Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 18, 1880, Image 3

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    fit Bui Colli M.
Saturday Morning, Dec. 18. 1830.
S.H. Shepherd, Editor.
U P , inlets every Thursday eve'in
at tli- ir Lke 11 m in Vhihi fVy.
Visitirii: bivrhc r- itTite i t :it e-
I OrJ r ol N G.
Jfii S3. I i). 0. l, Prab City, Oie
gun, mcftg ev-ry .ca-.:rda 12 v mg.
Members of the T'er r- invited io
attend. Jy order th Is. (J.
The Grant C unty News is
yoh City as skcosd class hail
ii att k l aco rd1ko to law.
Tho Teachers of G
and all friends of education are in-
vifcfid tn TiiPftf in ie P.rxtif TT.mon ?r
r, n., T , rt , i
Cauyon City, on Tuesday, Doc. 2Sth,
-,o , , ; .
ioou, to noiu tne annual session oi
tho Grant County Teach rr. Insti
tue. All members and fcoacher3 who
can attend are urged to do so.
Co. School SupL
V . -
Last woek we left our reporter on
hid way to Prairie City; and when
lis armred thero he, of course, had
to stop and .spirit up atPujGLOLSTJs'a,
thsn atop t Lauhanck & Shiiarsb'b
-where a supply of general merchan
dise cm be secured at reasonable
prices, then on to Mrs. J. Y. Cleav
er's where the ladies can "ft rdv
thing they want from a pin to a
full suit. While the ladies are trad
ing the men win stop in at James
Cleaver's, next dcor, and make a
bargain for the winter Hour, then
aro to go to Da. Dodson for medical
advice or pills, next to Jules Le
Brete, who will be happy to sell
you a lot of nice things, while in
next tiojor Wa. Bnooin will -stli you
s beef or a hog; then J. W. Mao:
will furnish the meal, and Josn Gol
imwill nil vour order for boots, at
the same time Jul73 LkBr: ts will
feed, tho team. At the Btcre of W.
J. Fise your family can lay in a sup
ply of toys, groceries, nuts, &e. &c,
while uftxt door the fbovej" can jret
a fresh, drink, thou nil can go to W.
J. GjuBREiTii's for more goods; after
which let 11 go to J. H. Hp.dmak'p
the "Grange Hotel," and stop for
the night. There in a livery ctable
close by, and C. Shj,w has s black
smith shop near at hand, a$ also has
Ma. Joiinso.v, across the river. "We
believe that "Nice" Thornton still
keeps a blacksmith nhop; at any
rate he sells hogs and lard for cash
N. S JBaucock also keeps butcher
shor. Having gone through Prairie
City, we now slide over the snow to
Bobinsonviile, where we find C. W.
Daggett and wife, who keep store,
hotel and feed stable; then on o
Granite, where we iind "Milt" Ste
vens with a. good supply of beef,
mutton, and whisky, wine and cigars.
Mr. Diok keepa hokd and IVTa. Ta
bor the P. O. At the Monumental
Mine we find Harvy Robins as Land
lord, and a good store under control
of Sam. Parrisu, and a saloon kept
by Mr. Worcester. We now return
by way of Elk Creek, where J. H.
Blake keeps a nice stock of goods
and O.P. Cresap furnishes the beef.
At Long Creek we findKEsxEY Bros-
"with a stock of goods'.
At Harney, !
Snidkr & Stevens keep an immense 1 day evening. The time of the meet
stock of goods, and Mr W W ! inr WIS principally occupied in dis-
Jounson furnishes meals and lodgin- I S TIT " Vf f"
, . 0 0 i cations should be required to render
for the weary. At Curry Creek Mr. j a citizen eligible to the elective fran
T. W. Curry deal3 out groceries and , chise. " If there be any still encurn
such to settlera. Spanish Gulch i3 bered with the opinion that a woman
on the Dalles road and Mote Howe ca,lllot ablv aiul correctly preside
is the man that keeps the store.
Next week we will return to Can
yon City and make a clean up.
Mr. A. Hachney informs us that a
beautiful Christmas tree will be erect
ed in John Day on Christmas eve.
