VOL. 2. NO. 32. CANYON CITY, OREGON, 8 TURDAY, NOVEM UKIMo 18S0. TERMS: 8. PER YEAR. win m in'ii.j , nrjii'Jii . irr? PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canyon City, Oukgon. - M. L. OLMSTEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Canyon City, Okiioon, Geo. B. Onrr.zv, Attorney 2j57' Canyon City, Orkoon. jd. DUSTIK, Attorney at Law, L'ntiyun t)ily, Oi;egfT". jr. c. horsley, m i. &t ADUATK OF Tl!F. ITnIVKKSITY OF IK1?K vylvuniu, April 8, i$4. CwnyMi Ci'y, Orvprnn. )fiico in his Drug Store, Man ?binot OnJers for Drugs promtly filliwl. professional patrou.-ino solicit"'! -mn?a.s directions jug s ridy followed ,T. W. HOWARD, M. D., Canyon City, GhantCo., OnnooN. 0. K. PrCIBOZT, H. D., .J -IJJv.i Si JSgJST Pea tail io-miis first d 'r son fct of C 'an yon 'l rv. OfrF.noN. G. I. liAKBLTLVJ?, 3bL 415 o s 2T st. w 3i o 2.-, pynv rnv, OREGON. Announce Unit they have re ceived a full and well assorted Stock of GENERAL MEBCHANDIS which they offer in riiB ten 8 JiS i 0 Havniir bosisrht Tor (.'ash we f-e prepared to s-.dl our Goods rheaper than they were ever 1 2fb re sold in this Market. Canyon Oitv, Jan. 16. 1880. The cheapest place to "buy PA8PJT3, Of LB, T y K P E ?f T f H E n GLASS, PUTTY, 3i3 tALt PAPER Is at Sam. Sired' s. cpoosite the M, "B. Olinrch. Canyon City. Oregon. nl2tl .1 IiS WOf IflY. 83. I'lMA.'I. WOOLSBT 4 EOrSMAST, S- Lu i's. Kr. A 's, RiUers &ni Oigars. BILLIARD TABLES To th SVo-T. aSTGWe us a call. j. w. Mcdowell, rRoi'insTonS 3oiin day saloon, Jolmi)av Oregon. The Bar ?s supplied with pure wines, Liquors, Beer, Ale, Bitters and Cigars. A fine BILLIARD TABLE in fchcSn- i0D. GrlQ US :l Hotels. A. IT. Guotii, M. V. Tiiomi'sok. CITT MOTEL Canton City, Oregon, GSOTH & THOMPSON - Proprietors Eog le&ve to itiform tho?r friaud3 And tHo Public GonoraHy Th&t they csn bo found st tho OLD STAND, And arn clwawa ro9dy to furnish zom Board and Lodln, AT MODERATE PIUCHSS A fi'O :md luirol.u pro !" sifo lias been ti'ju: 1 i:i tho Un.-e tjv t:ia :i.'COn ino(J:iiuti of "nests. Grange Hotel. I'KAIHIK CITY, OJ'.KCON, J. IT. Hard in an, Proprietor. Tbc aor.atu ajoltioni? Ht tia ahfvu flot! arf ei..!, m;(i r7ry ve ho taken to in-k j;uwt fee! nt kinn. jpC-pmfor'fch'c I'Ot'i?, ovd good n tt?l as the ir.urk; irrds Jurr.igho'J at reasonable Uva ! Fort Harney, Oregon. ProprjiLitUr. Having completed my Hotel I :un prepared to entertain the traveling public wth care and comfort. The table is supplied with t he best the market nlForns. The beds are neat and clean. EKNRY SIEGART, Pashionable Barber, A'AIUMQ JON ST., opposite City Brtwsry. II A TR CUTTING, SHAVING, A2TD SHAMPOOING, MOT AND COLD RAT US AT ALL TfMTSS. DALLK AND RAKER CITY 3. 1. STAG Taile & Co., Proprietors. Dcpiirfas !Von Ctmyon City for Tit Dalle-? and Baker Oil-, Daily. Arrives from t'f Ptio points, DaHy. E. ('. Wili.jas:scN, SujA CANYON CITY A- McPtfRMTJ" STAGER LINE, PBASTK MeEEAX, - - Proprietor Departs from Canyon City for Ft. Barney. McUennitt and;! Winnemucca Dally. Arrives from same noinls dn.il v. AND l Wsnmgton St., Canyon City, Oregon i F, C. SELS, - - Propt'r. Constactly on hand and for sale, Suporior to any in tho State PTNE WINES, LIQUORS AKO CI0AIl:r ALSO, MALT, MALT VINEGAR, AND CHOICE CALIFORNIA HOPS AND LAGER BEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WINES, For-Mla in Quantities less than FIVE GALLONS. PETER KUHL, KES SAL2STflBii.K, Washington Street, cLnyon crnr, orgok. t ! Horses boardeil by the Da 0f VYeck ok reKoiinbiu terms. Ail Stock hH in our care ifjceives the Uswl fcUuMion atd u jti.ost care. In connection with the Stable you will find the BLiOISlIfH ' OF EUHL& MACY, Where wr!c ofall kinds in our Line is done at Prices that IVty (''omjjetiton. Hav arid cram taken in Ex change for work. sW3n K&a .6v a rf & ? fc I -JBt Put up evp;e-lv for Family Use, in three pound cans. Warranted, finer, better and t-heaper than the imported Tn matoc??. By G. W. Houston, .'auyon City, Oregon. For f-jile by Phil. Metschan & Co., Gund'lach & llrt and the Pro prietor. For moM t!ir.n a t!:'-1. ofa ctnf'.:rrttic i' i r.:!;;-;ii af tttaif IjiK'-rsiotit h;i8 been k4 fflrwdcjits ! j.iu. I ii a TOO !"