f fenritt Canyon liffiaf liaiisl i MIM 4 SMM LlU, Mspnteam tbe BROAD GLAIBI ol tsingtH3 VEEY BEST OPEEATDTC-, QUICKEST SELLING, HANDSOMEST AND mmm in m Ever offered to lire psxblic. SIDE 02TI2" BY EKGELSEOR MAflUFAOTORIHG GO. lies. 612, CH, 616 & 613 IT. Hain St., ST. X.OUIS, MO. Tr" " .Jjij1.1. nil. jliUl'-wi; 'J.i a j" . "J' in nimv Ear THE r.fc. Ml. OF ALL 3iS 1 Eft ft JSP i!23 iLliiiifitil ?o? ua:t a::d bdast. For more Hian a 1 bird of a contnrvtha vj ?l!.-xlciin .IiiMii.vr '-..ziluierit hiuWon EfllCUOWll lo unl.io.'S ; I . r l!l s -1 t I : I : s Sit it; ti.ilv e ViMiiuc' lurtijo iHi-i of .Mini. i..r .. r, J. iiioic:l- r. alpai:: ho .'i r...il i.i::cl:: to i (KltTld t;rV lllMIK iffiii ; ;;n ii i in:: i -n. ;i : rnp -sib c. vj AM T.i:ii:n ::t ii l o: 1 I y ..-:: l.rn'y i:i vi-ir lin:i'. . ! x-t i'v : i i " r . fijt i'nr; ijm' . :i vr.- I . :-f.I o. I ,u:"s fs s'orC'l, or a :itin.:'! ! v or ox fa ij which spctui-r ci:ns ,ch ailments ofa feKtkLl.v.it.ij". -.rcllings. S;irii : 118 Tot-. ?.-. J J: i, j;c:r::ii , J . ..Ivi-. tti? . ...uhes axiflgi i;i . ' - ' 'lao.ioti-i SItr-j r:idp6 ?Jr. . ' : : i:trti . i. mr.?.,. r.. f5T,:ii ' ; i:ztiH , i mtno c, o2iic ' io-.-c -ii,;i5, ta..ci i.vsf. nnd w i , ..e. it hf-als xvi !iout ac:.i- . W 2":!!:?lll:::i:7lolir:.. I Foil it dt'i'. n ni i-'i Sore;, Iloor Lis- , eie-i, Foot II i, Srrev o.m. Pcsb, tcnlld, Sjmvru TI?r:i- Zi, I7'ii"I)Oiio, I Old Sire,, !"' 1 llvll, I Urn ii-son I the Siijtit nrti cv--v oilit r ni3inc:it If! -which io vvrimnzi'a of tho stnb!c mill StocT: Tard arc IJnTjlc. Tho IWnlcaa Jtltila-!j TJ:simct always eurrs jipI never disappoints; und it is, po-iti. i ly, THE BEST OF AL.I, CUREYouRB5CK ACHi An i :dl di'sens- if the Kidm-vs Bhdder aod Urmiry Orgms by weir n4 the IMPROVED EXCKLSIOR KID NEY PAD. It is a Ma.velo!" Heat h'i and R H f Simple, Sensible, Oi- wui'r PArvi.is; iaWRifl III., i llflf III t ii 1 mMH It Cures where ad o se fa 's. A iev- fchp ' oi ' s th:,r , !,M ' ((' th elarion a-.d revohri n in Med.ein. . Thonsa Ty to Us Virfuw. Ahsorp i.m or di ect p icati -n, as op. n-'si'd to uns isla-t rv i' 'e ni . ujpdi eif,,.s S ml tO' tn-a' S - 0'i i.pvtruble- en f e. SoM lv drug- . gs' r sen "j m'i, uu h-ui-ijm ui I.riC' $2, ADDRESS T-.is is t--nh WXTON cfe CO,. 0 i-M'-a' 1-' & 11 Mtirk.-t St eet, ani Genu n JBjdny Pad. gan' bRANCisc Cal. Ak f.Ir i' and WESrEIlS AGENTS, take no otber. i :i Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OUKCJUN, GRAY BROS., HE r o 2p i- i o t o 3r e DEALER 3 N FRESH MEATS, TOT IIP, con arct By V.'liolcsiilo mil! Itrlail. -Orders Filled ok Z&Ja. ort 3NTrt5co. I. II vonn. j w rnuirrn wnoD&cnrnrn, LIVERY STABLE a v n CORHAL, a i (1 FEED STABLK. Hood bucrjry teams and nice Saddle hnv es furnislied ji t nil hours U the" day or n'edit a