Bb emit My News, JULY 15, 188G. Local Notices. All rcatliuRr notices on this page will be charg ed for as follows, unless bysjnidtil contract: Fint insertion, 20 cents per lino. Kfccb subsequent insertion 10 cents per line. LOCAL BREVITIES. See the ad. of J. Durkheiiner, Baker City, in this issue. First term of Oregon State Uni- j xersity begins September 13, 18SG. See ad. 'Gene Brackett has gone to : portland, a delegate to the grand lodge A. O. U. AV. The office formerly occupied by Parrish is being fitted up and will be occupied by Clifford & Will iams. Will Baldwin stajted out last wek with Louis Evertsbusch's tinware wagon on a peddling ex pedition. The streams are verv low at the present time, the John Day hav ing fallen almost two feet in the past ten dajTs. Major Magono has had some small boats built and placed on his lake, and will make it a favor ite summer resort. "Sandy" has realized the apex of bis ambition this week. An auction sale Monday and Tues day enlisted the energies of his bodv and soul. Stansell has opened a lemonade and ice Cream foundry down town and has a row of colored kids ana base-balls to throw at them, by way of diversion. Thornton A illiams, of Baker, has formed a partnership iu the j law business with District Attor ney Clifford. Mr. Williams and -wife intend moving over shortly. The Humboldt minining com pany have moved their hydraulic up a notch closer to town, and are now accumulating precious metal by means of their new tun nel. During the week the mercury Las been hugging pretty constantly, while the av erage mortal has been hugging the delusion that ho has seen hotter days. The reception tendered Bishop Morris on Monday evening was s quite a pleasaut affair. A num ber of people weie present, and the time was passed iu pleasant social intercourse. The channel of Canyon Creek where confined to one course, Is becoming deeper every year. If those interested would unite in having the large boulders removed from the creek bed while the wa ter is low it would soon cut down to bed-rock, thus precluding all possibility of a destructive over How. Prof. C. C. Andrews begs leave to inform his pupils and the pub lic generally that he intends clos-1 iug his Art School by the fust of October next. All parties desir ous of instruction in the Fine Arts taugh by him will do well to avail themselves of this opportu nity. Especial inducements to juveniles. The oration of Thos. Fitch, of Tacoma, on tho 4th at Portland, was as eloquent as it was grand, touching as it did, upon tho living questions of the day questions that are of vital importance to every laboring man in the "United States. The theiving corporations that prey upon the labor of the land were dwelt upon, and he looked forward to the time when voters should make themselves free. New placer diggings have been discovered on a branch of Big creek, a tributary of the Middle fork of tho John Day. The dis coverers are John Kingsley, Jim Magruder and some others. It is said that two of the men worked two days with a pan and cleaned up an ounce of gold dust. There is a scarcity of water at present, but they can efc a full head by digging a ditch a mile and a half long. Several claims have al ready been taken . COUNTY COURT. Business disposed of iu the Commissioners' Court, July term, 18Sti: Robt, Marshal appointed super visor of road district No. 11. Aug Bachman appointed su pervisor district 12. In the matter of the road com mencing at south-west corner of section 7, towuship 23, south R 31, and ruiming to or near the Malheur slough, J. Neal was ap pointed to re-survey, and J M. Parker, J. Demeris and J. Baird were appointed to view and re- locate said road. In the matter of the road corn- mencing at a point near Bobbins ! & Purrinir ton's store and leading to Pine creek, the same was de clared a public highway. Jasper Davis was appointed; Justice of the Peace and J. C. ! Bucklaud Constable for Harney precinct. T. A. McKinnon and T. II . Meador qualified an commission ers; A. C. Dore, sheriff; J. T. Mael, clerk; E. Hall, treasurer; J- H- eal surveyor; N. 11. Maxcy jutigo. Overlander & Lauren granted a license to sell liquors. J. "VV. Howard allowed $300 for keeping county poor for one year. Austin & Bland granted liquor ' lecensc. Co. Judge X. 1. Maxc-, ap pointed overseer of county poor. The order made at a subsequent term, making the road leading from the store of Comfort & Hail to Williams & Blackmail's