A SVfEET WILD HOSE. if 'Well, since yon mention it yourself, Hal, I will confess that I was surprised to find you engaged to Miss 13rookfield," said Ned Chester to his life-long chum, -long Hall Elmendorf (the two young men were leisurely strolling through Maple avenue), "for when I went abroad 3'ou were most emphatically denouncing the lieartlessness and selfishness and extrav agance and a few other amiable charac teristics according to your way of thinking at the time of" society girls, and apparently sincere in your determi nation to remain a bachelor rather than marry one of them. And your letters Lave 'given no hint of a change in .your sentiments. Quito the contrary. Your last ing. by the by, was the most perplex- xTn wnniitn's lfitter could have been . more from rose,' so In it you suddenly jumped tho Clausou mine to 'a sweet wild of whom you had previously told me nothing. If I remember aright, the sentence introducing her read thus: 'And the dividends this year are much larger than this sweet wild rose that I have found in this lonely place, and am al most persuaded to court and marry, after the name of Tennyson's landscape painter." Elmendorf threw away looked thoughtfully into ment, dropped into a still cigarette, space a mo- slower walk. and asked, ''Should you like to hear all about it, old fellow?" "Of course, I should," replied Ches- ter. "Lives there a man with soul so dead, who ever to himself hath said, 'I take no interest in sweet wild roses?' And besides that, haven't I been the confident of all your love affairs since you were twelve, and awfully smitten with the pretty girl in Wild's confec tionery? Drive ahead. I'm all atten tion." "As you remarked a few minutes ago, began Elmendoaf, "just before you cross- ed 'the briny' I became disgusted with fashionable young ladies m general, and, as you did not remark, for fear of hurt- ing my ieenngs, with iiiuaora Jirooimeld m particular. t was rather hard on a romantic sort of a fellow, who was awful spoons on a girl, to be told by that girl that his fortune considerably en hanced his attractions in her eyes, and that for her part she thought love in a cottage on less than five thousand a year must be the dreariest of existences. We quarreled, as you know, and parted. She went, shortly after, to Newport, and I, filled with scorn of managing mammas and fortune-hunting daughters, donned the blue flannel suit and coarse broad brimmed hat, and carrying with me only a small valiso, started for anywhere anywhere out of the world. "At neon of my second day's travel the train stopped at a quiet, tree-embowered station, and following the im pulse of the momentjl jumped ofT and struck into a lonely shady road, resolv ing to keep on on foot until fate should sayvThus far and no farther.' Ned, that road was certainly the loneliest road I ever saw. Not a ierson did I meet, not a house did 1 see in an hour's brisk tramp. But I trudged on; and tho more Eudora's beauty and grace flitted before me, the more her sweet voice rang out in the song 01 tho oirds, the more my heart yearned for her smile, the more I was determined to put milos between us. I would not be married for my fortune. I would be loved for myself, or not at all. And growing stronger in resolution at every step, I suddenly found myself m iront ot a small gray mm 1 cottage l re membered instantly that Eudora had a silk drtss of tho same shade of gray- hail covered with woodbines and rose vines, that stood just at the entrance of a dense wood, where grew oaks, maples, willows, elder hushes, blackberry bushes, and heaven only knows how many other things planted there by the winds and the birds. A cow with a young calf beside her was lowing in a field opposite, and a brook was sparkling in the sunshine a short distance away. "On the porch of this cottage sat a middle aged womam. sewing. To her, hat in hand, I advanced and humbly pre ferred a request for a drink of water. And she, rising with hospitable quickness bade me take the seat she left w.hile she went to tho well. I sank into the chair, for I was weary, soon she returned with a glass of water and a glass of milk. I drank them both not at once, of course, but during the conversation about the weather that ensued and had risen to depart when the prettiest girl in blue and gold that I ever beheld came tripp ing up the garden path, a pail of water in each hand. 