i"easonal)le prici s. Particular attention 1 aid to bo r'inirai d in'ooiuinu ti a: sient slot k. KNTIIANCK On Mn'.n and Washington Fl? , Ca.nvo.n r itv N3W BlacfsiBitli lei, C.W. Bcnliem Proprietor, CAM ON ITV, OHEGON. Maolrnorv. Wa irons. Bufru-ies. Plows and all kinds of work in niv line made and repaired in a VO''hl!l! I k'1 lllrU lU'l ilt l'l'-'Si 11 , . ... nlli pPi'i S 1 CClSU tit t e:t Mll . , , , i. . , nmi to r ho h'Oinir nl inroilpr- uaid to the slvciiiir ol inteiler and 1 1 ii T u i v horses. I "ill bo fniin Opposite W od it Church's Liven St ble wl.cre hors wvl i o u red 'or .'-t r asm ach.' r:is. (J vc in.- n e 1 . C. W. r.OXII.AM. ST0ES -AM"- TIN WARE RV CANYON HTY. OKKcON. Kocps constantly on band a good as sortment of BTOVKS AND TINWAHK Aod .uch otber articlrp npuHily kept id a Br. Cl'Pi Tin Establishment. AT MODERATE PIII'-E. r-. Cures I v ABSORPTION Natur. 'a wv T V LI" KG 1'ISFAES, klLL TLROA T)V ES JRE T 1.N0 ROUli I S. It DRIVKS INT t e SV t"U ciiintiv ent; 51 d',! nr,,,p lVnn-- It draws from t i -o.se arts Villi K iiiiiiiiiifliijiiiiikiijiiiiiiiiiiitiiirii Don'1 '1 si-aii ii tit von i av. tr tin- i.i-ie. ji. n A-p't-n -.r-i is IM- Sold ly D'UL'jj'-t-, or s nt Ii v mai , "i eceip? of Piiiv-. $2.0" lv Send for T.-ii.i-o- W JTS0N ct CO., nia s :i-d :r V12 it 124 Marke' Str-it li'i- k. ,Tlir- SAN FicANCISC ', C 1. Millions a Yeai" Sent free. western age:ts. Prairie City, Oregon, 1 1 ttttt SSr ttttt I I Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that we have received a large stock of FALL AND WINTER goods, and keep constantly on hand a full line of cho.ee fami ly Groceries, DHY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING IT ATS and CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CUOCKERY, TLASSWARB, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SCHOUL-r.OOK?, STATIONERY. . PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, NOTIONS. &c. Wo kepp a l:ire and vri- selectf tno.tc of GiMipial Mfrchaiid'se. Ca" 'it d SGC for Vourcc'vOS. LAURANCEK SITEAPEi?. I'.a rio Cit,Julv 3d. 1879. i.l3f. .Lumber ! Lumber ! ri"inieanrl Money is what p hp'e try to s.iveand asl have put a Ph.ner in mv Mill I :im n-W ru eparod to turn 0It i . i .l , . alvnnopon the cost of rcnini LUMBER OX SHOUT NOTI. K aii ti ose uiaimiena ouuu-1 ino- wjl do well to ive atten- tion to the above advantage in !ime and money. All kinds of luinhor on hand and for sale at the lowest pos sible living rates. AIL ORDERS . Addressed to niv care will be filled with care and the utmost speed. SOUTH WORTH, Proprietor. ('anyonCity.Ogn., Oct. 30th, 1SS0. THF PFflT FfiGLISH REMEDy. Is a i e vt-r-lai'iriL' i&p ur' icr iNeivons Di'l iht ,Exh:ius'i d Vii: litr, Sem nal Wi'.