ilour- jng mill a public highway, was revoked. The personal picperty of Gus tavus H'rton, deceased, was or dered to be sold. C. H. Ulrey was appointed su pervisor of road district No. lb Repairs were ordered made on tho bridge crossing Windlass Gulch. Jo lloberts allowed $8 for team to convey coroner's jury to hold inquest on a dead Chinaman. J. D. Sutherland allowed $40. in payment for work on court house. "Warrants to tho amount of 84.042.30 were ordered drawn. - a- For Sale. At Geo. Gundlach & Bro's., one Champion Steel Mower. Best machine made. - - . The new postmaster general has decided that postmasters who lail to notify the publishers when subscribers remove or do not take tho papers from the postoffice, shall be responsible for their sub scriptions. David Magill and John Hyde were over from their ranches on the head of South Fork last week after a supply of provisions and other necessaries. There aie a number of settlers over there, and if there was a good road their entire trade would como to this valley. Bev. Sam Jones says "base ball is the wort thing this side of hell." A wicked exchange ven tures the assertion that he has been catching without a wire mask, to a pitcher who throws a screw ball, but even then he needn't use such violent back talk. W. W. Saunders, a "bad man from Texas," who murdered Cuas. Campbell at Albany early last winter, was tried last week and found guilty of murder iu the first degree, but before his sentenco was passed he broke jail and is now at large. A reward of SI, 000 is offered for his cap ture. The A. O. T. W. of Oregon and Washington Territory, paid twelve thousand dollars to the widows and families of six de ceased members in the month of May. The order is doing a no ble work, and is increasing its membership and influence in this State. The death assessmen' s for the year ending July 1st, amount to $18 per capita. THE FOURTH IN FOX. The Glorious Fourth was cele brated hero uy a picnic. Every body coming and bringing plenty of good things to eat. The ex ercises were few but interesting. We will give as near as we can, from memory, a synopsis of the ) programme: First, Singing America, by Mr. James Murphy, Miss Lillie Mur phy, Miss Kenny, Mrs. Branch, Miss Hewit, and Mrs. Neal. Declaration of Independence, bv Dr. E. B. Hammack. M-n Thn Kfnv Rnnnrrifl Pinnnm. hv Alr ,T..mW5 Murnhv. i "-" , j - X J ' I Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Neal, and the i Misses Kennv, Hewit and Lillie IUrphv. Declamation, Custer's Last Charge, by Mr. Henry Murphy. ! Singing, Twilight is Falling, by James Murphy, Lillie Murphy, j and Mrs. Neal Beading, Our Country, by Miss Alice McGinnis. Singing, My Own Native Land, by James Murphy, Lillie Murphy and Mrs Neal. Heading, Song of the American Eagle, by Miss Nellio Shrire. Singing, Sailing O'er the Sea, by James Murphy, Lillie Murphy and .Mrs. Neal. Heading, The Soldier's Re prievo, by Miss Maud Moore. Singing, Where is my Boy to night? by James Murphy, Lillie Murphy, and Mrs. Neal. Speech, by the Hon. W. B. Neal. Then came dinner, after which those so disposed "tripped tiie light fantastic toe" until a shower of rain dispersed them to their homes. All together, it was a very pleasant affair, but would have been enjoyed a great deal more by those p resent if it had not kept threatening a thunder storm all the lime. It made people hurry with their dinners on double quick time. The oih'eeis of the day were Dr. E. B. Hammack, president, Mr. Frank McGirr, marshal; but there was little need of a marshal, as the most of the boys behaved very well, but there were a lew who had imbibd too much of King Alcohol, to behave themselves as gentlemen, but they were from Long Creek and brought it with them, as there was none kept on the grounds. Mr. Henry Murphy and Mr. Elijah Pierce had a confection ery stand where they dispensed candies, nuts, and lemonade to the happy crowd. Such pleasant entertainments are a credit to a community. The school in Fox, under tho management of Hon. W. 11. Neal, j is progressing finely, everybody being well pleased and the schol ars taking great interest in their studies and in obeying" their teach er, who is undoubtedly bending every energ' to make the school a success, and it is said by the people here that it is the best school in the county. We must add, for a new settled place, we think Fox oan lead in sociability and pleasant entertain ments. A Lookeu-on. John Day Correspondence. "M. and