FINANCIAL AKD COMMERCIAL. Portlahd, October 30, 1889. Legal lenders in Portland, buying, par, and selling at par. Silver coin in Portland banae quote at I per cent. eliECoun'b to par. Coin exchange on New York, 1 per cent pre mium. Coin exchange on San Francisco, par to J per x;nt. premium. Telegraphic transfers on 2cn- York, 1 percent, premium. xlme Produce nuriiet. The following quotations repiesent the wholc ealc rates from producers or first hands: FLOUR Ouotable in jobbin lots at: Standard bracds, $j 00 best country biande, $3 5(gj $3 75,aui)c,fine,.3 lofoZ'A 50. WOOL 2027J .or cboice. WHEAT Good to choice, 30. HAY Timothy ba'ed, buying at.$lGfu$18 per ton. POTATOES Quotable at lc per lbs MIDDLINGS Jobbing at feed, $ 20$25: One $2o$27i & ton. BRAN Jobbii?" ai. nr-r Inn. "fel T ft ft 1 6. OATS Feed, cvr busbc' 42j(b15 ens. BACON Sides. 131c: hams, Oregon S C 12i 13Jc; rastern, 14(glt.'c; shoulders, 9 10c. JUAKU In kes, Ki ; m tins, 13c JBUTTER We tiuoic choice dairy at 27c2iic- good Iresh toll. 2U(o22ic'; ordinary, 16(a) 20c, whether brine or 10M. DRIED BRUITS App!es, sun dried, PfttOe; mach'ueurifKl, 12c Pears, machine dried. ll12c IMunn, machine dried. 20c. EGGS 25 km' doz POULTRY Uers and roosters, $4 5Ga5. Tmv keys 18a20c oer pound. Geese, $8a'J ior doz. CHEESE Oregon, 12'olfc; California, lGc HOGS D -eased, Wc o j mot, 3io4c BEEF Li.e weight, 1 ; lc for good to choice SHEEP Live xvo5g:-,.."l..2c. T.a LLOW Quolabe a. ue. Ill 1ES Quotable al MalGlc for all over 16 lbs, one-thnd oil lor under that, also one-third otl for culls; green d'aSc. Cite ml Mi'ireJininU. RICE Market quoted at China, ol53 : Sand wich Island, 7.1 c7. COFFEE C 3a Rial, 17lSe; Java, 2.ra2Gc ; Rio, ?(;:al7c. TEAS We quoie Japan in luqttercd boxes 50 75c: paper, 37'4.7A. ' SUGARS-Sa nO wich island, IWalile: Golden C, in ob e If ; li'bbls, 9'c ; t rush- bbls. . I Sc. hfbbh. Ui-: Pu .-eriawl Mils, l!c. hr bids. 13'c: Granulated hols, 1 . c. .f bbls '2yc. SARDINES q boxes. J 7:.: h" o-..?, $2 75. YEAST POAV 0 Ell Donne' iv, S'S -p gross: Dooley, $2C.f22 gross; Prcnon & Merrill.. $24 3$ gross. WINES White, per doz in ease, $3 ttki l : per gal,i0clnl 50; Sonoma, ivr doz in wises, $3 i.0 ti $5: per gal, OUc it M 50 Claret Cal:.oinia " $r g.; . $1 to $1 25; im ported ocr. $l 50 utS'l. Sherry Ci-.hi 'or gal. 1 50 to $2 50: Span ish, $3 (o$(J; as.j'ied brands, .$12 to $18; imported per gal, $2 o 1 10 ."$7. Port Vai".ous bra: ds in r-csttb. $2 50 to $5 ; $1 50 to.2; iiu'io .ei',-63 o SPIRITS Fife o'u lle;(H5.y Brandy in qr cks and ocbtes ..) 50 o $7 50 per ga' ; Dan ville's Irish Waisk- ' cases per c'oz, 12: James Stewart tl Co. Whisky ii qr cks and octaves, i, ' ; ilenuessy iiiunoy in case, er doz, vei v fine ' star $IG, 2 star, $17 50, 3 atiir ST.' : He. land (. l, la-ge ca.e. $lSio.?20; O . omCin jo cases. $i 2 ; Rye Whisky, per ; . '. $2 50 j $5 : Bonbon, per nal.&TU to ; A Ci'tier, $3 25 a $3 50 ; O K Cutler, CI 50 to tJ. OILS Ordiua y brands of coal, 30c, high grades; Downer Jc Co., 37iui0c: boiled linseed, $1 ; raw linseed, O.h:; puie lard,$lal 10; castor, $1 50a$l CO: turpentine, COaCuc. Ban Francisco, and a visit to the fair is well repaid fcy viewing it even if v,-crc the only attraction. The presence of a wide awa'ke resident partner in San Francisco, with oxteusivo eastern connection enables the firm to furnish, without delay, anything in their lino demanded by thin market at prices that distance competition. Take for instance the trade in enrpets in which the houf-e does a large business. In order to keep up 1th the demand for latest and beat patterns, the arrivals in San Francisco of new goods are watched with care, and the best possible selections made. The same is true of upholstery and dranery. Any thing new and desirable is certain t and its way to "the spacious warehouses