The Sovereignty or Brain. Matter, force and intelligence consti tute the sun of the universe, the Trinity which Spinoza said "I choose to call God." Man is a confound of matter, force and intelligence; an epitome of the universe, in the image of God. Matter with out force were dead; force without intelligence were blind. The degree and character of intelligence manifested determines the rank or value of any or ganization in the scale of being. Intelli gence is manifested iu two ways uncon scious aud conscious. In our own or ganization, unconscious intelligence pre sides over the action of the heart, stom ach, lungs, and other organs whose functions are not what physiologists term involuntary. Conscious intelli gence is manifested in the various modes of thought, and through it we control our external actions and relations. "Were we not endowed with the power of thought we could have no consciousness of exist ence. "I think; therefore I am," said the great French philosopher. We begin to be (as personalities) when we become conscious of existence, and the sum of our consciousness is the measure of our life. The stomach, lungs, etc., being organs of unconscious functions, represent the physical nature. The brain, the organ of thought, repre sents the intellectual, the human. It is therefore superior, sovereign. The head coinmajids and the body obeys. Nor does the jilebeiau body ever question the propriety of an order issued by its sov ereign, whether it bo to wield the dag ger of the assassin, run on an erraud of mercy, or bow beneath the heaviest cross of toil. The brain comprises three principal groups of organs, corresponding to three classes of faculties, selfish, intellectual and moral. These are all intelligent ; but the degree and character of this in telligence differ greatly, and differing, conflict. The consciousness of the selfish group is manifested chiefly in desire and effort to benefit itself. The consciousiness of the intellectual group is displayed in a search after knowledge. The conscious ness of the moral group is seen in aspira tions aftor the good, the true, and tho beautiful. This first gives us all our wars, murders, tyrannies, robberies and crimes of whatever sort, as well as all our physical pleasures. Tho second, all our literature, art and science. The thiJd, all our religion, philosophy, jus tice, liberty and fraternity. The relative power of these groups in any given case is determined by their relative size. This being true, we have only to know that the selfish group has ever been, and still is, the largest in the average man, to account rationally for the facts of history and observation that so disgrace our raco. " "lis tho mind that makes the man."' The strong-limbed, muscular, but igno rant barbarian of primitive times was but a dim prophecy of true manhood. He was a slave to superstitious fears and physical necessities. He cowered before tho forces of nature, and toiled as a galley-slave for a meagre and mean sub sistence. The element of manhood in herent within him rebelled against a fate so painful and plebeian, and cudgeled the brain for plans by which to secure a better living at a less cost of labor. This discontent and taxing of the brain was continued, and under the activity thus induced, tho brain has steadily increased in size aud power, and is still increasing. The result is mar velous, both as to magnitude and benefi cence. A single brain, once limited to the superintendence of the operations of one pair of hands, may now control ma chinery representing a thousand pair of hands, and this machinery is run by steam and wastes not one ounce of mus cular force. The unwritten prophecy is about to be fulfilled. Man is rapidly emerging from his apprenticeship to the parent of-invention, necessity, into the realm of independence of thought aud action. The forces and appetites that have so long enslaved him are to be the instruments of his will and ministers of his pleasure. There is a current and popular legend, to the purport that it was God's original purpose to keep man in ignorance and support him in idleness, which scheme was spoiled by the perversity of woman, as m mifeted in tasting forbidden joys, and seeking unlawful knowledge. Then God placed man under the curse of toil, saying to him, "Jn the sweat of thy face shalt thou cat bread." Tho legend is true to those who are able to interpret it, as are all the sacred myths and le gends that have come down to us from tho venerable past. There was, no doubt, an era when the primitive man loaned like an infant upon the breast of his mother nature, drawing his solo sus tenance from the spontaneous fruits of her bosom. From this dream of infancy he at length awoke to the necessities of clothing, and other luxuries which na turo had not supplied. To these wants involved labor, and the era of toil was inaugurated. From this hard school of bitter experience the raco is to graduate into the era of thought. The new command is, "Develop