Thnf. ill n nil fat la Arnvl .3
some of tne prices that we pay for
articles in Canyon City, we herewith
give a partial price list: Flour, $o
per hundred; beans, 12 cents per
lb; potatoes, 2 ct3. per lb; cabbage,
3 cts. per lb. wood, $5 per cord;
oats, 3 cts. per lb; butter, G2V cts.
per ib and very seldom found at
this time of year; eggs, 50 cts. per
doz., and at this time of the year
the crop is vamouse; turkeys, $2 per
head; beef, 12 J cts. per pound:
lard, S2.50 per Tery small can; su
gar, 5 to 5i lbs for a dollar; coiToe,
3 lbs for a Sollar. Tho Grant Coun
ty News, only 53 per year (Portland
prices); cigars, 25 cts. a pair; beer,
i 25 cts.
a glass;
50 cts. for a shave;
j $S per day for a livery team; $.1.50
: to $1 per day for labor; naiis, 12J-
ct3. per It); board, $7 per week; ap
ples, $1 per bos; calico, 8 yards for
a dollar. All else in proportion.
"We are compelled to omit the
names of those that attended the
j ball at John Day last Friday night
as our reporter enjoyed Inmseli so
, n , f . ..
hugely that he failed to jel the names
oi mose present, u e are sorry,
-fjl. I 111
but at some future time we will make
up for the failure.
Several lot3 have been " taken up
on the opposite side of the creek
within the la?fc week with a view of
building residence j theraon. We
hear of many more that desire io
build if a lot can be secured.
Mrs. Turk ban just received a full
supply of fresh Ji-liy, Jams, Canned
Corn, beef and Salmon. Thuy ate
nice and "don't you forget it" when
you want anything that line.
Mr. W. F. Mofatt, of North Fcrk,
will move his family into Canyon
City to reside, lie is extensively
engaged in the cattle biuinsis, con
sequently he is away from home
much of his time.
W. A. Titus, 02 Ashland Avenue.
Toledo, Ohio, savs: Mv v:ife is now
aa strong as ever, hrr regained health
being diree'ly due to tho nye or tin
Tikcslrlor Kidney Pai. W. .!
heartily recommend it to all kidnc"
l.roubled persons. S e adv.
"Old winter has como with his
great white clonk and rivnlets mut
ter and growl and crook." And s..
does the street corner loafer, a.M he
hurrie lly seeks the frioadlv emlrace
of oomebodv's warm stove.
Loik out for your Move pipe fl!:d
chimnevs, if the fire fiend calls aftM
you duriin1 these cold windv nihis
you c:u make up your mi d vou ha e
got to go. JIcw's your insurance?
The Episcopal Churchji1. this place
is now supplied with a regular mij:-
isler and services will be held revru
God help the poor through the
cold winter; which in cans, c,God
help the country editor."
Now is the time to make sausages,
acraps and head cheese, and don't
you forgot the editor.
"Idiotic bang" is the name of tho
style of hair combed down over the
forehead and then cut.
Z'fow that the gras3 pulling season
is over, a good place for a promenade
is around the parlor stove.
Get the cast iron linings for your
stomachs ready, mince pie time is
The Woman Suffrage Association
held their regular meeting last P rl-
over an organized meeting, or logic
ally, and even eloquently, debate j
on any subject, they will surely be j
relieved of that idea by attending
the meetings of the Association.
Married In this city, Dec. IGth,
Mr. John Erickson to Miss Parrish.
Has just received a full and com
plete assortment of wafcehes, chains,
pins, button, and sets of the latest
styles and best quality, which he
now proposes to close out during
the hoiday. therefora, ho will give
better bargains than has evor been
' offered before in Canyon City. Ho
is a pr vetittal jawelor, and cArries
none but tho best goods and io
bound to build up a truda here, and
' in viow thereof will do the very best
for his customers. Remember that
ha can bo found in Mrs. Turk 'a
storo, and ii always ready to show
goo U, repair w.itch or Any other
article in his hue. Hj has uota that
are h&;:rt sma morj and just thepres
.eutoryour girl orwsfa. You will
loiemo: ev if vou L'A to cae hi:j goods.
