J 'crimps they j
Avere udd for it.
The editor of the Xrws was
like to got a head put on him
last v.vek by parties hav
ing no fe-ar of the Lord in their
souIf. Wentleuien, our lighting
hours are between the hours of
10 a. m. iind 2..v. m. of each day.
Suii(ky excepted, ('all early
and avoid tho rusk.
Dr. C. A. Gay. wishes to an
nounce Jo"the citizens of Can
yon Citjvfnd vicinity, that ow tUd rush qf. dental work
in J'i)jte CitVj he could not .be
here vnVcordi' appointment.
Tho?u wishiiig first-class dental
work. at. easy ririee
would do
well to call iuitl see him at Can- ,
Arv.-1if i
V','. . ir
A : . king, of Jfappy
VRiioy..v.,a over here last week.
onjoying a huge chunk of Imp- tij-e Doiunrrer sustained.
- ptueis in the fond anticipation j R s IiIlor vs E Stewart. Or
6f what is in store for him. j dered and adjudgod that dofcud
Jsilly was awful jolly, but we ant, E Stewart, go hence without
were ignorant of the cause until ' day, and that deft have and re
infonmjd by the county clerk cover from plff costs aud disburse
tliftt a license liad beon issued. me,,ts of thls sult'
Alisp Alice Jiyrd is to be the ' T J, F M?0ifc ,v! Eu.vart
bride ' " "dguicnt for defendant
Dil, April 13th, 1SS7, near j ,r.M0D'"
tv -it r ,i 1 1. r
IJayviile. Martha, daughter of .
. , V, , 7. inn j ;
i . r. and 1. h. Kimball, aged :
... v.. . . . '
5x vear. aooui tnree nsonlns
:iae licr clothing caught lire
At . f .1
from an own lirejdace, and she -
o . O
111. 1 1 11 .
was mui utu Mcu, 1 in.. 11 cnu&uu ; g aU vs Gfl0 Hntfc Imlict,
her death. J he parents wish to J menR No 1 j o und :J Demurrer
tender their thanks to all who overruled.
aided them in their troubles and -Slate vs H C Payne. Indict
distress. ' menls 1 and 2. Demurrer over-
Ed xckwood is attending ruled"
stao-e. stock for John Fisk at j .. 'y ,
Bcc'eh cveck Stio, und bC, J"
the tunes wben he is currying 1 time in wLich to
kicking cavuses and oihnr n s PartIow Vs j H Kodi to
wagon wheels he has sonic real i ct as. Jailgmont by default,
old fun. lie went out the other j Tho3 Bain V8 w H lluhon
... day aiid'after a desperate en- 1 Judgment for plaintiff.
counter, laid low in death a j y g Southworth vs W H Clark
'vhgpingj. bigibiar,..wli03C,liide; otaU. Judgment for the pluin
'sold foir$15. ' " Itiff.
... 1. 1 -.1 1 '..I. ..- 1
. 1 11 "t 1 " -.1 1. 1 1
Summary of the Business Transacted
in the Circuit Court from
Day to Day.
l:lei-?chner. Mayer & Co. vs
Jules LoBrot. Judgment by de
fault. Grand Juiy return one true
bill of indictment and three not
true bills.
II 13 Mace ami F L Mace were
excused from further duty as jur
ors. A special venire of six poisons
was ordered to be summoned
from the bodj' of the county.
"W P Gray vs Jolin Tlerburgcr.
Judgment for plaintiff.
A special venire of six persons
from the body of the couulv was
ordered summoned.
Jacob Stobauxh vs Martha J
Stobaugh. Decree of divorce 1
J H Crookshnnk vs G II and M
. ,, T , ,
A I ry. J udgment for plaintiff.
State vs Abe Tharpe. State
and defc allowed each five more I
subpu:ua3. !
Sta'evs. S 0 Foster. Verdict
0f not guilty.
11 S Miller vs E Stewart J It
Baldwin appointed to take testi
G W Chapman excused from
further giand jut' duty and J W
Scott appointed in his place. !
State vs Arthur I M osier. Do-
fendant allowed further time in
which to plead. !
1lJul Snipper admitted to citi
II S Miller vs E Stewart.
diet for defendant.
Milos Pvoach vs Aba Tharpe.
Motion by the defendant to make
the complaint more definite,
speeitied and certain, was sustain
IVler French el als vs Albort n
Smith. Motion to strike out a
portion of defendant's answor
D M; Luce exctisod from further
jury duty.
Grand Jury leturn five true bills
of iiulictmenl.
J T MoHit vs August cruller.