'A sweet wild rose,' I said to myself, and sat down again, convinced by a single glance at that lovely face and form that this cottage was Eate's 'No farther.' "Accordingly, I told mine hostess that I was a poor story-writer (3011 will ad mit that that was no lie, for all the editors to whom I have submitted my manu scripts have said the same thing,) with a book to finish it, and that of all places in the world to finish it in her beautiful quiet homo seemed the best, and I beg ged her to let mo stay there a few weeks, promising to make her as little trouble as possible. 'WeH, I don't see nothin' agin' it if father and daughter don't,' said she, and away she went again, and from the murmur of voices in the hall I know the matter was being discussed by the family. And in a few moments a looking old man appeared, looked at me sharply, and asked brusquely 'Kin vou 'ford to pay four dollars a week?' I told him I thought I could, and he seized my valise and carried it miu mo I followed. "Ned, old chap, it was a lovely spot, and no mistake. Every morning the birds nwnt-fmnI mr with tlifiir SOngS. and hfivinc learn- ed how cruel men can be, that they flew in at my window and perched upon the 1 glass such rnm nld class f crooked IUV UOSe and crossed my eyes) and watched me dress; and fragrance enough farm the rose vines floated into that attic room in one day to have perfumed Eudora s handterchiel lor a whole year." "As for Alice the sweet wild rose no poet ever dreamed of maid more beautiful. Large, innocent, dark blue 1 1 1 i. eves, witn lasues so iuug ium muv vmi u faint shadow on her round cheeks mouth, noso, chin, ears, hands, feet, simply perfection; and voice, not as mu- sical as Eudora s, it is true, out witn a childish ring aud sweetness; and when she spoke, which was seldom, it was with a simple modest hesitency that made you long to catch her in your arms and kiss tho words Iroin nor lull red lips. 1 hail only seen her three times when I was madly in love with lier, and thought the plain calico gowns she wore the prettiest gowns m the world. Her father and mother watched us closely, but that blessed (as I thought then) drought had set in a week or so before my arrival, and 111 two or three wecKs more our ram watercask we hadn't attained to the dig nity of a cistern was empty, and our well ran low, and much water had to be brought i"rom the brook, and of course I helped tho sweet wild rose carry the pails, and (again, as I thoamt then) the brook was a blessed quarter of a mile from the house; and one day, after trav ersing this quarter 01 a mile with the pails ard bonnie Alice. I wrote you a very long letter, in which, among many other things, I reviewed my Eudora ex perience, and told you of the treasure I found in the cottage by the wood. And few days after posting this letter I asked the sweet wild rose to be my wife. She raised those glorious, innocent blue eyes to my face for an instant, and then hid them upon my breast, while she whis- pered the shy darling "Don't ask father and mother just yet, until I get used to the thought myself. It seems so very strange." "And are you sure you lovo me? And will you ue willing to wear calico gowns and live in a little cottage all your life? said I. "Try me," she replied, with glowing cheeks aud arch smile. "Now am I really loved?" said I to the birds, next nicrning not having you. Ned, I made confidants of them, and, like you, they never betrayed me. "It is Hal Elmendorf that wins the heart of Alice, not his fortune no sighing for gems and gold, no longing for silks and velvets and satins, knows this simple country maid. She is oven unawaro of her own marvellous grace and beauty, aud she is also unaware, it cannot be de nied, of many of the rules of grammar and pronunciation. But these I can soon teach her, heaven bless her!" And then I thought what delight it would be to see those guileless bluo eyes open in Tlnnjri vn nnrl nf.nnislirnrnt. tvliprt after rminino- hnr nnrrmrs' nnnsnnt, to our t i ,i .1,-., i the little hand. And 1 made up my mind to start for the nearest city imme diately and obtain the ring. "So, pleading urgent business to my darling, as soon as breakfast was over I bade her good-by for a day or two. "Oh, if you should never como back!" she sobbed, clinging around my neck. again before you have time to miss me." And I was ; for I had only gone a mile or two when l discovered l had leit nvy pockotbook behind, and full of anger against myself for my carelessness, I hastened back. As I neared the cottage I heard loud voices the voices of Mrs. Burdock, mv prospective mother-in-law. and