" There is good damrul for hay,
oats and wood in this market.
There will be Divine Service in the
Episcopal hurch, 'anyon ('ity, at
ii A. M.f S i:id y m jnmij naxt
Ahoat John Day City, in tho ILill
V A . If -
lr j. B. C. Trowbridge cams very
near bein thrown roa a wagon on
i i.t Suud.iy night. She might have
bee;x sevvrely hurt, but we under
s'and that u;ie only reeivud some
uvore :-ti.iius audi.i ail right.
Bj3x, in thij cily, D03 l., to the
wife of Goo. Biooii, a d.ui'htjr.
A Grand Sliejt and Pillow Case
3.t;l to be given at John Day Ore
jon, FL'ld.ty, Doc. 2ith, 1S30, in
.lax Motrjcinu'.-; n.)u building.
Committee or A?.a no emknts :
G. I. Hazeltino, A. Hachcney,
Wm. rdoDoweli.
Floor Managers:
L' I. McCallum, John Powell.
A cordud invitation is extendad to
-.11. The best of mmic in attendance.
Tickets, without supper, $,2 00.
Police of f inAi SoUlgaicn,
In tho Countv Couri of tho State
if' Oregon, lorGrmt County,
la Ihti m liter of tlie odtate
of Cideb It in, Djco.ised.
vlioe i iier .''.' g;teu that the
idminidlrator of oho above-named
-.i-ilj inu hied in nd Court his li
i d account of his adm:nis4.ratio:i in
dd e-tubi) and that Tuesday, the
c'.ii dav of J.inu.v, A D. ISM, at
dovuii o'clojk A. :C of sai! day h.v
vin appointed by said court for the
learing f.ud .settL'inent of said ac
onnt, at which time ;nd Court any
erson iucretod in sai E:it:its may
ippttir and file executions to said
iccount mi 1 contest d o same.
Dated, November l2)rd 1SS0.
n3in38 Administrator.
" Lan 1 Ofilce at La Grande,
Ogn., Djc. ltth, 13S0.
Notice i3 hereby given that tho fol
lowing u.uued swsfcler has filed notice
of ids intention to m.ik j final proof in
support of hi-j claim and secure final
jntry thereof at the oxpiration of 30
1 y.i from the d:ze of thu notice, vtz:
Jo'nn lIuldrick pre-emption D. S.
No. '2)08, boo e the County Clerk of
Grjnt county, Ogn., at Canyon City,
said county, on the tilth dvy of Jan.,
Lb'St, for the S. W. J sec 31, Tp. 13
S., K. 33 E., Yv'. M., and namo.i tho
following ai his vituesjea; Peter
Kuhl, T, W. Parsons, D. G. Over
holt and B. S. Martin, alio: Canyon
Citv, Grant countv, Ore ,'on.
n3fl-10 Ilcjrister.
The pupils of the Public Sjhool
in fcliis city will giva an exhibition at
the Maoonic H ill, un.lor the super
vision of the Teachers, Mr and Mrs.
M. N. Bonham, on the evening of
Ducomber 22nd, 1830, admission 50
cent'i. Proceeds tj go tothebonofit
of the school.
There will be a turkey shooting at
Cha3. Riley's, on South Fork, on
Dec. 21st, 1SS0. At night a dance
will be given and a general good
time had.
We have a "Humboldt Washer'
that we will sell, or trade for flour,
wood, pork, wheat, or chickens.
