I wont Cfltwii . Nmm wpa YOL: 2; NO. 38. CANYON CITY, OREGON, S VXURD AY, DECEMBER 25 1880. TERMS: 3. PER YEAR. 'a PROFESSIONAL CARDS, f ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cjlnyon Citi Oregon. M.. L. OlMSTBAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon City, Oregon, Geo. B. Currey, CxnyonCity, Oregon. .Ml- Dustin, Attorney at Law, uiuyon urey, uregon. GFA-DUEtanEtrvlVERSITYOFPENN-. . t - iylvanw, April 8, 184S. , . Canyon. Ciy, Oregon. Office in liis Drug ' Store, Ma!n Street Orders for Drusrpromtiy filled." !Nfo professional patronage 3flicited unless directions aie s'rictly followed " J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Cjlnyon City, Grant.Co., Oregon. , O.M.DODSON,;M.D.f Frairio City, - Qgsa.. N. H. BOIiEY, ID 33 INT T;X S 1", c-Dental rooms first dour south of Di Howard's Drug Store. Canyon City, Oregon. G. I. HAZELTINE, FlxotOBraplLer, CANYON CITY, OREGON. The cheapest plac to buy paints, oils; turpentine, class, putty, varnishes And tVALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired'sOEDOgite the M. E. Church; Canyon City. Oregon. n!2tt JK WOOtBRT.. WOOIi&EY & HOUSMAN, CAIJtOK CITY, OREGON. rrjHE BAR m applitl with p'e- W5n53 rp A' LMsrii Beer, Ale, Bitter and Cij?Ars. FINE BILLIARD'ARLES In tbe S1bao. j3(iUn ut a call. ' JyW. MCDOWELL, ' . ' FROPRIETORS JOHN DAY SALOON, JofcnDay, Oregon. The Bar is supplied with pure vin03. Liquors, Beer, Ale, Bi'ters and Ck'artv. A Ene BILLIARD TABLE in the Sa loon. Give us a call. NEW. 6 0 0 D S ! . .We have just received a full and complettfassortment of all kinds of . '! t LADIES g60DS, ObOTEl Na, HATS and CAPS,. BOOTS and SHOE?, . fl 1 And a Variety of Articles sui table for HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Also a full Assortement of. "GENERAL MERCHANDISE" All Of which we offerto thePublie at the low est CASH PRICES. Tinrtnninn Pro'Yls MUbOlIOi) FHILMETSGHAN&GO. Hotels. A. II. Groth f. V. TIIOMP3 N r-- . CUT HOT FX . GROTH & THOMPSON - Proprietors And tlio Public Generally f. oXr .stand, : : : And re TeA to anish $ d Boardvand Lodhig AT MODfefiATK PU'li'. , ur a u uu .n t. is,i iid meu p::ic u m M'.c. 'o or t!i;iceou moda(iui of -u-.-sts. has ,1 u - w r w n p i-74 J fi 2 jC & I'RAIRIE (ITV, OllKdON, J. H. Danlman, Prcipi ietor. The accoojinoJatifina mv. tht abtt: fl .r ri eiI, nnd BTfry care wtl! be taken to in k 4gueiiti feel at boms. T ST-Cnmfor'nb'e bedp,snd a jjod a t as the market nff.trde furoiihed at reasoDab'c jstes. HAfY HOTEL Fort Harney, Oregon, .w.ir.jon.vsor, p oDiviur. Having completed my II tel I am prepared to entertain the traveliny public w'th care and comfort. The table is supplied with the best the market ailbrds. The beds are neat and clean. HKMIY SIKGAUT, Fashionable Barber, WASHINGTON ST., "prnnUe Citj Brerx HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING. AND SHAMPOOING, HOT AN D COM) BATjVAT AIL Tl VjE,'' . DALLES ND B kKER 'UTY STAGE LINE, Vaile & Co., Proprietors DejHt-i 'ro-M C:"on (sty fur Tis D .Hes and Ba 0 , Daily. ' A'l'ivc5: f"o t' smr . o? :, Da'ly. li 0. William s n, -'np't. CAN VOX OiTV ,t UcDKlljri' STAGKLLE, FSANKMcBEAN, - ?ropri3tor Departs from ('anvoii it v fr Ft. Harney. Mc'er.r.itt a d Yinmmti(M:a hnl . Arrives IVomanre j it; s daily. CITY BREWER SALOON, Washington St., Uanyo" u-ity, Oregon F. C. SELSy - - Propt'r. ConPtWftly on h?TH jr-'l f r uilp, Xiagor Boor Supetiur to any iu the Ci a:o. PINE WINES, LIQUOR AN'D OKHR . ALSO, MALT, ;1LT VINEflAR. AND CHOrTE. CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAGER lEER WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL, . LIQUORS AND WINKS, 2F PETER KDIHL, FEED & SALEST BtE, Wasiiing: on Street, I'AXYON Oil Y, OMGOISV Ho ses boa do I by the Dvkv- 0? WpiH 6u tea o'!ihle tes m. All St"Cb hlt iri' .. . v j -;: oii inr - receivf-the bes-ttfc, n ionntid ut .st e.re. Iivfeoi miction withsihe Stable vou win nnu uie jsae M BLAOSSIIfS- OP KUBL& W'hfie wrlc of all kinds in our Li; e is done a Prices .th it Dfv Coiniretit 0'.'