could it be: yes. it was my sweet wild rose. "Well, it's a regular mess, and I don't know what to say to Bill Tyron when he comes back from sea the elder lady was saying. "Hell house." raise the ruil oil tue "Let him," replied Alice. "I'll build you a better house nearer to folks ; for I'm sure I never want to come back to this lonely hole again after I onst leave it." "But s'pose this man shouldn't be so rch, after all?" persisted the prudent mamma. "He's as rch as Croechus," answered the aailgUter, in anything but a sweet voice. And, oh! now dreadiui tne gram mar and pronunciation sounded in it? Do you think I'd give up Bill if I wau't sure of it? He writ a long rigmarole to some friend of his one day, and he lost a piece and I found it " "The page almost ending with the Clausou mine, and nearly beginning with the sweet wild rose," interrupted Ches ter. "Just so," assented his friend. "But to go on with the conversation to which I boldly confess I deliberately listened. it-re .1 !i. v. i'i -i-rl read it," said the single country maid. "Some fash 'liable girl wanted him for his fortune, and he got mad and cleared out, and walked round till he found me. A sweet wild voe, he calls me, and he ain't so far out, neither." "You'd better let your pa inquire about him some before you promise sure to marry him," advised Mrs. Burdock. "Rubbish!" exclaimed the rose. "Pa goin7 thing snoopiu' round might spoil every- I know he's got lots of money and I bet he's gone off to buy mo something UlCgilUb UUHi VllllU yuwuo, lUUUUU! JL IX wear silk every day of my life. But como along, ma, let's go upstairs. P'r'aps he's left his satchel unlocked, and we can rummage through it." "No, he hasn't," said I. coining for ward; "but don't let that prevent your enjoying themselves, ladies; hero is the key at your survice." "With a shrill scream, the sweet wild rose fled. I reached my room under tho frame of the old looking "But, I will, dearest," I said, unloos- i ing the good-luck spirit to "take a dance ing her lovely arms, and kissing the work because they could find nothing tobthatj ml be blo,ved to it. None of tears from her eyes. "I shall be back else to do. When a man has a family to , . , , , f ,. eaves in three bounds, gathered together my belongings, left some bank bills on the table and fled too. And I am to marry Eudora Brookfield a month from to-dav. Something Jjout Conductors. "Dollar and a quarter," said a con ductor on a horse car going down town, in an undertone. "Une dollar and a quarter?" the re porter repeated, inquiringly. a.uaua uub x vc ujuuc since last Sat urday." "Only a dollar and a quarter9" "That's all." rPI..l-r. -J- T .1.. r . "Honest?" "lhat s honest. And I don't expect to make any more. I made only $i 25 last week, and that was an extra good week.' "Why?" "Because I'm an extra." "An extra?" , "les, I'm on the extra list. What I mean by that is that I am one of the extra men kept waiting for something to turn up." "Are there .many extras?" "Three every day on our lino. On registration day there was over twenty That was done to allow somo of the reg ular conductors to lose a trip or two and register. "And you are paid when you take a car?" "That's all." "And not when you are waiting?" "Not a cent." "That's rough. "I should say so. I am running a tripper." "A tripper?" "Yes. Twenty-five cents a round trip, you know, Up to 1 o'clock to-night I'll have five trips, and that's all I've made this week so far." "And you don't know when vou will get another trip?" "No more than you do. You see, this is what s the matter, and it is tho same on other reads. I supposo, as on this. The extra men are kept waiting for some regular conductor to slip up. For in stance, an extra goes to the stable for a punch. He takes that order to the office and gets tho punch, aud puts it in his pocket. Onlv tho starter nows that he has a punch. Now, if a conductor should miss taking his car at the right minute tho extra is ordered to take it. Af ter one trip is made tho regular conduc tor is probably ready to take his car, and the extra has to stop down. The extra gets 25 cents for that trip, and the regular missing is fined seven days pay ior his car. If another conductor doesn t slip up the extra doesn t get an other job, aud perhaps he'll wait two or turoe days ior it. Ui course, n a regu lar conductor resigns or is discharged, the head extra gets a regular tripper But what is rough on us is waiting all day, perhaps, and buying our meals witli- out heS