A Grand Ball will be given at tho
Grange Hidl,
On Chr
istmas Eve, 1830, foriheban- am' all persons in any wise interest
the Public School, at said ed in said greeting:
, in the name oi tne Wato or Ore-
efit of
Comsiittee o? Ajiranehr.ts :
John Lauranco, John Wowwick,
Jas F Clearer,
Yi F Sjttlemira, C A S;fick
Floo:. Manao a :
J. B. Johnson, Ja;. Finigan,
M. 0osiern?cii.
Ticket, without supjiRr, ?-2,00
A cordial invitation ij oxtynde 1 to
Land Orricu vt Lv Gani'.,
Ogn., Nor. 13th, L,S.-"0. )
proof in support oi hie t luim, ami
secure tln.d fcurr thereof r. tlu ex-
nir;.hi,n nf thrir d-.v, fr:,7r, t, . A
of this notice, r z: M'Jlur,
! Pro-emption D. S. No. ill-i3, before
tha Couutr Clrk, ti Canyon Citv,
Grant Co. intv, Oregon, on Ds um
ber IS. ISSOfor the NE of S?c. :U,
T 11, South IX 20, East of Wiihun-.
etta .meridian, and names the fol-1
lowing as hU vritneaws, Tiz: Dill-ird '.
BUdtt, A. P. Lamb and Wm. Mc-
T.rtlx -v'r m'v V.i! low Ti I f !-. f-tra
Kniealey of John Day City, Grant
Couucy, Oregon
n33-n33. 'Kegistcr.
W c u $i k mi
Tin! lelli" S IBtit iit Ui to- 'Hi no c
it.V 't y.-t tU.-OfiiS-ti i-" tni i fi'. i ISO
l r '! Ki n n o Lit r. If. t trir,
h Ki Jueya Lir.t k tin , r
ict or !''. pt-rt'.c idth will in
risult. T:h ri iit ii r m o I v h mi c 'n
rt p)iot i:i' r.f 1 li r t r !m -utifi-re!
-re i? yg y i o t t.y.,nj 1
fi-i i 'if' T . .-o ' re'e
Safe Kidft and I. Coe . r .d
new era i-; tin tiv v of
ir uhi-'. 7.1 .! f o i
i-.-f ol' rnir va us, i c t n
I -jji n it ii? ft r ' u -r
' 1 1 i
u i t.
MiiO t- i)i flu yr .l , U'.'
m1cIt s'n' i.ri'i k v tiiMti ot
it ia POS! 1 I V'E i? ia-d fw I hs
Of 03 CA't saint rt th ow
: sir f C-e hod or t rpd i.'ne
( 1 e n 'I a lu.'3 J u I z.i it
ir.iv I Ki 7. r, Ai'u M il rt K
nJ a 1 d iUcult f tu rvi i"f , Li -a
a ii Ur nurj () n .
1 i-. wxi'f 1 i' :nl s if" v ied
f r fiMnl! liuri g I'-P'ucv. it wi i
co t "I Mi zi-t n ti n a 1 i i v -ina r
'o L HfO' 1 1 te ft txl i sr 'th wj i.
At h 11 oid J' r.S r ti is niH.-qu let
tor ii chub ihe i riTii a ilntuak- the
b oou.
I' aved y li: " li. I;. L :.l.f?el
nu A'a
,U is tli r- nie-y 'hat wil eu- f ' c
ma-'j 1 8 -ii a 'vedinr f" w : cn."
M" hrrV M rnr.i .
a- p.iHed s r. r t sU ;:i ' w
n Io 20m nf" to n iiib til' i i h ?
me led or o if in t e cni t i " .N.v-Y.-ik
W rid.
''No r-nnvly e t''o ft Ii
c n he 1 1 f r o w tno t i
i, , Nrifh it" !: (j ,t il.
D.. V..nh i.t n D. ('.
Thi linioI, whi li h i .o
m )
o tleri-, i?i pii ii n t v L
: .i
io hb r ny m esi- i- u on tn
a fC
and U m li l lrii- ! i'- d ta
h' $1 25 pi-r lotfie. r'.r D lem n
quire i r W.r rV. .' ih h 03 0t-r.
It N M P. i iv I'.-u.i-lv. j
IL if; W.iRN-:il ,k CO . it !- 1
te ' N' Y' .
Mr. John Sbenger and John
Chapman, two of Grant County's
enterprising cattle men, have gone to .
Portland to winter.