. Ilav an. I ffmin taken in-Kx-change for work. : " 'i . Livery and Feed f tafe! . II. 0. J AKR ELL, - - - Pn pretoil Joun Day, Obeoo.v. G'"d hor.-rs and ri?t f -r thi; accom moiiuii'n of the Public. Stock hoarded by the d y wtek d monih, ut r aa-Mirtb'e at-.. J. OLLIVER & H Proprietors of the John Day Milk'Rartofi Will furnish the people of John iy' and Canyon Cities lvith milk by tii$ grillonor quart. ssuWfc sell the best of milk, and ,cv uare8 are reasonable. WilEi IS! 3. The Warm an i Oild Sulphur .cpri- fs are situate t in the John DayRiver 10 miles above Ptviri City d $5 from Canyon City, Gra t Coun i, Oregon. It is -he fi-n st SUMMBU IcEStT in EasJern Oreoi'. H i tyf Ga c a l r'isbi'ij: itHur by. I tivali Is d rive mre'; hnefit from b.ihifii; in the bove spring tlitm nuy in Oregon. A hick always- in" reajinfife for the iicc mmo U'ion.of gfiests. ; B rrie mid fruit it eaai). Ou chug s ar- ro sonsbl tiio: ricE, MINNIE MA.vkKN, Pnp?i tors n!3-4 LADIES KMPOHIUM. Irs. Jme Cl' avT v u'd-ahnnu ce tn t'-e j'uhlir. that he h-just 'G ir for th Kail and Win' rnu'ie Mm- ui.st btvsh assortment I'M.-- 8 a i. Chi"d reis h tt eve ofFer d i l.is mark , S e lso keei 8 fuli st'ck of Lad'e , Mi ses an l Hi ld-'n- Sh e s. L de w.inten v s, J'(ikef. a'tdKuhiH-; ju i y for vi ter vrar; Lal'es Un denv r (Vs's Lnci-s. Km r idfiies id 1 and Rib: o s. Tr mmig silk- and fn ire; rbl- an-l P- ckn' cu ery, vpr ae nl Je'eVry, Ch'imiere s, Oiown Lump . OftVe'and Par'or l.ai'p an I Lu Kix ur san i no'i.i. for tin- llo iday 'nide t"nuraer us fo nutn r Me ;i"i f r s d af th lowe pussih'e ; . Mil rates, 'orca-h. Th' p'r naae "'f the i.uh'ic is r.'tpec'fully .oliciied. Tliat When von need anyflifrtsrfn T"V'. i5IM.Y. X45IONI9. WATCHHS or SILVER WARE, It will pa;, you to seiixl to B. 1. STONE, Watchraalcer, Jeweler and Op'I cian, . W. cor. First and Mrrl son streets, Portland, Oregon. ole Axe tit for ttae celebratet Diamond Spectacles THAT KIES. The kiss you gave uie last year" 'Oix tlie load of hay, I nover shall forget, jdear, Till my dying day.v ; Phil. Bnlletin. Aiidi, too, remember The ki33 I gave you, pet; ?Y,ou had' been eating onions Methinks I smell them yot. IMorristown' Herald. Hethinks I too remember The kiss you gave, dear, 'Twas thicklv interladen. &zihh'W u r r kr o u t and beer: Phenix? Messenger; ''4m1ciss I best remember .V '"'Srsfirack me like a olap Of thunder in clear midday She gave another chap. Pottstown Daily Ledger I remember a kiss she gave me While leaning 'gainst the wall; Slie glued her lips to mine, and said ' ''Yum, yum." and that was all. r Pottstown Advertiser. "We remember the kiss she gave us 1 It was down by the Smoky river, When we think of that sweet buss, It fairly makes us shiver. Ellsworth Reporter. i.The kiss she gave to me Was given near Hillis' Bline, ind our talk was also free But the kiss was extra fine. A COliRECTlON. Beaver Phecinct, Grant Co. , Or. rk Dec. 5th, 1880. 'MbriOR News: De.vr Sir: Hav- een- in your issue of Nov. 13th an Article censuring the people of Bea ver and Warner for not holding elec tions or opening polls, I am induced by my love of right and justice to send you a few 'lines to infbhif you -why no election was held in this precinct: and after hearing me, 1 urn sure you will withdraw your rash judgment; for we of Beaver precinct do not believe that you would intentionally misrepresent us. As a lawyer would say, now as to the facts: Owing to the neglect or fail ure of the County Clerk, Sheriff, or some other person, we had no poll book, and not being lawyers, only farmers and stocs raisers, we did not know that we could legally hold an election without having a poll dook made out by the couniy Clerk: and in fact we do not know yet that we could have done so, but there are t!ios3 among us who say that we might have done S9 legally. These are the facts in the case, Mr. Editor and I hope you will be kind enough to give them to the public through your columns. D. In answer to the above we will say that when we wrote the article" referred to we supposed that they had poll books, but we have been authoiatv3ly inforaiel that the