paid a cent. A dollar a day wouldn't bo too much, and 50 cents would be better than nothing, pay for meals, anyhow. We It would can't get away for an hour or two. We must stay at the stable all the time, except lo min utes allowed at meal timos." "What are the chances of a. regular car?" Very slim. The conductors are, as a support, ho 11 do almost anything, n he s any kind of a man. A conductor can make about 2 a day. That's bettor than keeping books for SS a week. That is all a merchant offered me. and I don't ask odds of any man in keeping books." "There are always applicants for work on horse cars?" "All the time. It's hard to get on the extra list, and it's harder to get on the regular list. "Did you have much trouble?" "1 had to have the names of four busi ness men as references. But I had them." "Much 'knocking down' now?" "Not much, I guess. I haven't knock ed down a cent yet, and I don't mean to. It don't pay in the long run, and what is more, a man never ought to take a place unless he means to be honest. If a con ductor has steady work he ought to bo satisfied. I know I would be. It is a dog's life at best, but I tell you there are plenty of men who would be glad to get on the road. It's- Get off here? All right. Good night Marriage In European Annies. Marriage is an expensive luxury among the lower grades of army officers in most of tho European armies. In the Austrian, German, French and Italian service regimental oilieers are not per mitted to wed the object of their affec tion until they have deposited a certain sum of money, varying from 5,000 to 0,000, with the State exchequer. Thous -1 - ii . ands of marriages are annually averted by this prohibition, and tho municipal authorities of cities have presented the matter for government consideration as a frightful cause of dissipation and licent uousness among tho younger classes of military men. There is one feature con nected with this prohibitive measure, however, that commends it to impecu nious subalterns inclined to matrimony; it afibrds them a fair pretext for seeking wives who can bring them a handsome dower, wnicn is wen understood in so- ciety; and when a marriageable young officer invades a household, the mind of paterfamilias at once reverts to his avail able cash assets. A man went out west, turned state's evidence and swore he was a member of a gang of thieves. By and by thev found a i i -i .i. i i... i i ue roii oi actual members, and accused bewailed their fate. Suddenly a ray of the man of swearing falsely, "I was a light broke through a small opening in member, said the man, "I was an hon- the wall. A lantern was pushed through, orable member! followed by a man's head. The man A Alining Superstition. Miners, especially those who have como from foreign countries and repre sent a past generation of their class, are given to many superstitious fears. The younger miners those born in this country, and who have grown up under the inliuence of its enlightening institu tions do not, as a general thing, share in this superstitious belief, although some of them place as much inrportance on "signs" and "omens" of good and evil as do their more ignorant ancestors. Among the superstitious cherished by miners is that of whistling in a mine. To wmaeu. Minors never whistlo while at work. Sometimes they sing while toil ing in the dark, damp, narrow chamber of the mines, hundreds of feet below the surface, but never loudly, and only plaintive folk songs and ballads that have been crooned over the cradles of generations of their class. It is a singular fact that, despite the peril that constantly besets him in tlie mine, tho coal miner is always cheer ful amid it all. Let one who may visit a mine but whistle while among the work men, and the cheerfulness he has noticed as characterizing them will be gone at once. Most all oldmraers believe that a "good luck spirit" lurks in every mine. and that at a sound of whistling it flics and leaves the miners at the mercy of the spirit of evil. If ill befalls any of tho workmen that day the believers in the superstition ascribe its cause entirely to the frightening away of the good luck spirit by the fatal whistle. In 1810 there was a great mine disaster at this place. Several miners were buried in one of the Deleware and Hud son Canal Company's mines by a sudden n of the roof. Although the m . t 1 cause oi the caving was Known to have been a lack of i)roper support by pillars and timbers, at least ono old miner, a survivor of tho