Dismissed at plaintiff's cosL
i.'ieisciiner. Clever & Co vs Jules 1
Le Bret and E V Lo Brot.
.Jtiujj .
-r 1
,,,eut fot pinuitiftH.
State vs Win W Brown
tinned until next term,
State, vs Arthur i Mctiici
of not guilty
Ah Kim vd It C Fulkerson
Judgment for plaintiff.
Peter French, et alo vs Samuel
Michaels. Demurrer withdrawn,
Peter French, et nls vs R Brown,
H Brown and Hammer.
Detmurer withdrawn .
Peter French, ct als vs J W
Scott, .1 H Seward stud - How
aid. Demurrer withdrawn.
Alex Murray, et als vs R O Ful
kerson. Demurrer overruled.
Marshall Howell aud N B Oliv
er excused from further jury duty.
CJrand Jury submit their report
and were discharged.
Slate vs (Jeo W Halt. Deft,
was granted until Monday in
which to plead. Indictments
Nos. 2 and Jl, same.
Stato vs II C Payne. Deft al
lowed until Monday iu which to
Peter French vs N D
Verdict for the plaintiff
CJeo W Melldey vs J H I Tamil- ,
ton. Ordered that plaintiff have :
throe-fifths of tho water flowiu 1
in !Yor nronl: nnd iL-fntiflnut '
have two-fifths, and that plaintiff ;
and defendant refrain each from '
denrivincr or interferiii' with the
.respective interests of the other, i
, . j F ,r!lhon '
Catherine M.abon vs J F Mahon
f!hnrlfts fjfiwne. and Jacob Grnen-
a pt ii nrrav ir s vs r. i , v j
Ales Murray et als vs
r m , f - ,
Judgment 1 1 plaintift
' .
Peter French, ct al vs N D
Sweiczer. Judgment for plaintiff.
. . .
sl " uT
J w "
To the Honorable Circuit Court of
th State of Oregon for Grant
"We, the Grand Jury in and
i for Grant County, Oregon, duly
impaaelled on the 11th day of
Apr.l, A. D. 18S7, respectfully
submit the following report:
We have been session iu all, 12
We have found and returned
into Court 7 true bills of indict
ment and 3 not true.
The County Treasurer lias fur
nished us with the following state
ment. Cash on hand:
Couutv Funds
Building "
; School
General Fund, balance
Sit ,017.71 i
Tola' unit received for
Taxes for vear 1 oSG
j Toljll nujt receivea for
Total ami received for
taxes for 1S8G
County Fund, cash on
hand " 8JL252.G8
County orders advertised
but not vet redeemed 1,G58.03
j Leaving amount on hand
to redeem County or
Building Fund, cash on
County orders, Building
Euud, advertised, not
vet redeemed
Leaving amount on hand
lcdet'in Building
Fund orders
8 15.74
The State indebtedness amount
ing to 5G.S50.-iO. has been paid in
Ve also received from the
, Treasurer, Mr. Hall, the follow
imr statement of fines collected
from tha Justices of tho Peace:
K. A. T.rackett, Nov. J), 18SG $ 10
H. C. Hc:d, Jan. :i, 18S7 GO
W. H. Kellov, 15, " 25
S. F. Bmnson, April 8, " 10
Total $110
We have exa'iuned tho County
1 1 11. 1 1
jan ami nnu tue same cieaii nuu
neatly kept, but would recommend
gratings to surround the outer
i door to prevent communication",
Wk have not visited the county
noor but have leuoa to believe
tbev are well taken care of.
Th county naads are in pretfy
i good fix, considering the time of
We have examined tho offices
' and books of the t'ounty Clerk
! and Sheriff, and find the same
i neatly kept.
! We would recommend that a
larger safe ho provided for the use
of the County Treasurer and the
one now used by him bo given for
use in the Sheriff's office, where it
, is greatly needed.
The County Clerk has furnished
: us tho following statement:
Amt of trial fees pai 1 to
Treasurer, $7.1.50
; Amt in his own hands l.'l.aO
' Amt of indebtedness $U,313.G1
Amt of county orders is
sued January Term of
, County Court $9,7-24.07
Amt of county orders is-
sued March term .'1.0S1.39
The sheriff has furnished us
! with the following statement:
; Amt. of delinquent taxes
for tho years 1882-83-
M d So
For the year 1SSG
o,339.3l 1
l,:u.-J.bu j
S17.908.17 !
