F. I. fflcCALLUM, GeseralffiBrclianflise Dealer JOHN !UY. ()RK(?()N. i . 'i1t... .1 y S o Uo m and st ' cmI u !' w s '''"tft ' s'o 'k of G n-r 1 v'e hs m? .' m uv pr pal ed to com - et with other M- rdants i FUHNISMI G RrPPUKR to Fnivi." ts. Mi r. N k Men and the Public 'Jen 'by -t i net'- ecjun I to the I we-'. Cull iid evim-n r n U-o i- iv a' i'v a' ;l d of t'e Litest HtvL -u. J. OLMfEE (k fJ1 Proprietors of the John Day RSESk'lSanch Will furnish the people "of. John Day and Canyon Olios tt It Ii milk hy the gallon or quart. soli t lie best of milk, and our charsres arc reasonable. "'' Mispntsil in fte BROfiD SLAifil ol islsitlis VSEY BEST OPLPwATBIG-, QTJICKSST SSLLIITCJ, HANDSOMEST AND asfsifiBifflii Ever offered to the public. 11 AVE ONLY BY EKCEL8IGR MANUFA0TUR1NG GO. ITos. 512, CI4, G16 2; 618 N. Kaia St., ST. LiGUJS, MO. Thif Warm ln Otih! ul;-'ur Spri' ; i sufPCBitiiHtt) n t:.f Jdm Day Rive: lu jiiiios above F: ir . City nd 25 from Oilmen 'iu, lira t Conn v, Oregon. His ihofi-i'sttTOfMEU l.'ESOUT. i Eastern Or?, c . Piiuty f Game awd Kishi a o.ir b. I ft vali a d rive in ro hi-nefit from hnthini: in the id)ove Rjri'g than any in Oregon. A hick always in readiness ior the accommo la'ion f gue.st;. Bi-rrieu and fruit in season. Our charg s are reasonsbh. TIIO-'. HOWE, iMISNIE MANSION, ml 3 i ra Pi m tors. 0 An i all di-i.-s - "1 t .e avu'tjs t, .i.i i !- n Uv wfl.tr inj; the TMPUOVED EXiMOLSIOrv KTP jEY PAD. H is !l Maivelof Ileal inn and lb li"t SimDSe, Sensible, Pi-, , ' . i :i ic A rev- ' it UUKKS i i v. ..... . -- - i uoxiv bi.-. -Ml t-O. J. - " jr'i, .r cmi t.y in-1'. on rij.t of r l t nu r-osjfcco,. oill 122 U Mrk-t Street, awl Oonun" t p dn-YPad. '-nANCisc Cal. Ak f-irand Western agents, $ake no other. s -V ' i Tr-i iii i i Mi. v - i CiyoIIilflaflaifti i Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OKKOON, GRAY BROS., D E A L t-. J! o N:m S3. i. ,1 UBji y. 9 Bj- AVliolcsxlo anil lii-inil. Orders Filled on Sjfcxort PT oo. i. n roon j rnvrfv. wood on rum, LIVERY STABLE vli- CORR L, :.-d FEED ST ELF. o - Oood buirrv teams ami nice vaddlo lmi-es rurnishod pt all hours of the day or ivg-' t a' reasonal le n;ic' s. Part' . !ar 1 , n-r f v ?n., m rl til Cl l'll 'li j II I. L M. I ! . I grooniin:t a sicnt sii k. lew Ehfiift Sit O.W. Bcnham Proi:rir or. L'VNYON LlTY PI.E'i -N'. ' I Miu-h!nory. Wairims. P!iii,s. Plows and all kinds oi' work in mv line made and repaired ii n woi kma-d.k- manner at re.-.s n able prices. Special attention 7nirl tn H o sh. eimr n intcfer- 1 , l i ! 1 1 nil' i in f iiwir.