!??o ?Jj v.5d. x.'S very i.i.a o tTii;irpu,ia ijt i ::t :m equal. 'j : a i,i ic to! 'Sl .h i"..' i : vi VI i ft"lt!vs.3 R r: : t e 4 i HA nil u." uec acii aUaacitts of? lt! !it'5i. ' j.J-"SJI P '. j! t'.bcu.: i. '-Tc";?r-, tiff Sl-3.:., Ca..e l Hr.-oft. anil h:i'.i'Ctl evcr -o :i r: t-x.e:iiJi ense. 11 lira v. i: lit Tit HCiirn. For Use IWirrr: ( a:..To.v it urf s FousjiJ .. Kfi Port's. llti ivls-i ti'd -; . i" , 1 i:vll. i ;i:u npit !he Sfl:t iir.cl cvrt-y oilu r ailment i AThivn orrti'saii's of liae Tho ?.X-.yirr.ii 7iIu4tJtjj rJuiun'Uti alrrays pure ' never (Jlsnpnomu; null it is, posit i cly, THE BEST OF ALE, i Li n & si 3 H W FOE HM OB BEAST. itt ?S rjnZD inariwfpndonnie ate).P vprtlsaitr ( Olu. eras c,i7t:s?j t2 f - THIS BfelT I Of ALU " I fa I m HI VZ H PK M READ THE OPPOSITE PAGE We hae a "big mad on" this rreek, or in otlior words wo are hos tile" and we are going to let it out. So if tfc oifoud, any one all the3r linve to do is to say so, and come at tie. So here goes. TiHS CITY. 1Y8 lienr of :i nuiuber of persons 'that desire to build in Canyon City ''if thoy could get a lot." And wo also liQfir people any, and in fact wo liavo spoken publicly, that if the slaughter kousss were moved, that quite a village would spring up on tho opposite side of ike creek. But several of our cifeketis Ihive come to the sanio (:(;:icliifion that we have, that tliori- is a curse hanging over a portion of Canyon City, tnafc if re moved would give more and better loli to build on than can bo secured on the oppoHite side of the cre?ek. IVc refer to the mcnopiy of tho lots below China town and up town Grulch. $o one m allowed to even 'bnild a wood shed up town gulch, much less a ' licuwc.., and doaeiiK of good ht- are fenced. up below China town for the sole purpo.se of pre venting people from building there on. In our opinion it would be a good move to scume the owning up of those hn.y and then go for the slaughter houBes. If poisons could have built up town gulch and down below China town many now houses would now be standing where- now nolhiag but a pile of tailings can be aaeu, or rh'jro an unused ihime 'jreets tho eyi?. Vc know of two persons that tried to secure lois below the furniture srore of B:un. Hind for the pui-iosa of building business holies and ras idenccs thereon, but thej were an swored "Lhat the lots had been fenced up a purpose to keep people from building thereon . 5 ' "Whil c the citizens have such hindrances as the aboye to thwart the growth of their city they can't expert a large town here. It is astonishing to us to see how much energy some of our exchanges chow in giving the vote of their own County to their readers. For in sta ice we have before us four ex changes that were issued from two to four days after the election and in one we find the startling uifws that "Oregon has gone 1200 Republican," and the vote of its own County is not given. In another wo find that Baker County has gone "about 300 Democrat,'1 and not a word ab ut how its own County went. In an other we find that it does not give the vote of its County, but presents a few hieroglyphics, abig"o20"and a "cock.' 1 Iu the fourth wo find no vote of its Countv, but instead the vote of nearly every State in the Union. Really such onergy is high ly commendable, and more especial ly so, because the papers referred to ! are partisan journals. Bad OnuEit. The road hence to Canyon City is in