-ikness, S.. rma- itO' iho? ', LOST MAN HOOD, lnip'iM ey Paialvii-,'ndallthel ie ri i. cueuL- .1 6 If Ahus y'Ut fid ' I ies, sin I exf e.-s in u a' nr-i years-such sIj s. f Memory, ha'-sitiuh, N"eti.rn 1 Km ssi- n. Aver.-ion loS-'ci-1. D nines f Vi i.im, N.ue in the. He id; the vind tin id passing 'unobserved in tli iri e, a' d any other disi asea that lend 'o i' sanity nd de.ith. Dr Mintie will a:ree. tn forfeit Five Hundred O'LL.'rs fur a c.-i.e of thi- killtl 'llO VITAL RESTORATIVE (imd'T li s special ad ice and tteatinen') will n. t cure, or f-r 'iiyhing impure or iijnri ous found in t. Die. Mintik in-at- al; Priv: te Diseass Miccssftd y w thout m - rcu r . O-nsultati . n free. Thor-ouL-h 1'xanntiatioti and advii-e. ineln-'in ami lysis of nrinnt 35 00. Pricp nf VlTAl. Rest rative, 3 00 a hi.fle, tr Iniir biu.es the quantity, S10 00; HPnt tn any addnss on ieceipi of pr:ce, or C. O. P., -cure fmm ohservaiion, and in pr'vto name il desired, ly A. E. Mintie,M. O. 11 Kearny Strekt San Francic',( 'al Dr. MlNTIE's KIDNKY RHIEDY, NhPII- RETiCUM,i-ures ll kin 's nf Kidi-ey and Bl: elder ( ''Miiphi nt-, Gnnmrho?'!, G ee', I.eucorrhce-i. For sale by a'l druggists; 81 00 a h t'le.x h..tths I r S5 d0. Dr. .Mintik's dandelion pills, ate i In lies' and chi-rpest dyspepsia und dilious cure in tl e matki-t. P'nr salf hv Hod"- , DavTs & Co., Poitland, Who'e--nlu Aient for above remdiis. n40yl. ! The Little Jcker. FT ready to buy the tittle jokfr W'.s'-er, thi only perfect Wasl'inu 6 Macli'iT eer made. McC mas and McDauiiel, Agents for Baker and Grant Counties. Canyon City, Orkgon, IJave rn h ti d fhe larpsfc, best and most c wnpleto s ck if goods ever r.u;ht to this coun'y, which wre b u-ht FOR CASH, and ti-eiefore will be Hold lowi'i than the lowest. We inviii- i 8i ec-io'i ofour stock, COMPRISING DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD WARE R K AD Y M A D K CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS it SI 10 KS ETC. ETC. C iiavi' Jil0 nd ed t' our already imn en.-e : Sm nnen', a largo and wrll selec d .-t -k or Tlani. s, Sadd.es, B ni es and Cinpl'ea. New Goods of Every De scription. A full Stock of CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, PAT. ET MEDICINKS, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. 0:1 hand. We ar (p crnined to rh urb-st t" kfi p i stun 1 1 at vill He jsi'cotid ti no-ie in E st rn Oregon; and by p do:ng we invit- tr.-tdc fi om adistnrce. 