Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 20, 1880, Image 2

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    The Grant County News.
S. H. Shepherd Editor.
A Horrible Crime.
Stroudsburg, Pa., Nov. 1 A daughter
of Samuel Bitten bender, seventeen years
of age, yesterday started to a neighboring
house, where she was to remain suuie
time. This moining her dead body was
discovered by the roadside, tho neaa
pounded to a jelly. It is supposed mac
the crime was comrauteu uy irampa.
"VVeddlnsr in High Circles.
New York, Nov. 1. Ulysses S. Grant,
Tr wfl? tn-dav married to Fannie J.
Chaffee, only child of Senator J. B. Chaf
fee of Colorado. Tiie marriage was ceie
iwpiI sit. 2(i West street. An elegant res-
;.loni'P w!is nresented to the bride bv her
father. General Grant and wife, his son
Jesse and wife, Hons. Bel kens and wile,
t Cnummir rf Mirhman. and wife, and
D. H. Moffatt, Jr., of Denver, were the
onlv parties present at tne ceremony.
- x . mi : : i-
The wedding tour win inciuuu a uiy tu
"Mexico, where young Grant has impor
tant interests.
Conference without Hcsult.
Washington, Nov, 1. The department
of state is advised by telegrams from our
ministers to Chili and 1'eru that a con-fm-rmrp
hnt.ween the belliirrent nowers.
under the good offices of the United States,
closed without rosiut.
Clearing Home Transactions.
New York, Nov. 3 The Public gives
the following table oi clearing nouse ex
rluinfrp transactions for the week as com
pared with the same week last year: New
York lias lost v.d per ceni, boston, 4.4;
Philadelphia, 1G.8; Baltimore, 12.1; San
Fr.mnisco. 34.7: Milwaukee. 23.2, Kansas
City, 17.7; Cleveland, 8.8. The following
have gained: Chicago, S.l; Cincinnati,
22.1; St. Louis, 14.3; New Orleans, 22.4;
Pittsburg, 4S.1; Louisville, 21.5; Provi
dence; 27.4; Indianapolis, 61.C, -ew iiaven
IS: Lowell. 35.4: Syracuse, 2S.1. The Pub
lic comments thus: Public attention in
all parts of the country has been so en
grossed bv the political content that bus-
in pss has been comparatively inactive
during the last week and has certainly
been considerably affected during the
month. While speculation in stocks has
been active, at times assuming unusual
proportions, the other exchanges have
not been materially lamer than they were
in Orinher '70. The fact that they have
been so large in spite of the political ex
citement that they compare not unfavor
ably with tne most active months last
vear, notwithstanding some decline in
tirices show a remarkable volume 01 bus
iness and gives reasons to believe that
the removal of political uncertainties
must bo followed by a period ol great
prosperity. In one respect the business
of October ISsU has been muen more sat
isfactory than that 0 October 1870. Then
a large proportion ot transactions were
speculative, prompted by an unrsual ad
vance in prices. The collapse of specula
tion Miiio sneedilv and then it Lecame
annarpnt. that much of the .eeuiine: in
crease in business has b2en unwholesome
and tpmnnmrv. This vear there has been
but little speculative excitement except
m stocks, and trie demand ror cominocu
ties and the prices of them have not been
so affected as to mischievously disturb
the natural relations of supply and de
mand. Tn short, business seems to be
much more healthy than it was one year
atro. and the volume of business which is
strictly legitimate and neaitny 1 11 charac
ter is much larger.
A Crazy FrcnK
Pi evki.ani). Nov. 3. Yesterday a bright
boy four years old, was found lying near
the railway track on the J.ako Miore roau,
his head between two stones and a heavy
railway tie across his neck, holding him
rlown." When discovered he was black
in the face, nearly dead and unable to
walk or talk. Subsequently he was re-
vivpil and to id a remarkable storv that he
was induced by a woman who lived rear
to go to the lake on the promise of candy.
Oh the way she took trom him a hoop,
saying, "he would never roll the hoop
ncTfiin " At the lake the woman endeav
ored to persuade him to get into a boat,
- .1 L -
but he reused because me.e was waier
in thp bottom and he was afaid of a
if his clothes irot wet. The
woman then took him to the place where
ho. w'i afterwards iound, threw him en
the sround and placed the tie across his
A loft, him to ncM'ish. It was
learned that the woman was insane and
had escaped from home.