books, blanks, &c., were duly sent to said precincts, but ' through the gross neglect or willful intention of some person or persons, they failed to reach their destina tion. We beg pardon of the Beaver and Warner people forjudging them so harshly, and now feel that they oug'it to be allowed to vole twice at the next election to get evenx Real estate agents sre studying their maps, getting ready for the big rush that is sure to come in the spring. If love is blind, as they say it is, how is it that, they turn: the light down so confounded iow? We hope to see etfery quarter sec tion of land on the reservation set tled upon by a good j class of farmers by the opening of spring, 182!. A D: ffarenct, 1 Perhaps many ox our sheep meti do not know the differenc between - "commission men and in view thereof wa herewith give two statements and they can see for themselves: Pirst is a condensed statement from Eoude bush & Larsen, Dalles, to Rogers & Blackwell. Total charges on 3543 poui d 1 of wool from Canyon City to San Prancisco, including commis sion for salo of wool and all .expenses, $407.83. Here is a statement from Allen. &: Lewis, Porhlnnd, to S; Fieldsjpjai chargeB -on "8-112 pounds- oK wool from Canyon City to San Francisco, including commission for ..sale of wool and all expenses, $410.90., Blackwell shipped 'direct to ther Dalles men, while Mr. Fields as signed his wool to Overholt & Mulj drick of this city, thus saving clear : about $400, quite a nice little amount these times. Just why $4C0 differ ence can be made in the above amount of wool between here and San Francisco is hard to tell unless the two houses do a different kind of commission business. Perhaps one uses the old style and the other a patent style. At any rate it will.be well for our sheep men to look-to their interest and. not get robbed after they have raised tho wool. We hope that hereafter they will be more carefu Remember that. Van Horn, Venater and other sheep men were robbed of thousands two years aqro. Those cases should havebeen a lasting warning to shippersbut it seems thatitwns not heprled. A resident buncit-grusser spi'akB ' as follows concerning the advantages of this section: The land is of rich black Jpanv and yields,.lajgera heur river for thirty miles, tnere ar,e numerous good locations, surround ed with the best grazing lands Grain, fruit and vegetables grow most luxuriantly, and the winters are milder than anywhere else in the up per country. Since the Bannack war the Indians have left the; coun try, and there are . now none within: 150 miles.-. The old Malheur reser vation is to be abandoned and thrown open to settlement. Tele gram. Answers to Correspondeats, y In reply to the many inquiries which we have received regarding a most prominet modern remedy we: would say: To the best of our belief Warner's Safe .Kidney and Liver Cure is pure in its nature, efficient, in its action and certain in its results. We have learned of some remarkable cures 'vhich.it has effected, and be lieve that as a preventative of disease, it is unequalled. I or delicate ladies, and enfeebled men it is invaluable and its pure vegetable qualities coin mend it to the favor and use; oiali. . The tolal vote ofthnatiqn at the' recent election as officially reported,. gives Garfield 4,43f ,415 ; Bancpckjjk. V 4,436,014; Weaver, 305,7 Do. jf? " 9,644; Scattering. i;793.- Garfiedfs V plurality on'the whole Toteol; . ;;'f&: j. merits of the ctoioridney Pad! d - " m V X. its action, etc.," frilrr8d to Srtrs.; Wm. E: McJ&Q0tiEi Phbfegrapli.., Parlors, Toledo,, Qhid.-See Adv., f The latest naw. sonr iejititlAH-i icT3 i- TV Z i-TL Ti.li- it -?r . " ?f is a auet tor male ancf iemale. - - - A faint purse ne Yerwdca fftiS ladv ' " .v-v Wvm: -t Vf 4 TlTo4, XT,, 1-4- U " 1 :.MkT, - wl fun Arrnin m! Pnrr.lotiH nnH -n-,,A K- . "9 v0 . VUAfci4V. JJUiVA gCP ij., ff. j for his spree. A ' Sir .2 1 i 5? m . 4 - . at. HI 4 Kg ft - 7- ."Slit, .v t ' f - 1 1: a , For iftlt'frqrintithi, lesa tbsa FIVE GAL; -Ganyon City, No?. 25. 1880: .f Sf '1 8 4 i i. " a Si-: " , ft T . . ?