R." are feeling happy since tho election. Bro. Bunn is not bald-headed yet, reports to the contrary, not withstanding. More some other time. Mike. Scrofulous eruptions, such ao pimples, discoloration of skin, especially on face, will disappear rapidly by using Pf under' s Orggon Blood purifier. Furniture.. I have one of the finest and most complete Stocks of Furni ture ever brought to Baker Cit-. Any one wanting anything in my line will do well to call on me and inspect Stock and Prices, as I sell cheaper than ever was sold in the County. Frank Palmer. Baker City, Or. PRAIRIE CITY ITEMS. Prairie City, July 12, 1880. Ed. Grant Co. News: I see our regular correspondent from this place has neglected his busi ness for the past few weeks, and as things are now beginning to "boom" in a ad around Prairie City I will perform our regular correspondent's duty this once and send you a few notes. Firstly, the Great Key Stone Mine is sold for a fact, considera tion forty-five tho'usand dollars, so I am informed. The old com pany finished crushing their rock last week. The mill and mine is nuw in the hands of our young townsman Mr. Scott Hyde, who is superintendent for the nev company. Tho company buying the property is a Portland com pany. They propose erecting a twentv-five-stani) mill immedi ately. Wo are informed that Mr. Win, Tucker will move bis saw mill to a site about seven miles north of Prairie City. He has ordered a tjveuty-fcorse-power engine, be sides other machinery. He will undoubtedly saw lumber for the new quartz mill. It is rumored that there will be a very large mercantile establish ment started here in a short time by a wealthy Portland firm. They propose erecting a stone building of largo dimensions. Uur genial landlord Mr. Jos. Bates, has had a force of carpen ters, paper hangers and punters employed for a number of weeks past, finishing up tho Prairie City hotel. Jo says Prairie City will be the best town on the coast within the year. We noticed the smiling coun tenance of Mr. W. D. Baldwin to-day. He is here with his big red wagon supplying everybody with tinware. He says his spe cialty is supplying "Tin Wed dings. Our Band boys held a veiy en thusiastic meeting on Sunday and voted to send east for a number of new instruments. The boys deserve credit for thoir persever ance in sustaining a 1 and for the accommodation and amusement of our citizens at so much ex pense to thomselves. It appears strange to an outsider that the city does n.t do something foi their relief, or at least in helping them make thoir band a success. The Glorious Fourth passed off quietly at this place. There was a picnic near our town in a beautiful little grove. Mr. Joscpn Johnson, our Keprescnlnlive elect delivered one of the finest orations it has been our good fortune to listen to in many years. Mr. D. B. Fisk read tho Declaration ot Independence in a very able man ner. Taking everything into con sideration we had a very pleasant time. Well, Mr. Editor, I am sorry to say there are no weddings to re port this time, but from present indications this will not bo the oaso next time. X. Y. Z. John Bobertsou and wife left last woek for San Francisco. -iSh When Baby was sick, wo gave her CASTOKIA, When she was a Child, she cried for CaSTORIA, When she became Miss, she citing to CASTOKIA, When she had Children, she jjavc them CASTOKIA Just received at Haptonstall & Dart's, a complete stock of Cloth ing, Glassware and Crockery, and a general assortment of all kinds of goods at bedrock prices for cash. Come and see. -j- Haptonstall & Dart. HORSES STOLEN $50 REWARD One roan horse branded thus Q on shoulder; one hay horse branded thusf " on shoulder; one bay horse branded thus I L. Looks like a stallion, but is not; one black horse poor ten or twelve years old, brand unknown. The above described animals were stolen from Otis Creek, Grant 'o., Oregon, June 14, 18SG. Fifty Dollars (S50.00) Reward will be paid to any person giving information that will lead to the recovery of said horses. Address all communications to A. MORRISON. Drewsey, Grant Co., Oregon, We carry the largest and most complete stock of goods in the coun try and sell at the lowest prices. Turn off the Can von Citv road at James Key's ranch, cross tho John Day river on the new ferry at Par son's, and come to Arlington, lou will save GG miles on the trip (over The Dallas route) and find better roads and grass. We will pay you ensh for your