Garfield nml the Cntliollr
Cleveland. Nov. 4 The Guho'ies pre-
call t Of 1 (4jirHt!ld a solid colu-h'' .(led cane
voted him at the cathedral. He si'id in
You have offered it :is a significant
cmvhnl. I accent it with the meaning
vou have given it. The head of gold may rmresent the true and solid
basis of onr national credit, based vpon
the solid value of specie, and tnestrengm
and stability and beauty ol the wood that
supports itthe strength ami symmetry
of our institutions. 1 believe it is said
the patriarch Jacob worshipped leaning
on the top of his staff. Our institutions
..r o lmxr .m rmr neonie and sovern-
mentare found leaning upon the Mail ol
solid worth and of public and pi we
virtue. laccep this all the more gladly
because it comes across one ol the lines
that divide us religiously. 1-or in our
country a man uia' adopt whatever relig
ion he'ehoses, or no religion if he preiers.
The religion of the people is leu voluntary
choice and not to the control of human
Another Railroad war,
Chicago, Nov. 4. Another break in
southwestern passenger rates occurred to
day, all roads making the rate from Kan-
ooo rifv tn rliipflrn ?4 SO: former rate S10.
There is a probability that through rates
between the principal points in Illinois,
Missouri an' Arkansas, will shortly be
rnrlnrpd rnnMdei abl v. To-dav's meetinir.
which was to have adjusted all differences,
was postponed till Monday.
ivrctttunff jintcii.
X i J loDl UV'f " viiu h.v.'muvh j 1
Hnt-nffini irnvi,i
and V..T.Farrel!,ofSan Francisco, signed
;,.l.f r,, ,
i. I I Ml I II I . 1.1 I il II I IIIU1I IV 1 i;i l. 1 1 X LI1I. II III 111
UrilUlco Ul ilji 1 ciuvuii iicic iu-uiui iui 41
wrestling match at the Lyceum on Satur
day evening the loth, stakes, $1000 and
championship belt, now held by Mc-
Mahon, and admission money.
Employing Chinese.
New York, Nov. 5. The evening pa
pers publish a special Irom Faterson, 2s
J., stating that the Barbour Flax Spin
ning Company have set half a dozen Chi
namen to work in one ol their depart
ments, to the great indignation of the
white men employed there. The firm
say that they an4 set at work which white
men won t do. Employers tell adillerent
storv, and have the idea that this is the
commencement of a general employment
of Chinese labor.
PrcHidcnt Hayt Spcuhs of this Coust.
Cleveland, 0., Nov. 5. President
Hayes said to a reporter regarding the
election that California, Oregon and Ne
vada rightful) v belonged to the republi
can party and that they would doubtless
have given larger majoritis for Garfield
had it not been lor the enects of the for
ged Chinese letter. People in these states
were very deeply interested in the Chin
ese question and the Morey letter was
probably emulated in remote mining
camps where it was impossible in the
time at the disposal of the republicans to
have it thoroughly contradicted and ex
I7ttbl Rupture.
New Yop.k, Nov. o. The sun savs
"Winchester Jlriton, ex-district attorney
of Kings county, has been retained to
bring action tor oivorce lor Mrs lvate
Chase Spraguc He will have the papers
ready'for servio in a few days. Britton,
on ins vtsit to providence last weeR,
framed replevin papers for the piano and the way tried by the government, name
a portion of Mr.s.Sprairue's wardrobe and !y the maintenance of concert of the
placed them in the hands of the sheriff to
T W I I 1.1 t
serve, lie has since learned they nave
been served.
Llernhardl'si Wnrdrohe.
New Youk Nov. 7. Bernhardt yester
day sent Collei tor Merritt a formal pro
test in regard u the duties levied by the
custom authoritk' on her wearing apparel
and personal c-tlW-ts. She claims that the
articles are en n tied to be admitted diitv
free, inasmuch as they were to be classed
as implements of her profession uhich
the la a exempts ,'rom tax. A formal ap
peal to the sei-retarv of the treasury was
also enclosed to the collector. The papers
will be forwarded to Secretary Sherman.
The private view of her paintings and
sculptures, appointed for this evening is
postponed one week.
Hfiivy Snow Storm.
Chicago, Nov. 0. A heavy snow storm
set in this morning making the wires
heavy and the ground wet. In Spring
field four inches has fallen, but here
owing to mild weather it melts nearly as
fast as it falls.
Cosily Experiment.