and store rooms of this fii-m. In every feature that goes to make up business success, a complete stock, the ability to fully supply all wants, selections toauit all tastes, prices uniformly the lowest that prudence can dictate, and honorable dealing, Messrs Shindltr k Chadbourne occupy an envied position. IHKIK KACTOKY. The furniture factory of this energetic firm, is located at Willsburg. one mile south of thecarshops mi iht- (V A- f! r-iflrrtml. Steam Tiower. taxerf. and interest oi invested money in factories in cities is 1 no light burden to manufactories. As the manner avoids shoals and quicksands, so in the location of their factory, Shiadlcr k Chadbourne avoided all needless outl y aud heavy running expenses, where others, less wit,e, hevo fallen into those errors. Thty bought about two years ago ten acres of lard with one of the best wa'ter privileges in the stai erected rmitable buildings, put in machi lery of the latest and belt 1 aids, and there, within four miles of Portland, they produce every grade Of furniture required in their large and gio'.viug business. "We were through the factory nome mouths ago, and havo uot tieen an establishment which seemsto be con ducted with more Bysttm, or bottur management. Wo see from our sanctum dally great loads of their furniture crossing at the ferry from the factory to the warerooms. The moat successful flouring mills in this state in fa.'t the only profitable ones have been those run by water power, while steam power mills have been far ftom profitable. In New England the great chair and furniture factories are in the interior adjoining streams furnishing motive power. The greatest furniture factories of Urand Jtapids, Michigan, are run by water power. Shindler k Chadbourne have certainly acted wisely in locating their factory in the country, aud using the motive power furnish ed without price by nature. Great piles of ash, maple, spruce, cedfiv, walnut ard fir are stacked about the factory. A year's supply is always stored to insure proper seasoning, and one of the mo'it annoying features shrinking ai-d swelling of furniture thus avoided. Only the most skilled : rtisans are employed. Chamber su.ts. oillce, libra ry, parlor and dining room furniture me produced in lart,e quantities, and from the lowest priced chair to the liiieht bedstead, nothing is allowed to leave the factory without strict crimination mid the assur ance of perfect workmanship in every detail. The stores and warerooms of the linn are located on Firt and Front Mretts bitween Morrison and Yumhill and occupy three tl or.s fifty by two hun dred feet. What we have described of their exhibit in the pa vilion can i t any time bo seen largely multiplied by a look their 'st'iblishmeut where all visitors wheth er purchaser.-, or not will receive every attention. AS E.TfcICPiiISlKG F.llM. The Ulsplny of hladlcr Ch'jdbottme nt lite PttVllioa Tneir accory nt 1V'tM bur The centleiren who are associated in tho furniture bubiuess under the familiar firm name of Shindler Jt Chadi)oa-ne are men not less of social than of business and financial standing in this community. The re-ideut partner, Mr. Shiudler, has been known to the business world o. Oregon for nearly a quar ter of a century, auu is justly regarded as one of the most rc iable business men of the city. Mr. Chad bourne resides in Han Francisco and is one of the lare..k furniture dealers in that city. Of iheir elrgau. display in the paviljon we note first a bedroom s t of American walnut trimmed with French walnut. Tlie bedstead has side panels carved in relief, aud the curving throughout is ele gant in design aud detail. The bed drapery of darned net over blue i the work of Mrs. W. S. Imchhuan. aud ,'ve.i Ihc couch a regal appearance. The bun'uu has a top ot Li&bou uwrbb', and is sPt with