In nvnmininrr Mm finnfe? nf hi in i
Trnasarer, we lind tho amount of, !
exclusive of interest:
bounty orders
Building orders
Total S38.433.&1
Amt remaining in the
County Clerk's office
not called fcr 1.G50.00
Total -sj0,083.03
Ve are especially pleased with
i. 1 ki .1 1 1...
1,1 '
now m use by the Commissioners, :
Clerk and Treasurer, it appear- (
ing now in our judgment an im- ,
possibility for any irreulanty in
the issuing of County Script. j
Permit us to say 111 conclusion
that we have disposed of all busi-
nes comin,' before us to the best
"r tt,,l,Ily' jne,(l"t,e,S (0iv-
ini' unon us are conciuueti a:ui wq
now respectfully asK to be clis- ' r , r ,. .
charged j WolfiSer s fRrnl 0,1 fu'"'1" creek
We are glad to bo able to say t last Saturday morning. H-s d-ath
that our Judge, the Hon. G. V. ; was tho output of a protracted
Walker, has presided with dignity , drunk. Mr. Wol finger was ow
and preserved decorum, and wo ing him enough to meet all de
desire to return thanks to his Hon-' mands of burial and ohter inci
or for the kindness 1 c has shown j dental expenses. Dr. Pdnearson
1 -
. m 1
We desire to thank M. D. Clif- j
ford, Prosecuting Attorney, tor .
tho assistance and kindness he has f
shown us, and feel grateful to our ,
Iwiliff Jnbn S:irpra fnr nffnndinfT :
to our eequirements all of which ,
is respectfully submitted. .
W. H. Johnson.
Death of Mrs. Fisk General Regret1
and Bereavement.
Doings of The Week,
and Other
In the midst of life wo are in
death. How marked a change a
few hours may bring forth. We
know not the moment that any of t
us riiay be called to join our
friends of past years in the sile
city and we rejoice and socrow,
'The leaf leas tree hen Snriiuf elull come.
May feel it wur:u reviving power.
And put forth many a lovely bloom,
When moistcm-d by its gonial ehouer.
Hut sun or thower can nu'er restore
The friend whom now wc see uo more;
And birJa may sin: and Zephyrs Mow
These tiara can never cease to flow."
Mrs. Melviua E. Fisk is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hard
man, who have resded in tho John
Day valley since 18GS. Their
daughter, Melvina, was born in
Lebanon, Linn county, iu this
State, October 19, 1S5G, which
makes her nearly thirty-one years
of age. She and her now bereav
ed husband, W. R. Fisk, were
married April 7th, 1S72, and now
leaves to his care and future
and two girls, the youngest, being
a boy, three years old.
Tho death of Mrs. Fisk was
brought about by too much exer
tion on her own part. Dr. Riu
earson was in attendance from the
beginning of the sickness, on
Wednesday last, and called to his
aid for cniisultatioUjDr.Howard, of
your city. All that medical as
sistance could do, and nothing
was left undone, was'of no avuiland
about 2 o'clock p. m., Sunday,
Mrs. Eisk was no more of the
earthly throng.
Preparations had been made fur
a time of gayety in this place to
day I) the Odd Fellows, but ov-
inrr i 11 llin coil nnnl.lrtnf om1 lntl! I
of Mrs. Fisk, who belongs to a
branch of tho order; the day was
spent by the order in performing
one of its facred duties burying
the dead.
THE Kl'NnilAf..
At 12 o'clock to-day tho fcliool
bell was sounded, the Odd Fellows
I and Bebekas met at their hall,
I and headed
by the Canvon Citv
and Prairie Citv Brass Bands,
marched tj the family residence
of tho deceased, and after tho
necc siry deliberations proceeded
to Grange h-tll, where: the services
of the Order were held.
Tho latter hall was crowded to
its utmost capacity and thero were
many who could not gain admis
sio:i. Ibiaded by the Brass Bands,
tl e fuueral proceeded by slow
step to the graveyard, where after
appropriate exercises and singug,
the bo.'oycd daughter, thcSkind
and loving wife, the dutiful moth
or and kind friend's mortality was
left to moulder in the grave; her
spirit in trust and belief, rests in
the bosom of her Father and her
And thus:
"Krj:n llfo to ilcifi, from iKnth to lif-:,
We liurry routul to Oit.1,
Arid leivc bcliiii'l tis uotliiu, l:it
T!n path, that we have trtl."
The fuueral, conducted by the
I. 0. O. F. throughout, was the
largest ever witnessed here, the
procession being fully half a mile
ju length and marching in closo
file at that. There was very large
of mourners to pa' a last
tribute of respect to deceased
The town was quiet during tho
week. Everj-body
m5 hnsv and
w . 1 j
general signs of prosperity could
be noted every way the eye could
Win. B. Carpenter has a pot
tinker. There is a something-
doctors cannot name it-
formed m the shape 01 a wart
tue point or one 01 u, ungei. .