your brain and use it in an intelligent manner-" 'for tho time is not distant when there will be no room in this world for him who shall have naught to sell but his muscle; who can do nothing but toil with his hands. It is written upon tho wall of the Temple of Fate, "Become a thinker, or perish." Nor is this a hard doom. To the intellectual alone is life a blessing. Tho ignorant man begins his career m a cheerless childhood, passes through a toilsome and anxious manhood to a sorrowful old ago, sinking at last into a nameless grave. The only possible, complete remedy for tho evils that now afflict society, and of which workingmen and philanthrop ists so justly complain, is to abolish the monopoly of brains by making thought universal. This done, and the mono2oly of wealth and power will pass away forever. An Artificial Sun. An electrical engineer of Boston is about to try the experiment of lighting llolyoke, Mass., in a manner that will strike the present genera tion as novel. It is proposed to build a tower seventy five feet high overlooking the town. This is to bo surmounted by an immense lantern of such illuminating capacity- as to put all previous lamps in the cate gory ol trifles. At present only one tower will be built, but if the princi ple should prove a success, seven or oiglit towers will ultimately be erected, that the city may be ren dered as light as da', ;.ud gas and kerosene completely superseded. The idea ot the inventor is to char ire the upper strata of the atmosphere with luminous vibrations in the same manner as is done by the sun, and thus to produce the same effect that is obtained during the day from the reflected, refracted and diffused light of that popular orb. It is believed : that electric light can thus be made I to pernreatc spaces which are inao- cessiblo to direct rays by the same law by which daylight ditt'uses it self that is, by virtue of an expan sive property which is constantly il lustrated on the large scale of polar illumination, but has noplace in our text books on optics. The light given by the solar orb a tew minutes after sunset, when only the upper strata of the atmosphere are directly affected by tho solar beam, furnishes the best example of the diffusion and expansion that the Boston engineer proposes to imitate artificially. Jlis plans provide lor an illuminating power from each lantern equal to 300,000 candles, which is nearlj' twenty times larger than that of any electric lamp yot manufactured, but is not all impracticable, as it involves only an increase in electrical volume and pressure, and a corresponding in crease in the diameter of the car bons. The cost of the tower, lamp and generator for a single lamp will be 15,000, irrespective of the engine power required to run the latter, if this experiment succeeds Edison will have to look to his laurels. The Climax of Love Stories. It was, wo think, with Jane Eyre that it began to be supposed that the hot en counter of two lovers, with all their juxtapositions and all their quarrels, heats and coolnesses, was the only ob ject of fiction disastrous discovery which has done more damage in the world than many a more important mis take. Taking Shakspeare's example, however, we may say that a story which is pure love and nothing else, must end in a catastrophe. It is an intolerable state not to be supported by the great mass of beings who are not in love, and its suddenness, and the overpowering brief current of its jiotency, the pity of the strange and tragic conclusion, tho bitter sweet of that union which is end ing, are component parts of its power over us, and justify its acceptance as the supreme romance, the one typical tale of youth and passion. There is no looking behind or after in that sudden rapture it is all concentrnted in the moment, the hour, the one point of everlasting dura tion, which to ordinary mortals is beat out upon the clock in the shortest spell of time. But when the youthful pair occupy their real position in a real world', the interest of their story not only gives zest to the study of more ordinary existence, but it gives the indispensable composition, the necessary beginning and ending which every tale requires. The Kusiaii Grand Puke. The Grand Duke Constantino, brother of the Czar of Bussia, is described by a foreign writer as a maritime Chester field. He has a ready compliment for every one who approaches him in society, and has a good deal of light chit-chat for all sorts of persons. But in private his speech is curt, and he deals in those ex pletives without which the sailor's vocabulary would be incomplete Tho Grand Duke was married young to the handsomest Princess in Germany a blessing he never much valued. He travels abroad by himself, and the Grand Duchess Constantino by herself. Con stantino has navigated and circumnavi gated a good deal as an officer of the Russian navy, of which he is now the Lord High Admiral. As ho grows elderly he stiffens and shows hereditary pipe-clav. His carriage