disaster, still living here, has always maintained, and still maintains, that it i i 1 ri 1 T M was caused oy the "dare-devn-mmer, named Jack Kichards, whistling in the mine while working with his gang, and against the protests of his comrades. Bichards was a skeptical young Welsh man, who ridiculed all the superstitions of his fellow-workmen. With the old miner mentioned above and fifteen others, he was working in the mine, a mile from tho entrance, on the day of the catastrophe. The mine was well-known to be scantily propped and the miners were "robbing" it preparatory to its abandonment. Ke is described as hav ing been a merry fellow, fond of teasing his companions. On tins occasion he suddenly laid down his pick and then announced to his fellow workmen that he intended to "whistle them up to tho lligs 'o Barley.'" The miners were aghast at tho thought of liich ards' thus flying into the face of mine luck, and they begged of him not to chase the good-luck spirit away. He laughed at their fears, and with clear loud notes made the chamber ring with the lively Scotch air. Not content with that, says the old miner, shuddering at this day over the sacri-religious temerity of the merry Welshman, as he rattled off a jig known by the miners as "Iho Devil Among the Tailors," and ended by tell- sp Some of them tried to work again, but tho fear of disaster was so strong upon them that they all made preparations to t nil A T quit the mine, ihe old miner who re calls this incident, says he had a brother and a son working in another )art of the mine, and he made up his mind to go to them, tell them of Jack Bichards' fcol- hardiness, warn them of its consequences and escape with them from tho mine. Jack Bichards could not convince any of them of tne childishness of their in tended course. Suddenly, while they were gathering np their tools, a noise like the souud of distant thunder came to the ears of the agitated miners. They knew too well what the sound presaged. The roof was "working, and a cave-in threatened. The miners turned to Jack and charged him with bringing disastorhtpon them by his defiance of the good luck spirit of the mine. Jack replied that n the root was falling it was because of insufficient sup- nnn onI iinr. hopnncn nr mc wmci- mo and knowing the danger that encompass ed them all, he counseled his comrades to lo.se no time in "getting atop." But before they could take the first step to ward reaching the surface a second shock ran through the mine. This time it was like a clap of thunder near the earth. It was followed by a crash that could be made only by the falling of masses of rock and coal from tho roof, and bv a gust of wind that hurled tho miners against the jagged walls of their cham ber. Then the mine fell in all about them, and the seventeen miners and the car horse were imprisoned behind a wall ot lallen coal, m a space not more than forty feet square. Their lights were extinguished, and there was not a match in tho party. With death await ing them in one of its worst forms, they cursed Jack Richards, and one of the miners tried to find him in the dark to brain him with a pick. To ascertain whether any of the gang had been killed by the falling coal, tlie.namo of each one was called by one of lie miners. All responded but Jack Richards. He was found dead, half buried beneatli the wail of rock and ooal. The men worked for hours, many of them working the flesh from their Angers in the sharp coal. Some of them lost all heart, and threw themselyes on the damp lloor of their underground ru-ison. and cried out: "Is there any man here that is alive?" A glad shout from the miners was the reply. The man pulled himself through the opening into the chamber. It was Alexander Boyden the superin tendent. He took tho dead body of Jack Richards on his back and led the way, and two hours afterward the miners were in the arms of wives, parents and sweet hearts on top. Richards had no rela tives but a crippled sister, who was dying with consumption. She died the next day. The brother and son of the narrator of this tragic incident and twelve other miners were never found. Three days after the fall, Mine uoss Hosie who had been in a distant part ot tho mine when the roof caved in,emerged from its depths, worn to a skeleton. With his pick ho had dug his way for more than a mile through an almost solid wall, without a taste of food or a drop of water to sustain him. This mine tragedy forms one of the favorite narratives of the old miners