New York, Nov. 7. Stockholders of
the Edison Electric Light Co. have been
rssessed sixty dollars a share to meet the
expenses of Edison's recent experiments.
The trustees wili meet Nov. 30th to vote
upon increasing the capital stock $480,000
by the issue ol 1S00 additional shares.
The stock has risen to SI 200 a share on
the report that Edison will make a pub
lic experiment with his invention early
next month, preparatory to putting the
liiiht into uKe in the city. Some months
ago during the excitement over Ellison's
invention, shares sold at 4000. Invest-
ors regard it as rather ucKiisn bioi-k 10
The .Tennnelte.
New Yonic, Nov. S. An evening paper
has the following: A Washington special
reported the. loss of Bennett's arctic ex
ploring steamer Jeannette, with all on
board, telegraphed from San Francisco.
It is doubted here. It is explained that
in October 1879 two New Bedford whal
ers, the Vigilant and the Mount Wollas-
ton, with 4h miMi on board ol each, were
caught in hack ice to the south-west ward
of Herald island, since which time neither
vessels nor anv traces ol them have been
reported seen by anybody. The whalers
were not constructed nor equipped for
wintering in the arctic, and no doubt ex
ists in he minds of other whaling cap
tains that the two vessels and their crews
were destroyed absolutely. The remains
of the men or part of the missing winder--,
as seen bv Esquimaux, might readily be
mistaken for portions of the Jeannette or
t Capt. Hooper, of the revenue been issued commanding Mayor Kalloch
Corwin, does not believe the to show cause why he should not be pun
:e is loPt, as she was powerfully ihed for contempt in attacking the grand
ier crew
b jilt, with a special view to ice pressure,
and so model-d that it was expected the
pack ice would raie her out ui the water
rather than cnMi her. tor these, among
other reason-, hope is entertained that
the Jeannette people will yet come out
of the arctic in safety.
No Clrlutse .eed Apply.
Patekson, N, J., Nov. S ''he rumor
widely pubii-hed in .New 1 or dailies
that Chinese la-or ?s being introduced m
the silk and other nulls of this city, is
met with indigij.uit deu'al by manufac
turers, lue luro'itir llax spinning 01:1-
panv, who have been represented as hav
lii already mimb'-r of Chinese at work
bv way of expi iment, declare that t he
statement is f.le in every particular. In
a personal canvas- of the great mills of
I'aterson, the questions asaeu were as
1st. Do you have any Chinese labor
lid. Have you contempiaieu employing
Thev said no.
3d. Do von believe there are any Chin
ese employed in any silk or other mills
in Paterson?
4f.h. In vour ludgement nas sucn em
ployment" ever been seriously contem
plated by any?
Tne answeer to au was uuuuiui uu
indignant no.
I Chinese Immlratoin.
Washington, Nov. 8 The agent of the
New Orleans and Havana steamship line
was here some davs with reierence 10 uiu
Dronosed brinsrincr over of Chinese Irom
Cuba to Louisiana to be employed by
sugar planters in that state, me ooai.i-
cles tlirown in the way by the Spanish
authorities and Chinese consul have been
1 . rl n
inentinnnri and the mission or the agent
1 -w- . .
here was to ascertain if something could
not hp rlmo from this nonit. Jle ca.ied
1 " -" -" - " I
afc the department of state and the Chin-
ese embassy, but no.mng praevium in
. 1 . . : t
sulted. In view of what he chs'.-Cicmes
as the bad treatment experienced by
Chinese who have settled in the United
States, the Chinese ambassador says he
does not feel inclined to taKe any action
that will result in bringing any more of
them here, and as the Unted btated
irovernment desires a modification ol 1 le
treaty so as to check Chinese lmrr grat.'o.i
to California, the state department con
siders it will not be consistent to encour
age such immigration to Louisiana.
i'wo Republlcnu CoiiRruHmiKU in Arkan-
Chicago. Nov. S. Journal's Little Rock
Republican State Central Committee of
Arkansas claim the e ectian of two Kepun-
lican Congressmen Murphy in the fourth
and Boles in the third district, with
chances favoring Williams, Republican,
in thesecoud.
Driving out the Soflnllsts.
Berlin, Nov. 4. In accordance with
the new socialist law SO citizens of Ham
burg have been ejected from that city, al
so 20 families :u Allena. Many lannlies
lave received notice to quit different
towns in Schlesweig-LIolstoin.
The Kuslern Q,uetlon.