has the bolt upright stiffness of the Prussian officer, and his trousers fit as if held down with straps. His trunk is clothed in a kind of naval pea-jacket. His step is, for so tall a man, curiously mincing. It is a dancing master's step, and enables him rapidly and without fatigue to cover a deal of ground. The Czar has an ennwe look, and gives the impression of a man who never had a frioud that was not a valetg Constantino looks as though he felt himself watched by spies, and glances about without turning his head. Ho is very fond of animals, and has in his park in Bussia a "Zoo" of his own, in which there are remarkable specimens of Asiatic goats, buffaloes and yaks. Rambling Talk. Still the flood of gold and of immi gration tends toward the United States. Europe rears hor children, and when the' reach maturity', in stead of becoming soldiers to defend their native States, or instead of en gaging in business to help bear the burdens of their fatherland, their footsteps turn to the West, and from the nearest seaport they sail away and are thereafter forever lost to na tive land. This year half a mil lion have come, next year it is expected a round million will seek our shores. A million of people. That means that in one year, from Europe's strength there will be drawn almost as many people as are now in our Republic west of the Rocky Mount ains. One-fiftieth as many as our Republic now possess after a hun dred and fifty years of colonial life and more than a century ot .National life. And with the people the gold of Europe is aho coming, though so manv are coming those who remain have to buy so much American ma terial that it more than counterbal ances American recklessness and ex travagance, and makes heavy drains upon the aggregated wealth of the Old World. Here arc lessons for the nations beyond the sea, and a great lesson also for us. This state of affairs is a notice served upon Europe that her vast armies must be dis banded, that the young must bo permitted to marry and to work for a home, aud that whatever elso is wittheld from the people, they must be given the right to think as they please, and to read what ever a free press may throw off. When our Declaration of Independ ence was written, that was a notice served upon the world that sovereignty- was soon to pass from kings, and that the people were to assume their divine prerogative. Europe has been slow to hail the signal; it may require a great many tears and many a blood bath yet to wash the mists from the people's eyes but the earth quake is upon its inarch and no chains can be welded which can re strain it in its course. The people there arc restive now in wearing out the oest part of' their lives in holding bayonets as props to thrones; what will be their condition liftyr 'oars hence when this Republic becomes a cloud by day, a pillar of fire by night to a watching world, and when 150,000,00 of people chant in chorus pieans to Liberty? And for us the lesson is that as a people we must tako higher ground; must prepare the youth of the country for nobler work. With the great West all ex posed, with a curtailing of the fields of labor, and with from half a mil lion to a million common laborers coming to our counti' annually, the children of our people must bo given an education which will tram eye and hand and brain to do some necessary thing better than foreign artisans can do it, our manufactories must be encouraged, the laws must be modified which govern our ship ping, and the rich must be taxed to fill the seas again with our sails that the nations which have to buy will buy of us, and the daily lesson which should never be missed in our schools should bo that our native land de serves all the love, all the respect and the perpetual defense of its clnl dren. A Pet lined Woman. There arc lots of rare things in Ohio that have not been dreamed of in your philosophy. Ohio has Hie President, his successor the Chief Justice, General of the Army, Secretary of the Treasury, Minister to Franco, and other honors too numerous to mention, and now, down at Quiucy, Shelby county, in that State, a petrified woman has been discovered. She is no Cardiff giant, but a Mrs. Kelli sou, who used to live in Illinois. Eiye years ago at the age of seventy she vis ited her son, who in duty bound gave a bountiful dinner in honor of the event. He says that his mother ate very heartily, so much so in fact that the next day she was taken suddenly ill, and after a few hours illness died. Mr. Kellison, who is an intellitent farmer, had his mother buried in a "limestone gravelly" knoll on his farm. Recently on selling tho farm he was compelled to removo her remains, when it was discovered that the body had turned to stone, and it took a dozen men with ropes and pulley to drag the re mains from the grave. The old lady was 70 years of ago, in good flesh and weighed about "l -JO pounds when she died. When exhumed the petrifaction U'flQ -Mm-tTifif mwl flw. -ti1t nnvf. luV body lacking