Wool, Hides or Pelts, and sell you goods lower than any place in Eastern Oregon. We cany an immense stock of goods of every description. Coffin, McFarland & Co. Arlington, Oregon. If you wish to invest a few dol lars in a complete Washing Ma chine, ploaso give the Kiehle's Scientific Washer a trial before investing your money in any other, for it is the Best. Try it and be convinced. J. H. Romig Canyon City, Sole agent for Or egon and California. EMotice-Estray, Strayed from n.y Range neai Dayvillo, Oregon, One Bay Horse, 2 white hind fetlocks; 0 years old, branded "K on right shoulder; also 1 Dark Brown Horse, 5 years old, branded G on left shoulder. Also 1 Sorrel Knox Stallion, 8 years old, branded small Z on left shoulder. Also---Any information regarding a John A. McLuod, with about 18 head of Mustang Marcs and Colts, branded 2-1 on loft stiile, will be gratefully received by the undei signeii. " D. K McRAE. Day vi lie, Or, THE arney stage me. I- Jewelt, lJropriotor. This route leids from Canyon City to Rums, in the IIiu iii-v vallev, earn ing U, S. Mail and Wells. Fargo & Co 's Expre.-s. Statue leaves Canyon Mon. lay and Thursday at D :30 a. in., and leaves mini at i:30 on the bimo dave. Passeiirfursaud Frsijrht at rf-asonabl rates. BA'tER Country Orders correspondence swered. Front r 3 MBBK w!lessing. DEALER IN Canyon City Steam SASH, DOOR AND FURNITURE FACr CANYON CITY, OREGON- BUTZ $ STANSELL, Proprietors. MANCFACITRERS AND DEALERS IN SASH, DOORS, FuRNITURE, MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. Wp have just received from Chicago a largo stock of PJCTURE FRAME 5VIOULD8SMCS, nml are now prepared to frame pictures at prices never before known in Grant Countv. We also ;hav on hand a fine stock of FURXlTUJiK FIXTURES, such as Drawer pulls, Drawer knobs, Furniture handles, Drop handles Table and Bd casters, Brass Hinges, Picturo Coid, Screw Eyes, Curtain Pins, Picturo Knobs. Etc., Et, too cheap to quoto prices. story G-oods, tSsa. "When in town don't fail to come and see us and learn our prices. OVERHOLT -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CdNYON CITY, Or, WILLIAM BECK SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in Guns & Sporting Goods Fine Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods, Croquet "Ve locipedes, j Bicvcles. Boxing Glo eg, Indian Clubs, Fias arid l?ire Works. SEND FOR CiX T ( ( UE. i 165-187 Second St,PortIand, Branch Store: SPOKANE FALLS - - WASH. Ty, Home For The Sick, Porllai General Hospital (.'r. Si con J ami Ash Streets, PORTLAND - - - ORECOV, Thi institution is complete in a'l its ricpatt munis, and every elln. t is nwrte to give it tho air, tlittt, nursing ami comforts of u home. Spcciil attention U treatment of C'hroniqia.-l Constitutional Diseases. r'riv:ite room for putlentr treated by ontsicta physicians, ami pirsnns taking course of Turkish or Electric Unths, or Oxytjcu Uas. The baths are elea.itly fitted up. Pln su ian viit' n Port land are iurited to this inMituti. n. TKOS. WOOD, Manager Portland General HospiUl Co, PROMPT RELIEF FOR ALL. FUNDER'SS Itiinni ities in th? hloo.l should he expelled, and th. svsf-m iriven tunc am', strength, beforn tl.' .t 'iiir WfiVs of warm weather aro felt The Oiiv -o lii.oon Prninjut is a purely vcpeta hie rimippiuid m mufacturcd b$ a competent rle'niNt. Person having suffered from Liver .Mid Kidney complaint, debility, scrofulous eruption, or any other disease caused by im mire bhiod, and hen cured by tiding this wont ilurful remedy, invariably reco'mniend it to their friend. Try it now. Delay. are dangerousj Prio? $1.00 a" bottle, or (J for ?5.00. Sold every where. a 29 nl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. .Iu up 24, JjvSq Notice is hereby yjvpn that tho followingt jwun-wd settler has riled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and timt said proof will be made before the county clerk of lirant emintv, Oregon, at Canyon City, Or., on .August Hth. ISiG, viz: LUC1NDA THOMPSON. 1) S No. (ifi2H, for the SE quarter NE quarter .S-c 11, and W quarter XW quarter ami W half SW quarter .Sec 12, Tp 10 . s U 31, E. She names the following witnesses to prove hep oortinuou'' residence upon, and cultivation of, siid laud, vix: John Silvi-, John Schmidt, Am drew Anderson, D. V. Jcnkin?, all of Canyon, Citv. Or-'gon. " 15-20 HENRY HINEH RT, Register. CITY, rices a Specialty. All promptly an Store , A rehandise, Drewsey, Oregon. -"1 - & MULDRICK, i