The something is rather painful,
ljUt since 10 has applied medicine
thereio the aJll hns subsided. ;
Cyrus Ballance, a mau of about j
forty xj ears old, who has been em-
ployed by John AYuinngcr the
,111 OL Llill.U VUii w A. 4 .
v..w j.-jw.w .
w0 imve ft tooth doctor in town f
iJe ;3 irCnt busy, does work well 1
nnA (T:vnR p-nod satisfaction in rem-1
! una
o o ' o j
, . '
d vJsifafc vesterd nnd to.
, J
Mrs. Mickey cxtonds her thanks
to all who so kindly aided her in
h "CZZL ,ot
yesterday or to-dav on account of
"the death of Mrs.' Fisk.
I thmk there is a certain young
man who Km u,ak0 life eve,
soon. Ihink his head is level.
The funeral of Mrs. Fisk was
attended by many of the Odd Fel-
lows of the Canyon City lodge,
and a number of cHzens from
anvon Cilv and John D.iv. - t
pnl 20. J. J. McCA
- - - - - Vi
1801 18S7
Py Uuhsrt Howij Taneroft, San Francisco.
Central America was an excep
tion to the other Spanish coloniep.
Her independence was gained by
declaration, and without tho shed
ding of a drop of blood. But
though she escaped asttuggle with
European oppression, tho samo
fratricidal hand of party strife, I
that has hitherto kept Spanish j
America in a chronic stato of revo- ;
lutiouarr warfare, cast its shadows !
over tho country; and no sooner j
was the incubus of a conqueror's
dictate removed, then inteutine
antagonism prevailed. The strug-
lo of the church and an olir-
I riKilitt r tnfllnftiin I SlA nnmninitni
is full- described in this volume;
ijkowHo u,e allusion between
the umercnt provinces, which was
the case of incessant bloodahed,
instead of forming as they shouM
nave done, a confederated republic
thereby making thomselves an
important nation the five Central
American States have chosen to
exist apart, and have over and
over again engaged in deatruc'ivo
combat with each other. Efforts
to weld there common interest
have met with only temporary
Walker's lillibustering expedi
tion into aguo, forms ono of
the most interesting episodes in
r r'..iv..i a
and has attached a romantic re
nown to the cities of Cranada and
Leon aud the lakes.
Due prominence is given the im
portant question of interojcauio
communication, aud the various
schemes are exhibited. This sub
joctnaturally embraces an acccount
of the Panama railway and De
L?Kop'c uhip canal across tho
Isthmus. Political parties, the
changing forms of government in
tho several statas, industrial pro
gress, institutional matters, eccle
siastical affairs, and the social con
dition of the people receive appro
priate consideration.
Taken altogether this latest ad
dition to the great literary enter
prise of the ajjo abundantly sus-
! tains the reputation of its author,
and will be found of mactical in-
terest and impoitauco alike to tho
general reader, tho historian, tho
statesman, and the sociologist.
Louis Cozad left for his luwie
in Douglas county 0:1 Mojfffay'
A little girl of Sam Miller's,
aged about live years, fell from
a horse one day last week and
broke her arm.
( )nr. nf link- nsirr'a vrmnrr
horses became entunrrled in the
harness last Tuesday and cut
himself severely.
A secret oath-bound society
. bus been discovered in St. Louis,
j tho ami of
which is to revenue
the death of the anarchists if
they are hunir.
A party of iformon mission
aries who were operating near
Kaileigh, N. C, were badly
1 s . .
and driv-
; ""it- 3
1 o ' "
j Since the price of the state
, 1 school lands has been fixed
L ,Per. thu of
I mvuw kUO UUJUU1 II
I MHwll LI fUWk t Tin ni miiioi
ment of the legislature has been
1 very
These sales arc
ln.u,c I103tl of hm(h n
,ni(j soutiern Oregon The
r)VncUVil m9ncss 0f tiie board
o an commiss:ollt?rs vxi boen
y 1,l,lu ll,l5'Uo'11
the sale of these lands, and dis-
posing ot applications lor loans
frn?n fbr cr..nnl fntwl M-liudi
have been unusually larrc.
Commissioner Sparks has is-
sued an order creating a contest
board, to vhieh all contest cases
now pending or hereafter aris
ing in pre-emption and public i said sheep for labor, care and ,.t-'iii-.