a large mirror. Unit glas beveled edge one of the mo t d'nieiilt of modern arw. The win dow drap'-ry S of thread lace, antique, and suspend ed on h brass rod. In addition to the articles be longing to this superb bedroom set, thre is dis played in this room a net tee alter the pattern used in iaigland during '.he reign of the Tudors. This is upholstered in ponceau silk plush, trimmed in fawu-'oloml satin, walnut frame euibe'lishcd in ebony ami gold. A pau;-t rocker, walnut frame, up holstered In raw and sp.m silk, and trimmed in mo hair plush; a handsome pillow-chair, upholstered in maroon satm, trimmed with chem-ille fringe; lady's pillow backed chair upholstered in raw silk, triuiin-.d in silk plush, finished with cheneille fringe; par'or writing desk of unique pattern, made of white holly nnd tulip wood, inlaid with marqui teri work, embell shed iu gold. Three genuine Turk ish rugs, in Oriental color ard design, and a carpet of body Brussels in co'oim nicely oleuded complete the adornments of ths department. Passing a step beyond, we view mi; ivuu.o:t itkmtuiie. This consists of draperies, lambrequins, curtains, marble mantle, Turkish . oft and two Turkish arm chairs. These last are upholsten d in rMV and spun Bilk, brocawed. trimmed with maroon satin, finished with cheneille fringe. A patent rickir. ebony and gold Iraine, is upholstered in satin damusk, trimmed with nilK p?uh, finished wi;h client Hie fringe; a combined foot rest and slipper case is upholstered in raw and snuu silk, trimmed with garnet and silk plush, and old gold satin; a walnut anu gilt patent rocker, upholsltred iu oM gold cashni'Tc. trimmed with garnet mohair plush. A reception chair shown, is a real gem. and would grace n royal drawing room. The frame is of ebony and gilt": the uphol tdury is of crimson silk plush, put on iu the pattern of a shell, trimmed with old gold sattu and finished with cheneille cord and fringe. The centre piece iu the back is a radius in silk plush. Another tine and unique piece is a parlor cabinet. Qucn Anne style, eb'uy and gilt, panels of tfint glas-i beveled edgiv in the ctnter. the wings Mt op.-.: for the dis play of bric-a brae. An cbm 1 v . bouv and oM makes a line showing. In e.-h corner of the room is an elegant siaud surmouuttit by orm.n liguit s of knights "in armor. A winged bo-k ciw is f-nown, the case being of walnut. ornamented by u white holly and elo:iy marquitori panel. The marble mantel is adorn d with gilt and surmounted by an elgant pier wlaSs of French plate, the heavy gold frame han-tromeiv eMrv'tI and gilded iu rich styie. Tin draperhs though hastily airauged TAK SfRPASS ANVTIirNO IN TU.r LIVK Ever displayed in this city, and hang on either i.ide of the 2ier glias. One of full length, in ilk cash mere, with h"avv garnet plush; center drapery of gold, silk ulueh and blue side pieces of ssuir, the whole ilmshed with cheneille fringe and tassels, and draped ovrr fine lace cut tains of suntlower pattern. A portier or door curtain is the most elegant exhibit in the puvilion, and is not surpassed on the coast. Tho body is of maroon mohair plush, having a bor der of broad French inoquette stripe, tho figure a vane, supporting festoons of llowers; ono curtain gracefully draped, tho other hanging straight to ahow the effect when drawn over the door. The val ance is of the HHine material, tho stripe running transverse, trimmed with heavy cheneille fringe and tassels. The ceiling of these two rooms are deco rated Bimllar to the interior of a handsomo parlor aud tho halls are adorned by paper of richly blcnd iaa colors. Whether taken as a whole or in detail, the diplay is the tinert In its line ever made north of J lrg;fii Machinery J got. H. P. Gregory & Co., importers and commission merchants of San Francisco. have lately opened a branch