Vienna, iov; o. In the Austrain dele
gations Baron Aubner, formerly ambass
ador of France, urged a revival of the alli
ance of the three emperors as a means of
deferring the eastern question. The min
ister of foreign atlairs replied that the
obiect would more hkelv be attained in
be attained
M'lie 'A'rini oi .m mil sis.
St. Peteiisiil-rg, Oct. 30 The approach-
mg trials 01 -Mhi lists win oe uie moat
important that have yet taken place.
Among the accused are the alleged au
thors of the explosion on Moscow railway
and at the winter palace supposed de
signer of the Alexandrosky dynamite
mine disaster, and persons who attended
the Nihilist congresses at Dipitsk and
Tambolf when the above attempts against
the life of the 1 zar were icsolved upon.
Another prisoner to bo tried is a man
said to have given the nihilist committee
all his property amounting to lO,000
roubles, and who was tried at Odessa in
Fntul Seareli for Gold.
Victoria, Nov. 1. A few weeks ago an
old man named Alexander Swift, who
had gone into the Skagit mines to seek
for gold, was found by a miner wander
ing in an almost famished state, among
the mountains of that inhospitable region.
He had been out lor 29 days and was
taken into a camp, fed, clothed and start
ed oil the way towards the town of Fort
Hope, on trazer river. He never reached
that place. Yesterday news was received
that the body of a lonely old man had
been found near the boundary line be
tween the United States and British ter-
ritorv, wrapped in its blankets aud bear
. . . . 1 1 1 i
ing the evidence 01 naving oeen oeau
many days. The discovery was made by
Indians. Swift has many warm friends
in San Francisco who will be saddened
to hear of his miserable end.
San Francisco, Nov. 3. A fire at Llen-
icia last night destioyed two brick build
ings containing the construction depart
ment machinery and bulletin presses of
the U. S. arsenal. Loss estimated at two
hundred thousand dollars.
Small-Pox In San Francisco,
San Francisco, Nov. 3. Thirty-four
additional cases of small-pox reported to
Since Monday thirtv-six cases of small
pox have been discovered in the city and
taken to the pest house. The health ofli-
1 . .1 1 -
cer nas oeen granted extraordinary
Grand Jury Report.
?an Francisco, Nov. 5. The grand Jury
filed a report to-day. Indictments are.
ordered Withheld for the present but it
leaks out that. Snenfl Desmond has been
indicted for felony in permitting the es-
cane ol prisoners, a citation nas aiso
jury in a prelude to ids sermon lasL Sun
day evening. The report attacks a
number of county officials and instutitions
and praises others. It is noticeable that
unfavorable comments are confined to
olficers elected by workingmen.
Foot Itnce
San Francisco, Nov. 7 At the recrea
tion & round tlrs afternoon Mclntyre, of
San . rancisco, and Neaves, of Colorado,
contested a three mile foot race for $2o0
a side. Mclntyre dropped out on the
tinst third of the third mile, Neaves win
ning e.isi
s' in loM'J...
A Boston gentleman not long since
died, leaving his widow nothing but a
mortgage for S10.000 on a church. Some
of the leading men of the church offered
to compromise with her for a small sum,
representing to her that the church was
poor. She weut to a lawyer, however,
and was informed that the corporation
was very wealthy, and easily able to
pay its debts.
. o
The Methodid says that "Calvinism is
hunting with a double-barrelled shot
gun, a oollege barrel and a pulpit barrel.
The college barrel is loaded with free
salvation," an it asks if the divinity
students are not taught one thing in
theory and another in practice.
The King's Death.
Mr. Macready was fond of telling the
following story as his experience of
American Independence, exemplified in
a western actor of the self-satisfied kind:
"In the last act of Hamlet," said he, "I
was very anxious to have the King, who
was rather of a democratic turn of mind,
to fall, wheu I stabbed him, over the
steps of the throne on the right hand
side, with his feet to the left, in order
that when I was to fall I should have the
center of the stage to myself, as befitting
the principal personage of the tragedy.