0VFRH01T "i-uDCICK. F. 5. McCALLUM, GeneralMerclianfilse Eealer JOHN DY, ()R1C(()N. II living enlarged my S'ori- Ro m mid st -("''ed it wiili a we'l s Iceted s'ck of ' r 1 Ier linnditc I mi t ow pr par ed com, et- with other MnrH ants m. Ft?KNI?nixGSUPPUKS to I'ai-i.ns, Min r-. Sti ck Men and , -p n. n t . . . he Jruulic 0(;n'r:.Jv at i rice- eiiual to the md es:im J&s 111V r 0 1 ;re aii Uvsh a..d of the h,test styl-p. STT, PKAI.KI IN boots and shoes, ii ah d ware, Crockery, gro ceries, liquors AND Miners' Coeds ROEISONVILLE2 Grant County, Oregon. We also keep (a Hotel, where i the wearv can find rest, and plenty to eat. Tie Great Semite laificlirii inse oltleiol CINCINNATI, OHIO, TOP BUGGIES AND PHEAT0NS, Best nuitensil, jrood worKmanship, liandsome styles, '. strontr and durable vehicles in eveoy respect 70,000 Carriagi Manufactured by EMERSON, RSHER& CO.r are nw in use in They give unfailing satisfaction. All t heir worR'isvyarranled 'I hey have received testimonials from all parts of the country of purport simil.ir t the following, hundreds of v;nich. are on file- . subject to inspection: ' j . -; M- s-r-. Emeks. n, Fisher & C .: Galva, Tlls , .Tuft,, 16. 1R79.. I hai l u-e I O' e of jour Top BujrL'ii'f. three years, wtid thee of thejm twojyer in niv liveiy stable, and they have given me perfect st sf iotion and I arf ih.con- s'nise. OSCAR SM ALLEY. Messrs. CorP' ck k Johnson. : Newberry, S. J hj 1 7. lI879 . Dt-ar Sii. I Ii im' 'icen u.-in tl e Emerson & Iher B"pif Ifioht fjom' y.iu as touuhly I j-uppo :s in om culd. I had a fat h iednfe.hiraat fulfc; .pi e 1. s. nn'titi es wi'l. twn r. ldies and msVll in thi huvy.fiit kiu-day wotth all the money I paid for it. I my the Eui.r.on & Fisher Bu0ii s will do., A. M. TEAGJJK 'Virtitt r. The favorable repulation the Carriages have madi iir legalities where they been usel for s veral years by Livcymii, Shysicianff . and others requiring hard and constant use, has led toftiilncreas ed demand from those localities, to miet which the inufi&tura ing facilities of their n animoth establishment, have Cfeen- ek-z tended, enabling them now to turn out in goodsty!? s 3 6 0 Carriages a W etl I . EBItRSCH, FISHER & CO.'S . ... IW - 70RHEXT so DAYS - inches wid, 2 fled. . Re5bt ctaifi isfactorr. SoO, Addieta the manuficturar. .i&mps T. PATTERSON. p. O. Drawer 12, Bridsepart, Ct U.S. -f : .... - . r-t -5? Xtntiea Paptr Ar this AdvtrtUsment is . tut ii out. SADDLBfiY t HABlfi MANUFACTUHKD BI mmmwrnmi fee JOHN DAY, - OREGOWr -4 iiepainng pruiupny uuieiiu Satisfaction guaranteed. lw. 1 inch $2, 2 "s 3, 3 " 4, 4 5, i col. 7, i " 8, 1 " 15, lm. 3m. 6m. $4, $5, $10, C, 8, U, 7, 12, 16, 8, 14, 20. 9, 20, 28, 13, 24, 36,1 15, 30, 40,j 20, 40, 60j g40. Legal and transient ndvertistmeDits $2 50 per squareof 12 lines fiistin sermon and $1 per square eacnub- scqncnt insertion. LegaVa6siiiiisi be paid for in advance, to insure-.i sertion A. MB k STEVBp it i t i?ie nor ft DEALERS 1ST DEI GOODS AND Clothing, . BOOTS AND SHOES, GBOCEIES- V Ski v HARDWARE. CROCKER . LIQUORS AND SUTLERS' GOODS t - Of Erery Description , Grant County, Oregoh. ' HER & GO , every part of tl CARRIAGES ARE THE.BESL f' a- t. m