of their house at No. 3 Front street. Portland. For many years they have been known as one of the heaviest California firms deal ing in machinery, engines, etc., and their large and growing trade in Oregon has compelled them to open a house here. Mr. Stewart McCluro is the resi dent partner here, and is a very pleasant gentleman lo deal with. They carry wood working machinery of all kinds, saw mills and t-aws, machinists tools, steam engines and boilers, lubricating oils, blowers and exhaust fans, and make rubber goods A specialty. A complete line of engineer supplies can always be found at their Portland house, where the best of terms is always given to the trade. Catalogues sent on application. , Be ch & t o. This firm, successors to Coggins Beach, dealers in paints, oils, glass, doors, sash,. blinds, etc., is doing a very extensive business, which extends to va rious points on the North Pacific Coast. They import direct from the East the gseat bulk of their stock, which enables them to sell cheaper than those who pur chase their stock either in San Francisco or this city, and which accounts for their rapid increase of patronage. Persons desiring anything in their line would do well to give them a call before investing elsewhere. Every music teacher or musician in Oregon, Washington Territory or Idaho, who will send their name and address to Warren's Music House, 92 Morrison St., Portland, will receive free for three months, a copy of his Musical die view, containing throe new pieces of music each month, besides current musical news. France imported during the first seven months of this year 558,175 tons of ii-ol minerals, taking from Algeria alone 176, 17'J tons. It EIC That Warren's Music House, l2 MorrUon street near the I'ostoifice, PorMund, Or., has everything in the musical line at rcit-onable prices A larg stock of sheet music, books, pianos, musical mer chandise, band and orchestra music always on hand Mr Warren buys every thing dircc. from I'Jastern houses, and can all'ord to soil cheajM-r than any btore in Oregon. Send for catalogue. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is the remedy that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women, Headache?, neuralgia, disordered nerve, weakness, mental shocks, and kindred ailments are elTecually removed by its use. The Mother's Magazine. I have suffered from a kidney dilliculty for the past ten years, accompauiod with nervous spasms. I'liysicittns gave me but temporary relief, but af ter using tin ce and one ball bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, my nervous spasms were entirely relieved. My age is 77 year.-. 1 recommend this great remedy to all u tiering from nervous trouble. Mrs. Makv Uiksk. r?aston , Pa. -trji imiKitiir imy jinrcrjasporm writ Itijcln rsMiiet y ilvertiNcieiitin jiujicr ym will i!msv mentinji jlu naino uf tliv 3Mler. firWtv'tlW Commission Merchant AND PURCHASING AGENT. -A. ll Goods on. Commission. WOOL, GRAIN, DAIRY PRODUCTS AXD FRUITS A SPECIALTY. Agent lor Parrott'a Patent Doubletree. 267 First street, Portland, Oregon. Use Rose JPills. Our Bargain Column SALINGER'S Cash Auction Co. No. 210 First Street. Ioi-i!:uil, Oregou. What You Can Buy for 10 Ci9 ! ON OUUTEN CENT TABLE : One Hound Comb for. 10c One Hack Comb for. I0c One Fine Comb for Hk; One Haok Comb, Silver Mounted, for. 10c A I .ure Sized Ilupdkerchief for. 10c A Pair of Sleeve Buttons for 10o Twelve Hecesof Jirnidfor. 10c A IHre Sized State for 10r A Frvlnp Pun for. 10c A Child's Apron for 10c One Yttrd Brocaded Ribbon for 10c One lto.x Collars for. I0e A Pocket Book for. 10c One Dozen Lead Pencils for 10c Tinware, Tooth Brushes, Fans, etc., for. 10c Klcven of the above article for !