- i i' be fu ! osite W od A v xiurcii's b'ven .t.ble ore hors wid o e red for at r as" neb.' nes. Give mi a crd1. C. Vf. Boxh.am. STOVES TIN WARE I?Y CANYON ("1TY. OKICiiON Koapn coaslnntly obi hnnd n good n.s sortmcnt of RTOYKS AND TIN WAKE Afid i ucb otor aMiHrp i.?orily Urpt in a fir- Tin Kstatolisliment. AT MODERN E ' K I E. V " 'IT " Cure?? v AHSOltPTiO.N' Nato-'s hi T El 'NO lJ LUNG PJSEAE?. I3IIE '.TlilMi Krii: : H. U DRlVKs i.t t' t sy t r;rai v agents a d ' e. 'nz inn ic n . It DRAWS I'JioM t' " s-C art Don'' d span n ti von ' av tr tl'i Sen-ihle, E.ib A pb-d -nd l v P I A L LY E V V KCTl'AL Ilem-h Sold by D-iiL-gi t, or s t b mni n lecoipt of Pii(f. 32.00 bv Send for 'IVsfin.o- U TON it CO., niu s :..d ur 122 12 4 Uarke Str- t lm- k. 'Thr-' sa f ancisc , c 1. Million a Y. ar" Sent free. wkbter awsmi. WW Tu. Ton CafllM3V8i3BiCtO eS LiMAMCB ft SHHAHBR Piairie City, Oregon, I ! ! I 1 1 I Would most respectfully an nounce to the Public that we have received a large stock of FAIL AM WFTEB j crouds, and keep constantly on h-.i ltd a full line of cho.ee .ami- ly Ouocr.RiEs, PKY GOODS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. HA'Fa- dCAPS. BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ".LAS-'WARR, CIGARS an! TOBACCO, FCHOOL-BOOKP, STATIONED Y. PATENT MEDICINES, OILS. PAINT45, NOTIONS &c. y(, Vo'p a lnrire and wll selected mpfc of n,M.p.al Mrrehandise. Call I USANCE sheapek. P-si rioCit ..Tult 3d. 1S79. i.lS'f. Lumber ! Lumber ! i Time and Monry is what; P "P Hy to siveand as! have j j P"i a Pl.er in my Mill T run j !" w pror-nr.-fl to turn out, -i , , , ' i ' -ftrosft -i luiniuTiii a vcrv suia.i a 'vtmpo f)n the cosi of rcugh PEEPER ( SHOUT NOTI-'K ,n 4, , 4rtl rl i , All t: o?e that intend build-i ! i . iix. u... uur w ii no wen to irivu mlu-h-:! tion io the above advantage in time a i d money. All kinds of himlor on band I f, . ..1.. ut t r ) rvniP t r,ro ';in;J i'r . u.c hmu-oi v sib'.o iivii ix raw s. ALL ORDERS. 'vddr. cd to my cai-e will be filled with i.areand the utmost sjicod. Y.. OU!H WORTH, Proprietor. 't.v.! City,Ogn , (ct. 30th, 1 8S0. THr R1FT FflGLISH REHEOT. is a i ti- i'-lai'ii 'ur" fr Ncvoi. !)! ii t ,Exh:ius' d Yit.-.lity, .Spiii nal pen Weakness, 'siM rn.a vitorrlja' , LOST MAN-1 L'a'VfeWiJ 1 V.tiiHs'.-, :iiilnl! Uio! ii i cue i i f Alu.-' yut fill 1 it's, . n x c-v- i. ir ji'nr' i yn-such li f M''ii orv, bassirud". ?i''ti.rn 1 . Km sa n. Aveiiori my ci t . Dnmes f Yi inn, N'iKe- in tin No d; tin- vi':d duid 'assit'r unob.-orve t in th' iri" e, a- d any o'l erdis- asa th.ji les,d o i sanity -d "1 -th. I n At i: riK iH huiqp t forfeit Five Uumirku I ll RS for a : i-R of tWi- kind ho vital restorative Ok d- r h s 1 pt.rinia!vi.