No objection was made to this request on
the part of the actor; but at night, to my
great surprise, he wheeled directly
around after the sword thrust and
deliberately fell in tho middle of
the scene,' just on the spot where I
was in the habit of dying. Well, as
a dead man cannot move himself, and as
there was no time for others to do it, the
King's body remained in possession of
my place, and I was forced to find an
other situation, which I did, and finished
the scene the best way I could. When I
expostulated with His Majesty for the
liberty he had taken, he coolly re
plied: 'Mr. Macready, we Western peo
ple know noching about kings, except
that they have an odd trick of doing as
they please; therefore, I thought, as I
wbs a king, I had a right to die whenever
I nleased, and so, sir, I foil back
upon my kingly rights, from which, you
perceive, sir, there is uo appeal.' I re
tired," said Mr. Macready, "to my
dressing room to have a hearty laugh
over what I felt more like crying over a
moment before." J. E. Murdock's
"Book on the Stage."
A Bird's Feak of the Dead. It is
not mere sentimentalism that pleads in
favor of tho most merciful form of death
being adopted in the case of the slaugh
ter of annuals luteuded for human con-
aumption. There is no question that
much suffering would be spared cattle if
they were not allowed to see each other
slaughtered. Not easy is it to conceive
the kind of torture they feel and cannot
-r-r 1 1 . . 1 ! ..
express, jaow ousorvant are ammaia is
proved by a case which came under my
own observation. Among the inmates of
mv house is a jackdaw, an all-graine3
and vituperative bird as ever accepted,
under protest, human companionship
and human attention. He prefers so
distinctly sleeping in a cage where no
enemy can assail him while he is off his
guard that he is allowed to have his own
way in the matter. Ono day, while he
was in the cage, some dead xdieasants
which had just arrived in a hamper,
were placed beside him. His dread of
these was remarkable to witness. A bird
whose whole time was passed in defiance
of things "trongor than himself, in ag
gravating a mastiff that would not make
two bites of him, or in pinching surrep
tiously the flamboyant tail of his arch
enemy the cat when it came within reach
of his cage, went at this sight into an
ecstasy of terror, which could not be ap
peased until the uncanny objects were
removed. What instinct caused this
strango demonstration in tho presence of
death shown in one of its own raee,
albeit of so differout a species, is not to
be guessed. Much food for reflection
and speculation is, however, afforded.
Pleasure. It is not earthly pleasure
that liieth soon away, which the soul
calls for, but it is an indulgence in our
duty to God and our fellowmen, that
will brighten our path to the eternal
shore, and secure abundance of pleasure
which none ever kiow of until they
have passed the gloomy veil dividing
time and eternity. It is sacrificing our
own momentary pleasure for the promo
tion of the happiness of others and deny
ing self of all immoral lust aud working
for the advancement of purity, which
feed the soul ou the "bread of life" and
nourish it with tho waters of the living
fountain. It is the working of an honest
heart of purity for the salration of sin
stained souls, and surmounting many
difficulties, and forbearance of injustice
for the reverence of a high and holy Ono,
in order that we may have an inheritance
in the Elysian fields of glory, where
pleasure reigueth king, and joy, peace
and gladness are stationed on every
hand, which brings us true pleasure.
Cost of li ringing Up a Boy. A cler
gyman who has been discoursing about
boys has devoted considerable attention
to the cost of these somewhat necessary
individuals, and he estimates the oxpense
of bringing a good boy with all the ad
vantages of city life, to ti e age of fifteeu
at about $5,000. These figures are about
doubled by the time the boy is of age, if
lie goes through college. A bad boy, ar
rived at the age mentioned, costs fully as
much, even if he has not been to college,
and the computation, as the reverend
gentlemen suggests, does not include the
value of the mother's tear's and tho
fathor's gray hairs, Most men who
have brought up boys will agree that
the estimate is not too high.
The condor of the Andes is said to kill
his prey with his lull. The condor's must
be a "heasv prev." If our creditors
could have "come that dodge on us we I
would have been deaii long ago, as it is
we go one better on Saucho Panza and
feel like remarking "God bless the man
who invented the process of receiving
and filing bills."
"But you can't get home if the wind is
dead against us, can you?" inquired the
nearest passenger. "Oh, yesf" replied
tho Nantucket skipper. "Oh, yes, I had
the boat made with two sides, so that
when she couldn't sail on one tack she
could on the other. It is the only boat
in these waters that is built that way."
And the passenger was reassured and tho
Clara got in on time.
England's Religious Condition.
Papers were read at the Church Con-
-. 1 r
gress yesterday wnicn connrra m u. 10
markable manner the truth of Mr.
Bright's epigram that "the working
classes care as much for the dogma as
the upper classes for the practice of
Christianity." Canon Barry, reporting
on "the religious condition of the nation
as represented by the upper classes of
society," says that "uulimited skepti
cism, the positive license of a conscious
ungodliness, and a resolute self-trust
and self-will are their only rule of life.