1 11 1 r , Mention bestowed on said sheep by
examination and decision.
After action
is taken by this
i...w,i n.,,n ; ,..:n
uuuiu iijiuii it lumiai. tiinu, it
"O to a DoarU
1 .
of review. The
board is to consist of five mem
bers, selected from divisions of
the General land office.
With a largely increased and
. .
rapidly growing Country Order
trade we enter the Spring of 1 887
tit tt
j oetter eauirmea tnan ever Deiore
fo rn&Pit t.h A f ATH XTX f? R of f.Tl P f.h Oil -
sands located on this Coast who
fiW it profitable to do their trad
ing by mail.
re elements which combhi-
j .
; eo. nave given our country order
department such an onward im
petus. If it pays others will it
not pay you ? Send for samples
and one of our illustrated Spring
Catalogues. Mailed to any ad
dress upon application.
SS9-S31-8S8-S35 K St., and 102G Mnth,
One Stallion, Harry Dead
shot," A few mares, and some
vounj stock. Harrv Dcadshot
had a trotting record of 3:01 when
lie was two 3-ears old.
D. V. Je.vkikg.
Residence, G miles below Can
yon City.
TJie Oregon Blood Purifier is
Nature's own remedy, smd should
be used to tho exclusion of all
other medicines in all ilseascs of
tho sumach, liver and kidnevs.
j -.
Chinaman was grunted
Second prize for (.rnamcntal
il rawing, in the Cooper insti
tute. Notice to Sheep Raisers.
Commmuuities wishing Depu
ties appointed will please ieleet
their man and send in petition
J aud bond of $2,000, aud I will
' appoint immediately. The tax
lnt will be my "uide as to tho res-
i poneibility of
the bondsmen.
None but mm who are owners or
lessees of sheep will bo considered
on petition or appointed.
Jon:; C. Li'Cf, Inspector.
Postoffico address,
John Day,
Notice to Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given that after
May 1st, all taxes then delinquent
must bo collected by levy and sale,
as has been ordered by the Court.
Persons- paying now may save
trouble. A. C. Dohe.
i Sheriff,
Hamilton and all others whom
it may concern, that on Saturday,
the 7th day of May, 1887, at 2
o'clock p. m. I he undersigned Poh
will sell at public auctiou to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, at
the comd of said Hamilton, near
tho residonce of said Hamilton, iu
('rant County, State of Oiegon,
all that certain band or flock of
sheep consisting of about 5S0 head
kntiWU afi the A. J. Hamilton
! "P- same now being in the
poKsessiutiof tho undersigned near
' the ranch of said Hamilton in said
county, baul sale win ue maaej
' tinder and by virtue of, and to pay
'. a lien in the sum of $400.00 which
t fhe undersigned has and holds on
said Hamilton from the 3d day of
March, 1885 to tho 3d day of Jan
uary 18S7, and to pay the expenses
Uot such sale, and expenses of carinu
for and keeping such sheep from
said 3d day of January XSS7 to
Faid day of sale.
Dated this 12th day of April, 18S7.
3,-7 POH.
Jewelry and Watches
Fornierljr of Btirni.
& -A. IiOON
Hayes & McCInin, PropVs.
Drewsey, Oregon,
A Full Stock ( Fccjr Winat. Llijiiori, Clrrt
&nd llittera.
G. W. McCOIlD.
Successor to UcCord k Adas
Opposite Geo. Shearer & Co'sStort.
BuilJtr of Belief, Dcckboards, Waoasii
Hade to order.
Jobbing- work of sll kinds promptlr done. x
Work -rarranted. Charj Moderst.
1 also keep a full line of hardware In to.k.
Girt me aeH and try me, and I win prcr to
you that I mtan what I ar.
Main Street, Baker City, Oregon.
G. G. Itigdoji, Fropr.
General Headquarters for team
store while in Baker.
Hoard One Dollar Per Daj.
B acfsiMorseslioeiii
to be made Cnt thi out and reiSrSjl'1-"
to u, and we will tend tou fret - 3'
ioocth'mjrof treat Taluc cd iia-
port&nce to yoo, that will itart joa in buiuet
wcicu win onny jou in more monev nftt awaT'-V
than antthlnjrelseln this world. Anrone casda
the work and lire at home. Either sex; all ai.
Something flew, ihat juat coin money rcrali
workers. We will tart you; capital not needed.
Thl it on t the jrenulne, iniiortaBt chaneet
ofallfeUme. Tboit who am aabltlorji asd ea
Urprltintf will sot delay. Grind natflt free.
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