-.. an.i Lr,.ment) win ,..r en1 oi f r "y hing imjure or i'ju' om- 'mn' in t. Ph. Mintik ti-.-ii- ab pftv te l)i.seas"5 Micci'.sfid y w thout 111 irni. ('.NMJLTATI-N FREE. TliOl- h xaH't ation anJ advice. iicbi' in ; .'ys'- of ri-,., Sn 00. Pric- nf Vital Kkst haTiVE, 00 a b t'in, it l'"ir Li ea th- quality, S10 00; sent m a y ublr-ss on ecei p" of free, or C. O P., cure ff-in ob.soiva'ion a"d in pr vip. jni"'. i' dcsbc'V'Y A. K. Mintie.M. t. 1 1 Ke rny Sth ei t San FRANCeC",( 'al PR. llNTIE'S KIPN FY Rl M1DY, NKPI1- KKTKTM.i-iites ll kin 's nf Kidi.ev nrifl i ddft ( '. inp'a i't Oitiinrrh(p i, G co, ! .fMicorr ce i Kur-'ali' by a'l drugrist.: 61 0 b tb'.-x b. trl.s f. r 85 i-0. I. Ml.NTU's DANDFLION PILLS, are h bes' -nd oh-:-pest dyspepsia -nd hilioUs fin- m O e inak t. Fm sal b Ho b- , Dav s & (In., Po'tlani), Who'e- A-joir- fur :.bove remdiF. n40) 1. The Little Juker. KT Rl ADY TO RI. Y THE TITTLE Jt'KI R W s er, th only perfect VYi.o.in Mach n e e in-de. McC mas an1' Mrl'anhd, A-cnU for B k r and Grant Count.es. TYDTfl l . 9 Can von City, Oregon, IJ;ive n h-u.d 'he hirffc, b5 and ra i-t c u pltttf s' ck i f ;oo !s (v. r 1 rught to this coun'y, which wn bn: FOPt ' SH, and t e i-lbie ill b Mild lor than the Iowm. W. i ii v i 1 1- i- ec ion ur .-took, compiusino DRY G( )ODS GPOCERIE?, II A UD- WARE RKADYMD'r; CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SliOKS ETC. ETC. We hav t.Uo f-d'-ed t mir already iiun.'''t j-M-rMiien1, a la l ami w 1 selec d st-ck or Ha n.s-, Sm'dis, B idles :m Ciiirl e.v ew Goods of Every De scription. C R 0 Civ E ! f Y . GLASSWARE, P A T. ENT EDICIN! PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL ROOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. 0!i haiu We a:' d e minrti to d mh b at t k'-i p ' stisr' 'la' "ill le p-fnd t j ;rhm in East rn Oi'on: ad bv ? i doii-g Wo i.-vit- tr--.l.. f.ou. a-Hcp. e. w. DAGGETT, PB4 7t BOOTS AND SllUli, H AKBW BE, CBOi-KKBY, GKO- CEBIES, LIQF01W AND Sners1 Goods ill ANT Cot'VrV. OiO.dON. r i i n i .. l . 1 f 1 ne weai-y ca:i una rest, ana ' nlentv to eat. a. nr-pPKini, FASEI02TAZLS BOOT AIkD SHCE- i C.A N YON Cl'i; V, OK F(i ON. Z9 IR 'idly prepared to torn ont first-c'a-s vrork out ol the ven best material and burst finish. C-T Kej)a:ring n a'ly :nd di aply done- niTTTinnTm o. win vn.nr . v m . n h Mb Great Germso MafitfacWi Mm of i f orll 6 Bt' a jitkJSWJB r ! CINCINNATI, OHIO, TOP BIHHUKS AK1) FJIEATOM, Jest material. ro.d worKma;ihip, handome styles, stn.nir ai d durable vidiicks in eveoy respect. 