Another wedding on the tapis if
sign? don't foil.
ice i.-j hereby girn t!iat the 'i V1 ?J- "
in''-nained aattL-r h:w Hlod no- u -J want ooumy
bin ii,?r.t.;nii tn n il btalG Ol UrftgOU, f.3 111 tllO ICtlt.lon Oi
. M pi m i
',,1 fem'H!
bS'iil' TWWl ' em .i riis riv.-li.. tl.o -e of
HMl4 ' lWt '--Kl,oEPo..lnn-..-.e p.-
In tho County our!; of the Stafe
of Orcjou, for Gnint County,
Iii" the matter of the estate )
of M. A. McNeal, deceased, j .
To Joseph McNeal, Jamsa MciSeal
gon, you and each of you are h9re
by cited and required to appear in
the County Court of the Stato of
Oregon, ior Grant County t the
Court House, in Canyon City in said
CoaiPv, on thy 7th day of January,
.itWl, at the hour of 11 o'clock
A. M., of said day, then and there
to allow cause why an order of sale"
be nji niidj by s.iid Court, author
izing and directing the administra
tor oi s.;id estate to sell the follow
ing real properly belonging to said
u;, to-wit: the W.V of the NWJ
and the HE) of the 1$ a id tno"
said Adnunistr.vtor, now on hk in
: 'jaul Court, piiiyed.
ltneDb the Hon. G. I rlaseitine,
Judge of the County Court, of the
State ot Oregon, for irrant County,
with the seal of said Court afSxed
this 23rd day of November, A. D,
! SJ3AX. :
M. ijPu'hi MVtr prasirin an
n m ci i 'o 'he puh ic rlmf a- a h jus?
r u iv'U mi extea i'-ek of h;it,bot
i m; un 'htr llin sy u odn f er..ry
.i i. t i- th.- la .1 ;oul mo?' j" .olfc.r
?yl s.
A'- tlmt -he iiH5 rihnj d h r t ck
i I'f y.- t if u;it g , l.joli'' uuil (hiU
r n ' U "'w. r, ti iy. ha cy,u:'i
o' a ti "i t n tlrM rin i n.
'? m ui l Mich hv
not f tw'l
d i ! h f.'iin i, . '
1 . .
f '..! -ny
o a , ' :-m.
S c ' pin- d
e 'a i ? f iu- il ;
at ii v;t: V.-.t
in tbi line cr'
H (I ..iii s of ii 'il
Notice ofTinnl Seitlewent.
In the County Court of the State"
of Oregon, for Grant County,
In the matter of the estate of
J. Yardaman, Deceased, j
Notice is her. by given that the Ad
min.ntrator of the above-named es
t iT hai file 1 in said court his final
account of his administration in said
estate and that Tuesday the 4th dav
of iTannarv, lbSL at 12 o'clock M. of
! a dd d .y h:;H bot n apj om od by said
Ciur., .or tU'j hearing and settle
ment of said account, at which time
Court any pel son interested in
aid estate may aj pear and file ex
ceptions to said account and contest
the same.
Dated, Canyon City, Nov. 23rcf,
1SS0. J. H. BLAKE,
ITotico is hcroly given that the ex
ecutors Ac, of the Estate of John
L. Miller, late of Grant County, Or
ogon, decoased, have filed in the
Countv Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Grant, their
final report and account in the mat
ter of tho administration of said Es
tate, and that tiiG fourth day of Jan
uary, 1881, has been appointed
by said court for final settlement
thereof, all persons interested are
hereby notified to apjcar in said
court on said day and show cause if
any thoro be why said report should
n jI be accepted and this Estate De
cree fully settled and those execu
tors discharged.
i M. L. Olmsted, Atty.
i E cecutor. of the last will and testa--
manfc of John L. Miller, dnp.prxq.ol
' I J v-..
n 14-38.
To faciliate-my aunual sottlomoatn'
1 desire to balance my books by Jan.,
1st, 1881. I will accept, in payment
o account , farmers' produce of all
kinds, at the highest market rates.
n ease payment is not made by date'
above inentionel, I desire the books
balanced by negli ible paper.
Variety Storo, Prairie City, Oregon!-
.rtl'l J.1 TT7 1 ..' C!.... .1.1 'P J VI