$1 OO. And a Thousand Articles too numerous to mention POB TIEUST CZE2STTS I All Shadps WORSTED only S cents an ounce. ITi'om New York Atiction, Per Steamer Tbls Day: Pr Pieces All Wool Deblene for ' The I .u test Uesifjus Momie Clotti for " Silk Striped Dress (ioods for ' All Shades Satin Desctieini.H " Black Luster Alpaca, extra wide, for " Irish Poplin for ' Plaid Dress (ioods for " Snowllake for Poplin de France ftir " l.enox Suitini; for " Dress (ioods for .7. yd :.'oc ric ,'ir)C .Ilk.' ,10c 10c ,10 ,Hc rVU STOItK IS SITUATED 'HO V i I'STSTKKICT. bet ween Taylor and Salmon. "e have our num ber o.i the Awnitac Post for iheb":n'luof onr mimer- ous cUM:omeis. e have spn-ad a hutce Hiimicf In tin; center or our room, winch reads: Salinger's Cash Auction Co, Price List furnished on application. Send for sain pies. Address all letters to A, I.. SAUXtiKK cV CO.. 210 First Street. Portland, Ojrn. Send foroneof I.Itt's Keleyant Wool ami Silk 00 Suit, Third and Alder. novl r Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds ol Sash, Boors, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, Etc. KKAS.'EI) finisijk; luhbkk Constantly on band. Importer o Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes. AND A FULL LINE OF Painters' Materials. Orders from ibe country will receive prompt and careful attention. sai.ksroom: factory: 111 Front Street. AtWtldler's Mlib auc9 PORTJL.AND, OREGON. F, E. BEACH & GO (NixcceNHorH to C'offgiua & Bench.) DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Q .... AND. I AND Having arranged to import all principal lines of Painters' Stock and Window Grla&3, we are enabled to give as favora ble terms on this line of goods as any dealers in Portland. Contractors and Dealers will find it to their advantage to send for our prices before plac ing orders. F. E. BEACH & CO., 103 Eront street. Portland. It Is made from a Simple Tropical Lent of Rare Value, and is a POSITIVJB Keuiedy for all the dis eases that cause pains In the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundice - Dizziness, Gravel, Malaria, and all ihe difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and fflnarv Organs. For Female D.cnwcx, Monthly Menstruations, ami during pregnancy, It ha no equal. I: restores the organs that make the blood, and hence ts the best Blood Purifier. It Ls the onlv known remedy that cures llrifiht'.s Disease. For Dia betes, U8e "Warner' Safe Dlnbetcn Curo. ForSaleby DnufKlstsund nil Dealers at SSI 25 per hnttln l,i m rmirtrnf Trr it H. H. WARNER &CO.,'Roclsetcr, S. T THOMPSON, DeHART & CO AGENTS, TOItTLuVND, OR., Draw-Cut Sausage Cutters GARBIASB & WA80U SIATEBIAL, Hardwood Lumber. JUT RECEIVED, Ex " BInkAder," dlrtrct frora 3Tev Vork. a Iary Awrtnient uf SHBIF and HEAVY Hardware ! IRON ivxi cl STE E3L., Which we offer to the Trade nt the IiOvet Jobbing Kate. AImo COAL of all description. D&Srton, Mall Lamberson. Orders from teiJ4-i-4T 1 t 1 ! ' l 1 DrtTf!or.rl x ui ixaiiu, Oregon. ;iolsale Hardware. THE TRADE Solicited. w o 5 2 2 J- k o " r. J F ,- . . K ' O , - 2. 3. && i 0 e z 5 5 EH ft; c & C. 1. C 0 3 O X O H O V) . v. 2 3 .33 ft - o 5: P O is CO -s r-h - sr CD ! J 5 CC3 CO rH- 0 zs CO O "7 P CO V Si I The Great English Remedy Is a never-falllnp: Cure for Nervous Debility Exhausted Vitality. Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, IjOST ntvMiOitn, Irapo tency. Paralysis, and ah M e terrible efTects jf ifilf Abuse, youth ful rilif8, and exces ses Iu maturer ye rs su-.'h ;.s Los-: of Mem. ry, Lassitude. .Noctur nal Emission . .vrsnu t S;icety, Dimness o Vision, NolM's in il.ts head, the vital lluld puvoin; unobserved hi Ibe urine, and many oilier dlflese i h it lead to iu-anity and death. DK. 31 1 NT IE wi 1 agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars for a case of this kind the VI a . y.ilr - oaiA ii li (under his special advice and iretitneni; will not cure, or for anything impure or injurious found In it. I2t. ftiiSH'ti. treats all Prlvale Diseases suc cessfully without mercury. CoiHult4itlou Free Thorough exinninnMon iud advice, in cluding analysis of urine, $5 Ut). Price of Vitnl Etcwt iMiin. 