The Bishop of Bedford, who reported on
the industrial classes, stated that, without
much speculative unbelief or hostility to
religion, "the feeling of the masses is
that of simple indifference." The speak
ers had, of course, no intention of vindi
cating Mr. Briirht. and their testimony
is all the more valuable on that account.
Their gloomy picture of the two extremes
o. society is hardly relieved by tno ac
count given in another paper of the re
ligious condition of the middle classes..
Thev contain, we are told, the religious
might of the Nation, but they "display
deplorable moral weakness in reference
to commercial transactions." The ad
mission that the most religious part of
the community is deeply tainted with
commercial dishonesty is at any rate
courageous, and if it be true it compli
cates the kuottj' problem which the
Church Congress has sej itself fcqjjaco.
31ucli Plugging.
According to the London Medical
Record, an American physician, Dr. Far
rar, has calculated that about half a ton
or jnire gold is annually packed away
into American teeth ; and ho goes on to
assert that, at this rate, within 300 years
as much pure gold will have been buried
with the teeth into which it is packed as
there is now iu the whole gold circula
tion of the earth. Perhaps Dr. Farrar is
right, for half a ton of gold is only 17,
020 ounces avoirdupois, aud supposing
that ono American in a hundred has his
teeth stopped with gold, that would give
each an average amount of annual stop
ping of something like oue-sixteenth of
an ounce, which is not, perhaps, a very
extravagant amount. But we are not in
clined to spend wonder on these trite cal
culations "of how much gold all the
stuffed teeth of the ages may be event
ually supposed to contain, any more than
ou liow many wasted minutes all the use
less calculations of te ages may be sup
posed to uave accounted for. You might
just as well calculate how man' yards of
artery there are pulsing a way at a Guild
hall dinner, or how many multiples of
the present JLord Mayor would reach to
the moon. It is always easy to astonish
people by manipulating the insignificant
facts of lifo with the aid of the multipli
cation table, but the astonishment is bar
ren, not to say a little imbecile. The
Paris Unhealthy and Unsafe. The
unhealthiness of Paris has been so
markod rocenUy that it has excited the
attention of tho authorities who are care
fully looking to the drainage and other
matters of civic hygiene. Among other
reformations, the old laws are to be
again put in force as to the keeping
within the city not only of animals such
as pigs, cows, sheep, etc., but also' the
more domestic jiets, like dogs, cats and
birds. The number of dogs and cats in
almost every street in Paris is something
enormous, and their presence in the liv
ing rooms of the poorer quarters must
be very detrimental to the public health.
An inspection will shortly be made as to
the domestic pets of each family, and
strict regulations made as to how many
each house may be allowed to keep. In
the matter of safety of the streets tho
police are equally vigilant. During the
last six weeks, in one quarter alone, that
of St. Vincent tie Paul iu the tenth
arrondissement, there have been 273 ar
rests of vagabonds and night prowlers,,
and the numbers are pretty much the
same for the other quarters, making alto
gether some 250 arrests every night.
I London Times.
Courageous was a woman of the Com
mune, who, during that terrible rising,
had worked day and night in the hos
pital, assisting a certain surgeon, whose
services were freely rendered to men
with whose cause he had no sympathy.
When the insurrection was quelled, the
doctor was arrested and marched off to
be tried by drum-head Court-martial.
As he approached the door of the tribu
nal, he met his lato female assistant com
ing out between two soldiers.
"Why, Adele!" he exclaimed, "how
camo you here V"
Looking hard at him, with unrecog-.
nizmg eyes, she replied:
don't know
vnn civ
a denial he
set down to a fear of acknowledging the
acquaintance of a doomed man. No lit
tle to his surprise, ho got off and was set
at liberty, to learn that Adele had been
shot, and was on her way to death when
she had repudiated all knowledge of him,
and forebore appealing for his aid,
rather than compromise him, and render
his chance a desxierate one. Chamber's
When you see au article in a newspa
per headed "The Political Outlook,"
look at the bottom line, and if it says
"sold by all druggists," don't read it.
There is such an article going the rounds
which is tho advertisement of a patent
medicine. It is a counterfeit well calcu
lated to deceive. Don't read a political
article unless the owner's name is blown
in the bottle.
Sala says that he is beginning to think
that there are no original sayings at all
in the world.