abominable shape, and should be repaired if we expect anv trade between G rant Countv and this town. If it is not speedily re paired so as to be safe for the big prairie sehooncea, we may expect to see tho trad of that section turn off! roneifced oven if they nave lapseu at Bukc-oven aud go down Grass ! for five years. No other company Valley to some of the near stations j does such a business. It will cost on the railroad above Celio. It w you but a few dollars a year to se truo we have had this trade for a ! euro a fortune for your family when number of years, but thers is no-law ! you die. to compel it hither. We must give j those people good roads if we expact to hold their trade. Empire. correct, rro. irrry, and the soon- hotter it is for your town. If 0 gUCH JfEX HERE. One thing noticqable in the audi ence that attended Mrs. Duniway's Lectures in this city was that a large' pu't of the cuifgregation were ladies: This was due, no doubt, to the fact that we have no such men in Grant' Comity as she met at Walla "Walla, or in Southern Oregon. That is to say the men in "the Bunch Grass Region" are not such as to fear that' if their wife went to hear her that' the mother-in-law might not turn over the property to him that was" left her bv her husband, or that Mi's. D. jilit say something that would be liable to lead his wife to thinklie was a f toaster, of a brute that want ed to barter himself olf for the hard-' earnings of her deceased father and must keep her aud her mother apart' from the advocate of woman's rights' till he secured the property in inV own name. No, we have no suchf men in Eastern Oregon, but they have iu Walla Walla. Neither have wo any men that do low, mean, dir-" ty tricks and for fear the wife or' daughter might find itoutbyattend ing her lecture forbid them attend ing and even jo so far as to get a lot of "hoodlums" to burn Mrs. D. in eflfcy, or egg her. No, thank God, we have no such men in Grant' County they have in Southern Ore- gon that are so low in the scale of human depravity as the two cases'' mentioned, but instead avc have men aud iiECEST men at that, hence Mrs. Duniway had good houses and ere' long we hope that our people can say, "I heard the lady lecturer that has done more for the cause of wo-' man's freedom than, any woman- in4 America." . "A TiLiK& of Beauty is a ?oj Ivor?" ever. 9 y Now, Ladies, if you desire to' "'catch a fellow" before the year is' out, go to Miss Douthit's and lay in a supply of millinery. We pledge1 you our word that she can rig you? out to a dot, and the man that won't' fall in love with 3'ou after she has "rigged" you out will deserve the name of Coward. She has just re ceived direct from the most fashion able city on this coast, the largest and finest assortment of Millinery,' containing all the latest novelties in ilowers, ribbons, velvets, brocades, ornaments, menturs, beaver hats, felt hats, and French Bonnets ever brought to Grant County, find she sells them so low that you need not be without a full outfit of fashion-' able leau catching toggery. Wtf know what the men like to see and wo know that Miss Douthit can rig" vou out. Go see her. Is The City. Mr. Jos- Middle-' miss, Spechd Agent for the New Eng-" land Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, is in tho city and will remain some days, he Company he rep- resents has been incorporated 451 years and has stood the test of all tho p ii'cj, epidemic i aid losses ml to-day stands first and foremost among" Life Insurance Companies. A pobcv in his company means a le gacy for your children and widow when yov die, as a policy in it is not . - , i j M n j!. Lockwood, of this city , nnn. board a few days ago and I broke her left fore-arhtf She is get-' as conM bo e pected with such a hurt. St. 1