is a small portion of the i pi i ... .... i i r ieit aia ot tlie nase. Tne weiguc oi uiu body is now estimated by good judges to be at least 1,000 pounds. The remains have been laid aw.'iv in Prosnect Grave- vard . Oiiinpv 01ii- w lnrn thfiV nOWai'C. but Mr. Kellison promised them to a bcieniinc gentleman, who mtentib iu yit: sent them to one of the medical muse ums of the State. Even at this early stage of the game the nervous turkey "is beginning to feel bad. He Couldn't Help It. There was another case yesterday of a boy who couldn't help it, A prominent and dignified citizen was looking out through the third story window of a block on Jefferson avenue which he had thoughts of renting, when the idea sud denly struck him to look into the alley in the rear. He raised the sash of a window and peered oat upon ash boxes, coal scuttles and barrels of straw with out number, and was about to close his observations when the sash came down with a thud and struck him behind his shoulders. In his fright he fell to his knees, and while the solid half of his body was all right the lighter was over the window sill. In addition to the weight of tho sash any movement of his body was accompanied by pain. The fash could not be reached with his hands freely enough to lift it, and it soon oc curred to the prominent citizen that he ought to have help. He could not expect it from behind, for he was alone in the store, but as ho looked down into the alley a boy came stumping along to find something worth lugging away Hello, boy! hello! called the citizen. "Hello'yoursolf!" cried tho boy as he looked up. "hay, boy, come under the window here; I want to speak to you." Isot much, yer don t," chuckled the amin. "lou can t drop no coal scuttle on my head." "But I don't mean to." 'Olebbe not, but you've got a bad face i you for all that. When did you get "So does yer aunt! Don't get mo to stand in with no such duffer as yon are "I'm caught in this window and want "So would I! Been prospecting for old junk, eh? You'll get six months for that!" "If you'll come up-stairs and help mo out 1 11 give vou a dollar! "A dollar! You can't play no dollar store on me, out man: II you make up another face like that at me I'll hit vou in the eye with this old lemon. I don't look starched up, but I don't let any man insult me. all the same. "Don't you know who I am '?" softlv asked the citizen. -LTilVl, X UU.l L, Will' Jl. 11 UUC IJKSL- eeco do. You've got one of the hardest V.,,.. I Til !w l mugs on you I ever saw, and I've a good mmd to give you one, lust tor luck! Look out now." He made as if he would throw, and the citizen dodged. This was such fun for the boy that he kept it up for three or four minutes, and the otter of 2 had no oitect on mm. Then hu gatnerea six or eight old lemons and oranges to gether, aud said: "I believe you are the boss hyena who knocked dad down at tnj caucus, aud I m going to drive your nose buck exactly an lxlLIl. The sooner ye call the sooner ye 11 be ed! Here's to hit you square on the The opening of the back door of a store and the appearance of a man dis concerted the lad's aim, and the lemon struck the citizen's hat instead of his nose. His yell brought a climax, but the air was full of tropical fruit even as the boy dusted down tho ahoy and turned a corner, The boy couldn't help acting that way. He was born so. It wouldn't have been a bit like a bov to run up stairs aud re lease the man. He didn'i have a fair show with his spoiled leinous, but boyt soon get over disappointments. Detrois rrec Press. A'n'cailv Punlriiied. If it has ever been in print we are in- nocent, as it comes from that traveling encyclopedia of fun, the drummer. The firm, consisting of two brothers, Jacob and Isaac, in New York, had failed for a large amount, and announced their abil- ity to pay only ten cents on a dollar. This having been done, Jacob said to Isaac: "Isaac, dod vos dor biggest day's peeu noss we efer done, hah ?" "I ped you." "Isaag, vo vill go celobrade. Ye vill pig deener by der Dehuonigo, hah V" "All rhiad." They went to Delmonico'sand ordered . . i i . i a sumptuous meal, for which they were charged Slo. Said Jacob, presenting a So bill to the cashier: "Gif me dree dollars una a nan in shangc." "How can that be?" asked the cash ier. "Your bill is $15, and that is but So." "Oxectly, dot's rhiad. You see ve vos baengrubt, uudt pay not no mOro as den cends on eiery tawler, ain't it Isaag?" But the cashier failed to see it that way, and sending for an officer ho made Jacob produce the correct amount. "Got vill bunish you for dees," said Jacob to the cashier. "He bunish you for shead a man who only gan pay den cend on der tawler, ain't it, Isaag?" Isaac said nothing, and tho brothers started out, Jacob still assuring the for cashier that "Got vill bunish vou h . fe. r iJ P intf "vn YaTfob, youas rhiad. Got vill bun- l)' h fntTGtT' ni?n ?f ir breMt Pcket f-llls nPillhillg ."t1s1ou?etllin- Got half already bumshc-ddod maei, Iboois" me VU Z Gr . A California justice, in a moment of anger, said that the lawyers in a case on trial before him rA nn bpffr tlmn horse thieves. Then he apologized and nneu nimseii lor contempt of court. 