of this region, and after relating it to inquiring visitors they never fail to warn them not to whistle if they intend going down a mine. Car bundule, Fa., Correspondence. Lunar Superstitions. Another popular idea is that the weather changes with the moon's quar ters, although, of course, there is no truth in this piece of vulgar astrology. That educated peojjle, as Dr. Taylor has truly pointed out, to whom exact weather records are accessible, should still find satisfaction in this fanciful lunar rule, is an interesting case of intellectual sur vival. Y'et, however, the fact remains, and in every-day life one of the most fre quent remarks appertaining to wet weather is, that it will no doubt change with the moon. In many parts of tho country great at tention is paid to tho day of the week on which the change of the moon occurs. Thus, if the moon change on a Sunday, wo are told "there will be a flood before tho month is out;" whereas a new moon on a Monday is nearly everywhere wel comed as being a eortain omen of not only for fair weather, but good luck. A change, however, on Saturday seems universally regarded as a bad sign, and numerous proverbs to this effect are found, scattered here and there, in most parts of England as well as Scotland. Some of the most prevalent are the fol lowing: A SuturritiT's change and u Sunday's full moon Once in .sovuu yours is one too soon. In Norfolk the peasantry say: Saturday new and Suuday full Sever was yood uud never wull. The same notion exists on the Conti nent; Wednesday in Italy, and Friday in the south of France being regarded as unfavorable days for a change of moon. Again, various omens are made from the asj)ect of the moon. At Whitby, for in stance, when the moon is surrounded by a halo of watery clouds, the seamen say there will be a change of weather, for the "moon dogs" are about. This halo is called in Scotland "brugh" the early Teutonic word for circlo, as in the fol lowing rhyme: A bt ut the moon there is a brugh, . The weather will be cauU and rough. A pale moon, too, is equally unfavora ble; a piece of weather-lore to which Shakespeare alludes in the "Midsummer Night dreain" (act ii, sec 2) : Therefore the moon, the governess of floods, Pule In her ung r. wuslies all th air, That rheumatic diseases do abound. When the moon's horns appear to point upward it is said to look like a boat, and in many parts there is an idea that when it is thus situated there will be no rain a superstition which George Eliot describes in Adam Bede:" "It 'ud ha' been better luck if they'd ha' buried him i' the forenoon, when the rain was fallin'; there s no likelihood of a drop now. An' the moon lies like a boat there. That's a sure sign of fair weather." According to sailors, when the moon is in this posi tion, it denotes flue weather, for, to use their phrase, "You might hang your hat upon it." In Liverpool, however, it is considered a sign of foul weather, as the moon is now considered to be like a basin full of water about to fall. The Scotch proverb, expressive of the same proverb. inculcates the following admonition: The honey moon is on her back, Mend your shoes and sort your thnck. Whenever a large planet or a large star is seen near tho moon, it is said by seafaringmen to prognosticate boisterous weather, for, to make use of their term, A nig star is dogging the moon," Some years ago, says a correspondent of jSoies and Quo ies. a fisherman of Toronav told me after a violent gale that he had forseen the storm, as he had observed one star ahead of the moon towing her. and another astern chasing her. Manv other superstitious faucies are associated with the moon is generally supposed to augur bright weather in summer and frost m winter. One proverb tells us: If the moon shows a silver shield, He not atnid to reup yourtifld; But if she rises huloed ronnd, tioon we'll treat' on deluded gxouna. In winter time, according to a popular adage: Clear moon, frost soon. Home Journal w4. JSo American representative at the Uourt of bt. James since the late Mr. Motie3r receives so much attention as Mr. Lowell, our present Minister, and it is said of him that he has not time to accept one-half of tho social nvitations continually showered t upon him. The latest from the logic class: Pro essor "Miss C, give me an example of a true conclusion drawn by two false emises." Miss C "Logic is an easv study; that's false, I don't like easy studies ; that s false; I don t like logic - that's true. Class is dismissed."