70,000 Garriasfi Manufactured by EWERftQn, F28MR & CO. are nv In wsc In very part of the American Continent. They ive unfading Satisfaction. All their worse is warranted 'Ihey have reicivid t s'imonia'is trom all parts of the country of pu rj ort s mi l.i r t the ft llowing, hundreds of which are on lilt? subject to inspection: M s r. Emeus-n, Fesiier it C-.: Galva, Tlls , .Tuh16, 1S79. 1 lur n e o o ol our Top Buiri-i's ilree years, :md ihie of nm two yeari in m dvriy stabu-. ami ihoy have veu ine prrfeet st sf i'tion aftl ar in coti Muni'ie. OSCAR vSM ALLEY. Messrs. Copp ck it Johnson.: Newbkrry, S. C'., duly H'. 170 D- :ir Sir. I h 'M' fa-en u.-inu 0 e Erncrs n & hiher DugL'V I bo'inhi f om ymi as lonuhly I .-nppo- 's n on c uhl. 1 had a fat hre, druri him at fu'J !-pel, nu'iui es wii. tn ir wn Indies and iuxm II in th bujijv, ami it ih tn-day woith all U:e money I pa'd for it. 1 any lu Emion it Fisher Biri:vs will do. A. M. TEAGTJK, 7rnn r. The favorable l eputation the Tnrriageshave made in localities where they been used for s veral ears by Livp'ymon Phvsicians and oth'-rs requinnt; hard and eons ant use, has led toan increas ed demand from those localith s. to m et whit-h the "manufacturo ing facilities of their n ainnioth establisliment have been ex tended, enabling them now to turn out in good style 3 6 0 C rriages a W,e 'k I EkIlRS.N, riSKEii & UO.'S IMMSKSS BEDTTCTIONSI PIANi At Tiolcsalo Factory Prices. TOR HCCT EO JaWIHSIOI. 140 fi octaves, S DAYS BOOU r of itwds. 13 Btopa. !J('u-s , solMwalnutcasohwluy S 48inbB3Tide,24mcbM nnd Uook. only 40J ? "VV-inMiited for 6 years, o S.i.iuwdonlodays'tost. NoiUONEYrwiaired untUyouarofabysntis. 3 fiod. Freipbt charges - paitlbothvfsraif nnsat- ? Jo! and in . cludins? corrr,:'o,ana !Sj..vimKSlO)acd lis tdvoriiMMju-nt, civir.tr as .rf"rcn nny Binker, or HiiMie .s I'"mi. CCat-Iotfno niLiux.. Ad Jresa tbu luaiiu.ucturer, JAMES T. PATTERSON, P. O. Drawer 12, Bridffopert, Ct. U. S. A Jfmton Taper vr this A(lvrr:imnt it tetn, and cut i: out. SADDLERY k MESS, MANUFACTURED BY W. O. G3EXTF.Y, JOHN DAY, - - " - r - ORSCOW. licpairinp: promy)tly do e and in "us la ction guar a n t u c d . AdvertaMiiig Uaitrs i & ; lw. lm. 3m. 6ra. lyv ; I inch $2, U, ?5, $10, $20. !2 "s 3, 0, S, U, 2G. 3 4, 7, 12, 1G, 30. 4 5, , 14, 20, 3G. Jcol. 7, 9, .20, 28, 40, J " S, 13, 24, 3G, 50. Jf " 10, 15, 30, 40, 70. 1 " 15, 20, 40, GO, 120. Legal and transient advertisements $2 50 per aquare of 12 lines first in sertion and $1 per auuare each sub- i se(iucnt'in.sertion. Lerfal ads. nnnfc I be paid lor in advance, to insure m- be p: aortion HE t BTEYEHS, DEALKIiSIS BEY eOOBS ABB EOOTS AND SllOKCKOCEPJES ii a n dw a he. c n n: k er y, LIQUORS A NO SUTLERS' 0rs OF Every Description. Ga ant Cou r y, O p koo c H I CARRIAGES ARE- THE BEST.. & CO 'J!1!HHIIH