53 imi per boitle, or tour times the quantity f't $10 00; stut to ny add dress n receipt of price, or J U. I")., secure from ob servation, and In name If desired, by A. K.:llTJK, 31. D. I A lionniy Hticet, Sin i tnt.isco, Cnl. IK. H!?WT!N ILSSEV JtEWRPY, KKPUKrirut. cuies all kinds of Kiduey aud P.tadder Complaints. Gtuorrho?-i, Gleet Leucorrhoea. For tsttle by all ilrugiett; 51 00 a boitle; six bottlen lor 5 00. in:. MkvriiL'S dandelion piTjLS are the bf-bf. und il.e.apest DYSPEPSIA an ItlbJtU-i cine In the mu-ket. rorsale by a druyiilst-j. iSOUUK. DAli A i O. ortlnud. 4r. SiolOMulo vr-.UH. " mi irll c zr cc m s - o CO X -r CO o zo CD SPORTSMEN'S SMPOEITJM. VM. BECK & SON, Importt-rs and Dealer? in Sharp's, Remington's, Ballard's, Burgess', Kennedy & Winchester Repeating Rifles. Co t's, Remington's, Parltcr's, Scott fc Son, Moore's tuiil Clnbrnuli'fi BREECH-LOADING SHOTGUNS. HAZARD'S SPORTING GUNPOWDER Bern In Mi if world. Put up iu V Itfc and 51b cns. tiuXi ke??. Rim W irie sw.:ie i'.... .... Caitrldgea of n!I Klml nt Reduced Prices. "2-5 ose JPills. 4.'J Front Street, Portland, H. ?. GREGORY & OO. Ivecp ii Complete Stock of Wood Working Machinery. Saw Mills and Saws. Machinists' Tools. Steam Engines and Boilers. Steam , Hand and Power Pumps Steam Engine Governors. Lubricating Oils. Blowers and Exhaust Pans. Emery Wheels and Machinery . RUBBEE GOODS a Specialty. Belting. Packing, Hose, Valves, Springs, Etc. Complete Hue of JEWGE IVli: tr-U 1 tJL. 1 E8 Constantly on hand. Ciie Balln, Priz B.xts, Cniqner apifs, Veloci pedes., Archiry, Teniiu., fishinpr T.tckle of eveiy (le-cripIn und quality. or. Fi-oul ini A le -,e(M. Portland. Cso JPills. Ij JJIU: AUKI5 dfc Co. Stilir AcntH, Port- r 1 II THE OREGON ISirUfrn a nr-r rMtf .m i - Company Is now puDirt'd to luriiish Insidi-s. Ou sidi-s muj sup. p emi'nts on Il.' h')ri 'sf nii- tlce. Addrpi.1 ir I) Pvhnrr. Box Pwi t nuO, Ur. Use Roe Jrillg;. 0ARF8EL0 vs. HANGOGK. i C. V. Bw , A NEW TREATRfl&S3 Fnv C'ftnHttmnllun. Astlim'i, Kronrhltto, ')y.- 1H.'iisI:i, Ciitari'Ji, tleaUiu-he, DlilUt.v,, Xoui-alKla, ami nil Chronic and Nervu- or.:.;. it u tuicen BY INHALATIOK, And Hcts(llrculv upon tho Krcat nervous and organic centers, urnl Cui-c'H by n Xnturiil I'roecM.oflle- vltllittlun. A treatise on Compound Oxygon, civlnir the history of thU new dLscovory, and a large record of most re markable cures, write for it. Address DHS. STAll KKY tfc PALEN. 1109 and 1IU Glrurd street. Philadel phia, Ph., or to H. E. MAT1IEWB, COG Montgomery Htroet, San Francisco, Cal., from whom can be pro cured both Information and aupplies. I tTse Hose JPills. IT is KXPK(rKI)TIIAT Al.l. r.T!:iiTU' CITl 1 will have an opportunity lo ;.luni from -t-vi-ral mind caudldiitesfor Pn-Mdcnt in the aiiprosieh i:ig miiUMt, but iu tin realm of Soup ' Ttioiiiav' Cooi Water JS!uiiptiIii :mn Stand, alone, peerless, unrivaleil ami ui!aiprraeha!)Iv It ii!n has be-onie a hou.sehoM word, in virtues li i. .ijvn on the wings of the wind. Jts retna-lcable -a -.-s has stimulated a leiot: of lme IiuitaCionN oi which beware, and none that doe.s not hear the imprint or the Stnmlniil Stu ;,., Who manufacture thf most e.x.tinsive asorii.!ent of Fam ily. i4ii:-!ilry and Toilet Soaps, ma le iu ihe Vuhuil states. Ifyourgnjeerorilruist does not Keep our goods, order directly from the Standard Soap Co., gQincrnmcutoSt., San Franclsc. al. O. T. ZINN3. A. STEVENSON STEVENSON & ZINNS, Commission Merchants, And DeaIor in all klrdH of PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS 505 Trent Street, 8oa rrnnciseo Liberal adTsncementa ou conBlgnments.