1 Progress of the Electric Light. The electric light seems to be com ing into use in England almost as fast as in America. It is tho Anglo American Eieetric Light Company that controls the Jabtockoff system, but having become satisfied last win ter that the Brush was tho better system, it purchased the English patents for $150,000. In the mean time a commission, appointed by Par liament, made a report tilling a large volume, which, after months of in vestigation and a thorough test of the Siemeus, Gramme, Wallace and other systems, awarded the Brush light tho superiority over all others by -10 per cent, in the results at tained. The government immedi ately cabled the Brush Company at Cleveland an order for SS0,000 worth of apparatus. The fact was tele graphed all over the world, and was in tho Telegram's Associated Press dispatches last February. Since then tho Anglo-American Company have sold enough machines to make the aggregate reach nearly 1000 lights, The Government lights are used in Lho Boyal navy, in the ship yards nnfl ftfI,.e tV on u,. , . runui , LU U1,vu tweu-suvou oiu- mons ps, of 2000 candle power each. To drive twenty-seven lamps of the Brush system, requires 24-horse power. It reouires a separate ma- chine for each Siemens lamp. One milchine drives iorty Brush lamps. ty Brush lamps. The greater economy in fuel with the saving in wire and machinery must at once be apparent. The Brush rreuch patents have been bought tor -5250,000. To run forty Brush lamps requires but thirty-four-horse power. The machines can be run for fifty per cent, less than gas can be manu factured here, and as the plant can bo bought for less than one-sixth of the amount expended in expensive pipe systems, it furnishes an inviting field tor capital. Tho wires being' run into the stores the same as tele- I 1 1 SraP W11CS 'dl'Q n, loes away with tue expense oi matting connections, and there is no loss from leakage. The light is being used in churches East, and is said to be advantageous for both churches and large halls, al though it docs not answer for dram atic performances where at times ab solute quiet is required, the carbons occasionally making a slight noise when feeding. It will probably be introduced in churches here, there h;. vu,f been correspondence for that ! n it-k(rk lAirit ii nif lilnof nun nnof aio 1 i .iii,.- a k t " 1 , . " B . X. till LUC JJUUSUS USIllli UlZUli -ire closed Sunday night, the power can very well be employed lor furnishing the electric light to ch urches. The Apachk "Who Could Eide a "Bnoxco." Tom Newland has an In dian who place a high estimate on his equestrian ability. There was a horse to be brought into town a few days avo, and the Indian was given the iob. He was told he w:ts a bronco, but it was, csta baeno, me sttbt" Hitching the animal to a tree, he carefully placed the sweat cloth on him; then the blanket, the bri- die aud the saddle: at each performance giving voice to a satisfied "Ah, hah." each ejaculation growing intenser until ho got into the saddle. All this time the "bronco" looked as unlike Alexander the Great's war horse, Bucephalus, as a carpenter's saw horse. The Indian started; he gained the crest of the hill where the scrub oak was thickest; ho turned and gave another "Ah, hah." which was followed so closely by "whoa" that it sounded like a compound word. Then something rose a few feet m the air, went bacK, ana roso again. There was a cloucl of dust, a heap of Apache talk, a flash of bright colors, and silence. when Tom went up, he found the horse grazing in the most orthodox fashion, and a strip of white breech clout, and a pair of brown legs surmounted by red stockings and iron clad shoes sticking up from the middle of a scrub oak like a new sort of planf. Tom got him out of the brush, and when he said "Ah, hah," the Indian looked as though he wauted to go on the war-path. Grandfather Lickshingle entered the office of the Petroleum World and said if there was anything he could not abide it was to see history "all balled up, as this man iEsop had done it" He told the reporter to get out his shorthand pencil and quote him word for word and he would make iEsop sick: "As to the fable of the boys and tho frogs," said he, "these air the facts, for I wuz present an saw the whole business. You see, some ys wuo AV11S playm' near a pond saw bov like, amused themselves by pelting them with stones. After several wu? km fl th f w f ler, lifted his head ouVof the water and cried out: 'Pray stop, my boys; what is sport for vou is death to us!' few, there I . alonnoci Pnh fllA , . oro the boys stopped. Not much, xuary auu. J-uuy inugneu at tne irog s remarks and cried aloud: 'I3at him in lu muutu: uuu Kiuutu-iug up eacn a handful of rocks they batted him with great combattiveness. Moral boys will uc "WJ